
Al Sadaqa is a Seattle, WA based non-profit organization working towards providing help to the less Your generous contributions have helped us reach this far.

AlSadaqa organizes and coordinates programs to fulfill the essential needs of all Puget Sound area residents, regardless of race, color or religion. Every year we serve approximately 1,000 individuals including refugees, single mothers and under privileged. Al Sadaqa is a grassroots volunteer driven organization that is 100% community funded. We rely solely on communal support and have been active


Open Position

Director of Social and Humanitarian Services

MAPS is looking for a director of social and humanitarian services for its outbound initiative. The right candidate will plan, organize, develop, and direct the overall operation of the MAP social services pillar, to meet social services need of local community. MAPS outbound has two areas of focus:

• Human services focus – that provides homeless shelter, single women shelter, food, medical clinic , legal clinic ,

• Financial services focus – that provides financial assistance for home eviction, utilities, gas and food cards, etc.

With over 2 difference offices, 3 employees and 4 shelters to manage, MAPS outbound good has seen 200% growth in services year over year for the past several years. MAPS is hiring an outstanding leader to help drive strategic plan and growth for the next several years.

Education, Experience

• Master’s degree in social services from a US university (or relevant field) with 5 years of relevant experience in community based non-profit organization.
• Must have managed at least $500,000 of services budget
• Prior experience in working with state and federal government grants is a definite plus

Job Details:

• Be able to work with board and other program leaders to plan, organize, develop and run social services programs under the vision of MAPS outbound good.
• Work with grant writers to identify and apply funding sources including but not limited to securing public and private grants
• Organize events under the vision of MAPS outbound good.
• Must be able to recruit, select, hire, train, evaluate, counsel, and supervise staff
• Must be able to recruit volunteers and supervise them.
• Must exhibit excellent customer service and a positive attitude towards clients
• Must be able to read, write, speak, and understand the English language and preferable proficiency in Arabic
• Must exhibit cultural sensitivity.
• Must be able to communicate with diverse community members, employees and board and officers of MAPS.
• Excellent communication skills with ability to present to the board at executive level.
• Prior experience in leadership role and demonstrate thought leadership • Must be able to work with and influence city officials for the success of above charter.
• Must be able to manage donor relationships

About MAPS
Muslim Association of Puget Sound, MAPS, is an Islamic organization founded in 2006 with the intent of serving the Muslims of Puget Sound. MAPS strive to build links between Muslim families, businesses and organizations, provides year-round activities and religious services and is committed to helping the needy. MAPS is an equal opportunity employer.

Please send your resume to [email protected]


Alsadaqa processes the applications on a first come first serve basis. This means your application will only be processed when all documents are received by the case manager. We are experiencing an influx of applications and wait time is about 7 business days once everything has been received. Thank you for your patience. To make it easier, you can upload all necessary documents to your application online!


Ramadhan Mubarak…..

With the start of Ramadhan as you think about dispersing Zakat and Sadaqa I just wanted you to think about donating at least part of it to Alsadaqa. Many of you might already be aware of the work Alsadaqa is doing but for those who might not have heard about us, AlSadaqa is a local 501 (c)(3) non-profit with the vision of building self-reliant and progressive community through local giving and support. We organize and coordinate programs to fulfill the essential needs of all, regardless of race, color or religion, for the Puget Sound area residents. Every year we serve approximately 200 families. Over 70% of the families we assist are refugees from various countries like Syria, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan to name a few.

We recently opened an office in Kent to get closer to our applicants. Since opening our new office in Kent, the area where most of our clients reside, our case load has more than doubled. We used to average about 1-4 families a week. We now serve an average of 8-10 families per week. This number is steadily growing day by day.

This year more than ever we need your help to allow us to continue assisting the increase in incoming applications. To provide some perspective, each rental assistance we provide is on average $1,200 and we provide 2-4 on a weekly basis. With the Kent office, our yearly assistance will be over $350K. We keep our administrative costs to a minimal, but we need your help in helping us raise this amount so we can continue helping those in need. Ramadhan is the main time when we get most of our donations, so I request everyone to please consider donating something for this cause.

WHAT WE NEED: What we need is people signing up for recurring donations. $25 per pay period sign up adds up to $1,200 per year with Microsoft matching and if we can get 75-100 people sign up for recurring donations we will be in great shape for the next year.

We also need individual donations to meet the ever growing demand of the community in need (mostly refugee families from Somalia, Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan to name a few) so please consider paying portion of your Zakat to Alsadaqa this Ramadhan.

You can donate via give site or by going to ur donation page.

We also have some exciting news. Alsadaqa and MAPS are pleased to announce that we have merged into one organization. Alsadaqa will now be called MAPS-Alsadaqa. We will still offer the same financial services to the community but will focus on comprehensive case management to help those in the community become self-sufficient. Not only will we be providing more intensive services but we will be able to reach more people that are in need. We look forward to this new endeavor. Since this is in the early stages, we will continue to update everyone as we finalize the merge.

Below are just a handful examples highlighting the people we assist. Names and identifying information have been omitted for privacy purposes.

Client 1: A single mother of 3, one of which has a severe disability that requires numerous surgeries and endless hospital visits, was unable to keep steady employment. Her bills kept piling up and she was unable to pay her rent. Fear of being homeless with her children prompted her to reach out to Alsadaqa.

Our case management team made a house visit to assess her needs. Upon our comprehensive case management plan, we assisted with short-term rental assistance, gift cards for the family’s basic necessities, and even assisted with interpreting services to help her navigate the healthcare system.

Client 2: A single mother of 4 was a semester away from graduating from University. She was unable to work and go to school while raising her children. She needed the university money for her next semester and was on the verge of quitting because she had no way of paying it. She reached out to Alsadaqa for help.

Alsadaqa’s mission is to help end the cycle of poverty. We support our families in gaining the education needed to succeed. We assisted this client with a tuition payment to the school. We are happy to report that she has almost completed her degree.

Client 3: Having to choose between your medication or paying the electricity was a reality for an elderly couple we assisted. There were months where they had to forego medication that was necessary for their health because they needed working heat in their home during the cold Seattle winters. Alsadaqa assisted by paying their rent for a short-time to help ease the burden. The clients are now living in affordable housing and no longer have to choose between their health or a light bill.

Client 4: Moving to a new country is hard enough, but imagine doing so as a refugee. Your home was destroyed and you literally fled with the clothes on your back. You might have been a doctor, lawyer, or teacher in your home country, but all that is erased when you arrive to your new home. You have to start over and are forced to do that while trying to make ends meet. That is the reality for some of our refugee clients. This year we have assisted over 100 refugee families from Iraq, Somalia, and most recently Syria. We’ve provided many different types of assistance such as rental, utility, food, and transportation to these families.


The cold weather has arrived and while it might be a nice change from our warm summer; many are struggling to keep up with high electric bills. Alsadaqa offers emergency financial assistance to those unable to afford to keep their homes heated. If you or someone you know could use help keeping their electricity Alsadaqa today.


So what does AlSadaqa do? We offer emergency financial assistance for people needing temporary help. This week alone we had 16 different families that were seeking help with their rent. And our case load continues to grow. If you're thinking about giving to an organization making a strong positive impact on our community, consider Alsadaqa


Alsadaqa is seeking volunteers to help with a few projects. If you're a graphic design artist, have skills in resume writing, or good with outreach, we need you! Make a difference in the community by dedicating some of your skills and time to an organization assisting those that are in need. College or high school students needing volunteer or service hours are encouraged to also apply. If interested, send an email to [email protected].


Eastside Basket Brigade - 2017

Families on the east side in kirkland, redmond, oe woodinville this organization is offering a free thanksgiving dinner. Must be able to pick up by November 18 at Juanita high school. Details on the form. This is open to only those in the area mentioned above. Providing a FREE box of Thanksgiving Food to families in-need on the Eastside (Kirkland, Redmond and Woodinville areas) Each box contains one frozen turkey and Thanksgiving food and will be available for pick-up on November 18, 2017. Once all 200 boxes are accounted for we will close this sign-up. N...


Last week alone Alsadaqa assisted 10 families with rental assistance, most being on the verge of eviction. That's 10 families that are not homeless. Without the support from our generous donors none of this would be possible. Thank you to all of our amazing supporters!


Smiling is a charity


Help without expecting anything back ❤️


Helping someone in need of help is a blessing ❗️


AlSadaqa requires documents in order to thoroughly process each and every application we receive. We ask for documents not only to verify basic information about each applicant but also because our generous donors have entrusted us to make sure funding goes to people that are truly in need in our community. We only require basic documents that everyone typically has around.

We ask for the following basic information from all individuals applying:

- lease (verifies applicants address)
- utility bills (also verifies applicant is currently living at address)
- dshs benefits letter (shows income received)
- 3 most recent pay stubs (shows income received if working)
- school schedule (for applicants not working but are in school)
- copy of id for everyone over 18 in the household (this is requested to verify identification of our applicants)

- other documents may be required depending on case



Final reach out in Ramadan requesting everyone to consider donating to Alsadaqa. We are also collecting Zakat-ul-fitr ($10 per person) and will be dispersing them by Thursday. Go to to donate.

WHAT WE NEED: What we need is people signing up for recurring donations. $50 per month adds up to $1,200 per year with company matching (if applicable). If we can get 75-100 people sign up for recurring donations we will be in great shape for the next year. You can sign up for monthly donation via our website:

One example of the kind of work we do:

Client 5: Many people are unware of how homeless shelters for single males and females work in the Seattle area. Most shelters that accept men only allow for sleeping and require the residents to leave during the day. That was the case of one of our clients. He was going from shelter to shelter and during the day would sit at a library or a coffee shop waiting until he’s able to return for the night. He had no money and was unable to purchase food to eat. He became ill from the rainy weather and could not handle being without a home. We asked that he find a place and agreed to help with his move in costs as well as a couple of months in rent until he got on his feet. Within a very short time he was moved into his own place, started a job, and was even able to get a car of his own. AlSadaqa is a local 501 (c)(3) non-profit with the vision of building self-reliant and progressive community through local giving and support. We organize and coordinate programs to fulfill the essential needs of all, regardless of race, color or religion, for the Puget Sound area residents. Every y...


Timeline Photos


We would like to wish everyone Ramadan Kareem! If you are thinking about where to send your zakat and sadaqa money, please keep us in mind. We organize and coordinate programs to fulfill the essential needs of all, regardless of race, color or religion, for the Puget Sound area residents. Every year we serve approximately 200 families. Over 70% of the families we assist are refugees from various countries like Syria, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan to name a few. Our cases have more than doubled since opening up our office in Kent. With your help we can continue to assist those in need and work towards ending the cycle of poverty! Your donations matter!


This year alone we have assisted over 100 refugee families from Iraq, Somalia, and most recently Syria. We’ve provided many different types of assistance such as rental, utility, food, and transportation to these families. We could not provide this without your generous contributions. Not only do we provide financial assistance, we also offer comprehensive case management. It takes a village! Please visit


We would like to thank CAIR-Washington State for this amazing award recognizing our work in the community! We are so humbly honored!


Client story of the week: A refugee family contacted us because their water was shut-off due to inability to pay. They had been in contact with the water company. The water company insisted they owed a large balance and were unwilling at the time to make any sort of arrangements. Our staff reached out to water company and not only got their water turned on but a payment plan established!


Alsadaqa does not only provide assistance for housing, bills, and other emergency needs. We have also started a diaper drive. We pick families each month and send diapers to them directly. Diapers can get very pricey for families so this is a great way to support them! If you'd like to donate, please reach out to us!


King county housing authority is opening up their section 8 list. See website and flyer for details


AlSadaqa now has an office in Kent! We will be open beginning this coming Monday. Visit us at 10610 SE Kent Kangley Rd, #203, Kent, WA. Our office hours are Mondays and Wednesdays 9 am to 1 pm.


AlSadaqa will be opening up our new office in Kent very soon! Stay tuned for updates! We look forward to serving everyone soon!


We provide assistance to families in the community to help with rent, utilities, food, and transportation. We also have a monthly diaper drive.We send our clients with young children in diapers a large package of diapers each month. The cost of diapers is very high and with families not making much, it becomes a burden. Our goal is to help provide relief to families that need it. If you know of anyone that can benefit for this program or might have other needs, please check out our website:


We are currently working with refugee organizations to help our refugee population with financial assistance. Providing financial assistance for rent, utilities, and other needs is one of the many ways we can help them establish a new life here.


AlSadaqa | A Muslim-led community based nonprofit serving all of Puget Sound

Exciting news! AlSadaqa has been working on updating our website and application. It is now up and running. Check out our new optimized website. If you're in need of assistance, try out our new online application.


Jummah Mubarak! May Allah swt shower His blessings upon all of you!


Success story of the week: An elderly client applied to AlSadaqa because they were on the verge of being evicted. The client had to make tough decisions on what bills to pay every month and would sometimes forego important medication or electricity so that the rent would be paid. After doing a home visit and meeting the client in person, Alsadaqa began assisting with the client's rent. We assisted for a couple of months to relieve the burden on the client. They no longer had to choose to pay their rent over medication,

Your donations go directly to help people in the community with very urgent needs. Thank you to those donors that continue to help make a difference!


Jummah Mubarak! If you or someone you know needs help with rent, utilities, or food; please complete an application on our website


Client story: A client was homeless in the Seattle area. Shelters for single people without children require you to leave during the day and come back in the evening to sleep. Client had no transportation, no job, and no income. Client would often times be out in the cold with nowhere to go. Being out in the cold and rain for hours at a time took a toll on this client’s health. The client came to Alsadaqa for help. After reviewing this client’s needs we decided to help with a more permanent housing solution. Part of our case management focuses on giving our clients power to advocate for themselves. We asked the client to find their own housing and we’d pay the move in expenses. The client was empowered after finding their own housing. After moving in, the client found steady employment and is now self-sufficient.

Your donations go directly to help clients like the above story.


Resources for Immigrants and Refugees - IandRaffairs |

Refugee/immigrant resources in King county A list of nonprofit and government resources for immigrants and refugees in Seattle/King County.


Alsadaqa is working closely with the refugee population in the Seattle area, assisting with rent, utilities, and other needs. If you are a refugee or know of someone that is, please contact us for assistance.



Alsadaqa is hiring!

Case Associate Position:
Alsadaqa a 501(c3) organization based in Bellevue is searching for a part-time case associate. The position has varied hours each week averaging about 10 hours depending on case load. The Case Associate will report directly to the Director of Social Services. The position will begin remotely with the possibility of in office hours in the Kent area. Applicants must be able to work in Kent if needed once office is functioning. Willing to train the right candidate. Hourly pay and mileage reimbursement. Applicants should submit resume and cover letter to [email protected]. Please put Case Associate position on subject line of email.

- Complete intake over the phone for new applicants
- Weekly reporting of clients to Director
- Detailed notes on each applicants
- In person meetings with Alsadaqa Board/Director
- Meet with clients in person if needed
- Work in the Kent office once established

Ideal Candidate:
- Speak Arabic or Somali
- Have experience working in Social Services as a case manager preferred
- Have at least an Associate’s degree
- Knowledge of computers including but not limited to Microsoft Office suite, email, fax, etc
- Able to communicate effectively over the phone and in person
- Reliable Transportation-Preference to those that live near or in Kent
- Be detailed and concise when taking notes
- Quiet area to work from home
- Flexibility with hours


Alsadaqa is hiring!

Case Associate Position:
Alsadaqa a 501(c3) organization based in Bellevue is searching for a part-time case associate. The position has varied hours each week averaging about 10 hours depending on case load. The Case Associate will report directly to the Director of Social Services. The position will begin remotely with the possibility of in office hours in the Kent area. Applicants must be able to work in Kent if needed once office is functioning. Willing to train the right candidate. Hourly pay and mileage reimbursement. Applicants should submit resume and cover letter to [email protected]. Please put Case Associate position on subject line of email.

- Complete intake over the phone for new applicants
- Weekly reporting of clients to Director
- Detailed notes on each applicants
- In person meetings with Alsadaqa Board/Director
- Meet with clients in person if needed
- Work in the Kent office once established

Ideal Candidate:
- Speak Arabic or Somali
- Have experience working in Social Services as a case manager preferred
- Have at least an Associate’s degree
- Knowledge of computers including but not limited to Microsoft Office suite, email, fax, etc
- Able to communicate effectively over the phone and in person
- Reliable Transportation-Preference to those that live near or in Kent
- Be detailed and concise when taking notes
- Quiet area to work from home
- Flexibility with hours


Donate to AlSadaqa with PayPal Giving Fund

"And whatever ye spend in charity or devotion, be sure Allah knows it all"

Did you know that you can donate 101% to AlSadaqa using PayPal Giving Fund in the next two days? Please take this opportunity to make a tax deductible donation to AlSadaqa.


Give | AlSadaqa

AlSadaqa will be distributing Zakat-ul-fitr to over 100 needy families in Puget Sound area in the next 2-3 days. We want to make sure it reaches them in a timely manner. If you are interested in giving your Zakat-ul-Fitr to these families please donate ASAP via our website or you can give me in person (either at work or at MAPS at Isha/Taraweah time). Choose which type of donation you would like to make by credit card, debit card or eCheck (processed through PayPal---you don't need a PayPal account): Note: 2.2% + $0.30 fee on donated amount is incurred if donated through PayPal.

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10610 SE Kent Kangley Road Ste. 203
Kent, WA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 1pm
Wednesday 9am - 1pm

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