Electric Soul

Electric Soul is a full-service, turn key video production company that specializes in creating visually compelling stories.

Photos from Electric Soul's post 08/01/2024

We’ve travelled to 7 states, meeting firefighters all over the country, getting to learn about the challenges they face.

While it’s been really exciting to see the ways in which technology is making firefighting more efficient and safer for everyone involved, one thing has become clear: nothing is more important to firefighting than the people.

And it’s not just on the fire scene. Firefighters are some of the most amazing members of any community, not only keeping people safe, but acting as an example of what it means to care for others, even at the risk of your own safety. I think that’s innately why so many kids are obsessed with them, right? We like to see role models who are strong, brave, caring, and have cool tools that they’re experts with.

So let this post be your reminder to maybe drop off a bag of coffee or order a pizza or three for your local fire department. Send some love to some amazing role models today.

Photos from Electric Soul's post 07/24/2024

Maybe our favorite part about working with is visiting fire stations around the country and get to know the incredible men and women who work there.

It’s pretty awesome to see a national community of public servants. Every fire house is different, every team is unique, but there are something things innate in each firehouse we visit: deep camaraderie, inherent selflessness, a sense of fun and passion.

We’re always excited to see where this journey will take us next and the people we’ll get to meet along the way.


Photos from Electric Soul's post 07/10/2024

The shots, the setups, and the people that made it all happen.

📷: , ,

Photos from Electric Soul's post 07/03/2024

We want there to feel like there’s a little bit of magic in everything we make. The cast and crew that created this campaign brought that to every detail of every scene, and we couldn’t be more proud of what this team accomplished.

From having a foundation of warm and lovely creative to build on, to quickly and brilliantly pivoting to create new scenes to fake a sunny summer day during a downpour, the collaboration behind this project created the type of set we dream of. Thank you all for bringing your magic to elevate this project!

📷: , ,

Photos from Electric Soul's post 06/19/2024

The Spark won an Emmy for cinematography. So we were going to post a bunch of screen grabs because, you know, that felt pretty illustrative of what was honored.

But then we thought… what should we really recognize with this award? And the answer was really reframing the question: who should we recognize?

So here are some shots (some quite candid) of the brilliant and hard-working crew that brought these images and these stories to life. Without the people in these photos working long, difficult, fun, frustrating, glorious hours to craft and produce this show… we never would have received the honor or—more importantly—been able to connect with people over these stories like we have.

Phenomenal work crew. Thanks for bringing your creativity and your kindness to set every day.
Producers: , ,
Cam Op: ,
1AC: (with )


We are incredibly honored and grateful to win an Emmy! Director of photography Brian French won for his outstanding achievement in cinematography on The Spark, a series we produced for Very Local.

We are so grateful to the incredible hard work that the entire crew put into making this series special, but thought this a good time to specifically recognize the team behind the image on the series!

Cam op:
Cam op/ 2nd AC:
2nd AC:

Outstanding work team. We appreciate you and we’re thrilled to see your work recognized!

Photos from Electric Soul's post 06/12/2024

“Our goal is to imbue every scene with character; to create visuals that are constantly engaging, but that are rooted in and inspired by the purpose of the narrative. We’re always experimenting in storytelling. So from macro lenses on an ARRI Amira, to Kodak Vision3 16mm film, to drones, this documentary has been a constant pursuit of using just the right tools to tell each part of the story.” – Micah Taylor, director

Post production has begun on our documentary with and it’s been quite the fun exploration so far. We’re excited to share the project with you this fall!

Photos from Electric Soul's post 06/05/2024

BTS on film. Captured by on Portra400 over the course of two weeks on-set in Greenville, SC; Chicago, IL; and Indianapolis, IN.

Yes, it was a crazy few weeks. We had crews flying/ driving/ filming all over. But it was also two weeks full of getting to create with friends. We’re continually grateful for the talent and integrity of the crews we work with. And for the generally awesome vibe they bring with them.

Photos from Electric Soul's post 05/29/2024

We are excited to announce that our team won 3 Telly Awards in the 2024 season for our work with Lowe’s, Scout’s Doughnuts, and House of Flawless!

Each of these projects was deeply meaningful for us, with some truly wonderful stories brought to life by incredible crews.

We are so grateful for the brands that continue to trust us to cast vision for their projects and the individuals who pour their hard work into crafting creative abstract into reality.

Thank you all so much.

And fun fact: that rounds out our commercial award season with Scout’s Doughnuts bringing home 9 total awards and House of Flawless receiving 5.

Photos from Electric Soul's post 05/16/2024

Let’s play “What are they making?”
A) Brass fittings for firefighting equipment
B) New body parts for Darth Vader

It’s not a trick question: we still haven’t been tapped to produce the next Star Wars film… but this is a more noble cause anyway.

Photos from Electric Soul's post 05/09/2024

One of the “perks” of production is that every project is an experience: we get to see new places, learn new things, and best of all, meet new people.

We work hard to create environments on our sets that are more like temporary communities. There’s no better example than the relationships we’ve formed during our time working on this doc with .

From gaining a deeper understanding of each person’s organization and mission… to learning the first concert they attended, the people we’ve met along the way have become friends, and every chance to see them is like a reunion.

So shout out to the amazing people we’ve met along the way (on this project, and others). We hope you get the chance to experience the same level of community and wonder in your day-to-day!


Photos from Electric Soul's post 04/25/2024

Pretty sure there’s an artist out there who has a song about how Soil is Sacred. If I can just remember who it is… I may have to explore using the song for this doc.

The first few grabs from our the Honduras/ origins section of our documentary with . More to come later this year as we continue to follow the journey of this coffee and the people impacted along the way.

Shoutout to for sending us a set of Vespid Primes to shoot on! We’re loving the image we get off these and they were lightweight… which made the act of climbing mountains with our gear just a bit easier. We’ll talk a little more about these as we start to grade the project.

Photos from Electric Soul's post 04/04/2024

Traveling to Honduras on the first leg of our documentary about coffee sourcing was an incredible experience. We are coffee enthusiasts; so having the opportunity to go to the origin, see the process, and meet the incredible people behind coffee was a dream-come-true for us.

We can’t wait to tell you more about this project and for you to meet some of the awesome individuals who are trying to change the industry and refocus and valuing the people behind the product.

Until then, here’s the first drop of some BTS and the amazing people we got to meet and work with along the way.

1-3 (Ektachrome 100)
4-6 (Candido 800)
7 (Portra 400)


We were honored with a few ADDY Awards this year. It’s always nice to get recognized for our work, but this year was particularly impactful for our team for a couple reasons:

First, this is the largest number of different creative leads awarded for our team. and each had a project the directed win an award (and bonus points, two of our projects were recognized for cinematography, both shot by our best friends and collaborator ).

Secondly, the two clients whose projects were represented are both incredible companies founded and lead by our good friends. These folks entrusted us with their brands by letting us concept, craft, and create this content with a lot of freedom. We are incredibly grateful for partnerships and collaborations like these. Should out to and for being our partners.

It’s been a while since we’ve had a year where we were awarded wholly for Greenville-based work, so when we look at these awards, we see growth and empowerment… in our team, our community, and the awesome companies we get to partner with along the way.

Thank you all.

Photos from Electric Soul's post 01/24/2024

Any chance we get to film on a farm of any kind… we take it.

We live to see where our food comes from and meet the people who cultivate it and pull it from the ground.

It also makes for some great footage.

Currently in the edit bay: a series of videos we’re partnering with on to tell the story of some of the incredible work their members do all around the state of SC. We’re excited for you to highlight some of these great stories… and thrilled that one of them involved a farm, of course.

Photos from Electric Soul's post 01/19/2024

This is the product of a DP also snagging you BTS photos: cameras lit like an actor’s dream, mundane things like gaff tape looking majestic.

We’re excited to show you what’s in the other side of the cameras on this project soon. But for now, enjoy these pictures of a cup holder looking way cooler than it has any business being.


Photos from Electric Soul's post 08/04/2022

Taylor is one of our most highly-relational team members. He started his photography career in weddings because he “thought it would be a great opportunity to form friendships and relationships with new people.” True story, there are multiple couples whose wedding he shot that he’s still friends with to this day.

After a decade of shooting weddings, seeking to spend more time in the weekends with his growing family (he now has 2 boys) and seeking a new challenge, Taylor looked to transition into commercial photography.

We’d been friends with Taylor for a long time… he’d shot our maternity photos and family photos (and made us cookies and other various baked goods), so we were more than excited to bring him on to try his hand at commercial shoots.

And he immediately excelled.

Taylor’s background in design adds a level of prestige to staging and designing scenes, and his relational drive makes him a favorite on set with our crews, casts, and clients (iykyk).

Taylor’s favorite part of the job is “getting to craft an image from start to finish. Getting to be meticulous with the image.”

“Working at Electric Soul is like getting to work with family. Getting to have fun and collaborate and get constructive feedback is a great part of the process.”

It’s no surprise one of Taylor’s favorite parts of the job is the people. And we’re thrilled for what he brings to the ESC team.

Photos from Electric Soul's post 08/03/2022

Emmy began college wanting to become a physical therapist, but after passing out in her very first week of anatomy class, it became pretty apparent medicine was not going to be her calling.

“After that, my mom suggested I take the pocket studio class [shooting video on your phone] and right away, I loved it.”

Emmy’s desire was to have a career that helped people, and she quickly realized the potential to do that through telling their stories.

Our crew met Emmy when she approached us, out of the blue, in an airport. We were on our way to a project, she was flying back to CA (where she went to school) for graduation. Contacts were exchanged and a few months later she started working with us.

Now a producer at Electric Soul, Emmy says her “favorite part of the job is seeing all the pieces come together.”

From a fortuitous fainting in anatomy class, to being in the airport the same morning, it’s hard to not believe there was a little divine intervention in helping “the pieces come together” to have Emmy at Electric Soul!


Time to meet some new team members and new projects.

Keep an eye out here over the next month as we introduce (or re-introduce) our team. And as a heads-up, we went a little lo-fi high-concept with our new team photos.

So let’s make this interesting… We’re going to give one person who identifies all of our photo inspirations correctly an Electric Soul swag kit. So stay tuned here this month and let’s have some fun!

In the mean time, we just dropped a massive update to our website highlighting some of our latest and most exciting projects. Go check it out!


Photos from Electric Soul's post 08/10/2021

Creating original work is an important part of our culture here at Electric Soul. We encourage all of our team members to be in a constant state of dreaming, envisioning, and creating.

Over a year ago, one of our directors, Marc Pagliuca, pitched an original TV pilot, and we were honored and excited to get to back his vision for this project.

We are excited to finally be able to announce Top Coffee, an original TV series we produced in partnership with many amazing people. We’ll be spotlighting the project, its amazing crew over, and what went into making it behind-the-scenes over the next few weeks. In the mean time, you can hop over to ’s page to check out more about the project.

Watching this series take shape over the past year has been an incredible experience. We can’t wait to share it with you.

Photos from Electric Soul's post 07/30/2021

The new Showtime documentary Kevin Garnett: Anything is Possible premieres tonight at 9pm.

We produced and shot some footage for this project a few months back, and while we’re not sure how much of our contribution is in the final cut, the team we worked with at are incredibly talented story tellers; their work of beautiful and amazing (not to mention KG himself is one of the most entertaining individuals to ever live). This is sure to be a great show. So check it out!


Wrapping up the last round of edits on our TV pilot. This is probably the last little work in progress grab before the final! We’re really excited to reveal more about this project in the next couple months!

1AC: .de


Working the night shift. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it’s for footage like this.

A work in progress with Sudler Co and many other great partners: and .

Its@been a fun project. We’ve learned a lot about concrete, cement (different things), and the future of Amazon distribution centers.


Project: Non-Profit Ad
📷: with

Photos from Electric Soul's post 03/12/2021

Project: Product Photography

Never be afraid to play around with some string color choices.


Wow. It’s been an interesting 12 months huh? As we reflect on the past year, we are extremely grateful for the resources we’ve had: a studio to host shoots in, amazing clients to partner with, and a considerate and hard working crew.

Through the uncertainty and constant changes, we’re so grateful to the people who have supported, collaborated, and encouraged us, who have continued to work and create with us.



The incredible production team from our shoot in Reno, NV. This was our third time collaborating with the great team at and we have felt really honored to get to know them.

Creating relationships is really one of the biggest perks to this job. We love recurring collaborations with quality people... and hopefully they don’t get too tired of us... pictured here is the fourth state we traveled to with this team in the span of two months... and everyone in the pic looks pretty happy, so...

Photos from Electric Soul's post 03/03/2021

Hiking up mountains coast-to-coast, from California to North Carolina. This wasn’t a project to shoot new wallpapers for Apple devices, but you know where to find us when you need us Ive.

Photos from Electric Soul's post 03/02/2021

This is not... I repeat, definitely not how you fly a drone.

But he just looks so happy right? It looks like maybe he’s even making a “zoom” or “whoosh” sound with his mouth? I don’t know, who are we to rain on his parade? And you really can’t argue with the results I guess... so you just keeping doing you .

Photos from Electric Soul's post 02/26/2021

The average American interacts with at least one Milliken product every day.

But this isn’t the average product.

We short a series of photos showing off their military line, with simulated rain and ROTC drills to show off the durability and versatility of the product line.

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