Wonderfully Made Functional Medicine

Come to Wonderfully Made Functional Medicine in Frisco, Texas for the Best in Functional Medicine, in

Come to Wonderfully Made Functional Medicine in Frisco, Texas for the Best in Functional Medicine, including Ozone Therapy, IV Therapy, Treatment for Adrenals, Thyroid and Sexual Conditions, Hormone Balancing, and Anti-Aging Treatment.


The office will be closed on Monday, September 2, in observance of the Labor Day holiday. Enjoy your long weekend!


The office will be closed Thursday, August 8.


Don't have a picture in your chart? Please take a minute to snap a selfie, or pick your favorite shot of yourself, and upload it!


The office will be closed on July 4th.


We are in Monday through Thursday this week. Plan your supplement trips accordingly!

OMRON Bronze Blood Pressure Monitor, Upper Arm Cuff, Digital Blood Pressure Machine, Stores Up To 14 Readings 06/03/2024

If you have a televisit, you MUST provide a current blood pressure, resting heart rate & weight.

You can find our favorite blood pressure monitor here:

OMRON Bronze Blood Pressure Monitor, Upper Arm Cuff, Digital Blood Pressure Machine, Stores Up To 14 Readings With its easy to use one-touch design, The Omron Bronze monitor will capture your blood pressure readings, plus any irregular heartbeats, body movement during measurement, and will store up to 14 readings for your review. This makes it easy for you to share vital information with your family, car...


It's Scan Day! The office is open today (5/31) until 3:00.


It is Wednesday, 5/29, and we are back in the office!


The WMFM office will be closed May 23 - 28, returning on May 29, 2024. Portal & phone messages will not be returned during this time while we celebrate Memorial Day with our families. We wish you all a blessed Memorial Day holiday!


The office is open until noon today, May 10, for supplement sales.


This Friday, May 10, we will be in the office. Stop by for supplements!


Are you taking Glia in the oil form? Try mixing it into some avocado or a nut butter (peanut, almond, etc)!


Body Bio PC and Ossopan supplements are back in stock!


The office will be open tomorrow, Friday, April 12, from 12:30 to 5:30.


Need a thyroid prescription refill? Fill out the thyroid refill form on the portal and we'll take care of the rest!


The office will be closed on Thursday, 3/28, and open on Friday, 3/29.

Is Hashimoto's Disease the Cause of Your Hypothyroidism? 03/22/2024

🦋 Understanding Hashimoto's Disease: A Key to Hypothyroidism Management 🦋

Hashimoto’s Disease is the most common cause of hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid).

The problem is that not all doctors will test to confirm whether you have Hashimoto’s. Instead, they’ll only treat hypothyroidism but won’t address the underlying cause.

This can temporarily relieve your symptoms, but it doesn't address the ongoing damage to your thyroid gland.

What is Hashimoto’s Disease? It’s an autoimmune disorder that causes an underactive thyroid due to the immune system mistakenly attacking the thyroid gland.

This can go undetected if only standard thyroid tests (TSH and T4 levels) are conducted, missing crucial antibody indicators.

Causes of Hashimoto’s can vary, including food sensitivities, gut health issues, infections, toxins, and chronic stress. Early detection and action can significantly impact the progression of hypothyroidism.

At Wonderfully Made Functional Medicine, Dr. Wood emphasizes the importance of a full thyroid panel to accurately diagnose and treat thyroid issues.

Our approach goes beyond just treating symptoms. We aim to address the root cause of the disorder for long-term health improvements.

Learn more:

Is Hashimoto's Disease the Cause of Your Hypothyroidism? Hashimoto's Disease is the most common cause of Hypothyroidism. Dr. Wood understands how to diagnose and treat this autoimmune disorder.


It's scan day today! We are in the office until 3:00 pm, so come on by if you need supplements.


Prodrome Glia is back in stock.


Do you have a televisit coming up with our office? Make sure you have your weight, blood pressure and resting heart rate ready when the nurse calls!

Hormones and Mental Health - Wonderfully Made Functional Medicine 03/08/2024

Noticing mood swings, irritability, or just feeling off? It might be time to check in on your hormones.

Hormones are like your body's messengers, but when they're out of balance, they can mess with your mind, too. Here's a quick rundown:

Cortisol keeps you sharp during stress, but too much can lead to anxiety and sleepless nights.

Thyroid hormones (T3 & T4) manage your energy, but imbalance can swing you into depression or anxiety.

Estrogen keeps your mood steady, but when it's on a rollercoaster, so is your mood.

Progesterone is your natural relaxer, but low levels can leave you anxious and moody.

Testosterone influences mood and motivation; too little can lead to feeling down and out.

But don't worry, achieving balance is possible!

With a blend of science and personalized care, we're here to help you feel like yourself again.

Through comprehensive assessments, advanced testing, and tailored treatment plans, we're committed to helping you find your balance and boost your mental health.

Remember, it's not just in your head; it could be in your hormones. Let's tackle it together!

Learn more:


Hormones and Mental Health - Wonderfully Made Functional Medicine Learn how hormone imbalances can affect your mental health, and what you can do to balance your hormones and improve your life.

Exhausted All the Time? It Could be Adrenal Fatigue. 02/23/2024

🌟 Feeling constantly tired despite trying numerous treatments?

It might be more than just exhaustion.

Discover the possibility of adrenal fatigue—a condition that might be the root cause of your unending weariness.

Adrenal glands play a crucial role in managing stress, metabolism, and more.

When they're depleted, it can lead to a constant feeling of tiredness, among other issues.

But there's hope! With the right diagnosis and treatment, you can embark on a journey to reclaim your vitality.

🔍 Wondering if you're affected? Symptoms include fatigue (especially upon waking), poor stress response, cravings for salty/sweet foods, and more.

At Wonderfully Made Functional Medicine, we delve deep to uncover the root cause of your symptoms, offering tailored treatments that go beyond conventional methods.

🌱 From comprehensive lab work to personalized lifestyle changes, we're here to guide you toward long-term health.

Read more about adrenal fatigue here:

Exhausted All the Time? It Could be Adrenal Fatigue. What is adrenal fatigue? What causes it? And why does it make people so exhausted? Learn all the details in this post.

Strengthen Your Immune System - Wonderfully Made Functional Medicine 02/16/2024

It's that time of year again:

The weather seems to change at the drop of a hat.

Kids are bringing home who-knows-what-virus along with their homework.

Events, sports activities, and other social engagements are a regular occurrence.

It's a perfect recipe for an attack on our immune systems!

So, how do you keep your immune system strong -- so it works to defend your body against any unwanted intruder?

We can help by getting to the root of what's causing any immune system issues.

Then we provide a tailored treatment program. Your program may include:

• Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

• Personalized Thyroid Treatment

• Adrenal Fatigue Treatment

• IV Therapy

We are here to make sure you have a strong, healthy immune system — for whatever comes your way!

Learn more:

Strengthen Your Immune System - Wonderfully Made Functional Medicine A strong immune system can be your best protection against any potential threats to your health. Here's how we can help you strengthen yours.

IV Therapy - Wonderfully Made Functional Medicine 01/30/2024

How's your January been? If you're like a lot of people we're talking to these days, it's been a LOT.

Between the crazy weather, work and life demands, and the constant noise from all around us, it all adds up to extra stress.

You deserve a break, and we have just what you need: IV Therapy delivered in a calm, relaxing environment.

We offer a range of IV Therapies containing vital nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to help give you the boost you need. These include:

• MYERS COCKTAIL: An infusion of vitamins and minerals for an immune and energy boost.

• ENERGY: Turbo energy booster for fast recovery after stress or overwork.

• IMMUNE BOOST: Immune-boosting nutrients to prevent illness or aid in recovery.

• MIGRAINE MEND: Rapid relief from the agony of bad headaches or migraines.

• HANGOVER CURE: Get over any hangover and quickly recover your energy.

• SKIN GLOW: Rejuvenate your face and skin with that healthy glow.

You deserve to take great care of yourself, and we are here to help. Get all the info on our IV Therapy here:

IV Therapy - Wonderfully Made Functional Medicine IV therapy can give your body an instant lift by delivering vitamins, minerals, and amino acids right into your blood stream.

What's REALLY cutting across your weight loss? 01/23/2024

Ah, the weight loss stories that play out in our heads:

“This year, I’m going to succeed,” turns into, “Well, I tried… I guess I just don’t have the willpower.”

What if willpower had NOTHING to do with it? What if something else were at play in your inability to lose weight or keep it off?

If you’re doing everything you can to lose weight and it still doesn’t come off, then something deeper may be the culprit.

With our functional medicine approach, we dig in to find and address the underlying causes of your weight gain. These may include:

• Hormonal imbalances
• Low-functioning thyroid
• Sleep issues
• Insulin resistance
• Metabolic syndrome
• Chronic stress
• Candida
• PCOS (polycystic o***y syndrome)

Our holistic strategy is a one-two punch:

1. It helps you lose weight more easily because you no longer have an underlying issue preventing you.

2. It lays the foundation for your long-term health and wellness.

Learn more in our most recent blog post:

What's REALLY cutting across your weight loss? Weight loss can be frustrating and disappointing — but it doesn't have to be. Learn what may be at the root of your inability to lose weight.

Weight Loss - Wonderfully Made Functional Medicine 12/27/2023

🎉 It’s a new year — a great opportunity to start fresh and take charge of your weight and health!

Start 2024 with a personalized journey to weight loss and wellness with Dr. Wood at Wonderfully Made Functional Medicine.

Dr. Wood's unique approach goes beyond the scale. We dive deep into the ROOT CAUSES OF WEIGHT GAIN. We use advanced lab tests to uncover hidden factors like hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, and more.

It's not just about losing pounds; it's about gaining health and vitality!

• We offer a tailored weight loss program customized to your unique needs using scientific data from your lab results and medical history.

• Comprehensive treatment protocols include bioidentical hormone replacement, pharmaceutical-grade supplements, and personalized nutrition and fitness recommendations.

• Our focus is on holistic health. We address thyroid issues, sleep problems, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, chronic stress, candida, and PCOS.

With our personalized program, you'll experience benefits far beyond weight loss, including:

• Increased energy and mood improvement
• Enhanced memory and healthier skin
• Reduction in joint pain
• Relief from hot flashes or night sweats
• A boost in s*x drive

Weight loss is NOT a one-size-fits-all. Our program is highly individualized, focusing on the root cause of your weight gain, making it easier to lose weight and keep it off.

We’re ready to help you become as healthy as possible in the new year and beyond!

Learn more: https://wmfunctionalmedicine.com/weight-loss/

Weight Loss - Wonderfully Made Functional Medicine Highly individualized approach to weight lossin Frisco Texas, by finding the underlying causes for weight gain and addressing those issues.

Progesterone and Sleep - Wonderfully Made Functional Medicine 12/15/2023

It's the holiday season again — so sleep can be a luxury, particularly with all the activities, late-night present-wrapping, and stress.

But sleep is essential to keep all that holiday stress at bay. And for women, especially as we age, sleep problems can often come from more than just a busy schedule. Your hormone levels can be directly causing sleep issues.


As women enter perimenopause and menopause, hormones like estrogen and progesterone naturally decrease. And that can significantly affect sleep.

Plus, it's not just about sleep. These hormonal shifts can disrupt metabolic and immune functions, mental health, and physical well-being.


Lack of quality sleep isn't just about feeling tired. It can lead to irritability, memory issues, and more serious cognitive challenges.

And sleep medications may not be the best solution. They often don't let our bodies enter the crucial REM sleep stage, where much of the body's healing occurs.


Did you know that progesterone is sometimes called "Nature’s Va**um?" That's because it promotes calmness and relaxation. So, when your progesterone balance is low, it can directly affect your sleep.

When we balance progesterone, estrogen, and other hormones, it can dramatically improve your sleep.


We know you may not have time to have your hormone levels checked during the holidays, so try these at-home tips:

First, try to set up a consistent sleep schedule. It can work wonders in setting your body's natural rhythm. We know this can be tough during the holidays — but do your best!

Also, reduce blue light exposure from screens before bedtime. And create a restful sleep environment by keeping the room dark, cool, and quiet.

Also, moderation can be helpful, even during the holidays: limit caffeine and alcohol intake, particularly in the evenings, and try to eat a diet low in processed foods. But don't worry if you aren't eating and drinking "perfectly" — it's not about the one-off Christmas goodies; it's about consistent behaviors.


As we gather for festivities, let’s make our well-being a priority. It will make your holiday season far more enjoyable and less stressful.

Wishing you peaceful and restorative sleep this holiday season!

To learn more about how we can help you with your sleep issues:

Progesterone and Sleep - Wonderfully Made Functional Medicine If you're having trouble sleeping despite your best efforts, it might be progesterone. Learn how low progesterone can affect your sleep.

Progesterone and Sleep - Wonderfully Made Functional Medicine 11/17/2023

🌙 Struggling with sleep issues? It might be more than just stress or your environment — it could be your hormones!

As women age, changes in hormones like progesterone can significantly impact sleep quality. Low progesterone, often overlooked, is a common cause of sleep problems in aging women.

Progesterone, often called “Nature’s Va**um,” not only promotes better sleep but also eases anxiety and supports overall mental health.

🌿 At Wonderfully Made Functional Medicine, we specialize in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. Our approach is tailored, comprehensive, and dedicated to helping you achieve optimal vitality and sleep quality.

Balancing hormones like progesterone and estrogen could be the key to unlocking the restful sleep you deserve. Learn more in our latest blog post:


Progesterone and Sleep - Wonderfully Made Functional Medicine If you're having trouble sleeping despite your best efforts, it might be progesterone. Learn how low progesterone can affect your sleep.


Your body was wonderfully made, and it can be wonderfully healed.

You don’t have to live with unwanted symptoms and accept them. Here, we will work to find the underlying causes of your not feeling your best and address them.

We offer a wide array of services, including:

• Hormone Replacement
• Thyroid Treatment
• IV Therapy
• Ozone Therapy
• Adrenal Treatment
• Sexual Function

Learn more:


BioIdentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women - Wonderfully Made Functional Medicine 10/20/2023

How are you feeling these days?

Is your energy level high? Do you sleep well? Have a healthy s*x drive? A strong immune system?

If you answered “no” to any of these questions, you might very well have a hormone imbalance.

These symptoms aren’t something you have to “get used to” as you age. We can discover the exact cause of your symptoms and correct it with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy.

Learn more:

BioIdentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women - Wonderfully Made Functional Medicine Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy or BHRT for Women in Frisco TX can help to improve quality of life without unwanted side effects.

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9300 John Hickman Parkway
Frisco, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm

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