Ulster Strong

https://www.ulsterstrong.com/ Will we invest now to meet our opportunity for future sustainable growth? Is there a balanced way?

Ulster Strong is an Ulster-County-based non-profit that advocates a pro-growth agenda balancing good jobs and investment opportunities with the environment and sustainability. Can new interest in Ulster be focused in ways that are smart and sustainable,
and builds broad-based opportunity for generations to come?

Planning board airs Buttermilk Falls concerns, OKs Subdivision - Southern Ulster Times 08/09/2024

The developers of Buttermilk Falls plan to construct, in phases, a new 65-room hotel facility, 35 guest cabins, a 60-seat restaurant, and a 300-seat banquet facility. They also brought an artist’s rendering of the hotel, giving many observers their first look at what the new lodging facility will look like.

The hotel will feature dark siding to blend more easily into its heavily wooded surroundings. In addition, the 35 guest cabins will be built on piers, taking advantage of the sloping nature of the site and giving future guests the feeling of being in a treehouse.

The residents who spoke chiefly voiced concerns about resort traffic spilling onto their quiet, residential streets. “Our street has a wonderful character,” said Brian Murphy, who lives on Van Orden Road. “It would be nice if the signage [marking the road] doesn’t change, including the dead-end sign.”

Planning board airs Buttermilk Falls concerns, OKs Subdivision - Southern Ulster Times A public hearing on the Buttermilk Falls resort’s expansion plans drew a sizable crowd to Marlborough Town Hall on Monday night, August 5. The developers of Buttermilk Falls …

Woodstock’s rules or Ulster’s rules? 08/08/2024

"Whose house rules should be followed first, Woodstock’s or Ulster’s?"
Long has zoning been used by towns to keep out 'undesirables' on the basis of race and class. Woodstock's 3 acre lot zoning rules for housing is a classic example of this. It's been proposed to be changed by the town govt to accommodate affordable housing, but is being vigorously resisted by anonymous sources funding expensive campaigns with billboards, websites, yard signs, email blasts and more. It is a classic tactic used by the elitists to try to keep out the presumed 'undesirables', and maintain 'exclusivity'. Isn't this contrary to the entire Woodstock 'brand'?
HV1 article goes on to say:
"Citing prior case law, Polidoro argues the road and subdivision, which together straddle the two towns, must follow the regulations for Woodstock’s more restrictive R3 zoning district, which requires a minimum of three-acre lots, below the density of the proposed housing subdivision in the Town of Ulster, which is zoned for lots about half that size."

Woodstock’s rules or Ulster’s rules? Land conservancy urges ZBA support for more restrictive regulations...

Lab receives $1 million for renovations - My Hudson Valley 08/07/2024

Recently, the Cornell Hudson Valley Research Laboratory [HVRL] (located in Highland, NY) received $1 million from State Senator Michelle Hinchey [D-NY 41st District]. The laboratory is a public-private partnership between Cornell’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences [CALS] and local fruit and vegetable farm members of the nonprofit Farmer’s Alliance for Research and Management [FARM].

The Hudson Valley Research Laboratory taps “the full breadth of Cornell Resources to tailor solutions for farmers facing climate change and suburbanization [by] developing solutions for sustainability, disease and pest control, organic production and for the region’s growing wine and hard cider industry.”

Lab receives $1 million for renovations - My Hudson Valley Recently, the Cornell Hudson Valley Research Laboratory [HVRL] received $1 million from State Senator Michelle Hinchey [D-NY 41st District]. The laboratory is a public-private partnership between …

Has yesteryear’s facelift become today’s disfigurement? 08/07/2024

"Last Friday, two women came into the HV1 newspaper office on Wall Street looking to collect signatures to stop the dismantling of the canopies. A black-and-white picture purported to reveal the considerable unsightliness underneath the canopies. They prophesied that the cure would be worse than the disease.

The women were Victoria Polidoro, partner in the law firm Rodenhausen Chale & Polidoro LLP, and Camila Polo, head of marketing for William Gottleib Management, Neil Bender’s Manhattan-based real-estate management firm."

In response, Mayor Noble's office put out the following statement:
Mayor Steve Noble when advised of the petition being circulated by Polidoro and Polo provided HV1 with this statement:

“The City of Kingston continues to be threatened by a New York-based developer who has continually burdened Kingston taxpayers with lawsuit after lawsuit to meet his own real estate goals. Entering Uptown businesses under the auspices of caring what happens to the business owners is dishonest at best. And this is not the first time this billionaire who has warehoused properties in Uptown Kingston has used questionable methods to advance his litigation.

We recently had six legal claims filed against the City for each of the buildings that William Gottlieb Real Estate owns under different corporate LLCs. Bender uses law firms to do whatever it takes to get what he wants, which is clearly not seeing Kingston succeed. These lawsuits besiege the City’s resources and stall necessary community improvements from moving forward.

Kingston has done everything it can to help Uptown thrive and will continue working to improve this historic neighborhood. We are taking the reasonable measure to remove the city-owned canopy, which is beyond its useful life, while being threatened at every corner by this billion-dollar real estate company. This is a true David vs Goliath situation, but we will keep doing what is in the best interest of our community.”

Has yesteryear’s facelift become today’s disfigurement? The fate of a resolution before the common council on August 6, authorizing a $1.2-million bond to tear down two blocks of canopies and columns along portions of Wall and North Front streets in the city appears to be in question.

Kingston Brewery Secures $550K Grant for Revitalization 08/06/2024


Kingston Brewery Secures $550K Grant for Revitalization Kingston Standard Brewing Company won a $550,000 grant from the Empire State Development’s Restore New York Communities Initiative, which

Photos from Ulster Strong's post 08/06/2024

Cost to Build a Home In NYS:
New York's policies definitely discourage new home construction - it's the 6th most expensive state to build a home currently, and compared to buying a home, building new homes in NYS is far far more expensive.

Advantages of Building a Home
Customization: Do you have a dream kitchen or bathroom in mind? Being able to fully customize and design your home to your liking is one of the biggest appeals to building your own home.
No Competition: You won’t have to worry about being caught in a bidding war with other homebuyers if you buy land to build your home.
Less Maintenance: A newer home usually means less upkeep and maintenance costs. All your products and appliances will be new and often protected under warranty. Plus, you’ll have less chance of being surprised with a big homeowner headache, like a burst water tank.
Energy Efficiency: Most new homes are built with energy efficiency in mind, leading to more significant cost savings over time.
Disadvantages of Building a Home
Significant Time and Effort: Building a home is no easy feat. A custom home can take anywhere from six months to two years to complete. There are always chances for delays from supply chain issues, weather, labor shortages, building permit hold-ups, or other unforeseen problems.
Financing Complications: Land and construction loans are often more challenging to secure than home loans because of a lack of collateral. That means higher payments and interest rates to offset the risk to the lender.
Securing Building Permits: The permitting process may delay your construction, and it can be downright stressful. You’ll have to obtain several permits and approvals and ensure your home abides by all local regulations. The process involves a lot of paperwork, waiting on inspectors, and sometimes a trip to the city council to fight for your dream home.

Source: https://todayshomeowner.com/home-finances/guides/cost-of-building-a-home-by-state/


Ulster BOCES Career & Technical Center electrical construction interns Levi Peterson and Tyler Bradley spent their senior year gaining hands-on experience with National Resources at iPark 87, future home of our Career & Tech Center. Thanks to Ulster BOCES, they've learned crucial skills in job site management and safety, preparing them for successful careers as electricians. Both graduates of New Paltz High School, they will continue their education at Alfred State College of Technology this fall. Levi has already secured a job offer at Rycor Heating & Cooling. Their journey showcases the incredible opportunities and training provided by Ulster BOCES. Read more on our website here https://bit.ly/3A2lKpI

Former New Paltz Savings Bank will be converted into an Anytime Fitness gym and apartments 08/05/2024

New Paltz planning board values grass spot over new housing

New Paltz Village could get 4 new apartments quickly added with an existing building's partial conversion. But it's being held up due to the planning board's refusal to approve the project over the developer's reasonable plan to replace a small grassy spot beside the building with a small 5 car lot for seniors and others with mobility issues. The developer offered to replace the green spot with a larger one across the street. But the Village PB still opposes this project because....it wants its grass.

"The redevelopment of the former New Paltz Savings Bank in the Village of New Paltz is moving forward, though moving forward through the parking lot still has the potential for headaches.

The building at 27-29 Main Street most recently held a Wells Fargo branch, but that was shuttered several years ago; the bank has maintained ATM service in the building ever since. The property was purchased by Wells Fargo NP LLC, with a primary John Joseph, owner of Warwick-based Southern Realty & Development in late 2021.

27 Main Street is the home of In Good Taste, a wine and liquor store, and that will not change. 5,978-square-feet of the vacant bank would be converted into an Anytime Fitness gym, with a variance necessary due to village code requiring that no individual retail use be greater than 3,000-square feet. Plans initially included space for two two-bedroom apartments, and one studio apartment; a third two-bedroom apartment has since been added to the proposal. Wells Fargo would continue to operate its ATM services.....

But planning board members have expressed concern about Wells Fargo NP LLC’s plans for the parking areas since a meeting in mid-May. While developers found that their parking plans worked within the standards for the Gateway District, board members objected to paving over grass on the east side of the property for the sake of parking spaces. Those concerns remained during the latest meeting, held on Tuesday, July 2.

“It’s a huge expanse of asphalt right in the middle of the village, and it absorbs 90 percent of the sun’s heat and it retains the heat at night,” said board member Rachel Lagodka. “And I think it would be a big loss. You’re walking down the street, it’s sort of the only green space on that side of the road, on that side of (Route) 299.”

Former New Paltz Savings Bank will be converted into an Anytime Fitness gym and apartments The redevelopment of the former New Paltz Savings Bank in the Village of New Paltz is moving forward...

Ulster County's New Economic Development Director Joins Orange County Land Trust Board 08/04/2024

Kevin Lynch, the new director of economic development for Ulster County, has been appointed to the board of directors of the Orange County Land Trust.

In his new position on the land trust board, Lynch is expected to help expand land conservation initiatives.

Ulster County's New Economic Development Director Joins Orange County Land Trust Board Kevin Lynch, the new director of economic development for Ulster County, has been appointed to the board of directors of

Out of Reach 2024 08/03/2024

Pattern For Progress Releases New Housing Report: Out of Reach 2024
A new report released by Hudson Valley Pattern for Progress found that housing costs continue to surge throughout the Hudson Valley as wages remain (for many) stagnant, putting an increased financial strain on struggling residents.

Pattern examined data from Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster, and Westchester counties.

“The struggle to create housing that is affordable for people across the entire spectrum of income will be the defining civic issue for this generation of leaders in the Hudson Valley,” Pattern CEO Adam Bosch said. “There is ample evidence that the housing crisis is exacerbating our regional workforce shortage, as more people pack up and leave the Hudson Valley in search of a more affordable standard of living elsewhere. We cannot look away from this challenge. To preserve our wellbeing and quality of life, the Hudson Valley must allow and encourage more housing, rather than opposing and protesting it.”

Out of Reach 2024 Out of Reach 2024 READ THE REPORT Hudson Valley Pattern for Progress and its Center for Housing Solutions & Community Initiatives have analyzed rental housing and wage data for more than a decade. Our reports on housing

Home valuations are rising faster than incomes. Here's why that could hurt homeowners' wallets 08/02/2024

It's not just renters increasingly 'housing burdened' but homeowners as well - 1 in 4 nationally are 'housing burdened' because of the rapid rise in home prices resulting in higher insurance, taxes and home repairs. This is due in large measure to the lack of new home construction overall - since 2008, home-building has not kept pace with demand, and NIMBYism has become especially pernicious over the last 15 years.

Home valuations are rising faster than incomes. Here's why that could hurt homeowners' wallets More than 80% of recent homebuyers said they regret their purchase, according to a recent Clever Real Estate survey.

Woodstock Housing Task Force Seeks Way Forward — Ulster Strong 08/01/2024

WOODSTOCK – It’s been about nine months since a task force presented amendments to the town’s zoning code to make it easier for people to afford to live here. There have been other public hearings, but the wait goes on the proposed changes to the zoning code that include more density.

“That proposal has still not passed. The town board is still considering it and hopefully they will pass it soon,” said Jeff Collins, Ulster County Legislator representing Woodstock and West Hurley. He was once a member of the Woodstock task force that has sought changes in the zoning code for more affordable housing.

Woodstock Housing Task Force Seeks Way Forward — Ulster Strong By Bond Brundgard WOODSTOCK – It’s been about nine months since a task force presented amendments to the town’s zoning code to make it easier for people to afford to live here. There have been other public hearings, but the wait goes on the proposed changes to the zoning code that include more...


July Edition of the Ulster Strong Business Bulletin is out!
At a time when local housing prices, for rents or to buy, are rising astronomically, you might think there would be more local appetite for housing construction. But unfortunately a false choice narrative between new housing and the environment is injected into local communities, increasingly by anonymous interests whose objectives are unknown. This narrative pits environmentalists and never-builders against local boards and task forces who clearly see a crises-level demand for housing of all types, and hurting those who can least afford it.
In our July Ulster Strong newsletter, you will notice much of our coverage is about housing. This is no surprise given our situation with the slow-walking of new construction, rampant opposition to development, and disingenuous PR campaigns by ‘concerned citizens’ groups whose positions disregard the hardships of locals. Our organization recognizes the need for thoughtful care to our natural assets, for now and future generations. But ‘just saying no’ is not a solution, but an avoidance of necessary choices.
We know it’s been hot this summer, and we know we’re not helping matters by getting into the weeds on housing, the most fraught topic in Ulster today (besides perhaps Kingston’s Pike Plan). But, if housing is not addressed soon by Ulster and its towns, our local economy will quickly bifurcate into a Hampton-esque nightmare.
On a happier note, have a most enjoyable rest of the summer!
Click to read entire newsletter at www.ulsterstrong.com


July Edition of the Ulster Strong Business Bulletin is out!

At a time when local housing prices, for rents or to buy, are rising astronomically, you might think there would be more local appetite for housing construction. But unfortunately a false choice narrative between new housing and the environment is injected into local communities, increasingly by anonymous interests whose objectives are unknown. This narrative pits environmentalists and never-builders against local boards and task forces who clearly see a crises-level demand for housing of all types, and hurting those who can least afford it.

In our July Ulster Strong newsletter, you will notice much of our coverage is about housing. This is no surprise given our situation with the slow-walking of new construction, rampant opposition to development, and disingenuous PR campaigns by 'concerned citizens' groups whose positions disregard the hardships of locals. Our organization recognizes the need for thoughtful care to our natural assets, for now and future generations. But 'just saying no' is not a solution, but an avoidance of necessary choices.

We know it's been hot this summer, and we know we're not helping matters by getting into the weeds on housing, the most fraught topic in Ulster today (besides perhaps Kingston's Pike Plan). But, if housing is not addressed soon by Ulster and its towns, our local economy will quickly bifurcate into a Hampton-esque nightmare.

On a happier note, have a most enjoyable rest of the summer!

Click to read entire newsletter:

Woodstock Land Conservancy seeks to halt Zena Homes project 07/29/2024

A typical play by the Woodstock Land Conservancy (WLC), in this case to try to stop a housing development called Zena Homes. WLC has stated it wants the land where the development is proposed for themselves. Their game plan is to wear down the developer with frivolous lawsuits, like this one announced, to draw out the process endlessly. In this case, the WLC hired well-known attorney Victoria Palidoro, who works for another developer, Neil Bender (opponent of the Kingstonian and owner of the Cioni Building where the Kingston Library is temporarily renting at a nice price), and coordinates with local of anti-development and activist organizations.

Ulster Strong beseeches local planning boards, ZBAs and town officials to not fall for this strategy and see it for what it is - lawfare that drives up the prices of housing for everyone, chills badly needed housing development, and in the end, likely to loose.

The Zena project proposed is to be highly 'green' in construction, set aside huge tracks of wooded area for no development, and will include affordable housing.

We need housing now! Such endless lawfare tactics are in great measure why Ulster has such astronomically high housing prices.

Woodstock Land Conservancy seeks to halt Zena Homes project WOODSTOCK, N.Y. – The Woodstock Land Conservancy is seeking to prevent the Woodstock Planning Board from reviewing part of the Zena Homes project, aiming to stop the housing development in the tow…

How farmers protect waterways and prevent algal blooms 07/29/2024

“Reduced tillage over the years and different tillage implements that don’t disturb the soil quite as much. We inject well over 90% of our manure directly into the ground to help prevent runoff,” Rejman said.

Injecting manure directly into the ground rather than putting it on top gives them a more efficient and effective way to maintain the soil. When this is done, the soil immediately binds to the ammonium and nitrogen, which are vital to good soil health and prevent these nutrients from running into waterways.

Cover crops and buffers are other tools utilized Rejman said they have implemented for over 20 years. Most of their steep fields have been made into permanent grass fields.

How farmers protect waterways and prevent algal blooms As algal blooms become more frequent, farmers implement ways to protect waterways from runoff.

Proposed cannabis facility in Wawarsing stalled nearly 2 years after ground breaking 07/28/2024

Because Cresco operates across state-lines as a business, it comes under federal commerce laws. As such federal law still recognizes ma*****na as a 'controlled substance' and therefore, as a consequence, finding funding for Cresco's operation is much much more difficult because federally insured FDIC can not work with the industry (canibis). And while the Biden admin has said they would get this resolved, Congress has failed to do anything - hence the 2 year long wait when Cresco announced imminent construction. Sigh.....

Proposed cannabis facility in Wawarsing stalled nearly 2 years after ground breaking WAWARSING, N.Y. — Nearly two years after breaking ground, Cresco Labs appears not to have made much progress at the 50,000-square-foot warehouse it hopes to convert into a cannabis cultivation, man…


Climate Refugees are already showing up in the Hudson Valley - from California! The data (found in Hudson Valley Pattern for Progress report "Moving In, Moving Out"continue to indicate that climate refugees from the West are likely moving into the Hudson Valley. The most obvious evidence comes from the number of people moving into our region from Los Angeles County, California. A total of 1,877 people moved across the country from Los Angeles County to be our neighbors in the region from 2018-2021.

Although some might be coming to participate in the growing TV and film industry in our region, Pattern has encountered many who moved from California during that time because they were concerned about water restrictions and wildfires. The IRS data also show smaller numbers of people moving into the Hudson Valley from water-stressed counties in Arizona and Texas. These data are worth monitoring, as many scientists and demographers have predicted that climate change might drive people to move into water-rich regions, like the Hudson Valley, as they leave more arid portions of the country

Read the report:

More than one-fifth of Ulster’s bridges in poor condition, state report says 07/26/2024

Infrastructure is critical to all of us. Ulster is going to need to repair or replace many, and soon. Is this an opportunity to BUILD SUSTAINABLY?

More than one-fifth of 391 bridges in Ulster County were listed as in poor shape in 2023, according to a report released Thursday by the state Comptroller’s Office.

According to the report, “The Condition of Locally Owned Bridges in New York State, An Infrastructure Update,” 81 of the 391 bridges, or 20.7%, were considered by the Federal Highway Administration to be in poor condition that year.

Of those, 63 of the more than 150 bridges owned by the county were considered to be in poor shape, the most in any county in the state, according to the report.

More than one-fifth of Ulster’s bridges in poor condition, state report says KINGSTON, N.Y. — More than one-fifth of 391 bridges in Ulster County were listed as in poor shape in 2023, according to a report released Thursday by the state Comptroller’s Office. According…


The owners of Buttermilk Farms have unveiled an ambitious expansion plan that would, if okayed by the town, be completed in stages. The popular bed-and-breakfast inn would be expanded to include a new 65-room hotel facility, 35 guest cabins, a 60-seat restaurant, and a 300-seat banquet facility. As part of that, the owners’ plans have been scrutinized by Poughkeepsie engineering firm Creighton Manning for their impact on local infrastructure and the environment.

Of note, the town’s code enforcement officer, Tom Corcoran, and Milton Fire Chief Stephan Rivecchio, recently okayed a proposed 15-foot-wide fire access road for the complex. Both noted that it complies with state regulations.


Letters to the editor: July 24, 2024 (Pike Plan, fascism, assassination attempt and more) 07/24/2024

LETTER TO EDITOR (published in HV1)
Balancing conservation and development

The Dominican Sisters of Sparkill have owned property in Saugerties for almost one hundred years, demonstrating a long track record of serving as thoughtful stewards of the land. A number of years ago, the Sisters transferred almost 150 acres of this land to Scenic Hudson for the creation of the Falling Waters Preserve. Now the Sisters have partnered with Grow America, a not-for-profit organization, to develop affordable housing on part of the remaining lands. The plan calls for 59 units of senior affordable housing and 21 units (mostly townhomes) available for affordable homeownership. Some members of the Saugerties Historic Preservation Commission have accused the Dominican Sisters and Grow America of rushing the development plans and overlooking the history of the land and its former inhabitants. This is untrue.

The development partners have commissioned historical architectural studies to examine the existing buildings on the Spaulding Lane site, which have found that there are no building or architectural components worthy of historic designation, according to the NY State Historic Preservation Office. The partners have carefully designed a plan to honor and preserve the Van Leuven cemetery which sits close to the property entrance. The partners will continue investigations outside of the cemetery to ensure that there are no additional unmarked graves or archeological artifacts. And if there are findings, we will identify, honor and preserve them.

The proposed buildings will sit on 4% of the Sisters’ 29 acres at the end of Spaulding Lane. The Sisters have also granted Scenic Hudson an easement across this property to connect to their more extensive trail network. We believe this plan respects the land and supports a goal of affordable housing, which is desperately needed in Ulster County.

Matt Wexler
Grow America
New York City

Letters to the editor: July 24, 2024 (Pike Plan, fascism, assassination attempt and more) Read what your friends and neighbors have to say...

Inside The Mall Where Everything Is Recycled | World Wide Waste 07/23/2024

Should Ulster County as it searches for a landfill location, also think about recycling and reuse? Maybe Sweden has shown us the way!
ReTuna is the world's first secondhand mall. Located next to a recycling center, the Swedish mall repurposes everything from toys to furniture.

Inside The Mall Where Everything Is Recycled | World Wide Waste ReTuna is the world's first secondhand mall. Located next to a recycling center, the Swedish mall repurposes everything from toys to furniture.MORE WORLD WID...

Archtop Fiber gets OK to install lines in town of Ulster 07/23/2024

Even the well-known business-hostile DF reporter had a hard time finding 'fault' with Archtop Fiber (but not for a lack of trying....!). Way to go Archtop on your commitment to our communities and addressing any concerns!

"Archtop Fiber has gotten authorization to begin work on 337 streets as part of its planned installation of fiber optic cable between U.S. Route 209 and Old Stage Road.

The Town Board approved the plan during its meeting last week after being assured by a company representative that efforts will be made to avoid conflicts with existing infrastructure."

Archtop Fiber gets OK to install lines in town of Ulster TOWN OF ULSTER, N.Y. – Archtop Fiber has gotten authorization to begin work on 337 streets as part of its planned installation of fiber optic cable between U.S. Route 209 and Old Stage Road. The To…


Plattekill Comprehensive Planning Committee

The committee will hold its first public workshop next month where residents will be able to share their feedback on the plan’s first draft.

“The main goal is to get as many people to come as possible and share their opinions or their feedback on the projects we are proposing for the town, whether they support them or don’t support them,” said Dan Theobald, a project community planner. “Another part of it is if they have any projects that we are not addressing or initiatives that we don’t mention in the plan and make sure that we do get those.”

During the meeting, the committee outlined four different pillars of development — economic development, hamlets, infrastructure and community character — and the objectives and actions that pertained to each. One of their goals for economic development is to expand housing options to better accommodate a more diverse population like professionals, families and seniors. They also intend to support the growth of new and local businesses by “providing incentives, technical assistance and infrastructure improvements.”.....

The public workshop — which will contain an online option for those who may be unable to attend in person and likely be at the Plattekill Fire Hall — will be held on August 14. They plan to have a draft plan review in September, their committee meeting and first public hearing in October and the second public hearing and adoption by around November and December. This timeline is still subject to change.



Overall wages in the Kingston Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) have increased 27% over a 5 year period from 2019-2023. This trend has apparently continued, if not accelerated this past year.

Source: https://dol.ny.gov/quarterly-census-employment-and-wages


Overall wages in the Kingston Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) have increased 27% over a 5 year period from 2019-2023. This trend has apparently continued, if not accelerated this past year.

Source: https://dol.ny.gov/quarterly-census-employment-and-wages

Staggering Increase in One Hudson Valley County's Home Values 07/19/2024

Ulster County home prices have risen 25% this past year!
And we STILL can’t build much new housing because local boards refuse the expedite applications for development. They still operate as if it’s 2014.

According to real estate company Redfin, Ulster County, NY has seen a staggering 25.5% increase in median home prices since 2023, with a rise from roughly $350,000 in May of 2023 to almost $450,000 in May 2024.

Read More: Staggering Increase in One Hudson Valley County's Home Values | https://wpdh.com/ixp/704/p/home-price-increase-ulster-county-ny/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1YFX9YICiYpH8otDyI58Dow9ao_4kW86Teu3cggUUXMH3zcaTY33rxBfc_aem__Al3SCMS4_AHI8gF605laQ&utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral

Staggering Increase in One Hudson Valley County's Home Values The median home price has grown by nearly $150,000 in just one year

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Videos (show all)

The Town of Ulster Planning Board discussed the next steps in the Zena Homes development proposal - for now, it’s back t...
Real estate and investor Neil Bender has dropped his final appeal against the Kingstonian after suing the city more than...
Economic Impact Report - HITS Saugerties A very informative Economic Impact Report of the 2023 presentation was hosted o...
Ulster County took in a record $170.6 million in sales tax revenues in 2023, county Comptroller March Gallagher said Thu...
Great turnout for the Ulster Strong Agriculture Summit on the state of the farming business in Ulster #ulstercountyny #f...
ULSTER COUNTY FARMS are shrinkingTotal and Per Farm Overview, 2017 and change since 2012Number of farms 421 -13Land in f...
When Ulster County is sitting on such a huge reserve of cash (not ideal for governments to do fiscally), why is it raisi...
New Private Housing Structures Authorized by Building Permits for Ulster County, NY (Source: US Federal Reserve)
PILOTS Simply Explained


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