Celestial Healing HDQ

Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture, Herbal Remedies, Bodywork including Massage Therapy, Thai Massage, Reflexology, Deep Myofascial Connective Tissue


Please educate yourselves as to the effects of any supplements you may be taking. The majority out there are actually lab made and synthetic and are therefore unable to be completely metabolized. You may be surprised with all the knowledge there is to learn about their effects on the body and quickly come to realize the importance of choosing natural sources for your nutritional needs.


As life continues shifting for everyone during this unprecedented time, I invite you to reflect on how your body and mind feel in everything that you do. Find purpose in each pain. Breath into it, whether mental or physical and choose to feel peace in every moment. Each challenge is an opportunity for inner growth and awakening. So much suffering can be transformed when we become mindful of how our thoughts, feelings, words and deeds make us feel. Awareness is a personal training tool that can allow us to transcend our old patterns and introduce us to functional living in each present moment. If we can cultivate our awareness, we can discover the subtle changes we can implement in order to recover from every injury caused by trauma or repetitive action that places stressors on our bodies. Let our breath guide us into the ergonomics our body needs to continue to promote a resilient and adaptive inner landscape. Learn to cultivate your innate capacity for self healing with a tranquil presence of mind that is within each one of us.

Why You Should Never Drink Cold Water 07/30/2017

In my studies, I learned many reasons to avoid iced beverages and icy foods especially when eating or experiencing a woman's moon cycle. This article illustrates why! Alternatively, I have heard one beneficial reason for drinking cold water is during times of craving sweets. Sometimes that craving is due to dehydration and cool water may help assuage the craving. Yours in health ❤️

Why You Should Never Drink Cold Water There's nothing like a cup of cold water with ice on a sunny day, but is that the best way to hydrate? Cold water may not be as good for you as you think.


If anyone out there has been looking for a reason to get your practice started again, today is International Yoga Day. What a great incentive to get your (yoga) flow on!

Does Coffee Raise Cholesterol? - Ask Dr. Weil 01/03/2017

Some relatively old news that may be a first time heard for some. Here is a little eye-opener from a study done back in 2001 on the link between unfiltered coffee, diterpenes and cholesterol

Does Coffee Raise Cholesterol? - Ask Dr. Weil I have used a French press coffeepot for years, but I recently heard unfiltered coffee could raise LDL cholesterol levels. Is French press coffee okay in moderation, or should it be avoided outright?

Cleansing with the Seasons 12/20/2016

Winter solstice begins shortly after the strike of midnight tonight at 12:24 am! I have been thinking a lot about seasonal changes, the transitional time in which the earth element resides. The few days before and some days after the change are great days to purge ourselves of the residual character effects of the previous season to make room for the new season. Doing this helps prepare ourselves for the coming change. This post comes a little late but is intended to plant seeds for next season change and also, we are still in this earth element and hey, a few days are better than none! There is a lot of info on this but I ran into this articles that I think is interesting and relevant though not a complete compendium on the subject but a great platform for more exploration. Happy winter solstice everyone!May we be kind to ourselves during this transition and always.

Cleansing with the Seasons This month is about going with the flow and creating more ease in our daily lives and body temples. Another aspect of cyclic living is cleansing with the seasons. The elements (mentioned in last we…


Whether you think you can or think you can't, you are right!

6 Watermelon Facts That Might Surprise You 11/20/2016

I know it's not in season now but here is some interesting info on watermelon, one of the most healthy foods out there!

6 Watermelon Facts That Might Surprise You Did you know that watermelon has more lycopene than raw tomatoes? Read more watermelon facts here.

13 Lemon Remedies That Work 11/14/2016

Simply because I love lemons!

13 Lemon Remedies That Work Based on my passion for writing, I have met many interesting people who have expressed some pretty forward-thinking ideas and concepts. One woman, in particular, focused on how you can overcome cancer by changing your lifestyle — something which she...

114-Year-Old Man Attributes Good Health to These 5 Foods 08/09/2016

Interview with a ... Close! 115 year old man shares recipes and 5 foods he eats everyday.

114-Year-Old Man Attributes Good Health to These 5 Foods Bernando LaPallo turned 114 years old on August 13, 2015. LaPallo is from the East Valley in Arizona and says that simple lifestyle and dietary protocols have helped him reach his old age and still feel very well at that. He even owns the website, Age Less...

How Gratitude Can Improve Your Health and Wellbeing 08/05/2016

Another great article about a simple yet powerful exercise that is priceless.

How Gratitude Can Improve Your Health and Wellbeing People who are thankful for what they have are better able to cope with stress, have more positive emotions and less anxiety.

Try These Coconut-Infused, Thyroid-Boosting Brownies 08/05/2016

OMGoooodness ... This recipe looks too incredible not to share! I haven't actually made it yet but with this combination of ingredients, I imagine it would be delicious and nutritious. Lemme know what you think 😋

Try These Coconut-Infused, Thyroid-Boosting Brownies These brownies are not only dark, rich and delicious, but they’re also healthier thanks to the addition of coconut flour and coconut oil. While brownies may not be a cure-all for hypothyroidism, you can certainly give your sluggish thyroid and metabolism...

11 Little-Known Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide 07/01/2016

There is most likely a notoriously brown and square shaped bottle under your bathroom sink costing less than a dollar that may be getting overlooked for many of its health and beauty properties. Check out some perhaps surprising uses here:

11 Little-Known Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide There’s a bottle in your house that cost less than a dollar that can replace a lot of expensive cleaners, health, and beauty supplies. Hydrogen Peroxide is one of the most over looked solutions to many things. Here's

This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Ingest Okra 01/12/2016

I was visiting a family member in the hospital a few weeks ago when a slightly haggard niece walks into the floors family room. I had seen her the day before when I had been opening up a bit about my reasons for visiting the hospital to a friend of hers. She opened up a bit to tell me she herself was in the hospital to visit her diabetic uncle. Turns out after experiencing some stomach pain, an abdominal ct discovered a screw like ufo object in his intestine. I suggested a few mucilage nous things including marshmallow root, slippery elm and okra. I hope they got the thing out safely ! Here's more info on okra. Some of it may surprise you in a good way! http://www.collective-evolution.com/2016/01/05/this-is-what-happens-to-your-body-when-you-ingest-okra/

This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Ingest Okra “Humans live on one-quarter of what they eat; on the other three-quarters lives their doctor.” – Egyptian pyramid inscription, 3800 B.C. Abelmoschus esculentus or Hibiscus esculentus, also known as Okra, is a widely used vegetable all over the world. Not many people like it because of its ‘slimy’ te…


To anyone experiencing sadness for whatever reason, the Apache tear stone works remarkably well. Ask it to help remove sadness while holding it up to your heart and begin to feel it's natural healing take hold in a powerful way! It absorbs the vibes so be sure to give it a rinse with running water while imagining it as pure crystalline water structure from an untouched waterfall flowing over it and washing It of all impurities. Breathe a sign of relief! They are super beautiful stones and super inexpensive too. look at it while shining a small flashlight behind it and see something amazing 🌟


I'm thinking about the benefits of music therapy. Then, all of a sudden… I hear a commercial on Pandora. A CIGNA customer is saying how important it is to have good health. I'm thinking, "this is a great time of year to have a commercial for a health insurance company."then, just as I think CIGNA is about to advertise for some campaign of theirs, they suggest visiting their music radio stations to hear some music therapy. OK not in so many words but I think you get the jist. What an interesting ka ;-) a d**k

Kali Yuga – When Did it End and What Lies Ahead? 11/16/2015

Food for thought

Kali Yuga – When Did it End and What Lies Ahead? Sadhguru explains the science of the four yugas, and calculates the timeline of Kali Yuga and the coming shift in human consciousness in 70 years.

Most Effective Way to Reduce Phytic Acid in Brown Rice 08/16/2015

I was happily surprised when I stumbled on an article today in my quest to prepare a most nutritional kind of rice and read about a tip that my friend Aaron Pigue taught me years ago. This article, from 2010, shares this same rapid fermentation process one can implement to remove up to 96% of phytic acid, the constituent in brown rice that inadvertently inhibits the many health benefits of the rice. Check it out and learn for yourself how to easily prepare brown rice into a food source where it's nutritional benefits can be absorbed and reclaim this food source as a moderately implemented part of a healthy diet!

Most Effective Way to Reduce Phytic Acid in Brown Rice A fairly simple method for soaking brown rice, similar to sourdough fermentation, that reduces phytic acid almost completely, twice as effective as germinated brown rice.

The Real Reason You’re Craving These 7 Foods 04/17/2015


The Real Reason You’re Craving These 7 Foods Before you reach for a piece of cake, bowl of pasta, or glass of soda check to see if your emotions may be to blame for your cravings – and learn the smart ways to combat them.

Unhappy Meals - Michael Pollan - New York Times 02/18/2015

amazing that this article was written almost 10 years ago! There has been such a huge capitalist and consumerist movement of selling nutrients when what we really need is a variety of food grown in healthy soil. So much research and production has gone into the making and distribution of lab based nutrients while at the same time, soil amendment and making cooking and eating real food could be prioritized. Our ancestors have been eating real food for so many millenia. It's only recently that these lab created nutrients have been consumed. Although I do believe that megadosing on deficient nutrients is beneficial for the short term, eating a variety of whole and fresh foods grown in a healthy nutritive environment along with basic things like 30 minutes of walking a day, clean water, laughter, meditation, sunshine and a fullfilling social network is the best for long term health. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/28/magazine/28nutritionism.t.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0

Unhappy Meals - Michael Pollan - New York Times The story of how basic questions about what to eat got so complicated reveals a great deal about the institutional imperatives of the food industry, nutritional science and journalism.


Imagine your being is a garden. The elements visit as they do. Offering light, rain, cold, heat, an ever eternal brew. There may be a flood a fire, a draught or a typhoon. Whatever it may be, whatever the damage, these things shall pass soon. Imagine your garden growing naturally, seeds sprouting straight out of the earth either nature sown or manually. Their root's strength dependent on the earth's fortitude and tremendous fertilization, amended soil and gratitude. Now imagine your garden growing with the fruits of your mental attitude. What nutrients do you give your soul? Consider this it's first magnitude. Beauty, life, vitality is a process like your being continually breaking down and building up, the possibilities are freeing. Feed your body in the way you would imagine your garden to grow. Feed your soul in the way you would imagine your garden to flow. Feed your mind in the way you would imagine your garden to know. Your garden is how you make it. Sow healthy seeds, amend with pure soil, w**d what doesn't bring about your highest vision so that your treasures will have space, love and light to fulfill its mission.


Super awesome trick for pickling perfection taught to me today by my God mother: dissolve salt in water thoroughly. Correct ratio is reached when an uncooked egg floats (unless the egg is bad because it will float regardless)

This Is The Best Thing You Can Do For Your Child's Brain 02/03/2015

Simple healthy interactions with young ones fortifies their brain, enhances bonding and so much more


This Is The Best Thing You Can Do For Your Child's Brain If there existed one, simple thing you could do to improve your child's performance every day at school, in addition to their long-term educational and health outcomes, earnings, and family

Timeline photos 02/03/2015

awakening meditation facts


working on my new business card..... daaaang I've learned a lot of things in this life and so gratefully so. I'm ready to put it all in action in this commUnity


working day and night to get this biz started on Monday and am also going to start working at a community acupuncture center to serve my community even more. Things are evolving.

Turmeric Smoothie Recipe Makes A Delicious & Powerful Antioxidant 01/30/2015

yummy sounding but still need more ingredients for this one

Turmeric Smoothie Recipe Makes A Delicious & Powerful Antioxidant How would you like to start your day with an awesome antioxidant packed smoothie that has a ton of medicinal properties as well? This turmeric smoothie recipe is perfect for that. The Benefits of Turmeric Turmeric is a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plant of the ginger family. The average person m…


Milk with cereal in the am? As this may be a commonplace staple for many, there may be better, more nutritious alternatives out there. Milk may add a few grams of protein, calcium and other nutrients but it also adds a lot of insulin (due to its high concentration of insulinogenic amino acids Leucine, isoleucine, valine and lycine) as well as a whole barrage of other unsavory things. Foods high in insulin along with a substantial amount of carbs, oftentimes empty dead dried up ones, does not do a body good. Don't get me wrong, insulin levels increase when it is needed in the body to transport nutrients into cells like protein and glycogen into muscles, but chronically elevated insulin levels eventually tire out our insulin markers and lead to the ever dreadful insulin resistance state that is the precursor to type II diabetes. For people with healthy insulin responses who engage in glycolytic activity, starch in moderation is fine and even beneficial. Low protein and high carb food choices catapult our bodies into a form of gymnastics that wreak havoc on our hormones and that is not so fun. We are so lucky! We have choices we can make. If protecting your body from the effects of insulin spikes in your body is important to you, choose an alternative like unsweetened almond milk and maybe a different choice for breakfast in the morning that has a higher protein to carb ratio. Be wary of the tried and really not so true food choices that have become infiltrated through mainstream propaghanda. Do your own research on what is healthy and feel empowered in mind body and soul through your food choices while at the same time being a great role model for the ones you love around you.


Hello friends and family! It is with great joy to announce beginning Monday, February 2nd, I will be offering acupuncture, herbs and bodywork at a beautiful sanctuary of a space in casselberry (suburb north of Orlando). To get the ball rolling, for the month of February, I will be offering the first-time visit for whatever you can afford to whatever you would like to offer in exchange for a testimonial, yelp review, special sauce props and especially word of mouth recommendations to the people in your life. There are also other package deals on top of that and I am excited about hiring an insurance biller, too. I look forward to serving these healing modalities to the community back home finally after graduating from Dragon rises 3 years ago. Please send me a private message and we'll set up a time together. Thank you and Namaste.


According to the to***co free kids website, nearly 3,000 kids become regular smokers everyday. Tonight, I heard on the radio it takes 2 days to form a cigarette addiction habit. The NADA protocol prescribes 5 ear acupuncture points over a consecutive 4 days for the body/mind to relinquish control over the claws of addiction, particularly when the person is ready and willing. If you are ready to let the grip of an addiction go, this might be the protocol for you. Let me know and we can work together to allow the ancient art of auricular therapy to allow for a new beginning free from substance dependency.

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