Revenant Physical Therapy

We are the quality physical therapy you've been searching for. Book a FREE 30-minute consult below!

I provide an individualized online coaching service which includes but is not limited to strength training, habit tracking, mental health support, and guidance to those recovering from the most difficult and trying times of their life. If you are are someone who feels as though your physical ability is holding you back from living life on your terms, this page is also for you. I coach to provide movement solutions to solve all of your orthopedic and sports related issues.

Photos from Revenant Physical Therapy's post 03/27/2024

It brings me so much joy to witness my clients return to their sport and perform in a way they haven't felt in years!! 🎾

This is the reason that I started Revenant Physical Therapy, and the reason that I love what I do. Quality treatments for quality outcomes πŸ’―

Photos from Revenant Physical Therapy's post 03/25/2024

RED FLAG 🚩 if your healthcare provider tells you to stop xyz activity because it's bad for your back/shoulder/knee/etc.

It is absolutely possible for pain to be provoked with some movements and activities, however correlation =/= causation. Stopping an activity entirely will not address the root cause of your pain symptoms, and avoidance =/= healing.

Let's chat if you're having difficulty with any movements, exercises, or sports!

Photos from Revenant Physical Therapy's post 03/20/2024

It's always worth your time and money to invest in your health. There's a phrase that goes something like, "If you do not make time for your wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness." πŸ’―

Your health is always worth investing in! Let's have a conversation and let's see how Revenant Physical Therapy can get you moving better and living better.

Photos from Revenant Physical Therapy's post 03/18/2024

Have you ever heard that phrase, "When it rains, it pours" ? 🌧

That's often the case with times of high stress. Whether we realize it or not, our bodies assume a "fight or flight" state when it is stressed, which affects our musculoskeletal system in many ways. Suddenly, we are stressed AND our body begins to hurt and ache.

Over prolonged times of stress, these movement patterns often become normalized which causes persistent pain even when our stress has been reduced.

Sound like something you or a friend/family have experienced? Contact me and let's get you and your family/friends in good health ASAP!

Photos from Revenant Physical Therapy's post 03/13/2024

Kind words from a very hard-working client! She has made amazing progress with her golf game, and she's really put in the work to earn her accomplishments. I love when clients are this motivated and excited about rehab! ⛳️

Photos from Revenant Physical Therapy's post 03/11/2024

The best workout is the workout that you enjoy. Every person has their own fitness goals and exercise habits. Some people find running fun, and others don't.

You have to find what works for you, start small, and scale it over time.

The same concept applies to rehab! Your rehab should be scaled over time to make reasonable progress. It needs to be challenging enough to create adaptations, and it ALWAYS needs to be specific to your goals.

If that sounds like something you're looking for, contact me through email/phone/DMs and let's chat!

Photos from Revenant Physical Therapy's post 03/06/2024

Kind words from one of my earliest clients! πŸ™πŸΎ

Your typical physical therapist at an insurance-based outpatient clinic is very likely not checking up on you between visits since they also see dozens of patients each day.

I am accessible to all of my clients via direct text message. I am more than a PT who tells you what exercises to do during a session. I am a resource to my clients and make sure that everyone is informed and educated during their rehab journey! πŸ€“πŸ™ŒπŸΎ

Photos from Revenant Physical Therapy's post 03/04/2024

I hear the phrase "I'm too young to feel this old" from my younger clients, and "I can't move the way I did when I was younger" from my older clients.

It's frustrating to not be able to do the activities that you love, or if your aches/pains are hindering your daily life.

It is absolutely possible to regain your strength and mobility to seize your life back, and return to enjoying every day to the fullest. Let me help you achieve your dream outcomes, and stop feeling like you're living in someone else's body.

Schedule a free consultation call with me! Link in bio.

Photos from Revenant Physical Therapy's post 02/28/2024

I can teach you how to win your life back by improving your movement, mobility, and strength. Revenant Physical Therapy has one goal and that's to help you reach yours. πŸ‘Š

Don't just take my word for it; check out all of our raving reviews on our Google Business and out social media! πŸ™Œ

Schedule a FREE consultation call with us to see if I'm a good fit to help you achieve your goals and live a happier and healthier life.

Photos from Revenant Physical Therapy's post 02/26/2024

I touched upon this topic a bit last Monday, but I still want to emphasize the importance of handling rehab with a well-rounded approach. πŸ€“

When you play the long game, taking care of your hips and your ankles when dealing with knee pain will pay dividends for your rehab. Does that mean we should neglect the knee? No! Working the knee is just as important. πŸ’―

Schedule a call with us if you are struggling with knee pain and we will get you started on a customized program to help you!

Photos from Revenant Physical Therapy's post 02/21/2024

If you're not making treatment plans that are individualized to every client's goals and movement assessment, what are you doing ⁉️

The outcome that we work for Revenant Physical Therapy is to help each client achieve THEIR goals towards a healthy and active life.

Schedule a FREE consultation call with us if you want to live healthier and stay active.

Photos from Revenant Physical Therapy's post 02/19/2024

I'd bet that anyone reading this has either experienced knee pain, or knows someone who has. Knee pain is extremely common, and often becomes a recurring problem because many rehab providers only assess and treat deficits at the knee.

More often than not, knee pain ACTUALLY stems from issues at the hip, ankle, or foot.

It's a red flag 🚩 if your rehab provider who does not thoroughly assess you for a localized issue. You are missing out having the best quality of care with the best pathway towards your goals.

Photos from Revenant Physical Therapy's post 02/14/2024

We have to look at the bigger picture when we see clients with pain in their ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, etc.

As I've grown as a clinician over the years, I've achieved better and better results with my clients as I've learned how to better assess at a person as a whole body rather than their affected body part. It makes all the difference in achieving each client's outcomes! πŸ’―

Photos from Revenant Physical Therapy's post 02/12/2024

When starting something new, going all-in is rarely the best approach to take. I have experienced this myself and have even experienced this with previous clients when I was a younger clinician.

I would evaluate a client and give them a bunch of exercises to start working on for improvement. Keep in mind, oftentimes these clients have not moved in quite a while. They were also dealing with a lot of pain.

It was no wonder that I never had good results early on. No one stuck with their exercises. Why would they? It was like trying to force feed a child a bunch of food they don’t want to eat. (I have experienced this with my 3 nieces).

Habits are best built one small step at a time πŸ’― If you are wondering what movement snacks are best suited for you, then schedule a free consultation call with us! We are more than happy to help you build better movement habits to a happy, healthy, and pain-free life!

Photos from Revenant Physical Therapy's post 02/05/2024

I set out of make Revenant Physical Therapy a step above what people can find at their standard insurance-based clinic.

I've mentioned before that today's healthcare model is based on business, rather than outcomes and quality of care.

I do things differently at Revenant Physical Therapy. If you know anyone searching for rehab that won't waste their time or money - DM us! πŸ”₯

Photos from Revenant Physical Therapy's post 02/01/2024

As healthcare and wellness providers, we have to keep in mind what each client's goals are. The goal of our work is to provide OUTCOMES to every client, and that will often look very different from person to person.

My goals are never to just eliminate pain or improve mobility.

My purpose with Revenant Physical Therapy is to educate and empower my clients, and effectively help them achieve their goals πŸ’―πŸ‘ŠπŸΎ

Photos from Revenant Physical Therapy's post 01/29/2024

Your rehab shouldn't be easy or keep you coming back for see various providers for months without significant progress. Your rehab exercises shouldn't look like what every other patient is doing at your clinic.

Your rehab should challenge you and prepare you for what life demands of you, plus more! πŸ’ͺ🏾

Photos from Revenant Physical Therapy's post 01/24/2024

A lot can be accomplished in a single session with a purposeful evaluation looking at a person's movement profile.

I am able to treat my clients and provide value with actionable measures from day one. I am able to help them achieve their goals in fewer visits that a traditional PT clinic because of the intentionality that is put behind every single session, intervention, and assessment method that I use.

DM me if you want to schedule an appointment and get one step closer to your health goals πŸ‘ŠπŸ’―πŸ”₯

Photos from Revenant Physical Therapy's post 01/23/2024

Treating people as a physical therapist requires deliberate assessment with testing and re-testing. We have to always be considering whether our interventions are helping our clients work towards their goals.

Intervention selection and dosage requires fine tuning which is individual to every person's ability level and movement capacities.

Photos from Revenant Physical Therapy's post 01/17/2024

A good physical therapist will help decrease your pain and reduce your symptoms.

A GREAT physical therapist will address the source of your issues and set you up for long-lasting relief and improve your strength/mobility so that your body is better off than where it was before your injury began.

At Revenant Physical Therapy, I focus on getting long-lasting results with the outcomes you desire, which keeps you from having to see PT after PT to work on the same issues over and over.

Photos from Revenant Physical Therapy's post 01/15/2024

Traditional healthcare has become focused on volume of patients and billable units when it comes to measuring success. We should be focused on quality of care and achieving clinical outcomes while improving quality of life.

You deserve to be treated as an individual with unique goals and a personalized treatment plan to achieve your dream outcome. Don't settle for less. πŸ‘Š

Photos from Revenant Physical Therapy's post 01/10/2024

I love to get my clients better off than where they were prior to an injury. Every person gets an individualized treatment plan to get them exactly where they want to be πŸ’―

Photos from Revenant Physical Therapy's post 01/04/2024

Many of our clients have tried MULITPLE providers and were not able to find long-lasting relief from traditional physical therapy clinics. It's frustrating to know what your goal is (being pain-free, returning to sport, being active again, etc.) but not being able to find someone to guide you there.

Revenant Physical Therapy is the solution.

I provide thorough, full-body movement assessments and one-on-one sessions which allows EVERY client to receive individualized care towards their goals.

Let's start off the new year strong and get your health in order! ✨

Photos from Revenant Physical Therapy's post 12/27/2023

It is so important for people to INFORMED and INVOLVED in their rehab plan.

Having an understanding of WHY your issues are happening allows you to better know WHAT to expect and HOW to approach your rehab process.

I provide every single client with a step-by-step system that is specific to each person's needs. We will get you the long-lasting results you deserve.


We here at Revenant Physical Therapy (myself and Christine) want to wish you a Merry Christmas! πŸŽ„ We are very grateful for your support this year and it means the world to us. Thank you for trusting us with your health, and referring us to family and friends.

We would not be where we are without you.

We wish you well during the holiday season and hope that you are surrounded by the love and warmth of those closest to you πŸ’šβ€οΈ

Photos from Revenant Physical Therapy's post 12/20/2023

Are you struggling to return to your sport after an injury or surgery?

I've helped many athletes return to their sport and even perform at a better level than before their injury.

If you need help getting back in the groove of your game, reach out to me! πŸ‘Š

Photos from Revenant Physical Therapy's post 12/19/2023

You may have seen a PT before and been given a couple stretches and easy band exercises that helped you feel good for a short while, but your problem was never actually taken care of.

It’s important to challenge yourself in rehab if you want to return to challenging things πŸ’ͺ🏾

Revenant Physical Therapy will curate a step-by-step system that is specific to your needs. We will get up the long-lasting results that you deserve.

Don’t settle for less. Schedule a FREE consultation with us and see if we’re a good fit for you πŸ€—

Try these as a warmup or as a quick circuit to get your shoulders warmed up πŸ”₯

1️⃣ All-Fours Rockbacks β€” maintain pressure through fingertips & palm as you push towards your hips, and push your upper back towards the ceiling to round out your upper back
2️⃣ Push-Up to Toe-Touch β€” keep your shoulder protracted as you reach with your other arm
3️⃣ Landmine Press w/reach β€” ribs over hips, hand stacked over wrist/elbow 12/16/2023

Try these as a warmup or as a quick circuit to get your shoulders warmed up πŸ”₯

1️⃣ All-Fours Rockbacks β€” maintain pressure through fingertips & palm as you push towards your hips, and push your upper back towards the ceiling to round out your upper back
2️⃣ Push-Up to Toe-Touch β€” keep your shoulder protracted as you reach with your other arm
3️⃣ Landmine Press w/reach β€” ribs over hips, hand stacked over wrist/elbow

Try these as a warmup or as a quick circuit to get your shoulders warmed up πŸ”₯ 1️⃣ All-Fours Rockbacks β€” maintain pressure through fingertips & palm as you push towards your hips, and push your upper back towards the ceiling to round out your upper back 2️⃣ Push-Up to Toe-Touch β€” keep your shoulder protracted as you reach with your other arm 3️⃣ Landmine Press w/reach β€” ribs over hips, hand stacked over wrist/elbow

Photos from Revenant Physical Therapy's post 12/16/2023

With the onset of low back pain, we are too often told to stop *insert any activity you love doing* and to rest while the pain resolves ⏳

This is NOT good advice because we are giving power to the pain and driving a narrative that makes us feel helpless.

Action and voluntary exposure are the BEST ways to quickly regain our freedom from chronic pain and sudden aches/pains πŸ’₯

I’m here to help anyone needing guidance to figure out their back pain and on how to get back to enjoying life! Just message me πŸ’ͺ🏾

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