Busy Day Go! Ayurveda

Busy Day Go! Ayurveda offers pure, organic products formulated for individual health concerns Many of the products are made from herbs and flowers grown locally.

Ayurveda offers pure, organic products designed to assist the Ayurvedic lifestyle. No big batches of oils or mass production of supplements and Busy Day Go! Ayurveda is committed to keeping it that way. Your order will be packed and shipped quickly with the same care. Committed to bringing Peace and Health into your Life …one bottle at a time.


Happy September 1st! Busy Day Go! Ayurveda monthly special, helps keep Vata in check!

High Vata Rub | BusyDayGoAyurveda 09/01/2024

Happy September 1st! Get ready for the Fall Season-Vata Season...keep Vata in check easily with this popular product from Busy Day Go! Ayurveda Vata is exhibited by dry and lightness of the mind, restlessness, dizziness, feeling un grounded. The cold Nature of Vata may also create poor circulation, muscle spasm or constriction,constipation, bloating, gas, pain and aches, and tightness.

High Vata Rub | BusyDayGoAyurveda Vata is exhibited by dry and lightness of the mind, restlessness, dizziness, feeling un grounded. The cold Nature of Vata may also create poor circulation, muscle spasm or constriction,constipation, bloating, gas, pain and aches, and tightness

Butterfly Pea Flower Tea | BusyDayGoAyurveda 08/30/2024

Last 2 days to take advantage of the savings! Busy Day Go! Ayurveda's Monthly Special! Butterfly pea, a traditional Ayurvedic medicine, has been used for centuries as a memory enhancer, nootropic, anti-stress, anxiolytic, antidepressant, anti-convulsant, tranquilizing and sedative agent.

Butterfly Pea Flower Tea | BusyDayGoAyurveda Butterfly pea, a traditional Ayurvedic medicine, has been used for centuries as a memory enhancer, nootropic, antistress, anxiolytic, antidepressant, anticonvulsant, tranquilizing and sedative agent.


The number 1 cause of dis ease and illness is chronic stress. Yoga and Meditation is the number 1 recommended relief for chronic stress. A regular practice, whether in the morning or evening, can help regulate your stress levels get rid of unnecessary anxiety and tension, and begin to relax your body and mind. Yoga and meditation can also get at those underlying causes of your stress by helping you explore your emotions and release the unproductive ones. Join https://www.facebook.com/skyoftheheartyoga/ classes at anytime for live real time, interactive Kundalini Yoga & Meditation classes via Skype. De stress with Yoga!

Granthi Serum-Dupuytren Contracture | BusyDayGoAyurveda 08/14/2024

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Dupuytren's Contracture
Dupuytren's contracture is also known as Dupuytren's disease, and is a comparatively uncommon condition in which the connective tissue beneath the skin of the palm gradually contracts and thickens, thus causing a deformity of the hand, with contracture of the ring finger and little finger. A family history of this condition, diabetes, and history of to***co and alcohol use are known risk factors for this condition. Physiotherapy forms an important part of the management of this condition.
Ayurvedic Concept:
Fibroids and tumors of any type can be related to the "Arbuda" and "Granthi" mentioned in Ayurvedic texts. Due to various causes of imbalance of the three doshas-Vata (air) Pitta (fire) and Kapha (water) excess weight, high intake of meat, saturated fat, dairy products, sugar, chocolates, caffeine, drugs and alcohol, these doshas become imbalanced and vitiate the mamsa (muscle fibers) of any part of the body. They give rise to the origin of Arbuda.
In Arbuda, blood and meda (fatty constituents) are also vitiated. Therefore, in the initiation of tumors or fibroids, the three doshas, as well as, the vitiation of Mamsa (muscle fibers), fat and blood play an important part.
Ayurvedic herbal treatment for Dupuytren's contracture is aimed at treating the contracture of the connective tissue in the palm, which is the main cause for this condition. It is important to diagnose this condition and start treatment at the earliest, in order to obtain maximum benefit from treatment, and avoid long term disability. Ayurvedic herbal medicines which have a specific action on muscles, tendons, and connective tissue are used in the management of this condition. Anti-inflammatory medicines also have a role to play in the management of Dupuytren's contracture.
While the main treatment of this condition is in the form of oral medication, it can also be supplemented with localised therapy. This is done in the form of application of medicated oils, and herbal plasters, which can be followed up with medicated steam fomentation. Local therapy helps in bringing about relief from muscular spasm and pain, and delay the contracture process. Thickening and contracture of the connective tissue can also be directly treated with herbal medicines which are known to reduce fibrosis and help in the generation of normal tissue.
Depending upon the stage of presentation of the affected individual, treatment is usually required from periods ranging from 2 to 4 months in order to bring about significant relief in this medical condition.
How can Busy Day Go! Ayurveda help?
Ayurvedic herbal treatments have a significant role to play in the management and treatment of Arbuda fibrous tissue condition.
Granthi Serum applying a drop to affected area every morning will heal and shrink tumors. A unique blend of 7 essential oils macerated with Ayurvedic herbs that have been shown to stop the process of apoptosis by deactivating a protein nuclear factor Kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells. When this protein is inactive, Granthi cells stop repairing themselves and die. Allow serum to be absoprbed and then blot any excess to prevent stainfg if clothes Dupuytren Evening Magnesium Oil applying to masses in palm of hands nightly to shrink masses and heal Dupuytren's progression. 10 essential oils in a base of magnesium oil shown to alleviate the growth and progression of Arbuda. Apply every evening for 2-3 months and then wrap hands in hot towels or use before a full body steam.

Granthi Serum-Dupuytren Contracture | BusyDayGoAyurveda Granthi Serum applying a drop to affected area every morning will heal and shrink tumors. A unique blend of 7 essential oils macerated with Ayurvedic herbs that have been shown to stop the process of apoptosis by deactivating a protein nuclear factor Kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells.....

Butterfly Pea Flower Tea | BusyDayGoAyurveda 08/14/2024

Busy Day Go! Ayurveda's Monthly Special! Butterfly pea, a traditional Ayurvedic medicine, has been used for centuries as a memory enhancer, nootropic, anti-stress, anxiolytic, antidepressant, anti-convulsant, tranquilizing and sedative agent.

Butterfly Pea Flower Tea | BusyDayGoAyurveda Butterfly pea, a traditional Ayurvedic medicine, has been used for centuries as a memory enhancer, nootropic, antistress, anxiolytic, antidepressant, anticonvulsant, tranquilizing and sedative agent.

Cooling Rose Facial Spray | BusyDayGoAyurveda 07/08/2024

July Busy Day Go! Monthly Special. Just in time for the HEAT of Pitta Season! Save now
Rose has a long standing use in Ayurvedic medicine as a healer of the heart and mind. It calms even the most volatile tempers as it releases heat from the body.

Cooling Rose Facial Spray | BusyDayGoAyurveda Calms and Balances high Pitta Spray onto face and neck to cool down and refresh during hot Summer months. Rejuvenates and tones the skin as well.


Ayurveda and Allergies
Allergies are caused and prevented by the body’s ability to accept or reject ingested substances. The Sanskrit word Satmya means tolerance, describing that to which the body is accustomed. Asatmya is intolerance, describing that to which the body is unaccustomed. There are several causative factors that determine the type and severity of a reaction to an allergen in the body.
We are in Pitta Season (Summer) so regardless of your predominant dosha everyone is affected by the Seasonal Dosha.

Cause: Pitta aggravating diet and lifestyle, too much sun, insect bites, contact with chemicals
Pre-symptom signs: Aversion to heat, thirst, feeling hot, gnawing hunger
Symptoms: Rashes, hives, redness, skin inflammation, itching, vomiting, burning or dark colored urine, severe reactions, headaches


Be Blessed, Be Safe, Be Free 🇺🇲

Cooling Rose Facial Spray | BusyDayGoAyurveda 07/02/2024

We have entered the Pitta Season with the heat of Summer.
Some imbalances of the Pitta Dosha are exhibited as heat in the body, such as red eyes, heartburn, flushed skin, rashes (especially hives and heat rash) Rose has a long standing use in Ayurvedic medicine as a healer of the heart and mind. It calms even the most volatile tempers as it releases heat from the body. Excellent for healing and balancing emotions that arise from a detox cleanse. This spray Calms and Balances high Pitta.
Spray onto face and neck to cool down and refresh during hot Summer months. Rejuvenates and tones the skin as well.

Cooling Rose Facial Spray | BusyDayGoAyurveda Calms and Balances high Pitta Spray onto face and neck to cool down and refresh during hot Summer months. Rejuvenates and tones the skin as well.


Health Benefits of Tulasi (Holy Basil) in Ayurveda

Studies have shown that Tulasi can increase the activity of immune cells, thereby protecting the body against infections and diseases. Whether consumed as a tea, tincture, or fresh leaves, Holy basil provides valuable immune support throughout the year


Ayurveda has mentioned the benefits of 'ishnaan' - cold showers for everything from immunity to circulation. Find out how this effective therapy can benefit you greatly.
Ishnaan is the therapy if you want robust energy, look good, feel good, be pain-free and have optimum circulation in the body. The great part about this therapy is that it does not cost a thing! and that you already have the 'items' needed to do this healing work....right in your shower.

Ishnaan is a form of hydrotherapy which taps into the power of cold water and gets your lymphatic system to 'wake-up' and start detoxifying. It has been used since ages in India for its benefits and even without knowing, all over the world!

And this therapy has been taking place since the beginning of time - since man walked on Earth. When cave men had to clean, they didn't turn on some warm tap water! They took bath in cold rain or valley or cold rivers...

Still, the whole world enjoys cold showers and its benefits, and many times without even knowing about it. Think about it - when people travel on camping trips and take shower in the cold lakes and rivers or even swim in the sea, then this is cold water therapy taking place! Yes, this is not in the 'shower' but the cold water has the same benefits whether you jump in the bath or cold lake.

What Is Ishnaan?

Ishnaan is a cold water therapy - also called as yogic cold shower. Basically, you get into cold water and let the body detox. It activates the body's cleansing power by opening the capillaries and allowing the toxins to come out.



Kicheree Cleanse Kit | BusyDayGoAyurveda 06/19/2024

Everything you need to begin a quick and easy healing, rejuvenating week long cleanse is put together in this kit. All organic, all lovingly prepared, and shipped right to your door with instructions. Kicheree, Vedic Spice Churna, Ghee, Basmati Rice, Yogi Spice Tea.

Kicheree Cleanse Kit | BusyDayGoAyurveda Everything you need to begin a quick and easy healing, rejuvenating week long cleanse is put together in this kit. All organic, all lovingly prepared, and shipped right to your door with instructions. Kicheree, Vedic Spice Churna, Ghee, Basmati Rice, Yogi Spice Tea.


Butterfly pea, a traditional Ayurvedic medicine, has been used for centuries as a memory enhancer, nootropic, antistress, anxiolytic, antidepressant, anticonvulsant, tranquilizing and sedative agent. So happy I've been able to grow it this year ❣️
Purchase it here:

Lung Support Serum | BusyDayGoAyurveda 06/12/2024

This specially formulated serum purifies lungs and assists free breathing. By using these Ayurvedic herbs and essential oils immunity is strengthened and the lungs are healed.

Lung Support Serum | BusyDayGoAyurveda Lung Support Serum was developed to assist in rejuvenating the lungs from viruses which target the lungs including COVID. Use during and after toxic exposure and infections to help repair damage and return to healthy oxygenation levels.This specially formulated serum purifies lungs and assists free....


Ayurveda and Uterine Health
Rebecca Farley aka Guru Ravi

According to Ayurveda, most chronic disease come about when toxins (ama) accumulate in tissues and start to disrupt the delicate balance of the tissues. Toxic build up can also obstruct the channels of circulation and elimination in the affected areas. This blockage prevents proper nutrition from reaching the tissues and also prevents the removal of the tissue waste. As a result of this toxic buildup, the natural defenses are lowered and the natural biological rhythms are disrupted.

This is the very process whereby all chronic disease, including endometriosis, cysts, fibroid tumors, IBS, PCOS, pr*****ed uterus is created. In the case of endometriosis and fibroid tumors specifically, chronic toxin accumulation in the reproductive tissue irritates the tissue into responses that result in the slow accumulation of excess tissue (Kapha imbalance) Since the accumulation of ama is the underlying factor here, it is vital to stop the process of ama creation and accumulation. This can be done through various means including: improving digestion by regulating the digestive fire (Agni), eating foods that are nourishing and easy to digest, ensuring proper elimination, using Ayurvedic herbs, and by balancing the mind.

Since disease is a result of toxin accumulation, poor nutrition, poor digestion, and imbalances of the mind and nervous system, treatment must include steps to correct the imbalances and reverse the process of disease. The goal of the Ayurvedic approach is to enliven the body's natural self-healing abilities to not only treat uterine dis-ease, but also to prevent dis-ease in general and create a state of health and well-being.

In our present time a large number of women suffer from formation of fibroids/cysts
The fibroids/cysts can be dissolved by Yoga, diet, herbs, and lifestyle. Hysterectomy should only be considered as a last option, even Western Medicine is now looking at it as a last option as many complications may be experienced during the surgery. The colon and uterus are seats of "Prana" the life force which keeps us alive, forms new cells and drives our breath. Hysterectomy is seen to disturb the balance of prana and hormones, causing obesity and other post-menopause symptoms post surgery.

Risks of a Hysterectomy
As with any surgical procedure, there are some risks that may occur. These include bleeding, infection, problems from anesthesia, blood clots, or death (rare). Some other problems that have been reported after hysterectomy include irritable bowel syndrome, incontinence, damage to the urethra or bowel, prolapse of the va**na, back pain, or loss of sexual feeling or function. Depending on the type of procedure you undergo, these risks may be more or less common.

Ayurvedic Concept:

Fibroids/cysts PCOS can be related to the "Arbuda" and "Granthi" mentioned in Ayurvedic texts. Due to various causes of imbalance of mainly Kapha dosha, high intake of fatty meat, saturated fat, excess dairy products, sugar, chocolates, caffeine, drugs and alcohol, doshas become imbalanced and vitiate the mamsa (muscle fibers) of any part of the body. They give rise to the origin of Arbuda.

In Arbuda, blood and meda (fatty constituents) are also vitiated. Therefore, in the initiation of tumors or cysts the vitiation of Mamsa (muscle fibers), fat and blood play an important part.

Dry, light, warming, pungent and bitter are tastes that balance Kapha. Aloe Vera rejuvenates liver and spleen and enlivens their functions to the highest efficiency, iimproved digestion are the first results to be experienced. Increased efficiency of large intestines and colon aids the detox process. Shatavari, Shilijit, Purnarnava, Tulsi, Turmeric, Ashoka, and Kanchnar Guggul is also suggested. See your Ayurvedic Practitioner/Doctor for a more tuned and focused formulated protocol.

Ayurvedic Treatments

Lepa Tarpana plasters on the pelvic region and alternating hot and cold sitz baths have helped many shrink arbuda cysts and fibroids and prevent others from forming.

Chumana Pulu Oil Treatments utilizing Marma Point Therapy is very helpful in relieving pain and shrinking fibroid-tumor size.

A liver cleanse and Pancha Karma are recommended.

Svedana (steam therapy) Medicated Abhyanga (daily self massage}.

For an appointment or consultation contact

Guru Ravi Kaur-Ayurvedic Practitioner
[email protected]



Kicheree Cleanse Kit | BusyDayGoAyurveda 05/23/2024

Everything you need to begin a quick and easy healing, rejuvenating week long cleanse is put together in this kit. All organic, all lovingly prepared, and shipped right to your door with instructions. Kicheree, Vedic Spice Churna, Ghee, Basmati Rice, Yogi Spice Tea.

Kicheree Cleanse Kit | BusyDayGoAyurveda


Taught the Aerobic and Capacity and Efficiency Kriya this morning. This kriya with only one exercise has a massive impact on the body and nervous system and builds stamina. It increases the efficiency of the lungs in bringing oxygen into the blood. It pressurizes the heart to regulate itself and adjusts the various heart muscles to co-operate with each other.

Disease develops when the body gets less oxygen, eliminates less waste, and the brain, organs, and glands decrease their functioning. Eventually the system breaks down. This kriya helps to prevent that breakdown, and maintains your vital capacity as you age.

This kriya also helps the kidneys and adrenals


Our system has what is called a "reserve force". It is a meditating power that is the cooperation among the hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal. Medical science has not totally understood it, neither has it reached it. The body mechanism is under the control of this trinity: It is called the trinity of the life psyche.
Kundalini Yoga is a simple methodical system to reach that reserve of the psyche. Yoga is Ayurveda's exercise system assisting in the balance of mind, spirit and body.


Asparagus is the ultimate cleansing food. It's been used for millennia in traditional medicine to help flush toxins and waste from the body. In ancient Greece and Rome, physicians relied on this green veggie to detoxify the kidneys and prevent urinary problems. Later, Native Americans used it for this same purpose.
But that's not just folklore. There's real science behind these uses.
See, asparagus is rich in potassium and low in sodium. It also contains an amino acid called asparagines. Taken together, these ingredients make asparagus an excellent diuretic. It increases your output of urine, which in turn helps flush out waste.
Asparagus can also help move irritating substances, including bacteria, from the urinary tract and out of the body. That's great news for anyone prone to urinary tract infections and bladder problems.
But the benefits of this superfood don't stop there...
A Nutritional Powerhouse...
There's no doubt about it: Asparagus is one of nature's healthiest vegetables. Along with potassium, it's also an excellent source of many other vitamins and minerals necessary for optimal health.
Specifically, asparagus contains vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), and B9 (folic acid). It's also high in calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, copper, manganese, selenium, and chromium.
Asparagus is a real superstar when it comes to some of these nutrients. For example, one cup of asparagus contains 60 percent of the recommended daily value for folic acid, a B vitamin crucial for cardiovascular health and the prevention of certain cancers and birth defects.
Asparagus is also rich in vitamin C, which the body needs to maintain healthy skin and connective tissue. It's also high in dietary fiber, so noshing on it will keep your cholesterol low and your digestion regular.
Plus, asparagus has about half of the daily recommended amount of vitamin K - important for strong bones, blood clotting, and wound healing. In fact, several studies suggest that regular consumption of asparagus appears to help keep blood pressure from rising.
A Potent Disease Fighter...
It's obvious that asparagus is a real standout in the produce aisle. But it's the abundance of other powerful compounds that make this veggie really special. That's because it contains plant chemicals that have remarkable health benefits.
One of these compounds, rutin, plays double duty. It's an antioxidant that also acts as an anti-inflammatory. That means that asparagus might help ease symptoms of arthritis. Rutin helps keep blood vessels strong and flexible, too, making it a boon for people with cardiovascular concerns.
Got tummy troubles? Asparagus can help improve digestion, thanks to its content of inulin, a special type of prebiotic carbohydrate that fosters the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut.
Even more exciting, asparagus is the highest dietary source of glutathione, a potent antioxidant that fights damage from cancer-causing compounds. It's also packed with saponins, substances that are being investigated in the lab for their effects on human and animal cancer cells. And asparagus contains chemicals called histones, which help block the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells.


Busy Day Go! Ayurveda's Monthly Special is the popular Healthy Thyroid Serum. Our tiny thyroid gland controls metabolism, heartbeat, energy production and internal temperature. Environmental toxins and endocrine disruptors in the diet and in the products applied to the skin all have a detrimental effect on the thyroid and parathyroid glands!

Healthy Thyroid Serum is a unique and fragrant blend of 7 essential oils macerated with Ayurvedic herbs purnarava, jatamansi,& guggulu that brings healing energy to the thyroid. Use in conjunction with Healthy Thyroid Spray and Healthy Thyroid Formula for diagnosed thyroid disorders.

Save $10 while you give your thyroid the needed boost to fight off environmental and internal attacks!

Order here:


Ayurvedic medicine promotes the importance of including spices and herbs in your daily diet
Spices and herbs are seen as concentrated forms of Nature’s healing intelligence. They are particularly revered in ayurveda for their ability to enhance digestion and assimilation, and they help cleanse ama (toxins) from the body. Eating dishes cooked with a variety of spices and herbs helps the process of digestion; chewing fennel seeds after a meal also helps digestion and freshens breath naturally. www.busydaygo.com

Skype Kundalini Yoga Classes-1 month | BusyDayGoAyurveda 04/15/2024

Yoga is Ayurveda's Sister Science.
Yoga is better with a friend! Join for the month of April and a friend practices for FREE!
A sustained Yoga practice results in reductions of stress and anxiety and can help us avoid the many illnesses that are associated with chronic stress and adrenal fatigue. Additionally, when practicing yoga your physical stamina and strength will tend to increase, improving self-esteem, reducing self-doubt, and allowing for a calmer mind. For the rest of the month of April sign up for the month and a friend practices for free. Yoga is better with a friend!

Skype Kundalini Yoga Classes-1 month | BusyDayGoAyurveda Skype Sky of the Heart YogaTimes:Wednesday and Friday 6-6:50 am Getting started:If you don't already have a Skype account; Download Skype and set up an account (free) You may choose to download a version that can be viewed across all of your devices...on a smart phone, PC, tablet, TV.Send me your Sk...

Yogi Tea (Spiced Chai Tea) | BusyDayGoAyurveda 04/12/2024

Hand grinding some fresh healing spices...any takers?

Yogi Tea (Spiced Chai Tea) | BusyDayGoAyurveda Yogi Tea is a spice tea specially prepared according to tradition. It is reminiscent of Chai Tea but unlike Chai it is prepared with all whole, organic spices, incredibly healing and contains no oil flavorings or sugars, as do so many on the market and in coffee shoppes. May even be used as a cleans...

Early Spring Cleanse | BusyDayGoAyurveda 04/09/2024

An Early Spring Cleanse is now available at Busy Day Go! Ayurveda, April 19-21

Early Spring Cleanse | BusyDayGoAyurveda An Early Spring Cleanse is now available at Busy Day Go! Ayurveda, April 19-21Spring is the pefect time to cleanse! Shed the sluggishness of Winter Ayurveda offers gentle and time-tested methods for cleansing and resetting. An ayurvedic spring cleanse can be a fitting way to practice self-care and r...

Early Spring Cleanse | BusyDayGoAyurveda 04/09/2024

An Early Spring Cleanse is now available at Busy Day Go! Ayurveda, April 19-21

Early Spring Cleanse | BusyDayGoAyurveda An Early Spring Cleanse is now available at Busy Day Go! Ayurveda, April 19-21Spring is the pefect time to cleanse! Shed the sluggishness of Winter Ayurveda offers gentle and time-tested methods for cleansing and resetting. An ayurvedic spring cleanse can be a fitting way to practice self-care and r...


Yoga is better with a friend! Join for the month of April and a friend practices for FREE!
A sustained Yoga practice results in reductions of stress and anxiety and can help us avoid the many illnesses that are associated with chronic stress and adrenal fatigue. Additionally, when practicing yoga your physical stamina and strength will tend to increase, improving self-esteem, reducing self-doubt, and allowing for a calmer mind. For the rest of the month of April sign up for the month and a friend practices for free. Yoga is better with a friend!


Vata season our bodies tend to take on those qualities that pacify Vata — heavy, sweet, dense, and oily. These qualities are Kapha by nature and exactly balance Vata. This is the ayurvedic principle of opposites balancing each other.

Now that it is Kapha season and our body has been accumulating Kapha during Vata season, it's a good idea to do some kind of cleanse to have a clean slate. Spring-cleaning is a good idea, inside and out! The classic ayurvedic cleanse is called Virechana. Ask your ayurvedic physician if a Virechana spring cleanse would be good for you.

Here are some good tips for Kapha season that you can follow on your own. Make sure that lunch is your big meal of the day, so you aren't asking your body to digest a big meal during sluggish Kapha times like early morning or evening. Food should be well cooked, not raw for the most part. Make a little ginger pickle to eat about 10 minutes before meals — chop fresh ginger into small pieces and add a dash of salt and a sq**rt of fresh lemon juice.

Food can be spicier this time of year and it's also good to add bitter and astringent tastes. Cooked green leafy vegetables are bitter and legumes are astringent. Raw honey helps liquefy Kapha and move it out of the system.

Consider a Cleanse. Springtime is the PERFECT time to cleanse.

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Busy Day Go! Ayurveda March Special...our popular Adrenal Support Serum! Massage across lower back to help maintain home...


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