J.Designs Hair Studio

I will help you reclaim your confidence with holistic solutions for hair loss & thinning hair Hello There! (The study of the hair and scalp).

After the birth of my son, I struggled with massive postpartum hair loss. Like many women, such as yourself, my concerns were met with, "Bodies are different after pregnancy." After 15 years in the industry, I knew hair loss was common. My nerdy brain wanted to know WHY it was happening, and WHAT I could do to help, not only women with postpartum hair loss, but those that stuggle with thinning hai


Are you struggling with your ponytail?

It’s so hot here in the Central Valley. But, every time you put your hair back, you hate the way you can see your scalp.

Maybe you’ve notice the sides getting thinner slowly overtime, or it seems like your ponytail is feeling smaller these days.

You think to yourself, “Was it always like this? No it couldn’t be. Am I starting to lose hair? What if this keeps happening?”

If this sounds like you, I want you to know that you are not alone! 2/3 of women experience hair loss or hair thinning at some point in their life time.

You are not going crazy! The good news? There is something you can do about it.

Let’s work together to find solutions that work for you. I invite you to schedule a 1:1 discovery call with me and let’s create a game plan to get your hair back on track!


A year ago, I didn’t know that I would be pregnant with my second son, I didn’t know that I would embark on an amazing year of business, and I definitely didn’t know that both would happen at the same time. 😆

Today, I’m 34 years old and 34 weeks pregnant. If this year has taught me anything, it’s that God’s timing is always the best timing, and his plan far exceed mine.

33 was the year of achieving massive goals inside of my passion for serving woman suffering from hair loss, all while building a human from scratch. 🤣

As we are anxiously counting down the weeks for this little human to join our family, I cannot help but admire just how amazing we are as women.

We are resilient and a force to be reckoned with, compassionate and loving, strong and nurturing.

As this chapter closes, and the next one comes crashing in, I’m beyond excited to for what is to come. Both in business and in balance with my family.


“I’ve been struggling with thinning hair for years. I have seen so many things online and I didn’t know what would actually work for me or what was a scam.”

Does this sound like you? The women in my chair all share a similar story.

If you have been suffering with hair thinning, and have been trying countless products and gimmicks with no luck, this is your sign. It’s time to change that.

Hair loss is not one size fits all. Working with me provides you with a unique approach to battling your hair loss.

We start with a microscopic evaluation of your hair and scalp, an in depth medical history, and go over ALL of your concerns in a 1:1, hour long appointment.

If you have been looking for answers, I invite you to book a discovery call or hair evaluation appointment to get started. Visit www.jdesignshairstudio.com to get started.


The Truth: There is always a reason for hair loss. Thinning hair is always a symptom of something else going on in the body.

What a relief! 😅 This means that while it can be challenging to find the root cause, there is always an answer. There is always something you can do about your hair loss. Whether that’s prevention or rehabilitation.

But, it always starts with action. If you are ready to take the first step towards your hair rehab, but don’t know where to start, let’s chat. 💬 DM me for your free discovery call!


How do I know it’s time to see a professional?

I am the first person to admit - It’s intimidating to ask for help. I would much rather google and research myself than go to someone about my concerns.

Asking for help is somehow harder than living with it for a while. But, is not taking that first step worth it?

When it comes to hair loss, the answer is no.

If you have been stressed about your hair, researching everything you can for at least 6 months, it’s time to get clear on what you need.

I invite you to schedule your first 1:1 discovery call with me to get the answers you have been looking for. DM me or visit www.jdesignshairstudio.com to get started.


There is nothing like the relief you feel when you start seeing hair grow where you never that it would come back.

Maybe you just started noticing your thinning hair, or you have been anxiously watching it for a while.

Throughout the months and/or years, you have been looking at yourself in the mirror, watching that hairline recede.

So, what can you do? The endless googling just leaves you frustrated and confused. I know what that rabbit hole feels like. 🤦🏻‍♀️

The reality is none of these “tips and tricks” will work for you. Not until you find out what is causing your hair loss. Only when you find the “why” can you discover the “what”. Why are you losing hair and what is the solution to get it back?!

If you have been asking yourself these questions and are ready to find the right answers for you, I encourage you to comment or message me “consult” to set up your free discovery call.

Hair loss is personal, your solutions should be too.


You’ve tried EVERYTHING for your hair loss. But, when you look in the mirror you still notice more scalp than you have ever noticed before. This is not your imagination!

2/3 of women experience genetic hair loss. The first sign is a widening of the part.

The reality is that genetic hair loss is easier to prevent than to reverse. If you have hair loss on either side of your family and you are starting to notice your hair thinning, time is not on your side. But, there are solutions for you to prevent your hair thinning and grow back more hair. The key is finding a solution that works specifically for you.

I offer 1:1 discovery calls to all women who are looking to take action on their hair loss. DM me to schedule your call and find a solution that works for you.


Hair Loss is NOT one size fits all.

If you’ve been battling your thinning hair and haven’t seen any results, you aren’t using a solution that works for you.

If you are looking for a more personalized treatment plan, I invite you to schedule your discovery call with me. DM to get started.


You’ve purchased miracle products in the past for your hair. You religiously use them for a few weeks and don’t notice any progress. So, they end up just sitting on the counter.

Meanwhile, you are increasingly frustrated with your hair. You feel like a completely different person. You tell yourself, it’s “just hair” but it feels so much more than that.

It’s constantly on your mind while looking in the mirror, looking at pictures and video, and when you are out to lunch with your friends. “Do they notice it too?”

You wear hats, thickening products, and fibers to hide it from the world while your confidence slowly fades.

Who knew that “just hair” could affect so much of your life!

It’s time to change the narrative. Ditch the hat and those short term solutions for long term results. Let’s partner together to get your hair thriving again! DM me “start” to set up your free phone consultation to learn how we can work together to give you solutions that last.


If you have been struggling with thyroid issues, you know that an unfortunate side effect is hair loss, hair breakage, and dryness.

Your thyroid helps in digestion and how your body absorbs nutrients from your food. It also, regulates the hair growth cycle.

All three of these have a direct impact on our hair! So you are getting a triple punch to the hair follicle.

Not to mention dealing with all the other changes in your body at the same time. It can be overwhelming, to say the least.

Because your hair is not a vital organ, your doctor will be focused less on your hair loss, and more on your vital organs. As they should be, but who do you have in your hair corner?

But, while they monitor your overall health, you are watching your hair go down the shower drain. You are struggling with brushing your hair because every time you do, more hair falls out. It is a visual representation of everything that is happening on the inside, and as your hair falls, so does your confidence.

Hair loss from thyroid issues is complex, but it does not have to be the end all, be all. You CAN take charge of your hair.

This is why I have created personalized treatment regimes for each of my clients. Your body is unique. Working with your specific hair needs, ensures the results you deserve.

As your doctor works with you for your overall health, let’s work together to work on your hair growth.

If you are ready to have someone in your corner, someone entirely devoted to your hair, I invite you to work with me. DM me to set up your complementary 15 min phone consultation.


I love getting to serve my fellow hairstylists!

My heart for spreading awareness about women’s hair loss has always been rooted in collaboration and uplifting each other in the hair industry.

I have been the hairstylist who wanted to help my clients with their hair loss, but hair school didn’t prepare me with the answers I needed.

I knew everything about cutting, coloring, and extensions. But, when I could do anything to actually change my clients hair struggles, I knew I had to educate myself in Trichology. (The study of hair loss and scalp health).

I know that is not every stylists niche. But, we all have the desire to help our clients and I 💯 support that.

My passion rests in empowering other hairstylist and being a resource for them and their clients.


This might not be the most aesthetic photo of us, but it definitely defines motherhood for me. Time moves too fast to perfectly capture all that is motherhood.

Always waiting for the next phase while missing the last one.

When you were a newborn, I couldn’t wait until the night time stretches were longer, so maybe I could sleep too.

I couldn’t wait until you could start purées and solids, or anything other than nursing.

I held my breath in anticipation watching for the first time you could lift your head, turn over, walk and talk.

I, excitedly, looked forward to each next milestone.

With all the things I expected from motherhood. I couldn’t predict how my heart would feel watching you grow or hearing “I love you, mommy.” for the first time. I couldn’t feel how sweet it would feel to have you wrap your arms around my next so tightly. ❤️❤️❤️

But, now as you are 2 1/2, and I’m pregnant with your baby brother. I don’t know where the time went. It was like a blur. But, I wouldn’t change it for the world.

We have so much growing left to do together. With each phase comes new adventures and I am forever blessed God made me, not just a mother, but YOUR mother.

Photos from J.Designs Hair Studio's post 05/06/2024

My first post partum experience with hair loss left me with a lot of questions, and very few answers.

I had to figure out my plan of action by myself.

This time around, I am prepared. While, nothing can 100% prepare your body for the intensity of childbirth or hormone flush immediately after, I know the steps I need to take to arm my body with the proper support going in.

Hair Loss is ALWAYS a symptom of something else happening in our body. It is never the problem itself.

Whether you are experiencing postpartum hair loss, genetic hair, stress related hair loss, or any of the other types, do not be fooled into thinking there’s nothing you can do.

Let’s create a plan for you to get your hair back on track. DM me or visit www.jdesignshairstudio.com to get started with your first hair and scalp evaluation. Zoom appointments available!!

Photos from J.Designs Hair Studio's post 04/29/2024

Can you guess it?

I will tell you anyway!

When correcting hair loss or excessive shedding, we are trying to:
1) Keep as many hairs in the growing phase as possible.
2) Get as many hairs out of the shedding phase as we can.

It sounds simple right? As simple as it sounds, it’s not always easy to find the right solution.

Most products either focus on stopping hair loss OR growing new hair.

The most effective treatment plan addresses both based on your body’s specific needs!

If you have been struggling to find a solution for your hair thinning, I would love to partner with you to find the best PERSONALIZED recovery plan.

Nervous about starting? Let’s set up a complementary phone consultation or schedule an in person evaluation. DM me to get started.


“I normally switch my part around, because I noticed when I part in the middle it’s like I can see my scalp more.”

I used to hear this all the time as a hairstylist.

It’s so hard when you are “chasing fullness” in your hair. Trying to find the right thickening product feels line an endless journey.

The truth is, those products only plump up the hair you currently have, they do nothing for the hair you have lost.

2/3 of women experience genetic hair loss and most women don’t even notice until it’s about 40% less than what they had before! What a heart breaking statistic!!

If you do notice, you are told “Oh, that’s normal.” 😡

Just because it is common, does not mean that it is normal.

This does not have to be your reality.

You have the power to change it! Let’s partner together to take back control over your hair. DM me to get started!


Have you ever been so far down the google rabbit hole, you don’t know what true or what’s not anymore?
Google is a scary place. Especially when you are already stressing about your thinning hair.

Raise your hand if you’ve ever googled these:
Why is my hair thinning?
Hair loss solutions
Postpartum hair loss
What can I do about my hair loss?
How to grow more hair?
How to get my hair to grow faster?

Or anything related to hair and scalp issues.

If you have, the answers you will find are confusing and sometimes even conflicting.

You’re told that is normal, it’s apart of aging, and that there is nothing you can do about. Or you are brushed off and told to try x,y, or z. But, you still don’t feel like your concerns were heard.

What if I told you, it did NOT have to be that way.

Your hair loss concerns are worth more than an after thought.

If you are ready to get serious about your hair and scalp health, but don’t know where to start, I am here to help!

Click the link in my bio to set up your personalized hair and scalp evaluation! 😊


Gah! Progress with my clients makes me giddy! 🥹 Building confidence one hair follicle at a time.

If you want to discover your own hair restoration journey, DM me. I would love to partner with you to find the best solutions for your hair.


Did you know there are different types of hair loss?

That’s why advice like “just take biotin.” is outdated and misleading. What works for a woman experiencing postpartum hair loss is different from a woman who is experiencing menopausal hair loss.

All require different treatments to help reverse the effects of hair loss and start growing new hair.

As hairstylists, we aren’t taught this in beauty school. Even though most women will talk to their hair stylist first!

This gap in the industry is what led me to pursue my advanced training in trichology (the scientific study of the hair and scalp). My passion is to help women find the hair loss answers they deserve and to uplift stylist who crave the same.

If you are a stylist who would love to learn more about helping your client beyond the chair, I invite you this amazing educational experience I am blessed to be a part of with and . It’s all happening on April 14th!

Let’s work together to offer the best, all inclusive services for the women sitting in our chair.

Message me if you are interested in the deets!


Want to know a secret?

I get filled with an immense amount of pride when your hairstylist starts noticing a difference in your hair.🤗

As a professional in the hair industry for 12+ years, I know how close that stylist/client relationship is. So, when your hairstylist starts noticing the difference in your hair, it speaks volumes!!!

My biggest passion for this industry is collaboration. To bridge that gap between hairstylist and dermatologist.

As a hair loss practitioner, working with your stylist is key to ensuring the best for your hair.

If you are a hair stylist, let’s partner together to give your client the best!! Hairstylists take such good care of serving their clients’ color, extensions, and hair cut needs. Let’s take it to the next level for those client who are struggling with hair loss!
DM me to find out how we can work together!


Have you ever tried to google hair loss?

It can be overwhelming, to say the least!

There is so much information and, unfortunately, even more misinformation.

Even as a hairstylist, “hair school” doesn’t even cover 1/10th of the ins and outs of hair.

Dealing with my own postpartum hair loss experience left me with so many questions, and fueled my fire to find answers. Not just for myself, but for countless women who deal with hair loss.

What Google won’t tell you is that hair loss is not one size fits all.

If you buy the shampoo or use hair growth treatments without fixing the UNDERLYING ISSUE, you’re going to lose any progress that you made.

There are MANY types of hair loss. Finding the solution that is right FOR YOU is key.

If you are struggling with hair loss, and don’t know where to start, I can help!

Message me to schedule your personalized hair check appointment.

If you are a stylist looking for answers for your clients and don’t know how to help them, let’s connect.


If you are struggling with hair loss, you NEED to do this.

Having your hair and scalp evaluated if you are struggling with hair loss, is the most important step before starting anything.

Have you ever tried a hair loss serum or shampoo that you’ve heard such great reviews on, only for it not to work on you?

All these “claims” don’t seem to provide you with the results that you want with your hair?

It could be because you are not addressing what type of hair loss you have.

In fact, there are 5 main types of hair loss.

Some are seasonal will resolve in time, but some can last for years, or life!

Finding out what type of hair loss you are experiencing is vital to finding a solution.

If you want to stop your hair loss, you have to start with finding the why behind it.

To schedule your first hair loss evaluation, message me “evaluation” and I will set you up with everything you need to know!


Are you tired? Tired of trying the latest “trend” for thicker hair, only to see NO results?

Maybe you’re scared of starting something new because what if you end up losing more hair? What if nothing works?

But, what if it does?! What if you finally find the right solution for your hair type?!

If you are ready to finally start seeing a change, to finally experience the relief that comes with answers, let’s book a free phone consultation. DM me to get started.

Photos from J.Designs Hair Studio's post 03/18/2024

What’s a normal amount of hair loss and when should you be concerned.

Everybody loses hair daily, it’s part of our hair growth cycle. But, if you are losing more hair than normal, it can be scary. You wonder how much is left on your head if this much is in your brush or shower drain.

If you have been struggling with your hair for longer than 3 months, it’s time to take action. It’s time to partner with me to get your hair back on track.

DM me for your personalized hair loss solution.


What can you accomplish with your hair in 3 months?

Are you overwhelmed with the “tips & tricks” to growing your hair back? You have seen so many things and you don’t know where to start, so you pause. You end up not doing anything. Instead, you just continue looking in the mirror, hoping it stops shedding.

The first step is always the hardest for many of the women who come visit me about their hair. But, once you start seeing the results on your own hair, you will be so glad you took that first step.

This is what 3 months of progress looks like for one of my clients. She has struggled for YEARS with her hair. She tried everything before she came to visit me back in December.

We came up with a treatment plan designed for her type of hair loss and her specific needs and the results are coming in strong!

If you are ready to take that first step with your hair, you just need a little guidance, I would love to partner with you. DM me and let’s set up a consultation call to get you started!


Waiting for our hair to grow can feel like forever! It can start to feel discouraging when you don’t see any progress after a few weeks.

Here’s the deal, it takes about 3 to 6 months of consistency to begin to see growth in the mirror.

Here are the first signs of progress before you see actual growth:
1) Your hair is shedding less
2) Your hair and scalp are feeling healthier
3) We see little hairs under the microscope at your 3 month check in. 🤗

Our hair grows in a cycle. 🔄 Our job is to get as many hairs out of the shedding stage and into the growth stage, and keep them there, as long as possible. This takes time and a little sprinkle of patience, but slow and steady wins the race.

Let’s work together to get your hair growing again! DM me to get started.


The #1 statement I hear with clients goes something like this: “I have been researching online and there’s just so many things! I’m scared to try anything because I don’t know what’s real and what’s not.”

If this has been you during your hair loss, hair thinning, or scalp health journey, I am so sorry. 😣

It really can be information overload! We have the ability to type anything into a search bar and someone, somewhere will have an opinion about it.

What is lacking in all this information is the personal. The solutions that apply to you based off your background, lifestyle, nutrition, medical history, and genetics. These are all VITAL pieces of the puzzle when it comes to reclaiming your hair and scalp health.

When working with me, your story is the most important part. We go through all the data, all your hair history, and all possible types of hair loss to make sure you get the best possible outcome.

If you are ready to start seeing real progress with your hair and start growing, I would love to work with you. Click the link in my bio to get started.


Are you looking for long term solutions or instant results for your hair? You can say both! You just have to be clear on what that means.

Quick and instant solutions are hair extensions, hair toppers, and wigs. These are amazing for giving you immediate results. Giving you the confidence to go about your daily life. However, they don’t provide much in the way of actually helping you growing back the hair you lost. (Chemical damage and breakage being an exception)

Long lasting results and life long solutions involve a much slower process because we are working with your body’s natural hair growth cycle. Results can take up to 3 to 6 months on average.

We dive DEEP into both the internal and external factors that are causing you hair thinning and addressing them one by one.

Hair loss doesn’t have to be permanent. Whether it’s from genetics, thyroids issues, hormone imbalances, stress, postpartum, or any other factors, you don’t have to be resigned to your thinning hair.

I am here to provide you with life long solutions to your hair loss concerns. So, get the extensions to make you feel beautiful and confident right now, but let’s also set you up with the tools to your own hair recovery! Click the link in my bio to get started.


Three things that are killing your hair.

If you are struggling with the health of your hair, scroll through the posts for the three bigs nos.

Sometimes you don’t need the latest and greatest, you just need to tweek the simplest things to make a big difference.

Share this with a friend you know is struggling with her hair.


It may only be February, but I’m already getting the urge for some spring cleaning. 🤣

There is nothing more relaxing to me than a good home “reset”.

Clearing out everything that no longer serves us as a family, and only builds up or adds clutter to my every day life. It definitely takes work, it takes effort, and it takes intention. But, when it’s all done, I love sitting in a space that is clean and fresh. It’s like a weight lifted off my shoulders that I didn’t know I had.

Our scalp health is the exact same way. I often hear, “It didn’t even know my scalp was that dirty.” Or “My scalp feels so light. I’ve never had it feel so clean.”

Between dried scalp oils, dead skin, dry shampoo, hair spray, and all the other products we put on our scalp, we never actually know how much build up accumulates.

Until it’s gone!

When our scalp gets clogged up, it doesn’t create a good environment for our hair to grow.

Scalp health is just one part of good hair health, but it’s an important part.

When you partner with me towards your hair goals, we tackle every part of hair recovery. From internal factors, to external influences, to scalp health! Dm me to get started. ☺️


It feels good when you notice results. It feels even better when others notice too!

This is what one of my clients told me at her last check in.

We have been treating her hair loss for about 6 months and been so excited for all the new growth along the way!

The best feeling in the world is when other people start celebrating too. My client has been with her hair dresser for years. Hairstylists have a unique understanding of the journey women go through with their hair loss struggles. They are the only people who see you on a regular basis and are constantly combing through your hair.

Through my clients personalized hair growth program, this is the first time she has seen the results she has been seeking for years! So, of course, her hairstylist is right there to be her biggest supporter!

My passion is not only to create a space for women to feel seen and heard with their hair loss concerns, but to also create a network with of professionals dedicated to wanting what is best for their clients. Who will work in collaboration for the best results possible!

If you are a hairstylist and you have clients you know would benefit from a personalized hair growth regime, I would love to work with you to give your client the best results possible, and the care we know she needs! DM me to connect!

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Videos (show all)

Join me this Thursday at @retreathairstudio for your night of hair wellness.Learn how to take care of your locks from th...
Finding the root cause is always the most important first step in winning your battle with hair loss.Book your discovery...
This is your sign. It’s time to start prioritizing your scalp if you want healthier hair.If you are suffering from hair ...
If you’ve been noticing a smaller ponytail, hair in the shower, or less hair around your hairline, you are in a stage of...
How to curl your hair with a curling iron.




585 W Nees Avenue
Fresno, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 6pm
Tuesday 10am - 6pm
Wednesday 10am - 6pm
Thursday 10am - 6pm
Friday 10am - 6pm
Saturday 10am - 5pm

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