Embody Period.

menstrual & sexual empowered embodiment from the depths up & out. private sessions & workshops.

Photos from Embody Period.'s post 08/09/2024

🎉👑 Ready to reclaim every drop of your power and drink from the well of your deepest embodied wisdom? Join me for the Wild Queen Summer House Party 💋

Invites went out yesterday through 💌 and I was so jazzed to see many familiar Wild Queens RSVP within the first hour 🤗 This is gonna be FUN.

And by fun I mean: deep, expansive, meaningful, life affirming, sensual, and electrifying — that’s how we roll here at embodyperiod.

If you’ve been following me for a minute and been curious about wtf goes on within the mysteries of this work, this is a golden chance for you to drop in with me and receive some real value for your bodysoul.

There are even hot seat openings if you’re really ready to catalyze something in your life this summer.

Find out more and RSVP https://embody-period.myflodesk.com/wildqueensummerhouseparty

Photos from Embody Period.'s post 06/13/2024

Dear subjects of desire, how do you feel - what do you believe - about the love you have to give and express in this life? Lately, I’ve been dwelling more or more deeply in folds of desire, eros, love, and currents of being as beloved. Slide thru these little drops of passionate reflection. Tell me luv, what do they stir in you 💝🦚🦢🪽🐦‍🔥🦋🪷💫

Some inspo from Jungian analyst Polly Young-Eisendrath in here for those of you who want 📚😘


The sacred mundane that trespasses the borderlines of the body, flowing with its own motility, its autonomy that reddens my alchemical consciousness with new awareness of this cycle’s embodied shamanic journey of living as a river, as a flame, as a wave of death and renewal towards, as, with this being of the great anima mundi always emerging.

Day 1 🩸 mood.


Photos from Embody Period.'s post 03/07/2024

Sovereignty isn’t found in approval, pleasing others, or being desired, but rather the heart of your deepest desires.

Confusion, blank stares, anger, frustration, despair, complaints, protest — just some of what usually comes in response when I ask women and female embodied souls what they want. It’s a radical question that tugs at the DNA of our bodysouls, inviting new pathways beyond the confines of patriarchal imagination and towards being our own subjects of desire.

Edging towards a New Moon dreaming, I invite you to do a free write, answering this question again and again. Notice what comes up. Keep going, find a flow. Pause when you feel complete. Read your words aloud. Breathe your own desire through you.


Photos from Embody Period.'s post 02/14/2024

… and, when she prevails in all her sublimity, then the extensive and confused clarity of the cosmos itself is in order and justice to prevails. — James Hillman, Aphrodite’s Justice

In full on reverence to the goddess today. Also, 4th slide ✊🏼

Photos from Embody Period.'s post 02/02/2024

Venus day love offering to the clear running flow of your holy longing, streaming aliveness from and back again to the embraced source of your multiplicity. From my wet late morning with ☕️🌗🐈 and reading Toko-pa 🙏🏼💛✨


Photos from Embody Period.'s post 01/09/2024

Day 23, the luteal, Inner Autumn phase of my menstrual cycle, moving between the yellowing discernment of Inner Selves and the unhooking of their possessive power on my bodysoul through active surrender to being reformed, alchemized as I befriend their images and linages of oppression to uncover dreams of wild and regal aliveness, leading me home to dare imagine the possible. With gratitude to the transition of Old Guards into ancestors at my back, casting luminosity forward for me to see 💛

Cover photo with Jung’s Black Books , second pic from Sunday regulation with snow 😉

Photos from Embody Period.'s post 12/13/2023

Laughed as I opened the page to this Marion Woodman quote this evening as I slip into New Moon reflections. “Boring” has been a theme in client work the past week or so and I can’t help appreciating the way people have been expressing their boredom….
1. Love the Sagittarian restless rise to action.
2. Remembering that sometimes boredom is a harbinger to change and transformation rousing from the depths. And as Marion implies, that energy, once cooked in the underworld of soul, needs to shift towards new life.

Praise be your mane toss and stir. May your well rooted and dreaming awakening sore clear towards the four corners of the horizon ♐️✨🌑🌹🔥


Blessed Witch’s New Year to all who celebrate cycles of death and rebirth in alignment with inner and outer seasons. May your great NEXT flourish, fertilized by the nutrients of shadow decomposition, grounding you, dear soul, to embody what truly desires to live through you now 🌬️🕯️💫🖤💋


Photos from Embody Period.'s post 10/23/2023

On this earth there have been many diasporas, many refugees, and many living, hence subtle and intricate, communities torn apart that were once whole. There is a way that we are all connected.
Even through the eyes of science we can see it. One need not be a mystic to know this. Common sense gives us a daily taste of our union with all kinds of beings and phenomena which we have imagined, in other moments, to be separate from us. That gray haze which settled over the city across the bay has now been diffused and all the water and the sky are dim in color. The wind that diffuses it blows through the open doors of this room, and right now I breathe in some of that grayness.
— Susan Griffin, A Chorus of Stones

Sleepless, breathing, mourning, feeling the dragon of exile and persecution quake in the deep rivers of collective ancestral blood. Writhing to the surface, bloody, dark, gray, hot and cold with pain.

Root and rise lovers 🕯️💛


A moment here for the soul-somatic experiences of global polycrisis in mass and acute events of grief. The remembrance of humanity and co-essence in this collaboration of being alive. The multiplicity of paces — immediate rupture, quick retaliation, news cycles, shock, numbness, the slow or quick boil of rages, response, sharp and gradual aches of longing and loss, conscious fear, unconscious fear… Space for complexity, confusion, unknowing, despair. Space for the overflow or quenching of tears.

James Hillman writes of the mythic figure Mars, god of War, that when this archetype is acutely constellated, he brings piety and the love of fellows. That ‘martial imagination’ is steeped in memorials of time, place, story, and ancestors. Mars works to intensify the senses and heightens fellow-feeling in action, making things happen. Mars is the instigator, the primordial activist. The mobilization of Mars, god of war, is not toward wipe out or even victory — but rather the remembrance of essence. (Hillman, ‘Wars, Arms, Rams, Mars’)

When we dare to imagine through the seemingly unimaginable image of war, the black and white tensions of monolithic thinking dissolve and make room for connection, empathy, multiplicity, and even perhaps a rehabilitation the function of battle, between people on both collective and personal levels. Mars’ archetypal partner is Venus… dreaming the possible union between love and essence — yours and mine…



Bliss and joy come from moments when what we do is consistent with our archetypal depths. —Jean Shinoda Bolen

The epigraph to the chapter on becoming a sexually empowered woman in Jungian and sister wheel worker Chelsea Wakefield’s In Search of Aphrodite: Women, Archetypes, and S*x Therapy. This book is so deeply woven into my practice. S*xual self awareness is a life skill. Aligning our erotic depths with what we do and who we are in the world as sensual beings in an animate and sensual world returns the laughter of Aphrodite, like sea foam rolling over the pebbled shore of her birthplace, to our bliss and redeems this mighty archetypal essence from moral panic. Bodysoul liberated to eros. Joy 🐚

So often this is the archetype women don’t even realize they’re searching for when desiring to be loosened and untied from scripts of female behavior. Witnessing the slow and eventual active surrender to receiving the stream of honey life flow that comes when Aphrodite is found in the wilds of a woman’s own psyche is enough delight for me to want to throw a party 💕

Gentle un******ng of partiarchy’s projections of the aphroditic, blessed re-adornment with your aligned pleasure 💋


Photos from Embody Period.'s post 09/21/2023

Crossing over into luteal phase mood… 🌀🔥📖🖊️

First photo
Last pic of my current reverie with leaping cat


🥰 big cheesy grin of gratitude and joy! Such alms of honey to my Muse to hear from so many of you creative and bold women yesterday in response to my call to deep dive into ways of living in alignment with desire without falling into patterns of self abandonment. Call slots filled up quick! Thank you to all who messaged me looking to book a call. Admittedly, I had a moment of “do I add more slots?” My Libra rising Pleaser def had a moment 🌬️ Alas, slots are full, and alignment and affirming Nos are a practice 😉 Loving acknowledgment that your desire to connect on this topic is already a gift of awareness to yourself. Invitation to give your creative spirit 30 mins this weekend to roam free. Perhaps make a list of all you desire — and don’t hold back!

There are two free mini courses available thru my website that can also support dropping out of over culture conditioning and into the clear voice of bodysoul 🙏🏼💋💫

Excited to connect and dive in with the women who booked calls this week! 🪭

Thank you 💛



Luvs, for just Sun-Wed I’ve got some open call slots to deep dive with you about daring to lead a life in alignment with your desires, without falling into patterns of self-abandonment. I’m working on a project for creative women and your input is gold to me. Do you have 30 mins to talk? Grab one of the slots thru the link in my highlights or stories. Our chat is for research purposes to help me focus this project to best support women like you. Added bonus: you’ll come out of our call feeling deeply heard and with fresh clarity on your own desires to fan fire your creative flame — because this is what happens when creative women talk to me 💋😘 It’s my love language.

Call slots are already booking up since I posted about this in my stories within the hour, so if you’ve got the time and feel called, drop in with me 🙏🏼💛💫

Thank you, thank you ✨✨✨

Photos from Embody Period.'s post 08/18/2023

Friday Venus-day feels for my clients 💗 Your tenacious alliance to the spiral dance of your soul, towards its ever unfolding, protean, tenacious radiance and prolific motility on your own terms, embodied through the fullness of your courgeously imagined life is my heart song.

Thank you.

You all spilled me over these last couple of weeks particularly with your daring, your grace, your self compassion, wit, outrageousness, and wisdom.

🙏🏼 Bowing to you all as we dip into our month long Late Summer Pause, inviting the loosening function of deep bodysoul ana-lysis to do its subtle work in the living and dreaming of our lives🌀✨🍯

Swipe of morning coffee grabs, including one of Jung and Freud with sauna, perhaps agreeing to disagree on the nature of the unconscious.

Blessed wild and regal roaming 💋

First pic in my garden

Photos from Embody Period.'s post 08/18/2023

Friday Venus-day shout out to my clients ☕️💥 Your tenacious alliance to the spiral dance of your soul, towards it ever unfolding, protean, tenacious radiance and prolific motility on your own terms, embodied through the fullness of your courteously imagined life is my heart song. Thank you. You all spilled me over these last couple of weeks particularly with your daring, your grace, your self compassion, wit, outrageousness, and wisdom. Bowing to you all as we dip into our month long Late Summer Pause, inviting the loosening function of deep bodysoul ana-lysis to do its subtle work in the living and dreaming of our lives.

Scroll of of morning coffee grabs, including one of Jung and Freud with sauna, perhaps agreeing to disagree on the nature of the unconscious.

Blessed wild and regal roaming 💋

First pic in my garden


🌚♌️✨🐚 What’s the shape of your New Moon shedding, of the new soul image bodying you forth to the rhythm of your lioness heart?

This New Moon rises in the middle of my last week before slipping into a month-long Late Summer Pause of client work. This annual cycle invites rest, reverie, dreaming, being the subtle embodiment of awareness grown, harvesting noticings and pleasures of new ways of living. And for me usually, some iteration of a break in the ways I’ve been doing things. Break as in pause and break as in a shattering of sacred vessels, death to known ways of going about the art of living a creative and soul-centered life. It’s been quite a year for so many of weaving new shells and spaces to do our living through 🦀 Sending love to the tender, soft animal body ready to do that couragous scuttle across the sand into a new “home”— welcoming more of you to occupy your life in wider, turned on, aliveness.



Photos from Embody Period.'s post 08/16/2023

Gratitude to for this seeing through the patriarchal motherhood complex and revisioning self actualized personhood with affiliation to images of woman. A much needed therapy of ideas, as James Hillman would’ve said. And I’m only half way through. Swipe for just a few easily IG shareable gems. More to come, I’m sure. And get your own copy to resource yourself in the rich nuance and reflective prompts that deepen the reader into their own reproductive consciousness.

With love to the full bodied autonomy for all, and, in particular the female bodied souls begetting their own legacies of passion, meaning, and purpose, without kids 🙏🏼👁️✨

Last photo from a recent Sunday morning of quiet coffee reading for as long as it pleased me 😘


Moonday period day 1 🩸 greeting me at the onset of the week like 👋🏼 “Thought we’d turn it up for this Venus retro-Leo-Wednesday-Uranian disruption descent party” 🌲🖤
Into the woods! (With snacks 🍯)

Raise of hands: Who of you luvs have come to embrace the cyclical, embodied deconstruction, individuation, initiation into new consciousness of menstruality? 🤗🪭🔥🌟


Photos from Embody Period.'s post 08/03/2023

Mid-week noticing from the field✨ There’s a stirring happening. Women and female bodied souls are quaking with self-aligned pleasure, and birthing 🌞s of new consciousness, new legacies, on their own terms.

I told you yesterday, there’d be more Joyce Mansour poetry. Pointing to my favorite lines tonight. So striking, enraging too, that I’m just learning of this Syrian Jewish exile from Egypt who ran with the likes of André Breton, but whose work was dismissed because of her two favorite topics: death and unfettered female desire.
Read her with me now 🐍

First photo

Photos from Embody Period.'s post 08/02/2023

🌕♒️🐚🌸 Full Moon/Lammas/Venus Retrograde feels…. Also this might just become a Joyce Mansour fan account for a min (poem 2 slide, book cover last slide). I’m obsessed. Also, backyard moon beam bath for tomorrow morning’s ripe agony 😘

First image

Photos from Embody Period.'s post 07/21/2023

✨🏺✨ Emergent theme from the temenos of client work: Newness coming 🌒

Friday love bow to the tenacious grace of rebirthing oneself. Happy weekending magick makers 💋


“You’re idiosyncratic and iconoclastic, and this is your path.” — feedback I received, scrawled in red link on an essay I wrote in grad school, in which I made an argument for the autonomy of Hitchcock’s title character Marnie. Professor was a white cis male. He didn’t agree with me, didn’t want to / couldn’t dare to imagine Marnie beyond hysteria and the tragic. I received similar feedback when I traced the radical protest of silence of Ada in Jane Campion’s Piano. Also a white cis male professor. Both forgetting that what we call hysteria is the subject’s refusal to be an object, and, just like with any other archetype, there is a trail to follow, and if we attune our instincts closely, if we attend with reverence and awe, there is a divine spark of life to be discovered at root, revealing the particular, protean, desire of the soul. Which, yes, will certainly break the sacred vessels of what we think we already know.

What’s some feedback you’ve received, maybe intended to be a criticism, a jab, a blow, a dismissal, or reluctant acknowledgment of a truth that you claim with pride? 😘

This pic is so perfect for a bio/intro post right? I’ve lost track of how long I’ve been on this app. Still haven’t done one of those posts. Probably never will 🙃

In the temenos, aka my office. The Ram’s name is Alabaster ✨🐏👁️


What reminds you of your nobility, your physical magnificence, the unselfconscious power of instinct?

For me the answer is first: art. The art of soul tending, soulmaking as art. Here rolling around in bed with C.G. Jung’s Black Books, a collection of his journals (pre Red Book) immersed in a process with the creative unconscious. At a certain point he asks “What is this I am doing, it certainly is not science, what is it?” And a voice of psyche responds, “That is art.”

Jung disagreed; he maintained it was nature.

I’d say the art of being in the mystery and revelation of soul, through the senses, the body, is a remembrance of the above — nobility, magnificence, instinct. Which in a name, is nature. Divine.

When tirelessly trying to tie down the mystery, organize outcomes, control responses, ask: Where is the Muse? Does this act of figuring out include discovery of the unknown? What is being created, and by whom?




The power of a strong anima projection is intoxicating and initially feels empowering; yet the surest way to be devalued is to be idealized. The psychological move away from projecting one’s power onto a solar heroic “other” (thereby identifying as anima), toward finding an inner source of empowerment in the natural flow of life is also a process of becoming ‘real’ — of regaining humanity, and a body soul can return to and dance through.

—Rainy end of week reflections in honor of the deep soul journey of clients, riffing off depth psychologist Ana Mozol’s words in her book A Re-Visioning of Love: Dark Feminine Rising 🌹

Photo in my garden

Photos from Embody Period.'s post 06/30/2023

Here’s to the revelation of living from the fullness of the dream in your heart 🪭🔥Fan-firing your courage, your dare to surrender to its dreaming you forward, one unfolding at a time… love to the grief and screaming as all that was planned strips off you as old skin hangs in the underworld on a hook… wind to the wings of an idea: the emergence of vital aliveness follows a path of pleasure. Own your desire 🐍

Friday love note from my ovulatory self 💋

Photos from Embody Period.'s post 06/26/2023

Entering my Pre-Raphaelite summer ☀️🌓💦 Waterfall, cataracts of fluid decent into moss rock pools often appear in women’s imaginations, I’ve noticed, when a deep wild song of their hearts needs nurturing. The sound of falling water quiets waking consciousness enough for psyche to permeate and infuse the body with the memory of timeless, roaring dare, emerald beginnings, solid rock rest that cools and contains the heat of their striving into easeful flow of becoming over stone evoking the laughter of salt water sister of pleasure at the mouths and shorelines of the sea.

When you soften your gaze, what place comes to the tree line of your vision, luring you home?


Photos from Embody Period.'s post 06/21/2023

Now is my time. Eat me and I’ll eat you. I birth, work, transform. I bend the laws of time and space and thus beyond what you see I know I am truly free. — Marysia Miernowska, from her Summer song of her herbal apothecary.

Wishing you a nourishing solstice abundant in joy’s pleasures 🌞🌟🍓

Photo entering great Atlantic Momma at my home shoreline last September…. Sooooo much has evolved, shifted, grown, and completely transfigured since🩵 Feeling into the blossoming of now, orienting beyond constraint and despair. Deep bow to all you have moved through in this last spiral of the dance, lovers 😘


Day 2 🩸/ 🌚🦀 mood. Busy dreaming. Wake me when it’s Solstice 💋


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