Power PT & Performance Training

Concierge physical therapy and sports performance training


It's our 3 year "Friendiversary"!!! And 3 years post ACL tear. I honestly can't put into words how proud I am of you... and how impressed I am with the woman you are, the athlete you are, and the friend you are. Your work ethic continues to amaze me! Can't wait to see what these next 3 years have in store for you !!


Cheering on these two as they compete in the World Master IBJJF Jiu-Jitsu Championship in Las Vegas!! Let's goooooo!!! 💪🏻💪🏻

(Side note: what a power couple)


Super late post— but wanted to share because this girl is way too cool, I’m so proud of her, AND she’s an all time fave.

I sound like a broken record, but ACLRs are NOT easy to come back from- at all. Go look at research, talk to someone who’s had one, and talk to medical professionals who are “up” in their knowledge on ACL tears.

To see this girl be able to return to soccer for her senior year made me beyond happy. She put in so much work and was consistently dedicated to the long process—and it paid off. She crushed rehab with me and then continued to put in work so she was able to have a successful, injury free season (all the while being a stud in the classroom too)!

You were an absolute blast to work with. I literally looked forward to the days you would be in my office!! You made me laugh, you were a kick ass worker, and you kept me up to date with the latest Tobin news!

It’s my favorite thing to watch people/players return to their life/sport and not really need my guidance anymore— BUT, there are those clients that you’ll always miss and ones that continue to light that spark and make me love what I do— and , you are one of those people for me!!

Miss you bud! Can’t wait to see where the college road takes you!!

Photos from Power PT & Performance Training's post 10/07/2021

So so pumped to share this one here!!!

This incredible athlete is heading to Boston for the marathon this coming weekend!!! The cool part— she’s competing without an ACL! She tore her ACL in February 2020 while skiing. She called me while on her trip and I referred her to a trusted doc I like to work with on ACLR so we could get his opinion. It was decided— and I was throughly excited— that we were going to rehab the heck out of it and not do surgery (I was very pro no surgery in this case— but it was important to get the opinion of myself, the doctor, AND the patient).

Needless to say, this beast has crushed it!! She’s freaking running Boston—- at 60yo— and with no ACL!!!! So so proud of you. The consistency has paid off.

No mountain is ever too high— it just might take you longer to peak depending on your starting point. Proud of you!!!

Photos from Power PT & Performance Training's post 09/20/2021

First off, want to say THANK YOU to this one for the most amazing cookies and special devotional gift you gave me!! Just the best!

I’ll start with the physical side of this client. She came to me ~1 year post op ACL repair and just was not where she needed to be. In the 3 months that I’ve worked with her, we’ve been able to see MASSIVE gains in so many ways!! (Mostly due to her dedication and consistency with the plan I had written out for her). The first thing I told her—- it’s never too late to improve—- she listened, went to work, and is crushing it now!!!

I have thoroughly enjoyed treating you and seeing good return from ACLR— but the best part is I developed a quality friend out of it!! You have been a true joy to be around. I have looked forward to our life talks, Jesus talks, mental talks, and every kind of chat in between!! People like you make my job easy— and make me realize what good people we have in this world!! You’re going to be missed in the gym, but I can’t wait to see you continue to dominate the mom life!

Thank you for being YOU! 🤗🤗


Practice what you preach! If I’m going to expect my patients to work hard and give me their best efforts— well, I better do the same for myself. I absolutely had no drive to go to the gym today, but I knew it would make me feel better and I needed a little competition to see how far I could run on the Everest challenge. 2.03– wasn’t a PR, but I’ll take it for today!

Photos from Power PT & Performance Training's post 07/19/2021

Nothing better than going to visit your friends in Santa Monica and seeing the badass business they have built! So proud of my best friends and all they have accomplished.

🔥 is the real deal!! 🔥

Santa Monica also made me realize my athletic clothes are far from “on trend” 🤦🏻‍♀️


💥I wanna be like R💥

🙌🏻 I am BEYOND proud of this girl right here. She has worked her butt off to return to high level competition with volleyball— and she’s crushing it!! The work ethic you have is unparalleled— you continue to blow me away with the maturity you show throughout any circumstance (good or bad) you encounter.

👊🏻 “Good things come to those who wait, but better things come to those who work for it.” And girl, you’ve worked for it!!

🏐 Go kick some a** at the Nationals tournament this weekend. Can’t wait to watch your highlights!! YOU. ARE. A. BOSS.

Photos from Power PT & Performance Training's post 05/19/2021

*What muscles are you using to go down vs up stairs?!⁠⁠
Down: descending stairs uses mostly the quads (or anterior thigh muscles)⁠ and the calf eccentrically ⁠
Up: going up uses mostly the posterior chain muscles, specifically glutes and calf⁠⁠
If you are having trouble with one way vs the other---work on the muscle groups specific to that activity!!⁠⁠


I still thank my lucky stars that I got to walk across USC’s DPT graduation stage 7 years ago!

📚 I achieved an unparalleled education from the best in the biz!
👯‍♀️ Made lifelong friends that I will always cherish!
🧠 Gained so many amazing mentors in the profession of physical therapy that I still learn from everyday!

I still feel so thankful to call USC my alma mater and am forever grateful for my time spent in The Land of Milk and Honey!! Thank you and for continuing to inspire me all the way in Tennessee!


💪🏻 Want to know more about jumping?? How I test it? What we look at with vertical vs horizontal jumping? Exercises to improve jump height?

🙋🏻‍♀️ FOLLOW along this week as I’ll be discussing these different topics!!

Photos from Power PT & Performance Training's post 04/14/2021

How deep can you get in your squat? ⁠⁠
🏋🏾 Here are a couple of easy ways to evaluate and quantify your squat so you can have MEASURABLE goals. ⁠⁠
1️⃣ The first picture is a still shot where I am measuring knee flexion and trunk flexion angles. Another good angle of measurement to look at would be hip flexion (trunk angle can play a big role in this). The two angles mentioned above are very important when rehabbing people post knee surgery, specifically ACLR. It has been found that people will demonstrate inter/intralimb compensations to reduce the knee extensor moment by shifting more use to the hip to achieve the same squat. Even though these few basic measurements do not accurately evaluate this in depth, it gives you a good way to continue measuring progress and make sure patients aren't "falsely" achieving a deep squat. It's also a good tool for visual feedback. ⁠⁠
2️⃣ This is a very quick way to broadly measure squat depth. Have a tape measure to the wall and measure gross movement of squat depth⁠⁠
👉🏻 Make sure you are constantly assessing progress! If you are a medical professional, quantifying progress is important so you can know that what you are doing is working. As a consumer, it's important because it helps keep you driven towards goals!⁠⁠


💥 Can we really train speed and agility by using the ladder?

💣 This bad boy is a staple in almost every physical therapy gym or training facility— I have one as well. But what’s the purpose of it and why are we calling it an agility ladder. Is it truly training agility? I also see it used as “speed training”... but are we accurate in saying that??

📚 Agility= a rapid whole body movement with change of velocity or direction in response to a stimulus
📚 Speed= distance covered divided by the time. Max speed can be achieved at 40-50m

So— if we do “quick feet” in and out of a ~12ft ladder are we achieving any sort of speed and is the client “reacting” to a stimulus with a rapid, whole body movement? While the person’s feet may be moving rapidly, their center of mass is relatively stable within their base of support.

😬 So yes, I have a ladder in my clinic, but am I using it to train speed and agility— not quite. Not saying to trash it by any means, just know WHAT you are using it for!

1️⃣ Tag someone this could help
2️⃣ Let me know if you have questions/thoughts by commenting below!

If you are ready to POWER up— DM me or head over to my website www.thepowerpt.com


💥 Explosive lateral movements while dual tasking

💪🏻 We use a heavier weighted med ball to work a little more on power— you can change this variable depending on the person’s needs. I like to do this exercise for time, but I also “secretly” count to make sure they are not sacrificing speed or explosiveness. You can change distance jumped, speed, weight of the ball, distance from the wall (a lot of variables to think about), depending on the clients/sport needs

1️⃣ Tag someone that would benefit from this exercise!
2️⃣ Let me know if you have questions on how or when to perform this!

If you are ready to POWER up— DM me or head over to my website www.thepowerpt.com


💪🏻💪🏻 Flex on em Fridays 💪🏻💪🏻

I mean... this doesn’t really need a caption.

I’m currently over here putting an extra scoop of protein powder in my cup 🤦🏻‍♀️

Stay swole y’all


🙌🏻 LET’S GO! (Mine and Izzy’s fist bump slogan daily)

💪🏻 Proud of this girl! She is putting in mounds of work and it’s paying off!! She’s a little shy of 3 months post op ACLR and is looking FLYYYY!!! I see big things coming in her future!!!

💣 I’m going to just go off on a little tangent right here. An ACL tear takes a major toll on the body— physically, and most importantly (IMO), mentally. Studies are continuing to improve on how to physically rehab these athletes, which is why you should always continue learning as a rehab specialist. The tools I have added to my toolbox to treat patients post ACLR extends way beyond what I learned in the classroom— it’s about staying up to date on research so that we don’t fail these athletes! The research I’m most excited about stems from looking at how ACLR affects the patient psychologically. It’s so important to address this aspect with treatment— which is why I highly highly value being able to see these patients one on one— so I can spend time diving into this component. If you find that it extends beyond your capabilities— refer out to a sports psychologist (they are gold!!!)

If you are ready to POWER up— DM me or head over to my website www.thepowerpt.com

Photos from Power PT & Performance Training's post 03/23/2021

💥 POSITION MATTERS!!! Which one of these positions are better?!

🔥 They are BOTH good! Changing your back/trunk angle will change which muscle groups in the legs are activated more. With the trunk upright, your focus will be more on the quads (front of your leg). If you bend forward, you are putting more emphasis on your posterior chain (glutes). This change can be good if you are battling knee pain and need to slowly progress load tolerance.

💪🏻 Add weight, challenge yourself!!

1️⃣ Tag someone that would benefit from this exercise!
2️⃣ Let me know if you have questions on how to perform this!

If you are ready to POWER up— DM me or head over to my website www.thepowerpt.com

Hip Pain 03/22/2021

Check this blog post out!

Hip Pain 💥Do you have anterior hip pain with running, walking, or performing some type of exercise?? 🔥 There are several things that can cause anterior hip pain— one of them being hip flexor tendinopathy. Tendinopathy typically happens when the muscle/tendon unit is put through a load that it isn’t...


💪🏻 Proud of this girl right here! She’s 11 weeks post-op open Achilles tendon repair and she’s crushing it!!!

💥 What does your Achilles rehab look like?


💥Having trouble driving knees over toes??

🔥 Love this exercise to help prevent the patient from shifting posteriorly and avoiding knee flexion with the lunging motion. This exercise can also be beneficial to help the patient stabilize their knee initially with single leg activities. I find this exercise especially beneficial for ACLR patients, specifically with patellar tendon grafts.

👉🏼 If you are not wanting to load through the front of the knee— try this exercise out!

1️⃣ Tag someone that would benefit from this exercise!
2️⃣ Let me know if you have questions on how to do this at home!

👍🏻👍🏻 Thanks to the man for showing some good variations with this!

If you are ready to POWER up— DM me or head over to my website www.thepowerpt.com



🔥 This exercise is FIRE! Talk about incorporating the whole body. Our main focus with this patient is the shoulder. The shoulder joint is very mobile, which is a good thing, but anything that’s very mobile needs a solid and stable base. This exercise is the complete package— core, rotator cuff, lats, etc etc

🙌🏻 Try this one out and see how you do— it is harder than it looks!! This would be a progression from starting out on the wall and progressively moving into more of a plank position.

If you are ready to POWER up— DM me or head over to my website www.thepowerpt.com

Plantar Fasciitis 03/04/2021

Plantar Fasciitis Plantar Fasciitis, heel pain relief, plantar fasciitis exercises

Timeline photos 03/02/2021

Please go to the link in my bio and vote for my business, Power PT, for best physical therapy!! THANK YOU!!!


💥Monday Motivation💥

🙌🏻 I needed this today— I hope this speaks to someone else as well. That is all.
If you are ready to POWER up— DM me or head over to my website www.thepowerpt.com


🔥Have shoulder pain when reaching overhead? Your upper mid-back could be contributing

💥When assessing the shoulder it’s very important to look at the thoracic spine/mid back to see if lack of movement there is contributing to your pain. The thoracic spine has to extend/move backwards at the end range of shoulder flexion (overhead reaching). If this motion doesn’t happen, it could lead to compression in your shoulder joint.

👉🏼 The first picture is the patient doing a cat/camel with arms placed on the wall overhead— moving the spine up and down to achieve flexion and extension (directly correlated to overhead reaching). The second video is working more on the rotational motion of the thoracic spine (great for overhead athletes— volleyball, baseball pitchers, etc).

Try these and then retest by reaching overhead and see if you get a change!

If you are ready to POWER up— DM me or head over to my website www.thepowerpt.com


🔥Single Leg Explosiveness

💥Once you are able to demonstrate good double leg squats with heavier loads it’s good to progress to more single leg type exercises. As athletes, we almost always use our body asymmetrically in sport— therefore, we need to train as such.

💣 Athletes do not have the luxury of developing force over long periods of time. Their movements are explosive and rapid. You need to train in a way that develops force rapidly (speed, power, and elasticity). This exercise is one I start out with to achieve these goals! You can always progress and regress this exercise as needed, but fatigue it out!

If you are ready to POWER up— DM me or head over to my website www.thepowerpt.com


🔥Copenhagen Plank

💥 The adductors (or inner thigh muscles) are a group of muscles that are primarily responsible for moving the leg inward. This group of muscles tend to get overlooked when rehabbing or just with general workouts/training. It’s important to work all quadrants of the lower extremity, especially post hip or knee surgery. This exercise can also be very beneficial for reducing groin related injuries— see below.

💣 Numerous studies have been performed that show a correlation between adductor strength and groin related injuries— especially in soccer, hockey, lacrosse, and rugby athletes. In these studies, the exercise was performed in reps of 20-30sec holds and 2-3 sets, 2-3x/week. In a study by Haroy (2018)— they found a 41% reduction in the prevalence and risk of groin problems in male soccer players after performing an 8 week program of these exercises.

If you are ready to POWER up— DM me or head over to my website www.thepowerpt.com


💥Monday Motivation💥

🙌🏻 This is my favorite kind of motivational post. Stories of real people, real athletes, that return to sport after injury/surgery

🔥 These two girls have been out of volleyball for about a year and this past weekend were able to suit up and PLAY together!!! The hard work, grit, and weekly grind of working their body so they could physically to return to sport is nothing short of amazing. The thing I’m most proud of is their vulnerability to share with me their mental struggles throughout the process. Breaking through these barriers is another difficult task to overcome and they have both impressed me by their drive, maturity, and perseverance through it all.

☺️ I’m blessed that I have been able to work with these athletes. THEY are my motivation!!

If you are ready to POWER up— DM me or head over to my website www.thepowerpt.com


Finalist! I need your vote please!! Click the link in my bio and go to the health and wellness tab— scroll to best physical therapy— POWER PT

Check out Power PT & Performance Training. 02/19/2021

I would greatly appreciate your vote for best Physical Therapist! Just click the link below!!

Check out Power PT & Performance Training. Help crown the best businesses in town! Nominations are now open for the Home Page Guide to Williamson's Best contest. Submit now through February 5!

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Videos (show all)

💥 Explosive lateral movements while dual tasking💪🏻 We use a heavier weighted med ball to work a little more on power— yo...
💪🏻💪🏻 Flex on em Fridays 💪🏻💪🏻 I mean... this doesn’t really need a caption. I’m currently over here putting an extra scoo...
🙌🏻 LET’S GO! (Mine and Izzy’s fist bump slogan daily)💪🏻 Proud of this girl! She is putting in mounds of work and it’s pa...



331 Premier Court St S, Suite 101
Franklin, TN

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 1pm
Saturday 8am - 12pm

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