Priority Legal Nurse Consulting

Priority Legal Nurse Consulting provides your firm with a team of Legal Nurses available to help inc Priority Legal Nurse Consulting - Your Client. Your Success.

Our Registered Nurses have extensive history working in various medical specialties providing us a unique perspective when working with attorney clients. While reviewing medical records we are able to quickly spot red flags, breeches in standard of care, and possible defenses. We provide the most up to date, evidenced based research to support your case. We also assist our attorney clients with de


A little over a month ago I stepped away from my part-time clinical nursing job to focus on my Legal Nurse business. Technically I didn't step away completely, however I did decrease my status to opt/prn and hadn't worked a shift since.

Yesterday I put my back on. Here are my takeaways.

I absolutely love the interactions I have with my patients and their families. My heart smiles when I get to hear their stories, hold their hands, and help them through challenging times.

I love assisting to improve the lives of others.

Humor should be a job requirement for nursing. There are some days that would hit harder if I wasn't able to laugh with my nursing buddies.

My fingers did not have the muscle memory I had hoped they would to remember all of my passcodes.

I don't think I will ever leave my clinical nursing job completely. There's too much that I enjoy at the bedside to give it up for good. Sprinkling in a few shifts does fulfill my needs for those interactions while my Legal Nursing business allows me to positively impact the lives of others.

I know I'm not alone in how I feel. I'd love to hear your stories.

All my nursing colleagues out there...what type of situations are you in? Are you still bedside? Walk away from bedside for another nursing avenue? Please share - I'd love to know!


July's Newsletter is hot off the press! Check it out.

We chat about the benefits of collaborating with a . The services my firm offers now compared to the day I started my business has drastically changed. I wanted to educate about those services and how they add to our clients.


Priority Legal Nurse Consulting
Your Client. Your Success. Our Priority.

COLLABORATE WITH A LEGAL NURSE AND GET THE FREEDOM YOU DESIRE There are not many things more American than celebrating our freedom while enjoying our favorite foods and beverages as we are surrounded by our loved ones. For me, some of my favorite Independence Day activities are bei...


I'm currently reviewing a case where the patient fell while being cared for in a . A few days later, they developed seizure-like activity and was then found to have a subdural hematoma. This patient tragically eventually passed due to complications.

As I'm reviewing the printed medical records to create a report for my client, I came across a huge . Following the fall, there was a progress note made by the provider. Five days later, an addendum was made to that note. This addendum had cya vibes written all over it. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

So what's the big deal?

The medical records show me this addendum was made. What it lacks however is any additional changes made to the note before the final product was saved. This is where the audit trail shines. The audit trail would allow me to see every time this specific note was edited. With that information, a supplemental request could be made for the complete revision history of the progress note, specifically showing the text content of the note each time it was saved, modified, pended, and/or deleted.

If this attorney decides to pursue this case, I will recommend for the audit trail to be requested. Without the audit trail you truly don't have all the possible evidence.

No secrets are safe from the audit trail.

Want to learn more? Let's chat!

[email protected]

Photos from Priority Legal Nurse Consulting's post 09/25/2023

Most of us started the day as strangers, or at best, acquaintances.

Following an eight hour EHR Inspection course led by the brilliant and witty Saira Pasha, we walked out of class as .

Later that evening, many of us bonded further over dinner as we shared stories and until it was time for us to part ways.

Itโ€™s so powerful when a group of likeminded, come together and uplift one another. This weekend I was by the stories shared, personal and .

Huge shoutout to my roommates for the weekendโ€ฆyโ€™all know who you are. Thanks for letting me crash. So glad I stepped outside of my comfortable little box. Otherwise I wouldโ€™ve missed out on getting to know the three of you.

As I return home and reflect I am overwhelmed with gratitude for this opportunity. My heart is smiling! ๐Ÿฅฐ

**Shout out to Ali and Ben for putting up with all the strong personalities in the room Saturday.


๐Ÿ‚ Fall reminds us to gracefully embrace as we shed what no longer serves us. Happy . ๐Ÿ‚


Everything can change with one ...

Today is ... how will you contribute?


๐Ÿ’ It's Helpful Tip Tuesday๐Ÿ’ 

I'm going to off of this picture of Led Zeppelin's Robert Plant a t-shirt and discuss the benefits of having a on your team.

How do Nurses Do It Better you ask? When it comes to the Medico-Legal world, you would think it's a no brainer. However, much of what I do is on exactly what I do, and how I add value to their firm.

So here goes...

The team at have years of first-hand medical experience and expertise. We apply that knowledge when we review and perform analysis.

Our Medical Chronology, Fact Summary and Merit Review reports strengthen your case, providing you with the edge needed to achieve maximum settlements for your clients.

Our professional, efficient, and affordable assistance boosts your firm's productivity, allowing you to focus on your client's needs.

๐Ÿ‘ Who else has a full understanding of the U.S. health system and ?

๐Ÿ‘ Who else can quickly decipher complicated medical records and medical abbreviations?

๐Ÿ‘ Who else can identify pre-existing conditions and connect relevance to current claims?

๐Ÿ‘ Who else has extensive training and maintains professional licensing?

๐Ÿ‘ Who else points out the red flags, golden nuggets, and smoking guns to help your client's case?

๐Ÿ‘ Who else can you text in the middle of trial prep or deposition to ask a question?

Still not convinced? It has to be true...Robert Plant wore a t-shirt that said so. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Priority Legal Nurse Consulting - Your Client. Your Success. Our Priority.

Email: [email protected]


The legal nurses at Priority Legal Nurse Consulting are licensed professionals with comprehensive clinical experience.

This experience allows us to identify:
โœ” Red flags
โœ” Deviations in standards of care
โœ” Missing medical records
โœ” Hidden details that can win the case

Unlike many medical record review companies, we DO NOT copy and paste from the medical record into our reports. We infuse our medical knowledge into each report we create for our attorney clients in order to maximize recovery.

Want to discuss a case? Email, inbox, or visit us at our website.

Email: [email protected]

Priority Legal Nurse Consulting.
Your Client. Your Success. Our Priority.


Let's get comfortable being uncomfortable in regard to taking steps to achieve our and .

What uncomfortable task will you achieve this week? It's in that uncomfortable space that we learn and grow. So, let's make this the week we get awkward and bust out of our comfort zones. Who's with me?

Priority Legal Nurse Consulting.
Your Client. Your Success. Our Priority.

Email: [email protected]


Do you have a patient audit trail need that you would like to discuss?

Email: [email protected]

EHR AUDIT TRAIL - AN INVALUABLE RESOURCE FOR YOUR MED MAL CASE The electronic health record audit trail is an invaluable piece of information especially in medical malpractice cases. In some states, the audit trail is considered a part of the medical record and must be produced. How...


In a world of instant everywhere we look, it's easy to get discouraged when our take longer than we planned and hoped for.

Let's remind ourselves of the story of the tortoise and hare. Slow, and steady will achieve ...every ๐Ÿ‘ single ๐Ÿ‘ time๐Ÿ‘

We also have a habit of comparing our to those around us. Stop it! We need to put blinders on and stay on our next step. The only that matters are our own. No one else is going to help us cut through the rock. If we focus on anything but our own hustle and grind, we become distracted which leads to setback.

Let's be persistent when it comes to our and achieving success. Eventually, persistence will overcome resistance.

Priority Legal Nure Consulting.
Your Client. Your Success. Our Priority.


Happy International Women's Day to all the , , , women out there.


"The more that you , the more things you will know. The more that you , the more places you'll go. You'll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut." - Dr. Seuss

There's something about visiting the , walking through the endless rows of books, and finding the perfect next read. For me, I like the feel of the book in my hand, the smell of the pages. I like using various random items as .

I can thank my , , and the man himself, Dr. Seuss, for my love of and . As a mother, I read to my daughter every night before bed for many years. She also loves to read. We now take trips to the together. It makes my heart smile.

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss. Thanks for inspiring so many and shaping my passion for ๐Ÿ“–.


"Sometimes, real superheroes live in the hearts of little children fighting big battles." - Unknown

On the last day of February, we recognize Rare Disease Day. Notice I didn't say celebrate. For those lives who've been touched by a rare disease, there's no celebration. Often, little is known about the disease, treatment options are limited and harsh on the body, and there's a very small community of families to support you along the journey.

This was all true all I walked alongside my daughter on her journey with Juvenile Dermatomyositis or JDM. When she was diagnosed in 2016, I had been a nurse for 12 years. It made no difference - I had still never heard of the diagnosis. I was told only 2-3 children out of every 1 million will ever receive the diagnosis. I'm still not sure how that was supposed to make me feel.

At that time, my 7-year-old could not brush her hair, turn doorknobs, or ride her bike, and she had a skin rash, including ulcers that were unexplainable. She was misdiagnosed for roughly 6 months and still she was considered lucky to have gotten her diagnosis and treatment so quickly.

Juvenile Dermatomyositis is a rare chronic autoimmune disease that most often causes muscle deterioration and skin rash. It can be fatal. My daughter fought hard for 5 years with aggressive medications and treatment and finally hit remission.

The threat of a flare will linger for the rest of her life. We are optimistic that the JDM chapter of her life has been closed. Time will tell.

I challenge you to support a rare disease foundation if you feel so inclined to donate to a charity this year. Those foundations usually receive most of their financial support from the hustle and hard work of the families of those affected by the disease. I know this from experience.

To end on a lighter note, my daughter and I grew and learned from her journey. We met some incredible people along the way, made memories that will forever warm our hearts, and learned to see the magic where most see the ordinary.

She is my why.

"Although you didn't choose to be a warrior, you've been drafted into this battle. But you are bravely fighting!" - Unknown



"Either give me more wine or leave me alone." - Rumi

Happy National Drink Wine Day. ๐Ÿท


These are only a handful of ways that Priority Legal Nurse Consulting assists our clients.

โœ” DME/IME Attendance and Reporting
โœ” Merit Reviews
โœ” Demand Letters
โœ” Medical Chronologies
โœ” Fact Summary Reports
โœ” Audit Trail Reviews
โœ” Research and Analysis of Standards of Care

We to the exact needs of our so that we can best meet those needs.

Priority Legal Nurse Consulting understands that every single case is unique and we treat it accordingly.

We are standing by and ready to discuss your needs with you.

Or, have a case you want to send our way? Great! Getting started is simple. Send us a link to the with a brief summary of events and the type of product you are looking for. We will review and send you a free, no obligation, cost estimate.

Email: [email protected]


Priority Legal Nurse Consulting.
Your Client. Your Success. Our Priority.


Happy Valentine's Day.

I'm my house, Valentine's Day takes the back burner to my daughter's birthday which also falls on 14th. We celebrate her trip around the sun and set her up for another great year.

Don't get me wrong, we also participate in all things and , but it doesn't take priority.

Whatever you may be today, or if you're not (fine too), I hope your day is filled with and .

Priority Legal Nurse Consulting.
Your Client. Your Success. Our Priority.


There's nothing like receiving great from a satisfied client. So with the product that they felt it was worth more than the agreed upon rate.

What an unexpected, yet wonderful today.

Have a , , or case that could benefit from the eyes and medical of a Legal Nurse?

Let's chat!

Priority Legal Nurse Consulting.
Your Client. Your Success. Our Priority.

Email: [email protected]



How are you showing up today?

Happy . Be !

Or, if Monday's aren't your thing, we can help!๐Ÿ˜‰

Priority Legal Nurse Consulting.
Your Client. Your Success. Our Priority.

Email: [email protected]



Hope everyone's surviving out there! Happy !

Priority Legal Nurse Consulting.
Your Client. Your Success. Our Priority.

Email: [email protected]


Yesterday, I took my , Luna, on a . It wasn't ideal hiking conditions as we had just received a few inches of the day before and it was absolutely freezing up on the . However, we both needed this hike.

So, we bundled up, prepared the best we could, and drove to the .
When we arrived, we realized that we had the to ourselves. This is unheard of at this particular location. Win for us! Luna was delighted at this discovery as this meant she was able to frolic in the .

As we ascended the mountain, the conditions grew more treacherous. The leaf covered trail was soon a sheet of ice. This wasn't stopping us. We had no intention of turning around.

We continued on, often walking beside the ice-covered trail in the snow. When we finally arrived at Rock, it was serene. The view was absolutely breathtaking and it was all ours to enjoy. We sat down, relaxed, shared our trail mix and beef stick, snapped a few pictures...really we just sat, present in the moment.

I couldn't help but compare my hike to many opportunities in life. Let me explain.

Just as Luna and I were the only two crazy enough to climb the mountain in icy conditions, few people will be brave enough to do ANYTHING it takes to achieve their dreams.

Those who do decide to walk that journey will find that very few, if any, have made the trek before them. It may be lonely, however you also don't have anyone trying to force you to conform to the preset norms that those before you have determined. You get to be like Luna and run free off the leash. When there's no one around you to enforce the get to make them yourself.

The path will not be clear, and you will have to make your own. You may slip up and look ridiculous when you do. Use these opportunities as lessons to do better next time.

When you make it to your destination, the glory is all yours to enjoy. It hits a little different when you can recall each struggle, each win, each lesson along the way. You view it from a place of gratitude and appreciation.

So...are you up for the challenge?

Priority Legal Nurse Consulting.
Your Client. Your Success. Our Priority.

01/20/2023 of my F words. Right there with , , and . Not the F words you were thinking, I know - get your head out of the gutter.

I hope you had a productive week and continue to finish strong.

Happy Friday Facebook Fam.

The child of the .
The of the .
The to the .

Priority Legal Nurse Consulting.
Your Client. Your Success. Our Priority.

Email: [email protected]

Buccaneers WR Russell Gage suffers concussion, being evaluated for potential neck injuries 01/17/2023

Another freighting injury for NFL fans. Anyone watching live or who caught the replay probably cringed like I did when you saw it. The weight of the other player forced Russell Gage's entire head and neck forward with a great force.

We don't know the extent of injuries at this time other than he suffered a concussion and is being evaluated for possible neck injuries. It was reported that he was moving all extremities prior to leaving the field. Thoughts and prayers go out to this young man.

Buccaneers WR Russell Gage suffers concussion, being evaluated for potential neck injuries Buccaneers WR Russell Gage sustained a concussion and is being evaluated for potential neck injuries after he was injured late in his team's playoff loss to Dallas on Monday night.


"Everybody can be great...because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love." Martin Luther King Jr.


"The lamps are different, but the light is the same." - Rumi

Today, I spent a few hours with some of my favorite girls. We got our blood pumping with an hour of yoga, then shared our time and stories over lunch.

Finding those humans who resonate with you deep into your soul, is such a beautiful gift. Each of us are individuals with unique traits - good and bad. But each of us carry the same star dust, the same bright light inside.

If one our lights are dim, the others shine brighter to light our way for as long as required.

Our vibrant uniqueness is the lamp that allows our light to shine through.

Let your light shine and make sure your tribe knows just how grateful you are that they exist.

Happy Sunday!


Let's face it, if you keep waiting for the right time, you'll continue to put those dreams on the back burner. Push fear to the side and take a risk. It will probably turn out to be one of the best decisions of your life.

NOW is the perfect time to take the first step. Taking that step creates momentum that leads to the next step. Before you know it, you'll be running straight at your dream!

"There is no riskier risk than refusing to risk at all." -Jen Sincero


How boring life would be if we were all exactly the same. It's those differences that make this truly a spectacular and fascinating ride.


In today's version of Helpful Tip Tuesday, we are debunking a common myth regarding patient audit trails.

We often hear opposing counsel complain that the patient audit trail is burdensome and time consuming to produce. This could not be more inaccurate.

ASTM audit trail standards outline the standards to which all software users should be held.

Per ASTM standard 5.3.6, "the audit log should allow easy retrieval. Audit log queries must be efficient to operate and provide easy, on demand reporting within a reasonable time frame."

Don't fall for the excuse that producing the patient audit trail is time consuming and burdensome. By definition, it must be easy to retrieve.

Need assistance to request your patient audit trail or with the analysis? Let's chat!

Priority Legal Nurse Consulting.
Your Client. Your Success. Our Priority.

Email: [email protected]

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