The Motivated Mutt Dog Training

I help busy pet owners change their relationship with their dog from chaos to companionship I only train using positive, humane, and force free methods!


Last month I completed my online UW program and am certified in applied animal behavior. This program focused on the principles of animal behavior, evolutionary theory, and learning theory, and deepened my understanding of animal behavior and care, equipping me with advanced skills to apply in my work as a dog trainer.

I know dog trainers are always excited to add more letters to the end of their name, so I can now use:

Megan Crow, CDPT-KA, and UW-AAB :)

It was so information dense, that I know I will be going back over it for months and months. Thank you to all my friends and clients who put up with me blabbering about each new fascinating thing I was learning each week and thank you to the Nellis Air Force Base Spouse's Club for the scholarship that made it possible!


Some of you may know I am currently participating in a certificate program at UW for Applied Animal Behavior. I just wanted to share a recent thought that I was finally able to put words to from this week's lecture.

During this lecture on confrontational training techniques, Dr. Ha, a Ph.D. in zoology with a specialization in applied animal behavior in highly social animals, along with being a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist——raised a crucial question.

The question isn't if punishment-based/traditional methods are effective (they can be), but rather should we choose use those methods considering the consequences if done incorrectly?

Option One: Punishment-based methods consequences if done INCORRECTLY:

- Anxiety, aggression, doesn't learn the concept.

Option Two: Reward-based methods consequences if done INCORRECTLY:

- Doesn't learn as fast, gets more treats than intended.
.........One seems a clear choice to me.

Sometimes it feels overwhelming in the dog training world... it often feels like voices advocating for humane methods are drowned out, especially with the reach some social media/TikTok dog trainers have on their platforms that favor "quick fix" videos for engagement.

There's this incessant arguing and polarization within the dog training community that I swear gets as heated as US politics. The debates over techniques usually escalate into personal attacks, going after character and values (I've seen some Las Vegas punishment-based trainers say some truly horrible things to other humane-based trainers I am friends with there). It'd be great if these arguments could be simplified by focusing on the potential consequences....

Personally, it seems like a straightforward choice for me to predominantly use reward-based training... we're only human and we will mess up inevitably. This becomes even more crucial when instructing non-professionals, such as average dog owners, who may not be accustomed to working with animals.

It's akin to teaching someone rock climbing or sky diving– you could introduce them to easy routes in a controlled indoor environment with safety harnesses/those fun sky-chambers with all the air, or throw them straight into outdoor challenges. While both methods have their validity in being an adrenaline rush for the average person, why take the unnecessary risk (i.e. the liability!!! as a business owner and animal lover)??

It's about weighing the potential outcomes of different approaches and opting for the one that minimizes the chances of negative consequences.

For me, that happens to be reward-based training and if that makes me a lame push-over "cookie-pusher" who isn't pack-alpha over my 12lb dachshunds then so be it lol


I want to be clear about what I help my clients with:

You're probably someone that got a dog so that you could enjoy lots of time together.

You wanted a partnership and a companion with a dog that loves you more than anything.

But it's been a struggle.

Having this pup has been a blessing and a curse.

You're worried its something you've done. OR You're worried there isn't anything you can do about it.

His/her behavior is not improving... to say the least.

It's frustrating, and so embarrassing that you can't get him/her under control.

If only there was a way. A technique. A method. Something less confrontational that could...

Dare I say - you wish handling your dog was actually FUN?!

You want your dog to WANT to work with you - instead of against.

You want to be on the same page. You want to communicate instead of struggle.

I'm here to tell you it is possible. In fact, it's more than possible, its required for you to see the change in your dog that you want to see.

And there's actual science backing my methods (sorry... no magic wand here).

That dream you had for your dog when you brought them home? It's still possible.

It's still possible to have a dog you're proud of. It's still possible to work with your dog so that he/she can become the companion you expected.

I help social professionals with BUSY lives bring cooperation and companionship into their home where before chaos reigned. Imagine being able to take your dog hiking with you! Or into Downtown Kirkland for a drink on a dog friendly patio! What about just being able to bring your dog over to a friend's house??

Now, I know you're busy - as am I - so I'm offering a few quick 30 minute calls to examine whether you're a good candidate for me new program. Use the link in the comments below to book a call when it's convenient to you.

It's so important for me to be clear about who I work with because I work so closely with my clients that I want to make sure we're a good fit, so let's have a quick chat!


You got your dog in hopes of going on lots of adventures together.

Now, all you can do is wrap the leash around your hands when walking by a neighbor holding on to your dog for dear life.

It's embarrassing. It's heartbreaking. It's not what you had hoped for with your dog.

You're not alone. Many of my clients have been through similar experiences.

They often come to me completely frustrated with their dog. It didn't turn out to be the well-rounded companion they had expected or wanted.

Fortunately, with a little bit of skilled training, things turn around SO fast.

I'm really great at understanding my client's struggles and helping them turn things around.

Your dog should be a pleasure to be around, not a pain.
And I'm excited to show you how to make this happen with some easy and fun training methods.

Ready to have more fun and improve your dog's behavior?
Let's hop on a quick discovery call to see if my program will be beneficial to you.

Use the link in the comments to book a free call with me today!
(these are just hashtags offered up to the almighty algorithm gods... please ignore them 😅)


I think there is a prevailing belief is that dog training must be strict, tedious, and challenging.

That you have to be extremely firm. That you have to "guide" them constantly.

Now, that's not entirely inaccurate, but the interpretation is slightly off.

Certainly, there's consistency required - that's more about maintaining a steady approach and setting your dog up to succeed than enforcing strict rules.

Certainly, you need to guide - that's more about being a mentor rather than a dictator.

You aim for a collaborative partnership with your pup.

You don't want to be their authoritarian or rigid boss.

I'm here to assist you in establishing that partnership where your dog is EAGER to follow your lead.

Where your dog willingly obeys your cues
Where your dog prefers to spend time with you rather than wreak havoc in the yard or house!

If I could demonstrate how this kind of connection and partnership is achievable, would you be interested in learning more? Let me know in the comments or send me a PM!

Photos from The Motivated Mutt Dog Training's post 02/14/2024

Happy Valentine's Day from Tuna and Murphy at The Motivated Mutt!

Murphy was happy to pose but Tuna was much more interested in taking a bite out of the bouquets lol


If I could show you how to train your dog to listen while having a BLAST and without ever getting mad or frustrated again, would you want to chat? Let me know in the comments or send me a message!

Photos from The Motivated Mutt Dog Training's post 02/08/2024

Look at this adorable Golden Retriever named Daisy! I had the absolute pleasure of working on loose leash walking with Daisy last weekend and I was so impressed with her.

Walking and training at a busy park on a nice spring day is top-level difficulty for most dogs.

It was so clear that her pet parents love training with her, and set her up for success :)

Photos from The Motivated Mutt Dog Training's post 02/07/2024

I used to be a marine biologist, and for a long time it was my only passion. It's still crazy to me that I ended up owning a dog training business instead, but it doesn't surprise me. Dog training is this awesome blend of science + working with animals + fulfilling human connection.

I switched from my dream career of marine biology to dog training because I was tired of seeing other people struggle with their dogs. I was tired of seeing unqualified people posing as dog trainers and harming others as a direct result (this happened to me years ago...)

I knew what kind of relationship was possible as a dog owner.
I knew that if they simply knew a few little snippets about dog training, they also could experience what I have with my dog now.

There is so much confusion in dog training.
So many voices.
I've read and seen them all.
I've even tried a few things that didn't work out.

All of these trials and tribulations I've been through with my dog?
Well, now they help me help you avoid those mistakes and get to the relationship and partnership you want SO much faster!

There's something to be said for that beautiful experience when owner and dog are totally in-sync.
There's a partnership. An understanding. A communication.
That's totally possible for every dog owner - if only they allowed it.

When I work with clients - not only do I see the light bulb go off in the dog's mind - but often, and perhaps more exciting, is when I see the light bulb go off in the owner's mind.

As an animal loving-introvert, I never would have imagined the connections with the HUMANS would be the best part of being a dog trainer, but here we are. While the cute dogs are an amazing perk, it's the people that I keep showing up for 🥰

Photos from The Motivated Mutt Dog Training's post 02/05/2024

Shoutout to fantastic clients! ❤️ Humans aren't much more different than dogs... positive reinforcement motivates me too! 🤣 Thank you for choosing me to help on your dog training journey Allyson

Check out to read the whole review :)

The Motivated Mutt | Dog Training | Seattle 02/02/2024

Hiring a dog trainer is a deeply personal experience. There is vulnerability and trust required, to allow someone into your home to work with your family and dog, generally on issues that might be causing some tension in your household.

I recognize how important that is, so I try to be as open and upfront about my personality and training style from the beginning. If I want my clients to be comfortable with me, that takes a little bit of vulnerability and openness on my end as well.

When you choose me as your dog trainer, you'll learn more than the sit/stay/leave it (yes, we do those things too... BUT!)

Training with me is more about building a connection between you and your dog rather than a subordinance. You got your dog to have a companion, not an employee to boss around, right?

It's surprising how easy life with your dog can be when you can both trust each other. It's not about being the alpha dog in the house, or showing them who is in charge constantly, but about speaking a language your dog can actually understand. If you have that, you can solve any problem that might arise with your dog.

Even long after I am gone and you might have a different dog, you will still have the tools to problem solve and figure out the solution that honors your dog, rather than smother your dog's natural behavior (but still saves your carpet).

I've gone through pretty much every concern you have myself (even hired a few dog trainers before I became one), and I've helped so many others going through what you are right now.

You won't feel judged by me. I can't tell you how many people who sheepishly admit their dog sleeps in the bed with them, or gets on the couch, or shares their food with them. Guys, I do the same stuff with my dogs!!! It's only an issue if there is an issue for you.

The biggest point for me here is... I don't just work with dogs, I work with their humans too. So many of the things we address are a point of anxiety and sensitivity for my human clients, and that requires empathy and sensitivity on my part.

If you think we might be a good fit, I'm offering free consultations! Let's chat :)

The Motivated Mutt | Dog Training | Seattle Customized, humane, and effective dog training with Megan at The Motivated Mutt. Transform your dog into the companion you wished you always had with private, one on one dog training!


Just gonna put this here because I am obsessed with puppy clients and this is SO important:

A super common misconception I come across among new puppy owners?

*Believing that socialization for their new puppies simply involves introducing them to a couple of dogs and occasional visits to the vet.*

Many owners think that a few friendly encounters and routine vet visits are enough for their puppy's social development. However, comprehensive socialization goes beyond these aspects.

Effective socialization entails exposing your puppy to a diverse range of experiences, people, environments, and other animals during their critical developmental phase. Even more important, your puppy needs to be OKAY with the exposure. I see too many terrified puppies being dragged through stores, or swarmed at parks by children and other dogs.

The good news is that I specialize in guiding owners through a more systematic approach to socialization. I emphasize the importance of varied interactions to ensure a well-rounded and adaptable adult dog. You want checklists? I got 'em. Homework sheets? Yep. A personalized binder for your puppy's journey from 8 weeks to 2 years? You bet. I go a little overboard lol.

In just a short period, you can set the stage for a socially confident and well-adjusted canine companion. Don't fall into the trap of assuming a couple of interactions will suffice – take proactive steps.

Consider one of my favorite clients, Mandi and Eric's experience. Initially, they thought occasional playdates and vet visits might be enough for their new lab puppy. Through our sessions, they learned the significance of diverse socialization, and saw their dog grow into a socially adept and resilient companion.

I'm currently accepting four new clients this month. My comprehensive dog and puppy training program addresses aspects like proper socialization, manners minding, and more.

Curious? Schedule a FREE discovery call using the link in the comments, and let's explore if my program is the perfect fit for you and your pup.

Photos from The Motivated Mutt Dog Training's post 01/23/2024

🌟 Heartfelt Thanks, Birgit! 🌟

A huge shoutout to Birgit for the incredibly touching review on my Google Business page! 🥺💖 Your words mean the world to me.

To everyone, I invite you to check out Birgit's beautiful testimonial either on my Google Business page or on my website. She wrote such a heartfelt and long testimonial that has me floating. Your support fuels my passion, and I'm so grateful for each one of you.

You can see the review on my website or on my Google Business Profile... I'll link them both in bio and comments :)



Has this ever happened to you?

* Your sweet puppy after months of snuggles and easy going behavior… starts barking and lunging as hard as they can on the leash towards other dogs.

* Maybe he snapped at a family or friend’s dog over a ball, or a treat, and had never done that before.

* Soon you stop going for walks during daylight hours, and avoid the dog park at all costs. You still love your dog of course, but it’s hard seeing them act that way.

This happened to me, with my first dog Murphy. It’s actually what led me to becoming a dog trainer myself, and is something I see ALL the time with other dogs. A young puppy who might have an unfortunate mix of anxious genetics, low socialization, or a stressful early puppyhood, can easily turn into a reactive adult dog once they hit puberty :(

Luckily, there are things you can do to help your dog. Depending on the cause, you can absolutely walk down a street again without your dog losing their marbles at the Labrador minding its own business across the street. You can get a package delivered without all hell breaking loose in your house.

Working with a local, in-person dog trainer can be life changing. You’ll be able to quickly understand what does and does not help, and how to change your dog’s behavior for the better.

Now with my little guy, Murphy, I understand better how his neurological condition and seizures affect his behavior and mood. Your case with your dog may not be so extreme, but I can still help you!

My struggle with Murphy gives me a unique perspective working with clients who have difficult pups. There’s more to it than just “obedience” and forcing the dog to “figure it out.”

The journey I went through with Murphy helps me not only help your dog feel better, but to bring YOU (the human!) some relief as well. Seeing you guys succeed and move onto a more stable and happy companionship together is the best feeling in the world. It’s why I keep doing this.

Let's talk about what you're going through with your dog and see if a training program makes sense.

Use the link in the comments to book a free discovery call with me :)

(don’t look at my hashtags they're embarrassing and not for u)


To my Vegas peeps...

I have a bittersweet announcement.

Though I knew it was coming, time flies! My husband, David has accepted a long anticipated position in tech in Seattle, so The Motivated Mutt is moving. As much as I loved the experience of starting a dog training business from scratch here in Las Vegas, I'll admit I am ready to move before enduring another Las Vegas summer.

Thank you to each and every one of you who recommended my business, liked my posts, shared my blogs, and supported The Motivated Mutt. Thanks to you all, it's been more than just a job—it's been a way to connect, make friends, and truly enjoy my time in this city.

You and your fur babies have left an everlasting mark on my heart.
Even though I'm physically moving away, I'm just a call, text, or email away. whenever you need advice or just want to catch up.

It's bittersweet, but I'm stoked to start up my dog training gig in our new city. Keep an eye on social media for updates if you want to stay connected with The Motivated Mutt on this journey.

Thank you again for being a huge part of my Las Vegas adventure. I'll forever treasure the memories and the progress we've made together. Wishing you and your dogs all the best!

Megan from The Motivated Mutt


Thank Goodness for October! The dogs and I have already been spending more time outside since the heat broke a couple of days ago. It's amazing how much easier everything is to handle when you're not also dealing with the heat! What are your fall dog training goals?? Mine is to book a sniff spot and take more sniff walks :)

Photos from The Motivated Mutt Dog Training's post 09/26/2023

🐾🌟 Chloe's 2 Month Update: 🌟🐾

Meet Chloe, a lab who overcame a tough start in life. For the first FIVE years, Chloe lived in an outdoor kennel in the desert, facing nightly fears of coyotes and other predators. She coped by chewing on rocks, unfortunately damaging her teeth. Thankfully, Chloe found a loving home when my client (Chloe’s mom) adopted her.

Despite her history, Chloe settled in well. However, this March, during a daily walk with her mom, something spooked her. It was a mystery—no visible threats. Nevertheless, Chloe, typically calm during walks, sprinted home, visibly shaken. This incident led to her avoiding leaving the house for months, causing worry as regular walks were crucial for her health. Chloe gained weight, and her nails were no longer being kept at a healthy length.

Chloe's mom sought help from a positive reinforcement trainer (that's me!). Knowing Chloe wouldn't respond well to force or tricking her outside, we focused on rebuilding her trust. Identifying the trigger was tricky, but we suspected a scent reminiscent of her earlier traumas (maybe a coyote or large cat?).

We began with indoor confidence-building games, improving her overall well-being. Brain games and gentle exercises got her active again before venturing outside. The slow progression included short sessions near the front door, gauging Chloe's comfort.

After weeks of patience and love, Chloe finally stepped out on her own! Over the next month, we continued the progression, ensuring she never felt discouraged, and integrated car rides to her beloved park. Chloe's progress was steady, and she regained her enthusiasm for exploring.

While Chloe has her off days, her mom now understands her cues and adjusts accordingly. The true success lies in Chloe's trust in her mom, persisting through setbacks. After two months, progress is still going strong—Chloe is engaged, losing weight, and eagerly anticipating her walks. This is a heartwarming success story, and one of my all-time favorites! 🐾💖


Idk about the rest of my Vegas people but I am READY for fall! This summer can't end fast enough 🥵

Dog training is unnecessarily difficult in the summer here, I'm ready to start working outside again!!!

How does life with your dog change for your family when it gets cooler out?

The Relationship Bank Account Theory in Dog Training 08/02/2023

🐾 Strengthen Your Bond with Your Dog 🐾

Visualize your relationship with your dog as a bank account! Deposits and withdrawals play a crucial role in creating a strong bond. To maintain your dog's cooperation and willingness to engage with you, make more deposits than withdrawals.

Discover what counts as a deposit or withdrawal by considering your dog's likes and dislikes; preferences vary from dog to dog.

Example: My dog, Murphy, gets terrified when I have hiccups (withdrawal). To replenish our bond, I engage in activities he enjoys, like fetch or trick training, and give him space during my hiccups.

Avoid unknowingly making withdrawals, such as hugging or kissing your dog's face. Most dogs don't like that type of attention. Instead, compensate with attention they prefer, like fetch or training, or giving them space after snuggling.

Signs of a negative balance may include the dog not coming when called, avoiding eye contact, resource guarding, and more. To offset necessary actions like grooming and vet care, use high-value deposits like enticing food or baby talk.

For obedience behaviors like recall and "Leave It," balance withdrawals by exchanging often or occasionally surprising the dog by giving the item back.

Deposits include anything your dog enjoys: specific toys, fetch games, positive reinforcement training, treats, snuggles, and more.

Understand and manage the relationship bank account with your dog for a stronger bond and trust, leading to a happier and more cooperative companion.

You can read more in depth about this concept on my blog at

The Relationship Bank Account Theory in Dog Training This might change the way you see the world with your dog! Visualizing your relationship with your dog as a bank account helps understand the dynamics of creating a strong bond. Deposits have less impact than withdrawals, so it's essential to make more deposits than withdrawals to maintain your dog'...


It's August, which means it's basically September, which means you can legally say it's fall now. This is what I'm telling myself to get through the Las Vegas summer 🥵

In the spirit of Air Conditioning, I am offering more free dog training consultations this month! Grab one now before they're booked at


I'm sure I've posted about this concept before but it's my favorite so I'm gonna post it again

Remember learning to read? We start with the alphabet, progress to letter sounds, then words, sentences, and paragraphs. Now, imagine handing a kindergartner the massive book "War and Peace"...

Too often, that's what we do to dogs! Just as we break down reading into manageable steps, we need to do the same with dog training, celebrating each small successes and setting them up to succeed!

That's where the Three D's of Dog Training comes in: Duration, Distance, and Distractions

1️⃣Only change one "D" at a time. Take it slow and steady to ensure your dog understands and adapts to each new challenge. I like to only change or increase difficulty once my dog has completed 5/5 repetitions.

2️⃣ Start with Duration. Teaching your dog to maintain a behavior, such as "sit" or "stay," for longer periods is usually the easiest to begin with. Begin with shorter durations and gradually increase as your dog gets better.

3️⃣ Gradually Introduce Distance. Distractions can be tough for any dog, so it's best to keep them engaged by starting with the easier "D"s first. Once your dog masters distance and duration, begin adding distractions like high-value treats, people, or other dogs. Remember, patience is key!

Repeat, Repeat, Repeat! For each new variable you introduce, repeat it five times before moving on. Repetition helps solidify your dog's understanding and builds their confidence.

🐾 If your dog struggles during a repetition, ask yourself: Did I change too much too fast? Is my dog full, bored, or overstimulated? Adjust accordingly to set them up for success.

A sign of a good trainer is one who is willing to go the long way around to achieve their goal!

Need dog training help? I have free consultations! or link in bio


Thanks for the sweet words and picture, Jamey :)

These clients are so rewarding to work with!!! Vickie is by no means an easy rescue pup, but her pet parents determination and love for her is making dog training progress so much faster than it could be! I can't wait to see how far she goes.

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