Former Councilor Cesar Stewart-Morales

Local Activist and Former #Framingham District 2 City Councilor (2020-2023).


The unofficial results show that all members of Framingham Democratic Committee: Group 1 have won a seat on the Framingham Democrats! Thank you to all those who have supported me and the rest of the team!

Framingham Democrats will now come together to make sure President Biden gets re-elected in November. The Group 2 candidates and all other Framingham Dems are welcome to join us at an upcoming meeting and get involved!

Thanks again to all the voters and also to all those who have worked so hard for and with Group 1!

The unofficial results of the 2024 Presidential Primary Election are now available for viewing. To access them, please follow this link:


Tuesday is Election Day in Framingham. Please vote for me and the rest of Group 1 as your Framingham Democratic Committee!


About a decade ago, I walked into my first Framingham Democratic Town Committee meeting. To be frank, it felt like I had walked into someone's Thanksgiving dinner mid-meal. While I can't remember the issue being discussed that evening, one thing was clear, the room was filled with hardworking, impassioned individuals. While I knew no one, I immediately felt a close connection with some and knew I'd likely have a rocky relationship with a few others. But I came back the next month and the next, and I began to better understand the group. It was a family, knit together around shared values. But as with every family, sometimes differences bubble up to the surface. As someone who has worked in similar family environments, be those church, non-profit, or personal, the sense of the committee was a familiar one.

Over time I learned who had been working to elect Democrats for decades and who, like me, was new to Framingham and the local Democratic Town Committee. But this group, like any family, was never static, regularly welcoming new members and volunteers. Before long I was invited to join as a member, as was and is the case for many active volunteers. And before I knew it, as a relatively new person to Framingham and to the Committee, I was asked to serve as the Affirmative Action/Outreach Officer.

When Rep. Tom Sannicandro announced he wasn't running for re-election in 2016, I was urged to run by neighbors and friends. But as is always the case in elections for open seats (when there is no incumbent running), many members of the local Democratic Town Committee supported other wonderful candidates that ran. Actually, less than a handful of the 35 committee members first supported me. I didn't let this discourage me, even as strong feelings and opinionated supporters on all sides of that race made that journey difficult.

I am very fortunate that the election went the way it did, but the biggest mistake I could have made would have been to become less involved with the committee or to hold grudges against those who were not with me from the beginning. Instead, I worked to repair any tension that may have existed, and now consider the great majority of the local committee my friends.

These relationships have been both strained and strengthened over the years, as members of the committee supported different candidates from the White House down to the local school committee, along with differences of opinions on everything from bylaws to leadership positions. Plus, active members moved, passed away, or stepped down, creating additional opportunities for new members (in addition to the growing number of unlimited associate members).

This is why I am so active in this Framingham Democratic Committee slate election and committed to electing Group 1. Families grow and learn. Families are eclectic and diverse. But families do not remove members (shy of a major transgression) or make internal differences the fodder of sensationalized social media posts or news coverage.

Change takes time and is only actualized through showing up, rolling up one's sleeves, and moving past personality or historical divisions. There is too much on the line in our community, Commonwealth, and country to do anything other than pushing forward, protecting our hard-fought rights, and progressing together.

If you have never been to a Framingham Democratic Committee meeting before or if maybe it has been years, please join us. We are stronger because of the unique experiences you bring. And if it's helpful, know that you will have at least one familiar face as you look across what may feel like someone else's holiday feast. You might find you enjoy the issues discussed at meetings or that you prefer to knock on doors locally or in neighboring New Hampshire. No matter if you have the time or bandwidth to become a formal member, your commitment to advancing our shared values is as vital today as it has ever been.

Read my op-ed on the Patch here:


Celebrate Framingham's diversity and further advance our community, Commonwealth, and country by voting for Group 1 on your March 5 Democratic Presidential Primary ballot!

Thank you to Sharon for interviewing me on this election.

Read the full interview below or here:

Why do you believe Democrats (and independents selecting a Democratic ballot) should vote for your slate?

The Group 1 slate is diverse and represents Framingham at its best. Group 1 candidates range in age from 22-86 and include representation from all 9 of Framingham’s districts. With four current city councilors (including the two newest), two former city councilors, small business owners, labor union leaders, community advocates, teachers, and medical professionals, Group 1 truly embodies the diverse tapestry of Framingham and the Democratic Party’s big tent. Each member of Group 1 has worked to elect Democrats and to promote Democratic values of inclusion, combat climate change, and advance LGBTQ+ and reproductive rights. These 34 individuals are eager and ready to continue the work of the Framingham Democratic Committee, deeply committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice.

As recent statewide and regional candidates have said, our Framingham Democratic Party is among the most active and successful in the state, and diverse participation only makes it stronger. Not only have we organized to elect leaders in our state but have sent door-knockers and phone-bankers into other states.

Local party committees are strongest when they work to include more in the process as opposed to eliminating those with whom one disagrees. With Donald Trump’s strong poll numbers, reproductive rights under attack across the country, immigrants facing perilous risks, and the need to retain the US Senate and elect a Democratic majority in the US House, now is the time for Democrats to refrain from personality politics and come together to advance our shared values.

What would you say to the argument that it’s time for new people to run the city’s Democratic committee?

The local committee encourages participation, new perspectives, and membership, with most new individuals beginning as associate members to give them a chance to understand the requirements of full membership (we are a working committee). The meetings are open and always include diverse perspectives. Some on Group 1 are current members who will continue to serve if elected; 14 are on the ballot for the first time.

While the 35 members of the committee are elected every 4 years on the presidential primary ballot, there are regular vacancies in full membership, allowing the FDC to elect new full members. During the last 2 years, we have elected 7 new full members to fill such openings, while recently welcoming 12 new associate members. Any Democrat in Framingham can join and participate in the local party, and greater participation only makes the Framingham Democratic Committee stronger.

We built our slate by reaching out to current and associate members, as well as volunteers, including 3 current full members who now appear on the Group 2 slate. Group 2 did not work with the current committee to help elect what they identify as “new voices” for associate or full membership, and instead secretly assembled a competing slate.

When we learned of their efforts, just a few days before nomination papers were due, we offered to incorporate many of these “new voices” into a unity slate, and thereby avoid a contentious local election. Several current active members of the FDC offered to step down from the Group 1 slate to make room for 7 of the Group 2 candidates. Even though some of their prospective members had neither attended local party meetings nor expressed interest in membership in the FDC, we felt that unity was paramount. Time would be better spent helping Democrats win the White House, US Senate, and Congress, rather than campaigning for a local committee.

This offer of a unity slate was rejected outright as “insulting.” Group 2 made it clear that their intention was never to solely incorporate new people. Instead, they sought to remove current members due to personality politics.

While Group 2 talks of bringing new voices to the committee, their choices show a different reality. Among the members of Group 2 are two “life members” (former City Councilor John Stefanini & former Town Moderator Jerry Desilets), people who are automatically members of the committee due to 20 previous years on the committee. If elected, their inclusion prevents the opportunity for new members in those 2 seats.

It is unfortunate that Group 2 has chosen a course of action that could prevent new and less well-known individuals from being included. It would be counterproductive to lose any hard-working current members and prospective new members when they might have successfully united to serve as the next 35 members of the FDC.

What would you say to the concern that a slate filling out all the members leaves less room for newcomers?

Group 1 includes 7 potential new members. Group 2 includes 5 potential new members. Group 1 intentionally submitted only 34 names on the slate instead of the maximum 35, to give people an opportunity to vote for the entire Group 1 and also vote for former State Senator David Magnani with their 35th vote. It is important to note that since Senator Magnani chose to run as an individual, his name appears after the two groups.

While Group 2 contends that they intentionally “left open” 11 seats in their group for other newcomers, that has no basis in truth. Group 2 tried to assemble a full “slate,” even including spouses. Their attempt was unsuccessful, with multiple people reaching out to me in the days before signatures were due, asking me to help explain what it was that the leaders of Group 2 were actually asking them to join. Some may even have signed up to help their friends, not knowing that they were committing to be on a competitive ballot or to the responsibilities of being full members of the FDC. In fact, leaving spots “open” only means that the top 35 names on the ballot will be elected. They will not be “open” after all the votes are counted.

Again, it is important to note that this election occurs every four years and openings arise fairly often. Many, if not most, of the folks running on the Group 1 slate started out as associate members or volunteers before ever being elected.

Where should people go to find out more information about your slate?

You can learn about the members of Group 1 on our website and on (where we are releasing biographies of two of the Group 1 members each day).

As an important aside, Framingham Unfiltered has endorsed Group 2, an endorsement they have not rejected. Framingham Unfiltered is run anonymously, and is a local, online, divisive blog with regular posts that publish personal information and attack our thriving immigrant community, reproductive rights, the LGBTQ+ community, and local elected women and people of color. Definitely not the people we want influencing the future of the Democratic Party and our community.

While I wish we could have truly come together, I ask for your help to continue our local success by filling in just one oval to elect Group 1.

Framingham Democratic Committee: Group 1 Gets Stuff Done


Confused by this local election? It's understandable. The election of the Framingham Democratic Committee on Primary Day is normally neither complicated nor controversial. Usually, a single diverse slate of names is put forward to serve as full members for the next four years.

The Framingham Democratic Committee (FDC) encourages participation and new perspectives, with most participants beginning as associate members to provide a chance to understand the requirements of full membership. Its meetings are open.

As recent statewide and regional candidates have commented, the FDC is among the most active and successful in the state.

This year, on your March 5 presidential primary ballot, there are two slates of names for the FDC. And you may recognize individuals in both groups.

Remember that most of them could have been united into one slate, with unlimited additional people serving as associate members. The recent election of seven new full members and 12 new associate members demonstrates there are regular opportunities for bringing in new membership.

We (Group 1) built our slate by reaching out to current and associate members, including three current members who appear on the Group 2 slate. Group 2 did not work with the committee leadership to include “new voices”; instead, it secretly recruited a competing slate.

When we learned of their efforts, just a few days before the nomination papers deadline, we proposed incorporating several of these “new voices” into a unity slate, and thereby avoiding a contentious election. Several active members of the FDC even offered to step down from the Group 1 slate to make room for seven of Group 2's candidates. Even though some of their prospective members had not expressed interest in FDC membership, creating unity was paramount. Our time would be better spent helping Democrats win the White House, Senate and Congress, rather than campaigning for a local committee.

This offer of a unity slate was rejected outright as “insulting.” Group 2 made clear that its intention was never to solely incorporate new people. Instead, it sought to remove current members due to personality politics, stating they wanted to “reset” the FDC.

While Group 2 talks of bringing new voices to the committee, their choices show a different reality. Among its members are two "life members" (former City Councilor John Stefanini and former Town Moderator Jerry Desilets), both automatically members due to 20 previous years on the committee. If elected, their inclusion blocks an opportunity for two new members.

Unfortunately, Group 2 has chosen a course of action that could prevent new and less well known individuals from being elected. It would be counterproductive to lose dedicated current members and prospective new members when they might have successfully unified to serve as the next 35 FDC members.

Furthermore, Framingham Unfiltered has endorsed Group 2, an endorsement that was not rejected. Framingham Unfiltered, which is run anonymously, is a local, online, divisive blog often publishing personal information and attacking our immigrant community, reproductive rights, the LGBTQ+ community and local elected women and people of color. Definitely not the perspective to influence the future of the Democratic Party and our community.

Ranging in age from 22-86, Group 1 includes representation from all nine Framingham districts. With four current city councilors (including the two newest), two former city councilors, a school committee member, small business owners, labor union leaders, community advocates, teachers and medical professionals, Group 1 truly embodies the diverse tapestry of Framingham.

Because we were unable to negotiate unity, I ask for your help to continue our local success on March 5 by filling in just one oval to elect Group 1.

Framingham Democratic Committee: Group 1 Gets Stuff Done


Group 1 is made up of people with a proven track record for working hard to elect Democrats at all levels. It is a balanced group of new voices and experienced Democratic activists. I am honored to help lead the group that has shown a commitment to advancing the ideals which unite us all as Democrats. I have witnessed this first hand in the few years since I have been involved. The diversity in our group is our strength. Vote for Group 1 on March 5th!


Framingham Residents:

On next month's Democratic Primary ballot (vote on or before March 5), your vote matters beyond the presidency! I need your help to elect a group of diverse and dynamic individuals to serve as Framingham's local Democratic Committee for the next four years by filling in the oval for "Group 1."

We range in age from 22 to 86, embodying a rich tapestry of experiences and perspectives - representing all of Framingham's 9 districts, including 4 current city councilors (including the newest ones), 2 former city councilors, library trustees, small business owners, labor union leaders, community advocates, teachers, and medical professionals.

A vote for Group 1 helps us further build a community and Commonwealth where accountability, integrity, and democratic principles guide all decisions.

What you can do today:

1) Commit to voting for Group 1 and ask your friends and neighbors to do the same
2) Request a yard sign by commenting below or messaging me directly
3) Follow Framingham Democratic Committee: Group 1 Gets Stuff Done on Facebook and invite others to do the same

Group 1 includes: Former Councilor Cesar Stewart-Morales, Tracey Bryant City Councilor District 9, Brandon Ward for Framingham City Council, Adam Steiner for Framingham City Council, Leslie White Harvey for Framingham, and many more trusted and engaged Framingham leaders!

See a complete list of Group 1 members here:

The Frame: November 9, 2023 11/10/2023

Framingham News of November 9, 2023 by The Frame!

The Frame: November 9, 2023 On this edition of The Frame: Framingham's election results are in, an update from state officials on the Massachusetts emergency shelter system, and the cit...

Photos from Leslie White Harvey for Framingham's post 11/07/2023

It’s Election Day in . District 8 has the opportunity to bring new energy needed at the City Council! Vote for Leslie White Harvey for Framingham! This race will be close so be sure to come out!

The Frame: November 2, 2023 11/03/2023

The Frame with Today’s news Thursday, Nov 2nd…

The Frame: November 2, 2023 On this edition of The Frame: the sale of Shoppers World, an update on last weekend's apartment fire on Worcester Road, and a new work authorization clinic f...

The Frame: October 26, 2023 10/30/2023

The latest news from our newest news source, The Frame! I am very excited to see this coming to our City to help keep everyone informed. Check it out!

The Frame: October 26, 2023 On this edition of The Frame: a major step for the MWRTA's future, an update on the Framingham school bus situation, and Mayor Sisitsky signs an executive or...

Councilor Stewart-Morales Condemns Hate Group’s Presence in Framingham 09/28/2023

I condemn this hate group, its actions, its hateful words and its failed attempts at intimidating Framingham residents.

Councilor Stewart-Morales Condemns Hate Group’s Presence in Framingham One of your neighbors posted in Politics & Government. Click through to read what they have to say. (The views expressed in this post are the author’s own.)


See you this Wednesday evening!

Brandon Ward is running to be the next District 2 City Councilor. We are holding a reception in support of his campaign. This fun evening will be a great opportunity to get to know Brandon Ward and why many of us believe he is the best candidate for District 2 City Councilor.

Join me next Wednesday, Sept. 27th from 5:30-7 PM at Café Belô for a campaign kick-off reception! In addition to hearing from me and others on why this city council race is so important, come learn about the different ways to volunteer and get involved!

Host Committee: Adam Blumer & Sarah Guernsey, Herb Chasan, Ron Chick, Kim Comatas, Lynne Damianos, Roger Dowd, Kathy & Tom Gagen, Mike Gatlin, David Gordon, Audrey Hall, Jan Harrington, Jack Patrick Lewis, David Longden, David & Nanette Magnani, Anne O’Connell & Jack Cahill, Philip & Valerie Ottaviani, Pam Richardson, Cesar Stewart-Morales, Norma Shulman, Susan Silva, John Stasik, Barbara Ward, Steve Weisman

Contributions can also be mailed to Ward Committee, 251 Central Street, Framingham, MA 01701 or made online at

Framingham's preliminary election has just one City Council race. What to know 09/19/2023

District 9! Today, Tuesday Sep 19th, is your day to vote! I have had the pleasure of working with Tracey Bryant City Councilor District 9 for almost 4 years. She is a dependable and constant representative for the people of District 9. We are lucky to have her. Please get out and vote today!

Framingham's preliminary election has just one City Council race. What to know The top two vote-getters from among incumbent Tracey Bryant and challengers Albert Chimeno and Jose Ferreira move on to the Nov. 7 city election.

Framingham Preliminary Election 2023: What To Know For Tuesday 09/19/2023

District 9! Today, Tuesday Sep 19th, is your day to vote! I have had the pleasure of working with Tracey Bryant City Councilor District 9 for almost 4 years. She is a dependable and constant representative for the people of District 9. We are lucky to have her. Please get out and vote today!

Framingham Preliminary Election 2023: What To Know For Tuesday Framingham has only one preliminary race on Tuesday, but does one of the three candidates even want the job?


Read about where local candidates stand on important issues!

Check out our questionnaires for candidates for Marlborough Mayor and City Council and Framingham City Council and School Committee. Thank you to the candidates who provided this critical information for progressive voters!

Patrick Hogan for Mayor
Samantha Perlman for Mayor
Mark Oram
Katie Robey
Mark Vital for Ward 1 Councilor
Sean Silk
Brandon Ward for Framingham City Council
Adam Steiner for Framingham City Council
Adam Freudberg
Judy Styer

Progressive Massachusetts


On Tuesday, September 5th, the Framingham City Council and School Committee voted unanimously to appoint Rich Robles to fill the District 1 School Committee seat vacancy. Rich Robles has become the first Guatemalan-American to serve on the School Committee. In November, he is likely to become the first Guatemalan-American ELECTED to the Framingham School Committee. Congratulations Rich!

Thank your serving our community and our schools!

❤️ 🇬🇹 🇺🇸


During the recent storm, it appears that a potential microburst struck Brook Street in Framingham. Due to the impact, Edgell Road leading north to Sudbury has been closed at Belknap Road, causing significant delays on Central Street

Central Street Closed headed west at Summer Street

Central Street Closed headed east at Prospect Street

In the affected area, there are reports of tree branches down. The attached photo was taken from Spruce Street, capturing some of the aftermath.

Framingham Councilor Cesar Stewart-Morales Won't Seek 3rd Term 06/28/2023

Framingham Councilor Cesar Stewart-Morales Won't Seek 3rd Term There will be a new District 2 City Councilor in 2024 after Cesar Stewart-Morales announced he won't seek reelection.



This November, Framingham voters will have the opportunity to elect or re-elect candidates to the Framingham City Council. I have served the residents of Framingham for four years representing the District 2 neighborhoods of Saxonville and Nobscot. I am proud of my work on the Council and believe that I have had a positive impact on the lives of young people, parents, immigrants, our environment, and on our diverse community as a whole.

Also during this time, my family has grown, with the arrival of our third son, and I have taken increasingly challenging roles in my career. I have also volunteered to help lead multiple other Framingham/MetroWest based community organizations.

I have decided not to seek re-election for a third term at this time, a decision which has been difficult in many ways. Our local government is in need of younger voices and new officials that more closely resemble our diverse community and my hope for the City is that we move in that direction by encouraging and supporting this type of candidates that will help us realize a new and bright future for our City.

In the future, I will continue to do all that I can to have a positive impact on Framingham, my hometown, and the City that four generations of my family have called home. I am grateful for my husband, my three young sons and my mother for their support while I served on the City Council.

My term ends when the next District 2 City Councilor gets sworn in, in 2024. In the meantime, I will continue to advocate for District 2 and all Framingham residents. You can reach me at 508-250-0503 or at [email protected].


This weekend, let’s celebrate the day of Freedom. Happy Juneteenth Day (weekend)!

Framingham Juneteenth Fest Set For Saturday 06/16/2023

Framingham Juneteenth Fest Set For Saturday Community Vibes Framingham will host the event at Framingham Farm Pond.

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: 2023 Framingham Democratic Caucus. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. 06/08/2023

This Sunday, we are electing democrats from Framingham to represent the City at the MA Democratic Convention this fall.
Please register using this link if you will be joining us and if you plan to run as a delegate.

At this point, we are still looking for more candidates so that we can be fully represented at the state convention with 34 delegates and 6 alternates. Thank you!

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: 2023 Framingham Democratic Caucus. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. On Sunday, June 11, 2023 at 1:30pm, Democrats will convene in person at the Framingham Public Library, Costin Room, to elect 34 delegates and 6 alternates to represent Framingham at the 2023 State Democratic Convention. Caucus registration opens at 1:30pm. Call-to-Order at 2:00pm. Registration will....

Pride Month is here. Providing LGBTQ+ community with allyship is as vital as ever 06/01/2023

"Supporting our community and protecting the lives of our LGBTQ+ children may come at a cost. Refusing to tolerate hate speech among friends, family or anonymous cyber-trolls may cost you a friend; for elected officials, you may lose votes. With the lives of LGBTQ+ youth on the line, silence and inaction only feed the violence. There is a vital role for you in supporting our community and protecting the lives of LGBTQ+ children if you are willing to accept that allyship may come with a price." ~ Rep. Jack Patrick Lewis

Pride Month is here. Providing LGBTQ+ community with allyship is as vital as ever Refusing to tolerate hate speech among friends, family or anonymous cyber-trolls may cost you a friend; for elected officials, you may lose votes.


TRAFFIC ALERT - The Framingham Public Works Department (DPW) will be applying a surface treatment in the lower Pinefield neighborhood, next week, weather permitting.

Work is scheduled to begin Tuesday, May 30 and go through Friday, June 2.

Hours of operation will be 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Roadways scheduled are in PURPLE in the map below.

Access will be limited in the immediate area that DPW is working each day to residents, school buses, and emergency vehicles.

Police details will be on site to facilitate pedestrian and vehicular traffic.


As summer approaches, it is important to be prepared for the heat, especially older adults. With higher temperatures and longer days, the risk of heat-related illness and dehydration increases. Read some tips to stay safe, comfortable and active during the summer months, here:

Want your public figure to be the top-listed Public Figure in Framingham?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Cesar Stewart-Morales for District 2 City Councilor
My Story, Video 5 of 6
My Story, My job......Video 4 of 6
My Story - Video 1 of 6



Framingham, MA

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17 Swanson Road
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Joao araujo capitalista Joao araujo capitalista
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Pagina para divulgacao de noticias atuais e comentarios sobre politica aberto aos participantes do grupo sem censura.