ACOE Student Wellness & School Climate Programs

ACOE Student Wellness & School Climate Programs

We provide support and services related to health, substance use prevention, bullying, safety & othe

TUPE reduces youth to***co use by helping students make healthful to***co-related decisions. We provide instruction and activities that build knowledge, social skills, and other youth developmental assets. Our team supports school districts to develop and implement effective, comprehensive to***co education programs through a variety of training and technical assistance, including:


Photos from ACOE Student Wellness & School Climate Programs's post 06/06/2023

Happy Pride Month! 🌈 Join us in celebrating the LGBTQ+ community and their contributions to society. Let's continue to advocate for equality and acceptance for all. 🏳️‍🌈


It's and it's time to take a stand! Smoking and ni****ne use can have serlous negative effects on your mental health, so let's all work together to make healthler choices and create a better future. ***coAwareness

Photos from ACOE Student Wellness & School Climate Programs's post 05/09/2023

Happy We're jolning the movement to protect our planet and create a healthier, more sustainable world. Let's all work together to reduce the impact of smoking and to***co use on the environment. ***coAwareness

Photos from ACOE Student Wellness & School Climate Programs's post 05/09/2023

Happy American Jewish Heritage Month Let's take this month to celebrate the diversity and culture of the Jewish American community and to raise awareness about the impact of ni****ne on Jewish.
American health. Studles have shown that the Jewish American community experiences higher rates of ni****ne addiction, so It's important to spread knowledge about the risks of ni****ne use.


is coming up and it's time to take a stand! Let's use this Sunday as an opportunity to raise awareness about the health risks of menthol ci******es and create a healthler, safer world for everyone. |Sunday ***coAwareness

Photos from ACOE Student Wellness & School Climate Programs's post 05/09/2023

Happy Asian American Heritage Month! Let's take this month to celebrate the diversity of the AAPI community and to raise awareness about the impact of ni****ne on AAPI health. Studies have shown that AAPI communities experience higher rates of ni****ne addiction, so it's important to spread knowledge about the risks of ni****ne use. We can all take steps to create a healthier and more equitable world.

Photos from ACOE Student Wellness & School Climate Programs's post 04/18/2023

As the holy month of Ramadan draws to a close, Muslims around the world are preparing to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, the Festival of Breaking the Fast. During Ramadan, Muslims fast from dawn to sunset every day, abstaining from food and drink as a means of self-reflection and spiritual improvement. The ultimate goal is to grow in moral excellence and gain greater God-consciousness. As the month-long fast ends, the joyous holiday of Eid al-Fitr is a time for feasting, gift-giving, and gathering with family and friends. Let's take this opportunity to learn more about Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr, and to celebrate the diversity and richness of Muslim traditions.

Photos from ACOE Student Wellness & School Climate Programs's post 04/18/2023

As Ramadan comes to an end, Muslims around the world are preparing to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, the Festival of Breaking the Fast. 🎉

After a month of fasting from dawn to sunset, Muslims will gather with family and friends to enjoy delicious meals, exchange gifts, and offer prayers of gratitude. 💕

Eid al-Fitr is a time of joy and celebration, a time to reflect on the blessings of the past month and to look forward to the year ahead. 🌙

Let's take a moment to wish our Muslim friends and loved ones a happy Eid and to embrace the spirit of love and unity that this holiday represents. Eid Mubarak! 🌟

Photos from ACOE Student Wellness & School Climate Programs's post 04/18/2023

Happy Arab American Heritage Month🎉❕

As we celebrate the rich culture and contributions of Arab Americans, it's also important to recognize the harmful effects of ni****ne in the community. Ho**ah smoking, a common practice in many Arab cultures, has been linked to a range of health problems, including lung cancer, heart disease, and addiction.

Let's take this month as an opportunity to educate ourselves and our loved ones on the dangers of ni****ne and encourage healthier habits. Together, we can prioritize our well-being and honor the vibrant traditions of Arab Americans. ****neawareness


📌Here’s a reminder that the TTT conferences are coming up. Find out more information in the post above‼️
📍UC Berkeley
🗓️3/1 or 3/21

Photos from ACOE Student Wellness & School Climate Programs's post 01/22/2023

Celebrate Chinese New Year with the Youth Advisory Board , by learning about Big to***co’s effect on the Asian community , what Chinese New Year is and more ! ❤️🌟


"Come out to the Barbara Lee Center on April 2nd from 9am-11am to exchange your v**e pens for gift card or sports tickets to help stop va**ng!

Join the San Leandro High School Peer Educators and their peers as they support the Attack The V**e Buy Back event on April 2nd!!

***cofreekids ***co


Meet Melody Myae, a member of the
Alameda County TUPE Youth Advisory Board! As
a YAB member, Melody supports county-wide
TUPE efforts including planning and leading
presentations, hosting the Teens Tackle To***co
Health & Wellness conference, and facilitating
and judging the Public Service Announcement

nfordTPT ***cofreekids ***co


As we close out the last Monday of Black History Month, we want to share with you resources and contact information for the organizations DOING THE WORK NOW!
While February may be ending, our fight is not. Please share these resources, and reach out to these organizations to get involved!

***cofreekids ***co


As we close out the last Monday of Black History Month, we want to share with you resources and contact information for the organizations DOING THE WORK NOW!
While February may be ending, our fight is not. Please share these resources, and reach out to these organizations to get involved!

***cofreekids ***co


As we close out the last Monday of Black History Month, we want to share with you resources and contact information for the organizations DOING THE WORK NOW!
While February may be ending, our fight is not. Please share these resources, and reach out to these organizations to get involved!

***cofreekids ***co


7 days away....wellness starts with YOU!
Register today for the 🆓️ Teens Tackle To***co Action Changes Things conference! Yes, IT IS FREE TO REGISTER! GO NOW!
Middle school date is March 2nd!
High school date is March 9th!
For more info, click the link in our bio!

***cofreekids ***co

Photos from ACOE Student Wellness & School Climate Programs's post 09/23/2021

Our second TUPE Peer Education training of the school year! Thank you John F Kennedy High and the Titan TUPE team for a great training.

***cofreekids ***co


I AM NOT A REPLACEMENT...I am a responsible employee...who is more than capable to succeed in the future with my professionality in work ethics and my strong will to achieve great things.
Big To***co companies have been targeting youth for decades, and have even admitted they are always looking for "replacement smokers". They target young people in order to replace the 1,300 customers that pass away (in the United States) from to***co related diseases EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
Young people are NOT your replacement smokers. Young people are students, athletes, siblings, children, creative, determined, and they have goals!
For the next few weeks, we will post reasons why our Youth Advisory Board students refuse to be a replacement smoker for Big To***co and Big V**e companies. Comment with your reason below, or post your own and tag us and

***cofreekids ***co


I AM NOT A REPLACEMENT...I am the son of a family of smokers. I am a motivated and hardworking student with dreams to influence the entire world. I will not let to***co stop me.
Big To***co companies have been targeting youth for decades, and have even admitted they are always looking for "replacement smokers". They target young people in order to replace the 1,300 customers that pass away (in the United States) from to***co related diseases EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
Young people are NOT your replacement smokers. Young people are students, athletes, siblings, children, creative, determined, and they have goals!
For the next few weeks, we will post reasons why our Youth Advisory Board students refuse to be a replacement smoker for Big To***co and Big V**e companies. Comment with your reason below, or post your own and tag us and

***cofreekids ***co


I AM NOT A REPLACEMENT...I am a brother and motivated student with dreams to help others through a career in research.
Big To***co companies have been targeting youth for decades, and have even admitted they are always looking for "replacement smokers". They target young people in order to replace the 1,300 customers that pass away (in the United States) from to***co related diseases EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
Young people are NOT your replacement smokers. Young people are students, athletes, siblings, children, creative, determined, and they have goals!
For the next few weeks, we will post reasons why our Youth Advisory Board students refuse to be a replacement smoker for Big To***co and Big V**e companies. Comment with your reason below, or post your own and tag us and

***cofreekids ***co


I AM NOT A REPLACEMENT...I am a hard working and committed athlete with dreams to play somewhere bigger than just my small community. I will continue to fulfill my responsibilities as an athlete on and off the field.
Big To***co companies have been targeting youth for decades, and have even admitted they are always looking for "replacement smokers". They target young people in order to replace the 1,300 customers that pass away (in the United States) from to***co related diseases EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
Young people are NOT your replacement smokers. Young people are students, athletes, siblings, children, creative, determined, and they have goals!
For the next few weeks, we will post reasons why our Youth Advisory Board students refuse to be a replacement smoker for Big To***co and Big V**e companies. Comment with your reason below, or post your own and tag us and

***cofreekids ***co


I AM NOT A REPLACEMENT...I am a healthy & active cheerleader who wants to help others by pursuing a career in the Healthcare world. I am also a hard working daughter and sister.
Big To***co companies have been targeting youth for decades, and have even admitted they are always looking for "replacement smokers". They target young people in order to replace the 1,300 customers that pass away (in the United States) from to***co related diseases EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
Young people are NOT your replacement smokers. Young people are students, athletes, siblings, children, creative, determined, and they have goals!
For the next few weeks, we will post reasons why our Youth Advisory Board students refuse to be a replacement smoker for Big To***co and Big V**e companies. Comment with your reason below, or post your own and tag us and

***cofreekids ***co


I AM NOT A REPLACEMENT...I am a student aspiring to have a successful career and looking forward to a long, healthy life.
Big To***co companies have been targeting youth for decades, and have even admitted they are always looking for "replacement smokers". They target young people in order to replace the 1,300 customers that pass away (in the United States) from to***co related diseases EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
Young people are NOT your replacement smokers. Young people are students, athletes, siblings, children, creative, determined, and they have goals!
For the next few weeks, we will post reasons why our Youth Advisory Board students refuse to be a replacement smoker for Big To***co and Big V**e companies. Comment with your reason below, or post your own and tag us and

***cofreekids ***co

Photos from ACOE Student Wellness & School Climate Programs's post 05/17/2021

🎆TUPE HIGHLIGHTS🎉 Since November 2020, our TUPE team has selected programs, people and actions that have done great work for the TUPE program as a whole. We look forward to sharing our highlight for our 2021 HIGHLIGHTS FOR MAY... 
Our team's Highlights to Share for MAY are the students from Royal Sunset, Valley High School and Lincoln High School for participating in the pilot credit recovery course of our online Intersection of To***co, Cannabis and Va**ng. Their input and feedback is valued and appreciated as we look into the full roll out of the course in the upcoming fall!! 
***cofreekids ***co  

Photos from ACOE Student Wellness & School Climate Programs's post 05/04/2021

🎆TUPE HIGHLIGHTS🎉 Since November 2020, our TUPE team has selected programs, people and actions that have done great work for the TUPE program as a whole. We look forward to sharing our highlight for our 2021 HIGHLIGHTS FOR MARCH AND APRIL... 
Our team's Highlights to Share for MARCH are the Peer Educators from Mission San Jose High School in Fremont! Since incorporating the TUPE program into Mr. Breazeale’s first year Leadership class, the program at Mission has grown tremendously! This year, Mission San Jose has produced Red Ribbon Week events and activities, interviews with youth who have struggled with ni****ne addiction, and offered continuous educational opportunities for the entire MSJ community. Great job MSJHS!
Our team's Highlights to Share for APRIL are the TUPE Peer Educators from Longfellow Middle School and Berkeley High School! Starting in February, the TUPE programs at Longfellow and Berkeley High created a virtual event called “Stories from Beyond”. Over 2-days, 8th graders from Longfellow Middle school joined a virtual call with the high school Peer Educators from BHS. The first day was focused on highlighting the BHS TUPE program and the second day was focused on the resources and programs at BHS. At the end of the event, Longfellow students were able to ask questions regarding high school and what to expect for next year! Amazing collaboration!

***cofreekids ***co  


🥳🎊TUPE HIGHLIGHTS🎉🎆 Since November 2020, our TUPE team has selected programs, people and actions that have done great work for the TUPE program as a whole. We look forward to sharing our highlight for our 2021 HIGHLIGHT FOR FEBRUARY...
Our team’s Highlights to Share this month are Junction Ave K-8, Granada High and Vineyard High School Peer Educators in Livermore! These programs, a middle school and two high schools in Livermore, have been collaborating since the beginning of the school year. Together, with their Site Coordinators and Peer Educators, the programs have met to discuss TUPE planning for the year and how they can support each other. Junction Ave K-8 is currently hosting their own PSA Contest in connection with our county-wide contest and were successful in presenting to staff members last week! Granada and Vineyard have worked together to complete their own presentations and TUPE outreach work at their school sites, and have been great mentors for the younger TUPE Peer Educators!
***cofreekids ***co


We are excited to announce that we will be holding our 23rd Annual Conferences for middle- and high-school students…VIRTUALLY…and we have some great new features to these conferences:
We have over 40 workshops being offered at the conference, with a focus on youth leadership in both the virtual and hybrid spaces, as well as mental and physical health and wellness. Over 50% of our workshops this year are being facilitated by youth! YOUTH VOICE MATTERS!
One item that is CRITICAL for our TUPE programs to know, is that students MUST register themselves individually. This is new…and a critical change…as the web site and app for the conference require each student to have a unique, registered, login and password. It is also critical that we have the students self-register, as every student who registers BEFORE 5pm on February 15th, will be sent an amazing SWAG package in the mail, containing some awesome swag, snacks, etc., all tied to the conference and the conference theme of A.C.T.: “Action Changes Things!”
If you are a Peer Educator, and you are interested in attending, please let your Site Coordinator know!
For questions and/or more information, please contact Kristy Packer at [email protected]!

***cofreekids ***co


🥳🎊TUPE HIGHLIGHTS🎉🎆 Since November 2020, our TUPE team has selected programs, people and actions that have done great work for the TUPE program as a whole. We look forward to sharing our highlight for our FIRST 2021 HIGHLIGHT FOR JANUARY...
Our team's Highlights to Share this month is our Alameda County TUPE Youth Advisory Board and the hard work that they have all been putting in for our TUPE program. Our group has been able to meet twice a month since September, taking the time to get to know each other, play icebreaker games, create county-wide TUPE informational material, and finalize Teens Tackle To***co deliverables! At our most recent meeting, the Youth Advisory Board members reviewed and selected the TTT conference workshops and selected the SWAG items that will be given to all those who attend.
***cofreekids ***co

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