Christa Rene Photography

Greenville, SC & Destination Wedding Photographer
Contact: www.chris

Photos from Christa Rene Photography's post 06/25/2024

5 years ago…

I knew there had to be a better way to build a photo business than what I was doing. I was ready to fully step into a new method, without looking back. It was hard and challenging to change what I had been doing for five years, but I knew I was not where I wanted to be in the next five years. I always like to think 2 steps ahead, and figure out how to escalate getting there. Filling the calendar with $3-5k weddings just wasn’t going to be “it”.

I knew I didn’t want to have to be shooting a large volume of weddings and be tied to that, yet didn’t want to lose my passion for shooting. But had stopped marketing portraits because they just didn’t make sense with what I was charging.

I look back on myself 5-years ago and see someone inspired, ready to crush it, and ready for a way to break past being capped in the shoot and burn cycle or thinking weddings were the only way.

Fast forward 5 years- I built an incredibly strong portrait brand within a few years, that eventually hit a $2k average. I did multiple $10k+ weddings. All through shifting into being product focused, and knowing how to share this with clients in a way that serves. I’m not a crazy influencer dressed in gucci. My town is average sized. But people value photos everywhere. And I got really good at serving them- because YES. There are people in your town that will spend thousands on portraits. And you can be the photographer that serves them.

On our group calls inside Uncapped, I help share inspiring relatable content to keep momentum up within photographers to hit that next level they’re seeking. I bring in colleagues who are also full service to share their experiences and encouragement.

I support our students daily in our Slack group so we can work through any “stuck” points they come across. We work through marketing blocks, ways to serve clients better, product offering ideas, and closing regular 4-fig+ sales along with the modules covering all of this.

This way, you have a paved step by step path to reach what’s sooo possible for you as a photographer- uncapped income and growing your average by adding in products.

Photos from Christa Rene Photography's post 06/24/2024

I used to believe so many lies in the photo industry that held me back. Now I help others move past those to build a business and life of freedom. If you are a photographer and want to uncap your income/session without having to work more evenings or weekends by adding in products, Uncapped is for you.

What we cover:

➡️ Setting up pricing that will meet YOUR goals, and allow your clients to be Uncapped - we even include a pricing audit with our numbers coach so you’re sure to be on track!

➡️ Sharing the value to clients. How to walk every client through your high service process (no studio needed), in a way that feels aligned, non icky, and serves. And how to share these shifts in your business to past & current clients.

➡️ How to attract & bring in more of the RIGHT client. Marketing with immediate results, as well as long term marketing that pays off over time.

If you’re ready to start making double or triple your current portrait average, let’s chat!

Photos from Christa Rene Photography's post 06/19/2024

What a pure joy to get to photograph your friends welcoming their daughter into the world!

Edward and I went to high school with Abe, and I knew Hailey because she is a local photographer. I was THRILLED when I heard they were dating! I got to do their engagement photos, and after getting married we began attending the same church. Since then they’ve become some of our closest friends!

Little Myles is ecstatic to be a big brother, and baby Janie is the snuggliest little peanut ever. And how gorgeous is Hailey as a mama of 2?

Photos from Christa Rene Photography's post 06/17/2024

I had a photographer hire me to bump her average up and sell more wall art! Excited to share with a few tweaks, she’s sold wall art to 2 out of her last 3 senior clients!

Adding in products doesn’t need to be scary or overwhelming. It can be done in a way that serves your clients well, while ensuring you’re paid your worth!

Photos from Christa Rene Photography's post 06/02/2024

Hey there, I’m Christa, the revenue girl for photographers.

In my decade-long photo career, I found the 2 best ways to grow income exponentially and serve others more. Adding in products without needing to sell in person, and teaching what I was doing. I’m sharing screenshots above from booked I bc one reported in my HoneyBook file.

Now, I help others make the most of their photo businesses to get paid their worth and serve at a higher level!

I hold a 6-month coaching container on the step by step to adding in products for regular 4-figure sessions.


I’m launching a beta round of how to launch your coaching offer for regular $5k+ months of education income.

Shoot me a DM to see which is best for growing your photo biz💕

Photos from Christa Rene Photography's post 06/01/2024

This is my life. It’s not flashy or super fancy.

I am a mom. I work. I spend a lot of time with my family. I love my friends deeply. My daughter goes to childcare part time so I can focus on work when needed.

My husband is my best friend. He’s been working like crazy getting a rental house ready for a tenant, so we often just give each other calls through the day to catch up.

I struggle with home decor. You don’t see much of my house here- it’s basic and half from tjmaxx/thrifted except for the pottery barn splurges in our bedroom. My dream for next home is to hire an interior designer to take care of everything.

On top of this I’m a coach. I teach ordinary photographers how to have extraordinary results in their business by becoming full service without a studio. It’s how I hit $350k at the peak of my photo career. It’s how students have passed 100k with just portraits. Tripled income. Spent more time with their kids. Added more meaning to their work.

I’m starting a business coaching container to launch your educational offer. It’s how I brought in $200k in Q1.
(Dm me for details on either of these!)

I’m just a normal girl. And totally owning it in this season. I don’t want to create a vibe I’m someone I’m not. Or that you have to be someone you aren’t to be successful.

And I believe that if someone who looks like me without being flashy or who spends hours on herself to show up online (not possible in a season when a baby is waiting for her bottle and you’re trying to throw on makeup) can do it- while juggling motherhood, a coaching biz, photo biz, and barely keeping laundry fresh, anyone can💕


This was such a special conversation! Krista has done 3(!!) websites for us, and we’ve learned soooo much about SEO from . It’s a HUGE part of how we went from being solely wedding photographers to over 100 portrait sessions/year! On the podcast we’re sharing how SEO can grow your photo business!

Comment EP17 and I’ll send you the episode!

Photos from Christa Rene Photography's post 05/21/2024

Just some friendly reminders from one photographer to another 💕

Photos from Christa Rene Photography's post 05/17/2024

So beyond thankful for my little family. I was reflecting back over the past few years… Edward has been the biggest reason besides the Lord why my business has been so successful and we are where we are at. He is a behind the scenes kind of guy, he doesn’t like the spotlight, but I don’t know anyone more faithful and consistent than him.

He’s the reason I hired my first photo coach who shared with me was possible becoming full service. He’s the reason I stuck with it even when it was hard. He’s the reason I hired my education coach to begin teaching. It’s been such an incredible journey together.

Because of his support and encouragement to grow the way I did, my photo business allowed us to begin our real estate investing journey, go on some incredible trips together which I will always treasure before having the baby, and build for our future.

This is why I am so passionate about helping photographers. Because your business should bring joy, freedom, and revenue to build a future.💕

Photos from Christa Rene Photography's post 05/11/2024

What a joyed document a family’s legacy…
Swipe for 2nd baby ➡️ 1st baby ➡️ 1st pregnancy

And how special to ensure they have tangible heirloom of these images in their home to remember as the years go on!

I can’t wait to share their heirlooms from our most recent session!

Photos from Christa Rene Photography's post 05/06/2024

Tell me in the poll which way you’re more edited to grow your business!

Firm believer over here you *can* have it all…

A business you love and an income to show for it.

I help photographers scale by adding in products… some have tripled income, added $50k, and spent more time outside of work while making more.

I’m also excited we’ll be dropping the starter pack to make $5-10k/mo from education if you’re eager to teach!🎉

Photos from Christa Rene Photography's post 05/05/2024

So proud of this beautiful angel of a friend, and can’t wait for all the field trips we’ll chaperone together while our girls are growing up 😉 You are already so loved, sweet Frances!💕

Photos from Christa Rene Photography's post 04/26/2024

These photographers were ready and excited to make changes to serve their clients better, and drastically up their income overall and per session! WITHOUT having to shoot more!

🔥They could’ve easily stayed where they were, but decided they were done playing small and that the sky was the limit! They added in products with our method, and have been crushing it ever since!

🎉I am so stinkin passionate about coaching photographers on how… (especially looking back over my photo career at five years not offering products outside the gallery, then five years offering them… and holy cow what a difference.)

☎️Today is the last day to apply for our program, and if you get accepted, you get a free one on one call with me included!

🌸Want the link? Comment SPRING and I’ll send the training and info about our program!

Photos from Christa Rene Photography's post 03/06/2024

🎙️A very special guest on the Uncapped Photographer Podcast today!

Morgan has been one of my best friends for years now, and we’ve also had the joy of growing our photo businesses together!

You will probably never hear an episode where two people talk so fast. But don’t worry, we cover a lot of ground. 😂

What we cover in this episode:

📚 how she went from burnt out teacher to a 6-figure photographer…

📍While building her biz in a NEW city during Covid

✨Knowing your value and worth as a photographer, especially if you’re afraid of charging for it!

🪩 How to make strong connections that lead to regular word-of-mouth bookings

💰How she has regular 4-fig+ branding and family sales

Listen here:


🎉 Coaching Giveaway Alert! 🎉

Hey photographers! 📸 Ready to take your business to the next level? I’m thrilled to announce that we’re hosting a giveaway for a chance to win a FREE 1:1 coaching session with me! ✨

To enter, simply join our broadcast channel (link in bio) and follow the instructions there. It’s that easy! Join the channel to learn how to enter and elevate your photography game by adding in products! 💰💫

In our coaching session, we’ll chat through how you can add in products to grow income, hit 4-figure sessions, and scale your biz. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to boost your photography business!

Winner announced Monday, March 4!

Photos from Christa Rene Photography's post 01/13/2024

How and why to offer heirloom portraits!

✅These are meant to be framed and not stay on a phone. “Heirloom” is literally in the name! Don’t make your clients have to be the ones to print them!

✅They’re easy to shoot without much time at all. Not a huge variety is needed which is great so littles don’t need to last long!

✅They don’t require much space! Just a simple white background and can easily be lit with natural light.

“How do I start⁉️”

✨Invite a family in who has kids sitting up to practice. Gift a digital as a thank you and offer framed portraits for add ons. Don’t know a family to invite in? Do a model call!

🎉If you love it, host a giveaway for an heirloom portrait. Give a framed one to the winner, and then reach out to everyone else who entered with a gift card to cover the session fee.

If all sounds good but you’re wondering how to offer products / what to charge / where to get them… basically *all* the things.. I teach exactly this!! It’s how I had a student have a $4k heirloom session mini day. And another have regular $500-1,000 sales from single heirloom sessions!

Comment HEIRLOOM and I’d love to connect more!


Wondering WHEN, HOW MUCH, and AT WHAT POINT in your business to invest in education? You're going to love this podcast episode on the Uncapped Photographer!


Along with our website launch, is our new podcast! The Uncapped Photographer is for established photographers ready to hit the next level! Give it a listen here:

Photos from Christa Rene Photography's post 11/17/2023

We are SO excited to share the all new website is here!!! You don't want to miss it. We've been so passionate about helping other photographers grow and scale, and now have a website that reflects it!

Davey and Krista did an incredible job!

View it here:

Photos from Christa Rene Photography's post 09/26/2023

If you do what you've always done, you will get what you've always gotten. 😉

Tell me what's stopping you from investing in your photography business in the comments. We all have fears we have to work through. I'd love to help! ↓

Photos from Christa Rene Photography's post 09/19/2023

Let's be friends! Introduce yourself in the comments-- your location + your niche (portraits, weddings, branding, etc) + your go-to Starbucks order. ☺️

Photos from Christa Rene Photography's post 09/13/2023

If you've been thinking about adding prints and heirlooms to your clients, I can help you! In THE UNCAPPED PHOTOGRAPHER, I'll teach you how to:

✅ Deliver your client’s images with a bang (not a fizzle… like sending over a huge gallery and calling it a day!)
✅ Prep for the session – using my tried and true checklist – so you don’t miss a beat
✅ Use the design software to design the prints, and help your clients choose their wall art without any hiccups

And to wrap it all up, you receive my sales script for closing 4-figure sales (again, without being salesy!) as well as scripts that will help you handle any objections that your clients may have.

✨I'm looking for 10 photographers ready to add in prints to hit regular 4-figure sessions! Send me a DM, I'd love to chat! ✨

Photos from Christa Rene Photography's post 09/09/2023

“WHEN is the best time to invest in my education?”

I hear this a LOT.

And I can honestly say my biggest regret in my business was not investing in myself in a higher level sooner!

Yes, even during the crazy times. Why wait to change your business (and life)?!

Thumbs up or down… do you agree?👍🏻👎🏻

Photos from Christa Rene Photography's post 09/06/2023

Let's get a conversation going on SELLING. What are you nervous about? What's the cost to your business if you don't do direct sales?

Photos from Christa Rene Photography's post 08/23/2023

Less time editing, staring at your computer, tweaking photos into the wee hours of the night, and more time having brunch with your besties. ☕ ️🥐 🍳

Ready to get started? DM me the word "UNCAP" for a free 20-minute training.

Photos from Christa Rene Photography's post 08/16/2023

I remember getting going, trying to build clientele and figuring out ALL the business stuff... It's a LOT! 😂

I want to invite you to a free training where I share how I booked dream clients again and again, and how you can too! Even if you are JUST starting out and have 0 clients. This will get you moving!

➡DM me the word JUMP, and I'll send the training over to you!


I get messages like this from my students ALL THE TIME. I love to see them thrive and uncap their potential as portrait photographers. 💕

If you'd like to learn more about THE UNCAPPED PHOTOGRAPHER, click on the link below.

Photos from Christa Rene Photography's post 08/09/2023

In UNCAPPED, I'll give you a script that shows you EXACTLY how to talk to your previous clients about your new prices and processes . ✨

Photos from Christa Rene Photography's post 08/02/2023

It's time to stop the cycle and end-burn out. 👏🏻 You can have a profitable photography business AND a personal life.

➡DM me the word "MINI' to receive a free training on this topic.

Photos from Christa Rene Photography's post 07/27/2023

THE most ✨important ✨part of your work with your clients is the reveal session. This is where you’ll show your clients their photos, walk them through which portraits they should buy, and close the sale.

I'll walk you through every step in the UNCAPPED PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER.

DM me the word "UNCAP" for a free training.

Want your business to be the top-listed Photography Service in Greenville?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

If you aren't offering prints & heirlooms to your clients, you're leaving a LOT of money on the table! And I can share h...
↓Let me know if this sounds similar to your business journey so far ↓✓You’ve booked a few paying clients here and there,...
"Upon beginning my coaching journey with Christa, I immediately began making changes to my heirloom portrait sessions. I...
The truth is that there’s a lot of misinformation out there about what you actually need to build a successful photograp...
⬇ See caption ⬇⁣⁣Learn the business foundations you need to confidently attract a steady stream of ideal (and paying!) c...
I get messages like this from my students ALL THE TIME. I love to see them thrive and uncap their potential as portrait ...
Hi! I'm Christa! I’m a portrait photographer from South Carolina, and I’ve been in the industry for 9 years.I teach othe...


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