David G. Turner, MSF, CFP

• Securities offered through LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIPC finra.org sipc.org . No offers may be made or accepted from any resident of any other state.

Our mission is to help our clients prepare for their financial future by consistently applying written financial planning processes, providing client-specific advice, and convenient, yet personalized customer service. Investment Advice offered through Good Life Advisors a registered investment advisor. Good Life Advisors and My Planning Pro are separate entities from LPL Financial.

• Third party


We hold them in our hearts.

23 years ago today, our nation witnessed unimaginable acts of violence. We remember the innocent lives lost, the families forever changed, and the heroes who ran toward danger. May their memory be a lasting reminder of the strength that unites us in the face of darkness. ️


🌀 It’s hurricane season.

Remember Hurricane Beryl, which made landfall in the Caribbean just a few months ago? It now holds the title of the strongest hurricane on record in July.

In fact, no other storm reached Beryl's level of intensity so early in the hurricane season, which runs from June 1 to Nov. 30.

🌀 Interesting Hurricane Facts for 🌊

🔘 When fully developed, one hurricane can release heat energy equivalent to a 10-megaton nuclear bomb exploding every 20 minutes.
🔘 They are rated on the Saffir-Simpson Scale from 1 to 5 based on wind speed (74-95 MPH for Category 1, 157+ MPH for Category 5).
🔘 And can travel over 60 miles per hour.
🔘 The typical hurricane is about 300 miles wide, affecting large areas.

Our take: The best preparedness comes from community connections. Knowing your neighbors and local resources can be as vital as any emergency kit.

September is National Preparedness Month, and being ready is more crucial than ever. But preparedness isn't just about stockpiling water and batteries.

Some less obvious but impactful prep ideas:
✅ Create a neighborhood group chat for emergencies
✅ Familiarize yourself with your area's evacuation routes
✅ Have a plan for your pets
✅ Consider storing important documents digitally

For more preparedness tips, check out FEMA's interactive prep guide.

Any other tips? Share below!


This is a good time for a reminder to reflect on our financial futures. With the rising cost of living and lack of savings, the retirement crisis is real.

1️⃣ The Retirement Savings Gap: Many Americans believe they have not saved enough for retirement, with a portion having set aside less than $10,000.

2️⃣ Rising Costs: Healthcare and living expenses continue to climb, making retirement preparation crucial.

3️⃣ Social Security Uncertainty: The future of Social Security is uncertain, and relying solely on it is risky.

💡 My Take:
It is crucial to focus NOW on your financial future.
It's never too early or too late to start preparing for retirement.

As financial professionals, we specialize in creating personalized financial strategies that help address these challenges. Our proactive approach is designed to show clients how to take control of their financial future and work towards retirement.

If you know someone who isn't working with a financial professional, feel free to share this information. We welcome the opportunity to work together.


Today, we celebrate the contributions of workers everywhere!

In our jobs, we see the heart behind all that hard work. You put in countless hours to build a comfortable life, perhaps save for your children’s education, or create a strategy for your dream retirement.

We help families turn their aspirations into action steps based on their goals, time horizons, and risk tolerance.

So, this Labor Day, as you relax and recharge, take a moment to consider your own future. What does your dream retirement look like? How do you measure whether you are on track?

If these questions linger, we’d be happy to chat and explore ways that we can help you navigate your financial journey.

Happy Labor Day, and here’s to a bright future for all!


kicks off on September 15th, which coincides with the anniversary of the independence of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Mexico and Chile follow suit on the 16th and 18th.

This month-long celebration, which began as a week in 1968 and expanded in 1988, honors the rich histories, cultures, and contributions of American citizens with roots in Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America.

Hispanic Americans have shaped our nation in countless ways, from art to science, cuisine to music.

As the talented Lin-Manuel Miranda reminds us,
"I am the one thing in life I can control. I am inimitable—I am an original."

Here’s to celebrating Hispanic Americans' unique and invaluable contributions to our national tapestry.


Emotions play a significant role in our relationship with money and financial decisions.

For some people, deep-rooted emotional obstacles tied to money can make certain aspects of personal finance more difficult and stressful.

Financial trauma is a real and impactful consequence of experiences like childhood poverty, economic downturns, fraud, and more—and can manifest itself during the personal finance process.

Some examples are:

● Financial inaction: Feeling overwhelmed and unable to take control.
● Decision paralysis: Difficulty making financial choices due to anxiety.
● Scarcity mindset: A pervasive fear of running out of resources.

Recognizing these and other potential roadblocks is crucial for pursuing financial well-being.

Financial professionals can offer a supportive environment to help address some of these challenges. They’re way more common than you might think.


🐘🐴 Ever wondered why a donkey and an elephant became the symbols of our two major political parties?

🎨 Political cartoonist Thomas Nast made these symbols popular in the late 1800s. In 1870, Nast satirized the Democratic Party as a donkey, mocking their stubbornness in the face of progress during the Civil War era. The symbol resonated with the public and stuck.

🐴 Over time, Democrats reclaimed the donkey, transforming it into a symbol of their determination, resilience, and tireless work ethic.

🐘 In 1874, Nast struck again, this time depicting the Republican Party as an elephant. Nast chose the elephant to represent the party’s strength, intelligence, and dignified nature, traits the GOP sought to embody.

Today, these mascots continue to embody the spirit of their respective parties as we head into another election season. 🗳️


🐶 Today is National Dog Day and a time to celebrate the amazing dogs who bring us so much happiness.

It’s hard for dog lovers to imagine life without them. They are such a big part of our families.

Not that every day isn’t a time to appreciate them, but this is an excellent excuse to share pictures on social media and give them a little extra love.

Here’s to all our dogs, best friends, and fur babies. ❤️


Did you know the global AI market is projected to reach $1.8 trillion by 2030?

That's a forecast, and it’s subject to change without notice, but the growth prospects may present exciting opportunities across various sectors.

While we see headlines about a handful of well-known companies, there's a whole network of “Pick-and-Shovel” firms quietly fueling the AI revolution.

Who are the "Pick-and-Shovel" players?

Semiconductor manufacturers, cloud infrastructure providers, and AI chip designers are paving the way for AI adoption. These "Pick-and-Shovel" companies may play a critical role in building and scaling AI technology.

Financial headlines can be distracting, and the fear of missing out on the next big thing can lead to do-it-yourself investors making rash decisions.

We are closely monitoring how AI is changing the economic landscape and determining if AI might play a role in our clients' overall strategies.

What are your thoughts on AI's role in the future of finance?


Are you taking full advantage of your workplace benefits? Are health savings accounts (HSAs), 401(k)s, disability insurance, and flexible spending accounts (FSAs) offered by your workplace?

Here's a quick breakdown:

HSA: Triple tax-advantaged account for qualified medical expenses. Your contributions are pre-tax and grow tax-deferred, and withdrawals for qualified expenses are tax-free. If you spend your HSA funds on non-qualified expenses before age 65, you may be required to pay ordinary income tax and a 20% penalty. After age 65, you may be required to pay ordinary income taxes on HSA funds used for non-qualified expenses. HSA contributions are exempt from federal income tax; however, they are not exempt from state taxes in certain states.

401(k): Retirement savings plan with pre-tax contributions and potential employer matching. We can help individuals determine a contribution amount that fits their situation. Once you turn 73, you must take the required minimum distributions from your 401(k). Withdrawals are taxed as ordinary income and may be subject to a 10% federal income tax penalty if taken before age 59½.

Disability Insurance: Income replacement if unable to work due to illness or injury—a safety net designed to help you and your family. Disability obligations are dependent on the issuing company’s ability to make claim payments.

FSA: A way to use pre-tax dollars for eligible healthcare and dependent care expenses. Unlike an HSA account, you may have to spend your FSA funds before year-end, adhering to the “use it or lose it” rule. There are some exceptions.

Don't miss out on these valuable resources! Understanding and maximizing your benefits can help your financial situation.

Need help navigating your workplace benefits? Let's connect. We might be able to offer some insights and help create a personalized strategy aligned with your financial goals. 🤝


The alarming rise in elder financial exploitation (EFE) is reaching new heights, with adults aged 60 and over reporting more than $1.6 billion in losses per year due to scams, according to the Federal Trade Commission.

What's even more concerning is the increasing sophistication of scams fueled by artificial intelligence (AI). 🤖

Scammers are now using AI-generated voices and deep fake videos to impersonate loved ones, government officials, and even celebrities, making distinguishing reality from fiction more challenging than ever.

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”) released its Financial Trend Analysis in April 2024. It focused on patterns and trends identified in Bank Secrecy Act (“BSA”) data linked to Elder Financial Exploitation (“EFE”).

Key findings include:

▪️ Banks filed 72% of all EFE-related filings.
▪️ 80% of EFE-related filings involve transferring money to a stranger for a promised benefit that the older adult does not receive.
▪️ 20% of EFE-related BSA filings involve theft, where a trusted person steals from an older adult. Unfortunately, 40% of elder theft reports named the elder adult’s children as the perpetrators.
▪️ Perpetrators mostly rely on approaches that minimize direct contact with bank employees, including previously compromised usernames and passwords, guessing passwords, or phishing emails that elicit replies containing sensitive information.

We all have a role in helping protect our seniors from financial exploitation.

Be sure to take proactive steps to help educate and protect your loved ones. Let us know if you’d like to discuss ways to potentially safeguard their financial well-being.


Frequent flyers, this one's for you! 📱

If you have an iPhone, Google has made it super easy to get up-to-the-minute updates on flight status—there is no need to use a flight tracker app or go to the airline’s site.

Just text yourself your flight number (like AA1234), and it will appear in your messages as a hyperlink.

Click on the link and select “flight preview” to get all the info you want.

Thought it was a pretty good hack I hadn’t heard about. Hope it’s helpful. 😎


Happy !

Watching my children grow up is one of the greatest joys in life and a source of so much pride (and maybe a little stress, too!). I want nothing more than to see them succeed in life and be prepared for life's challenges.

As a financial professional, I'm passionate about helping families empower their children for a bright future, and I thought I’d share some ideas that can build the foundation for long-term success:

▪️ Consider Opening a Savings Account Together: Make saving a tangible concept by
opening a joint savings account and setting small goals.
▪️ Involve Them in Budgeting: Discuss household expenses in an age-appropriate way and allow them to participate in making budget decisions.
▪️ Lead by Example: Demonstrate healthy financial habits like responsible spending and bill paying. Talk openly about your financial goals.
▪️ Encourage Earning: Earning money, whether through chores, allowances, or a part-time job, teaches valuable lessons about work and responsible spending.
▪️ Start Conversations Early: The earlier you discuss money with your children, the more comfortable they may manage money as adults.

Building a solid financial foundation starts at home! If you're looking for more resources or insights, feel free to message me.


As summer winds down and college move-in day approaches, it's important to think beyond the dorm room essentials.

Here are three key areas you might want to address before your student heads off to campus:

1️⃣ Legal Authorizations: Once your child turns 18, they're legally an adult. Consider establishing a Power of Attorney (POA) if you want to continue to play a role in their healthcare and finances. Also, a Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) authorization can help if you want access to their academic records. Having these documents in place may allow you to step in if needed.

2️⃣ Allowance and Financial Responsibility: Have a candid conversation about budgeting and financial responsibility, including credit card use. Determine an appropriate budget, and don’t forget to decide whether they can continue to use your accounts for things like Amazon and Uber.

3️⃣ Out-of-State Insurance Coverage: Review your health insurance plan and check to see if it covers your student's location. Explore renters insurance if they'll be living off-campus. If they're leaving their car at home, you might be eligible for a modified insurance rate.

These are important topics to discuss as your children leave “the nest.” If you have any questions, please reach out. We can work with your legal professional to help your family get the appropriate documents in place.


With the Summer Olympics in full swing, it's hard not to be inspired by the athletes' dedication and preparation. 🏊‍♂️🏆

Just like swimming legend Mark Spitz, who famously said, "If you fail to prepare, you're prepared to fail," success in any field–including finances—requires preparation!

Don't be a spectator in your financial future. Now is the time to strategize and equip yourself with the knowledge and tools you need to pursue your goals.

A little preparation today can help you tomorrow!


Here’s another observance you might have missed—this week is National Simplify Your Life Week. Who knew?

It made me think about organizing and cleaning out some of our closets and maybe even tackling the garage (who doesn’t love a clean garage?). But more importantly, it’s also a good reminder that your finances can become cluttered and unorganized just as easily as your home.

Here are a few simple steps you can take to simplify your financial life:

Review your budget: Take a close look at your income and expenses to see where your money is going and identify areas where you can cut back.

Consolidate accounts: Combining multiple accounts or credit cards can make tracking your spending and managing your money easier.

Automate your finances: Consider setting up automatic bill payments and savings transfers to help take the guesswork out of monthly finances.

Declutter your wallet: Get rid of old receipts, unused gift cards, and expired coupons to create a more organized and streamlined wallet.

If you're looking for guidance on consolidating and organizing your finances, we can offer a few tips.


The lazy days of summer are coming to a close, and we’re now entering National Back to School Month! 📚✏️

This time of the year can be both exciting and stressful. There’s a lot to coordinate: purchasing supplies, signing up for afterschool activities, and simply readjusting schedules.

But there’s no doubt that education is one of the greatest investments we can make in our children’s futures. This month, whether you have children or grandchildren, we can all help support the next generation, especially those less fortunate than us.

Think about donating supplies, volunteering your time, or contributing financially to initiatives such as Junior Achievement USA—every bit helps.

Helping families with financial strategies to fund educational goals is one of the most rewarding parts of our jobs. It is also so fulfilling to support education in our communities during this time of the year.

What community events do you participate in?

social.americanlifestylemag.com 07/01/2024

Happy July! Comment below one thing you are excited about that is happening this month!


Succulent Citrus Cranberry Shortbread Cookies 06/29/2024

Make these shortbread cookies for the holidays this year!

Succulent Citrus Cranberry Shortbread Cookies Upgrade your classic shortbread cookies with the sweetness of citrus.

The Psychology of Effective Marketing 06/28/2024

Discover how a successful real estate agent utilizes psychology-based marketing.

The Psychology of Effective Marketing Real estate agent Jess Lenouvel shares how psychology can empower marketing strategies.

social.americanlifestylemag.com 06/26/2024

Let’s settle the debate once and for all … hot dogs or hamburgers?

Regardless of your side, having an outdoor kitchen area to make your favorite grilled foods can elevate the look and functionality of your space. Reach out for other home upgrade ideas that can boost your home's value.


Are Your Glasses Fogging Up While Wearing Your Mask? Here’s What You Can Do 06/24/2024

Is your mask fogging up your glasses? Here's what you can do.

Are Your Glasses Fogging Up While Wearing Your Mask? Here’s What You Can Do Finally, the homemade and store-bought solutions you need to the mask-and-glasses fog.

3 Ways to Keep Your Pets Cool for Summer 06/22/2024

Keep your pets cools during the dog days of summer with these tips.

3 Ways to Keep Your Pets Cool for Summer What's better for canines in the summer than some frozen treats?

Summer Fruit-Filled Mini Tacos 06/21/2024

Put a twist on the typical "Taco Tuesday" with some fresh fruit tacos!

Summer Fruit-Filled Mini Tacos Take advantage of the fresh summer fruits to make a delightful dessert.

Cranberry-Cheesecake Brownies 06/19/2024

Cherry, cheesecake, brownie, what's not to like?

Cranberry-Cheesecake Brownies Add a touch of pink to your brownies with the help of tangy cranberry and cream cheese.

Asparagus, Pea, and Radish Salad 06/17/2024

Looking for a salad that's full of spring flavors? Check this out!

Asparagus, Pea, and Radish Salad A deliciously light salad perfect for spring!

social.americanlifestylemag.com 06/15/2024

Elevate your greens with a splash of flavor! 🥗 ✨ With so many delicious spring fruits and veggies in season, now is the perfect time to whip up delicious salad recipes at home. But crafting the perfect dressing isn't just an art—it's also a delicious science. Use these tips to try some creative flavors, and feel free to share your favorite recipes in the comments below! ⬇️ 💬

Let’s work together to make this season more delightful. 🙌 Send me a message today!



Skip the oven and keep the flavor on these no-bake oatmeal bars!


Let the Games Begin! Olympic Party Themes 06/12/2024

Show your patriotic pride with an Olympics-themed party!

Let the Games Begin! Olympic Party Themes Show your patriotic pride with an Olympics-themed party for your friends and family.

Stir-Fried Eggplant with Celery, Pine Nuts, and Calabrian Chiles 06/08/2024

This recipe is the best way to eat your veggies.

Stir-Fried Eggplant with Celery, Pine Nuts, and Calabrian Chiles Dress up your summer veggies with a touch of heat.

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Our Story

Our mission is to help our clients prepare for their financial future by consistently applying written financial planning processes, providing client-specific advice, and convenient, yet personalized customer service. By applying these fundamental principles and uncompromising integrity, our advisors pave the way for our clients to pursue their financial goals.

"With over two decades of experience in the financial industry, David G. Turner builds long-term relationships as a trusted and knowledgeable advisor by providing education, training, integrity, and outstanding client service."

David is a native of Greenville, SC. He received his high school diploma from Hampton Park Christian High School in 1979. He began his adult working life as a Sheriff's Deputy with the Greenville County Sheriff's Office in 1983. In 1989, he joined the Greenville City Police Department and continued his career there until 1994. By this time, David had developed a genuine interest in finance and had begun considering ways of pursuing a career in the field. In 1994, he accepted a position with an insurance company in Charlotte, NC. Since that beginning, he has also worked for a large bank and several investment broker-dealers. As David learned finance from the practical side, he began to desire to learn more from an academic perspective. In 2007, he received a Bachelor's Degree in Sociology from the University of South Carolina. Mr. Turner continued his education and in 2013 received a Master of Science degree in Finance, Financial Analysis Major from The College for Financial Planning.

After spending over a decade away, David returned home in 2014. He is actively involved in Thrive Church Greenville. In his free time, David enjoys playing the guitar, watching college athletics, reading, working out and spending time with his wife Amy, and their family.

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Merry Christmas!


Greenville, SC

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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