Jivanam Ayurveda & Wellness

Jivanam Ayurveda & Wellness

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Jivanam Ayurveda & Wellness, Alternative & holistic health service, Hudson, NY.

Jīvanam Āyurveda + Wellness is dedicated to embodying the authentic healing practices of Ayurveda, India’s ancient wellness system - making them accessible for implementation in everyday modern living.

Photos from Jivanam Ayurveda & Wellness's post 04/29/2022

Meet one of my healing gurus and personal heroes - Madhusudan Ray.

Madhu Sir (as we call him), was born in a brahmin family that taught him the arts of ayurveda, natural medicine and marma (or Vedic acupressure). He became a top competitive athlete in mallkhamb which is a form of yoga done on top of a very tall wooden pole.

At the age of 20 he experienced a fall during gymnastics training that left him largely paralyzed. He remained paralyzed for 8 years and developed prostate cancer and tuberculosis.

He was angry with Jagannath (a form of God worshipped in Puri, India), and could not understand why he was to suffer in this way. He was forcibly removed from his temple visits by guards who beat him with batons. He realized the batons woke up sensation in parts of his body which had none before.

After a vivid dream of Jagannath, he was confident he could use the sciences of marma, yoga and ayurveda to self heal. Learning from his own internal guidance, mystic practices, and that of a master marma guru - Madhu Sir gradually made a full recovery from all of his ailments.

He went on to win many gold and silver medals in Mallkhamb yoga. Using the same methods of yoga, ayurveda, and marma he has healed thousands of patients from dire “incurable” health conditions - waking many out of comas, curing cancers and autoimmune disorders, reversing paralysis and loss of sensory function…

I have had the fortune to study with Madhu Sir and bring this warrior lineage of marma to the west along with a very small group of other qualified students. His family is incredibly developed in skill and character, serving everyone as guests of God. It is the type of humility that makes your heart melt.

and I have led the first ever official trainings in Madhu Sir’s marma lineage here in America and the results our students have had have been profound. Our next one is in late June and we still have some spots left. If you desire to profoundly shift your understanding of the body and awaken your own healing potential - PLEASE reach out. This experience is for everyone.


Why superfood and supplement consumption can be problematic and the trend of “medicinalizing” everyday products.

If you’re into taking various herbs, tinctures, mushrooms, supplements, vitamins, minerals, or following a particular popularized diet - this video is for you.


This was a big one for me…

The extent to which I desire the validation and acceptance of those who do not see me in my goodness, in my potential, and want to actively help me to bring that out - to that extent I will stay stuck, small, and disempowered.

Surround yourself with those who can see the whole you - the good + the ugly and who sincerely advocate for you to have a thriving existence…


According to Ayurveda - our diet is not only the foods we take in during mealtime. Our diet is anything that comes into the five senses and mind. The eyes “eat" form, the nose eats smell, the ears eat sound, the skin eats touch, and the tongue eats tastes in the form of the five rasas (essential flavors).

We should sincerely look at our diet, not just the food we eat as it either digests into life-giving essence that forms our ojas and very consciousness, or it creates toxins and obfuscates our psychophysiological vessel (body / mind) from experiencing the soul.

When we are dissatisfied, the senses turn from tools of self discovery into thieves that sn**ch away self-satisfaction, constantly drawing us outside of ourselves with false promises of lasting pleasure.

When left unchecked, the eyes draw us towards mindless entertainment, s*xual attraction and all that facilitates the two (clothes, cars, screens, etc). The ears draw us towards enjoying gossip, news, criticism, and non-essential space filler topics.

The idea here is not to make the senses inactive, but to take an honest look at and refine your diet - what is truly uplifting / nourishing / inspiring to devotion / self - awakening, and what takes us away from that highest aspirational being?

👇Comment below 👇

How would you like to refine your diet?


What a fantastic day spent diving into Ayurvedic marma therapy bodywork with you all!

I’ve seen it hundreds of times but it never gets old 👉 people realizing they can heal others and be healed themselves.

We walk around with the weight of stress, anxieties, and physical imbalance when we have the power to take our health into our own hands.

It’s a shame we’re not taught how to heal and be healed. How to make our kitchen a pharmacy. How to decode the body’s signals that reveal what is going on inside of us. How to give and receive healing touch. How to let go of trauma. How to deeply relax (instead of the stimulation we equate with relaxation). How to be good with ourselves during this human journey…

Marma Therapy helps us let go of stress so we can live life on purpose 🌞

Thanks to everyone who came out!

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

Ksatriya Vedic Warrior Exercises 03/08/2022

Exercises used by the warriors (Kshatriyas) and yogis of ancient India for self healing, mobility, and power. We use these exercises to circulate prana (life force) in our body during our Marma Therapy bodywork training. These practices are safe for nearly anybody to do - you can modify them to be quicker or slower depending on ability. Overall you will gain flexibility, learn how to move in dynamic ways, create neuroplasticity, and build surya shakti (potent solar energy) in the body.

Ksatriya Vedic Warrior Exercises Exercises used by the warriors (Kshatriyas) and yogis of ancient India for self healing, mobility, and power. We use these exercises to circulate prana (life...

The Bad Way to Set Goals 02/17/2022


Setting goals are an essential part of self-development - but often we go about it in ways that are stressful and unnecessarily harder - AND we do not always get the results we hoped for.

In this video I will break down superior and inferior ways to relate with goals so that you can...

* have more ease in the transformation process
* relate with yourself in an uplifting way
* have better clarity than traditional goal setting allows
* expedite the transformation process

Would love to hear your thoughts :)

The Bad Way to Set Goals Setting goals are an essential part of self-development - but often we go about it in ways that are stressful and unnecessarily harder - AND we do not always...

Photos from Jivanam Ayurveda & Wellness's post 02/15/2022

Discipline or Regret... which is more painful to you?⁣

Tell me about it in the comments👇🏽

Photos from Jivanam Ayurveda & Wellness's post 02/15/2022

Discipline or Regret... which do you think is more painful? ⁣

Tell me about it in the comments👇🏽


Every man wants a mission in life - something worth fighting for and building himself to attain. It could look like becoming a badass entrepreneur, a provider and protector for your family, honing in your craft, becoming a healer, a leader, a warrior, or a sage.

Men are a pivotal part of healthy society - and yet manhood is in the weakest condition it has ever been in. When I speak of manhood - I’m not talking about the stereotypical 1950s macho man with no feelings. Nor am I talking about the hyper-feminine version of manhood.

I am talking about the embodied man who has sovereignty over his inner world. Who has discipline and devotion. Who has become the master of himself and conquered over his lower nature. I am talking about the man who has decided to reclaim his life as his kingdom. The man who leads by example and lives in integrity with his words and values.

The modern man is regularly confronted by mediocrity, lethargy, dissatisfaction, co-dependence, repressed emotions, compulsive behaviors, po*******hy use, video game addiction, and low self worth. We face more issues than ever before in our s*xuality, personal power, relationships, health, and divine connection.

In this powerful masterclass we will discuss the most important challenges most men are facing in their lives right now and provide powerful insight and solutions for you to immediately implement. You won’t want to miss this one…

Let us join around the campfire and become the men we can admire. Head to my profile link to sign up!

What to expect:

🔥 4 dynamic steps to embodiment that most men lack clarity on

🔥Practical tools to transform your life that don’t require muscling through

🔥A community of men dedicated to upleveling their lives

💪 Powerful exercises to release tension

💪Questions and Answers

💪Experienced and encouraging facilitators

👍Low pressure environment that meets you where you are at

When: Saturday February 26th at 12 PT // 3 ET
Where: Online via Zoom - recording will be available to those who cannot make it
Investment: Only $5

🌞Link in bio 🌞

Photos from Jivanam Ayurveda & Wellness's post 02/09/2022

Most old cultures had rites of passage that marked a boy's transition to manhood. ⁣

After being given the tools needed by their elders, these trials tested a young boys inner qualities of courage, determination, tolerance, and strength. ⁣

During the trial, they are between worlds, neither allowed in their old domain, or born into the new one. ⁣

If the trial is passed, they are re-introduced and celebrated in society with new status, honor, and responsibility. ⁣

Overcoming po*******hy addiction is a rite of passage for the modern man to become a man of integrity.⁣

P**n is one of the vices the modern-man is still largely a slave to - unable to be give up on his own. ⁣

I know because I have been there - trying again and again for years, meanwhile digging myself deeper into a ditch with shame, guilt, and anger towards myself.⁣

Lust is like a fire, it becomes insatiable the more you feed it. ⁣

You think, I’ll just satisfy it and then I can stop feeling like this. ⁣

Yet you feed it and it only grows bigger, asking for more until it consumes you whole. ⁣

It was only when I surrounded myself by powerful embodied men who truly cared for me that I was able to conquer my use of po*******hy. ⁣

Sexual energy is like a fire - it can either forge, or it can destroy. ⁣

99% of men will fail to “get a grip” on this energy without outside help, community, support, and a place to be real in. ⁣

There is nothing shameful in surrounding yourself with men who want to become kings of their own lives.⁣

I am so excited to make this (and many other vices) a part of our embodied manhood immersion starting on March 14th. ⁣

If you are feeling the call to uplevel, to move through a rite of passage so you can become a man you admire, message me right now and I will get you started for free.⁣

Stay strong,⁣

Yamuna ⁣



Happiness is earned, not distributed.

Whatever unfortunate hand fate may deal us, our duty to ourselves remains. As long as we make our healing and satisfaction contingent on the changing of the “other” / the world - we are at war with reality.

It is not that we should not ask to have our needs met (as happiness is our birthright) - it is that we should do our level best to be our own advocate, not just with words but through our every action. This is dharma - a conception of duty not conditional on external factors (and even our own joy) for one to enact.

The inconvenient truth is that everyone cannot enjoy the fruits of life (k**a) for long without watering the roots of responsibility (dharma). If we grasp for fruits on a tree that is dry and barren due to its exploitation instead of grabbing the hose of dharma, who can be held accountable?

Exploitation is the overextension of one’s rights - and unfortunately the tree has already been picked clean. Entitlement is the expectation for benefit without the performance of duty. Does our solution lie in demanding more fruit?

One thing that I learned as a monk is that reality does not conform to our ideas of justice, but asks of us to conform ourselves to be just. If one fixates on the former rather than the latter, one is certainly doomed for happiness is earned, not distributed.

The saints knew this well, encapsulated in prayers given in pill form we dare not swallow - lest we be asked to tread the seldomly used path within.


Clip from our discussion on When Trauma Arises. and dive deep into the heart and speak about:

How do we identify when trauma is being triggered?

How can we use these triggers as powerful opportunities for healing, intimacy, and empowerment?

What are the practices we can use when triggers come up?

This was such a powerful discussion with my dear brother and friend Vira who is a high-level coach, Ayurveda educator, and former executive director of .

Full episode is up on my YouTube channel (link in bio)

The two of us will be heading an incredibly transformative mens immersion program starting March 14th, 2022. Message me for details or head to my website!


When Trauma Arises

Join Yamuna & Vira for a conversation on how to identify when our past trauma is being triggered and what we can do to use those experiences as opportunities for healing, deeper connection and personal transformation.

I’m excited to talk about a subject that I have yet to go public with after years of navigating and integrating my traumatic experiences through so many wonderful sciences & healers… I’m ready to share my heart with you all in this big way, and with one of my big brothers!

Please set a reminder & join us!

IG Live Convo W/ Yamuna & Vira
Wednesday Feb 2nd 12PM EST/ 9AM PST


Could not be more excited to announce this immersion with my dear friend and big brother !

We believe the world is in need of men who willingly choose to go from mediocre to exemplary.

Whether it is lethargy, complacency, or a victim mentality holding you back. Or addiction to po*******hy, meaningless s*x, munching on junk foods, wasting time scrolling your phone, or leveling up your video game character instead of real life character.

Or you in simply want to upgrade your self connection, ability to keep your word, powerfully communicate, and influence others. Maybe it is in your relationships, health, career, or sense of purpose?

There is something in your life calling for you, begging you to pay attention - to transform, sublimate, and step up.

Our Mission Together

The ancients describe real success as becoming the ruler, or sovereign, of your own internal kingdom.

For a king to rule well he must have control over all gates to his kingdom. The ancients likened our 5 senses as the gates to the mind, or command center from which one can rule. To gain control over these gates one must slay the demons of unintentional living, thinking, and being.

Determination is not enough - you need self-mastery.

No man has ever done it alone - you need a community of men.

To take back what is yours (your life) - you need a map.

To uproot the spies (subconscious wirings) that spoiled your previous attempts - you need a captain.

Vira and Yamuna are here to walk side by side with you as friends and captains to help you reclaim your kingdom.

The world needs embodied men more than ever, and I assure you there has never been an immersion of this potency before.

We invite you to make a bold move. This group is for the rare man looking to be exemplary instead of mediocre. Message us and we will get you started 🙏 or head to the link in my bio.


Because social media can be so two dimensional I wanted to share a little bit about Yamuna as a person and not a profile. Here's seven little nibbles of my being.

I grew up -- in Florida in a muslim moroccan immigrant family. I learned to read and write arabic and recite the prayers from the Quran. We were frugal on most things except travel - so I probably visited 15+ countries as a kid and another 15 as an adult.

I am strangely good at -- lots of accents, making cookies and chai, creating vocal harmonies, helping people heal and build their businesses, getting on your nerves (no literally through the marma vital points). Lila added - piercing through someone's illusions... ahaha.

A thing that changed my worldview was -- living a vedic monastic life for four years and realizing that all of the world's issues were a symptom of one disease of avidya (ignore-ance of Self/God/Nature). We should still treat the symptoms but not neglect the root cause - reforming our internal consciousness is the most sustainable activism.

Recent discoveries I can't stop talking about -- yuzu fruits, Richard Rohr, raga / taal vocal practices, rock climbing techniques, cryptocurrency

Things I appreciate in life right now -- Gurudeva, my fiance, the sun on my skin, fresh simple food, creating my own thriving business from the ground up, my clients and students, lots of laughter, hosting Lila's guru, kirtan, reading, overcoming large parts of my victim mentality and inner kid challenges

My Magical reset button is -- marma therapy, receiving amazing coaching, yoga nidra, kirtan, dance parties at home

In three months, will you ask me about -- the vedic book of self-healing I have been dreaming up?

Would love to get to know some of you better! Drop a number and your answer below and lets increase the personalism on this platform! - Yamuna


"The task of the first half of life is to create a proper container for one's life and answer the first essential questions: 'What makes me significant?' 'How can I support myself?' and 'Who will go with me?' The task of the second half of life is, quite simply, to find the actual contents that this container was meant to hold and deliver." - Richard Rohr

The first is to build our ego, build our place in this world, find security, identity, s*xuality. We need some ego wins and some level of a narcissistic fix so later we have no reason to defend it, prove it, or lament what could/should have been. What is the possibility of surrender if there is nothing to give up?

When we have sufficiently built the container of ego - we must fill it with the actual substance of life. Many of us spend our whole lives simply repairing the container that we forget what it was supposed to be filled with.

Arjuna raises this doubt in the Gita about the person who doesn't reach spiritual enlightenment and also has distaste for materialism and is thus unsuccessful at both halves of life.

Krishna advises Arjuna to not falsely renounce or repress or stress - but rather to work with a consciousness of devotion and detachment. We take nothing with us at death except for the contents of the second half of life. Do not build your castle so intently that you fail to see the rising tide coming to wash it away.

Human existence is meant not to find a home in this world but rather a home in ourselves, a home in God / Divine Source where death is no longer a threat because the journey and the destination have been realized as one.

Reminder to self - do not forget the second half of life - begin anew each day.


Marma therapy is Ayurveda’s most powerful bodywork science. Through using the marmas (vital points) this workshop will equip you with the tools you need to begin bringing health back into your hands.

Tag a friend below who you'd like to join you & I'll give one spot as a gift to you all ❤️

We will cover:

* History & philosophy of marma chikitsa (therapy) as a warrior and ayurvedic healing science

* Building surya shakti (vital solar energy) in the body and mind for bold living

* Key marma points for digestion, cleansing, emotional / mental wellness, confidence, stress reduction, spiritual connection and brain function.

* Implementing simple marma therapy techniques into your daily life for self healing

We meet via Zoom (link will be sent before workshop) on Saturday 3/27 3-5pm EDT


What is structured water?

Structured water is water that is alive, full of prana (life force), and structurally favorable to enter (and hydrate) our cells. Water composes the vast majority of our body, cells, tissues, organs, blood, etc - and most of us suffer from chronic dehydration which leads to many other issues.

Water becomes structured when it is vortexed, exposed to sunlight, or magnetic charge - all of which naturally happens in sources like springs.  Reverse osmosis, deionized water, and commercial alkaline water can do more harm than good as they are essentially "dead" sources of water and leach your body of minerals while weakening digestion.

Do you know anyone who is averse to drinking water? or hot water? This is 99% of the reason. No matter how much tap, RO, or other inferior sources of water you drink - it will leave you feeling dry and dehydrated and simultaneously bloated (or full of water) because the water is not able to travel easily though the cell membrane.

Many who are chronically dehydrated confuse thirst for hunger and eat when they actually need hydration.

What can we do?

drink pure spring or glacier water as often as possible

next best is to get a great filter that structures (vortexes) your water

charge water in your mouth by swooshing for 10 seconds before swallowing. (this is what I do if I am drinking inferior or only have cold / room temp water)

avoid mixing hot and cold water (creates ama)

boil water for 10 minutes to infuse with agni and increase digestibility

recognize that tea/juice/coffee doesn't replace pure water

How do you relate with 💦💦??


Want to know the book that changed my life in BIG WAYS forever? This was it. And I am gifting copies to those who want one.

I was in college studying to become a biologist and specialist in sustainability. I had a semi-religious upbringing but largely felt unattracted and averse to anything that resembled organized religion or spirituality. I knew there was a power beyond me in the cosmos, but didn't want to necessarily put a name to it or put myself in a box of a spiritual path.

This book came at the perfect moment in my life where I was seeking something deeper than myself - looking towards racial inequality and environmental devastation for a place to be of service. Radhanath Swami's journey took him through many of the same contemplations about the world, nature, God, spirituality, and social/environmental justice that I was pondering. He encapsulates it all in the most epic journey that took him from the suburbs of Chicago to hitchhiking from Europe all the way to India, meeting many dangers, spiritual traditions and spiritual masters. It moved me to tears.

This book is for anyone seeking deeper purpose and meaning in life. I want to gift it to you as a way of showing my gratitude for the incredible life and journey home it has led ME on.

Send me a message with the word "HOME" if you want this incredible gift in your home. If anyone wants to donate towards me sponsoring more books you can venmo me so even more people can get this goodness.

In Gratitude,


Explore dynamic ways to implement Ayurveda into your daily life. Ayurveda is the world’s most ancient system of self-healing and incorporates powerful principles that ask us to step into self-responsibility and become an active participant in your own healing journey.

We will cover:

How to live a powerful value-based existence

How to create a dynamic rhythm daily & seasonally to feel vitally charged

Self healing techniques & guidelines

Secrets of Ayurvedic understanding

How to easily transform your consciousness, chemistry, and destiny

Investment: Come for free, or give what you like - this is for you! Link in bio ❤️

When: Saturday 3/6 at 6 - 7:30pm EST (recording available if you can’t make it live)

Where: Zoom link will be sent out 24 hours before we begin.


Have you all ever met ?

Well I hope you'll take the time because he is an insanely talented plant based chef in LA. Om is from a Colombian heritage and lived as a vedic monk for many years while studying ayurveda, making his approach both artistic and medicinal in effect.

We got together to talk about food - cooking it, eating it, relating with it. How can we make it sacred? After all we eat 3 times a day and Ayurveda tells us that just as important as WHAT you eat is HOW you eat.

Before learning ayurveda I had zero clue about what/how to eat other than avoid fast food and processed foods. I also could say I honestly had no awareness of my digestive system, emotional eating habits, or anything else going on underneath the surface.

It was a seriously inspiring talk that everyone would benefit from hearing. Check it out in the link in my bio and give a follow.

I'd love to hear your relationships with food 👇

Photos from Jivanam Ayurveda & Wellness's post 02/24/2021

The world needs healing more than ever, and each and every one of us has a part to play in that healing.

I'm so excited to be offering this one of a kind training once again.

Positive healing touch has been an integral part of every culture, and was recognized an essential need for every single person from childhood to old age. Over time that sacred value has been lost.

This training will equip anyone from any background of life with the mastery of technique and confidence to facilitate powerful healing touch for others and for yourself.

A glimpse into our curriculum:

• history, principles and practices of marma therapy

• Vedic warrior exercises, mantra, pranayama (breathwork), and therapeutic asana classes

• Daily practice providing and receiving Ayurvedic treatments in an intimate supportive small group setting

• Yoga physiotherapy techniques (the origin of Thai Yoga massage)

• Body walk therapy for deep tissue release

• Marma (vital point) acupressure release on hands / feet / body

• Traditional Akara rejuvenative oil massage

• Pranic (energy) healing practices

• Detoxification and cleanse through specially crafted meals, teas, practices and bodywork.

We will be staying at an incredible Shyam Ashram in Cali, Colombia surrounded lush nature, animal friends, waterfalls and healing with specially prepared Ayurvedic meals and teas.

I'm so so excited for this!

** Full Details in Bio **

Comment 👇and tag a friend below if you want to learn the most potent Ayurvedic bodywork techniques.


We should not torture the Ayurvedic or Tradition Chinese Medicine texts by trying to read into them all of the modern allopathic teachings and make forced comparisons on every level. Where there is true understanding of the essence of an ancient teaching that harmonizes with allopathy - that is good, and we should continue those studies.

Where the harmonizing of the two teachings is not yet possible due to scientific limitations, we must not force a fanciful interpretation as if the final test of the validity (of the 7000 year old medical traditions of Asia) is their agreement with the 200 year old allopathic tradition. Their age, nor their ability to harmonize on all levels should be their test, but rather observing which of them better explains the facts of nature and works better when applied to maintaining health and eliminating disease.

To describe concepts like tridathusiddhanta (vata, pitta, kapha), the chakras, srotas, marmas, etc from an allopathic, and thus purely physiological standpoint would be to disregard the entirety of the non-physical that creates our being (mind, intellect, ego, prana, consciousness, etc) which are accounted for in Ayurveda and are only just being explored in the west.

While their certainly can be a physiological link made, the science will not appeal to those who are allopathically minded if the inquiry does not enter into the realm of the whole person.

If you are wondering whether Ayurveda, TCM or any other genuine traditionally healing methods "work" open yourself up to them and try it out.

I'd love to hear your healing stories & reflections below 👇👇


Cultivating a healthy relationship with the sun

Going to sleep with or not long after the sun.

If you stay up after the sun goes down: avoid exposure to artificial light - shield your eyes with blue blocking glasses ( or ), use more candles, and download f.lux or Iris which are free programs to adjust the spectrum of light coming through your computer screen.

Eat with the Sun

Our agni (or digestive fire) follows the course of the sun. When it is not in the sky, it is best to not eat (those are times for sleep and meditation). Kindle the embers of that digestive fire in the morning with hot water and a hot cooked smaller breakfast. Lunch is the main meal when the sun is high. Dinner should be easily digestible and a few hours before bed.

Protect Properly

The sun is our skin's best friend. You can increase your ability to digest sunlight by exposing your skin in the early morning and late evening. You will be able to slowly increase your ability to be in the sun without burning. Pink skin is okay (see last post), but protect from getting burnt by wearing hats or clothes that cover your skin. Most sunscreens and sunglasses alter the spectrum of light coming in and cause uneven pigmenting which can lead to cancer. It is important to be in direct sunlight at least 20 minutes a day.

Pray to the Sun

Surya deva (the divine sun) is seen as sacred in nearly all ancient cultures. When the sunlight hits your skin, pray or have a moment of gratitude and feel the connection. Yogis also harnessed the suns energy and payed homage by offering water/flowers and reciting mantras (of the suns names) in conjunction with their surya namaskara (the most popularized yoga sequence).

Om Mitraya namah (The friend of all)

Om Ravaye namah (Praised by all)

Om Suryaya namah (The guide of all)

Om Bhanave namah (The bestower of beauty)

Om Khagaya namah (Stimulator of the senses)

Om Pushne namah (The nourisher of all)

Om Hiranyagarbhaya namah (The creator)

Om Marichaye namah (Destroyer of disease)

Om Adityaya namah (The inspirer)

Om Savitre namah (The purifier)

Om Arkaya namah (The radiant)

Om Bhaskaraya namah (The illuminator)

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Videos (show all)

It's not about having all the information, it's about making complex ideas simple.Click the link in my bio to learn more...
Why superfood and supplement consumption can be problematic and the trend of “medicinalizing” everyday products.If you’r...
Clip from our discussion on When Trauma Arises. @yamunabihari and @viratansey dive deep into the heart and speak about:H...
Dharma means to move in your strengths while purifying your weaknesses. We all have gifts for service and also have an e...



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