Stem Cells for Anti-Aging and Pain Relief

Stem Cells for Anti-Aging and Pain Relief

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As we age we lose stem cells. Stem cells are the master builders of our bodies (skin, hair, organs, bone, etc). By age of 55+ they have continued to decrease.

By 30 years of age, we've lost about 50% of our stem cells. You must activate your own cells.

LifeWave 07/22/2021

Imagine a product that can activate your stem cells,
resetting them to a younger, healthier state. This
would represent a whole new level of vitality with
improvements to your energy, sleep, reduction in pain,
reduction in the appearance of lines and wrinkles and
support of faster wound healing, just to name a few of
the benefits.
Introducing the LifeWave X39 patch: The first product ever that is designed to activate your body’s own stem cells. How does X39 accomplish this? Using our proprietary and patented form of phototherapy, X39 elevates the peptide GHKCu. This is a naturally occurring peptide in your body that declines significantly with age. In fact, after the age of 60 your levels of GHK-Cu have dropped by
more than 60%. Repair, Regenerate, Restore, Rejuvenate yourself.

LifeWave Elevate, Activate, Regenerate


CEOWORLD magazine
CEOWORLD magazine - Top Stories - C-Suite Agenda - CEO Spotlight: David Schmidt, Founder and CEO of Lifewave Technology
CEO Spotlight: David Schmidt, Founder and CEO of Lifewave Technology
Ryan MillerRyan MillerC-Suite AgendaCEO SpotlightFebruary 20, 2020
CEOWORLD magazine
David Schmidt is the inventor of LifeWave technology and founder and CEO of LifeWave. His experience in business and product development spans over 30 years and includes a formal education in Management Information Systems and Biology at Pace University in Pleasantville, NY. David then went on to pursue several entrepreneurial endeavors and, as a result, owned successful companies involved in manufacturing and product development. One of these companies, Advanced Applications Group, was a research and development center that specialized in energy-production technologies for both military and commercial applications. During his time with AAG, David developed new methods for producing hydrogen and oxygen, designed and prototyped multi-fueled, bladeless-turbine power generation systems, and constructed metal-combustion rocket engines.
As a result of his innovations, David Schmidt was presented with an honorary doctorate by Dr. Alexander Marinaccio of the International Hall of Fame of Inventors. In addition, as a result of work performed in the design of emergency oxygen systems for General Dynamics, David was invited to participate in the Navy’s next generation mini-sub program.
The LifeWave Technology was born out of three years of intense research by David into the concept of being able to naturally increase energy and stamina through elevation of fat burning, utilizing wireless communication to the human body via phototherapy. The LifeWave Technology is now available to the public. David has committed the past 15 years into making this opportunity a reality.
Globally, David is the holder of 94 issued patents, 13 pending, with many more being written. More than seventy of those issued patents are in the field of regenerative science and technology. One of his inventions, the Double Helix Conductor, produces a novel blend of electromagnetic and non-electromagnetic fields to improve the speed of wound healing that rivals that of stem-cell injections. This led to David realizing that phototherapy can be a means by which a person’s own stem cells can be activated into a more youthful state as opposed to requiring an injection of expensive and potentially dangerous stem cells. Hence, after ten years of study, the X39® patch was born.
Since the inception of LifeWave in 2004, David has overseen global operations of the company and has accelerated expansion into approximately one-hundred countries, with offices presently in the United States, Ireland, Japan and Taiwan — with warehouse and distribution facilities throughout the world. LifeWave has been a multiple recipient of Inc. magazine’s list of fastest-growing companies.
What kind of a kid were you?
I was definitely a bit of a nerd. I built rockets, did experiments, took things apart to see how they worked. My best friend and I spent a lot of time in our parents’ workshops tinkering with things. I actually took apart an old Pong-type video game that my brother got one year. I was really into just seeing how the world worked.
I read this book by Viktor Schauberger, an Austrian Naturalist, called Nature Was My Teacher, which had a big impact on me. He was basically saying that the way to understand the world was by looking to nature. That helped push me toward the field of biomimetics and it’s still a philosophy we practice at LifeWave, which is trying to mimic natural processes to support wellness.
Can you name a particular event that motivated your interest in wellness?
A big one for me was watching an episode of “The Merv Griffin Show” when I was 15. Durk Pearson was on talking about his book, Life Extension. I was entranced and I got the book and read it cover to cover. That’s when I knew that I wanted to help people live longer and stay younger.
How did LifeWave first begin?
The original idea came during my work developing survival equipment. We were trying to create ways to help crew members of a mini-sub stay awake without the need for drugs. So I started looking into natural ways to increase energy in the body. That investigation turned into three years of research which culminated with the first LifeWave prototype: the Energy Enhancer Patch.
Can you talk a bit about your newest product X39?
First off, it’s important to note that this product has undergone quite a few clinical trials. We’ve completed seven to date, and four additional studies have already begun. That’s far above the legal burden of one clinical study in the U.S. They were motivated by wanting to learn as much as we can, which helps us create the best results.
One of the researchers we’ve worked with for a long time, Dr. Melinda Connor, presented her clinical studies at our LifeWave conference earlier this year. She demonstrated how X39 improves metabolism in some really exciting ways. That’s interesting because a lot of people already know about how X39 activates stem cells, but it’s really doing so much more than that. One of the areas it can have a marked impact is in our mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cells. We’re seeing that X39 can reverse mitochondrial dysfunction which can produce more energy and help slow the aging process.
How is this different than the energy boost experienced with the Energy Enhancer
The Energy Enhancer Patch works by getting our cells to increase fat-burning, which is more efficient. But X39 gets cells to actually act as if they were younger, which carries a ton of additional benefits beyond increasing energy levels.
Can you elaborate on some of these other benefits?
Sure. Another impressive result came about from a recent study where we were measuring levels of copper peptide, GHK-Cu, and its precursor, GHK. During these tests, we found that X39 elevated levels of both. That’s important because these molecules help reset genes to a younger state. And we saw significant improvements in these levels within 24 hours of applying the X39 patch. In some people, the increase was over 300% within a week.
Are there ways to increase the benefits of X39 through lifestyle choices?
Yes, we believe so. Of course, it’s important to do all the basics like eat a healthful diet, supplement wisely, exercise, etc. With that kind of foundation, X39 can provide really impressive additional results.
Any other information you can share about the LifeWave Las Vegas conference?
Dr. Chevalier, who’s been working with our technology for years, spoke at the conference. He’s been researching the role of copper peptide in cognitive function for some time and his results have been impressive. He presented some infrared brain-mapping before-and-after photos at the conference that were dramatic. They showed the improvements that occurred in mental function within weeks of changing levels of copper peptide.
Do you have any final thoughts on the exciting work you’re doing?
I’ll say that this work is really changing my conception of how we can improve as we age. I think once people see the research, they’ll feel similarly. We’re getting to the point where we can allow people to age in a way that maintains their youthful qualities so that they can basically do what they want without being limited by their bodies. For more information on this amazing breakthrough life extension technology visit then get back to the person that sent this and ask for a FREE SAMPLE of X39. Have a wonderful day friends. Forever young 😁


Krysta's COPD Story and how she got better...

LIFEWAVE X39 STEM CELL PATCH MIRACLE: KRYSTA'S COPD STORY Contact the person who sent you this video to become a LifeWave member and order a one month supply of X39 for $99. Or, if nobody referred you order here: ww...


The vagus nerve, (from the Latin meaning wanderer) is the longest out of the 12 cranial nerves.
Have I caught your attention yet?
What if I told you that the vagus nerve has an impact and a role in pretty much every function in the body from swallowing, heart beats, breathing….. to digesting, and primordially a functioning vagus nerve will allow a healthy switch back and forth from stress response (sympathetic) to relax response (parasympathetic) of the autonomic nervous system and a healthy response to inflammation.
After researching for 2 years how to reset to a healthy function, my husband’s vagus nerve, I finally found a little wellness patch called Aeon made by a unique innovative wellness technology.
Aeon elevates a powerful peptide in our liver that supports our parasympathetic (relax, rest digest) nervous system in the most natural way: using the power of healing light therapy: healing at the speed of light!
Anti Stress
Anti inflammatory
Anti anxiety
Resets nervous system to parasympathetic
Pain relief And more




Older neural stem cells need re-activation.


Good evening evening.
Here's a testimony from someone who tested patches for ankylosing spondylitis
My name is Halina SZKLENNIK and I'm 66 years old. After several months of treatments and various examinations, I was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis.
I am a biochemist training engineer, worked for a while for research (INSA, Pasteur Institute), for the food industry and pharmaceutical industry.
10 years ago I started to feel bad, had fever periods and mostly almost permanent joint pain.
After several months of various treatments and examinations, ankylosing spondylitis was diagnosed. It's a chronic inflammatory disease that evolves by push. It successively affects all joints, and gradually blocks the spine and sacrosanct joints, the forms of this disease can be very deforming and ankylosing.
In my case there was intense internal joint pain.
Sacro-iliac pain, heel walk pain, hand level: Hard to forcefully seize objects; the whole body was attacked: shoulders, neck, face, pelvis and all joints. I was practically feeling these pains on a continuous basis, which were constantly moving around.
The evolution of the disease is done in 10 to 20 years. Treatment is based on functional rehab, medication and rest. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used on the front lines during push. Painkillers: Paracetamol, painkillers alone are quickly insufficient to reduce pain due to inflammation. So we switch to corticosteroids and other battery of drugs that are not without health side effects. This is how I also had to take precautions to protect for the stomach.
Over 7 years problems have accumulated.
Since fatigue was widespread, it was only in bed that I had no more pain. I didn't want to spend my life in bed, it was too sad, but I felt caught in a downward spiral while I had plans full of my head.
After a while the inherent effects of the disease have been added: urethra irritation problems (common cystitis), dryness of the eyes requiring to put artificial tears on a daily basis. All in addition to side effects due to medication. All of this in addition to the disease caused severe handicaps to daily physical activities. Result: loss of morale and depressive state.
Although classical science training, I quickly became interested in alternative medicine with a scientific look, and seriously documented myself. Very soon I realized that I had to get rid of my toxins first by all means.
I followed several protocols, chlorine, spirulina, acupuncture different dietary supplements, gemmotherapy, ionic machine homeopathy and others...
Consulted with several doctors and therapists practicing natural medicine.
I wanted to put all the assets on my side because I wanted to get through it. All these methods have brought me a certain better without being able to stop the anti-inflammatory continuously.
Just over a year and a half ago I knew the Lifewave patches. I used glutathione, carnosine, every other day on CV19 and CV19 and Energy on lung 1 every other day. I was adding Icewave on demand, on time. I quickly felt an improvement.
I've seen quick results and no side effects. After 2 months I was no longer taking anti-inflammatory or pain meds.
Improvements at the psychic and mental level followed. Every day I found an excellent form, I was reliving!
To my surprise my hair that was white turned brown again at 50 %. I also had b**b cysts that almost disappeared at the last mammogram. No more cystites no more dry eyes, no more bronchitis, no more colds, no more flu, my skin condition has improved and I'm given 10 years younger.
Overall, before Aeon I had recovered 75 % of my potential for spondylitis.
Awesome! when you know this disease is degenerative!
Nevertheless, there were still some pains depending on the positions of the body, especially at the right sacro iliac level.
And then the last ′′ big ′′ arrived: Aeon. I started using it in mid January, on all the points recommended in the booklet; and there, in less than 8 days I have had no more pain. Today I apply a few simple living rules and still use glutathione, carnosine alternatively, Aeon everyday and one to 2 weeks / month I do the 5 element protocol with Energy and if necessary in case of need Excellent Energy performance on Lung 1. Note also that after prolonged use of patches I find a power of concentration and memory of the past.
My intellectual faculties were declining and today it's like the rest: It's fascinating to find myself in full possession of my intellectual and physical faculties. I'm in great shape, I feel like I've turned back in time and I'm sharing this wonderful patches technology to those who come to consult me in the workout. My clients who regularly use patches are all very satisfied. I wish everyone could know this technology and get back to the same state of health as mine especially those who are sick and suffering.
Stay attentive and open, look good, every problem carries its solution. (Testimony by Halina SZKLENNIK - Lyon - France)


Aculife testimonial
"My name is January Elrod, and my mother, Frankie Murphy, and I, have been around and owned horses for the last 26 years. I have ridden Western Pleasure, English, Gymkahna and currently focus on Barrel Racing. We believe in doing things naturally and without drugs and/or chemicals whenever possible, which is what drew us to LifeWave! Once my horses were patched, I could see and feel the difference it made...we were hooked and my mom became a distributor in September 2010. Since then, we have used LifeWave patches for ourselves, and our horses with great success, as well as our many customers. I use the patches for pain/soreness relief and prevention on my barrel horses. We enjoy helping others learn about LifeWave and how they can help themselves feel their best, but also help their horses to feel their best. When a horse feels good, it performs good! Here is a picture of me and my barrel mares, Miss Susy Spoon and Wee Quick. Wee, my 18 year old bleeder mare was wearing LifeWave patches when we won the 3D in the 2nd Go of the NBHA Florida State Show 2011!"


More Customer Success...
I can’t believe how many ladies have menstrual problems. I have patched 5 ladies within 3 weeks using SP6 patch on Spleen 6 point. Here is the latest wonderful testimonial from one of those ladies. 👇
Hope you are well. I thought I would email you to give you an update about SP6. This is going to be a long response!
Ok so I did say my period flow and pain would be the thing to make me a firm believer!
So after having key hole surgery almost 3 months ago and being diagnosed with conditions related to my reproductive system, my period pain was worse than ever before. I went from taking 15 mg of codeine every 4-6 hours to 30 mg of codeine every 4-6 hours. I also have such heavy periods that I have to use maternity pads. I also always have leakage over night when I'm sleeping.
This was my normal, hence why I chose to have the surgery to have a clean out sadly, but it didn't work....
I decided to put the SP6 patch on the Spleen 6 location two days ago. I wasn't sure when my period was due but 2 days after using the patch it started!
Normally the first night of having my period, I have terrible sleep because I wake up in pain and usually there is leakage. This morning, I woke up forgetting that I even had my period and my flow was no where near what it has been in the past. Maybe 1/16th of my old flow... if that!
For the first time in YEARS, I am not using maternity pads and instead, I am actually on a regular normal pad.Now guess how many pain killers I took today?? 0 !!!!!!!
This is unbelievable. I can't remember a time where I had little flow, not using maternity pads and no pain killers.
I had very little cramping pain but I decided to use ice wave on spleen 6 and placed ice wave underneath SP6 and GUESS WHAT???
No pain... not even a little bit.... nothing... nada....
My husband is shocked ! Because normally I can't even walk to the medicinal cabinet to get the codeine and he has to get it for me. I normally can barely even make it up off the bed until the codeine kicks in.
I also normally get the odd hormonal pimple during my period and I have nothing! My face is clear.
I still can't believe this!
You just don't understand how unbearable the first day of my period was for me and I finally was able to function today and still go to work etc.
This is amazing !

LifeWave X39 Product Video - English 05/21/2021

LifeWave X39 Product Video - English LifeWave X39 Product Video - English


Glutathione is the holy grail of antioxidants and anti-aging.


In 2005, while deployed to Iraq for the US Army, I was driving my semi-truck through a check point. It was the middle of the summer and I did not have a trailer hooked up. My tire hit the edge of the pavement, which caused my tires to blow on the driver’s side of my truck. I was pulled into the dirt and was heading straight for 12-foot-tall cement barriers. I was able to turn my wheel enough to avoid the barriers, however, once my wheels hit pavement again, I was thrown into 4-foot-tall cement barriers. My truck was lifted sideways then slammed back down into the upright position. I was 21 at the time. I was only given muscles relaxers and pain killer for pain at the time.
No serious injuries were detected.
In 2006, I had my first incident of severe pain and problems with my lower back. My back completely locked up on me and I was in sever pain. This was the first time I had a injections for pain. This started my long affair with medications.
Whilst in the Army, I was given many different kinds of muscle relaxers. None of them ever helped. My back continued to freeze up over the years and I was forced to visit the ER a few times a year for more injections.
I eventually went to file a claim with the VA and they did not do an MRI to see the damage to my back. They said all I has was arthritis. At the time I was seeing a chiropractor and he pointed out the damage to my back based off of x-rays.
In 2018, I started seeing a new doctor due to the Army moving my husband to another state. He had me take an MRI to see what was really going on with my back and found some significant damage from over the years. He started giving me different injections into my sacral joints and realigning my hips and lower back. Those appointments would cause me to have to stay in bed recovering for a full day after. But it worked for a few months. He also started me on a electronic device. This device was a continuous electro-stimulator for the Vegas nerve.
Needless to say, I could not afford that. So, I dealt with the pain. On a good day, my pain was at about 7-8. On a bad day, I couldn’t even walk and my pain was well over a 10.
3 months ago, my Mom told me about the X39 patch.
I really didn’t think it would work for me and I didn’t take it seriously. However, when she sent me 3 patches to try, I did. I put one on my lower back where all my pain is located. I was watching TV and about 2 hours later I got up to go to bed. I picked up two large dog beds at the same time to go to my room. As I was placing them onto the floor, I realized I had JUST carried those beds to my room with NO pain!!!!!
I couldn’t believe it!!!!
I started wearing the patches daily. I found that not only was my pain decreased by an incredible amount, I was sleeping better and I had more energy. I suffer from severe depression and insomnia...
Wearing the X39 patch has really chased it away and allowed me to sleep a full night through!
About 2 months in I decided to try a day of not wearing the patch. We tend to forget the pain we had if we are not in it for some time. Well… I won’t be doing that again for a while. That day was the WORST! So much pain that I felt my body trying to curl into itself. I am SO happy with the X39 patch! For me, it has been a life changing thing that has saved me. I feel more alive and more like my true age 36 rather than 86.
I’m so very thankful that my Mom and her friend took there chances on this patch, if not for them, I would never have known about this and I would still be struggling daily living in severe pain.
- Thank you Kate Reyna for sharing this story, and for your contribution to the Army Services.
LifeWave by now has donated many millions of dollars worth of product and services to the Military Order of the Purple Heart. This ongoing relationship started all the way back in 2013.
This long term donation program to the Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH) in an effort to reach Veterans who have been wounded in combat, but can’t afford to provide themselves with pain management.
These individuals live with pain from injuries sustained in battle, and in many cases expensive pharmaceutical drugs do not provide sufficient pain relief. LifeWave’s extraordinary donation, with a retail value in excess of $2.1 million, will include health technologies designed to deliver these Veterans fast, natural, and drug-free pain relief. In addition, LifeWave staff, medical doctors and support personnel will be made available to the MOPH for the purpose of providing expertise on product usage as well as other services.
In 2019 Lifewave CEO David Schmidt received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH) for his work to improve the quality of life for members of the armed forces who have received the Purple Heart Medal. This medal is awarded to those wounded in combat for their heroic efforts while serving our country.


Testimony: Lily, my 7 year old Greater Swiss Mountain Shepherd (about 50 pounds) started limping (back right leg) in September 2020. The vet told me she had a torn ligament and all we could do is manage the pain and a brace might make her more comfortable. I put the brace on her diligently but she continued to limp. Some days were worse than others. Surgery was an option but it would require 6-8 weeks non-activity which really didn't sound like a good option for anyone involved. We just limped along literally until April when I responded to a FB message from my long-time friend, Joan Kearns. She told me about the stem cell patches and having seen her before and after pictures of herself I was pretty much already sold on them. Then, when she told me they can be used on pets as well I knew we were going to give them a try. When I changed my own patch each day I would use a bandaid to place the old patch around Lily's collar. I remember thinking this might take a while and I was committed to giving it six months. In 3 days, I could hardly believe my eyes! Lily wasn't limping. I could tell she was still going easy on that leg but the improvement was remarkable! She continued to improve every day and I could also see she had more energy. As of this writing she's had a patch on her collar every day for 2 weeks and she is truly back to normal for which we are so thankful. - Barbara Bryant

Endogenous Deficiency of Glutathione as the Most Likely Cause of Serious Manifestations and Death in COVID-19 Patients 05/08/2021

Glutathione is the most effective and powerful antioxidant of anti-aging. Glutathione is capable of preventing damage to important cellular components caused by reactive oxygen species such as free radicals, peroxides, lipid peroxides, and heavy metals.

So glad we have these patches for great health.

Endogenous Deficiency of Glutathione as the Most Likely Cause of Serious Manifestations and Death in COVID-19 Patients Higher rates of serious illness and death from coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection among older people and those who have comorbidities suggest that age- and disease-related biological processes make such individuals more sensitive to environmental ...

How do the patches work 05/08/2021

How the stem cell activation patches work to restore and regenerate your body.

How do the patches work When your own stem cells are activated they can become any type of cell that your body needs. They then begin to repair, regenerate and restore your body. ...


Carnosine Patches - Many athletes and fitness enthusiasts use to push themselves further, but it can help anyone experience peek performance in their daily routine. This patch Is believed to improve strength, flexibility and endurance, which together form the foundation of a robust and active lifestyle.
Improves strength and flexibility - Improves overall health
Improves bioelectrical properties of organs
Patented, proprietary form of phototherapy
No drugs, chemicals or stimulants, no pills, no supplements.

Lifewave X39 Stem Cell Activation Patch Dr Rhonda Donahue Interview 05/07/2021

Rebuild - Restore - Rejuvenate - Repair - Regenerate!
Questions: Ask me now: 940 -- 762 -- 9667
Joan Kearns, Your Independent Representative/Distributor

Lifewave X39 Stem Cell Activation Patch Dr Rhonda Donahue Interview 🧬👩🏼‍⚕️My name is Dr. Rhonda Donahue and I will be introducing you to the Lifewave X39 Stem Cell Activation Patch, explain how it works, and it’s benefits!...


Detox with stem cell technology


Meet our Scientist and Founder: David Schmidt

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