
Physical Therapy. Performance. Wellness. Empowering Kansas City to move more with less pain.


Another happy patient from SparkPhysio.

📧 [email protected]


Have you heard of RICE for injury? Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation...... how about giving your injury some PEACE and LOVE!

You have probably heard of using the RICE technique after injury. Research is showing that may not be the best thing we can do.

The biggest differences here are changing Rest to Protection. Rest on its own is known to be one of the worst things you can do. IF your version of rest it to lay down own the couch and wait to get better. Instead we want to ✨PROTECT the injury site. Don't push through pain, but we do want you to be as active as you can manage to be. See also....✨LOAD - let pain be your guide, but return to your normal activities. and ✨ EXERCISE - restore mobility, strength, and proprioception by adapting activities as needed.

✨AVOID ANTI-INFLAMMATORIES (both medications and ice) as they have been shown to delay healing. Inflammation is the way your body heals itself and is not to be feared or avoided.

✨OPTIMISM: Your body is great at healing itself, have confidence it will do that and you will be able to get back to crushing your goals soon.

✨VASCULARIZATION: Choose pain free cardio to help increase blood flow to the area.

Call SparkPhysio, to help you get a jump on recovery from injury. No doctor's referral is needed to get started in most places (including Missouri and Kansas).

📧 [email protected]
📱 816-200-269


Did you know? It is easier than ever to get started with physical therapy!

No referral or prescription needed from your doctor to get started.

You can go wherever you want for therapy! Find the place that works best for you.

SparkPhysio often has same day or next day appointments. We try our hardest to get you seen in 24 hrs.

📧 [email protected]


YES!! You've made a great decision to decide to move more or get started with an exercise program! Way to go!!

Now what?

1️⃣ If you have any medical issues, or haven't had a physical in a long time, it's always a good idea to see your doctor to get the OK to crush those goals.

2️⃣ Make some goals. Write them down and keep them somewhere where you can be reminded about them on a regular basis. (Bonus: write down your "why" as you can be reminded about, too, so even on your hardest days you can remember why you're making this change.)

3️⃣ Just do it! Start with something you know you like and have easy access to. Whatever inspires you to move is the best thing you can do for your body. Join a gym or youtube videos in your living room, going for a walk or hiking through those Missouri hills, doesn't matter, just get going!

And of course, if you don't know where to start, WE'VE GOT YOU! Physical therapy is a great place to start if you can't move the way you want, or just don't know what to start with. SparkPhysio would love to help you and .

📧 [email protected]


Even more reasons to move your body today! Keep your immune system strong to help you fight illness by boosting your white blood cells and cytokines that help to identify the bacteria or virus so your body can fight it faster.

Particularly as we age we have increased risk of falling and fractures. Continuing to exercise as we age helps to decrease those risks and keep you healthy for the long run.

If your balance is worse than you feel like it should be, you have difficulty getting up from the floor or you're worried about falling, physical therapy is a great place to start!

📧 [email protected]


Even more reasons to get your body moving, today! Here's a bunch of reasons why exercise protects our brain. In fact, the only thing we are sure about that helps protect our brain from Alzheimer's is exercise! Exercise helps the body and the brain!

If you aren't sure how to get started, or just can't move the way you'd like to move, physical therapy can be a great first step towards your exercise goals.

📧 [email protected]

📧 [email protected]


Here's 3 more reasons to move your body, today! The list of diseases that we can decrease the risk factors for is so very long I couldn't have possibly included them all in this post. But here's a few more: dementia and Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Cancer (breast, colon, and prostate), insomnia, sleep apnea, stress, depression, chronic pain, COPD, asthma, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, peripheral artery disease, peripheral neuropathy, and cognitive decline (more on that later).

If you aren't able to move your body like you want to, or just don't know where to start, PHYSICAL THERAPY can be a great place to start. Call today to talk to Dr. Noelle Teemant and , , and .


What is SparkPhysio? Here's just a snippet of what we do!!

We often have same day and next day appointments. We try our hardest to get you started in 24 hrs!

📧 [email protected]


I can think of way more than 3 reasons you should move your body today, but here's 3 great ones. Yes of course, there is the things everyone talks about: weight loss or gain, muscle strength improvement, cardiovascular improvement, but there's so much more!

Stay tuned to see even more reasons over the next few days.

AND if you're having trouble moving the way you want to, physical therapy can be the best FIRST STEP to , , and .

📧 [email protected]

Photos from SparkPhysio's post 05/30/2024

Finding the RIGHT physical therapist for you is a big part of your success in getting over your injury and back to living life how you want. You'll find all these and more at SparkPhysio with me, Dr. Noelle Teemant.

📧 [email protected]


Now's the time to take care of those nagging aches and pains. Come to SparkPhysio today and get rid of them for good!

[email protected]


"There's no ceiling...just a continuation of improvement." - Chris Weidman

Do you think I'll ever (insert favorite activity here) again?

This is one question I hear all the time in my clients who have had injuries. And with rare exception, my answer is almost always, YES!!

My goal is to help you life your life the very best way you can. So if you want to run, or lift, or bike, or garden, or ride your motorcycle, or WHATEVER....I want to help figure out how to get you there.

There's no maximum on what you can achieve. We can help you crush goals, one step at a time.

((Of course there are some times when it isn't possible. And in that case, it is my mission to help you figure out what IS possible. Every person is different and what you can achieve in your body is different.))


"If we wait until we're ready, we'll be waiting for the rest of our lives." - Lemony Snicket

I can always think of at least a couple reasons not to take the dog for a walk....not to go swimming with the kids....not to go to the group exercise class that I know is gonna kick my butt....not to get a good night's sleep....not to make healthy eating choices (most of the time)....not to go to the doctor to ask about that minor health concern.

Later always seems like the better time to take care of those things. And if we keep waiting for later, for when we're ready, and have all our ducks in a row, and the world is tilted just right to start that new habit..... we'll never get started.

So what are you waiting for? What do you need to be "ready"? And how can I help you get there so we can get started making positive changes to your health today?

Let's do this!!

📧[email protected]


"You are never too old to set new goals or to dream a new dream." - C.S. Lewis

Have you ever heard the story of Julia "Hurricane" Hawkins? She has several records for running the 100m dash....a sport she picked up at the age of 100!! She is the oldest person to participate in the USA Track and Field Outdoors Masters Championships. She set another world record when she ran the 100m dash at the age of 105!

This week I saw a patient who wants to start his own garden for the first time in his 50s and was concerned about lifting those big bags of soil.

I also saw a gal in her 30s who hasn't exercised since PE was mandatory in high school, but her goal is to feel confident in her body enough to start at a gym.

No matter what your goal, no matter what your dreams, today is the day to start working toward it.

Starting my own PT practice was a dream that I fulfilled when I opened SparkPhysio. What's your dream?


"Sufficient sleep, exercise, healthy food, friendship, and peace of mind are necessities, not luxuries." - Mark Halperin

Each one of these facets are necessary for good health.

If you've ever had an injury or issue that seemed to take longer to heal than you expected, consider these other parts of your life that can have affects on your overall health as well: sleep, exercise (too much or too little can affect healing), healthy food, relationships, and peace of mind are all important pieces to look at.

As a physical therapist we most often focus on the exercise portion of this equation. Prescribing corrective exercises, encouraging you to move/exercise, and help with development of programs to recover from injury and so much more. But it certainly isn't the only thing to consider.

Don't worry if you don't have all of these. Does anyone, really?

That's why we use a "whole human" approach at SparkPhysio. We want to make sure you're making improvements in as many of these pieces as possible so you have the very best health outcomes.

Photos from SparkPhysio's post 03/12/2024

Why see a PT when you're not even injured?

If you're active, and not in pain, you might have asked yourself this. Here's 5 reasons a physical therapist (like SparkPhysio ) can help you, even if you aren't injured.

When your car's "check engine" light comes on, what do you do? Wait til your car stops working one day before you get it checked out? No! You take it a have a diagnostic run to see what's wrong and how you can fix it.

Don't treat your body any worse than you would your car.

See more info when you go to on how a physical therapist can help you even when you're not injured.


"Our way is not soft grass; its a mountain path with lots of rocks. But it goes upwards, forward, toward the sun." - Ruth Westheimer

No one says a journey to improving your health and wellness is going to be easy. In fact, most people would agree its definitely NOT the easy choice. It will be a rocky road full of bumps along the way. But every step you make towards improving your strength, endurance, and just moving your body more will help you up that mountain and toward the sun.

If you ever need help along the way, SparkPhysio is here for you. One of our many offerings is in-person and virtual coaching. Call today to get more info!

📧 [email protected]

Photos from SparkPhysio's post 03/03/2024

We got out to Mark L. McHenry Park today to enjoy this beautiful weather!

I love getting in my exercise outdoors! Soak up that Vitamin D, get the blood pumping, and even broke a sweat on this warm March Day!

I can't wait til it greens up as we get into Spring.

Did you get outside today?

ps. Does anyone know what that tree with the giant spines is? (3rd picture)


Another 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 review for SparkPhysio!
I'm so glad K is feeling better and back to living life to the fullest!

Check the link in bio if you want to be a part of SparkPhysio, too!


"If something is important enough, even if the odds are against you, you should still do it." -Elon Musk

And what's more important than your health?

Not a whole lot!

The Department of Health and Human Services, American Hearth Association, and National Institute of Health all recommend 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week (30 minutes x 5 days/week) and at least 2 days a week of strengthening.

This decreases the likelihood of all types of systemic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis. But also helps ensure you are able to live a life where you can move and be active the way you want to be!

Making sure that you put forward the time and effort to improve your health will always be worth it.

📧[email protected]


"Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment." - Oprah Winfrey

You get motivation! You get motivation! And you get motivation!

Oprah really hits the nail on the head! Sometimes the big picture is really hard to look at and feel like you're making a difference.

I love big goals! Wanting to squat 300 lbs, being able to average 12k steps every day, prepping for a fishing trip, and running a 1/2 marathon are some of the goals my current patients are working on. And when you feel so far away from these goals, its hard to put your best foot forward.

So lets break things down into small, digestible goals. Like squatting consistently with your body weight, averaging 7k steps a day, or running for 3 miles without stopping. Putting your best effort into meeting these goals, sets you up for success on those bigger goals.

Let me help you crush those big goals, whatever they may be!

📧[email protected]

Photos from SparkPhysio's post 02/14/2024

This week we are focusing on the foot! These are my favorite tips to help keep your feet healthy.

#1 Go Barefoot. Research suggests going barefoot (or wearing slippers, etc. without a hard sole) for 2-3 hrs a day can be just as effective as some exercises for the feet. If you're at 0 hrs currently, work your way up.

#2 Change your shoes. If you're like most people I know, we hold onto our favorite workout shoes til they are falling apart. A study found that changing to NEW shoes was the biggest predictor of preventing new lower body injuries (regardless of if they were fit to the person based on arch height). AND make sure you're using the right type of shoes. If you're running in something made for walking or cross-training, you might find a change is all you need.

#3 Use a mobility tool. My favorites are a lacrosse ball, or a frozen water bottle. These are great tools at the end of the day to help with fatigue and even pain.

#4. Improve your balance. Since the foot is our first contact with the ground, it does A LOT of work when we work on our balance. If balance work isn't already in your routine, ADD IT TODAY! It will help keep your feet healthy (not to mention decrease your risk of falling and other injuries).

#5 Don't ignore the Pain. If your feet are always hurting, NEWS FLASH, they shouldn't. See your friendly neighborhood physical therapist (like ) to have them checked out ASAP!

📧[email protected]


"You are your greatest asset. Put your time, effort, and money into training" - Tom Hopkins.

Everyone's hear of self-care, right? And too often, then gets lumped into things like going grocery shopping without the kids, getting your nails done, or taking a bath. And don't get me wrong, sometimes that's all we can manage for self care. And that's ok, too.

But what about putting that time and effort into exercise? Training your body to be stronger, more balanced, and able to take all the challenges you face in your day without injury. People that exercise are less likely to have chronic pain and arthritis.

So what's stopping you?
Time? You don't have to spend hours at the gym if that's not in the cards. 15 minutes is a whole lot more than 0. The recommendation is to get 150 minutes/ week. And if that feels daunting, just start where you and what you can manage, and work your way up.

Money? walking outside is free, squats in your living room and marching in place is free. Youtube videos of exercises you can do with your own body weight are free. (Check me out at ).

Effort? Show up for yourself every day, for just a little while. You can do it, I know you can! This is sometimes the hardest part. But once you start moving more, that inertia gets behind you and helps propel you forward.

If starting exercising feels too daunting, a physical therapist can be a great place to start. SparkPhysio does both in person and virtual coaching for people at any point in the journey to a healthy lifestyle.

If you're already pretty active and want to hit big goal, we can help you out, too! No goal is too big, only the sky is the limit!

📧[email protected]


Another 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 review for SparkPhysio!

Join the fun and get your spark back just like D! She has made such great progress with all her hard work and is sure to get back to all of her activities , even after such an extensive surgery and rehab.

📧 [email protected]


"Impossible is just an opinion" - Paolo Coelo

And if you'll let me quote my favorite Cinderella movie "Impossible things are happening every day."

What is impossible? Who says its impossible? Is it maybe just a little possible? You'll never know until you try.

Trying every day to be a little bit better, and working towards that "impossible" goal will never let you down. Even if you don't get to that goal, you'll be a whole lot closer than if you just decided you'll never even try.

And what happens if you do get there? What if that impossible thing becomes a possible thing? How cool would that be?

Here's to reaching towards those impossible things and trying to make them more possible.

Photos from Club Pilates's post 01/27/2024

Thanks for having me, Club Pilates ! Our hip mobility workshop was a hit!


"Whatever we believe about ourselves and our ability comes true for us." - Susan L. Taylor.

If you believe that you will succeed you are more likely to succeed. If you believe you can walk more, run more, lift more, do more; you are more likely to succeed.

Conversely, if you believe you are destined for a life of pain, you can't exercise, or there's nothing that can be done for your problem, that is also more likely to be true.

There are always going to be people who don't fit this mold. But for most people, if you want to get better at something, and you work towards it, you will see improvement.

If you've been told "nothing can be done" about that arthritic knee, your "bad" back, or chronic disease.... and you believe that, you won't ever see improvement.
But if you were told this, and decided that something must be done to improve your pain and make your life better, you'll see how much change you can make in just a few short weeks.

I'm not giving out cures, and I'm not saying that I can fix everyone who walks into my door so they are pain free and without limitations. But I do have confidence that if you work with SparkPhysio, you will have a better quality of life, if you believe you can get there, too.

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Videos (show all)

What is SparkPhysio?  Here's just a snippet of what we do!! We often have same day and next day appointments. We try our...
A nice little combo to loosen up your low back and hips. Go slow. About the speed of your breathing, each movement with ...
"You are more capable that you think you are! You are stronger than you think you are! And you are fitter than you think...
Check out this hip mobility drill I shared last week @corestrongkc . Thanks for having me to host a workshop! Looking fo...



5775 NW 64th Terrace, Ste 204
Kansas City, MO

Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 4pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 7am - 4pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 7am - 4pm

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