Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawaiʻi, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky

PPGNHAIK is a 501(c)3 org offering reproductive health care services in AK, HI, ID, IN, KY, & WA

Photos from Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawaiʻi, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky's post 08/31/2024

Our deepest sympathies go out to the family and loved ones of mother, wife, and community member Taysha Wilkinson-Sobieski. Taysha's untimely passing is nothing short of a tragedy — an avoidable and predictable tragedy.

Everyone deserves access to health care, but Indiana's near-total abortion ban restricts essential care. This forces patients to navigate complex hospital systems for a simple procedure — leading to harmful delays, increased costs, and, in the worst case, death.

Read the full statement from our CEO, Rebecca Gibron.


The hormones that control your menstrual cycle can cause changes in your body and emotions around the time of your period. This is called premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Cramps are one of the most common symptoms to have before/during your period. You can calm cramps by:
⋅ Taking pain medicine (like ibuprofen)
⋅ Putting a heating pad where it hurts
⋅ Taking a hot bath
⋅ Exercising
⋅ Stretching your body

Certain types of birth control — like the pill, shot, implant, and IUD — can also help with PMS and other period problems.

If your PMS is so bad that it’s hard to do normal activities during your period, talk to your health care provider or someone you trust. You can also call your local Planned Parenthood health center. You shouldn’t have to suffer every month, and we can help you find the cause and get treatment.

Learn more about PMS and how to deal with it at!

Photos from Rebecca Gibron's post 08/30/2024

Our CEO's statement on the devastating and preventable death of Taysha Wilkinson-Sobieski.

Photos from Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawaiʻi, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky's post 08/29/2024

The abortion care community works together to get people the essential health care services they need. Abortion funds are some of the community’s *most* critical players.

Abortion funds are dedicated to paying for abortion care, as well as often covering practical support costs like rides, travel, lodging, childcare, and lost wages. In addition to the financial assistance we can provide at Planned Parenthood, abortion funds also often support our patients.

Many abortion funds support people who live in the states we serve, including those where abortion care is no longer accessible. The funds in states without abortion access can help people get care where it’s still available.

Follow and donate to the abortion funds that support AK, HI, ID, IN, KY, and WA (in alphabetical order):

Chicago Abortion Fund
All-Options Indiana (Hoosier Abortion Fund)
Indigenous Women Rising*
Kentucky Health Justice Network
Northwest Abortion Access Fund

There are many more funds that can provide support, depending on where someone’s having their abortion. It’s always worth asking your health center what financial assistance is available!

*Indigenous Women Rising has paused abortion funding through the end of August, but they will resume on Sept. 1.


*This* is what it’s all about. Sexual and reproductive health care experiences can and should be positive. Checking in on your body and making decisions that support the life you want to have are some of our favorite forms of self-care.

We care and we’re here for you, no matter what. Come see us sometime. 💙


Us making decisions about our s*xual and reproductive health:

Photos from Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawaiʻi, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky's post 08/22/2024

No matter where you live, there are local and national supportive resources available for you if you identify as trans nonbinary, gender non-conforming, two-spirit, or māhū.

Swipe for a roundup of affirming resources near you and learn more about each below. ➡

BTW! There are many more affirming resources that support people in the states we serve. Find lists of resources by state at Feel free to shout out any other affirming resources for residents of AK, HI, ID, IN, KY, and WA in the comments!

📍 Alaska
Choosing Our Roots
REC Room
Identity, Inc.

📍 Hawaiʻi
The Kua'ana Project at the Hawai'i Health & Harm Reduction Center
The LGBTQ Center Honolulu, A Project of the Hawaii LGBT Legacy Foundation
Mālama I Ke Ola Health Center
Waikiki Community Center

📍 Idaho
The Community Center - TCC
Boise State University Gender Equity Center
Idaho Falls Pride Lifeline Fund
North Idaho Pride Alliance

📍 Indiana
Eskenazi Health
Indiana Legal Services, Inc.'s LGBTQ+ Project
Trinity Haven Indy

📍 Kentucky
ACLU of Kentucky
Fairness Campaign
Trans Health Advocacy at the Kentucky Health Justice Network

📍 Washington
Gender Justice League
Ingersoll Gender Center
Lavender Rights Project
Seattle Voice Lab
United Territories of Pacific Islanders Alliance - WA

📍 National
Advocates for Trans Equality
Inclusive Therapists
Trans Empowerment Project-National
Trans Lifeline
Campaign for Southern Equality's Trans Youth Emergency Project


Love, love, love to see it.

Before your next visit, please let our staff know how we can help keep your experience as anxiety-free and full of smiles as possible. 💙

Need to book an appointment? Head to

Who Can Challenge State Abortion Bans? It’s Not So Clear Cut. 08/20/2024

Our Chief Legal Counsel recently wrote a piece in State Court Report unpacking who can challenge abortion bans and why. Unfortunately, state legislation has made bans even more difficult to fight.

"When the ability of providers and clinics to bring challenges to courts is curtailed, it is more difficult for these challenges to proceed successfully. Justice is necessary limited if only those who are seeking abortions are permitted to sue — while balancing medical appointments, the physical limitations that frequently accompany pregnancy, and perhaps the logistics of seeking an abortion out of state, which generally must be performed in the first few months of pregnancy.

They also must wait for a ruling that is likely to come too late to remedy their situation, even if it is favorable. And, as the Court in Singleton noted, pregnant people may be fearful of bringing these cases in the first place, out of concern for their privacy.

It’s no surprise, then, that in Kentucky, no pregnant person seeking an abortion has yet to file a lawsuit and fully litigate the constitutionality of the law. (Late last year, a pregnant woman filed a lawsuit challenging Kentucky’s strict abortion laws as “Jane Doe,” but dismissed it just nine days later.)"

Read the full article:

Who Can Challenge State Abortion Bans? It’s Not So Clear Cut. Since the U.S. Supreme Court prevented abortion providers from challenging restrictions on abortions, several states have indicated they’ll adopt the same stance on standing.


You see how we are when people exercise their right to bodily autonomy — including their ability to make *whatever* health care decisions are right for them? Very cutesy, very demure.

Credit to the queen of demure:


🌈 This could be us 🌈

Abortion is a common and *essential* form of health care. Normalize it. Fight stigma. Share your own abortion story if you feel comfortable at

We all deserve to live in a world free from abortion stigma. Double-tap if you’re with us.


Today is ! At PPGNHAIK, we support the health and well-being of young people in the states we serve as well as around the world through our Global Programs. Our Global Programs partner with and fund organizations in other countries that provide education and services to young people to help them take charge of their s*xual and reproductive health.

Over the past year, we have partnered with five organizations in four countries to reach thousands of young people. Earlier this summer in Vietnam, our partner Lighthouse Social Enterprises, a youth-led organization focused on LGBTQ+ rights and health, held a 3-day national forum called “Stronger Together” with over 100 participants representing diverse backgrounds from around Vietnam. Participants had a chance to share updates on the current context of LGBTQ+ issues in Vietnam and co-create a shared strategy and action plan that will steer the course of LGBTQ+ advocacy in the next three years. We were proud to sponsor this event, and are excited to see the work that comes out of the Stronger Together forum over the next few years.

We are honored to partner with Lighthouse Social Enterprises and other organizations in our Global Programs to support the s*xual and reproductive health and rights of young people around the world. Learn more about this work at the link in our bio!


Everyone should be able to feel comfortable and “normal” when checking in with their s*xual and reproductive health. We work hard to create a warm and welcoming environment for anyone who comes through our (virtual or in-person) doors.

When’s the last time you felt comfortable at a medical visit and what made you feel that way? Let us know in the comments. ⬇


💊 Vital info about birth control 💊

1️⃣ Birth control is safe.

Most people can take hormonal birth control for a long time without health issues. Using birth control also doesn’t affect the ability to get pregnant and have a healthy baby later on.

If hormonal birth control is not recommended because of your health history, your health care provider will help you find the right option for you.

2️⃣ There are more than 15 methods of birth control.

With so many great options for birth control, there is no “best” method of birth control. The birth control method that is right for you depends on many things and may change over time.

3️⃣ Birth control can help with more than preventing pregnancy.

Some birth control options provide relief from symptoms of painful heavy periods and can even help with acne.

4️⃣ You can safely use birth control to skip your period.

The IUD, birth control shot, implant, vaginal ring, patch, and birth control pill all can be used to skip periods.

Your provider can help you decide which type of birth control is best for you. Start learning before the conversation:

Photos from Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawaiʻi, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky's post 08/07/2024

How to get an abortion at Planned Parenthood if you live in Kentucky 💡

It’s been two years since Kentuckians lost access to abortion care. But they never stopped needing or having abortions.

If you live in Kentucky and need an abortion, swipe to find out how you can get one. And don't forget that no matter where someone has their abortion, follow-up care is available at health centers. ➡️

Photos from Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawaiʻi, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky's post 08/05/2024

Live in Hawaiʻi or know someone who does? We provide in-person care in Honolulu and Kahului, and we offer telehealth services throughout the state.

Hawaiʻi residents can also get abortion pills, birth control, emergency contraception, and urinary tract infection (UTI) treatment delivered — no matter what island you live on.

Find out what services are available near you at


Everybody’s a winner when they have access to comprehensive and affordable s*xual and reproductive health care services. 🏅

Learn about all of the services we offer at

Photos from Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawaiʻi, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky's post 08/02/2024

Today marks two years since Kentuckians lost access to abortion care and one year since Hoosiers lost access.

While numbers can help explain the impact of anti-abortion legislation, no statistic can fully encompass the catastrophic effects or capture the devastation felt on the ground in each state. We shouldn’t have to quantify suffering and hardship to evoke empathy and compassion for each individual’s unique circumstances.

Planned Parenthood will continue to be there for you — and fight for your right to access all forms of s*xual and reproductive health care. No matter what.

1. Spectrum News
2. Ms Magazine
3. The Courier-Journal
4. Indiana Hospital Association
5. WFYI Indianapolis

[Image description: Slide 1: Quotation marks. One year ago today, Hoosiers lost access to abortion care. For the past two years, Kentuckians have faced the same devastating loss. The impact of losing abortion care has had a staggering ripple effect across the two states. Rebecca Gibron, CEO, Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawai‘i, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky. There is a photo of Rebecca to the left of the text.

Slide 2: Quotation marks. In Kentucky, there’s been a 15% decrease in residency applications in the last year and a 25% drop in ob-gyn applicants over the last two years.¹ The state’s pre-existing provider shortage has only worsened, leaving over half of Kentucky’s counties² without a dedicated ob-gyn physician. Rebecca Gibron, CEO, Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawai‘i, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky. There is a photo of Rebecca to the left of the text. There is a small photo of Rebecca to the left of her name and title.

Slide 3: Quotation marks. Since the ban, which blocks abortions even in cases of s*xual assault or fetal anomaly, an estimated pregnancies have been the product of r**e in Kentucky.³ Fear of criminalization has also contributed to these sometimes insurmountable barriers to care. Rebecca Gibron, CEO, Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawai‘i, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky. There is a photo of Rebecca to the left of the text. There is a small photo of Rebecca to the left of her name and title.] [Continued in comments]


It’s ! ⭕ (Masterpiece c/o )

There isn’t one “right” way to have an or**sm — and s*x and intimacy can be enjoyable with or without them. Most or**sms happen during ma********on or s*x (e.g., oral, a**l, or vaginal s*x), when you or a partner stimulates your body.

Ma********on is normal — and it’s a great way to learn what you enjoy. It also has benefits for mental and physical health. It can help you release s*xual tension, reduce stress, get better sleep, improve self-esteem and body image, and relieve menstrual cramps and muscle tension.

Learn more about ma********on and its benefits on the Planned Parenthood blog:********on101

It’s always a good time to enjoy your body. 💞

Photos from Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawaiʻi, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky's post 07/30/2024

How to get an abortion at Planned Parenthood if you live in Indiana 💡

It’s been a year since Hoosiers lost legal access to abortion care. But Hoosiers never stopped needing or having abortions.

If you live in Indiana and need an abortion, swipe to find out how you can get one. And don't forget that no matter where someone has their abortion, follow-up care is available at health centers. ➡️

Photos from Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawaiʻi, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky's post 07/29/2024

Always here for what you need to feel comfortable, even (especially) if that means humming a few bars. 🎶

Book your next visit at a health center in AK, HI, ID, IN, KY, and WA:


We have *35* health centers across Alaska, Hawaiʻi, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, and Washington. Find the one closest to you at! 🐻


There’s no need to 💦hawk tuah💦when you’ve got l**e!

Using lubricant during a**l or vaginal s*x can make the experience more comfortable and enjoyable. Whether water-based, silicone-based, or oil-based l**e is right for you depends on what you’re using it for.

✅ Using l**e on body parts? Water-based, silicone-based, and oil-based l**e are all good options.
✅ Using l**e with latex or non-latex barriers (e.g., condoms)? Water-based and silicone-based l**e are safe.
✅ Using silicone, glass, metal, or plastic s*x toys? Water-based l**e is safe.

Any l**e fans on our feed? Drop a 🧴 in the comments.

Photos from Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawaiʻi, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky's post 07/24/2024

How to get an abortion at Planned Parenthood if you live in Idaho 💡

It’s been nearly two years since Idahoans lost legal access to abortion care. But Idahoans never stopped needing or having abortions.

If you live in Idaho and need an abortion, swipe to find out how you can get one. And don't forget that no matter where someone had their abortion, follow-up care is available at our health centers. ➡️


Getting the health care you need can and should be as stress-free as possible.

PPGNHAIK staff — from the front desk receptionists to your providers — will do everything they can to help you feel comfortable and supported.

Book a wellness exam, birth control visit, gender-affirming care consultation, or one of the many other services we offer:


🎶 Knee-deep in the passenger seat and I’m ordering BC 🎶

Get birth control, urinary tract infection (UTI) treatment, ella (emergency contraception), and abortion pills (available in HI and WA) on the go with Planned Parenthood Direct.

Learn more:


Are you a licensed physician who is passionate about providing exceptional, patient-centered s*xual and reproductive health care to anyone who needs it? Join the PPGNHAIK team! We’re hiring a Staff Physician in Seattle, WA. Apply today:

Photos from Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawaiʻi, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky's post 07/15/2024

At PPGNHAIK, we believe in and provide patient-centered care. That means listening to you without judgment and tailoring care to *your* needs, values, and preferences. You know your body best.

Whether you have a specific health concern or it’s time for your annual wellness visit, PPGNHAIK is here for you. Book your next appointment:


No insurance? High deductible? PPGNHAIK is here to make sure you get expert health care, no matter what. That includes birth control.

All of our AK, ID, KY, and HI health centers — as well as our health centers in Kahului (HI), Lafayette (IN), and Hammond (IN) — are part of Title X. Title X is a federal program that provides birth control and other family planning services to people with low incomes. This allows us to provide care at a low or no cost to patients without health insurance.

Title X also covers eligible telehealth (virtual) visits at the above health centers.

If you don’t qualify for Title X, or your local health center isn’t part of the program, we offer a variety of payment options to make your visit to Planned Parenthood more affordable.

Learn more about Title X services at PPGNHAIK:


PPGNHAIK provides care for anyone who lives in the states we serve, including folks assigned male at birth.

All of our health centers offer physical exams, gender-affirming hormone care, exams and treatment for s*xual wellness concerns, s*xually transmitted infection (STI) testing and treatment, PrEP and PEP, free condoms, and other health services for people assigned male at birth.

You can also get a vasectomy at our health centers in AK, ID, IN, and WA.

Have a health concern, need a specific service, or due for a regular check-up? Book your next visit at!

[Image description: Did you know? We provide these services for patients assigned male at birth: annual & s*xual wellness visits, free condoms for everyone, vasectomy services (AK, ID, IN & WA), gender-affirming hormone care, STI screening & HIV prevention (PrEP & PEP). There are icons of a clipboard with a checkmark, a condom, a tied bow, a stethoscope, and a prescription.]

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Who We Are

In partnership with our communities, we advocate, educate, and provide health care to support sexual health and wellness for all.

Videos (show all)

Book your next visit in just a few clicks 📲Did you know you can book an in-person or telehealth visit from your smartpho...
PP vasectomy experience
Some 🔥 hot takes 🔥 on the signs as birth control methods. What do you think, did we get it right?
Abortion providers, we 💗💗💗 you! Thank you to all the providers, staff, and volunteers Doing The Work to get patients the...
Because of systemic racism in health care, getting sexual and reproductive services is a social justice issue. We are co...
Happy New Year, friends! Now is a great time to schedule your annual wellness exam. Learn more and/or schedule an appoin...
World Vasectomy Day
Let's talk about how important and awesome birth control is. Everyone deserves access to the birth control method that w...
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Rebecca Gibron MSNBC



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