Doug Stringer

“While men reach for thrones to build thier own kingdoms, Jesus reached for a towel to wash the feet”


Step Into Your Moment!

“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial for when he has stood the test you will receive the crown of life, which God has promised for those who love him.” (James 1:12 ESV)

Greatness is not something we're born with, it’s something we step into. It takes a choice.

We are in a pivotal and significant moment right now, and it’s more important than ever for us to realize we have a destination that we need to step into. But are we willing to do that? Will we choose to step into the Ruach, the dunamis moment? Are we willing to say, “I want to step in because I have a story to tell”?

Those who tell the story define the narrative and create the history. What's your story?

Your story is not based on how equipped or how qualified you think you are. It's about saying, “I trust You, Lord! And I'm stepping in!” It’s about hearing the voice of your Father and what He is saying to you and about you right now.

In 2024, let us determine to return to our first love, to the place of God's calling. We need to focus on hearing the voice of our Father. We need to worship Him, regardless of the obstacles and adversities. God is bigger than our circumstances. When we hear His voice we’re able to walk with Him and continue the work He has called us to do.

I always say, “The highest form of worship is simple obedience.” When we worship Him with our “yes” and step into the moment where He has called us, He strengthens us and equips us for the year ahead!

Doug Stringer

Thank You for Partnering with us in 2023! 12/31/2023

In a time when resistance to the Gospel is skyrocketing, Biblical truth is viewed with indifference or even hostility, and weekly church attendance is on the decline, it is important that we equip and to restore the Church as a cornerstone in the community and a lighthouse to the lost and hurting.

We do this through our ministry to leaders using books, podcasts, our Transforming Leadership Zoom calls, and the many occasions when I am honored to minister at conferences, gatherings, worship services, and one on one.

We do this by participating and helping to facilitate local, national, and international prayer initiatives.

We do this by supporting the work of Somebody Cares in compassion evangelism and disaster response initiatives, responding in crisis as a tangible expression of Christ.

As you can see in the video, we had an especially fruitful Christmas season by supporting over 20 churches and ministries who are part of our Somebody Cares Houston network, which is the official local outreach arm of our ministry. Hundreds of families were impacted as we empowered the Church to share the love of Jesus.

We also sent assistance to Moriyah (Melanie Green) Shalom, a spiritual daughter of the ministry who has been faithfully serving in Israel for many years. With the help of friends like you, Moriyah and her family provided practical assistance and emotional comfort to refugees displaced by the Hamas attack on October 7. And later that same month, Lisa and I traveled into war-torn Ukraine to bring a word in season that strengthened and encouraged hundreds of leaders attending the annual International Pastors Retreat in Kiev. These precious men and women are faithfully serving the Lord under incredibly difficult circumstances.

In the darkest of times, people still turn to the Church. With your ongoing partnership, we will continue to equip, empower, and encourage the Church and its leaders throughout 2024...from Houston, Texas to the four corners of the world.

Thank You for Partnering with us in 2023! We are grateful for all you have done to help us be a tangible expression of His love.

Discover Jesus, Our Perfect Sacrifice in Born to Die The We May Live 12/27/2023

Who Was Jesus? Was He just a good man, a prophet, or who He said He is?

Why do so many people have trouble answering that question?

Answers to this question and more are explained in Born to Die... that we may live as it explores the Work of the Cross and the Power of the Resurrection in the light of both the Old and New Testaments giving believers a clear understanding of grace, forgiveness, redemption and the power that comes with life in Christ!

Born to Die explores Jesus' death on the cross and the resurrection power that impacts the lives of individual Christians today, so they can apply the underlying principles to their lives with powerful results. As they learn how and why Jesus was the fulfillment of each and every Old Testament sacrifice, they will have fresh understanding of what that means for their lives as they see:

• Jesus as our Expunger, Purifier and Guilt-Bearer;
• The power of God's Word to heal, sustain and transform us;
• Biblical restoration of relationships through confession, repentance and restitution;
• How to turn away from the old man and walk in the new;
• The victory we have in surrendering to Gods will;
• And much more!

The corresponding study guide allows individuals and groups to delve into the truths concealed in the Old Testament and revealed in the New Testament. Together the Born to Die set instills a desire within readers to study the Word on their own and live a life holy and acceptable to God.

Discover Jesus, Our Perfect Sacrifice in Born to Die The We May Live Did Jesus Really Have to Die?Why do so many people have trouble answering that question?Answers to this question and more are explained in Born to Die... tha...

Photos from Doug Stringer's post 12/25/2023

Joy to the world, the Lord has come!

Hope, Joy, Peace, Light of the World! His coming is what we celebrate at Christmas. From the very start, His light drew people who hungered for truth from far and wide.

There has been a lot of discussion about what day of the year Jesus was actually born. The truth is, we may not know the exact day when He was born, but we do know that He was born, and He is the Light of the World! He is the Word who dwells among us. People around the world are celebrating, in some capacity, this Christmas season. That is why it’s important for us as the Church to reflect Christ when there’s so much attention on Christmas.

Consider the magi, or wisemen. They travelled for potentially up to 2 years following a light in the sky that led them to Jesus. And they brought gifts fit for a king.

Many of us know, or even have sung the song, “We Three Kings”. It may even be one of your favorite Christmas carols.

It was also known as “We Three Kings of Orient Are” or “The Quest of the Magi”. It was written by John Henry Hopkins Jr in 1857 for a Christmas pageant. It is said to be one of the first Christmas carol’s written in America that became widely popular.

Scripture does not specifically refer to kings but rather “magi” or “wise men,” and we are not given a headcount as to how many of them there actually were. Yet, we do know that they did bear gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

I like how the Nativity movie depicts the presentation of the gifts. The first magi presents his gift, announcing it as “gold, for the King of all Kings; The second presents the frankincense and says, “for the Priest of all Priests”; and after a moment of hesitation and stumbling, the third says, “and myrrh, for the Sacrifice of all Sacrifices”. Nestled in the middle of the Christmas story was the mystery of Jesus’ life; even though He was a king, He had been born to die.

“And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.”(Matthew 2:11)

From the Manger to the Cross, we have the scarlet thread of God’s love and redemption revealed. The Hope and Light of the World Himself dwells among us.

It is important, during this holiday and Christmas season, and throughout the year, to reflect on the Light of the World. He is the Word who dwells among us.

We have a joy and a strength beyond human comprehension. We have peace that surpasses all understanding. May we as the Church let our light shine is such a way that it draws others close to the Lord, like the star over Bethlehem drew the Shepherds and Magi. May we be an example to those around us so they too can find their faith, hope, peace, and joy in the midst of their difficulties.

Jesus is the Word who dwells among us, and He is the Light of the World. Oh, how we need a whole lot of light in the darkness!

He Dwells Among Us:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God, all things are made through him. And without him, nothing was made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.” (John 1:1)

Doug Stringer


It was a pleasure being interviewed by Pastor Callie Shipp Gray on her Crowned podcast and YouTube.

Rise Again - Dallas Holm 12/13/2023

This Dallas Holm song still moves me today.

Rise Again - Dallas Holm One of the most powerful Easter songs ever written - Rise Again, by Dallas Holm. Check out his website! Wishing you a joyful Easter!

A Word in Season with Doug Stringer - The Reason for the Season, through the eyes of Luke | 12/05/2023

Luke, a physician dedicates his Gospel to Theophilus, which translates “friend or beloved of God”. Luke, like a family doctor carefully and orderly lays out the birth, ancestry, earthly ministry, along with the opposition of following the Lord. As you listen to Doug delve into the Gospel of Luke, you will be challenged to count the cost of being a follower of Christ, but will also discover the overwhelming joy that comes with our walk of faith.

As we deepen our relationship with the Great Physician may we walk in Wholeness, Health, and Freedom…Spiritually, Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, Financially, and Relationally.

A Word in Season with Doug Stringer - The Reason for the Season, through the eyes of Luke | Luke, a physician dedicates his Gospel to Theophilus, which translates “friend or beloved of God”. Luke, like a family doctor carefully and orderly lays out the birth, ancestry, earthly ministry, along with the opposition of following the Lord. As you listen to Doug delve into the Gospel of Luke...


As we’ve enter into Thanksgiving week, many traditionally look forward to spending time celebrating with family and friends. May we also remember with gratitude all the Lord has done and continues to do in our lives.

Perhaps for some, you may feel personally overwhelmed. It seems many are facing difficulties and personal challenges, exasperated by all the national and global challenges we are living in today. It has been a season where a number of people have become overwhelmed of heart, living in fear and anxiety about what's to come. So how do we, as God's people, position ourselves so that we are not overcome by anxiety, fear, and stress? Listen on today’s podcast as Doug reminds us to keep perspective and hope, knowing there is still much to be thankful for…this Thanksgiving and everyday.

“Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness. And for His wonderful works to the children of men! For He satisfies the longing soul, And fills the hungry soul with goodness.” (Psalm 107:8-9)


Choices have Consequences:

“Our Private Choices have Public Consequences.”

Doug Stringer

“You cannot compensate by sacrifice what you lose by disobedience.”

Dr. Edwin Louis Cole


Blessed to be invited to minister at Inspire Church Houston on Sunday, November 19th, both 9 and 11 a.m. services.


This VETERANS DAY…and everyday, I am reminded of how grateful I am to all those who give so sacrificially, some with their very lives, to preserve our liberties and freedoms.


Happy Birthday Marines! Thank you for your service and sacrifice to defend freedom.


I’m reminded of a word that I shared toward the end of 2022 that we were coming into a season and a time of Exposures, Implosions, and Explosions. The redemptive purposes of God in the midst of His exposing darkness, He would also Spotlight what is done in righteousness; allowing implosions of what we’ve trusted more than Him, so that we could build on the Unshakable Kingdom; and in the midst of the explosions in the world around us, we would also see the Dunamis Explosions of His manifest Presence.

Doug Stringer


Prayer is so much more than handing a list of requests to God.

It is, in essence, a passionate activity. A genuine passion to the Lord--- a passion that allows no room for mediocrity or compromise.

God is not moved by shallow platitudes or religious incantations. He does not desire a surface relationship, in which His children interact with Him only when they want something. God desires intimacy and conversation with His creation.

Doug Stringer

2023 Memphis Annual Conference | National Christian Counselors Association 10/19/2023

Hello Memphis! Honored to be one of the speakers for the National Christian Counselors Association conference.

2023 Memphis Annual Conference | National Christian Counselors Association Engage in a community of temperament counselors while learning more about God's calling on your life. We are excited to share this experience with you in Memphis, TN.


Well, it’s that time of year. Let’s see if I can…

Photos from Doug Stringer's post 10/12/2023

For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet, till her righteousness shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch.- Isaiah 62:1

“I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the LORD, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.” Isaiah 62:6-7

For security reasons you must register if coming Thursday -

Registration link (

Photos from Doug Stringer's post 10/11/2023

PRAYING the WORD of GOD for College Students (prayer guide) - by Mary Ann Bridgwater - Pray The Word Ministries

FOREWORD by Doug Stringer

We are in a critical time in history and our only hope is to see revival and awakening. It's a time of crying out to God for revival and healing.

Historically, most outpourings, awakening, revivals, and moves of God have come in the midst of some of the most thunderous and difficult times. It is the Church Awakened that can bring healing and hope in the darkest of times.

Some fires begin with just a spark. Recently, we’ve seen and heard of a gathering of hungry and thirsty students at Asbury that sparked something on campuses across the nation, and affecting youth groups and churches. I keep hearing of amazing stories, including at Texas A&M, Baylor, and over 200 other campuses.

Compounded with the timeliness of the release of the Jesus Revolution movie, there is no doubt an increase of holy hunger for the Presence of the Lord to do something afresh in this generation.

I recall another significant student led movement that took place during World War II. It was a tumultuous time in our nation and the world. In 1945, at prayer services held at Baylor University before classes began, a group of student leaders cried out to God for a spiritual revival on Baylor’s campus. During their times of prayer, the Holy Spirit laid it on their hearts to begin holding revival meetings. The meetings caught fire.

A group of university students—unproven in ministry and unproven in life—may seem an unlikely bunch to begin a revival movement, but that’s just what happened. These “unlikely” revivalists carried a passion to share the good news of Jesus Christ and because of their commitment to be bold and not shrink back, God used them to ignite a fire, the effect of which can still be seen today.

I was privileged to know one of these “unlikely” heroes of the faith—perhaps the most unlikely of them all. Reiji (Ray) Hoshizaki was a student at Baylor University in the mid-1940s, preparing for seminary. At a time when many Japanese Americans were being interned at camps across the nation, Ray chose to be bold in his faith.

Much like what recently happened at Asbury, soon, at Baylor the movement was spreading throughout Texas and across the South during the 1940s and 50s. Many of these student leaders from Waco, including Ray, were asked to come to other cities across Texas and in neighboring states to lead more revival meetings. At time of great uncertainty in our nation, the Lord showed Himself real. Likewise, today, we see the Lord in the midst of such global challenges, pouring Himself into hungry and thirsty students.

I could go on about historical campus outpourings and the unlikely sparks of revival in the midst of tumultuous and stormy seasons and times, but I think we would all agree what the Lord is doing again today is providential and needed more than ever.

This is why it is so important to have resources to encourage and empower our faith and hope. Mary Ann Bridgwater and Pray The Word Ministries has provided such tools for prayer, and has provided scripture and word focused resources to help us keep our eyes on the Author and Finisher of our faith. I’ve known Mary Ann for decades and have greatly valued her consistency and godly passion to keep us praying the Word, to kindle and ignite the sparks that we are praying will become flames of revival.

This College Prayer Guide for Spiritual Awakening is timely and a valuable resource to do just that. For a Spiritual Awakening we need individual and corporate Heart Awakening. We need the Presence of the Lord more than ever and the combination of authentic Worship and the Word is undoubtedly of foundational importance for the spark to spread on campuses across the nation and around the globe.

Let it be Lord!

Doug Stringer


WISDOM - “Whoever guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble (guards his soul from troubles). An arrogant, conceited person is called a mocker. His arrogance (acts with insolent pride) knows no limits.” Proverbs 21:23-24


Scripture gives us many examples of wrestling with our flesh but also shows us what happened when Jacob wrestled with God. When we wrestle with God, He works through our external and internal challenges. Even if we leave with a limp, we always win! Listen to this timely message from Doug and learn God strengthens us with greater vision, fresh anointing, prophetic clarity, wisdom, and direction when we choose to set aside our flesh and wrestle with the Lord.

God Wants Your Limp! Summary: Scripture gives us many examples of wrestling with our flesh but also shows us what happened when Jacob wrestled with God. When we wrestle with God, He works through our external and internal challenges. Even if we leave with a limp, we always win! Listen to this timely message from Doug an...


Sundown, Friday Sept 15 is beginning of Rosh Hashanah 5784 - The High Holy Days and the start of the Fall feast season, beginning with Rosh Hashanah, or the Feast of Trumpets at sundown on September 15th, 2023 - It is also the First of Tishri (the first month of the civil year and the seventh month of the ecclesiastical year in the Hebrew calendar.), and Rosh Hashanah, the New Year of 5784. A Time of New Beginnings.

The Adventure of Leadership, Insights with Dr. Mark Rutland 09/13/2023

THE ADVENTURE of LEADERSHIP with Doug Stringer and guest, Dr. Mark Rutland:

Life is a Grand Adventure! Hardships and disappointments are a part of every journey, but Dr. Mark Rutland has embraced them as part of the experience of following Christ. Join Dr. Rutland and host Doug Stringer as they share how to keep your faith and joy in the midst of these challenging but exciting times.

In this captivating episode, Doug welcomes Dr. Mark Rutland, a distinguished New York Times best-selling author and a seasoned leader in Christian ministry. With a wealth of experience spanning pastoral roles, university presidencies, and global outreach, Dr. Rutland shares profound insights on facing adversity and maintaining unwavering faith.

Dive into a discussion about the importance of visionary leadership, the impact of prophetic voices, and the enduring strength that faith provides. Discover how to find joy in the midst of trials and recognize the unexpected ways God works in our lives. Join us on this remarkable journey from trials to triumph in the world of faith and leadership.

The Adventure of Leadership, Insights with Dr. Mark Rutland Summary: Life is a Grand Adventure! Hardships and disappointments are a part of every journey, but Dr. Mark Rutland has embraced them as part of the experien...


Newest Podcast - A WORD in SEASON with Doug Stringer and guest Dr. Mark Rutland.

The Adventure of Leadership, Insights with Dr. Mark Rutland-
Summary: Life is a Grand Adventure! In this captivating episode, Doug welcomes Dr. Mark Rutland, a distinguished New York Times best-selling author and a seasoned leader in Christian ministry. With a wealth of experience spanning pastoral roles, university presidencies, and global outreach, Dr. Rutland shares profound insights on facing adversity and maintaining unwavering faith. Dive into a discussion about the importance of visionary leadership, the impact of prophetic voices, and the enduring strength that faith provides. Discover how to find joy in the midst of trials and recognize the unexpected ways God works in our lives. Join us on this remarkable journey from trials to triumph in the world of faith and leadership.

Podcast on Apple Podcast -

Spotify podcast link -

Photos from Doug Stringer's post 09/12/2023

It was an honor to be invited to participate in the 9/11 Day Remembrance ceremony and reception in Port Richey, Florida this morning with the Mayor, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Pastors and City officials.

September 11th has become known as Patriot Day, and National Day of Service and Remembrance, a day for remembering all those who were impacted, injured, or who lost their lives during the tragic terrorist attacks against the U.S. on September 11, 2001. The events of that fateful September 11th morning, 2001, left an indelible imprint in our hearts and minds. Every nation was impacted that day. In many ways, the whole world has never been the same.

Amidst the heart-wrenching stories that emerged from 9/11, there also emerged stories of great heroism: the valiant First Responders, Firefighters, Police Officers, Rescue and Emergency workers, our Military and Service men and women, as well as everyday citizens who have sacrificially given of themselves to rescue others, many of them losing their own lives in the process of trying to save others.

Courage and character in any man or woman shine most brightly in times of crisis and intense pressure. Greatness and heroism is not something we are born with. There are moments that we are confronted with that we step into. It takes courage and the willingness to step into something greater than ourselves.

Today, we recognize and appreciate the many unsung heroes, who unselfishly have committed to serve, often without all the fanfare and accolades.

Thank you to the many from around the nation who responded to the call, mirroring the greatest act of love ever—Jesus Christ, the greatest first responder and rescuer who gave His own life so that we might live.

Doug Stringer

Photos from Doug Stringer's post 09/05/2023

SERVING over 700 MEALS a DAY IN PERRY, FLORIDA in aftermath of Hurricane Idalia.

"Through Sunday, September 3, we have served 1723 meals to the community and given away over 20,000 pounds of relief items," said Somebody Cares America’s on-site response coordinator Mark Roye. "We have given food boxes, diapers, cleaning buckets, trash bags, bleach, and items needed to aid in the clean-up of thousands of homes. And, the Somebody Cares comfort Bears are always a big hit. We also received 20 generators from Somebody Cares Tampa Bay to be used for helping people who have lost power."

Much of the downtown area of Perry has had power restored, but many in the rural are will be waiting a while.

"It is always a blessings to see so many faith based organizations coming in to do their part in serving people in their time of need," Mark said. "It has been a challenge with volunteers at times, but we always seem to have enough. Somebody Cares America and CRI have partnered together on our site at Evangel Christian Fellowship. The church has fully embraced this opportunity to serve their surrounding community. "

More truckloads of distribution supplies have been arriving, and SCA began providing lunch for the Taylor County Sheriff’s Department. Most restaurants in Perry are still closed, and even through some grocery stores have opened they need to be restocked.

"Over 20 percent of the people live below the poverty line in Taylor County," Mark explained. "The need for people to get grocery items is still very much a need in Perry and surrounding areas. It will be weeks, if not months, before things will even seem a little normal. The recovery will be slow, the rebuilding will take time, but the people are coming together to help their neighbors.

"It is always a blessing for Somebody Cares America to come and play a part in helping people after such tragic events have occurred."

Thank you for giving and for caring!

If You're Colorblind, Get Some Glasses, with Alveda King (Episode 182) 08/25/2023

If You're Colorblind, Get Some Glasses, with Alveda King -

Alveda King, niece of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr and Doug Stringer discuss how to let people know that there is a better way. We can’t just point fingers. We need to love them and be present for them. The truth needs to be spoken in every generation, every decade, and every moment. You’ll be better equipped to stand for righteousness in our day!

God loves the beauty of His creation. Divisiveness is not God’s way. We have to stop fighting with each other and remember that mercy overrides judgment!

If You're Colorblind, Get Some Glasses, with Alveda King (Episode 182) Summary: God loves the beauty of His creation. Divisiveness is not God’s way. We have to stop fighting with each other and remember that mercy overrides judg...

Photos from Doug Stringer's post 08/21/2023

You may have watched American Ninja Warrior over the years on t.v., and if you have, then you would have most definitely seen the Kingdom Ninja, Daniel Gil - American Ninja Warrior.

Daniel Gil has been a friend for quite a few years and I was blessed to receive a copy of his new book, “KINGDOM NINJA…a Warriors guide to Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Health” (Friday, August 18) late afternoon.

Initially I perused it before heading out to the gym and dinner. I picked it up again later in the evening to begin reading through it. It was so inspiring and engaging that I couldn’t put it down until 3:30 a.m..

I know it’s going to challenge and encourage many people on so many levels of faith, courage, character, and perseverance.

The book is filled with personal stories and testimonies, along with Daniel’s personal and practical lessons physically, mentally and spiritually.

I was also humbled and honored to be quoted by Daniel in his book.

Let’s show our support and order copies of the book to share with others.

Doug Stringer

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Videos (show all)

God Wants Our Limp - Doug Stringer 📖Scripture gives many examples of people wrestling with their flesh but also shows us...
Happy Father’s Day! Thanks to our Heavenly Father who has qualified us…
Buddy Up Men’s Conference Tampa Bay! Speakers include: Dr. Mark Rutland, president of National Institute of Christian Le...
Honored, Humbled, and Hopeful because of so many friends and partners who remain faithful in their calling to serve. I’m...
Praying for Hope, Joy, Peace and Light to the world! Expectant Advent, Happy Hanukkah, and a Merry Christmas to you!Doug...
It has been decades since I played the piano publicly. But, when Jay and Sally asked me to play a little during their Ch...
A clip from the most recent episode of A Word In Season with Doug Stringer & friends. Summary: ANDREW BURCHFIELD is a pr...
Each October is recognized by many as Pastor’s Appreciation Month.Let us take time to Pray the Word and Speak the Word o...
Here goes! Can’t do what I used to do, but attempting to compete with myself on this Oct 17th, my 66th Birthday, to do 6...
James 1:27 in scripture reminds us that Pure and Undefiled religion before God the Father is to care for the orphans and...



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