Katie Helms Consulting

Support for Service-Providers in Transition. Solidify offers, clarify assets, and build momentum without misery!

Katie Helms offers range from 1:1 mindset coaching, change navigation, & program management training, to asset audits, small group coaching & curriculum design. Book a Free Consult: https://KatieHelmsConsulting.as.me/Free-Consult

Summer Hoot 2024 - The Ashokan Center 08/20/2024

I will be doing my backstage hospitality thing at the Summer HOOT this weekend!

Come see 3 days of live , , & amazing at the beautiful ! No one is turned away for lack of funds!

Tickets and lodging are available online or pay at the door!

Check out all this and more at www.hoot.love


Summer Hoot 2024 - The Ashokan Center Hudson Valley Music Festival in New York State Summer Music Festival near Woodstock, NY, Music Art and Nature Festival Community Gathering near Kingston NY


I'm delighted to announce that I'm offering a challenge this late summer/fall. It's called Grass-Fed & Grounded: Real Messaging for Real People. I'd love for you to be there!

This seven-day journey is perfect for those who aren't fans of traditional marketing tactics but want to build trust, loyalty, and revenue.
📅 Dates: Aug 7-14 or Sept 4-11
⏰ Time: 11 AM - 12 PM Eastern Time
💲 Cost: $234

We'll meet for one hour each day for seven days to refine your messaging, uncover your unique value proposition, and develop a customized 30-day content strategy. You'll leave with a living inspiration document to keep your stories organized, a solid brand story (or at least a strong beginning), and brand pillars you understand how to leverage to increase revenue and decrease busywork.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your brand. Sign up now to grab your early bird pricing!

$234 early bird before July 19, then $284

Aug https://KatieHelmsConsulting.as.me/AugustChallenge
Sept https://KatieHelmsConsulting.as.me/SeptemberChallenge


What is your morning routine?

I walk in the woods most mornings lately.

Chipmunks and squirrels, robins and blue jays kept me company this morning.

They’re great thought partners for the meandering type of thinking and wondering.

What are your morning routines?


Who do you go to when you need an “is this a good idea” check in?

We can get into a pinch when we ask for advice and input from people who don’t understand our industry.

Once, a client who had been undercharging for years spoke to her therapist about her new prices that we set up. She was told by her therapist to be more realistic and to set her expectations lower.

Now, first of all, this therapist may have been aiming at protecting our shared client from disappointment and rejection. However, she didn’t know anything about pricing digital offers and she was just flat out wrong.

The client felt insecure then, who to trust? Who has the accurate info? the therapist or the business coach? What to avoid more, poverty or mental unrest? Who to gamble on?

Thing is, if the client had spoken to a few other business peers, she’d have seen that her pricing was solid and she didn’t need to worry about inflated expectations and disappointment. Instead she froze and didn’t sell the thing at either price for months.

Pay attention to whose advice you heed. Not everyone knows about packing and pricing. And even fewer people have their money blocks cleared enough to hear about your money and avoid projecting their own fears and stories onto you.

Increasing your prices can feel scary and bring up all sorts of troubling upsets, but it’s probably time to do it!

If you need someone to bounce ideas off of, send me a dm and we will chat about it.


What are you growing lately?

Everywhere I look there are new flowers blooming.
And business owner friends are doing fresh things for spring.

Do you have something new sprouting too?
Send me a DM to tell me about it!


It only takes one great referral source to fill your course/program/workshop.

You don’t even want a ton of clients, you want the number of clients you have the capacity to be of service to now. If you have the intention to scale and grow your business then you’ll need to look for ways to simplify and expand.

Even then, a handful of perfect fit clients at the right price point will have you humming right along toward the success you desire.


Have you ever lived alone?
Not in a dorm room single, but actually a home you keep on your own.
How old were you the first time you lived alone? (I was 40)
Did you gain insight about yourself in that time? (I did, more than could fit in a single post, but don’t worry, I’ll be writing more about it soon).

Here a pic of my first home I ever had that was just mine. It felt hard but good and I grew a lot as a human being in that year or so in High Falls, NY.

I had a lot of support that led me to that tiny basement studio apartment. I got a lot of practice asking for help. I got a lot of time to sort my thoughts and things.

And all of that shaped what I eventually did with my business. Which is why I offer the kind of support I offer for business owners. Small hot seat style groups and 1:1 deep dives that will help simplify and scale. I’m not everyone’s cuppa tea, but if you suspect I might be yours, send me a dm or leave me a 🫖 below.


Sometimes you’re just not someone’s person.

Other times you know within a few minutes of conversation that you want several more hours to get to know this new to you human.

Still others you’ll meet will feel like biscuit to your gravy, you’ll instantly see how to form partnerships and collaborations and pieces will click into place with ease. I call that a form of flowstate.

It’s delicious to be able to trust that I can find like-hearted creatives no matter where I go.

And it’s helpful to practice not taking it personally or making it mean something about the value of my existence or character when someone chooses not to work with me.

I love you like biscuits love gravy and I want you to have ease and flow. Send me a dm and tell me what’s working for you!


When I left corporate employment and started my own business, I made so many costly mistakes! It was lonely, overwhelming and disheartening to fumble along and attempt to do all the tasks.

I dropped balls, left money on the table, and didn’t create systems that worked for me because I was distracted by the hustle. Everything felt like a slog, everyone had opinions about what the right next step was. My business needed a big hug and a some comfort food and instead I gave it the cold shoulder and stale bread.

Now I work with CEOs suffering with overwhelm and isolation to refine and polish their leadership skills so they can lead from the heart and make the impact they want to make.

🪷What would you be capable of if you weren’t feeling so scattered?

🪷What would happen in your business if you were able to delegate effectively?

🪷What might be possible if you could find a team member and retain them long-term?

Send me a DM if you’d like to talk about how I can help you get aligned with your biggest goals AND get stuff off of your plate…

🔥so that you can create lasting outcomes for your clients. (Results = referrals)

🔥so that you know what to hire for, your team members are empowered and they know their value. (Happy people are productive people)

🔥so that you can increase your time freedom and your income. (More money and more time to make things happen)

🔥so that you can find momentum without misery! (Suffering is not required for success!)

You don’t have to suffer to get the outcomes you want. And you certainly don’t have to do everything all on your own!

Trust and believe, you and your business are worthy of support! If you’re ready to step it up for Q2, reach out!


The loving act of self-permission: I allow myself to be nourished and replenished by my business, by the people around me, by nature.

Granting myself the ultimate gift: permission to receive. 🌱💼

What might happen when I open my heart to the possibility of being nourished by my business, the people around me, AND the wonders of nature? 🌺✨

When I allow myself to receive the abundance that is available all around me, great things can happen. 🍃💖


One avenue of loving actions to support self and business is what I call: notice and nourish.

I notice what feeds me and the health of my business. I commit to providing BOTH what they need to thrive.

Mindful observation leads to intentional nourishment. 🌱💼

Take a moment to simply notice. What energizes you and your business? 💖🍜

Once you have a sense of it, then wholeheartedly provide what they need to thrive and flourish (rather than just survive). 🌿📈
And notice what happens!!


How can I be loving? How can I be more kind?

I allow myself to be seen and heard as a loving action toward self and others.

Visibility is a loving action! 💓💬💓

Embrace being seen and heard, because it not only empowers you but also those around you. 🌟🗣️

Can you be visible as an invitation to others to speak up and out with love and authenticity? 🌈🎤


What’s sprouting for you lately?


You can't push the river!

Have you ever experienced those elusive days when everything seems to work in your favor? The green lights 🚦, the smooth key turns 🔑, the kids listen 👩‍👦, and the creativity flows like a river 🎨. Yet, there are also those days when you find yourself caught in a rut, despite having the same training, degrees, and breakfast. You feel like you're pushing against a current that refuses to budge. What if we told you that trying harder isn't always the solution?

Enter "You Can't Push the River," a transformative technique that empowers us to connect with life's flow and move with it, like the perfect dance partner.

Join us for an enriching two-hour session that promises to ignite your spirit, nurture your soul, and connect you with your creative potential. This class is open for anyone who has not taken any Whole Heart Connection classes.

Visit the link below for more information and registration.



I had a teacher once who would ask: "Who here gets enough acknowledgement?" in a room of several hundred people, almost no one would raise their hand. So, I make a point to give it, ask for it and receive it fully whenever I can.

I acknowledge myself **OUT LOUD** for the growth and success that has brought me to this moment. Even if (especially if) it feels weird! 🗣️🌟
I embrace my weirdness and talk about it publicly so that other weirdos can find me! 📣💪

I brag about the braggables instead of hiding them or letting myself forget! 🎙️🌈


As a revolutionary loving act toward myself, I speak truth.

I tell myself true things about my skills, value and impact.

The narrative I tell myself shapes the reality I create. 🌟💬

Decades in and I'm still discovering new ways to speak to myself that create opening and breath rather than shutdown and tension. 🌱🔍

Photos from Katie Helms Consulting's post 03/02/2024

Introduction time!

I’m Katie 🫶

I help service-providers in transition GET CLEAR, GET OUT of their own way, and GET INTO motion. Momentum without misery is possible.

Let’s chat about what you’d like to transform about your business.

Leave me a 🦋 below if you’d like the link to book a free consultation.


Have y’all tried the “Transform into a Doc” function inside Canva? 😂🫣
(my intro post turned poem in comments 👇)


Can my breath be an act of love? Can my breath support my entrepreneurship?


With a deep breath, I inhale love alllllll the way down to the tips of my toes and then joyfully exhale doubt.

Breathe in love, breathe out doubt. With each deep breath, you’re breathing in the sky. 🌬️💖

Every single breath is an opportunity to free yourself! 🌈💨

Pay attention to what happens when you approach your tasks with breath and keep me posted! I want to hear what you notice!

Photos from Katie Helms Consulting's post 02/28/2024

Swipe to read more about Core Values in a Business Pivot 🌟 Identifying core values creates a guiding force in your business! 🏛️✨ Identify the roots and essence of your why, define what matters, delineate your beliefs and principles, find real-world examples in action that inspire you. Let ideas flow, prioritize what matters most in your pivot, and learn to infuse values into your evolving business culture. Integrate Core Values into the fabric of your business as you restructure offers, model or industry. 🌍🌱


I honor myself and my capacity by turning down requests and opportunities that are not aligned with my big goals and values.
Politely declining requests and opportunities that don't align with my big goals and values is a self-honoring act. 🚫💖


Let’s talk about hope for a minute…
This photo was taken at a time when I was struggling SO much. My alcoholic spouse was not in a good place, my work commute was three hours round trip, I was grossly underpaid and under resourced, and I was overcommitted while also studying for a second masters degree.

Looking toward the future felt so hard. I didn’t know which version of my partner I was coming home to on any given day, I didn’t have the capacity to care for our household, myself, and hold a job, how could I spare time to picture the future??!!

What’s true is that the future I have now was unfathomable from where I was then. Even at my wildest guess I would not have foreseen what is now my current reality.

The point of having a big vision to work toward ISN’T to execute the plan perfectly, though. The point is to be aiming for something large so that even if you don’t quite reach it, or it turns out differently than you thought, you’re still further along than you would have been without it.

What I was aiming to do in thirty years’ time, I did in five years!

Holding my big vision in mind and heart helps me to fail faster and with more confidence. I trust the process of my evolution and welcome the changes and growth that are beyond my capacity for imagination.


How do you rejuvenate?

Do you recharge through connection? Taking time to relax and play with friends and loved ones is a rejuvenating act of self-love, for me. 🌟🤝


To show my business and myself some love, I practice incorporating what I observe:

I reflect on the simple shifts that serve me and the health of my business. I weave them into daily processes and allow myself to be sloppy but dedicated to creating change.

Small changes can have big impact! Reflecting and redirecting serves both me and my business. Weaving what I notice into daily practices creates an environment that supports my successful evolution as a business owner, a brand, and a human. 🔄🌱


One way I show myself and my business love is through (re)alignment:
I assess or reassess what matters to me and shift as needed.

(Re)aligning with my purpose helps me stay on track! Regularly assessing what truly matters allows for intentional shifts and adjustments. When I stay true to myself, my business flourishes. 🌟🧭


How many times a day to you laugh out loud?

My beloved made me a list of my different kinds of laughs for Valentine’s Day. It was the sweetest revelation of just how often I’m loling.

I have my own fun, for sure. And, has the perfect combo of whipsmarts, puns, and comedic delivery to keep me giggling 🤭 even when I’m in the proverbial dumps.

Laughter is good medicine for me.


Tell me where you’re from without telling me where you’re from.

Do you know where in the world this is?


Not sure who needs to hear this but…Outreach can look like leaving voice notes for people while you’re in your bed.

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Book A Free Consult Https://KatieHelmsConsulting. As. Me/Free-Consult
Kingston, NY

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