Fletcher Fitness Greenville

Fletcher Fitness Greenville

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Sound strength and conditioning principals, fun and challenging workouts, and a motivated community of athletes. Welcome to Alliance Champions Training Center!

We’re a little fitness school with a BIG passion for training motivated people to reach the best shape of their lives! We started the first CrossFit workouts in the State and have grown into a community of athletes that train to feel good, improve strength, lose weight, be active, advance sports performance, and even enter competitions! Our expertise stretches across all levels of fitness from beginner to advance.


This past week was an exciting one, as we began training in our new space for Fletcher Fitness. I created the Bioenergetics checklist to help you optimize. We have built the new training space to help you “close the gap” to become the best most energized version of yourself. We continue to have exercise and movement as a cornerstone of our training but over half of the remainder of the space is now allocated to other aspects of bioenergetics.

Starting the week of August 5th, I will begin offering one on one consultations for anyone interested in discussing these concepts and how to best integrate them into your life for optimization. You can read more about my perspective on Bioenergetics by visiting our blog.

I’ll post scheduling links and more details over the next week. In the meantime here is some of what we will focus on.

1. Bioenergetics and its alignment with your mission, vision, and principles.
- Understand how bioenergetics connects to your personal goals and values, enhancing your overall well-being.

2. Evaluating your Bioenergetic self through a practical approach.
- Learn a method to assess and gain insights into your own bioenergetic state, unlocking your potential for improved health.

3. Viewing your overall training through the lens of Bioenergetics.
- Discover how to incorporate bioenergetic principles into your existing training regimen, maximizing its effectiveness.


We are preparing to move part of our business into Suite B at 117 Haywood Road. We will be utilizing the space for both our personal training, HELIMO Quantified Strength Training, and for our new Bioenergetics/Recovery protocols. Stay tuned for more information!


Happy Birthday to Billy Fletcher from your Fletcher Fitness Family!


If you have been attending our “Five Mountain Training” over the last few weeks, I hope you have come to realize that sharing this information is something I am very passionate about! My wife and kids have, on occasion, informed me that my passion can come across as being grumpy and I certainly want to insure that my intention is clear.

My plan for tomorrow is to share how the mental mountain has a huge impact upon the physical. As I mentioned last week, it is my perspective that what most people perceive as physical limitations are often limits in one of the other mountains. The mental mountain is definitely where many of us can make improvements which will help us break through perceived physical barriers. As practice of this process, I will share some of my physical goals and how I perceive the mental mountain affecting my own goals.

For the physical mountain plan, I advised that it should be more specific to your individual goals. For the mental mountain plan, I will share a very specific plan/challenge that I think will benefit us all.

Photos from Fletcher Fitness Greenville's post 02/01/2024

This Is When Resolutions “Work”

In January the marketers earn their fortunes, and in 2024, Diet Center, Pharmaceutical Companies, Peptide Sellers, and Big Box Health Clubs had a Windfall.

As a marketing insider told me when boasting of his mega-sales of a “weight loss belt,” “there’s only one problem. It doesn’t work!”

Electric suits, injectable chemicals, mineral clays, and waist squeezers all found new homes, not because they work, because people want outcomes.



If you have any sense of a need for fat loss, disease reversal, blood sugar correction, body contouring, cholesterol-lowering, pain relief, or chronic inflammatory disease take on single action right now.

Link: https://transgenesis.mykajabi.com/register-for-newmetabolism2024

Register for the New Metabolism Webinar 2024 01/31/2024

If you have been attending our “Five Mountain Training” and/ or reading our recent emails, you will have heard me mention the “21 Day Metabolic Reboot.” The program was developed by Phil Kaplan, co/owner of Infinite Impact in Florida. I have gotten to know and learn from Phil over the last few months as part of his Actualization Coaching program. I have also met with him and visited his facility in Florida to learn how he is integrating many of the things that we will be integrating into our own programs in the near future.

Having recently completed the “21 Day Metabolic Reboot” I have to say it is a phenomenal program. It is much more than a nutrition plan and integrates much of what we have begun working on in our “Five Mountain Training,” Although there are many more benefits to the program than fat loss, as a side note, I lost 8 pounds and my wife 5 pounds over the 21 days.

To learn more about the program you can register for the free WEBINAR on February 1st. The program is set to start on February 5th and for those who wish to participate we will be offering additional support and accountability in conjunction with the program.

Register for the New Metabolism Webinar 2024 Really Release the Power of Your Own Metabolism! Phil Kaplan, in his Return to Excellence Initiative, conducts a mind-blowing science-based revelation about the power we have to "undo" any and all limits on your energy, body, and metabolism.

Photos from Fletcher Fitness Greenville's post 08/30/2023

Happy Birthday to our own super woman, super mom, super coach. Happy Birthday to Lara Farnsworth!


Billy expressing his gratitude for Lynn at her retirement party ❤️

Photos from Fletcher Fitness Greenville's post 08/13/2023

Fun night celebrating Lynn! Happy Birthday and Congratulations on your retirement!

Photos from Fletcher Fitness Greenville's post 07/18/2023

New shirts available for ordering!


Photos from Fletcher Fitness Greenville's post 07/17/2023

In our philosophy and method of High Intensity Quantified Strength Training, we strongly believe in the saying by Peter Drucker, "What gets measured gets improved." This concept guides our approach, and our quarterly assessments reflect its significance.

Our perspective of exercise is that it is process whereby we are doing something specifically to stimulate or set in motion a positive adaptive physiological response within the body.

Sharing some great numbers generated by Angela Pitts today!


Happy Birthday Billy!


Save the date!


The power of a coach!

Recently, we had a special visitor, Shell Dula. Coach Dula is a member of the High School Coaches Hall of Fame and a legend in South Carolina football winning six state championships at three different schools, and was also Billy’s high school coach!

I told him, if it were not for him and some of the other great coaches I have had, that I probably would not be doing what I do.

As a skinny and non athletic kid, I remember him first encouraging me in the weight room. It was in that small cinder block building with a few Nautilus machines and free weights that I got my first taste of strength and conditioning and high intensity exercise. His acknowledgment of my effort and belief in me gave me confidence and a belief in myself that I was sorely lacking.

As I reflect back on some of those memories, I can still recall some of the foundational beliefs he tried to instill in us:

1. Hard Work Pays Off
2. Attitude is Everything
3. Dedication is a Must
4. You Gotta Believe
5. You Have to Care
6. Play with Emotion

Well before the term “All In” was popular, he was living it.


Many of the basic principles of HIT (High Intensity Training) were developed by the founder of Nautilus exercise equipment, Arthur Jones. Jones and his equipment helped revolutionize the fitness industry. Jones believed that the training most people were doing at the time was haphazard at best and was based mostly on feel and not application of science and logic. Although some people got results, he believed that there was a more effective and definitely more efficient way to train. Therefore he developed a set of principles to guide training based on logic and what was understood about human physiology. The principles he used to develop the training system and equipment became known as the Nautilus Training Principles.

Ken Hutchins later outlined the “Five Distinctions Between Exercise and Recreation.” These distinctions were covered in detail in Ken Hutchins’s book on SuperSlow and “The Renaissance of Exercise.”


Today’s ;

These days I have neither the time nor the desire to spend hours in the gym. Not to mention "old school" lifting at 58 years of age produces considerable joint pain. With equipment such ARX, MedEx, the gluteator and the Neübie, I can get a safe, intense workout in under 30 minutes twice a week with no joint pain. Billy varies the workouts so you never get bored with the same old thing. Come train in "The Lab" and see what a difference it can make!


Are you ready to ‘Close the Gap” between the current version of yourself and your best version by taking a deep dive into what is actually holding you back?

We are extremely excited to announce that we will holding a special training with retired Navy SEAL Thom Shea!

Thom served with the U.S. Navy for 23 years with distinguished valor before writing his bestselling book, “Unbreakable: A Navy Seal’s Way of Life” and his latest release, “Three Simple Things: Leading During Chaos.” As founder of Unbreakable Leadership, Thom has trained thousands of people around the world to overcome chaos by applying the rule of Three Simple Things to their lives and businesses.

Thom is a master of breaking things down to the simple but not easy and using them to help people “Close the Gap” to a being a better version of themselves. I am often reminded of two simple things which when applied to my own life have been profound. Those are “honor your word” and “never give up”. Simple to say but not easy to truly do. Thom has created a system to help you learn to do both on a consistent basis.

Sign up / get more info;



Once you have a target you can begin to develop a plan of action, process, or system to help you move in the right direction. Another way of thinking of this is to determine what behaviors will support your identity.

One of our core missions is to help you have greater physical strength, energy, resiliency, and zest for pursuing all of your goals. If these virtues are ones that support your identity then the Fletcher Fitness system is based on behaviors to help you develop those virtues.

The Fletcher Fitness system has evolved over time, and in some ways, has been reduced back to some basic concepts and focuses on mastering fundamentals. What began as a search for the very “best” way, has lead to the realization that there are many good ways to become stronger and more fit. What I am presenting here is a system that allows us to do so in an effective, safe, and efficient manner that can be sustained for a lifetime.


One of the primary tools we utilize to execute the Fletcher Fitness training method within the Optimization Training Lab is ARX (www.ARX fit.com). The Alpha and Omni are excellent tools to implement HIT (High Intensity Training) which is the cornerstone of our method and philosophy of training. The ARX technology empowers us to deliver HIT in an incredibly effective, efficient, and safe manner. Training with ARX is quite an "experience". This is especially true if you are willing to truly focus and give your. "Best" effort. Jim Ryan is a client who does both on a consistent basis and for the last couple of years and has seen the results from his focus and effort. Jim had begun training with us several months before we began using ARX and was one of our first clients to begin utilizing the technology.

After about a year of training and a very intense training session I remember Jim asking , "Will I continue to be able to make progress or will I plateau?” Well, another year later Jim continues to make progress. Here are some of his improvements on the "Big 3" exercises.

Output. Max Eccentric. Max Concentric
Leg Press
1/08/20. 4205. 895. 725
4/01/22. 6056. 1153. 1105

Chest Press.
1/08/20. 1399. 279. 214
4/08/22. 2209. 431. 312

2/27/20. 1234. 270. 160
4/01/22. 1587. 410. 239

One other cool fact about Jim's training is that he recently hit a personal record on pull-ups despite not practicing the specific exercise for over six months. Congratulations Jim on your success! You've earned it!


The challenge this month is related to the physical area. We began with the challenge of you reflecting on your “Identity” in the physical realm. Then we asked you to reflect on and consider what virtues or character strengths that support and help create your identity.

The next step in the process is to reflect on your identity and virtues and determine what are some targets or goals that will help you close the gap between where you are and the person you are working on becoming.


Last week, we challenged you to reflect on your identity in the physical realm.

This week, the challenge is to build upon that identity by reflecting on the virtues that support that identity.

Let’s assume that part of your physical identity is that you are an athlete.(Remember, the most important story is the one you tell yourself.)

What virtues would support that identity?

A few examples of virtues that could support the identity of athlete could be:


What are your virtues? 🤔

Photos from Fletcher Fitness Greenville's post 04/12/2022

Our mission at the Optimization Training Lab and Fletcher Fitness is to help people “Close The Gap” between where they are and their unlimited potential.

To do so is a lifetime process and Penny is truly an exemplar of the process. She is a long time client who has always been “all in” on becoming her best self. She is a two time cancer survivor and continues to challenge herself on a consistent basis with a never quit attitude.

I have two particularly inspiring memories having an opportunity to see first hand a “warrior spirit .” She completed the “24 Hour Walk” as part of Thom Shea’s Unbreakable training and SealFit’s “20X Event.”


Very proud of these young guns! It is inspiring to see the work they put in each week on the mat to become the best they can be at their passion which is Jiujitsu!

What is even more impressive is their willingness to be coachable and discipline to work on the things that they don’t necessarily enjoy but that they trust in us to know will make them better.

In a day and age of constant distractions, they are willing to put in very focused and intense work to each their goals.

We are very happy for them seeing their hard work pay off as Avery, George, and Bella all won gold at the recent IBJJF Charleston Open.


In one of Mark Divine’s recent podcasts with Tom McCarthy, the author of “The Breakthrough Code,” Tom stated that the most important story is the one you tell yourself.

I have come to realize that I have been blessed to see potential in others. I have to admit that this has also led to frustration from time to time, when I have been unable to help others see this potential or take action on fulfilling their true potential.

So, the first part of this challenge is threefold.

1. Determine your current Identity or Story in the Physical Realm.
2. Determine the identity or story you wish to have in the Physical Realm.
3. If there is a gap, identify it and name it


To begin the process of developing energy, strength, and energy, the first challenge builds upon the challenge of “Winning in the Mind” but goes a little deeper.

The challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to take some time to reflect upon your own story and identity in the physical.

Take some time to reflect truthfully on how you see yourself currently in the physical area, and if this is not where you would like to be, then begin to notice where the “gap” occurs between how you see yourself and how you would truly like to be physically.


This week, we’d like to challenge you in the physical area. As we have mentioned previously, one perspective of training the physical is to simply think of doing so as an opportunity to create stronger arrows to aim at the targets and goals you have chosen. This includes developing Energy, Strength, and Resiliency both physically and mentally. These attributes can all be developed through physical training. Developing these attributes will give you more Zest for life.

To begin the process of developing energy, strength, and energy, my first challenge builds upon the challenge of “Winning in the Mind” but goes a little deeper. The challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to take some time to reflect upon your own story and identity in the physical. We’ll dive more into this in the coming days!


Andy Douglas is a long term client who has been a joy to work with. He always brings a great attitude and positive energy to every training session.

I have often referred to Andy as “Future Me”. This occurred to me during a visualization practice where you visualize yourself as you would like to be in the future as far as 20 years. Although Andy is only about 15 years older than me he is a great representative of what is possible at the age of 70. He is healthy, healthy, strong, fit, and moves better than many half his age.

He continues to have a growth mindset always willing to work hard and eager to learn. Thanks for being an inspiration!


Creating Strong Arrows

Imagine yourself as an archer, the strength and quality of your arrows are an integral part of your capacity to hit your target.

One perspective on how we can help you on your journey and hit the targets you are aiming for is to help you create a stronger arrow.

We each have our individual goals, both inside and outside the gym.

However, we all have something in common regarding the capacity and motivation to achieve those goals. We all need physical and mental strength, energy, and resiliency. If we enhance these attributes we will have more zest for life and stronger arrows to aim at our targets.🎯


More from our most recent series, “How to WOOP Your Goals”…

Last week we gave you the first 2 letters of this helpful acronym;

W- Wish (what do you really want?)
O-Outcome (what are the benefits of you reaching your goal?, what is the why?)

The next 2 are …

O- Obstacles (it is great to be optimistic but you need to know that any worthwhile goal will come with obstacles)
P-Plan (may seem self explanatory but arguably the most important step)

What we have witnessed in many instances is that people go through this process in the reverse order. In other words, they confuse the plan with the goal.

For instance, some may say their goal is to workout for X number of times per week or for some time per week. That can be a goal but truly, it’s more of a plan. If you simply show up to “workout” and spend time at the gym without truly knowing what benefit you want to get from your training, you will be less successful than if you know exactly why you are there and what you are working towards.

When you encounter obstacles you will be more motivated to keep taking action. Part of the plan can be anticipating these obstacles ahead of time and being proactive when you hit the next one. If you start with the wish and the why, then rub it up against reality your success rate will be high.


This week we’re going over another tool that you can use with your goals called WOOP.

We’ll break the first 2 down today;

W- Wish (what do you really want)

O-Outcome (what are the benefits of you reaching your goal, what is the why

Come back tomorrow for the last 2. Any guesses?😉

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Videos (show all)

If you have been attending our “Five Mountain Training” over the last few weeks, I hope you have come to realize that sh...
Billy expressing his gratitude for Lynn at her retirement party ❤️
Today’s #TestimonyTuesday;These days I have neither the time nor  the desire to spend hours in the gym. Not to mention "...
Andy Douglas is a long term client who has been a joy to work with. He always brings a great attitude and positive energ...
Another awesome client testimony for our #TestimomialTuesdayI began working out at Fletcher Fitness two to three years a...
More video and data for Janet’s amazing progress utilizing ARX technology for High intensity strength training.Leg Press...
More video of Janet’s inspiring story
At Fletcher Fitness, our passion is helping you “Close the Gap” to becoming your best self. One way to help is by provid...
Rope wave with the nooners with coach Lara G Farnsworth
Battling ropes with Coach Billy Fletcher
A little ab work at alliance with Coach Billy Fletcher


117 Haywood Road
Greenville, SC

Opening Hours

Monday 5:30am - 7pm
Tuesday 5:30am - 7pm
Wednesday 5:30am - 7pm
Thursday 5:30am - 7pm
Friday 5:30am - 1pm
Saturday 7:30am - 11am

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