Sun and the Moon Foods

Order delicious, healthy meals for you and the fam, today! Delivered all over Houston, TX!!! The animals we consume live a lifetime of pain and suffering.

Sun and the Moon Foods is born out of the idea that in order to live our best life, we must be attuned with the best that life has to offer. All of this starts with food, as Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” The standard American diet is full of ingredients that do more harm than good. Conventional food supplies require the rampant use of pesticides and artifi


A lifetime of study and practice go into every meal we make

Healthy food available to order from your phone, today.

What are you waiting for?

Link in bio

Photos from Sun and the Moon Foods's post 04/19/2023

Today’s Menu

I still have my personal chef clients too! Check out today’s menu options. What sounds good to you?


It is a challenge to eat fresh, organic meals on a daily basis.

The biggest issue people have is not having enough time to make it happen.

Photos from Sun and the Moon Foods's post 07/28/2022

Hello Fam,

Last time I shared with you how switching to healthy eating is the easiest way to life a healthier life. From having heightened mental clarity from reduced 🧠 inflammation to high energy levels through the 🌞day 🌛

Today I will give you the quick rundown on these amazing meals and how you get them:
* Order online by choosing any combinations of meals you want for next week
* Every meal is gluten-free, mostly dairy free, and soy-free 🤯
* All protein is grass-fed, pasture-raised, and/or wild-caught
* Each lunch and dinner option 🍱 comes with 5-6 oz protein and 2 cup veggies/starches 🤰🏽
* The menu changes weekly to adapt to the seasons of 🥦🌽🍅
* Orders are due by Thursdays by midnight. Deliveries are made Monday morning for you to enjoy for the week 🤤

What exactly do you get from my meal prep program besides the best food in town? 🧐
* 🧘🏼‍♀️ Peace of Mind - You don’t have to worry about shopping, cooking, cleaning, or even figuring out that new recipe you want to try. 😮‍💨 Plus, you know the ingredients are of the highest quality, free of all the sneaky chemicals 😡 found in the Standard American Diet (SAD)
* ⏳ Time - To spend with your fam, your lover, your kids, your dogs, your cats, and your people 😍
* 💃🏾 Vibrant Living - Nutrition is the cornerstone of healthy living. Try my meals once and you can immediately feel the difference. 😎 Try my meals for a month and see how alive you are as you show up to the needs of your life 💪🏼
* 🤝 Conscious Contributions - Support local 👩🏻‍🌾👨🏽‍🌾, a budding local business 🌞🌜, and all the small people 👩🏾‍🚀👨🏽‍🍳👨🏻‍🏭 who make this happen instead of giving more of your money to Jeff Bezos. 😹 Choosing to eat this way, allows these businesses to grow, provides jobs to others, and makes this food more accessible to all 🥳
* 🌻 Connection to Nature - As you eat with the seasons you will experience the changing nature 🐣🐥🐓 of our foods throughout the year. You may appreciate the timing and planning it takes for farmers to keep the bounty flowing just right 👌🏽

What reasons do you have to eat well? 🤔

Use code HEALTH for 20% off 🥳

Photos from Sun and the Moon Foods's post 07/13/2022

Hey Fam,

Do you know what is the easiest change to your lifestyle you can make to becoming healthier?
You don’t have to workout, stretch, or even go on a walk, although those would definitely help 😂. You don’t need to add in a new morning face routine 🧖🏽‍♀️, or start meditating 🧘🏽‍♂️, or add anything new to your already busy life schedule. The easiest change you can make is changing what’s on your plate 🥗!

Everyone’s gotta eat. Every day I end up hungry again 🤤. Changing to healthy eating is the easiest way to change your life. You are what you eat, what we eat get’s broken down by our body and becomes a part of you 🧐

Cooking healthy food takes time and skill. ⏱ Time a lot of people don’t have, with skills they have yet to develop. So people usually order out 🤷🏽‍♂️

Yet, it is so hard to find places to order healthy food from. 🤔

I’m not talking about delicious food, there’s plenty of that. I’m talking about good-for-you food. Food that tastes amazing and has you feeling amazing too 🥰. Food that doesn’t compromise on the quality of the ingredients in exchange for saving money in the present.

Rather, food that is an investment into your quality of life 😁 for the rest of your life ❤️‍🔥

Check my link in bio to order good-for-you food for every week to be delivered to your door every Monday!

Last Week’s Menu
🌽 roasted corn and tomato salad
🌶 spicy watermelon salad
🍑 peach cobbler loaf
🌞 breakfast fritters
🍗 chicken parmesan


Chicken Bacon Ranch Calzones for Dinner

Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Paleo

Chicken’s were raised right (thanks to and ), the bacon played in mud, and the ranch is made of organic ingredients without additives or vegetable oil. Add some oat-based mozzarella and bake in a coconut-almond-tapioca pizza crust and viola


Goes great with a side 🥗 full of



Good Thyme Farm x SATMF Interview

A few weeks ago I drove out to meet Farmer Jack at to find out more about how he grows his food. I love the food he brings to every Saturday. The practices he utilizes cultivates the soil and provides his customers, like me, Chef Michael of , with nutrient rich plants that are tasty, but hard to find in our Modern Age.

We discuss many aspects of Jack’s art, such as:

02:00 Jack’s first farming experience and why he started
06:16 What is Regenerative Agriculture?
10:25 restaurant group, the sponsor of the farm
14:20 Good Thyme Farm grows Soil, not just plants, through regenerative agriculture
18:50 The Plight of Conventional Farmers
20:30 Jack feeds 500 people a week on 2 acres of land
23:54 Advice for new farmers & people chasing their dream
26:23 Crazy Happenings in the Farm Life
28:33 Where to find

Seen in the video:

- Chef Chris Shepherd
- Chef Felipe Riccio

Thank you Jack for having me! Your wisdom is valuable. Thank you for this short lesson on growing food the right way. I hope to learn more from you as time goes on

I’ll be back with more tacos!

Filmed inside a freshly built tiny home on the Good Thyme Farm
📽Chef Xander
🔪Chef Michael

Photos from Sun and the Moon Foods's post 04/20/2022

🧐Did You Get The Weekly Menu?

Every week, I create custom menus for my clients based on the seasons 💐, what I saw at the 👨🏽‍🌾 Market, and what my clients have been telling me they like or crave 😻

I could just send them the same menu every week, but where’s the fun in that? Does Nature stand still throughout ⏰? No, She dances and moves with the 🌞 and the 🌝

🤤Delish Dishes
🍇Vibrant Ingredients
👨🏽‍🍳 Passionate Chef

Photos from Sun and the Moon Foods's post 04/12/2022

3 Reasons for Meal Prep

1) 👀 You know what’s in your meals.
Nowadays it’s hard to know what ingredients restaurants are using to make their meals. Even the ingredient label on ready-to-eat meals you find at Whole Foods 🤭 has some type of vegetable oil or preservative you don’t want in your body

2) ⏱ All the extra Time.
Go spend that extra time connecting with your kids 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦, checking out their games, or doing a little self care. My people would love to spend the time making sure their food is the best for their family, but making all your food from scratch is a process. 🥴 Let me take care of your meals so you can take care of your fam

3) 🤤 Eat what you want, guilt-free.
You can have whatever you want if the ingredients are clean. 😉 Easier said than done. You know what makes it easier? A professionally trained chef who’s obsessed about nutrition and clean eating 👨🏽‍🍳

Why aren’t you meal prepping??

🪄Stacked Fridges
🥗Chicken Caesar Salad
🍳Breakfast Flatbread

Photos from Sun and the Moon Foods's post 04/07/2022

Saturdays Are For The Market

I’m talking bout Urban Harvest Market 😎 One of Houston’s biggest markets, centrally located in River Oaks. Sure, there are tons of great markets from Humble to Pearland, but this is the one I go to week-in week out

Check out these awesome vendors 👩🏼‍🌾👨🏻‍🌾 if you are in Houston looking for organic veggies, happy meats, and clean eats. There are so many more I couldn’t fit them all in one post!

I’m working on a Farmers’ Market guide 📖 for this spot and a few others. Plus we got farmer interviews coming up! Who should I interview? What’s your favorite ?? Let me know below ⬇️

Go follow these awesome people! And check them out and all the others this Saturday from 8-12 over on Buffalo Speedway. Stop giving Jeff Bezos and Bayer-Monsanto your hard working dollars!!! Put the loving back in your city

Photos from Sun and the Moon Foods's post 04/06/2022

What Can I Do For You?

Maybe it’s weekly meal prep, where I make delicious, nutritious meals for you and your family. You get healthy food you’ve been making yourself since it’s hard to find anywhere else, but with my skills as a trained Chef. You get more time to spend with the family, more time to work on yourself, and better energy since your food is healthy

Maybe it’s nutritional counseling? You love cooking, you’ve been learning about all the new trends and research on health and wellness, how it’s all tied to what you eat. You’ve got it down, you just need a guide to accellerate your learning

Maybe you just wanna throw down with your friends. Have a big ole party, drinking your favorite wine, eating good-for-you food that looks sexy af. Heck, you might just turn it into a cooking class, although I may need some wine too

Whatever it is, I gotchu fam. Check out my website for more details of what I do

BBQ Chicken Pizza
Superfood Granola
Chocolate Zucchini Muffins
Turkey Larb with Almond Butter Satay

Photos from Sun and the Moon Foods's post 03/30/2022

I Love What I Do

We still out here making delicious meals for some wonderful families week in week out. I love my people, they understand that food like this is so hard to come now a days since everyone is cutting corners somewhere, adding some vegetable oil here or chemical preservatives there to save a quick penny. There is no reason, financial or otherwise, to put garbage products in your body

There IS plenty of evidence that eating garbage ingredients leads to living a life dulled at the edges, missing a certain vibrancy and color

I tell my people you can have anything you want, as long as the ingredients are clean. Want to go ? Make sure those veggies are organic. Feeling like is for you? Better get grass-fed and grass-finished beef. On a fast-food diet? Get off my gram


🌈 Eating the rainbow
🍣 Omega-full fish
🍲 Veggie fried rice

Not Pictured:

👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 Happy Families
👨🏽‍🍳 Happy Chef
🐶 Curious Pets

Photos from Sun and the Moon Foods's post 01/05/2022

Happy Meats Are The Best Meats

We talked about the toxicity of your food building up in your body when you choose non-organic ingredients. Nowhere is there more evidence of this phenomena than in the toxicity levels of factory raised animal meat products. The toxicity of these animals GMO food supply, their consumption of growth hormones (to speed up their growth for more profit$) and antibiotics (they live in filthy conditions, they’d die without them), conventional meat is equal parts protein and garbage

Then we have the fact that we are feeding these animals corn when their digestive system is made for grass (in the case of cows and chickens). Do you know someone with a gluten intolerance? They have some pasta and BAM, bloated, gassy, and drowsy. That’s with an intolerance. The digestive tract of these animals aren’t made to eat grains like corn. They are living in pain for the entirety of their lives

Ok, let’s address their living conditions. Most chickens in a conventional factory live in the space of a sheet of paper, stacked on each other like legos. Sh*t’s everywhere, cannibalism is a problem because their mad they have no space to cluck around, and they barely get any sunlight

Everyone’s talking about vibes these days. You think these animals are feeling good vibes, man? You are not only eating the poison, antibiotics, and hormones being stored in these animals, but their vibes too. You’re eating someones sh*tty life story of living in a gulag, eating gluten, and fighting their brother everyday before they die to become the Colonel’s fried chicken

Let’s look at the alternative. We can have animals that grew up outside, running around, eating bugs and grass, and loving life. They die humanely after living better than most humans, and taste way more delicious than their poor brothers and sisters in the chicken gulags. You become what you eat, so become a free range person

Pictured here is oven roasted happy chicken caesar with white rice and Brussels sprouts. Tastes as good as it looks


No Refined Sugars

Cause their gross.

If only it was that simple! Sugar is so sweet to us because in our hunter-gatherer days, we never had access to carbohydrates is such a concentrated form. The very same carbs that give our body the energy we need to chase down our prey and move through the woods.

We can still enjoy sweet things, but we do not need such concentrated sources of simple carbohydrates like refined sugar. Continually eating sugar leads to a damaged gut microbiome, higher insulin resistivity (which leads to diabetes), and plaque build up in our blood streams!

Science is great, and sugar is delicious, but sometimes we need to listen to our bodies and not our brilliance. There are plenty of great options out their to add sweetness to your life if you really need it, like luscious lips, molasses (which has all the nutrients sugar is stripped of), maple syrup, honey, dates, and fruit among other. Find what you love, stay sweet, just not too sweet.

Cut out the refined sugars on the daily, then sometimes you can indulge in something really sweet without the chronic stress. Like this passion fruit cheesecake 🤤

Photos from Sun and the Moon Foods's post 01/05/2022

Weekly Meal Prep

I give my client’s the best food in town, at affordable pricing. I go to the farmer’s market every weekend to find the highest quality, organic, seasonal ingredients for my people. I turn that into ready-to-eat meals for their week with simple reheat instructions and a whole lot of love.

What I do is make the foods you like with meticulous care to select only the best ingredients, reading every label and screening for all the garbage that does not belong in your body. You get the same foods you always love, from salads to chicken tenders, without the inflammation of eating out at restaurants that only care about the bottom line, which is way more than just fast food.

Houston, who wants some of this?

1) Salmon Greek Salad
2) Warm Chia Pudding
3) Apricot Chicken and GF DF Mac n Cheese

Photos from Sun and the Moon Foods's post 01/05/2022

Party Time - Tapas Style

Just had the pleasure of serving awesome food to awesome people as they got lit!

lobster empanada
gorditas de carnitas
snapper-crab ceviche
shrimp bahn mi

not pictured:
jalapeno margaritas
hot cacao with whipped cream and chocolate shavings

DM for details, more to come, people gotta party

Photos from Sun and the Moon Foods's post 01/05/2022

No Vegetable Oils

Numerous studies have shown that vegetable oils cause immense oxidative (read inflammatory) damage to our bodies. They do harm to every part of our insides from killing off bacteria in our gut-microbiome to eating away at our blood-brain barrier. It’s not that this is simply poison, think of it like eating cell-sized dynamite that recks havoc on our insides. Plus, they can polymerize in our blood, which is to say they join together to form long strands of plastic that are difficult for our body to purge.

These oils are used for their neutral flavor, which turns out to be a bad characteristic nutrition-wise. Our sense of taste tells if a food is delicious. The reason we want delicious foods is that flavor is a chemical signal to our brain of the types and amount of nutrients present in our food. Sure, you can salt something to enhance its flavor, but if all you taste is salt, then there’s nothing else in there. Compare that to the complex flavor of a curry full of anti-inflammatory herbs and spices to taste what I mean.

Take vegetable oils out of all your recipes and replace them with flavorful, anti-inflammatory oils in a responsible way. Learn which oils can withstand high heat (avocado, tallow, lard, coconut), moderate heat (butter, olive), and need to stay refrigerated (flax, h**p, walnut) to prevent oxidation of the powerful antioxidants that are the unsaturated fatty acid chains present in these oils. Figure out which oils are better for baking and cooking. Experiment and find your favorite flavors, which may be the nutrients you need the most.

One of the best nutritional books out there is Deep Nutrition by Dr. Catherine Shanahan, nutritional counselor for th LA Lakers. I highly encourage you to read this book to find case studies discussing the harmful effects of consuming vegetable oils.

Photos from Sun and the Moon Foods's post 01/05/2022

The tenets of Holistic Cooking

What exactly does a holistic chef do that is different than any other chef?
A holistic chef has nutrition at the forefront of creating any dish while having the skillset of a chef to make any dish they please. We make anyone’s favorite dish as healthy and delicious as possible

Here are the tenets of Holistic Cooking that I follow to make any recipe into its healthiest version:

~No Vegetable Oils
~No Refined Sugars
~Happy Meats Are The Best Meats
~Eliminate Your Body’s Poisons
~Read All Labels
~Learn How Our Ancestors Prepared Food

This week I will be going over these tenets in detail and why they are important tenets to follow. It’s how I make tacos healthy

The key here is all of these tenets are used to keep inflammation in our body as low as possible, so that we can perform at our highest possible level

Which of these tenets do you already follow?

Photos from Sun and the Moon Foods's post 01/05/2022

Why Organic?

Why is sourcing organic ingredients so important?

I need you to come to terms with a fundamental fact of life, of your life. You are what you eat. Meditate on that for a bit. Every cell of your being must replicate and die, but can only do it by feeding off of the nutrients in your body that are broken down from the food you eat.

Ok easy enough to come to terms with, right? Let’s dive deeper. That food you ate, where did it come from? What did your food eat to become your food? Remember all life follows that fundamental fact, you are what you eat. Do you see where I’m going with this? All a plant needs to provide its fruits - whether that plant grows fruits, grains, or veggies - is good soil, water, and protection from the elements / pests. Our ancestors had wells, prayed for rain, and picked the weeds by hand. They fought the bugs with essential oils and by bringing in other predator bugs like ladybugs.

What happens when instead, we use industrial, petroleum based fertilizers and pesticides? The food grows big, bountiful, and pest-free. BUT, it also ate all of those chemicals and used it to build the fruits we eat!

If building a fruit is building a home, this home is full of toxic chemicals in the walls. Our teeth are the wrecking ball that releases these chemicals into our body. The chemicals build up in our body over time like grains of rice slowly being added to a bowl grain by grain, eventually these chemicals are overflowing in our body!

It doesn’t take more than a google search to find out that artificial fertilizers and pesticides are known carcinogens. The catch is the poison is in the dosage. Spend a few decades having a little bit of poison every day, every meal, eventually your body can’t take it anymore. Eventually we have widespread chronic illnesses, cancer, and auto-immune diseases.

OR, eat some food grown with water, soil, compost, butterflies, and the loving hands of dedicated farmers. Day by day, meal by meal, until you wake up feeling so alive you wonder what’s wrong with you.

Become the organic fruit of life and thrive.

Eat organic.

Photos from Sun and the Moon Foods's post 01/05/2022

Who Is Chef Michael

I am a holistic chef looking to take on new clients for weekly meal prep here in Houston. I lived here for 3 years, moved to California for the last couple years, and came back to Houston to start my own business. I have 4 clients that started last month that want organic, natural, and delicious meals for their families, but I know more people need it!

I specialize in preparing food that is nourshing to the body by sourcing from the great local vendors that are at Urban Harvest Farmers’ Market, supplementing that by shopping for great organic products at Central Market, Whole Foods, and HEB. I look for organic ingredients that are raised with a good life without harmful chemical additives, fertilizers, or pesticides, because as Hippocrates said, we are what we eat.

There has been so much nutritional research done over the last few decades that show how inflammation in the body is the root of most disease, and eating right means keeping that inflammation low. Taking care of the body is how we can nourish the mind to perform at its peak and therefore give our spirit the best chance to shine. The best part is you can have the meals you love, whether it be burgers, chicken tenders, curry, or lasagna, and still feel great after eating it.

Check out my link in bio if you are interested in custom weekly meal prep, a series of cooking lessons to figure out what you can change at home, or if you want to throw a party with nourishing food at the center. We can set up a meeting to figure out what you love to eat and how I can be of service to you and yours.

Whether you are a new family who needs a few meals a week to ease your burden, or a professional who spends all day on projects with no time to cook, I would be glad to talk about how I can help.

If you are excited about this and are thinking, “this is a thing?” please reach out to find out more!

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Videos (show all)

We selling healthy food out here. Each meal is 1-2 servings. Order now. Outside our delivery range? DM us for orders! #h...
The Biological🧬 cost of eating out🍽 #mealprep #holistichealth #holistichealth #houston #houstontxfood
The Real Cost of Eating Out #holistichealth #houston #mealprep #organic #dinner
Tenets of a Holistic Health Chef
It is a challenge to eat fresh, organic meals on a daily basis.The biggest issue people have is not having enough time t...
Good Thyme Farm x SATMF InterviewA few weeks ago I drove out to meet Farmer Jack at @goodthymefarmtx to find out more ab...


Huntington Beach, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 7pm
Tuesday 9am - 7pm
Wednesday 9am - 7pm
Thursday 9am - 7pm
Friday 9am - 7pm

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