The Raven Foundation

The Raven Foundation

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The Religion & Violence Education Network (RAVEN) 🕊 Working together to heal our understanding of God and ourselves.

Our Mission: We seek to host a welcoming community for those whose experience with organized religion has left them wounded, troubled, disillusioned or in exile. We hope that we can provide a place of rest and renewal where seekers can experience God’s unconditional love and total nonviolence as a healing presence in their lives. Our Vision: We believe that the renewal of Christian life is coming


Many find similarities between ancient myths and the Bible to be a reason for doubting the Bible's validity.

There are similarities between the ancient myths and the Bible.

But is the Bible just another ancient myth?

Pastor Adam explores this topic in this episode.


In this video from September 2009, Pastor Adam reflects on shooting death of a student at Fenger, a Chicago Public High School. Adam invites us to look deeply at the problem of violence that infects our culture. He asks where do kids learn violence? From adults. Then dives deeper.

The American justice system is by punishment: punitive justice. Punitive justice seeks revenge - best example is capital punishment. The message we are giving is that if someone harms you, you harm them back. We need to transform our understanding of justice so that it is not based on punishment, but on reconciliation. We need restorative justice. Until then, violence and revenge will plague our culture. Revenge leads to revenge. Violence to violence.

How Jesus Subverted Religion - Pastor Adam Ericksen 08/28/2024

Jesus subverted religion by revealing God doesn’t desire sacrifices or a scapegoat, explains Pastor Adam. God offers us love and peace through his son Jesus.

How Jesus Subverted Religion - Pastor Adam Ericksen Jesus subverted religion by revealing God doesn't desire sacrifices or a scapegoat, explains Pastor Adam. God offers us love and peace.


When asked “What is the point of prayer?”, Adam explains that in Matthew 6, Jesus says God knows what we need before we ask. But that doesn’t mean God knows what we want. Jesus demonstrates how to pray by saying the Lord’s Prayer. In that prayer, what we need to thrive is stated – daily bread, forgiveness of sins, resistance of evil, and deliverance from tribulations. Listen to this full episode of One Question with Pastor Adam at


In this video from March 2009, Pastor Adam Ericksen discusses Bbile Matters. "Exodus and Freedom" questions the nature of freedom. What is true freedom? What happens when one's freedom comes at the expense of another's freedom? What is the relationship between freedom and responsibility?

How might you identify with the Egyptians? With the Hebrews? With God?


In 2 Timothy 4:3, Paul explains that there is no Gentile or Jew, slave or free, because we are all united in Christ. Teachers who interpret Scripture as being opposed to members of the LGBTQIA+ community are not following the guiding principle Jesus lifts up and Paul lifts in Galatians, that we are all one in Jesus.

Listen Adam explain in "False Teachers, Itching Ears, and LGBTQ Inclusion". at


In June2018, pastor and author .wathen joined Pastor Adam Ericksen to discuss her book "Resist and Persist: Faith and the Fight for Equality". In this clip, Erin addresses how the term "pro-life" doesn't address the wholeness of life and the culture of nurture it implies.

Erin Wathen provides a new language of resistance that can free women and men from the pernicious power of patriarchy. This is a book for a new generation of feminists who have more opportunity than our mothers and grandmothers ever dreamed of. It is also for all the women who have never felt they had a place in this fight. The work of equality must include women of every age and ethnicity, as well as men who will be allies, advocates, and partners for the journey.


When Pastor Adam is asked "Is the Church becoming too political?", he explains in order to have a religion that isn’t connected to politics, we would need to stop reading the Bible.

The Jewish people believe their story begins when God hears their outcry against their oppression in Egypt. As Moses leads the people out of Egypt, God warns them not to return to Egypt, but also avoid to the structures of oppression they are fleeing. Often the oppressed become oppressors, which God warns against.

While it is very tempting to vilify our opponents, Jesus instructs us to love our enemies.


In this video clip from February 2017, author and educator and Pastor Adam discuss what the ending of the Scripture story of the Geresene Demoniac reveals about Jesus and his invitation to love our enemies.

Erik Buys teaches at a Jesuit High School, Sint-Jozefscollege, in Aalst (Belgium). His website is


Pastor Adam declares the Bible should never be elevated above Jesus or God. Noted Catholic theologian Karl Rahner, SJ stated the Bible points beyond Jesus to God. The person of Jesus reveals the nonviolent, loving, and merciful nature of God. Jesus models a radically nonviolent ethic. When we as Christians use violence, we have sinned.

The early church stated the best way to interpret the violent stories in the Old Testament is as allegories and the worst way to interpret Old Testament stories is literally.

Listen to this engaging episode at

Christianity Isn’t About Following a Bunch of Rules. It’s About Joy. - Pastor Adam Ericksen 08/05/2024

Christianity Isn’t About Following a Bunch of Rules. It’s About Joy.
While Christianity often emphasizes the importance of following the rules, Pastor Adam explains Christianity is really about joy.

Christianity Isn’t About Following a Bunch of Rules. It’s About Joy. - Pastor Adam Ericksen While Christianity often emphasizes the importance of following the rules, Pastor Adam explains Christianity is really about joy.


In this video from April 2017, Professor Emeritus at University of Northern Iowa Dr. .reineke discusses the difference between outrage and disgust as detailed by Martha Nussbaum in her books "Hiding from Humanity: Disgust, Shame, and the Law" and "Anger and Forgiveness". The way forward is using Transition-Anger where compasion is stronger than outrage and future welfare is the focus.


Pastor Adam explains the main criteria for someone calling themselves Christian is to follow Jesus and not get caught up in rivalry. People who seek to divide people by declaring who is a Christian and who is not often lack a strong sense of self. The act of comparison is usually designed to enhance one’s own position. Listen to the whole episode at


In this video clip from September 2016, Adam Ericksen interviews Dr. Robert P. Ericksen, a historian of the Holocaust. Dr. Ericksen describes the Christian and Catholic support for Hi**er which he views as paralleled by the Christian Evangelical support of Donald J. Trump.

Dr. Ericksen's book "Theologians Under Hi**er" (1985) was widely acclaimed, and was made into a documentary in 2004. He maintains affiliations with the Humboldt Foundation and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and sits on the editorial board of Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte, a German journal. He is currently professor of history at Pacific Lutheran University.


Keith and I went to a Cubs game on Monday -- Cubs win! So we got to sing the victory song with 35,000 other joyful Cubs fans. Singing "Go Cubs Go" is part of the reward of being a Cubs fan and I sang and swayed and pumped my fist in the air and enjoyed being part of the crowd.

But honestly, I can only abandon myself to the joy of sports celebrations if I don't focus on how the losers feel. Luckily baseball has such a long season that any given game doesn't cause too many tears -- until the playoffs of course. But mostly there isn't a permanent class of losers in sports, winners and losers change places and the uncertainty of which place your team will occupy is part of what keeps us coming back.

In sports there is no permanent class of losers. That's why sports can be a break from real life, from the reality of social structures that lock some people out while others celebrate.

My takeaway from the win/lose see-saw of sports is that it's not the losing that hurts, it's being stuck in the position of loser so that others can celebrate. Just ask any Cubs fan who endured the 108 year drought between championships -- it was no picnic. You can think about any of our social divides this way by asking who has the power and who is locked out and where is the hope.

Social healing will happen not when losers are winners and the winners lose, but when more and and more people, no matter their power or status, pour onto the field and into the stands to sing and sway together. That's a cause for celebration.

The United States Doesn't Have a Border Crisis. We Have a Border Opportunity. - Pastor Adam Ericksen 07/24/2024

In his latest article, Pastor Adam explains the US doesn’t have a border crisis, we have a border opportunity. He cites Scripture to prove it.

The United States Doesn't Have a Border Crisis. We Have a Border Opportunity. - Pastor Adam Ericksen Pastor Adam explains the US doesn't have a border crisis, we have a border opportunity. He cites Scripture to prove it.


In this podcast, Pastor Adam explains that in Machiavelli‘s most famous book, "The Prince", the author recommends political leaders commit acts of brutality, murder, and deception to maintain power. A key method Machiavelli recommended was to scapegoat and accuse the other. Current politicians use Machiavellian methods without ever acknowledging they are not following the politics of Christ. In fact, they wrap themselves in the cloak of Christianity for political advantage.


In this video clip from September 2016, Adam Ericksen interviews Dr. Robert P. Ericksen, a historian of the Holocaust. Dr. Ericksen describes the social crisis he believes led to Hi**er's rise.

Dr. Ericksen's book "Theologians Under Hi**er" (1985) was widely acclaimed, and was made into a documentary in 2004. He maintains affiliations with the Humboldt Foundation and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and sits on the editorial board of Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte, a German journal. He is currently professor of history at Pacific Lutheran University.


In the wake of recent political violence and calls on both sides of the political divide to end such violence, Pastor Adam reveals the myth of redemptive violence guiding proposed solutions.


The photo of Donald Trump with his fist raised in the moments after the attempted assassination instantly became iconic. It was reported that he could be heard saying “Fight” as the secret service was rushing him to safety. Political violence is being rightly condemned by all sides and I unabashedly add my voice to those. But embarrassingly, I felt an almost reflexive hope that the shooter’s motive would allow me to condemn “them” and deflect responsibility from myself.

Did you feel it, too? I think it’s rooted in a need to be reassured that we are on the right side of something as clearly wrong as political violence. The problem is that the obsession with being right is the very thing that motives violence, not reduces it.

What will reduce violence? My friends at the Metta Center for Nonviolence taught me about the two hands of nonviolence. Nonviolence actively resists injustice and at the same time seeks connection. Resistance is symbolized by a hand raised, palm outward in a gesture that says “stop”. The other hand reaches out, palm upward to show a desire for relationship. The video on the Metta Center homepage explains that “We can reach out to others even as we put a stop to their harmful activities.”

A raised fist has often been a symbol of resistance to injustice, a defiant indignation that the oppression is intolerable and must stop now. Not yesterday, right now. It communicates the urgency of the struggle perfectly well to those of us who can be oblivious to the harm we are causing. It has landed like a wakeup call to me more than once, especially as a teenager seeing raised fists during the struggle for civil rights and the anti-war protests of the Vietnam era.

But working with local leaders living nonviolently in violent contexts has taught me that the closed fist runs the risk of undoing one pattern of oppression by replacing it with another. It does little to ensure that the victims will be able to resist taking on the role of oppressors. Only the two hands of nonviolence can do that by never divorcing resistance to injustice from the recognition that no one’s life is expendable.

I’m not sure I’ll ever get to the point where that would be my first instinct. But I’m grateful to those who have loved me enough to extend the open hand until I was able to grab on.


In this conversation from October 2018, Steve McKenna joins Pastor Adam Ericksen to discuss truth, lies, and conspiracy theories.


# In this video from February 2012, Pastor Adam explains that the wisdom of Proverbs comes down to two choices: wickedness and violence or generosity and justice. Wicked actions will only bring our own demise. As Jesus says, those who live by the sword die by the sword. As human beings, we always follow in the footsteps of others. Who will you follow?


If you think you know what Christian Nationalism is, why it’s a problem, who’s to blame for it and why we have to stop them, I get it. The undeniable link of Christian Nationalism to white supremacist logic is particularly galling on the Juneteenth holiday which reminds us of the hard-headed, cold-hearted resistance to ending slavery of “good” Christians.

But here’s the catch: one thing I’ve learned the hard way is that the more certain I am that I know who and what the problem is, the more likely I am to be engaged in scapegoating. As RenĂ© Girard has taught us, to have a scapegoat is not to know you have one. We can see other people’s scapegoats for what they are: innocent victims of self-righteous witch hunts. But our own scapegoats look to us like monsters, devils, and wicked people who must be opposed by good people like us. I’ve had my scapegoats go from guilty to innocent so many times now, that I am very cautious about jumping on bandwagons, even ones as obviously in the right as opposing Christian Nationalism.

But that caution can come across as cowardly. As if I am afraid to stand with victims or speak to truth to power. I get that, too. I recently led a class at my mainline, liberal church on Christian Nationalism and I caught flack for not calling out particular people, organizations, or religious movements as the problem. Instead, I pointed out that Christian alignment with national identity goes back to Constantine. It’s been a problem long before there was anything remotely like America, Evangelicalism, or our particularly form of racial superiority. That approach frustrated any unity or sense of righteousness we might have gotten if I’d just presented an “us vs. them” account. It left some feeling a little disappointed. Frankly, I felt that way, too.

I taught the class that way because I was fairly certain that even though Christian Nationalism is wrong, which I believe it is, it still may be functioning as a scapegoat for me. In other words, by being against it I can avoid any complicity I may have in the problem. Until I can get to the point of honestly saying “we” instead of “they”, as in “we are wrong to conflate Christian identity with our national identity”, I feel caution is my best option.

So, good news – I think I’ve found a way to get to “we” thanks to my good friends at Theology and Peace. Their annual conference has always been a safe place for me to confess my temptation to scapegoat, so naturally I brought up my concerns about Christian Nationalism. Wesley Dunbar didn’t hesitate to offer me support and a resource to get to “we”. The minute he shared the book title, I felt I was more than halfway there: “Baptizing America: How Mainline Protestants Helped Build Christian Nationalism”. Wow! Just with that subtitle, the authors Brian Kaylor and Beau Underwood were breaking down the divide that we Christians love to set up – I mean, how else are we to know which of us is the true church and which are the heretics?

I haven’t read the book yet, but I plan to. If it delivers on the promise to help me avoid scapegoating AND address the dangers of Christian Nationalism, I’ll let you know. Wes, happy to hear from you about the book and from anyone who has found a way to move from “they” to “we”.


In this Novwember 2010 video, Pastor Adam compares Christian Jusst War theory and the Islamic theory of Jihad by highlighting their many similarities.


Adam and Biblical scholar Kate Common discuss her book, "Undoing Conquest: Ancient Israel, the Bible, and the Future of Christianity." The conquest narrative in the Book of Joshua is one of the most troubling parts of the Bible. But what if it never actually happened?


In this video from July 2017, Pastor Adam Ericksen reenacts the life of Jeremiah, a Hebrew prophet who called on the rulers of Israel to act with just for all people, the poor and marginalized as well as the rich.

unRival Network - Peace is Possible 05/29/2024

UnRival Network is thrilled and honored to partner with Justice Film Festival for The Film Lab. It's an 8-week program for filmmakers actively working on a project to grow, learn and share together in a nonrivalrous space. If you or someone you know is looking for a space to nurture their talent and their film, visit us to learn more about the program and how to apply.

unRival Network - Peace is Possible Presented by Justice Film Festival and unRival — or Filmmakers to Grow, Create, and Share in Nonrivalrous Community


Undoing Conquest with Dr. Kate Common

The stories of conquest in the Bible are troubling to many of us. They have also had a troubling influence on Christian conquests.

But what if the conquest narrative was not a historical reality? What if it was a story that people made up?

That's what this episode of One Question will explore with Dr. Kate Common, author of the book, "Undoing Conquest: Ancient Israel, the Bible, and the future of Christianity."


In this video from April 2020, author and professor Dr. Chris Haw highlights the differences between Steven Pinker's dismissal of religious people as backward-thinking in his book "The Better Angels of Our Nature" and René Girard's insights on how biblical religion offers an exit from the violent sacrifice of the other. The complete playlist of Dr. Chris Haw's Mimetic Insights is available at


First Chronicles retells the story of the foundation of Israel. Pastor Adam takes a closer at the story of David. David was a warrior king, who, because of his warring nature, God did not allow to construct the temple in Jerusalem. To God, the most sacred thing is human life.

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Our Story

We host a welcoming community for those who struggle with organized religion but haven’t given up on God or a world at peace. Many who feel at home with us have been deeply hurt and disappointed by the hypocrisy, shaming, and failures of institutions claiming to be acting in God’s name. So they kicked the dust off their feet and hit the road. But finding a new road to walk was not easy and frankly, who wants to be walking alone?

If this sounds like you – if you’ve been walking away from something but really want to be walking toward something that resonates with the truth you feel in your heart, then you belong here. We welcome questions and doubts, invite our visitors into restorative community, and together seek a path to create lasting peace.

We are delighted beyond measure that you have found your way to us and we truly hope that what you find here will be meaningful and impactful for you.

Videos (show all)

#FlashbackFriday In this video from September 2009, Pastor Adam reflects on shooting death of a student at Fenger, a Chi...
#FlashbackFriday In this video from March 2009, Pastor Adam Ericksen discusses Bbile Matters. "Exodus and Freedom" quest...
#flashbackfriday In June2018, pastor and author @erin.wathen  joined Pastor Adam Ericksen to discuss her book "Resist an...
#FlashbackFriday In this video clip from February 2017, author and educator @erikbuys  and Pastor Adam discuss what the ...
#FlashbackFriday In this video from April 2017, Professor Emeritus at University of Northern Iowa Dr. @martha.reineke  d...
#FlashbackFriday In this video clip from September 2016, Adam Ericksen interviews Dr. Robert P. Ericksen, a historian of...
#FlashbackFriday In this video clip from September 2016, Adam Ericksen interviews Dr. Robert P. Ericksen, a historian of...
#FlashbackFriday In this conversation from October 2018, Steve McKenna joins Pastor Adam Ericksen to discuss truth, lies...
##FlashbackFriday In this video from February 2012, Pastor Adam explains that the wisdom of Proverbs comes down to two c...
#FlashbackFriday In this Novwember 2010 video, Pastor Adam compares Christian Jusst War theory and the Islamic theory of...
#FlashbackFriday In this video from July 2017, Pastor Adam Ericksen reenacts the life of Jeremiah, a Hebrew prophet who ...
Undoing Conquest with Dr. Kate Common



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