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Healing Spell 💫


Rito per realizzare un desiderio.

- foglietto di carta e penna;
- fagioli secchi (da poter seminare!);
- vasetto e terra

Scrivete sul vostro foglietto di carta il vostro desiderio da realizzare e visualizzate i semi dei fagioli che si impegnano dell'energia di questo desiderio
Scavate nel vasetto con la terra una buchetta in cui si metterà il foglietto ed i semi dei fagioli, ricoprite con terra e prendetevene cura, annaffiando e dando amore a questo vasetto ☀️
Man mano che la pianta crescerà, il vostro desiderio è sempre più vicino alla sua realizzazione!
Benedizioni a tutti 🌛🌝🌜
Per info consulti e per come avviene la domanda gratuita inviare un watsap al 328 737 4824


Oshun's holy day is September 8th! Get your items in time for her festival! Oshun is the Yoruban Orisha of the sweet or fresh waters (as opposed to the salt waters of Yemaya). She is widely loved, as She is known for healing the sick and bringing fertility and prosperity. She especially watches over the poor and brings them what they need.

As Orisha of love, Oshun is represented as a beautiful, charming young woman. The Yoruba clans inhabit parts of western central Africa, in present-day Nigeria. Oshun is the goddess of the river of the same name, and She is especially worshipped in river-towns. During Her yearly festival, She is said to choose one or more women dancers to descend into (much like participants in Vodou ceremonies may be "mounted" or "possessed" by a lwa). These women then take new names in honor of Oshun and are thereafter consulted as healers.

Oshun is also said to be the mother of the birds or fishes. With the African diaspora, Oshun was brought to the Americas, and adopted into the pantheons that branched out of the African traditions. In the Brazilian religion of Candomble, which retains close ties with the Yoruban religion, as well as in Cuban Santeria, where she is called Oxum. In Haitian Vodoun She is an inspiration for Erzulie or Ezili, also a goddess of water and love. Oshun, like the other Orisha, has a number associated with Her-five, a color-yellow or amber, and a metal-gold. The peacock and the vulture are sacred to Her, and She always wears a yellow dress and large red hibiscus flower behind her ear. Offerings to Oshun include sweet things such as honey, mead, white wine, oranges, sweets, or pumpkins, as well as perfume.


Classic Triple Goddess Ring

The five point star of the Adam Kadmon (da Vinvi): the "First Man" (hermaphrodite) or "Father Time"; Humanity in its primal, perhaps perfected state of existence. Each point of the pentacle represents an element (or consciousness as represented in the elements): Fire, Water, Air and Earth. The top point represents "Spirit". This ring is flanked with crescent moons going from Wax to wane, the center circle (containing the Pentacle) is the Moon in it's full phase.

These symbols combined produces the classic "Triple Goddess" symbol commonly used in the Pagan and Neo-Pagan communities.

The over all shape of the ring is in the classic "Gypsy" or "Class Ring" style.

Where to get yours: https://www.amuletsbymerlin.com/Classic-Triple-Goddess-Ring-p/rtg1.htm


✨"...Se in casa l'aria è pesante, se ci sono problemi, se sono arrivate le malattie e la fortuna é andata via.. compratevi un campanellino e suonatelo: "dindin!"

✨In tutti i paesi del mondo i nostri antenati facevano così.
Gli spiriti delle malattie non sopportano la voce acuta del campanellino e lasciano la casa. Una volta, nei paesi, i gruppi di giovani ragazzi e ragazze giravano per le strade suonando i campanelli e creando una protezione.

✨Gli antichi sacerdoti di alcune religioni (giudaismo, buddismo) attaccavano i campanellini alle loro vesti. Anche gli antichi slavi legavano un campanello alla culla dei lattanti per proteggere i piccoli dal malocchio.

✨I guaritori consigliavano di suonare i campanelli durante le pesti: altre misure di prevenzione non esistevano. Probabilmente, questo suono della vita dava speranza, proteggeva dal morbo. In Russia anche i finimenti per cavalli erano adornati dai campanelli e sonagli, allo scopo di proteggersi dalle forze oscure.

✨Quando un bambino prendeva un forte spavento, o non riusciva a pronunciare bene le parole, gli davano da bere dell'acqua dentro un campanello.

✨Il tintinnio di un campanello è la vita, il silenzio totale è la morte, credevano i nostri antenati. In alcune località dopo la morte del padrone di un gregge alle mucche si toglievano i campanacci, e per alcuni giorni gli animali andavano al pascolo nel silenzio, in segno di lutto.

✨Un campanello produce delle
oscillazioni ritmiche curative. E' bene avere un campanello personale, il cui suono rallegra il vostro cuore. Una particolare forza veniva attribuita al campanello d'argento, ma anche uno di vetro o di bronzo fa bene il suo lavoro, è un buon amuleto.

✨Ad un bambino che non riusciva a iniziare a parlare hanno regalato un campanello... lui si è messo a giocare, immergendosi completamente nel loro tintinnio, e poi ha iniziato a pronunciare frasi intere... il tintinnio del campanelli è molto utile per il cervello.
Le spille, gli orecchini a forma di campanelli si possono indossare agli incontri con persone non proprio piacevoli, come a quelli dove serve saper parlare bene e convincere gli altri.

Ci sono anche i campanelli delle streghe che servono per la nostra protezione.

✨Si credeva pure che un campanello potesse iniziare a suonare da solo all'avvicinarsi di una persona malvagia... come una piccola guardia personale.
Quando vi sentite tristi, isolati: suonate un campanello. Chiamate con questo suono coloro che vi amano, e mandate via ciò che vi danneggia, creando i nuovi flussi energetici.

Dovreste solo trovare un vostro campanellino, con una voce personale."

Anna Kiryanova (sistemato da Monya)

🌿Pietre: Bosco e Magia


Pythagorean Pentacle

This symbol has been traditionally associated with "vigor", "vigil" and the Latin words "vegetus" {lively, vigorous} and "vegeo" {to quicken].

The Pythagoreans also used "Be blessed!"

This symbolism commonly shows up in the Arthurian Grail romances, which many see as Gnostic and in Kabbalistic teachings disguised as knightly quests in the Arthurian legends of old. For example, a pentagram appears on the shield of Sir Gawain in the fourteenth century poem, "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight."

With the Pentagon surrounding it, the points of a five point star, this ring's rendering of mathematical perfection is an excellent focus for those who have studied the Greek Mysteries

Where to get yours: https://www.amuletsbymerlin.com/Pythagorean-Pentacle-Ring-p/rtg3.htm


Did you know this? ⬇️

In Chinese medicine, both herbs and foods are used as primary modalities to promote well-being and recover from illness. The energetic qualities (hot, cold, warm, cool, neutral, dry, damp) of foods and herbs affect the person consuming them and can be employed to provide balance and nourishment.

The Five Elements, a Chinese medicine theory, are considered manifestations of yin and yang and are used to describe the general interactions and relationships between all things. Each element has several correspondences/associations, e.g., to the organs of the body, color, emotions, and season of the year.

The Five Flavors - sour, bitter, pungent, salty, and sweet - are associated with the elements and are differentiated based on their individual natures, the organs that they nourish (when in balance) or injure (when taken in excess), and their actions. Here you can see some examples of herbs associated with each of the Five Flavors.


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Photos from The Crystal Goddess's post 09/02/2024

Hail Hekate.
Honor her on the night of the dark moon, the astronomical new moon, with offerings left at a crossroads, especially a three-way juncture.


Embracing the Darkness: September Rituals for Dark Shadow Witches
By DarkLady

As September arrives, bringing with it the first crisp whispers of fall, dark shadow witches know that the time of deeper mysteries and hidden truths is upon us. With the beginning of fall on Sunday, September 1st, and the autumnal equinox later in the month, this is our moment to embrace the shadows, harness the energies of change, and delve into the darker, more profound aspects of our craft.

For us, the harvest is not just a time to gather physical bounty but also to collect the energies and insights we have been nurturing in the depths of our souls. Use this month to connect with the darker aspects of nature. Gather blackberries, dark herbs like mugwort, and obsidian stones. Create shadow pouches filled with these ingredients to strengthen your connection to the underworld and the unseen.

Consider creating a shadow altar to honor the darker forces that guide you. Decorate it with skulls, dark feathers, bones, and black candles. Use this altar as a focal point for your rituals throughout the fall, a place where the shadows meet the physical realm, and the veil is thin.

The equinox is a time of perfect balance, where day and night stand as equals before the darkness begins to dominate. For dark shadow witches, this is an ideal time to perform rituals that explore shadow within ourselves. Use the night to journey inward, exploring the hidden corners of your psyche.

Perform a mirror ritual to confront and converse with your shadow self. Light a single black candle and place it before a mirror. Gaze deeply into your reflection and speak with your shadow self, seeking guidance, clarity, and understanding. The equinox’s energy can help you find balance between your conscious and subconscious mind, revealing secrets that only the darkness knows.

As the nights grow longer, this is the perfect season for intense shadow work. Dive into your innermost fears, regrets, and hidden desires. Perform a ritual of release under the waning moon. Write down what you wish to banish on black parchment and burn it in a cauldron with black salt and wormwood. As the smoke rises, visualize your burdens being carried away, leaving you lighter and more powerful.

Create a banishing bottle to remove unwanted energies or individuals from your life. Fill a dark glass bottle with nails, broken glass, black salt, and vinegar, sealing it with black wax. Bury it under a dark moon to let the earth absorb the negative energy and transform it.

The thinning of the veil makes September a potent time for dark divination practices. Use black mirrors, obsidian stones, or onyx pendulums to seek answers from the shadows. Hold a séance to communicate with spirits or perform a dark tea leaf reading with strong, black tea, focusing on the shapes that form and what they reveal about the hidden paths before you.

The full moon in September, also known as the Harvest Moon, amplifies the energy of your dark divination rituals. Use this time to seek guidance from the spirits of the shadows and the ancestors who walk with you. Leave offerings of dark wine, black bread, or charred herbs to honor them and invite their wisdom to sit with you for a spell.

Fall is the perfect season for crafting powerful hexes and enchantments. Use the darker energy of the season to empower your spells. Craft a hex jar with mugwort, rusty nails, and a lock of hair from your target, sealing it with a binding spell. Remember to cast these spells with clear intent and understanding of the consequences—they are powerful tools in the hands of a shadow witch.

Create protective amulets using black thread, iron filings, and crushed onyx. These amulets can be worn or placed in strategic locations to ward off unwanted spirits or negative energies. Enchant them under the new moon for maximum potency.

As we prepare for the darker half of the year, it's essential to ready our sacred spaces. Cleanse your space with smoke from dark herbs like cedar or juniper, banishing any residual summer energies. Redecorate your altar with symbols of death, transformation, and the underworld—such as ravens, crows, or dark crystals.

Stock up on dark candles, black ink, and herbs that resonate with your shadow work and darker spellcraft. Create a shadow box, a place where you keep all items that hold dark energies—this can be an effective tool for channeling these forces during your rituals.

Fall is a time to honor the spirits that dwell in the dark corners of the earth and the ancient ancestors who walked before us. Create a ritual to connect with these spirits. Leave offerings of dark fruits, wine, or to***co in a secluded place, asking for their guidance and protection as the nights grow longer.

Host a dark feast under the new moon, inviting the spirits and ancestors to join you. Prepare foods that honor the dead and the night, such as black bread, dark berries, and wine. Speak their names, share their stories, and listen for their whispers on the wind.

As September unfolds, we dark shadow witches are called to embrace the shadows and dance with the darkness. Let us use this time to deepen our craft, explore our inner worlds, and prepare for the mysteries that the longer nights will bring. May your path be guided by the unseen, and may your majick be as deep and powerful as the darkest night.

Always in the shadows
Dark Witchery

Photos from Widdershins's post 09/02/2024
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