Teen Mother Choices International

Inviting The Church to empower teen moms by demonstrating Christ's love. ✨ Moving teen moms from uncertainty to empowerment.

Bring Hope, Purpose and a Future to teen moms
​in your community.


This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it!

Happy Labor Day, colaborers!

Colossians 3:23 GW
Whatever you do, do it wholeheartedly as though you were working for your real master and not merely for humans.

To learn more about Teen Mother Choices International®
(224) 252-0295 | [email protected]


Thank you, Radio, for your continued support of Teen Mother Choices International®. We are honored to partner with you.

Listen to this week’s segment titled, “Hospitality is a Command”.

Click below!

To learn more about TMCI®
(224) 252-0295 | [email protected]

If you are or have been a teen mom, join our Teen Mom Honor Wall.

Subscribe to our Newsletter


You're invited to our 35th Anniversary Gala!

This year, Teen Mother Choices® is celebrating 35 years of transformative work, and we want you to be a part of it. For over three decades, we've been empowering teen moms with the love of Jesus and the resources they need to build bright futures.

Now, we're taking this milestone to the next level. Join us for an evening of inspiration, community, and hope as we reflect on our legacy and look ahead to the next chapter.

Reserve your seats today! This is your chance to partner with us and help reach even more teen moms in need.

Register Now!

Friday, October 4, 2024
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Concorde Banquets - Kildeer, Illinois
Semi-formal Attire

This is a free event, but we ask that you bring your dedication to prayer and your financial support.

To learn more about Teen Mother Choices International®
(224) 252-0295 | [email protected]


Attention all dog lovers!

Today is National Dog Day, so let’s shower our furry friends with a few extra treats and belly rubs. If you have a cute photo of yours that you’d like to share, please do. We’d love to see it!!

May our pups know how special they are to us as they continue to fill our lives with chaos, cuddles, and so much love.

Happy National Dog Day to all our fellow dog owners out there!

Teen Mother Choices International®
(224) 252-0295 | [email protected]


If anyone is in NE Ohio or know someone who is that can help one of our teen moms in need, please contact Wende at TMC Blessings of NE Ohio.

We have an urgent need!!

One of our teen moms needs help.

Her car is not working. It needs a new engine and will cost $2,600 to replace it. However, the car is not worth putting that much money into it.

This young mom needs a reliable vehicle now that can get her to work and her child to daycare.

Can you help or know someone who can? Please contact us or share this post so we can meet the need of this young mother and child.

TMC® Program
(504) 475-1871 | [email protected]

Teen Mother Choices® (TMC®) is a licensed program of Teen Mother Choices International® (TMCI®).

Taking Back the Land We Willingly Gave Away 08/22/2024

Thank you, Moody Radio, for your continued support of Teen Mother Choices International®. We are honored to partner with you.

Listen to this week’s segment titled, “The Fields are White with Harvest”.

Click below!

To learn more about TMCI®
(224) 252-0295 | [email protected]

If you are or have been a teen mom, join our Teen Mom Honor Wall.

Subscribe to our Newsletter

Teen Mother Choices® (TMC®) is a licensed program of Teen Mother Choices International® (TMCI®).

Taking Back the Land We Willingly Gave Away I'm Christa March with Teen Mother Choices Consider this ... The time has come for Christians to take back the land we willingly gave away. For too long, we have abdicated our responsibility to care for t...

Photos from Teen Mother Choices International's post 08/20/2024

As we prepare for a new TMC® Program year, please join us in lifting up these amazing women in prayer. They work tirelessly to provide personalized support to teen moms. We are truly blessed to serve alongside such compassionate and driven individuals.

Thank you, Program Directors, for your unwavering commitment to our mission. You are making a profound difference in the lives of young mothers, and we are forever thankful for you.

Thank you, too, for your encouraging feedback from last program year. We are thrilled to be on this journey with you and cannot wait to see what the LORD has in store for this year!

If you have a passion for teen moms and would like to know how to serve those in your community, please contact us. We’d love to connect with you!

To learn more about the TMC® Program
(224) 252-0295 | [email protected]

If you are or have been a teen mom, join our Teen Mom Honor Wall.

Subscribe to our Newsletter

Teen Mother Choices® (TMC®) is a licensed program of Teen Mother Choices International® (TMCI®).


Ministry friends, thank you for your continued prayers for Laci. We want to provide another update.

If you’re not aware, Laci is the daughter of a past TMC® program graduate who was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in February. Due to the cancer, Laci’s leg and part of her hip had to be removed. Since then, she has been receiving chemotherapy.

Last week, our sweet friend Laci returned to the hospital to begin another round of chemotherapy. As she continues to bravely battle her illness, her greatest wish is to be back at school with her friends.

Laci is truly a little trooper, but she could use our support during this challenging time. If you feel led, please consider sending her a card with words of encouragement to:

Attn: Laci
6615 Grand Ave., Suite B-417
Gurnee, IL 60031

Let's come together as a community to lift up this precious little girl in prayer and provide encouragement to help her get through this next season stronger than ever.

Thank you all for your prayers and compassion.

Matthew 24:40
Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did it for Me.

To learn more about Teen Mother Choices International®
(224) 252-0295 | [email protected]

If you are or have been a teen mom, join our Teen Mom Honor Wall.

Teen Mother Choices® (TMC®) is a licensed program of Teen Mother Choices International® (TMCI®).


It is such a blessing to partner with others who share our passion for teen moms and helping them move from uncertainty to empowerment.

Our Program Directors are vital to the TMC® Program. They work tirelessly to ensure teen moms have the support, resources, and guidance they need to succeed in all areas of their lives. Their dedication and compassion make all the difference for the young women we serve.

That said, we are honored to have another amazing individual as part of our team!!

Please join us in welcoming our newest Program Director, Cheyanne! She will serve with the Teen Mother Choices - Munster, IN team. We adore her and cannot wait to see how the LORD uses her.

If you have a heart for teen moms and want to serve those in your community, please contact us. We’d love to connect with you.

(224) 252-0295 | [email protected]

If you are or have been a teen mom, join our Teen Mom Honor Wall.

Subscribe to our Newsletter

Teen Mother Choices® (TMC®) is a licensed program of Teen Mother Choices International® (TMCI®).


Thank you, Moody Radio, for your continued support of Teen Mother Choices International®. We are honored to partner with you.

Listen to this week’s segment titled, “Taking Back the Land We Willingly Gave Away”.

Click below!

To learn more about TMCI®
(224) 252-0295 | [email protected]

If you are or have been a teen mom, join our Teen Mom Honor Wall.

Subscribe to our Newsletter

Teen Mother Choices® (TMC®) is a licensed program of Teen Mother Choices International® (TMCI®).

Photos from Teen Mother Choices International's post 08/13/2024

As we prepare for a new program year, we want to take this opportunity to give a shout out to every 2023-2024 TMC® Program Teen Mom.

At the beginning of their program year, they set goals with their Mentors. Look at some of the things they accomplished!!

We are so proud of them!!

Please join us in congratulating these young moms. They worked very hard to accomplish their goals.

To every single mama... Congratulations!! We love watching you do what you once thought was impossible. Keep up the great work! You and your child are worth it.❤

To every ministry partner... Thank YOU!! These teen moms would not be where they are without your love, prayers, and support. May God bless you and yours for all that you do and give.

To learn how to start a TMC Program
(224) 252-0295 | [email protected]

If you are or have been a teen mom, join our Teen Mom Honor Wall.

Subscribe to our Newsletter


Thank you, Radio, for your continued support of Teen Mother Choices International®. We are honored to partner with you.

Listen to this week’s segment titled, “Naaman – A Man Like Us”.

Click below!

To learn more about TMCI®
(224) 252-0295 | [email protected]

If you are or have been a teen mom, join our Teen Mom Honor Wall.

Subscribe to our Newsletter


It was a wonderful 2023-2024 program year!

As Teen Mother Choices International® and the TMC® Programs prepare for a new year, we’d like to take this opportunity to recap last year.

Please join us in congratulating each teen mom for working so hard and thanking every Program Director and her team that helped move each one from uncertainty to empowerment.

Also, to every financial and ministry partner... Thank You! Without you and the grace of God, these teen moms would not have had the encouragement and hope needed to accomplish these things. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!

We are blessed and honored to be on this journey the LORD has us on. If you are not currently serving with TMCI, we invite you to join us in empowering teen moms by demonstrating Christ’s love.

To learn more about TMCI®
(224) 252-0295 | [email protected]

If you are or have been a teen mom, join our Teen Mom Honor Wall.

Subscribe to our Newsletter


We cannot begin our day without first giving a shout out to our sweet friend!

She is the glue that holds this ministry together and keeps our craziness under control. There is no doubt about it, we can’t do what we do without her.

Please join us in wishing Amanda a Happy 3rd Anniversary!!

To learn more about Teen Mom Choices International®
(224) 252-0295 | [email protected]

If you are or have been a teen mom, join our Teen Mom Honor Wall.

Subscribe to our Newsletter


Thank you, Moody Radio, for your continued support of Teen Mother Choices International®. We are honored to partner with you.

Listen to this week’s segment titled, “What Are Christians Communicating?”

Click below!

To learn more about TMCI®
(224) 252-0295 | [email protected]

If you are or have been a teen mom, join our Teen Mom Honor Wall.

Subscribe to our Newsletter


Teen Mother Choices International® provides a proven program that moves teen moms from uncertainty to empowerment.

Since 1989, almost 2,000 young mothers have successfully completed the TMC® Program. Among these remarkable young women:

• 98% have graduated high school
• 96% have pursued higher education or vocational training

If you, your church, or an existing organization love teen moms and want to help them, we invite you to join us in empowering them by demonstrating Christ's love.

Contact us to learn how!

(224) 252-0295 | [email protected]

If you are or have been a teen mom, join our Teen Mom Honor Wall. https://shorturl.at/bsBQ0

Subscribe to our Newsletter

God's View of Religion 07/25/2024

Thank you, Moody Radio, for your continued support of Teen Mother Choices International®. We are honored to partner with you.

Listen to this week’s segment titled, “When We Don't Do Good, It Is Sin.”

Click below!

To learn more about TMCI®
(224) 252-0295 | [email protected]

If you are or have been a teen mom, join our Teen Mom Honor Wall.

Subscribe to our Newsletter

God's View of Religion I'm Christa March with Teen Mother Choices®️ Consider this ... God's view of religion is remarkably different from the world's view. While the world often sees religion as a set of rules and restrictions, God's definition of true religion ...


If you’re not aware, we recently changed our Mission Statement. When we prayerfully considered doing that, it kept ringing in our ear that the Church is called to be a city on a hill.

Our CEO & Founder, Christa March, expresses the heart of TMCI in her own words. Here’s what she has to say.

“A city on a hill" is a powerful metaphor that speaks to the transformative impact we're called to have on the world around us. When Jesus used this phrase, he was challenging his followers to be beacons of light - people that others are naturally drawn to because of the radiance of Christ shining through them.

This isn't about boastfulness or self-promotion. It's about the magnetic pull of a life fully surrendered to God's purposes. Just as a city on a hill can't be hidden, our lives are meant to illuminate the way for those wandering in darkness. People should look at us and be drawn to the light - the light of Jesus that dwells within.

Let us be that city on a hill, unafraid to shine brightly and show the way to the one who is the light of the world.

If you’re not a ministry partner, we invite you to join us today in empowering teen moms by demonstrating Christ’s love.

Make a difference by giving a tax deductible donation!

To learn more about Teen Mom Choices International ®
(224) 252-0295 | [email protected]

If you are or have been a teen mom, join our Teen Mom Honor Wall.

Subscribe to our Newsletter


A "teen mom" is not exclusively a teen or a mom. TMC® focuses on five aspects of her identity to equip her for the future.

If you, your church, or organization are interested in learning how to serve teen moms or to start a program, please contact us. We’d love to connect with you!

(224) 252-0295 | [email protected]

If you are or have been a teen mom, join our Teen Mom Honor Wall.
Go to https://shorturl.at/bsBQ0

To sign up for our eNews, ministry updates, and events, go to teenmotherchoices.org/Newsletter

Jesus Invites Us 07/18/2024

Thank you, Moody Radio, for your continued support of Teen Mother Choices International®. We are honored to partner with you.

Listen to this week’s segment titled, “God's View of Religion.”

Click below!

To learn more about TMCI®
(224) 252-0295 | [email protected]

If you are or have been a teen mom, join our Teen Mom Honor Wall.

Subscribe to our Newsletter

Jesus Invites Us I'm Christa March with Teen Mother Choices®️ Consider this ... Revelation 3:20 says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me." Isn't that an ...


We are so grateful for our Board Chair and his heart for teen moms. Thank you, Bob Bly, for sharing your heart and for this message.

It has been several years since I was invited to my first TMCI annual dinner. My wife and I attended through the invitation of a friend who was on the board of directors. We had limited knowledge of TMCI and how they utilized their resources.

As we went through the evening the reasons for donating became crystal clear to both my wife and I. When we left, we were blown away by the stories from the women who had been through the TMCI program and were able to continue their education, earn degrees, and become self-sufficient members of society. Many of the TMCI graduates go on to become professional women, including doctors and lawyers.

At the end of the evening, it was obvious to us that we wanted to be a part of the positive generational impact the TMCI program has on these young women and their children. In nearly every metric the girls who attended outperformed their non attending counterparts. From graduation percentage to gainful employment and many other categories.

When we look around our world today, there are all kinds of causes asking for our money. We have our bills that we need to pay to survive; rent, house payment, groceries, fuel for the car, unexpected expenses like medical care. We also have the things we want to do like vacations, saving for our children’s college education, retirement, etc. There are a lot of places we can choose to spend our money.

You may ask yourself, why would I want to give my hard earned and much needed money to a young woman who became pregnant through no fault of mine and should have known better? Afterall, isn’t that why the government created SNAP, Welfare, Aid for Dependent Children, etc.?

Let me share many reasons why your donation is a worthwhile investment. You can help change the future of the next generation.

By giving, you will help a teen mom:
* Finish high school
* Further her education beyond high school
* Stop having out of wedlock children
* Become self-reliant and not reliant on the government
* Find a better job/career and provide for her young family
* Make a generational change that will impact her family in a positive way for years to come

These are just a handful of reasons why your financial investment in TMCI would be a good idea.

If you want to make a positive difference in our world, please consider donating to TMCI and the TMC programs that teach and inspire young women to make the most of their lives! By doing so you will make an investment for today and tomorrow!

Every donation is tax deductible.

To learn more about TMCI, go to www.tmcint.org.


If you have served with TMC or received our services, we’d love to hear from you!

Rate us and give a review.

Your feedback is very important to us. It will help us do what we do best and allow others to find us.

To learn more about TMCI®
(224) 252-0295 | [email protected]

If you are or have been a teen mom, join our Teen Mom Honor Wall.

Subscribe to our Newsletter


Exercise??! We thought you said extra fries!!

Happy National French Fry Day! May you enjoy them and never gain weight.

(224) 252-0295 | [email protected]

If you are or have been a teen mom, join our Teen Mom Honor Wall.

Subscribe to our Newsletter


In the past 35 years, we have witnessed many strong and courageous teen moms.

Over 2,000 teen moms have been a part of Teen Mother Choices® Program. Because of this proven program:

• 98% completed high school
• 96% attended college/trade school

Some received associate and bachelor’s degrees, and three have earned their doctorate. Yes, THREE!!

These achievements testify to the LORD's loving kindness toward teen moms. With Him, nothing is impossible!

Please consider partnering with us today. Join us in this great calling of loving and serving teen moms!

(224) 252-0295 | [email protected]

If you are or have been a teen mom, join our Teen Mom Honor Wall.

Subscribe to our Newsletter


Thank you, Moody Radio, for your continued support of Teen Mother Choices International®. We are honored to partner with you.

Listen to this week’s segment titled, “Jesus Invites Us.”

Click below!

To learn more about TMCI®
(224) 252-0295 | [email protected]

If you are or have been a teen mom, join our Teen Mom Honor Wall.

Subscribe to our Newsletter


"We're blessed with the opportunity to stand for something, for liberty and fairness. And these are things worth fighting for, worth devoting our lives to." - Ronald Reagan

Freedom is not free.

May this Independence Day be a reminder to keep standing and fighting for liberty and justice for all.

Happy Birthday, USA!

(224) 252-0295 | [email protected]

If you are or have been a teen mom, join our Teen Mom Honor Wall.

Subscribe to our Newsletter


Thank you, ministry friends and partners, for joining us in this journey. Exciting things are happening within Teen Mother Choices International®.

Read more!

To learn more about TMCI®
(224) 252-0295 | [email protected]

If you are or have been a teen mom, join our Teen Mom Honor Wall. https://shorturl.at/bsBQ0

Subscribe to our Newsletter


TMC's Four Cornerstones offer teen moms a variety of experiences, knowledge, and support to help them today and into the future.

If you, your church, or organization is interested in serving teen moms, connect with us. We would love to answer your questions and tell you how the LORD is changing lives through TMCI.

(224) 252-0295 | [email protected]

If you are or have been a teen mom, join our Teen Mom Honor Wall. https://shorturl.at/bsBQ0

Subscribe to our Newsletter


Happy 5th Anniversary, Teen Mother Choices - Lake Zurich, IL!!

We thank God for the heart He has given you to empower teen moms by demonstrating Christ’s love.

Thank you for accepting the invitation and being obedient to serve teen moms in your community. We are grateful for you and beyond blessed to partner with you.

Happy happy 5 years in partnership!!

To learn how to start a TMC® program
(224) 252-0295 | [email protected]

If you are or have been a teen mom, join our Teen Mom Honor Wall.

Subscribe to our Newsletter

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Our Story

HOPE, PURPOSE and a FUTURE to teen mothers.

Teen Mother Choices International (TMCI) equips and trains churches and Christian organizations to develop a Teen Mother Choices Program within their communities.

Videos (show all)

Happy 5th Anniversary!
Bust A Move
We are thankful for those who inspire us to do what we do, and we are equally blessed to honor them. Read more!https://t...
Inspiring Teen Moms Day 2024
We cannot begin our day without first giving a shout out to Teen Mother Choices - Cedar Lake, IN! Thank you for serving ...
We cannot begin our day without first giving a shout-out to this sweet person.  Kristin has faithfully been serving the ...
Applications are due TOMORROW!If you haven't submitted yours yet, be sure to do that today by clicking the specific link...
Don’t forget!!  The Solar Eclipse is happening today.  The next two will not occur in the US until 2044, so don’t miss i...
REMINDER!!Applications are due next week. We are currently accepting applications for (2) $1,500 scholarships. · 1 for a...
Thank you, ministry friends and partners, for joining us in this journey. Here’s our current e-Newsletter! https://previ...
Calling all TMC Mentors & former TMC Moms!!We are now accepting applications for (2) $1,500 scholarships.· 1 for a TMC M...


6615 Grand Avenue Suite B-417
Gurnee, IL

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 9am - 5pm

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🐰 🐱 🐕

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