Inner Woven Wellness

Personal page-

Yoga, Ayurveda, Holistic Living, and Somatic Intelligence to elevate well-being & consciousness, fostering dynamic balance, empowerment, creative expression, and Self-realization.
*Mind-Body-Soul Medicine*


“Without warning, thresholds can open directly before our feet… In the ecstasy and loneliness of one’s life, there are certain times when blessing is nearer to us…Whenever you give a blessing, a blessing returns to enfold you.” - John O’Donohue “To Bless The Space Between Us”

🍂⭐️2 opportunities to practice together this week and embrace the threshold that is blessing and that is autumn⭐️🍂

🧡Morning movement & meditation, 10-11:15 am
🧡Community yoga & cacao ceremony, 6-7:30 pm (donation based)

Come to both and make a mini day retreat of your Wednesday 💫

Cowee School
Narda Ruby Siwar Qenti

Also, I’m in in deep awe and joy for the community being created by the genuine people
and heartfelt connections that show up for class each week 🧡 thank you 🧡

Photos from Inner Woven Wellness's post 09/17/2024

a lil’ mid-September check in and share 🌕🔀

thanks for being here 💜

i’m still figuring things out- in fact I think we all are and I don’t trust anyone who thinks they have it all figured out 🍂



We spend our whole lives tending, consciously or not, to the soul’s desire for actualization.

I planted this flower garden from seed this year.

Not knowing what would come of it.

But tending, nonetheless.

I watched as little sprouts popped up and grew taller.

I watched as blossoms opened in awe.

I weeded and pruned in respect for the natural cycles of life, simultaneously thinking about what I needed to prune within myself.

My journey with consciously tending to my life, myself, my medicine, well-being, spiritual exploration, relationships, and community is ever evolving.

And I am reminded by this little 2x10 plot of flowers that decay is beautiful.

Not necessarily easy or pleasant, but regenerative.

That tending never ends and has many phases- all equally valuable, and the tools used vary depending on the season and circumstances.

Sometimes the tending looks like not tending at all- taking a step back.

For a few years now I’ve backed away from sharing as much on social media platforms and offering as much to the public.

In truth, I grew weary and resentful of pop spirituality and holistic x,y, and z and I needed to tend to that.

It’s beginning thaw.

It’s starting to decay.

I have no idea what seeds will be sewn in its place.

But I’ll keep tending.

work shared in this post:


Due to rain in the forecast, Rooted Yoga tonight has been CANCELLED. We hope to see you at our October practice instead!

Photos from Inner Woven Wellness's post 09/10/2024

*Rooted Yoga class is weather dependent since it is out doors.
*My capacity for private clients is currently maxed out.
*I will be updating the Yoga & Cacao Ceremony Details on my website later this week if you are wanting to know more..stay tuned.
*I dearly miss sharing through the Coven Patreon page and feel inspiration stirring for re-establishing an online space for resources, gathering, and practice but currently don’t have a timeline for when that will happen.
*I have spent the last year diving into somatic intelligence and integration and have benefited greatly from it and I am sitting with how to bring that into my offerings.

May September be a sanctuary for you body-mind-soul💫🌀🪄

Photos from Inner Woven Wellness's post 09/05/2024

Sharing inspiration from yesterday’s class in case you couldn’t make it and/or the message from practice may be of benefit- we considered what is essential for the new chapter, new season we’re approaching. What are the essentials you’re packing?

We honed the skill of focus as a tool to use in tending to the essentials; prioritizing them.

We returned to the heart over and over again. The undertone of all essentials; the home of the wise, compassionate Self; a portal into the mystery and the infinite.

We gathered and it was heart warming.

We commune every Wednesday- link in bio 💜.

Inspired by

Photos from Inner Woven Wellness's post 08/26/2024

“Genuine ritual has the power to maintain the world’s holiness.” Thomas Moore

For years now I’ve spent a portion of my mornings in ritual.

An adaptable flow of invocation, smoke, candlelight, prayer, meditation, gratitude, writing, movement, breath, feeling, divination, and whatever else is needed at the time.

Regardless of what it looks like, every morning- me, my environment, and the unseen commune.

Without this daily ritual I’m not quite sure how I would navigate some of the harsher moments of my life nor how deeply I would be able to savor the beauty.

Ritual for me feels like a lifeline to divinity, grace, guidance, support, healing, and soul. All of which are ingredients to a deeply meaningful life in my personal experience.

I think that’s why I show up every week to teach class- it’s a ritual, a special kind of ritual because it brings in an additional component- community. Where, as a group we get to be in ritual together and remember the wiser, wider, wilder aspects of our being that generate healing and transformation.

Ritual brings us into relationship with something bigger than ourselves and begins to restore the basic need of belonging within oneself (such medicine).

We have a couple of opportunities this week to gather in ritual:

Morning Movement & Meditation, 10-11:15 am
Soul Flow, 5:45-7 pm
*Soul Flow is the last Wednesday of every month and looks a little different each month depending on the seasonal medicine, collective energy, and flow of innate intelligence.

Soul flow always involves movement, breath, embodiment, curiosity, compassion, meditation, and writing (bring a pen and paper).

This week’s soul flow will hone in on ritual and ritual creation as a supportive ally.

The topic of ritual is inspired by a recent release from Gabriele Gutierrez Substack- Under a Fig Tree

Photos from Inner Woven Wellness's post 08/12/2024

it’s been a daily practice lately- every time I feel a twinge or sting of discomfort I take a moment to not judge it, to be with it in compassion, and then wonder to myself what if this moment is enough? what if I am enough?

so many of the frictiony moments I experience are rooted in a deep sense of not enoughness; something is wrong with me and the more consistently I do this practice, the more I feel a new pathway of enoughness being forged.

we’ll be sippin on enoughness this week in class💧🍑💫~
*morning movement and meditation, 10-11:15am, Wednesday
*outdoor yoga series: connecting to community and forests, 5:30-7 pm Thursday
* link in bio for more info & registration


may we commune with nature and remember our true nature 💚

Join us and Inner Woven Wellness to recharge your personal batteries at Tessentee Bottomland Preserve next week, August 15th. Space is limited, so head to our website for more information and to register:

Photos from Inner Woven Wellness's post 07/30/2024

*this weeks harvest in honor of Lughnasadh*

scroll to the end for a simple practice and poem 💘

link in bio for info. & registration 🌻


Photos from Inner Woven Wellness's post 07/26/2024

a soft but fierce feeling; noble yet humble 🔥💧👑💚

i use the word nobel as its used in a translation of the Bhagavad Gita when Krishna is guiding Arjuna through despair, doubt, confusion, etc. and Krishna reminds Arjuna that his birth and life are nobel; that the human experience is a nobel one; an experience to be honored; a journey to tend to through compassionate curiosity, devotion, intuition, fierceness when necessary, returning to the throne of the heart, etc. I don’t use nobel here in a way that suggests a hierarchy of individuals.

the quality of something being nobel also reminds of the Leo archetype in its benevolent expression. in class on Wednesday we explored this archetype and its benevolent qualities and the importance of tuning in with nature and the cosmos as a part of the healing journey- healing being a dynamic movement toward the experience of one’s wholeness and aliveness, not a fixed goal.

and since we all are an expression of the cosmos, we all have the archetype of Leo somewhere in our charts and therefore the capacity to exude and embody the benevolent qualities of radiance, inspiration, confidence, courage, strength, leadership, and fierceness (this is just a brief list of associated characteristics) in whatever ways resonate with our soul and the wellbeing of the collective.

i decided to share some of the things we discussed & practiced in class in a blog post 💫 link in bio for the holistic wellness-being blog where this is discussed.

Roar 💚

Rooted Yoga- Connecting to Disruption and Torreya Yew 07/25/2024

*UPDATE* on this evening's outdoor Yoga class 7/25/24 (connecting to community and forests): class is canceled due to weather..we are hoping to reschedule this one for October (date to come).

We will pick up with our next outdoor Yoga session on August 15th, 5:30pm-7:00pm.

For more info. please visit:

Rooted Yoga- Connecting to Disruption and Torreya Yew Rooted Yoga- Connecting to Disruption and Torreya Yew When: August 15, 2024 @ 5:30 pm Image by Надя Кисільова. Connect with yourself and our fellow living beings through this 4-part summer series Disconnection from nature is a modern malady. We are surrounded on all sides by fellow crea...


Last weeks outdoor yoga event was postponed to this Thursday 7/25 @ 5:30 pm.

If weather is of concern please be sure to check mainsprings social media pages for updates or email me directly at [email protected]

I will do my best to update on social media as well but don’t always have access.

Well, the forecast isn't hopeful! Our yoga event tonight has been POSTPONED to July 25th due to the threat of rain. See you then! (Note: our registration software is being finicky, so if you registered but didn't get a postponement email please email Skye at [email protected])

Photos from Inner Woven Wellness's post 07/15/2024

softening into this wild life is tender, prickly, full, and most importantly, life giving and sweeter than I could have ever imagined.

spending more time lately softening into the constriction, tension, heaviness, joy, love, sweetness, and beauty while embracing the truth that regardless of what it looks like or feels like, nothing about me is insufficient, wrong, or lacking—wishing you the same realization and permission and support to soften into your wise intelligence and however it’s showing up.

🌸schedule this week to soften and expand in community~
💫morning movement + meditation, Wednesday, 10-11:15 am
💫outdoor summer series- connecting with community and forests, Thursday, 5:30-7 pm
⭐️1 space available for private support

link in bio for more info. and registration 💗

🍑pictured: being held by supportive women, calendula grown from seed, tea quote, inspiration, cosmos from the garden, key lime danish from local bakery, and lots of softening


Photos from Inner Woven Wellness's post 07/09/2024

sitting with the stress of waking up and immediately feeling tension/overwhelm/stuck because purpose feels out of reach sometimes, lack is loud, choice suffocated, failure heavy, etc. etc.

but when we take time, space, and give ourselves permission to explore these places with compassion and curiosity and feel into what is there- what story/belief/pattern our reality is being filtered through- we can be in relationship to it, tend to it, and shift it if necessary.

these are some reframes im feeling into and allowing my mind-body-soul to savor at this point in the journey. feel free to try them on if it feels resonant.

is the filter through which you’re perceiving yourself/life/beingness kind, nourishing, supportive, expansive, softening, empowering?

if not, you have the power to change it. and there’s nothing wrong with you. the story/pattern/belief served an intelligent purpose at some point- to protect, to preserve, to balance, etc.

honor where you’ve been, where you are, and where you’re going- there’s intelligence woven throughout all of it 💗.

link in bio. for upcoming classes and heart offerings💫.

Photos from Inner Woven Wellness's post 07/05/2024

sitting with la Luna and taking stock of recent drops of goodness.

reminder- you are supported, loved, and enough 😘

Photos from Inner Woven Wellness's post 07/02/2024


*Hold yourself in compassion constantly
*Let go of the idea of perfectionism, it doesn’t exist
*Remove the obstacles that hinder your wholeness, love, gifts from shining through- get clear on what these obstacles are?
*Let the river of life carry you home- hop in
*Truth always prevails
*Enjoy the low-hanging, juicy fruit (the most accessible points of pleasure, for instance, a deep breath)
*Honor your aliveness
*Embrace patience, space, and discipline
*Draw within to flow out
*How does love want to pour out of me? (asking myself constantly in the joy and pain alike)
*Enough is my true nature
*My belonging is inherent
*Purpose is my existence
*Nothing is wrong with you, nothing will ever be wrong with you
*I am guided, I am supported, I am loved
*You shine when you love

Cntd. in most recent newsletter-> link in bio for newsletter archive and class offerings.



💫offerings & inspiration this week:
*morning movement & meditation, 10-11:15 am, 6/26 at Cowee School
*destress & decompress, 5:45-7 pm, 6/26
*privates by appointment only
*link in bio for registration & info.

💫inspiration for class this week:
“Inside this river there is a moon
which is not a reflection.

From the river bottom the moon speaks.
I travel in continuous conversation
with the river as it goes.

Whatever is above
and seemingly outside this river
is actually in it.

Merge with it, in here or out there,
as you please.

This is the river of rivers and the beautiful silence of endless talking.” -Rumi

Photos from Winding Stair Farm & Nursery's post 06/20/2024

This weekend ☀️💗☀️

Photos from Inner Woven Wellness's post 06/17/2024

Classes pick back up this week after a couple of weeks away and it’s a special week as we cross the threshold of summer solstice ☀️ (I’ve missed you all and look forward to familiar faces and any new ones 💚).

Class on Wednesday morning at Cowee School will explore the medicine of summer solstice as a loving salve for the body-mind-soul.

This Thursday begins a special summer series in collaboration with Mainspring Conservation Trust to connect with the natural world through awareness, movement, mindfulness, and meditation. We’ll be settling into a grove of oaks this Thursday for practice, which is quite synchronistic with the summer solstice as the oak is associated with summer solstice as a portal into the inner realms.

Next week is our monthly destress & decompress practice at Cowee School that works with the physiology of stress and the wisdom of spirit to soften into the human experience.

Links below 💗-


We're partnering with Inner Woven Wellness to offer an outdoor yoga summer series. Nourish your body with movement and your mind with peaceful time in the outdoors! More info and registration on our website:

Photos from Inner Woven Wellness's post 06/03/2024

This mornings blessings- we leave today for Nigeria then Italy & Switzerland!

Of course we’ve probably over prepared, trying to take into consideration various climates and potential circumstances but life will happen and I’m grateful for the reminder to soften into that 💗

In the work of embodiment, being in relationship with oneself and the waves of life is paramount and in the philosophy of yoga remembering the timeless essence of all of creation is emphasized.

This blessing reminds me to sip in life as it flows; to be with it but then to lay it down at the feet of something bigger than myself.

Reminder no class 6/3/24-6/17/24 as we will be out exploring and experiencing!

Also, shout out to for the sticker that made it onto the suitcase so a little fox medicine could come on the trip ➡️


Let there be Yoga in Yoga!

Food for Thought ⬇️

Why are we so easily and absolutely not so easily impressed (in Yoga)?

Talking about and being impressed with:

1) Celebrities doing yoga
2) Researchers proving some (because not all can be researched and proved with external methods) benefits of meditation- dhyana, relaxation-sh*thili karana, breathing practices-pranayama
3) People above/below a certain age doing some asanas
4) People with some picture perfect asanas
5) Practitioners with thousands of social media followers
6) Yoga practitioners with celebrity status

Is this the goal of this practice, called Yoga?

Why are we so easily and absolutely not so easily impressed?

✅ Even if yoga is not practiced by masses it works!
✅ Even if it is not endorsed by celebrities it works!
✅ Even if no researchers wants to prove it, will be able to prove or are able to prove a tiny aspect of it -they still work!
✅ Even if someone is wobbly simply standing they might be better practitioners than some picture perfect poser.

The practice of Yoga is not dependent on how picture perfect someone is, it also has nothing to do with someone not being able to be picture perfect in the eyes of a person/camera.

✅ Time, texts and personal experiences stand as a solid proof to it.

♥️ A practice that is rooted in knowing Self, taking responsibility of actions and in non-violence is bound to work.

✅ ✅ Let us not limit it to a scholarly study, a therapy, a workout, a quick fix.

This reductionist approach will only leave us isolated.

See the whole of it, the philosophy and the practice, the texts and the experiences, the work out and the work in of it- all of it!!

Let there be Yoga in Yoga!

Check upcoming Chakra Training starting June 15. Link in Bio


Check out this amazing opportunity to get outside and tend to you 💗

Mark your calendars for Yoga on the Greenway - June 1st at 9:30 am

We'll meet at the library and take a short walk to the Greenway, where we'll roll out our mats under the shade of the beautiful walnut trees by the calming Cartoogechaye Creek.

This gentle yoga session is a wonderful opportunity to connect, not only with nature but also with ourselves and each other. So, bring a friend, your mat, some water, and an open heart. Let's all connect in this beautiful setting.
Free and open to all levels.


Stepping into summer with a strong body and flexible mind. Join us for a deep relaxing practice of Hatha yoga in the midst of lush greenery.
🧘‍♀️ ☀️🌳

Photos from Inner Woven Wellness's post 05/30/2024

Love on yourself- it’s good for the world!

A reminder that there will be no in person classes 6/3/24-6/17/24 at Cowee School.

We’re takin a break, layin low, and playin abroad to fill our cups 💗 wishing you the same in whatever capacity you can!


*NEW* Destress & Decompress, 5:45-7 pm (the last Wed. of every month at Cowee School). An opportunity to deepen and expand what it means to be alive. Keep reading to learn more about why this practice is important...

Being human is a tender experience that is not always embraced due to stories, conditioning, and deeply ingrained patterns.

And I'm learning that it is in embracing our lived experience that we can expand our capacity to move through it and beyond.

Wellness Wednesdays is a nook carved out in time and space to embrace and explore the totality of what it means to be alive; both the seen and unseen.

And being alive doesn't come without stress.
The interesting thing is that stress is not a bad thing
It's an intelligent cycle meant to support us in being human; in riding the waves of life that will forever rise and fall.
But so often we don't allow nor listen to the body's intelligence to complete the cycle of stress, which can lead to chronic stress, fatigue, anxiety, depression, loneliness, self-doubt, low self-esteem, and various other expressions that thwart our potential.

So, destress and decompress will serve as an exploration of being in conscious relationship with stress or the changing nature of life and tending to it to unblock the flow of potential that wants to move through you.

This ultimately expands the possibility of Self-realization and actualization- the spiritual purpose of the soul.

Class will be a blend of tools that enhance resiliency and self-efficacy, practices that cultivate present-moment awareness, and the embodiment of compassionate curiosity. Our time together will conclude in meditation to remember the untouched essence beneath it all.

Please share


Yoga & Meditation Classes
[upcoming opportunities to tend to the journey together]:
-Wednesdays: Morning Movement & Meditation 10-11:15 am at Cowee School
-*NEW* Destress & Decompress 5:45-7 pm, 5/29 (the last Wednesday of the month) at Cowee School
-Private Sessions by Appointment

Side note: stress isn't bad, it's a part of our innate intelligence and capacity for riding the waves of life, however when not tended to, it can wreak havoc on the body, mind, and soul.


Movement and Meditation classes at Cowee School every Wednesday 💗
⭐️morning movement & meditation 10-11:15 am
⭐️destress & decompress the last Wednesday of the month (5/29), 5:45-7 pm

[the second class is a new edition I’m really excited to share as I continue to unravel how much limitation is created by undigested stress]

Virtual options available

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Videos (show all)

💧thoughts from time at the river with a Capricorn full moon💧i kept swimming upstream just to let the current carry me do...
*the way love moves through you is good for the world*#soulinspiration #soulwork #creativeexpression #love #selfexpressi...
weaving words, images, and sound together to honor the cycles we dance through and nourish the soul💫🌑⚡️tuning in with th...
sitting with experience as one of our greatest and our ability to make meaning of our experiences- understand, navigate,...
thinking about how even though there is so much suffering at the hands of us humans, there is still so much inherent goo...
Although we’re currently taking a break from weekly classes for the month of December, I am apart of this lovely, wholes...
[take it to the river]It’s how the spring transitioned into summerAn opening of feeling, emoting, creatingA consistent f...
Some days are easier than others.The mind is a finicky thing— twisting, turning, diverting, comparing, analyzing, judgin...
Making some medicine on this full moon 🌕.Stay tuned for a future post on the medicinal benefits of ghee 🌼.


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