Leaf and Twig, LLC

I create organic teas to keep our bodies whole and in balance. Each provides space to explore and en

Leaf & Twig sprouted in 2015 from a Love of Tea and tea’s many life-enhancing properties. At Leaf & Twig we combine herbal knowledge with good taste to help support your individual health needs. We hand-craft our own herbal recipes in small batches creating organic loose-leaf teas and tisanes for you to savor. The flavor of our products is just as important as the life supporting benefits we want you to experience.


Today is the winter solstice or Yule, the shortest day of the year. The celebrations for today are very different than those for the Summer Solstice. Yule celebrates that the light will begin returning. Here, as the weather is cold and snowy (in the northern hemisphere), it is a time to slow down and reflect. The earth sleeps and it is a great time to dream and plan, to see the potential energy of things to come.
The Winter Solstice is a moment of silence. I always connect it with the silence that I experience outside as snow falls. Have you experienced this feeling? The one where the snow muffles all the sounds around and it can almost feel like you are alone with only the trees and the snow for company?
That’s what I’ll be doing today. Preparing a warm and spicy tea and taking a walk to enjoy the shortest day. To observe the earth as she sleeps and dream for the new year.
How are you celebrating the winter solstice today?


Ever wonder why we decorate with pine and evergreens for the holidays?
Traditionally, they fulfilled two purposes.

🌲Bringing the outdoors inside during the cold and snowy weather
🌲Seen as symbols of protection, future prosperity, and the continuation of life
Pines and other evergreens are the only things still green during the winter months so they were reminders of life and that the sun would return.
How do you use evergreens in your decorating? Which are your favorites?


How do you take a break during the busy holiday season?
By reading the Sunday Evening Ritual email I send out twice a month! Head over to sign up on my website today so you don’t miss this Sunday’s email. Enjoy exploring the world of herbs, how to add them to your tea time rituals, the benefits of loose leaf tea and more.


New to the shop!
We are now offering digital gift cards. It’s a great way to share the love of tea with someone else. Several different denominations are available. Either email it to yourself to print out and place in a card or send it directly to their inbox.


Do you have winter/holiday traditions? We have some and we are always looking at adding or adapting them each year depending on where we are in life.
One we do each year is to pick up an ornament from somewhere we have traveled to. This year’s is from Estes Park, CO.
We also bake cookies each holiday. Not only to enjoy as a family but also to gift. As my daughter is getting older, we’ve been able to include her more in this activity.
A new tradition for us is a weekly holiday craft. Last week, I made simple drawings on watercolor paper with a white wax pencil and we used watercolor on them to bring them out. Similar to Easter egg dying. And next week, we’ll be painting wood ornaments together.
It’s really important to us to have time through out the season spent together having fun and trying new things.
What are your new, or old, favorite traditions?


Whether it’s oatmeal, meats, chilis, or a dessert; cinnamon is there. I love using this herb daily during the colder months.
There are actually two types of cinnamon- cassia and verum (ceylon or true, also referred to as sweet). Generally what you buy in the spice aisle is either cassia or a combination of both.
A fast growing tropical tree/large shrub, cinnamon is native to Sri Lanka, India, and China. The inner bark is harvested and as it dries it rolls into what we know as cinnamon sticks.
Cinnamaldehyde is the oily compound that gives cinnamon its smell and flavor.
It’s a warming and stimulating herb that has been traditionally used for a multitude of reasons such as

*Sluggish digestion
*Infections, colds, and flus
*Improve the flavor of a food
You can find cassia cinnamon in Fireside Evenings, perfect for after a meal. Sweet cinnamon is used in Yule Spice and Yule Spice Chai as well as in Warm Turmeric Spice and Morning Harmony.
What is your favorite way to use cinnamon?


As the weather turns colder and we approach winter, I love curling up with teas that warm me from the inside out.
Two teas on my website are perfect for the holidays!
Yule marks the shortest day of the year and as the earth sleeps, renew yourself during the bustle of the holidays with a warming blend of herbs and spices. Yule Spice and Yule Spice Chai celebrate all that is winter!
Yule Spice is the herbal tisane version. It does not contain caffeine.
Yule Spice Chai is the black tea version and it does have caffeine.
Sip and savor the spiciness along with notes of cinnamon and citrus. Perfect to savor alone embracing a time of reflection or to share as a pot of tea to celebrate the season.


What herbs do you gravitate towards as the days shorten and the weather turns colder? I’ve got you covered in my next Sunday Evening Ritual email! Head over to my website to sign up. Then grab your favorite evening tisane and a blanket to enjoy my musings on herbs for the winter season, making the most of your tea time in winter, and more. See you Sunday!


Autumn is here and my own rituals are changing with the season. Out comes a warm blanket and my favorite slipper socks. A mug of warming herbal tisane and a journal set the stage for my evening rituals.
Twice a month I share Sunday Evening Ritual emails. Join me for musings on the seasons, rituals, and the herbs and teas that are perfect for each time of year.


Autumn is my favorite season and I feel Fireside Evenings fits it perfectly. Black tea and warming spices, what more can you want as you sit on your deck and enjoy the crisp air?
Ceylon is such a mild tasting black tea and that’s why it’s included in this blend. It provides a nice base for the cinnamon and cardamom to shine.
Available on my website (follow link in profile ) in three sizes. A small tin if you want to taste it, a large tin for savoring each cup, and a bulk bag for those who love the tea and want to reuse their large tea tin.


Did you know Fireside Evenings was one of the first blends I created?
It was a blend I enjoyed drinking after meals as the weather turned cooler.
I love hearing how much others also enjoy Fireside Evenings and wanted to share how one of my customers described it.
“I love this tea. The sweetest of cinnamon won me over. It is so good, like a cinnamon roll but without the bread. No need for dessert when drinking this tea.”
Head over to my website to try out this original tea! .


Cardamom is often called the "Queen of Spices". It's one of my favorites! Both because of the taste and how good of an ally it is for our health!
It's one that helps support good digestion, so it’s perfect in an after-dinner drink. The oils in this spice anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic effects; they’ll relax the gut and also help with upset stomachs and nausea.
You can try this spice out in Fireside Evenings tea. Tap the link on the picture or in my bio to order some today.


Autumn is my favorite season. I also start to turn towards autumn in August. The light shifts ever so slightly. The plants begin to lose their vibrancy. And I am ready to leave summer behind!
I begin to shift my teas, my cooking, and slowly bring in elements of fall to our home. I try to wait patiently for that shift in the quality of air. I love the way it feels and smells crisp, how it smells of the changing of the leaves, and loses that heaviness that can be present in the humidity of summer.
What is your favorite thing about autumn?


Hi there, Central PA fans! So excited that you can now purchase teas from ! Be sure to stop by to check out the store if you have not been there yet.
📷 credit:


Are you feeling the energy of autumn? Even though it’s official start isn’t quite here yet, I’ve been ready since early August.
While each season has its form of decluttering, I find this to be a time when I am in the flow with the practice. Autumn is a time to wrap up projects and ideas. With that, I always feel like it is a good time to remove what is no longer needed.

This could be making sure something is put back to where it belongs or is in its winter home (storage). This is also the time of year when I start a pile in the garage of things that will be donated and removed from my home.
I make a grounding cup of tea (or tisane) that is warming and full of earthy herbs. Breathing it in before I savor a sip, brings me to the present moment. For this tea ritual, I’ll journal about what feels complete in my life. It helps me with the decluttering aspect. A slow walk around the house, feeling the energy of each room is also helpful in truly seeing what needs to be placed elsewhere in one of the three categories above.
What does your autumn transition look like?


Did you know I send out a twice monthly Sunday Evening Ritual Email? It’s a great way to cozy up on a Sunday evening and explore the world of tea and herbs!
Join me this Sunday for the next musing on seasonal herbs, tea ritual ideas, and preparation tips to make the most of your next cup of tea.


I often share about the tea blends I make and the herbal ingredients. Today, I want to share about my packaging, in particular the large tins. Large tins are one of the ways you can buy each loose leaf tea.
I selected this tin size because it can provide several weeks’ worth of enjoyment. The tins are also wonderful for displaying on your kitchen counter or shelf, or your desk at work.
I love tins because they keep out light and seal well. Light and air are two things that can cause your teas to lose their oomph more quickly.
The other consideration when I designed my packaging is the re-use factor. Refill the tin with additional Leaf & Twig tea or give it new life elsewhere in your home. I’ve even seen customers use them as planters for small succulents. I also wanted to minimize the use of plastic in my products. Our home isn’t completely plastic-free, yet it’s something that we are conscious of when buying foods and household items.
Head over to my website to pick up your large tin today!

Photos from Leaf and Twig, LLC's post 09/07/2022

Hello from my garden! This is a place where I feel grounded. I tend to my small patches of herbs and watch my daughter dig in the dirt. It’s definitely so fun and always a learning experience to slow down and notice how she interacts with the earth. So much to learn there!

As September begins, I am seeing a shift in the energy in my garden. The last blooms are happening, the mint is not as vigorously growing, and some of the leaves are getting a slight yellow undercover.

I encourage you to get out today (or look out your window) and notice what changes you can see. You may need to observe the same plants for a few days in order to see the subtle changes happening as summer slides into autumn.

It’s a great practice to partner with your daily tea ritual.

What changes are you seeing? In yourself or in the plants?


I love cinnamon. It’s a wonderfully warming herb for this time of year. Here are a few ways I bring it into our meals.
When making quesadillas, chimichangas, or tacos, cinnamon is always added.
It goes into the batter for French Toast. (Along with orange extract. Such a wonderful combination!)
I also add cinnamon to my chili recipes.
How do you add cinnamon into your autumn recipes?


It’s a kitchen spice that I start using almost every day as the weather turns cooler. Whether it’s oatmeal, meats, chilis, or a dessert; cinnamon is there.
There are actually two types of cinnamon- cassia and verum (ceylon or true, also referred to as sweet). Generally what you buy in the spice aisle is either cassia or a combination of both.
A fast growing tropical tree/large shrub, cinnamon is native to Sri Lanka, India, and China. The inner bark is harvested and as it dries it rolls into cinnamon sticks.
Cinnamaldehyde is the oily compound that gives cinnamon its smell and flavor.
It’s a warming and stimulating herb that has been traditionally used for a multitude of reasons such as

🍂Sluggish digestion
🍂Infections, colds, and flus
🍂Improve the flavor of a food
You can find cassia cinnamon in Fireside Evenings, perfect for after a meal. Sweet cinnamon is used in Warm Turmeric Spice and in Morning Harmony.

What is your favorite way to use cinnamon?


Hi! Are you a morning person? I like to be. It gives me some time to myself before the day fully begins. Of course, it helps that my husband brings me tea in bed. 😊
A few of my morning tea rituals are:
🫖 Sitting in my reading nook and watching the sun come up
🫖 Journaling
🫖 Practicing Spanish
🫖 Reading an herbal book or picking up where I left off in my latest novel
What is your morning tea ritual?


As the weather cools, what do you reach for? For me, I like my teas to have warming flavors. The spice and warmth of Fireside Evenings is perfect as the weather shifts. Linger outside while enjoying this delightful cup of black tea combined with the sweetness of cinnamon and the complex flavor of cardamom.
Available in three sizes! Head to my website to stock up as the cool weather embraces us.


Are you wondering how to make iced tea with your favorite loose leaf?
It’s actually pretty easy.
If making a single or small batch, use your cup or small teapot with infuser basket. I always double the amount of tea used per cup. This way, the ice doesn’t create a watered down beverage!
Steep your tea for the desired time and strain. Add cold water to your cup or serving pitcher. Usually about a ¼ of the total amount of tea is what to use for the water (1 cup of tea means ¼ cup of cold water is added). Add ice and enjoy!


Are you excited for sunny days? Now that summer is here with all it contains, I tend to get bursts of energy. Especially as the days get longer. That extra daylight does wonders for feeling motivated to do things.
Yet, one of the things I notice with this new burst of energy is it is not sustainable for me to be so active for long stretches of time. Rather than looking at seasonal ebbs and flows in my energy, lately I have been focusing on the daily ebb and flow. I focus on each day to keep my overall energy steady and lessen the extreme ebbs and flows through the season.
Herbs are wonderful allies as I cultivate a rhythm in tune with the season. Peppermint is an easy to grow herb that does well in planters too if space is limited. In fact it grows so well that even if there is space, some gardeners actually prefer it in planters to prevent it from spreading as much!
Peppermint brings with it such opposite effects. Need to feel refreshed? Turn to peppermint. Need to relax? Enjoy peppermint with other sedative herbs for an evening cup.
Peppermint is highly aromatic and that is just part of its charm. Often reached for when experiencing an upset stomach or cramping for its soothing and relaxing effects. It can help stimulate circulation, easing some headaches and tensions. It can help stimulate the mind and increase focus.
Prepare it hot, iced, or as sun tea this summer and enjoy this lovely plant.
What do you like best about peppermint?


Hello! I’m so happy you are here. I created Leaf & Twig with two beliefs in mind and I want to share one of those with you.
Tea can change your world.
How can tea change your world?
Well, I see this happening on so many levels and I can’t wait to share them with you.
As a solo activity, it can be a way to step out of the busyness of your day. That’s why I love loose leaf teas and tisanes. It takes time to prepare loose leaf. It takes preparation. This is why I love to encourage daily tea rituals. Let’s make this time for tea both refreshing and intentional.
Creating a daily tea ritual encourages a slowing down, which I find so helpful in nurturing my emotional state. Choosing teas and tisanes with herbs also helps to support the body. There are definitely times when that is so useful!
As a social activity, this slowing down and stepping out of the busyness of the day is expanded. With so many things competing for our attention, sharing a pot of tea with someone allows you both to focus on your relationship. The tea provides a setting for developing powerful and meaningful relationships with the other person. The time it takes to heat the water, prepare and steep the tea, and serve it is all a way to shift focus and enjoy the time together.
How has tea changed your world?


Memorial Day for many marks the start of summer. How does your daily tea choices change as we move into summer? Looking for inspiration? Head over to my website to sign up for my twice monthly Sunday Evening Ritual emails. I share inspiration for the season through personal musings, research on seasonal herbs, tea benefits and tea preparations.


What are your plans for Memorial Day this year? Will tea be playing a role in your day?
I love having a daily tea ritual, and that will definitely be a part of the day for us. I’m also planning on creating some sun tea that day (weather permitting) for us all to enjoy. I’ll be putting together an herbal blend that my daughter is able to enjoy as well.
Have you made sun tea before? It’s so easy! Grab a large glass jar and your herbs/tea. Make sure the jar is clean and sterile. Add the herbs and pour cold water over them. Seal the lid and place outside in the sun for a few hours. Strain and enjoy. The remaining infusion can go into the fridge for a day as well.
Another trick I like to do is to freeze the tea for later. Add it into your sun tea or iced tea for a refreshing beverage. These can be the same flavor as what you are drinking. This way your drink doesn’t become watered down as the ice melts. Another option is to use the ice cubes to subtly combine with a different tea. A custom combination for you to enjoy!
Have you tried making sun tea? What is your favorite blend?


Shall we wax poetic about the rose?
This herb is one I have a complicated relationship with. I love growing it in my garden. Yet, I’m never a big fan of the overly floral taste in most rose-based products.
It is truly a magnificently complex and beautiful herb. I’m so excited that I have found a way to create a delicious tisane that showcases some of its character.
Cheshire is an herbal that I created inspired by Alice in Wonderland. It is the second of my SpecialTeas in partnership with . I always loved the Cheshire Cat. In part because I love cats. But also because I love how he shifts, sometimes fully visible and other times he only shows parts of himself.
I love rose as she embodies this juxtaposition of opposites and does it so very well. Rose is delicate and vulnerable. Yet she has thorns that remind us to pay attention when interacting together.
Rose also helps to get energy moving. Let’s get into the flow and enjoy the complexities within ourselves.
Be sure to pick up Cheshire today on my website.

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About Leaf & Twig, LLC

Come have tea with me….

I believe that tea can change your world. It’s a bold statement but here’s why I believe it:

  • Steps you out of the busyness of your day

  • Nurtures the soul as well as the body
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