Dynamic Kids Physical Therapy, Inc.

Now Enrolling New Patients! Dynamic Kids Physical Therapy, Inc. Content may not be complete for, or apply to, your child’s specific symptoms or condition.

Mobile Pediatric physical therapy practice specializing in delivering a unique comprehensive approach in your child’s natural environment (home, daycare, playground, sport setting, or location of choice). specializes in providing effective virtual physical therapy services for preschool and school age children. We work collaboratively with you and your child to help them maximize their gross motor


When you took out your gross motor activity bag the night before and forgot to put it back in the car before going to work, but you always keep a few activities that fit in your backpack. These will be coming in clutch today! Thank you activity movement hat list, gross motor pumpkins and counting apples for saving the day!


Is your little too young to carve a whole pumpkin? Let them help with the process by scooping out and playing with the gooey insides of the pumpkin to get in a little strengthening and sensory play!

🎃Shoulder/arm strength to scrape
🎃Core strength to stabilize trunk during scraping
🎃Sensory play with all of the different textures
🎃Motor planning to problem solve how are they going to get it out!

Happy Halloween 🎃


If your little can’t quite balance on one leg yet, this is for you.

What you will need:
☑️Matching cards (check our shop for holiday themes)
☑️A step stool
☑️A chair or table

1️⃣ Place one match on the floor and the other match on the ground (or on another chair to make it easier)
2️⃣ Place 1 foot on the stepstool and keep 1 foot on the ground.
3️⃣ reach down to pick up the card on the floor to match with the card on the chair
4️⃣ Switch sides

🦵 The knee on the stance leg should bend when you reach down to pick up a card (to strengthen quad and glutes)
➕Add a pillow under the stance leg for an added challenge
➡️ Does your child’s knee fall in? This could indicate weak glutes and/or poor ankle instability. No worries - this exercise will help!

Follow us for more tips and tricks to get your little moving!


Tutorial: Halloween movement dice

Looking for a way to get your little moving? Roll the dice as a brain break, use as a movement to retrieve an object, or roll just for fun.

Step 1️⃣ Cut

Step 2️⃣ Fold

Step 3️⃣ tape

Roll the dice 🎲 and complete the movement shown to work on general body awareness, balance, gross motor milestone acquisition, strength, coordination, and motor planning.

See our post from yesterday for details!



Make learning fun by adding a little movement using our Halloween Movement Dice! We used Halloween Matching Cards as a transfer object but you can use anything such as letters, numbers or sight words.

Many of our kiddos are kinesthetic learners, meaning they learn best when academics are combined with movement. The activities on the dice work on general body awareness, balance, gross motor milestone acquisition, strength, coordination, and motor planning all while completing your academics!

What you will need:
➕Our counting/matching cards
➕Halloween Movement Dice
➕Printer, scissors, and tape
➕Ten feet of space

✂️ Step 1️⃣ Print and cut out the matching cards and movement dice (tutorial on how to put the dice together coming tomorrow 😉)

🏃‍♀️Step 2️⃣ Place one match 10 feet apart from the other match so you have two piles 10 feet apart.

🎲 Step 3️⃣ Roll the dice to determine what move you are going to complete before you take your turn to find a match. You can also use our seasonal Gross Motor Movement Cards in our shop for this activity.

🎃 What move is your favorite?!

🔗Link in Bio



Take your learning to the next level with a balance challenge!

Why❓We have 3 senses that help us keep our balance
👣 Somatosensory - think, being able to feel the ground underneath you.
👂 Vestibular - your ear isn’t just for hearing! Inside your ear is another system that helps detect changes in your body position. This one is often the weak link.
👀 Vision - Yep, your eyes. This is the one we often rely on the most.

Everyday our balance is challenged. Stepping over an object, getting bumped into, changing directions, walking on grass. Imagine if one (or all) of your systems weren’t functioning optimally…the good news - you can strengthen each of them with specific activities.

In this video we use all 3 together.

What you will need:
➕Our counting or matching cards
➕Printer and scissors
➕Ten feet of space
➕Floor tape

Step 1️⃣ Print and cut out the matching cards and the gross motor movement cards

Step 2️⃣ Place one match 10 feet apart from the other match so you have two piles 10 feet apart.

Step 3️⃣ Make a line on the floor with the tape

Step 4️⃣ Challenge your balance by walking the line forward, backward or sideways. Try big steps and try little steps. Try feet apart and try heel to toe. So many options!

Stay tuned for how we can break down and challenge each balance system when we introduce our Halloween cards next week 🎃


Photos from Dynamic Kids Physical Therapy, Inc.'s post 10/20/2022

Want to add a little movement to your learning? This is an easy addition to any small object you can transfer from one place to another featuring our candy corn counting cards.

Many of our kiddos are kinesthetic learners, meaning they learn best when combined with movement. The activities on the gross motor cards works on general body awareness, balance, gross motor milestone acquisition, strength, coordination, and motor planning all while completing your academics!

What you will need:
➕Our counting/matching cards
➕Movement cards list (see our freebies)
➕Printer and scissors
➕Ten feet of space
➕Tape (optional)

Step 1️⃣ Print and cut out the matching cards and the gross motor movement cards

Step 2️⃣ Place one match 10 feet apart from the other match so you have two piles 10 feet apart.

Step 3️⃣ Fold and place the gross motor cards in a hat or seasonal basket.

Step 4️⃣ Pick a card from the hat to determine what move you are going to complete before you take your turn to find a match. You can also use the Movement Dice or seasonal Gross Motor Movement Cards in our shop for this activity.



How to teach throwing (overhand)

To work on hand-eye- coordination and visual attention (a prerequisite to reading/writing)

Set up:
1️⃣ Hang up target on the wall
2️⃣ Place pitching mound on the ground
3️⃣ Determine your child’s dominant hand (typically the hand they use to write)
4️⃣ Place a paper (used as a visual to step) on the ground as if you child was stepping with the opposite foot of their throwing hand. For example, if your child is right handed, place the stepping visual in front and to the left.

Simple cues:
LOOK 👀 ➡️ STEP🦶 ➡️ POINT 👉 ➡️Throw ⚾️

Starting position: throwing hand by your ear and chicken wing out 🐥
LOOK 👀 - look at at your target
STEP🦶- Step with your opposite foot
POINT 👉 - Point at the target with your opposite hand
Throw ⚾️ - Throw the ball at your target

➕Start with one cue at a time then slowly add them together.
🐢 Start slow then increase the speed ⏱

Photos from Dynamic Kids Physical Therapy, Inc.'s post 10/17/2022

It’s Movement Monday and today is all about ball play with counting candy corn.

What you will need:
1️⃣ Our matching candy corn cards
2️⃣ Printer, scissors and tape
3️⃣ A piece of paper for a pitching mound
4️⃣ A balled up sock

Step 1️⃣ - print, cut out, and hang up the candy corn cards on the wall

Step 2️⃣ - set up your pitching mound and balled up sock

Step 3️⃣ - throw underhand or overhand two times in a row to try to make a match

Step 4️⃣ - when you successfully hit a match, take the cards down

If you’re playing with a friend, keep your matches and count to see who has the most matches at the end to see who wins.

Stay tuned for more gross motor ideas on how you can use these cards throughout the week 😉



Stay Tuned for Seasonal Gross Motor Activities coming your way 🎃 🍁 🦃 🎄

Matching, Counting, and Gross Motor Moves disguised as Apples, Pumpkins, Fall, Halloween, Thanksgiving Christmas and more - Downloadable right from your computer!

Each pack will include instructions on how to incorporate gross motor movement to encourage play based learning. 🤸 ✏️

Don’t forget to subscribe to our email list to gain VIP access to new activities that will be hitting our website along with gross motor tips for parents, teachers, and clinicians. ⬇️


What seasonal themes and activities would you like to see?


Bear Walking 🐻

What does it do❓
The Bear walk provides total body strengthening (specifically the shoulder girdle + abdominals) as well as dynamic stretching for the posterior chain.

How to incorporate it into play ⬇️
1️⃣Bear walk as a scavenger hunt to find objects on the ground (in the classroom look for letters; on the beach look for shells; or in the yard look for leaves)
2️⃣Pretend to be an animal (dog, cat, bear)
3️⃣Bear walk to retrieve puzzle pieces or matching cards

Which option are you going to try?!

Classroom Brain Break - Round 1 10/05/2022

Classroom Brain Break Ideas - Round 1

Break breaks throughout the day are essential to facilitate optimal performance in the classroom

✨Reduces stress
✨Increases blood flow to the brain
✨Gets out the “wiggles”
✨Promotes a fun environment
✨Encourages healthy habits at a young age

In this video we also challenge the students core strength, balance and coordination by completing the following movement breaks:

1️⃣Jumping Jacks - for kiddos that struggling with coordination break it down by slowing down the sequencing and teaching them “Pencil” or “Soldier” (let them choose) to “star” or “rocket-ship”

2️⃣ Cross crawls - start with opposite hand to opposite knee then work up to opposite elbow to opposite knee

3️⃣ Standing Mountain climbers - start with same side, then switch to opposite sides. Make it easier by reaching/marching using small movements and harder by making the movements bigger or slower.

Which one is your favorite?

Classroom Brain Break - Round 1 Break breaks throughout the day are essential to facilitate optimal performance in the classroom Why? ✨Reduces stress✨Increases blood flow to the brain ✨Gets...

Photos from Dynamic Kids Physical Therapy, Inc.'s post 08/20/2022

Thank you and for spreading awareness and hosting these events to keep our beaches clean.

We are grateful to be able to do our small part and teach the next generation what it means to give back to our wonderful community.


Our 4 Favorite Animal moves:

1️⃣ Frog 🐸
2️⃣ Duck 🦆
3️⃣ Bear 🐻
4️⃣ Crab 🦀

All of these work on general strength, balance reactions, body awareness and coordination.

Tips to make it more FUN:
🧩 Transfer a small object while completing the moves (puzzle piece, matching cards, favorite toy)
🎩 Write the animals down and pick them out of a hat

Which one was your child’s favorite??

Music: Uplifting Children Music
Musician: REDproductions

Photos from Pender County Library's post 07/29/2022

We are truly grateful to be a small part of this wonderful program in our community and are looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow 🙂

Photos from Dynamic Kids Physical Therapy, Inc.'s post 07/26/2022

Toe walking: The WHAT, the CONCERN the WHY⁉️ the TRICK and HOW TO ADDRESS

The WHAT: Toe walking occurs when Kiddos…

1️⃣ have been walking upright for 3+ months

2️⃣Walk on the balls of their feet 80+% of the time

3️⃣Have been consistently toe walking for 3+ weeks

The CONCERN: toe walking can lead to:

❌gross motor delays
❌avoidance of activity
❌Pain in bottom of foot, calf, heel, knee, hip
❌Tight calf muscles
❌ surgery

The WHY⁉️

⬇️Core/Hip strength - the child compensates by stabilizing at the ankle instead of using the core.

✨Sensory - Child may not like the feeling of parts of the foot making contact with the floor. You may notice the child walks differently on certain surfaces or with/without shoes.

⬆️Tone (neurological)- higher tone in the gastroc muscle restricts the child’s heel from reaching the ground. When the muscle is over active it points the toe downward.

⬇️Short Achilles - the child may not be making heel contact because physically the range of motion is not available at the ankle.

🌟 Preference - there is no rhyme or reason other than they prefer to walk on their toes 😊

🌟The TRICK: catch it early so it doesn’t become a habit! 😉 If your kiddo has been doing it for a while physical therapy will still be beneficial to address gross motor concerns and reduce the risk for secondary complications.


💪Core/Hip strengthening - to improve stability of the core and decrease compensatory strategies.

🦶 Proprioceptive input to heel - to retrain the brain to make heel contact AND decrease aversion to heel contact if toe walking is sensory related.

🦵 Active stretching (ie squatting in play)/massage ONLY if range of motion is limited.

🏃‍♂️ Gait training - practice walking with heel contact using verbal or visual cues. Can be used in conjunction with propriceptive input to the heel (2️⃣).

👟Orthotics (night splint, SMO or AFO) - to maintain/improve ROM if limited and retrain initial heel contact during gait.

Note: this post is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or treat your child. Reach out your to local PT to address your child’s specific needs.


Running out of things to do with your kiddo towards the end of the summer? 👇

Try out this fun challenge! Don’t forget to tag us on social so we can celebrate movement with you!

Movement isn’t a punishment. It’s a celebration of what your body can do! 🤸

Save for later and share with a parent that would enjoy doing this with theirs littles!

Photos from Dynamic Kids Physical Therapy, Inc.'s post 07/22/2022

Join us for a collaborative ocean themed story time experience at Pender County Library on July 30th at 11AM! 🐳

We are honored to a small part of their last planned story time even this summer.

What to expect:
✨ planned for 0 to 5 with an adult
👍 all ages welcome
🔠Letter of the week
📕Story Time
🎶 Music

We hope to see you there for lots of movement, learning and fun!


How to Encourage: Reaching for feet

Reaching for feet is a milestone that is typically achieved by 5-6 months of age. Why? It helps baby develop core strength, reaching, and body awareness necessary to achieve future milestones such as rolling, crawling and walking.

At 3months, you can start showing your little how to find their feet by first starting to reach for their knees then working toward the feet.

Sing them a song 🎶 and gently guide your baby’s hips upward and show them hand over hand how to reach for these newly discovered limbs.

Tip: help keep your littles head in midline using your feet (particularly if they have torticollis/prefer to tilt/rotate to one side).


How to Teach: Skipping

Skipping is a milestone that is typically achieved by age 5-6. Why? It’s a more complex skill that requires opposing coordination, strength and balance.

1️⃣ Start with visual + verbal cues ➡️STEP-HOP, STEP-HOP
2️⃣Fade to just visual and have child repeat the STEP-HOP to themself out loud or in their head
3️⃣ Take away the spots and try just verbal
4️⃣ Eventually take away the cuing all together and as your child practices more and more they will increase their speed and coordination to do it without thinking!

Tips: start slow, then speed up

Give us a 🙋‍♀️ when your little achieves this milestone!

Music: Upbeat Fun Ukulele
Musician: REDproductions


Super Side Sit 7months to adulthood

At 6-7 months kiddos are capable of sitting independently and are working towards reaching for toys and transitioning out of sitting to other positions in the coming months. Side sitting is the easiest and most functional way to achieve these milestones.

Tips and the WHY⁉️
1️⃣ Playing with a toy in midline - helps strengthen the obliques that are needed to complete rotational movements and stretch the hips.
2️⃣ Play with a toy to the side - beneficial for 1) if muscles are tight and you are just beginning to stretch hip musculature then you can work toward playing with a toy in the middle and 2) if you are working on transitioning in/out of sitting.
3️⃣ Transfer objects between hands - adding a multitasking component and to work on bilateral coordination (sides of the body working together or opposite of each other).
4️⃣ Dont forget to switch sides - to stretch, strengthen and learn to coordinate both sides equally.
5️⃣Reach across midline - more advanced version to encourage cross brain development, obtain a deeper stretch, and intensify strengthening.

Why might my kiddo not be Side sitting?
✨Core Weakness
✨Poor Spinal Mobility
✨Muscle tightness
✨Preference to sit/scoot in midline or Ring sit

Ask your skilled PT how they can help!

🌟Mammas - Do you ever find yourself side sitting?!

Music: Happy Kids
Musician: Amusicmedia


How often do we hear this from other people or that tiny voice inside your head.

Girl, flip your mindset. Prove’m wrong. You are capable of so much more! And your little needs YOU!

I do not own the rights to this audio/music


Top 5 Exercises for Toe Walkers

Kiddos toe walk for a variety of reasons:
✨Bony alignment
✨Strength limitations
✨Associated diagnoses

But sometimes there’s just no rhyme or reason.

Why do we care? Toe walking can lead to orthopedic problems down the road such a tendon lengthening surgery, knee pain, falls, and difficulty keeping up with their peers during gross motor activities.

The sooner you catch it and work on it, the less likely it will become a habitual mode for locomotion.

While we firmly believe there is never a 1 size fits all treatment plan, some of our favorite exercises to facilitate a heel to toe pattern are shown in the video.

These exercises promote dorsiflexiom strengthening, gastroc stretching, propeioceptive input to the heel, and lower extremity strengthening simultaneously through dynamic movement to facilitate a heel to toe walking pattern.

But it doesn’t stop there. If your kiddo is old enough, help bring AWARENESS to the way they are walking by talking about it! Talk about WHY it’s important to work on it, and remind them to walk with “heels down” or “foot flat” if you notice they are walking on their toes.

Note: Your child is unique and they may benefit from other interventions. Don’t forget to consult with your skilled PT.

Music: Another time
Musician: LiQWYD


Feeding Position Tips

Little ones are at risk for (head tilted to one side and rotated to the other) and (assymetrical shape of the head often accompanied by flat spots or bulging) that may be present at birth or if they play/feed in one position.

The positions below may be useful as a preventative measure or if your little one has been diagnoses with one of these conditions (pending approval by your skilled PT).

1️⃣ Support your arm and back - first and foremost we need to make sure that we are taking care of ourselves so we can take care of our Littles. Give yourself support so you don’t start to develop shoulder and back problems.

2️⃣ The cradle position (bottle feeding or breast feeding) - switch sides so your little one’s neck is stretched equally.

3️⃣ The chin tuck position (bottle feeding) - This stretches the babies posterior chain (neck and back) that is often tight, promotes physiological flexion, and helps them bring their hands to midline (a precursor to other developmental milestones).

4️⃣Switch sides with the chin tuck - it gives your baby a different point of view and you would be surprised how switching sides stretches different thing, particularly at the hips.

Please remember content is for education purposes and is not meant to treat or diagnosis your child. Always consult and collaborate with your skilled PT before implementing strategies provided on this page 🙂

Music: Children Music
Musician: piyushtwentytwo
Site: https://pixabay.com/music/-children-music-13701/


How to use dots for Gross Motor Activities

We love dots to use as visual cues - But WHY?! Some kiddos just don’t get verbal cuing (words). It helps them learn how to move their body in unfamiliar ways by using their visual system instead of/in addition to their auditory system.

Here are just a few examples:
1️⃣Body placement to sit properly or use as “their spot” on the floor
2️⃣Jumping/Hopping to Lilly pads - move closer together to make it easier or farther apart to make it harder to jump longer distances.
3️⃣Skipping - go slow and help them learn the “step, hop” movement. Then increase speed and the eventually fade the cuing provided to increase independence.

Eventually, the more they practice, the less cues they will need to complete the skills and the visual cues can be taken away 🥳

What skill is your kiddo currently working on learning?

Music: No Worries
Musician: Anton Vlasov
Site: https://pixabay.com/music/-no-worries-16479/

Watch this reel by dynamickpt on Instagram 07/05/2022

Is your little one not taking independent steps, but will….

1️⃣Stand up or balance independently
2️⃣Walk with hand held assistance

Try this ⬇️
✨Put your hands on their hips.
✨Help them shift their weight side to side to walk.

Sometimes our little ones are ready to walk, but need a little confidence boost to just let go! 🤝👐

Bookmark for later and/or Tag a parent that could benefit from this Super Tip


Watch this reel by dynamickpt on Instagram Dynamic Kids Physical Therapy, Inc. () added a video to their Instagram account: “Is your little one not taking independent steps, but will…. 1️⃣Stand up or balance independently…”


Happy 4th from us to you!


A huge shout out to for hosting a great workout and wonderful event.

It was so empowering to connect with other mammas and women in business. The family atmosphere you have created is unlike any other and we are truly grateful to be a small part of it today.

Congrats on your 3 year anniversary. 🥳
We look forward to celebrating many more with you in the future!


So many from:

And more.

Not pictures: jumping over waves!

What are your favorite things to do at the beach?

Music: Children Music
Musician: piyushtwentytwo
Site: https://pixabay.com/music/-children-music-13701/

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

If your little can’t quite balance on one leg yet, this is for you.What you will need:☑️Matching cards (check our shop f...
Tutorial: Halloween movement diceLooking for a way to get your little moving? Roll the dice as a brain break, use as a m...
Make learning fun by adding a little movement using our Halloween Movement Dice! We used Halloween Matching Cards as a t...
Take your learning to the next level with a balance challenge! Why❓We have 3 senses that help us keep our balance👣  Soma...
How to teach throwing (overhand)Why❓To work on hand-eye- coordination and visual attention (a prerequisite to reading/wr...
Stay Tuned for Seasonal Gross Motor Activities coming your way 🎃 🍁 🦃 🎄 Matching, Counting, and Gross Motor Moves disguis...
Favorite 4 Animal Moves
How to Encourage: Reaching for feet
How to Teach: Skipping
Super Side Sit 7months to adulthood



Hampstead, NC

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 3pm

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