UC Irvine Film and Media Studies

The Department of Film and Media Studies at the University of California, Irvine The course work for the B.A.

We live in a world in which we are surrounded by electronic media in the form of images and sounds. Whether printed on roadside billboards, downloaded to our phones, or broadcast into our homes via television, media greatly influence our sense of who we are and how we live. Yet so much of our exposure to the sights and sounds of film, TV, video, advertising, and new technologies is taken for grant


NewFilmmakers Los Angeles
Are excited to share that they are hiring for the role of program coordinator at NFMLA.

If you are interested apply at https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3603647426/This

This is an entry-level role at a small arts non-profit.

They are looking to fill this position ASAP.


UCI Film and Media Studies Scholar Wins NEH Award 03/07/2023

UCI Film and Media Studies Scholar Wins NEH Award Arcelia Gutiérrez recognized for research on contemporary media activism


Join us as we celebrate the recent films made by students in Film and Media Studies production courses! We will be honoring Sahar Jahani, class of 2013. Come experience the works of our talented student filmmakers. Stay for a chance to win FMS merchandise and other prizes!

Sahar Jahani, a first-generation, Iranian-American writer/director earned a BA in Film & Media Studies and Literary Journalism from UCI in 2013 and received an MFA in Film and Television Screenwriting from Stephens College. Sahar's work has been featured in several shows such as 13 Reasons Why, The Bold Type, and the Emmy-nominated Hulu series, Ramy.

February 22, 2023 | 4:00 PM
McCormick Theater
1070 Humanities Gateway


Congratulations to Emma Choi, one of the winners of the Film and Media Studies Summer Internship Award!

Emma Choi recently completed an internship with Entertainment 2 Affect Change (E2AC). E2AC, a non-profit organization based in Los Angeles, California, is committed to producing high-quality digital, cinematic, and live entertainment for the express purpose of bringing positive change to underserved health and social communities.

During her remote summer internship with E2AC, Emma learned about the multi-faceted world of impact entertainment and the importance of creating content with the intent of positively influencing an audience. Emma wrote technical reviews of films from the nonprofit’s Social Impact Film Festival, developed practice one-pagers for these films, and researched various aspects of their production and distribution. Additionally, Emma created practice pitch decks and gained an understanding of how to sell a project without compromising its integrity. These tasks all culminated in a final presentation she gave to the creators of a documentary called Resisterhood. The documentary team is looking to screen this film at universities across the country.

This scholarship is funded by a generous donation from UCI History alumni, Leon Dudevoir, in support of Film and Media Studies’ student internships. Mr. Dudevoir had a career as a film executive for New Line Cinemas, working on films like The Notebook, Rush Hour and Blade. He’s now retired and lives in Portland, and wanted to support current FMS students looking to enter the entertainment industry.

Check out the full story on our website!

Comrade Sisters: Women of the Black Panther Party 10/17/2022

Join us! Film and Media Studies Professor Desha Dauchan will be hosting this event!

Comrade Sisters: Women of the Black Panther Party Join us in celebrating this historic publication Comrade Sisters: Women of the Black Panther Panel Discussion / Reception / Book Signing Tuesday October 18, 2022 6pm-7:30pm *

Photos from UC Irvine Film and Media Studies's post 09/27/2022

We loved getting to see you all at last week’s FMS Welcome Week Orientation! It was great to see some familiar faces and meet all of our new transfer and freshman students. Here’s to another amazing year at FMS!


Attention all FMS Majors and Minors! We are excited to welcome you as you begin your studies at UC Irvine. To help you navigate a new campus and the Film and Media Studies (FMS) major, we invite you to a series of events on Wednesday, September 21:

• 11am orientation for freshmen FMS majors
• Noon orientation for new transfer FMS majors
• 1pm welcome with faculty for all new FMS majors (freshmen and transfers)
• 2pm drop-in office hours with FMS faculty
• 4pm screening of Summertime to mark the end of summer

All of these events (except office hours) will take place in Humanities Gateway 1070, also known as the McCormick Screening Room.

This is an excellent opportunity to meet and build relationships with our faculty and connect with your fellow classmates (or filmmakers)! We look forward to seeing all of you soon!

Beyond "Squid Game" 08/02/2022

Beyond "Squid Game" UCI scholar's new book examines Korea's global pop culture influence

Surveillance is pervasive: Yes, you are being watched, even if no one is looking for you 08/02/2022

Surveillance is pervasive: Yes, you are being watched, even if no one is looking for you It’s increasingly difficult to move about – both in the physical world and online – without being tracked.

Photos from UC Irvine Film and Media Studies's post 06/15/2022

Congratulations to our graduating seniors from the Class of 2022! From all of us here at FMS, we are so proud of everything you have achieved! We wish you the best of luck in your future careers and we are excited to see how you all change the world for the better!

Photos from UC Irvine Film and Media Studies's post 05/26/2022

This quarter, our upper-division production students have been getting hands-on audio training in Professor Jon K. Oh's 192 Advanced Sound course. This lab-based course is geared to the practical study of techniques and key concepts used in production and post-production sound. While giving students the tools to improve their projects, Professor Oh is introducing film industry practices on a set and in an editing room.

Jon K. Oh has a Master of Fine Arts from The School of Cinema-Television at USC. He’s been working in production and post-production sound for over 25 years, specializing in independent documentaries. Jon has been an Adjunct Professor in the Digital Audio Program at the University of La Verne for six years. Recent credits include Barbed Wire Fence about the fence dividing North and South Korea, The Happy Days of Garry Marshall, an ABC Primetime Special (2020), Sergio Mendes: In the Key of Joy, Finding Home: A Foster Home Story (PBS), Masters of Modern Design: Art of the Japanese American Experience (2019 Regional Emmy), and Tyrus, one of Sightlinemag.org top seven art documentaries to watch.


Carissa Nihart, a Film and Media Studies and English Double Major, is the most recent winner of the Cambria Film Festival’s Emerging Filmmakers Grant.

The Cambria Film Festival celebrates films that are “all about romance,” presenting shorts, features, and documentaries that talk about love and its complexity. Recently, the festival introduced the Cambria Film Festival Emerging Filmmaker Grant which “awards 2500 dollars to one or more emerging filmmakers who demonstrate a clear vision and a meaningful connection to the work.” Aside from winning the grant, winners have their films presented in the following year's festival after they have won.

Carissa won the Emerging Filmmaker Grant with her film Promise Kept. The film “centers around a young couple who on the surface appear to be an ‘ideal American’ couple on their honeymoon in the 1970s but as the film progresses you increasingly understand that their actual reasons for getting married are more centered on survival than love. “The project has personal resonance (...) [It] is loosely based on my family’s history of q***r people passing as straight due to social and religious pressures,” Carissa continued, “I’m a q***r filmmaker who is also part of the first generation of people to marry and live more openly and I wanted to appreciate that fact in creating this project.” Regarding the creation of the film, Carissa hopes to begin the production of Promise Kept in the next several months in preparation for next year’s Cambria Film Festival where she will present her film.

To read the full story, visit our website: https://www.humanities.uci.edu/news/fms-major-carissa-nihart-wins-cambria-film-festival-emerging-filmmakers-grant

Photos from UC Irvine Film and Media Studies's post 05/12/2022

We had a successful field trip on May 7th with six FMS students to the Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival, now in its 38th year.

Screening a film at the Directors Guild of America, with its state-of-the-art theaters, is a director’s dream, and it was amazing to soak up the atmosphere of this bustling and vibrant festival. The first program we saw was Still Life, which screened several animation shorts of various formats, characterized by their intense and innovative themes, including Professor Fatimah Tobing Rony’s animated short Annah la Javanaise, about a 13-year-old girl trafficked to Paris from Java in 1893 to work for painter Paul Gauguin. We also ran into UCI Professor Jon Oh, who teaches FMS 192 Advanced Sound and was recording sound for filming being done at the festival. After lunch, we saw two riveting documentary features: Bad Axe about a Cambodian-Mexican family’s struggle to keep open their restaurant in rural Michigan during a time of polarization over race and politics; and the mystery drama-documentary Free Chol Soo Lee about a man who is wrongly convicted for murder and incarcerated, and what happens when the Asian American community rallies behind his release. Quyen Nguyen Le, a Visual Studies doctoral student, was in the audience as the film's Associate Producer. We attended a reception for the filmmakers of the festival to which Professor Rony was invited, and along the way ran into several FMS alums: Janet Chen FMS ’98 who is now getting her MFA at UC Santa Cruz in film and social documentation and who used to work for UCLA’s Ethnocommunications; Angela Park FMS ’02 a film producer; and Professor Renée Tajima-Peña, the mentor for Alexis Sii (FMS 2018) who is now a MA student at UCLA’s Ethnocommunications. Tajima-Peña told us that Sii, who as a former Anteater attended the second FMS field trip to this festival, is now making documentaries. Professor Desha Dauchan, Professor Rony, and the students had a fantastic time watching great films and meeting filmmakers.


Looking for a Film & Media Studies class during Summer Session 1? Sign up for FMS 85B Broadcast Media History and Analysis!

"What can we learn from the history of broadcast media in the US—its development, its uses, regulations, and impact on social and political aspects of everyday life? What does broadcast media tell us about the social, political, and economic context it emerges from? What does radio or television tell us about national and cultural identity? In this course, we will learn about key historical and industrial developments of US broadcast media from radio to television. We will learn to analyze broadcast media content with a larger awareness of the social and political pressures that produce, regulate, and challenge it. Students will become familiar with key theoretical, industrial, and historical aspects that make US broadcast media a generative site of cultural study."

Register today for 85B to reserve your spot in the class!


Looking for an FMS Summer Course? FMS 139W Food on Screen is offered in Summer Session 2 (August 1 - September 7).

"Food is a cultural prism; this course looks at food on-screen to scrutinize approaches to the nation, gender, race, sexuality, and status. Culinary culture reflects attitudes, conflicts, and technologies, from early cookbooks to the invention of restaurant criticism and from food on the big screen to our contemporary fascination with food shows on every streaming video service. In many films and TV shows, food is central enough to constitute a new sub-genre, defined by how food preparation, service, and consumption play a major part in the development of character, structure, or theme. Distinctions between popular and high culture dissipate with a proliferation of food cultures, many of which now have an international orientation."

Register for 139W today to reserve your spot!


FMS Majors and Minors! Join us for the Film & Media Studies End of Year Celebration!

June 1st, 2022, 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Humanities Gateway 1030

Help us celebrate all that our students and faculty have achieved throughout the year, including our annual Department Student Awards! Refreshments will be provided. We hope to see you there!


Hakawati, the last storytellers - Documentary Workshop and Screening.

Film and Media Studies students were invited to a Documentary Workshop and screening with Professor Julien Gaertner (Université Côte d’Azur, Nice, France). He showed his new film Hakawati, the last storytellers, co-directed with Karim Dridi, about a Palestinian family that performs puppet shows to children as an act of resistance.

Professor Julien Gaertner is the Director of Culture of the Université Côte d’Azur in Nice, France, and he is also a historian and documentary filmmaker, here on an exchange with UC Irvine.

Documentary Workshop and Film Screening with Prof. Julien Gaertner 04/19/2022

You are invited to a Documentary Workshop and screening with Professor Julien Gaertner (Université Côte d’Azur, Nice, France). He will be showing his new film, Hakawati, the last storytellers, co-directed with Karim Dridi (OP minutes), about a Palestinian family that performs puppet shows to children as an act of resistance. Free and open to the public.

McCormick Screening Room (HG 1070) Tuesday, April 26, 2022, from 9:30—11:00am


Documentary Workshop and Film Screening with Prof. Julien Gaertner Film and Media Studies students are invited to a Documentary Workshop and screening with Professor Julien Gaertner (Université Côte d’Azur, Nice, France). He will be showing his new film, Hakawati, the last storytellers, co-directed with Karim Dridi (OP minutes), about a Palestinian family tha...


During Winter Quarter, FMS major Melissa Mondragon interned at Long Beach’s Public Access Digital Network (PADNET), receiving training in all aspects of studio and field production from lighting to audio. Melissa was given many post-production responsibilities, including data management, logging, transcribing, and converting files, editing various programming in Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro X. With a strong familiarity with cinema she gain from her time in FMS, Melissa was able to excel in her internship. With the knowledge she gained during her internship and through getting her degree, Melissa hopes to work in the film industry and create her own content.

Click here to read the whole story: https://www.humanities.uci.edu/news/student-spotlight-melissa-mondragon


Attention Film and Media Studies Students:

In memory of our late colleague and Film Studies founder, Professor Franco Tonelli, the Department of Film and Media Studies will once again award a prize of $1,000 for the best undergraduate essay in the following two categories: $500 (1) film theory and criticism, or $500 (2) television and digital media theory and criticism.

These papers may be of any length and must have been written by a UCI student who has taken at least one FMS course during the last academic year (Spring 2021-Winter 2022). Rewritten or revised essays will be accepted and are, in fact, strongly encouraged. We also encourage you to consult with faculty members regarding rewrites. Students may only submit one entry.

To be eligible for consideration, email a copy (PDF files only) and cover sheet to Sylvia Meza-Tallada ([email protected]) by noon 12:00 pm on Monday, April 4th, 2022. Cover sheets must include the category of submission, author's name, paper title, and the course for which the paper was originally written. Author names should not appear anywhere else on the paper to ensure confidentiality. Submissions are read by a panel of FMS faculty who are not given the authors' names until the winning papers are determined.

Shondaland and Netflix Producers Inclusion Initiative Program - Los Angeles, CA 03/31/2022


Shondaland and Netflix Producers Inclusion Initiative Program - Los Angeles, CA JOIN THE SHOW--Apply today! The Shondaland and Netflix Producers Inclusion Initiative is a virtual eight week program that trains up and coming Producers, UPMs, Supervisors and First ADs and others from an underrepresented communities (e.g. BIPOC), to work as line producers within a studio system. T...

Photos from UC Irvine Film and Media Studies's post 03/10/2022

Curious about what some of our production students are up to this quarter? The students in FMS 192 Advanced Cinematography work together as a crew while getting hands-on training from Professor Lesley Elizondo. Students are gaining experience in various aspects of Cinematography, from multipoint lighting setups to camera movements.

Professor Elizondo is a Mexican American director of photography and filmmaker from Los Angeles, California. As a first-generation art scholar; she writes, directs, and shoots stories based on the Mexican, Latino, and American experiences. Her work has been featured in film festivals across the United States including the Pride Film Festival in Chicago, the Latinx Film Festival in Los Angeles, and the Senorita Film Festival in Houston. Professor Elizondo has a double B.A. in Film Production and Spanish Literature from Cal State Long Beach and an M.F.A. in Cinematography from UCLA.

Photos from UC Irvine Film and Media Studies's post 03/09/2022

Nicole Mairose Dizon (FMS class of 2016) is an LA-based first-generation Filipina-American filmmaker and activist from Baldwin Park, CA. After she graduated Cum Laude with a Film and Media Studies B.A. from UC Irvine, she freelanced as support staff for Apple TV+, NBC, and more. She is a Kundiman Asian American Fellow for Poetry. Among her shorts that have screened nationwide, she is best known for Boxed, a doc about the balikbayan phenomenon that encapsulates an immigrant’s longing for home and was selected as a Starz and Wrap Women: Telling Our Stories semi-finalist. Previously, Dizon assisted a Motion Picture Production Partner at ICM. She recently wrapped her narrative short directorial debut, MORENA, and 2 other shorts as a Producing Fellow for Film Independent’s Project Involve. One of the shorts from the program, Dear Mama..., will have its World Premiere at SXSW 2022. Last year, the California Arts Council selected her for their inaugural Individual Artist Fellowship. She currently works as a TV Assistant at Ridley Scott's production company, Scott Free.

We are so proud of our alumni! Visit our website to learn more about Nicole and her film Dear Mama… :https://www.humanities.uci.edu/news/alumni-spotlight-nicole-mairose-dizon


During the Winter Quarter, FMS Major Sydney Caulder served as a talent management intern at Entertainment Lab where she gained experience in all aspects of the storytelling process - from screenwriting to talent to production. Entertainment Lab, a talent management and production company, develops the careers of established actors, writers, and directors in film, TV, theater, and commercials, packaging and developing film and TV projects. Sydney learned how to navigate online casting systems like Breakdown Express, Casting Networks, and Casting Frontier, along with how to effectively use IMDb Pro when researching talent representation information. Sydney also hosted several meets and greets with the acting, writing, and directing clients, as well as other producers, talent agents, and casting directors to learn about their experience within the industry. Sydney is excited to be interning for a company with a friendly and calm work atmosphere and programs designed to have interns master new skills necessary for a career in talent management.

Read Sydney's full story here: https://www.humanities.uci.edu/news/sydney-caulder-independent-study-197-internship


FMS major Monica Guo has recently been working on an independent study designed to gain the experience of post-production work on a short film and strengthen her knowledge of the production process. The short film Monica has been working on, Overwinter, finished shooting during the FMS 192 Directing Narrative course, in the Fall 2021 quarter. The story centers around a lonely suicidal college student, Rose, who imagines her friend Lily has come back to life and appears in her life once more. The two girls go through a series of events, and in the end, Rose must learn to accept the fact that her friend is forever on the other side. The goal for this independent study is for Monica to keep working on the unfinished project by editing, sound designing, color grading, and preparing the film for possible festival submissions.

Read the rest of the story on our website: https://www.humanities.uci.edu/news/monica-guo-independent-study-198-creative-project

Photos from UC Irvine Film and Media Studies's post 03/01/2022

Alum and cinematographer Allen E. Ho (FMS 2007) was honored last week at the Film and Media Studies Spotlight Showcase which screened selected student films made in our production courses. Congratulations to the students whose films screened during the event: Mihnea Vonica, Yiran Chen, Xinyi “Iris” Song, Larry Tang, Duncan Smythe, Yitong Liu, Alan Mendoza, Nikolas Sani, and Rachel Lynch. Several alums came out for the event including former Spotlight honorees Sheldon Chau (Spotlight 2019, FMS 2010) and Roxy Shih (Spotlight 2020, FMS 2010), with Professor Fatimah Tobing Rony.


Join us for the 2022 KCCLA's Korean Cinema Master Class with Director Sung Hyun Yoon! Yoon's directorial debut, a graduation project, Bleak Night received rave reviews and won several Best New Director awards at the 48th Grand Bell Awards, 32nd Blue Dragon Film Awards, and 12th Busan Film Critics Awards. Since then, Yoon has written and directed several projects, including 2020's Time to Hunt.

Monday, March 7, 2PM PST, UCI Humanities Gateway 1800
Register here: https://forms.gle/yhicdyzFKScoqHVc8


Coffee and Internship Event
Friday, February 18, 2022
10:00 am - 11:00 am

Join us this Friday for Film and Media Studies Winter Quarter Virtual Coffee and Internship Event. Nancy Robinson-Director of Education Programs will present on internship opportunities and resume tips. Professor Desha Dauchan will be hosting and presenting on internship strategies and organizational skills for Spring and Summer


Campuswide scholarships applications are now open on ScholarshipUniverse!
Current continuing undergraduate students may access campuswide and departmental scholarship applications through the new ScholarshipUniverse platform using their UCInetID and submit them through January 31, 2021.
Once you have logged in to the website, you will be asked a series of questions to help match you to all the scholarships you are eligible for. We recommend answering as many of these questions as possible to help match you to the maximum number of scholarships you are eligible for.
Click on the Applications tab to access both the General Scholarship Application as well as Departmental Scholarship applications. We recommend completing the General Scholarship Application first as your answers from this application will be pulled into other applications (i.e., Academic Department applications) where applicable. This way you will not have to retype answers to the same question! Once you complete your applications, you’re all set! You can also apply to additional external scholarships if you wish. Be sure to submit your applications by January 31, 2021, by 11:59PM! Good Luck!

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Videos (show all)

Essential Film Series Screenings
Calum Worthy and FMS students!



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