InVision Chiropractic

Neurologically based chiropractic care. Our Mission is: To Change the Generational Cycle of Sickness, and the Diminishing Expression of the Human Spirit

Neurologically Based Chiropractic may seem, at first, to be an unusual branch of Chiropractic care, when in fact it is the central focus of what we do. Neurologically Based Chiropractic care focuses, first, on the nervous system and how it adapts to the stressors we experience on a day to day basis. The consequence of this adaptation is generally what drives the person to seek help. However, focus


Have you ever had one of those "Aha" moments? Where suddenly everything seems clear and you wonder how you missed it for all those years?

Dr. Aplin and the BrainStim gang are discussing those today - but more than that - what do you do after one strikes? How do you put that knowledge into action to make lasting change?

Take a listen👂:

If you want to submit an episode topic or idea, contact us at [email protected] or give us a call at (256) 489-6605. You can also submit a request through our website at


She's been around a long time, but how much do you know about Glenda?! It's time to find out!

1. How long at InVision - 10 years
2. Favorite thing to do outside of work - I love to sing. I participate often in various groups, choirs and praise teams *No Requests Please* lol!
3. The best health tip - Invest in your health now or you'll pay later.
4. What food could you eat every day - If health wasn't an issue I would eat Mangos all day everyday!
5. Morning person or night owl - The older I get I have become a morning person. I was definitely a night owl in my 20's


Up next in our "Get To Know Us" series - Savannah!

1. How long at InVision - About a year
2. Favorite thing to do outside of work- My husband and I like to go hiking on the weekends
3. Morning person or night owl - night owl
4. Pets - Yes, Australian shepherd named "Chief"
5. Coolest place you've been- The Virgin Islands (U.S and British)


Getting to know Araba at InVision Chiropractic! ⬇️

1. How long at InVision - 6 weeks! I'm just finishing up an externship!
2. Pets - I have 2 guinea pigs
3. Biggest lifestyle change - The biggest lifestyle change I have made is drinking more water and being more active
4. Most Influential person - My Grandmother is the most influential person I know. She's always been hard working. I want to be a Nurse like her one day.
5. Coolest Place - The coolest place I've been was Cozmel, Mexico on a 4 day cruise! The food was amazing!


We're having a little fun this summer with a "Get To Know Us" series at InVision.

Kicking it off is everyone's fav - Willa! How many did you know?

1. How long at InVision - 6 years
2. The best health tip - Getting good quality rest is one of the best ways to make sure your tomorrow goes better.
3. Morning person or Night Owl- Unfortunately, I'm a morning Person
4. Pets - Yes, 2 Fur babies Australian Cattle dog and Lab mix
5. Most influential Person - My mom has been the most influential person in my life. She taught me as a young child that you have to work hard to get what you want. She is the reason why I work hard.


Just a reminder: Chiropractic services are closed this week, but InVision Wellness remains OPEN! 💆‍♀️

If you're needing some R&R - you will find no massage better in all of Huntsville! Give us a call to schedule: (256) 489-6605

Podcast | InVision Chiropractic | BrainStim Podcast 07/05/2024

How often do you feel overwhelmed? As a practice, it seems as though people experience this emotion more and more since the pandemic. Why is that? And what can we do about it? Dr. Aplin and Dr. Stephens dive into a detailed conversation in today's episode #280: Overwhelmed


Podcast | InVision Chiropractic | BrainStim Podcast Health & Wellness podcast, BrainStim brings real practical health solutions to everyday health challenges. Produced in Huntsville, AL, but heard worldwide, Dr. Aplin, Dr. Lee and the whole InVision team shares weekly insights about health and practical living.


Happy birthday America!!! 🇺🇸🎆❤️🤍💙🎆🇺🇸


How will you use yours today?💭


Hey folks - just a head's up: our office will be closed for Independence Day this Thursday, July 4. 🇺🇸

InVision Wellness will reopen July 8, but NeuroVision and InVision Chiropractic services will remain closed until Monday, July 15.

So if you need an adjustment - call us today to get scheduled!
☎️(256) 489-6605

Podcast | InVision Chiropractic | BrainStim Podcast 06/22/2024

Dr. Aplin and the BrainStim gang are getting into the heart of health in today's podcast!

When people head to the doctor, why are they usually going? To fix a cause or remedy a symptom? So often in our modern world, we've confused the two - thinking if we fix a symptom, we've fixed the problem. But far too often today's western medicine offers masking of symptoms as "health" instead of identifying and correcting root causes. We are discussing symptoms vs solutions in today's podcast, #279: Diagnose Symptoms or Cause

Podcast | InVision Chiropractic | BrainStim Podcast Health & Wellness podcast, BrainStim brings real practical health solutions to everyday health challenges. Produced in Huntsville, AL, but heard worldwide, Dr. Aplin, Dr. Lee and the whole InVision team shares weekly insights about health and practical living.


We are big advocates for foundational nutrition at InVision Chiropractic. It basically means, give the body the whole nutrition it needs to function well and let your body do the rest.

Unfortunately, most of us don't do a great job at giving our bodies the whole nutrition it needs - and even those that do, it can be hard to find quality nutrients in the produce big box grocery chains carry.

If you want to find out more about how to give your body the foundational nutrition it needs, just visit or call us at 256.489.6605!


To all the dads (and dad-type mentors) - thank you for all that you do!
We wouldn't be who we are without you. Happy Father's Day!


Our mission is to change the generational cycle of sickness and the diminishing expression of the human spirit. It's as simple - but sometimes complex - as that. We want to help you and your family actualize real health - not the kind that comes from a bottle or masks symptoms, but health that gets to the root of the issue. That's what we do at InVision and it's a blessing to see so many lives changed.

If you know someone who could benefit, we'd love to talk to them to see if we can help. They can schedule a free call with Dr. Aplin by visiting

Podcast | InVision Chiropractic | BrainStim Podcast 06/07/2024

Today's episode of BrainStim got hijacked at the beginning, but thankfully got back on track pretty quickly! 😁

Could there be one culprit behind everything from Long Covid to chronic pain? Dr. Aplin and the 🧠BrainStim Gang discusses everything from brain fog to indigestion and what could possibly be the underlying issue for everything that goes wrong in our bodies in today's episode #278: Chronic Pain & Long Covid



Podcast | InVision Chiropractic | BrainStim Podcast Health & Wellness podcast, BrainStim brings real practical health solutions to everyday health challenges. Produced in Huntsville, AL, but heard worldwide, Dr. Aplin, Dr. Lee and the whole InVision team shares weekly insights about health and practical living.


Life isn't about being perfect. It's about being a little better than you were yesterday. Keep making healthy choices and you'll get there!

Podcast | InVision Chiropractic | BrainStim Podcast 05/31/2024

🦶Foot pain is so common these days, it's almost become expected. Unfortunately, "just deal with it" is a terrible idea, as are some of the common "solutions" to foot pain, like steroid shots.

Overpronation is the result of a process - just like all breakdowns in our bodies. So how do we correct the process so we can impact the condition? Dr. Richard Aplin and the 🧠BrainStim gang discuss in this week's episode!

Podcast | InVision Chiropractic | BrainStim Podcast Health & Wellness podcast, BrainStim brings real practical health solutions to everyday health challenges. Produced in Huntsville, AL, but heard worldwide, Dr. Aplin, Dr. Lee and the whole InVision team shares weekly insights about health and practical living.


InVision Chiropractic offers a multi-therapy approach to achieving real health. As a neurologically-based chiropractic practice, we specialize in working with the brain to impact your overall wellness.

Combining regular adjustments, with relaxing visits to our InVision Wellness arm, and deeper brain work through our NeuroVision side, patients experience massive improvements to their physical and emotional health.

We're on a mission to change the generational cycle of sickness and the diminishing expression of the human spirit in Huntsville and beyond. If you haven't experienced the InVision difference, now's the time. Call us at (256) 489-6605, or schedule a complimentary 15 minute phone call with Dr. Aplin to see if InVision is the right fit for you!

Podcast | InVision Chiropractic | BrainStim Podcast 05/24/2024

So many of our ailments stem from the same problem: inflammation. So on today's 🧠BrainStim podcast episode, we're talking all about it, what it is, and what we can do about it.

👂Take a listen to #276: Inflammation!


Podcast | InVision Chiropractic | BrainStim Podcast Health & Wellness podcast, BrainStim brings real practical health solutions to everyday health challenges. Produced in Huntsville, AL, but heard worldwide, Dr. Aplin, Dr. Lee and the whole InVision team shares weekly insights about health and practical living.

Podcast | InVision Chiropractic | BrainStim Podcast 05/17/2024

Fasting has become quite the health craze as of late. But is there something to the hype? The 🧠BrainStim gang discusses fasting and what benefits it offers for our health in today's episode, #275: Fasting

Podcast | InVision Chiropractic | BrainStim Podcast Health & Wellness podcast, BrainStim brings real practical health solutions to everyday health challenges. Produced in Huntsville, AL, but heard worldwide, Dr. Aplin, Dr. Lee and the whole InVision team shares weekly insights about health and practical living.

Podcast | InVision Chiropractic | BrainStim Podcast 05/03/2024

How's your vitamin D level? Do you KNOW? 💊Adequate vitamin D is such a crucial piece of our health - from bone health to immune system protection, brain function to cancer protection - but most of us are pitifully low on vitamin D and we don't even know it.

Dr. Aplin is sharing his vast understanding of this fat-soluble hormone from his years of research with the 🧠BrainStim Gang in today's episode #274: Vitamin D

Podcast | InVision Chiropractic | BrainStim Podcast Health & Wellness podcast, BrainStim brings real practical health solutions to everyday health challenges. Produced in Huntsville, AL, but heard worldwide, Dr. Aplin, Dr. Lee and the whole InVision team shares weekly insights about health and practical living.


Today marks the end of "Stress Awareness Month" - but it's far from the end of the conversation. 🗣

The Chiropractic adjustment is a powerful pattern interrupt for the nervous system. Disrupting the nervous system stress pattern is necessary if you want to make a change. For some, disrupting the pattern is sufficient for the nervous system to reset itself to a more balanced state of function. However, for many the nervous system has habituated itself into an abnormal stress pattern and requires disruption along with re training. Re-training focuses on calming the mind or unloading the mind, or both. Increasing cognitive performance and speed dramatically impacts the person’s ability to function. It improves efficiency and decreases the tension that has been building from the "less than efficient" nervous system stress pattern.

Stress awareness for the individual focused on stress symptom treatment may be beneficial to some degree, but stress pattern awareness for the individual focused on improving their health expression or the health expression of the family is what breaks the generational cycle of sickness.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, please give us a call at 256.489.6605 or visit us on You can find more info at our podcast, 🧠“BrainStim” on your favorite podcast platform.


Today we wrap up our 3-part series discussing S~T~R~E~S~S 🫨

April is Stress Awareness month - so we've been taking the opportunity to deep dive into what stress is, how it impacts us, and what we can do about it to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Today's last stress-focused episode for the month will focus on how chiropractic adjustments can relieve stress and then "magically" different chronic conditions start clearing up. It's also why the same adjustment can create different results within different people because each of us have processed our stress differently.

Take a listen to today's impactful episode #273: Stress Awareness Month 3


🫨≋S≋T≋R≋E≋S≋S≋ 🫨

The 🧠BrainStim gang is deep diving into stress as part of April's Stress Awareness month. Today's part 2 of 3 is all about the CAUSE of stress. Is it circumstantial? Or could it be something else at the root of your stress?

Once you know why you're experiencing stress - WHAT do you do about it? We're talking solutions in episode #272: Stress Awareness Month Part 2 - take a listen! 👂


🆘April is Stress Awareness Month 🆘

It's not a mystery that deep breathing can lower blood pressure. 🫁And while it's a wonderful tool to use when needed, why are we only managing high blood pressure with symptom treatment? Why not address the process that is causing the blood pressure to rise? Healthcare must be more than just managing the symptoms of a problem. If not, is it really healthcare?


April is Stress Awareness Month - so we're going to be sharing some information to help you not *just* be aware of your stress - but to help you recognize your stress patterns, so you can make changes to build your capacity!

Our current symptom-based approach to understanding is far from sufficient to change the direction of stress in our lives. We have the technology to evaluate patterns of nervous system stress. We also have technology to address the malfunctions that patterns of nervous system stress can produce.

Our NeuroVision arm of InVision Chiropractic features three revolutionary technologies to help identify and address the stress patterns in your life that are causing your body's improper function. Take a look at how these amazing technologies can help you!

Podcast | InVision Chiropractic | BrainStim Podcast 04/12/2024

Did you know that April is Stress Awareness Month? While it feels like a start, being aware of stress is just that - only a start.

The 🧠 BrainStim gang is delving into this topic in a 3 part deep dive, kicking off today! Take a listen and just see if your mindset doesn't start to shift.

Podcast | InVision Chiropractic | BrainStim Podcast Health & Wellness podcast, BrainStim brings real practical health solutions to everyday health challenges. Produced in Huntsville, AL, but heard worldwide, Dr. Aplin, Dr. Lee and the whole InVision team shares weekly insights about health and practical living.


So many people think health is just a lack of symptoms. However, there can be trouble brewing just under the surface that just hasn't developed into a symptom yet.

It's important to take care of all aspects of your health! We can help you on that journey - just give us a call at (618) 343-3602 or visit to get your complimentary phone call with Dr. Aplin. We're ready to help you take that next step towards health!


Have you tried any of our 🧠neurologically based therapies as part of our NeuroVision arm of InVision Chiropractic?


From destressing with BrainTap, to the diagnostic capabilities of NeuroInfiniti, or retraining your brain with NeuroTracker, we have a cutting edge technology to help your brain function at its peak capacity.

If you're interested in learning more, give us a call at 256.489.6605.


Raise your hand if you have a spine 🙋‍♂️🙋

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Our Story

Neurologically Based Chiropractic may seem, at first, to be an unusual branch of Chiropractic care, when in fact it is the central focus of what we do. Neurologically Based Chiropractic care focuses, first, on the nervous system and how it adapts to the stressors we experience on a day to day basis. The consequence of this adaptation is generally what drives the person to seek help. However, focusing on the consequence of your problem may well help you feel better and maybe perform better for the short term, it still leaves you with your problem - poor adaptation!

Chiropractic adjustments are a mainstay for Neurologically Based Chiropractic as they help unload tension that has built up in the nerve system. There are of course physical and mechanical benefits associated with the Chiropractic adjustment also. However, by working to reduce neurological tension while helping the individual re-train their unique nerve system's functional state, many individuals experience gains they had not expected or anticipated with care.

Videos (show all)

Since we dropped a new podcast about Dry Needling today, we figured we'd go ahead and share that the proof is in the pud...
You probably don't know what health means?
Avoid the consequences!
When grandpa is a top neurologically based chiropractor, you know you're going to be well adjusted!! #neurologicallybase...
Dr. Richard Aplin discusses the downstream effects of neurology#neurologicallybasedchiropractic #BrainStimPodcast #welln...
If you've ever tried to explain what makes InVision Chiropractic so unique to friends and family, it can be a challenge....
It Has Changed Me - InVision Chiropractic Testimonial
Neurological Healing with NeuroTracker at InVision Chiropractic
From Rusty Hinge To 80% Better
BrainTap at InVision Chiropractic's Mind Spa
We trust everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and kick off to the holiday season!The busyness and stress of the season ...
All orthotics are NOT created equal!If you've been wondering what all the hype is about our custom orthotics as compared...




2745 Bob Wallace Avenue SW, Ste E
Huntsville, AL

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 1pm
3pm - 6pm
Tuesday 10am - 1pm
3pm - 6pm
Wednesday 10am - 1pm
3pm - 6pm
Thursday 10am - 1pm
3pm - 6pm

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