St. Francis of Assisi

The official page for St. Francis of Assisi in Grapevine, TX St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Grapevine, TX, was established as a parish in 1949.

We are a member of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth, which is home to over 700,000 Catholics. Our pastor is Rev. Sojan George. The mission of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church is to build a church of missionary disciples by preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and reaching the poor. The Church and administration facility, which is situated on 9.6 acres of land near Lake Grapevine, is a

Photos from St. Francis of Assisi's post 12/04/2023

🕊️ Advent is here!
Celebrate and prepare the way of the Lord with these happenings at St. Francis during the 1st Week in Advent:

🎙️ Misión de Adviento - The Advent Mission in Spanish will be led by Fr. Jose Feliciano Torres Castro, OFM Cap., from Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Fort Worth. Join us for daily conferences on the Eucharist, Holy Hour, and Confessions!

🕯️ Sacramentals for the Season - Calling all Young Adults! Deacon Bill Johnson will lead a night of crafts and conversations. Learn the importance of sacramentals for our faith and make an advent wreath to get into the advent season!

🌟 Feast of the Immaculate Conception - Holy Day of Obligation alert! Celebrate the Immaculate Conception of our Blessed Mother by assisting at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on Thursday at 7 pm, Friday at 8:30 am, 12 pm, 6 pm, or 7:30 pm (Spanish).

🍞 Bethlehem: House of Bread - Join us for a family event of spiritual and physical nourishment as we reflect on the coming of Christ in a manger, in the little town of Bethlehem. Learn more and RSVP at

🎅 Breakfast with Santa - Join us for a festive Breakfast with Santa hosted by SFA Preschool & the Knights of Columbus! Santa will be spreading cheer from 9-10 AM and 11 AM-12 PM, with delicious pancakes and fun crafts for the kids. Don't miss out - $8 per person!

🎶 37th Annual Christmas Concert - Experience the magic of the season at our Christmas Concert, featuring the enchanting choirs of St. Francis accompanied by a full orchestra. Tickets are $5 per person or $20 per family and can be purchased at the church office. 🎄✨
🕊️ ¡El Adviento está aquí!
Celebra y prepara el camino del Señor con estos eventos en San Francisco durante la 1ra Semana de Adviento:

🎙️ Misión de Adviento - La Misión de Adviento en español será dirigida por el Padre José Feliciano Torres Castro, OFM Cap., de la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en Fort Worth. ¡Acompáñanos en conferencias diarias sobre la Eucaristía, Hora Santa y Confesiones!

🕯️ Símbolos Sacramentales para la Temporada - ¡Jóvenes Adultos, los invitamos! El Diácono Bill Johnson liderará una noche de manualidades y conversaciones. Aprende sobre la importancia de los símbolos sacramentales para nuestra fe y haz una corona de Adviento para sumergirte en la temporada.

🌟 Fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción - ¡Alerta de Día Santo de Obligación! Celebra la Inmaculada Concepción de nuestra Bendita Madre asistiendo a la Santa Misa el jueves a las 7 pm, viernes a las 8:30 am, 12 pm, 6 pm, o 7:30 pm (en español).

🍞 Belén: Casa del Pan - Únete a nosotros para un evento familiar de nutrición espiritual y física mientras reflexionamos sobre la venida de Cristo en un pesebre, en el pequeño pueblo de Belén. Obtén más información y confirma tu asistencia en

🎅 Desayuno con Santa - ¡Acompáñanos en un festivo Desayuno con Santa organizado por el Preescolar de SFA y los Caballeros de Colón! Santa estará contagiando alegría de 9-10 AM y 11 AM-12 PM, con deliciosos panqueques y manualidades divertidas para los niños. ¡No te lo pierdas - $8 por persona!

🎶 37° Concierto Anual de Navidad - Experimenta la magia de la temporada en nuestro Concierto de Navidad anual, con los encantadores coros de San Francisco acompañados de una orquesta completa. Los boletos están a $5 por persona o $20 por familia y se pueden adquirir en la oficina de la iglesia. 🎄✨

Photos from St. Francis of Assisi's post 12/02/2023

Come and enjoy our Christkindl market this weekend after mass.

Support St Francis Of Assisi Grapevine TX | #iGiveCatholic 11/28/2023

Happy Giving Tuesday!

Please prayerfully consider supporting our campaign dedicated to refurbishing the Family Life Center Kitchen. Your generosity can make a significant impact! Follow the link below to donate, and we thank you so much for your support.

Support St Francis Of Assisi Grapevine TX | #iGiveCatholic I’m ready to support St Francis Of Assisi Grapevine TX on November 28, 2023 during . Learn more about St Francis Of Assisi Grapevine TX and all the other ministries participating in .


Its tomorrow!!!!

On Nov 28, you will have the opportunity to give where your heart is! To support our campaign, go to

All the money raised through this year’s iGiveCatholic will be used for the renovation of the FLC kitchen. Let's make this happen!!!

Support St Francis Of Assisi Grapevine TX | #iGiveCatholic 11/27/2023

Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday and we are thrilled to be participating in !

This year, donations will go towards much-needed renovations for the Family Life Center Kitchen. No matter how big or small, we invite all members of our parish family to share their gifts with our community!

Join us in this mission by visiting the link below!

Support St Francis Of Assisi Grapevine TX | #iGiveCatholic I’m ready to support St Francis Of Assisi Grapevine TX on November 28, 2023 during . Learn more about St Francis Of Assisi Grapevine TX and all the other ministries participating in .

Photos from St. Francis of Assisi's post 11/27/2023

Happy Monday St. Francis Family!
We're excited to share some wonderful opportunities during the 34th and final Week in Ordinary Time:

🎁 : This Giving Tuesday, let's make a difference! Donations will support much-needed renovations for the Family Life Center Kitchen. Big or small, we invite every member of our parish family to share their gifts with our community! Donate at

⏰ 40 Hours of Adoration Begins: Enter the Advent season by spending time adoring our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Sign up to accompany our Lord for an hour at the parish office.

🙏 Adoración Eucarística: Join us in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, enhanced by beautiful music and hymns presented by the Hispanic Ministry of Saint Francis!

🎄 Christkindl Market: Experience the Christmas spirit! Join us at the market for the 2023 St. Francis Angel Ornament, handmade items, raffles, Christmas baskets, baked goods, and more!
¡Feliz lunes, Familia de San Francisco!
Estamos emocionados de compartir algunas maravillosas oportunidades durante la 34ª y última semana del Tiempo Ordinario:

🎁 : ¡Este Martes de Donativos, hagamos la diferencia! Las donaciones respaldarán renovaciones muy necesarias para la Cocina del Centro de Vida Familiar. Grande o pequeño, ¡invitamos a cada miembro de nuestra familia parroquial a compartir sus dones con nuestra comunidad! Dona en

⏰ Comienza las 40 Horas de Adoración: Entra en la temporada de Adviento dedicando tiempo a adorar a nuestro Señor en el Santísimo Sacramento. Regístrate para acompañar a nuestro Señor durante una hora en la oficina parroquial.

🙏 Adoración Eucarística: ¡Únete a nosotros en la adoración al Santísimo Sacramento, realzada por hermosa música e himnos presentados por el Ministerio Hispano de San Francisco!

🎄 Mercado de Christkindl: ¡Siente el espíritu navideño! Únete a nosotros en el mercado para el Adorno del Ángel de San Francisco 2023, artículos hechos a mano, sorteos, cestas navideñas, productos horneados y ¡mucho más!

Support St Francis Of Assisi Grapevine TX | #iGiveCatholic 11/15/2023

Early Giving for iGiveCatholic is LIVE!

This year, we're focusing our efforts on renovating the Family Life Center Kitchen. The current setup lacks modern amenities and efficient workspaces, posing challenges in preparing meals for the various events hosted by our Parish. These renovations won't just enhance functionality but will also create a more welcoming space for our dedicated volunteers and cherished visitors

Support St. Francis and this initiative today by following the link below!

Support St Francis Of Assisi Grapevine TX | #iGiveCatholic I’m ready to support St Francis Of Assisi Grapevine TX on November 28, 2023 during . Learn more about St Francis Of Assisi Grapevine TX and all the other ministries participating in .

Photos from St. Francis of Assisi's post 11/13/2023

Happy Monday!
Come and join us for an active 32nd week in Ordinary Time at St. Francis...

iGiveCatholic Early Giving Opens - Help renovate our Family Life Center kitchen! Advanced giving for this year's iGiveCatholic Campaign runs Nov. 13-27. Enhance functionality, safety, and create a welcoming space for parish events.

Young Adult Speaker Series - Navigating Young Adult life doesn't need to be difficult. Join us for a night of prayer and advice as we invite Catholic speaker Ali Hoffman to give us encouragement and wisdom as we tackle dating life, how to deal with trauma, and how to figure out finance and taxes!

English Lector Training - Are you interested in proclaiming the Word of God during the celebration of the Holy Mass? Make sure to attend this week's lector training in English to assist with this beautiful ministry.

Mom's Large Group Gathering - Moms, don't miss our monthly large group gathering. It's a time for fellowship and prayer with other moms from our parish family. You can join by yourself or bring your kids along.

Taizè Prayer - Join us this Thursday for a sacred experience guided by icons, where we'll pray and sing by candlelight. It's a beautiful and simple way to connect with the mystery of God. Come and find peace within.

Newcomer's Brunch - Are you a new parishioner at St. Francis? We invite you to join us for brunch to learn more about the parish and how you can get invlived this Sunday immediately following the 10am mass. We hope that you and your family can join us!
¡Feliz lunes!
Ven y únete a nosotros para una activa 32ª semana del Tiempo Ordinario en San Francisco...

iGiveCatholic Early Giving Abierto - ¡Ayuda a renovar la cocina de nuestro Centro de Vida Familiar! La donación anticipada para la Campaña iGiveCatholic de este año se llevará a cabo del 13 al 27 de noviembre. Mejora la funcionalidad, la seguridad y crea un espacio acogedor para eventos parroquiales.

Serie de Conferencias para Jóvenes Adultos - Navegar por la vida de joven adulto no tiene por qué ser difícil. Únete a nosotros para una noche de oración y consejos, ya que invitamos a la oradora católica Ali Hoffman para darnos ánimo y sabiduría mientras abordamos la vida de citas, cómo lidiar con el trauma y cómo entender las finanzas y los impuestos.

Entrenamiento de Lectores en Inglés - ¿Estás interesado en proclamar la Palabra de Dios durante la celebración de la Santa Misa? Asegúrate de asistir al entrenamiento de lectores de esta semana en inglés para ayudar con este hermoso ministerio.

Encuentro de Grupo Grande para Mamás - Mamás, no se pierdan nuestro encuentro mensual de grupo grande. Es un momento de compañerismo y oración con otras mamás de nuestra familia parroquial. Puedes unirte sola o traer a tus hijos.

Oración de Taizè - Únete a nosotros este jueves para una experiencia sagrada guiada por íconos, donde rezaremos y cantaremos a la luz de las velas. Es una forma hermosa y sencilla de conectarse con el misterio de Dios. Ven y encuentra la paz interior.

Brunch para Recién Llegados - ¿Eres nuevo feligrés en San Francisco? Te invitamos a unirte a nosotros para un brunch para aprender más sobre la parroquia y cómo puedes involucrarte este domingo inmediatamente después de la misa de las 10 am. ¡Esperamos que tú y tu familia puedan unirse a nosotros!


Friends, the parable about the ten virgins in today’s Gospel speaks about waiting for the Lord’s Second Coming and the arrival of his kingdom. The Resurrection of Jesus from the dead signaled to the early Christians that Jesus inaugurated a new world that was turning back the power of sin.

Somehow, they knew that the old world, though it persists, has been broken. It’s been defeated. And now what are they doing? They’re waiting for the definitive arrival of the new world that Jesus has instituted.

Christianity, in a certain sense, is a religion of fulfillment. The Lord has come; the Incarnation and the redemption have taken place. It’s happened. But, in another sense, Christianity is permanently a religion of waiting, because we wait in joyful hope for the Second Coming of the Lord. We wait until this salvation has been fulfilled.

That’s why there’s a permanent Advent quality to Christian life. We wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Savior. And since it’s hard to wait, we need the virtue of patience.

Bishop Robert Baron

Our weekly bulletin:

Holy Helper: Josephine Crane encourages others to join her in adoring the Blessed Sacrament 11/09/2023

Holy Helper: Josephine Crane encourages others to join her in adoring the Blessed Sacrament Josephine Crane had just retired from a career in banking in 2007 when she was pegged as coordinator for the Adoration program at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Grapevine.


Attention all families!

Are you in search of plans for this upcoming Friday? Gather your entire family and join us in adoring our Blessed Lord in the Eucharist within a warm and family-friendly environment. For more details, please visit

Photos from St. Francis of Assisi's post 11/06/2023

Stay up to date on all things St. Francis with your Francis Forecast for the 31st Week in Ordinary Time...

Altar Serving Training - Are you interested in assisting in the liturgy at St. Francis? Don't miss the chance to join this incredible ministry with our required training. Learn more about the requirements and register at

Holy Hour of Power - Join us for Eucharistic Adoration, praise & worship music, reflection, and fellowship as we gather to open our hearts to Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament.

Children's & Family Adoration - Join us this Friday with your entire family to adore our Blessed Lord in the Eucharist in this family friendly atmosphere.
Mantente al tanto de todo lo relacionado con San Francisco con tu "Pronóstico de Francisco" para la 31ª Semana del Tiempo Ordinario...

Entrenamiento de Servidores del Altar - ¿Estás interesado en ayudar en la liturgia en San Francisco? No te pierdas la oportunidad de unirte a este increíble ministerio con nuestro entrenamiento obligatorio. Obtén más información sobre los requisitos y regístrate en

Hora Santa de Poder - Únete a nosotros para la Adoración Eucarística, música de alabanza y adoración, reflexión y compañerismo mientras nos reunimos para abrir nuestros corazones a Jesucristo en el Santísimo Sacramento.

Adoración para Niños y Familias - Únete a nosotros este viernes con toda tu familia para adorar a nuestro Señor Bendito en la Eucaristía en este ambiente familiar y acogedor.


Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus turns his sharp eye and withering critique on the many ways that religious leaders fall into corruption. What precisely is bothering Jesus? Some religious leaders get their kicks from burdening people, laying the law on them heavily, making demands that are terrible, exulting in their own moral superiority.

At the core of Jesus’ program is a willingness to bear other people’s burdens, to help them carry their loads. And this applies to the moral life as well. If we lay the burden of God’s law on people, we must be willing, at the same time, to help them bear it.

Another classic problem with religious people and especially religious leaders: they use the law and morality as a means of inflating the ego. The trouble is that this drug wears off rather quickly, and then we want more of it. We need a greater title, more respect, more recognition.

What is Jesus’ recommendation for those caught in this dilemma? To be great is to be a servant: lowly, simple, often forgotten. Eschew marks of respect; don’t seek them. Be satisfied with doing your work, whatever it is, on behalf of God’s kingdom.

Bishop Robert Baron

Our weekly bulletin:


Save the date: on is Nov 28! You can be part of the celebration by giving to your favorite nonprofit ministry (which we know is us!). Visit to find out more.

Photos from St. Francis of Assisi's post 10/31/2023

Happy All Hallow’s Eve from our Parish and Preschool Staff!

Photos from St. Francis of Assisi's post 10/30/2023

Happy Monday, St. Francis Family!
Praise God for an active church community during the 30th Week in Ordinary Time...

Feast of All Saints - Holy Day of Obligation Reminder! Celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with us on Wednesday at 8:30 am, 12:15 pm, 6:00 pm, or 7:30 pm (Spanish).

Service of Light - Join us this Thursday as we remember and honor those we have lost in the past year. Call our parish office before October 27th to include your loved one’s name on the list for the service.

Adoración Eucarística - Join us in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, enhanced by beautiful music and hymns presented by the Hispanic Ministry of Saint Francis!

Blood Drive - Please consider donating whole blood or double reds donations this Saturday in the Family Life Center. Walk-ins are welcome, or you can reserve a time at! Thank you for your life-saving gift.

Altar Serving Training - Are you interested in assisting in the liturgy at St. Francis? Don't miss your chance to join this incredible ministry with this required training. Learn more about the requirements and registering at

All Saints Trunk or Treat - Calling all families! Join us for trunk or treating in the St. Francis Parking lot this Saturday! Dress as your favorite saint or in your Halloween costume. Interested in volunteering? Visit to learn how!

Saint of the Month - Join us for this amazing musical experience, inspired by St. Cecilia, the patron saint of music and musicians. Our Choir will present a concert of songs with a Eucharistic theme immediately following the 10 am mass.
Feliz lunes, Familia de San Francisco.
¡Alabemos a Dios por una comunidad parroquial activa durante la 30ª Semana del Tiempo Ordinario...

Fiesta de Todos los Santos - Recordatorio del Día Santo de Obligación. Celebre la Santa Misa con nosotros el miércoles a las 8:30 a. m., 12:15 p. m., 6:00 p. m. o 7:30 p. m. (en español).

Servicio de la Luz - Únase a nosotros este jueves mientras recordamos y honramos a aquellos que hemos perdido en el último año. Llame a nuestra oficina parroquial antes del 27 de octubre para incluir el nombre de su ser querido en la lista para el servicio.

Adoración Eucarística - ¡Acompáñenos en la adoración del Santísimo Sacramento, enriquecida con hermosa música y himnos presentados por el Ministerio Hispano de San Francisco!

Donación de Sangre - Por favor, considere donar sangre entera o donaciones de sangre doble este sábado en el Centro de Vida Familiar. ¡Las visitas sin cita previa son bienvenidas, o puede reservar un horario en! Gracias por su regalo que salva vidas.

Entrenamiento para Servir en el Altar - ¿Está interesado en asistir en la liturgia en San Francisco? No pierda la oportunidad de unirse a este increíble ministerio con este entrenamiento requerido. Obtenga más información sobre los requisitos e inscríbase en

Trunk or Treat de Todos los Santos - ¡Llamado a todas las familias! ¡Únase a nosotros para el "Trunk or Treat" en el estacionamiento de San Francisco este sábado! Vístase como su santo favorito o con su disfraz de Halloween. ¿Interesado en ser voluntario? Visite para obtener más información.

Santo del Mes - Acompáñenos en esta increíble experiencia musical, inspirada en Santa Cecilia, la patrona de la música y los músicos. Nuestro Coro presentará un concierto de canciones con un tema Eucarístico inmediatamente después de la misa de las 10 a. m.


Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus names love of God and neighbor when a scholar challenges him to identify the greatest commandment.

Since love (caritas) is what God is, it is also that virtue that conforms us most dramatically to God. Thomas Aquinas says, in eloquently simple language, that caritas is friendship with God. In his great farewell discourse, offered the night before his death, Jesus says to his disciples that he no longer calls them servants, but friends—and in this he opens up a new world.

In any other religion, a human being could be called, vis-à-vis God, a creature, a penitent, or an eager supplicant, but only in Christianity could she be called an intimate of God. This is true because in Christ, God has become one of us, thereby establishing a parity beyond our capacity even to imagine.

The participation in what God is is what Aquinas means by caritas, friendship with God. The moral challenge, of course, is to live out the implications of that friendship, listening and speaking to God, obeying the promptings of his voice, opening one’s heart to him, and, above all, loving what he loves—which is to say, everyone and everything.

Bishop Rober Baron

Our weekly bulletin:


Join us next Thursday at 7pm as we remember and honor those we have lost in the past year.
Call our parish office before October 27th to include your loved one’s name on the list for the service.

Photos from St. Francis of Assisi's post 10/23/2023

Happy Monday, St. Francis Family!
Let's dive into the 29th Week in Ordinary Time and beyond...

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - This week, take a moment to disconnect and find solace in the presence of our Blessed Lord during Adoration on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Your spirit will thank you!

Lectio Bible Study - Uncover the profound biblical connections to the Eucharist in our Tuesday morning Bible study. Join us as we delve into the Word of God.

Feliz lunes, Familia de San Francisco!
Adentrémonos en la 29ª Semana del Tiempo Ordinario y más allá...

Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento - Esta semana, tómate un momento para desconectar y encontrar consuelo en la presencia de nuestro Bendito Señor durante la Adoración el lunes, miércoles y viernes. ¡Tu espíritu te lo agradecerá!

Estudio Bíblico de Lectio - Descubre las profundas conexiones bíblicas con la Eucaristía en nuestro estudio bíblico del martes por la mañana. Únete a nosotros mientras nos sumergimos en la Palabra de Dios.


Friends, in today’s Gospel, the Pharisees try to trap Jesus. They ask, “Is it lawful to pay the census tax to Caesar or not?” Church-state questions are nothing new—and they continue to be just as divisive.

In the matter of religion and politics, the same principle of Jesus’ wonderful one-liner applies: “Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” Politics is not in a realm separate from the religious; rather, its deepest ground is spiritual.

So does this mean that religion just swallows everything up? Of course not. Here we can profitably return to Jesus’ dictum. One of the implications of the doctrine of creation is that created things have their own integrity. They are not parts of God, appendages of God’s being. Sports, culture, art, politics, science, etc. have their own particular forms of flourishing.

And it’s no business of mine to come crashing into an artist’s studio and telling him how to paint, or to enter an operating room and tell a doctor how to perform heart surgery. This is the valid independence of created things and secular culture vis-à-vis religion. But remember that all things, ultimately, belong to God—including Caesar!

Bishop Robert Barron


Buon appetito!

Join us this Saturday after mass for a delicious spaghetti dinner! Let us take care of your dinner plans, and the best part is that all proceeds will go to support the SFA Living Saints Youth Ministry. Whether you prefer to dine in or take it to go, don't miss out on this Italian Feast!


We join Pope Francis and the Church in the Holy Land in a day of prayer and fasting for peace in the region. Jesus, Prince of Peace, pray for us.

Photos from St. Francis of Assisi's post 10/16/2023

A very happy Monday St. Francis!
Join us this week during the 28th Week in Ordinary Time for some very exciting events...

Crochet Class: If you're interested in learning or refreshing your crochet skills, we have a beginner's class scheduled for Tuesday, October 17th at 10:30 am, with identical sessions on October 17th at 6:00 pm and October 21st at 1:30 pm.

Mom's Large Group: Moms, don't miss our monthly large group gathering. It's a time for fellowship and prayer with other moms from our parish family. You can join by yourself or bring your kids along.

Taizé Prayer: Join us this Thursday for a sacred experience guided by icons, where we'll pray and sing by candlelight. It's a beautiful and simple way to connect with the mystery of God. Come and find peace within.

Spooky Spirits Young Adult Happy Hour: Calling all young adults! Join us for a Halloween-themed happy hour on Friday, October 20th at 6:30 PM at R & J’s Bar and Grill. Feel free to come in your Halloween costumes for some extra fun.

Sisterhood of St. Francis: Join the power of praying women for a morning of prayer and fellowship in the Parish Library.

Spaghetti Dinner: No dinner plans this weekend? We've got you covered! Join us immediately following the 5 pm mass for a scrumptious spaghetti dinner provided by our youth ministry. For just $10 per plate, all proceeds will benefit our youth ministry throughout the year.
¡Un muy feliz lunes, San Francisco!
Únete a nosotros esta semana durante la 28ª Semana del Tiempo Ordinario para algunos eventos muy emocionantes...

Clase de Ganchillo: Si estás interesado en aprender o refrescar tus habilidades de ganchillo, tenemos una clase para principiantes programada para el martes 17 de octubre a las 10:30 a. m., con sesiones idénticas el 17 de octubre a las 6:00 p. m. y el 21 de octubre a la 1:30 p. m.

Grupo Grande de Mamás: Mamás, no te pierdas nuestra reunión mensual de grupos grandes. Es un momento de compañerismo y oración con otras mamás de nuestra comunidad parroquial. Puedes unirte tú sola o traer a tus hijos contigo.

Oración de Taizé: Únete a nosotros este jueves para una experiencia sagrada guiada por íconos, donde oraremos y cantaremos a la luz de las velas. Es una hermosa y sencilla manera de conectar con el misterio de Dios. Ven y encuentra la paz interior.

Hora Feliz de Jóvenes Adultos Espeluznante: ¡Llamando a todos los jóvenes adultos! Únete a nosotros para una hora feliz con temática de Halloween el viernes 20 de octubre a las 6:30 p. m. en R & J’s Bar and Grill. Siéntete libre de venir con tus disfraces de Halloween para divertirte aún más.

Hermandad de San Francisco: Únete al poder de las mujeres que oran para una mañana de oración y compañerismo en la Biblioteca Parroquial.

Cena de Espaguetis: ¿Sin planes para cenar este fin de semana? ¡Te tenemos cubierto! Únete a nosotros inmediatamente después de la misa de las 5 p. m. para una deliciosa cena de espaguetis proporcionada por nuestro ministerio juvenil. ¡Por solo $10 por plato, todos los ingresos beneficiarán a nuestro ministerio juvenil durante todo el año.


Friends, today’s Gospel likens the kingdom of God to a king who gives a wedding feast for his son. The biblical authors couldn’t find a more apt metaphor for the coming together of divinity and humanity than a wedding banquet. God and humanity are married, and they are surrounded by joy, peace, celebration, and good food.

What was Jesus’ strategy? Open table-fellowship; outreach to all, to the righteous and the unrighteous, to the healthy and the sick, to the mainstream and the marginalized. Here comes everybody. You don’t have to be good to receive God’s grace; that’s why they call it “grace.”

But then something puzzling emerges. When the king comes to welcome his guests, he finds someone not properly dressed: “The king said to him, ‘My friend, how is it that you came in here without a wedding garment?’” It was customary at the time (as it still is) for people to come to a wedding dressed up.

The play here is between grace and works. We can refuse the invitation altogether, or we can refuse the transformation that should follow from grace. We have to cooperate with grace, donning the wedding garment of love, forgiveness, peace, and nonviolence.

Bishop Robert Barron

Don't forget to download our weekly bulletin:

Photos from St. Francis of Assisi's post 10/12/2023

Thank you again to all who joined us for the annual St. Francis Festival and Barbecue Cook-Off!

Photos from St. Francis of Assisi's post 10/10/2023

Winner, Winner (BBQ) Chicken Dinner!

Congratulations to the winners of the St. Francis Barbecue Cook-Off this past weekend! 🏆 Thank you to everyone who attended our annual Parish Festival.

Stick around for more great photos from this fantastic event.

Photos from St. Francis of Assisi's post 10/09/2023

Happy Monday, St. Francis Family!
We hope you enjoyed the fun times at the parish festival this past weekend. Why not join us for some exciting events happening this week in the 27th Week of Ordinary Time?

Fall Confirmation Preparation Begins - Are you a teen registered for fall confirmation prep? We'll see you this Wednesday in the Acutis room as we start preparing for this exciting sacrament. Don't forget to join us for mass at 6 pm!

Holy Hour of Power - Join us for Eucharistic Adoration, praise & worship music, reflection, and fellowship as we gather to open our hearts to Jesus Christ in the main church.

Children's & Family Adoration - Join us this Friday with your entire family to adore our Blessed Lord in the Eucharist in this family friendly atmosphere.

Ministry Fair - New to the Parish or looking to get involved? Visit us at the Ministry Fair to discover how you can CONNECT with members of our parish, GROW in faith and love, and SERVE God and others with your talents. We'll see you after all the masses this weekend!

Feliz lunes, Familia de San Francisco:
Esperamos que hayan disfrutado de los momentos divertidos en el festival parroquial este fin de semana pasado. ¿Por qué no se unen a nosotros para algunos eventos emocionantes que sucederán esta semana en la 27ª Semana del Tiempo Ordinario?

Comienza la Preparación para la Confirmación de Otoño - ¿Eres un adolescente registrado para la preparación de la confirmación de otoño? Nos veremos este miércoles en la sala Acutis mientras comenzamos a prepararnos para este emocionante sacramento. ¡No olviden unirse a nosotros para la misa a las 6 pm!

Hora Santa de Poder - Únete a nosotros para la Adoración Eucarística, música de alabanza y adoración, reflexión y compañerismo mientras nos reunimos para abrir nuestros corazones a Jesucristo en la iglesia principal.

Adoración Infantil y Familiar - Únete a nosotros este viernes con toda tu familia para adorar a nuestro Santísimo Señor en la Eucaristía en este ambiente familiar y acogedor.

Feria de Ministerios - ¿Eres nuevo en la parroquia o buscas involucrarte? Visítanos en la Feria de Ministerios para descubrir cómo puedes CONECTAR con los miembros de nuestra parroquia, CRECER en la fe y el amor, y SERVIR a Dios y a los demás con tus talentos. ¡Nos veremos después de todas las misas este fin de semana!

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Our Story

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Grapevine, TX, was established as a parish in 1949. We are a member of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth, which is home to over 700,000 Catholics. Our pastor is Rev. Sojan George.

The mission of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church is to build a church of missionary disciples by preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and reaching the poor.

The Church and administration facility, which is situated on 9.6 acres of land near Lake Grapevine, is a 39,000 sq. feet building with church seating for over 1,100, a chapel with confessionals, classrooms and meeting space, office space, and a parish hall. Our Family Life Center features a multi-purpose room and additional classrooms, while the Alice & Al Tamol Outreach Center serves as our hub for community outreach. The stations of the cross, used in the sanctuary, and stained glass windows, used in the parish hall, are from the original mission church, helping to bring forward our past, as we celebrate 70+ years as a parish.

Videos (show all)

LIVE 10am Mass Sunday, June 5th
Lenten Parish Mission en Espanol
Christmas Eve Mass Live at 2PM
LIVE: Growth in Waiting Advent Mission
LIVE: Growth in Waiting Advent Mission
The 44 at Every Mass
Catechesis Registration is Opening Up! | God in Our City Podcast



861 Wildwood Lane
Grapevine, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 9:15am - 8:30pm
Tuesday 9:15am - 8:30pm
Wednesday 9:15am - 8:30pm
Thursday 9:15am - 8:30pm
Friday 9am - 12pm
Sunday 8:30am - 12:30pm

Other Grapevine places of worship (show all)
Foundations Church - Grapevine, TX Foundations Church - Grapevine, TX
1520 W Wall Street
Grapevine, 76051

Building spiritual foundations for a healthy life. God, Family, Purpose

SBTC Collegiate SBTC Collegiate
4500 State Highway 360
Grapevine, 76051

We are a family of churches making multiplying disciples on college campuses.

C3 Conference C3 Conference
2450 N Highway 121
Grapevine, 76051

C3 CONFERENCE 2024 Wednesday, Feb. 14 - Thursday, Feb. 15 #C3conf

C3 Global C3 Global
2450 N Highway 121
Grapevine, 76051

C3 Global - A Relational Network Building the Church Together.

First Grapevine Methodist Church First Grapevine Methodist Church
422 Church Street
Grapevine, 76051

Rev. Benedictus hinn prayers Line Rev. Benedictus hinn prayers Line
Grapevine, TX, US

Televangelist, Teacher and Author

121 Young Adults 121 Young Adults
2701 Ira E Woods Avenue
Grapevine, 76051

Ministry for 18-20 somethings at 121 Community Church

North Texas - Dallas FW Tamil Catholics North Texas - Dallas FW Tamil Catholics
861 Wildwood Lane
Grapevine, 76051

North Texas Tamil Catholics (NTTC) is a non-profit organization which serves Tamil Catholics living in Dallas / Fort Worth area to attend Tamil Mass.

Vine Kids Ministry at FBC Grapevine Vine Kids Ministry at FBC Grapevine
301 E Texas Street
Grapevine, 76051

FBC Grapevine Vine Kids Ministry. Life Groups on Sundays at 9:15 am. Uproar is our Wednesday night event during the school year at 6:15 pm.

Men's Ministry at FBC Grapevine Men's Ministry at FBC Grapevine
301 E Texas Street
Grapevine, 76051

R.E.A.L. Men (Relational, Engaged, Authentic, Legacy-Building)

SFA Living Saints SFA Living Saints

Youth Ministry program for St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Grapevine, TX

Grace and Truth Assembly at North Texas Grace and Truth Assembly at North Texas
Grapevine, 75023

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