Relentless Mindset Wellness Movement

We are fitness professionals who help you get better every day. Relentless is not your traditional commercial gym. We do not offer classes. We educate you.

We do not have treadmills, ellipticals or bulky machines. We are not one-size-fits-all. We do offer personal training and small group training. We meet you where you are at. We help you become the best version of yourself inside and outside of the gym. We guide you. We help you reach YOUR goals. We help you get better every day.


Being healthy in today’s world is vetoed by the majority. It usually sounds something like this…

If you drink water instead of soda you are subjected to criticism.

If you bring your lunch to work instead of going out for fast food you are “so strict with yourself”.

If you exercise daily you are considered “obsessed”.

If you have parameters around consuming alcohol you are “no fun”.

The unhealthy lifestyle has somehow been what is normalized. If we were to flip the switch and say “how does eating like s**t and sitting on the couch all day make you feel” it wouldn’t be received well.

How does this make any sense? Putting down the people trying to better themselves and accepting the people who are poisoning their bodies with fast food and sedentary lifestyles.

Let’s change the narrative. Make healthy the new normal. Drink more water. Move more. Be fu***ng nice to people and respect their healthy choices.

Taking care of yourself is cool. Be cool.


What the f**k is small group training? Good question.

Small group training is the perfect combo of group class and 1-on-1 personal training.

You get to work out with a group of like minded individuals like you get in class.

You get to workout with less people than a class so you get more attention from your coach.

You get a program that’s customized for you and your goals.

You don’t have to worry about modifying any movements that may hurt you like you would in class.

You get more accountably than a class because you have an appointment you don’t want to miss.

Your coach will track your weights, reps and rounds so you don’t have to worry about making progress. Your coach will make sure you do.

Any questions? Comment or send us a message! We’d love to answer them for you!


Are you scared of starting to workout because you don’t think you are ready? You think you’ll get hurt? You think you need to get in shape before you start?

We will meet you where you are.

People come to us with different backgrounds, different injuries, different experience levels and different goals.

We believe throwing everyone straight into a group class would be like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. We believe it would be irresponsible.

When you start with us, we begin with a thorough assessment of the way you move, your strengths, weaknesses, and goals.

This way we can set up the best plan for you to succeed.

Everyones journey will look different.

With personal goals, we need to create a personal plan.

DM us now and let’s schedule your free consultation and movement assessment. Let’s talk about you and your goals and figure out how we can get you there.


It’s easy to get distracted by the “surface signs” of aging like lines and wrinkles.⁠

It’s easy because it’s literally what we see in the mirror.⁠

There’s something more valuable we can focus on than the surface signs - muscle mass.⁠

It’s natural to lose muscle as we age. The problem is that loosing muscle mass leads to MORE than weakness.⁠

It predisposes us to chronic diseases, immobility, falls and much more.⁠

Maintaining muscle mass is a top priority for every person who wants to remain independent for the rest of their life.⁠

Maintaining muscle mass is a top priority for every person who wants to be able to do all the things they love doing for the rest of their life.⁠

Maintaining muscle mass is a top priority for every person who wants to be able to play with their kids, grandkids, great grandkids and dogs for the rest of their lives.⁠

Maintaining muscle mass is a top priority for every person who wants a life well lived for their entire life regardless of age.

Photos from Relentless Mindset Wellness Movement's post 06/14/2024

Your life is a direct reflection of the choices you make.

Don’t like your life?

Make different choices.

Photos from Relentless Mindset Wellness Movement's post 06/13/2024

Does your self talk hold you back? Or does it propel you to act?

We often have a replay of self limiting beliefs going on in our brains without even realizing it.

We take these thoughts and believe them as our truth which can hold us back from ever reaching our true potential.

Next time you catch yourself in a spiral of self limiting beliefs- change the narrative.

Your thoughts are powerful and once you have awareness around them you begin to have the ability to intentionally change and redirect them for your benefit.

Photos from Relentless Mindset Wellness Movement's post 06/12/2024

Meet Patty.

She came to us with severe back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain and a recent autoimmune diagnosis.

She came to us with fear of making her pain worse, frustration with other gyms she went to and a goal of feeling better.

We sat down with Patty and talked about her fears, frustrations and goals. We assessed her movement, explained how we could help and went over our plan to get her to her goal. We met her where she was at.

She was skeptical at first - but she trusted us and the process.

Fast forward to today and Patty is a 9am regular. She deadlifts when she used to have back pain. She does lunges and squats when she used to have knee pain. She bench presses when she used to have shoulder pain. She gets 8k steps when she used to get 3-4k. She refills her water bottle 4 times a day when she used to not even have a water bottle. Needless to say, she is killing it.

Patty gets better very day and from what we hear makes a mean chicken franchise.

Be like Patty.


The purpose of exercise is to improve your life - not to "burn" calories.

We exercise to build strong resilient bodies.⁠

We exercise for mental strength and clarity.⁠

We exercise to make our lives easier outside of the gym.⁠

We do not exercise to punish ourselves for something we ate.

We exercise to get better every day and have fun while we do it!


If you are looking for a 6 week fix or cleanse - Relentless is not the place for you.⁠

If you are looking for the cheapest option - Relentless is not the place for you.⁠

If you are looking to just get sweaty, destroy your body and repeat - Relentless is not the place for you.⁠

When we speak to prospects like the above, we refer them out to a local facility that is more in line with what they are looking for.⁠

If you are someone who wants to invest in yourself, spend time working on your personal growth, and are looking to LEARN about breath work, movement patterns, recovery. We want to hear from you.⁠

Click the DM - we would love to learn more about you.


Mike Tyson had a saying…”everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.”

You can plan out every detail of your day. When you will wake up. How many steps you will get in. What your workout will be. What foods you will eat. How much water you will drink. What time you will go to bed.

There is one thing we can guarantee - things will not always go according to plan.

You are going to get punched in the face sometimes (not literally but you get it)

It’s important to have a plan, but even more important to be flexible with your plan.

Use your plan as a guideline to help you reach your goals. Roll with the punches.

Woke up late and don't have time to get to the gym? Do a quick bodyweight workout. Meeting went longer than usual and you didn’t get to go for your lunch time walk? Walk with the kids after dinner. Had a burger for lunch? Have a salad for dinner. The day got away form you and you’re up later than usual? Get off social media and go to sleep. Got busy and didn't get all your water in? Drink a bottle when you wake up tomorrow before coffee. (you should do this anyway)

You are going to get punched in the face. How you handle the punches determines how you reach your goals.

Make a plan. Start. Get punched. Re-plan. Re-start. Repeat. Get better every day.


The disconnect between what most people think they need to do to get the benefits of exercise and what’s true is tragic.

Is exercising more than 20 minutes a day better? Sure.

Is exercising 20 minutes a day a waste of time? No!

21 minutes of daily walking decreases your risk of heart disease by 30%.

One person dies every 36 seconds in the US due to heart disease.

It’s the number one killer in the US and Europe and you can make a massive difference just by walking.

Imagine what you could do if you threw in some jogging, squats, and push-ups?

20 minutes adds up and it adds up to something significant.

Don’t underestimate the little things.

Photos from Relentless Mindset Wellness Movement's post 06/07/2024

Sorry not sorry 😎

Photos from Relentless Mindset Wellness Movement's post 06/05/2024

Meet Dana. She is a wife, a dog mom, and a general manager for a local restaurant. ()

When Dana came to Relentless she was experiencing 24/7 neck pain. It was traveling from her shoulder to her fingertips.

She tried physical therapy. She tried rest. She tried cortisone shots. She tried blood flow procedures.

Nothing brought her relief.

She was having trouble meeting expectations in her job. All she wanted to do was sleep. The pain was taking a toll on her mentally and physically.
When she came to Relentless she was feeling hopeless.

We assessed her. We educated her on her pain and lifestyle factors. We created a plan that she was confident she could stick with.

Dana executed. She communicated. She listened. She committed to a schedule a never missed a session. Outside of the gym she changed her habits, her diet, her self limiting beliefs. Dana is a rockstar who embraces change. She is the reason she has had so much success here.

“The coaches care. They push you hard enough to get outside of your comfort zone without feeling like it’s too much. They take what they do seriously without taking themselves too seriously.If you work the program properly and are open to change Relentless will change your life.”


If you want to live a long and healthy life you NEED: muscle mass, cardiovascular fitness, quality relationships, wholesome diet and sufficient sleep.

Your doctor AND fitness professional should be focused on those things.


Not every doctor will share the same values as you.

Not every Fitness professional will share the same values as you.

Some will push one methodology or medication while the other will push something else.

It’s hard to sift through the conflicting messages and get to the meat of what really matters - so here’s an easy filter.

If your goal is longevity; muscle mass, cardiovascular fitness, quality relationships, a wholesome diet, and sufficient sleep are your top priorities.

The things you do with your coach and doctor should support them - if they don’t it’s time to course correct.


Life is hard.

And it's much harder when you’re weak.

Don’t worry. This isn’t a David Goggins style lecture - we’re talking about physical weakness.

If you don’t have enough muscle to easily fulfill your daily responsibilities - your life is SIGNIFICANTLY HARDER than it needs to be.

If you don’t have the strength to confidently do what you want to do, like travel or try new sports - your life is SIGNIFICANTLY HARDER than it needs to be.

If you don’t feel proud of your body when you see yourself naked in the mirror - your life is SIGNIFICANTLY HARDER than it needs to be.

Building muscle is the surest way to turn those things around.

Building muscle will help you get better every day.


We exercise to build strong resilient bodies.

We exercise for mental strength and clarity.

We exercise to make our lives easier outside of the gym.

We do not exercise to punish ourselves for something we ate.


Walking 21 minutes per day can decrease your risk of heart disease by 30% (According to Harvard Medical School)⁠

Considering that heart disease is the number one killer in the United States and Europe and that one person dies every 34 seconds in the US from heart disease…that’s kind of a big deal.⁠

Does that mean you should avoid lifting weights and spend all of your exercise time walking? No!⁠

It means you should step back and look at the exercise you’re doing and WHY you’re doing it.⁠

If performance is your number one concern, then you’ll be laser-focused on lifting the heaviest weights you can (with good form).⁠

That’s fine as long as that’s your goal.⁠

If health is your primary concern, a solid foundation of cardio and daily activity needs to be present in your life.⁠

Don’t sleep on walking; it’s one of the best exercises you can do to keep yourself healthy across your entire lifespan and once you get your walk in - go lift some weights!⁠

If you’re in pain and unable to get out for that walk or back squat shoot us a message. Let’s see if we can help!


For most people it boils down to one thing....⁠

Loss of freedom.⁠

The loss of the independence to do things for yourself. ⁠

The inability to say yes to things they want to do, but no longer have the physical confidence to participate in.⁠

Missing out on opportunities to create new memories with the people they love.⁠

The fear of fading into the background because they can’t participate in life the way they want to.⁠

Muscle mass is the key to physical freedom as we age.⁠

It’s what allows us to interact with the world on our terms.⁠

It’s the key to maintaining physical confidence across the lifespan.⁠

It's the key to getting better every day for the rest of your life. ⁠

Let’s get to work 💪


Do you strength train?

Lifting weights isn't something for the few - it's for everyone.

The health benefits associated with lifting weights are so important - we CAN'T ignore them.

From improved bone density to decreased likelihood of injury - strength training is a necessity at all ages.

The stronger you are - the easier life is.

Do you want to be able to do your daily living activities on your own for the next 10 years? For the rest of your life?

Do you want to be able to do the activities you enjoy for the next 10 years? For the rest of your life?

There is never a bad time to get stronger and there is never a better time than now.

Send us a message now if you're ready to get stronger with a 1-on-1 coach!

Photos from Relentless Mindset Wellness Movement's post 05/27/2024

You show up to your workout and coach asks:⁠
“how did you sleep? When was your last meal?"⁠

And your response is something like:⁠
“Slept like s**t, haven’t eaten since 3pm yesterday”⁠

Your workout is going to be drastically different then if you had a great night sleep and were well fed.⁠

Let’s break it down.⁠

Your results in the gym are going to be limited by things that happen outside of the gym: Sleep. Nutrition. Stress level. Hydration. Mood. (to name a few) These factors will effect your overall performance and recovery.⁠

If outside the gym you are skipping meals, have a poor sleep routine and can't manage your stress levels then you will not be able to recover adequately from workouts.⁠

If you aren’t recovering from workout to workout you will not be able to give your strongest best efforts when you are in the gym.⁠

You also increase your risk for injury and chronic fatigue.⁠

Your lifestyle is going to determine ultimately how successful you are with your training.⁠

If you want to be the healthiest version of you it starts with what happens outside of the gym.

Photos from Relentless Mindset Wellness Movement's post 05/26/2024

The way muscle mass makes you look, love it or hate it, is insignificant compared to what it does for your health and longevity.

Muscle mass preserves your freedom. Without it, you don’t get to CHOOSE how you live. This isn’t a conversation about being strong enough to impose your will on others; it’s about the fact that so many people stop doing things they love far too early in life because their bodies can’t handle it.

Muscle mass is also a powerful shield against cognitive decline. Working muscle releases compounds (myokines) that protect the nervous system.

The more muscle you have, the more protection you get. When you don’t have enough, your brain becomes more vulnerable.

Muscle mass isn’t a pursuit of vanity; it’s a responsibility.

Photos from Relentless Mindset Wellness Movement's post 05/24/2024

Are you ready?

Photos from Relentless Mindset Wellness Movement's post 05/23/2024

The “wait until you’re….” crew will keep moving the goalpost.

If you’re 30, it’s 40.

If you’re 40, it’s 50.

Aging is real, but it gets blamed for 10x more things than it’s actually responsible for.

You can’t control the passage of time, but you can control your lifestyle.

If you don’t want to feel old, stop living like you’re old.

Old people don’t sprint, so sprint.

Old people don’t jump and play, so jump and play.

Old people don’t lift heavy, so lift heavy.

The name of the game is use it or lose it, so if you don’t want to lose it… you know what to do 👊


Going to a gym where you are just a number and no one knows your goals is like going to McDonalds. Going to a class where no one knows your injuries or limitations is like going to Burger King. Having a trainer who does the workout with you, gives you random exercises, doesn’t track your weights and has no concern for your mindset is like going to Taco Bell.

This is what we call the “Fast food of fitness”.

These types of gym’s don’t care about you - they want a profit. They aren’t there to help you reach your goals - they just want to get you in and out as fast as they can. They get you sweaty and out of breathe then it’s on to the next.

You deserve better.

You deserve Michelin Star treatment.

You deserve to be addressed by name when you walk in the door by a coach who knows your goals. A coach who knows exactly where you are on your journey and what your limitations are. You deserve a program written specifically for you that progresses every week so you get closer to your goal. You deserve a coach who coaches you - mentally, physically and emotionally.

You deserve better.

Photos from Relentless Mindset Wellness Movement's post 05/21/2024

EASY things to STOP and START doing to get ⁠

- Having no energy ⁠
- Staying up late⁠
- Sitting all day⁠
- Drinking every night⁠
- Eating processed food⁠
- Not walking⁠

- Getting outside⁠
- Hydrating⁠
- Lifting weights⁠
- Eating whole foods⁠
- Sprinting and cardio⁠
- Walking⁠

Be a leader - normalize getting better every day for the rest of your life.

Photos from Relentless Mindset Wellness Movement's post 05/20/2024

MOST of the things we fear about getting older have to do with loss.⁠

Loss of mobility⁠
Loss of independence⁠
Loss of freedom⁠
Loss of mental/cognitive clarity⁠

Sure you won’t be as strong at 75 as you were when you were 25 and you’ll have some wrinkles from the journey but you don’t have to be afraid.⁠

You can start putting “money in the bank,” metaphorically speaking - TODAY!⁠

Build and maintain muscle - It’ll keep you independent, confident and your mind sharp.⁠

Build cardiovascular fitness - It’ll keep your heart beating when the leading cause of death in the US and Europe is heart disease.


Exercise is hard and doing it out of hatred for your body won't cut it.

The work is too hard and the journey is too long.

Love & respect can handle the work - they're resilient enough to endure the journey.

Make exercise your daily act of self-love and respect.


Our mission is to lead our crew in being a positive influence on the people in their lives.

You might be surprised how much of an influence yo have on the people around you.

When you start having a positive mindset, eating healthy, walking and lifting weights. The people in your life will want to do the same.

The easiest example of this is parents influencing their kids. They see everything you do, hear every thing you say and watch every thing you eat.

Show them what it means to take care of yourself - mentally, physically and emotionally.

Influence your friends by ordering the salad when you go out.
Influence your spouse by suggesting something active instead of going to dinner for date night.
Influence mom and dad by educating them on other ways besides meds to lower their blood pressure.
Influence co-workers by packing lunch instead of ordering.
Influence your neighbors just by going out for walks, runs, bike rides, etc - they will notice it.

Be a positive influence in a world filled with negative influence.


Most people think a workout is only worth it if you move fast and get sweaty.

We're not most people...we know the truth.

We know walking is cool.

Walking is great for your heart, brain and body.
Walking helps with fat loss.
Walking doesn't break your body down.
Walking helps build stronger bones.
Walking helps improve balance and endurance.
Walking doesn't require any fancy equipment.
Walking can increase your cardio load.
Walking promotes blood flow for joint health and recovery.
Walking helps put you in a good mood.
Waling helps build up your immune system.
Walking makes you better, faster, stronger.

Do you get it? Walking is cool.

Join the walk is cool movement - go for a walk.

Go for a walk today, tomorrow and next week. Take your dog, kids, spouse, mom, best friend, anyone and everyone. Or go by yourself and enjoy some
"me time".

Walk for 10min, 20min, 40min, 60min. Whatever works. Just make sure you don't run. That's not walking.

We're cool, you're cool, let's make walking cool.

Photos from Relentless Mindset Wellness Movement's post 05/16/2024

A retirement plan without fitness is like buying a Ferrari and not being able to afford gas.

Which would you rather have?

Option A: A retirement filled with freedom


Option B: A retirement that looks nice but is hemmed by disability due to weakness, poor conditioning, chronic disease, and lack of confidence?

When you overlook your health and fitness until the meds no longer cover the gaps in your lifestyle, you’re signing up for option B.

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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Get Better Today
We Are Relentless
We are not CrossFit. We are not powerlifters. We are not boot camp. We are not kickboxing. We are not a fad or trend. We...




3400 Route 35 Suite 1
Hazlet, NJ

Opening Hours

Monday 6am - 11am
4pm - 8pm
Tuesday 6am - 11:30am
4pm - 8pm
Wednesday 6am - 11am
4pm - 8pm
Thursday 7am - 11am
4pm - 8pm
Friday 6am - 11am
Saturday 7am - 11am

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