Pivot Habit

Dedicated to helping small-to-medium businesses perform and compete like the big dogs by creating hi

Timeline photos 11/17/2021

If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try.
~ Seth Godin

Timeline photos 11/16/2021

Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.
~ John Steinbeck

Timeline photos 11/15/2021

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
~ Walt Disney

Timeline photos 04/12/2021

Teamwork is the lynchpin in our long-term success. ~ Ned Lautenbach

Timeline photos 04/12/2021

How, What, or Why – Build a Team that Takes Ownership
Want a team that takes ownership? Then stop and check the language that you’re using when you speak with your team. Most especially, what language are you using when you delegate?

Even more specifically, when you delegate, are you speaking in terms of How, What, or Why?

Here’s the deal…

If someone tells you “How” to do something, how much of your brain is getting engaged? Not much, right? You pay just enough attention to hear the steps, make sure you know what to do, and go do it. The end. Pretty mindless. The only “taking ownership” you’re doing is getting the work done.

Now imagine being told “What” to do. Now at least you’ve got to come up with the “How” yourself. Like, “Send a newsletter to our customers.” Now your brain is engaged figuring out how to get it done.

Finally, imagine being given a “Why” – something like, “We want to build a closer relationship with our customers so they remember us and think positively about us.” The part in italics is the why. Suddenly you have to step back and figure out “What” on your own, AND “How” to do it. Maybe you come up with the newsletter, or maybe something else. The point is you are now fully engaged with more of your “whole self.”

Obviously, it takes some work and coaching to get to higher levels with your staff. But with some practice and coaching, you CAN do it. Give it a try.

Timeline photos 04/12/2021

How to Build a Business You’ll Love
When I see business owners who want to build a business they’ll love, they generally come in two flavors — those just starting out who want the best chance to succeed, and those who have been at it for a while and are feeling a bit bogged down by some of the realities of building a business, dealing with the personalities involved (both customers and employees) and who might be questioning their own sanity once in a while. 🙂

Here’s the deal… You CAN do this. You CAN anchor on to four really simple pillars to guide you. Cling to these four pillars, learn about them, get really good at them, and it DOES get easier. Here they are.

1. Grow a team that thinks and acts like owners. You need people who take charge, take ownership, and drive forward.
2. Align around an irresistible offering. You can’t leave things to chance. You have to declare your goals and get everyone on board.
3. Map an Action Plan for Breakthrough Results. Everything gets easier when you break your big goals into little goals.
4. Execute a culture where everyone is accountable for results. This one, above all others, will drive your business forward. The real question is who is holding you accountable?

These four pillars will help your business overcome all obstacles and grow to your goals. Stick around and we’ll cover each of these in more detail.

Reed Baldwin Memorial Scholarship Fund, organized by Michele Rufer 04/05/2021

A colleague of mine lost their 22year-old son last Thursday -- April 1st -- in a heartbreaking car accident. I've taken a moment to donate to Reed's Memorial Scholarship Fund. I'd be pleased if you'd do the same.

Reed Baldwin Memorial Scholarship Fund, organized by Michele Rufer In an effort to carry the torch we are inviting the community to come together an… Michele Rufer needs your support for Reed Baldwin Memorial Scholarship Fund

Timeline photos 03/24/2021

The secret to getting ahead is getting started.
~ Mark Twain
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Timeline photos 03/24/2021

It's the Business Mission Challenge!
Here are the rules --
1. Share your business' Mission... without looking at it.
That's the only rule!
But as long as we're here, remember - the mission isn't about you. It's about the value you provide to your customers. So while you definitely don't need an altruistic mission to save the world, missions about "I just want to make a lot of money!" are no good either. It's the job of every business to make money.
What makes your business stand out?
In other words, what is the value you're here to provide? What is your Mission?? We want to know!
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Timeline photos 03/24/2021

Quick question -- Do you have a plan for your sales and revenue for next month?
Or do you just sorta... take whatever the universe decides to throw your way?
Would you like to operate according to a plan? Check out how.
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Timeline photos 03/23/2021

I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.
~ Thomas Jefferson
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Timeline photos 03/23/2021

Quick question: What is your biggest hiring challenge right now?
Maybe it's knowing how to craft the best job posting possible to attract A-Player candidates?
Or maybe it's knowing where to post in order to actually FIND candidates?
Perhaps it's knowing the best questions to ask to sort out people with work ethic vs. those that... well... slackers?
What is it for you? What is your biggest hiring headache right now?
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Timeline photos 03/23/2021

You need strategy for your business. But don't let that scare you.
Strategy is nothing more than an intentional destination along with the turns that will get you there.
Businesses that plan out their strategies enjoy greater revenue, higher profits, and lower employee turnover than those that don't.
Check out https://buff.ly/2P3DtWu for tips on how to plan and create your strategy easily.
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Timeline photos 03/22/2021

Want an awesome, truly happy and energetic team?
Then make sure you get to know "5 : 1."
That is, for every one negative interaction you have with an individual, make sure you're having at least five positive interactions.
I can hear you going, "What the heck?" and, "But how am I supposed to ignore everything Bill does wrong?"
You're not supposed to ignore everything Bill does wrong. The point is to notice everything Bill does right AND point it out... to Bill, and to the rest of the team.
Here's the deal... as entrepreneurs, we're both really, REALLy busy as well as constantly on guard for everything that can go wrong. That combination is great because it makes us experts at spotting all the risks and problems around us.
The challenge is sometimes we can get too focused on those problems and risks and forget that the human beings around us just need a good "attaboy" every once in a while.
The "magic ratio" of 5 positive interactions to every one negative interaction isn't new. Relationship researcher Dr. John Gottmann found it was the best at creating the strongest interpersonal relationships.
The point is to so strongly engrain in your daily walk the habit of noticing and pointing out good and happy things that your overall culture is positive and happy. Stop and think about the power of having a positive an happy culture rather than, dare I say, negative and crappy culture. You're in a MUCH stronger position to point out problems if they're NOT the norm because now they really stand out and get dealt with more quicly.
Practice today. Notice all the positive things you can. When you hear yourself saying positive things inside your head, take a moment and say them outloud. Watch the responses you get from your team and how quickly your environment changes.
Let me know what happens.

Timeline photos 03/21/2021

Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.
~ Ryunosuke Satoro

Timeline photos 03/20/2021

Focus on being productive instead of busy.
~ Tim Ferriss

Timeline photos 03/19/2021

Together, ordinary people can achieve extraordinary results. ~ Becka Schoettle

Timeline photos 03/19/2021

Having team conflict about a project, or what to do next?
A lot of the time, team conflicts are about how to do something, exactly what to do, etc. In other words, people take "positions" on issues, and these positions conflict with each other.
But a great majority of the time, we all actually want the same thing in the end. In other words, we all want the same "outcomes" with regard to whatever we're working on - whether that's a big project, a task, or just deciding where to go with our spouse or friends.
Here's the deal... If you suspend fighting about your "positions" long enough to AGREE about your desired OUTCOMES.... Eeeeeevrything gets easier. Once you've found that thing to agree on, and that thing is SO fundamental as the thing that you're all working toward, it becomes so much easier to "work backward" in small steps, determining the actions and mini-outcomes along the way that have to happen.
Moral of the story? Next time you're having a conflict, ask yourself... Are we disagreeing about an Outcome, or something else. Drive for agreement about the Outcomes first, and back your way into agreeing on the rest.
Watch conflict melt away and team productivity and harmony soar.

fb.me 03/18/2021

How much do you need an ACTION PLAN to hire A-Players for your business in half the time, with less effort, and for less money? Do you "post and pray?" Do you ever get the feeling maybe your job posts could be better - or even that they're scaring candidates away?⠀
Do you want to know...
1. How to tap into what candidates are really looking for.⠀
2. Why what - and WHERE - you post makes the difference to finding the best candidates.⠀
3. Why you should be actively recruiting candidates no matter your business type and how to go about it.⠀
4. How to interview for A-Players.⠀
And much more.⠀


Timeline photos 03/17/2021

One piece of log creates a small fire, adequate to warm you up, add just a few more pieces to blast an immense bonfire, large enough to warm up your entire circle of friends. Needless to say that individuality counts but teamwork dynamites.
~ Jin Kwon

Timeline photos 03/16/2021

"To me, teamwork is the beauty of our sport, where you have five acting as one. You become selfless." ~ Mike Krzyzewski

Timeline photos 03/16/2021

What does soccer have to do with building a breakthrough business?
Focusing on problems is like focusing on the defenders on the field. Sure, we can't ignore the defenders, but if they're the only thing we're looking at, we'll never see where the goal is!
Focus on the goal, and focus on it with all your might. Don't forget the problems, of course. But focus on the goal so hard that the goal grows in your mind and your mind's eye. Focus until it is so clear, so compelling, so motivating that you can see AROUND those pesky defenders (the problems in the way) and can see all the clear paths to get to the goal.
Focusing on the goal doesn't get rid of the problems, but it puts them in their proper place and brings the goal closer than before.
Follow Pivot Habit and share for more.

Timeline photos 03/15/2021

Here's the thing -- even if you hire all A-players, there are some critical steps to take to build and maintain a TEAM of A-players.

How many times have you heard about a sports team that was made up of superstars that didn't perform that way because they didn't act like a team? You can build and maintain a team that lifts your business to a new level.

The first thing is Availability.

Think about the last time something happened in your personal life that "took you off your game." Maybe a family member got sick, or there was an accident, or a conflict. Or your car broke down, or something else happened that took your attention away.

As business owners, we all want to be 100% focused on our business and we want all our employees to be 100% focused as well. "Availability" is the degree to which we are physically and psychologically "present" and focused, vs. the degree to which we are unable to focus or which we feel it's unsafe to do so.

What happens if you change your perspective from, "John isn't performing the way I'd like," to, "I wonder if there's something blocking John from performing better?"

Think about your employees, and specifically, think about someone who might not be performing as well as you'd like. Ask yourself whether there might be any personal, professional, or other issues that might be getting in their way of doing their job. Is there some way that you can help unblock them? Do they have the equipment they need? Are they hiding the fact that they don't know how to use it? Is there a problem at home or with their transportation? In short, is there some problem which you might either be able to help them solve, or give them the "grace and space" to solve on their own?

Make no mistake -- You're helping them solve these issues because it's the decent and human thing to do, yes. But also, once issues are solved and focus is restored, you've helped make an A-Player. Follow for more like this.

Next time, nurturing the right Behavior.

Timeline photos 03/10/2021

Most people who start a business see an opportunity to do something they're passionate about and live a better lifestyle... to make their own decisions, their own schedule, their own fortune. They see an opportunity to take care of their family at home, and their new "family" that chooses to work with them.
What they need is a simple, proven game plan. A system that shows them how to:
1. Grow a team that thinks and acts like owners.
2. Align everyone around an irresistible offering.
3. Map an action plan to breakthrough results.
4. Execute like a machine, actually achieving higher goals week-after-week, every month.
If this sounds like you, follow Pivot Habit for more information.

Timeline photos 03/08/2021

We all want to be part of something bigger. Your employees want to be part of something bigger than themselves.
Pillar #2 is to align around an irresistible offering and rally everyone to it. This can have truly magical effects as everyone begins to take more and more pride in their work. ANd there are many, many ways to do this.
But here's one way you can put into action before today ends.
Seek to understand the value that you provide from your customer's perspective, and connect yourself and your employees to THAT value.
In the parable of the bricklayer, this makes the difference between understanding yourself to be "just" building a wall vs. building a place of worship. Which helps you understand your value better?
Maybe you sell insurance, or houses. Maybe you do web design, or interior design. Maybe you build things, or tear them down.
The challenge I give you is to understand the value you provide that goes well beyond just the thing that you sell or the thing that you do and is the actual value that your customer receives as a result. Be that piece of mind, the ability to sleep better, a fresh start, a new lease on life, a better place to live, or so on.
Take a moment - yet today - to understand and appreciate the value you provide. Take that moment to help your employees understand the value they provide. Leave a comment and let me know the result...

Timeline photos 03/02/2021

Growing an effective TEAM is the real foundation to the game plan for your business.
When you've created a team that knows, likes, and trusts each other...
When you've created a team that thinks and acts like they own the place...
Everything else just gets easier.
And there really are concrete steps you can take to make this happen in your business.
What are the things you do to make your team the best they can be?

Timeline photos 02/26/2021

How to Make Rabbit Stew
I’m kidding. Right? Yes! Of course, I’m kidding!

However, that adorable little child in the bizarre little cap is me circa 1973. And that blurry brown creature behind the chicken wire in the cage on the left is a rabbit. It dawns on me as I write this that I’ve never asked what that old fat bastard’s name was. Let’s call him Fat Old Bastard. Actually, let’s call him Blind Fat Old Bastard because he couldn’t see worth a hoot and that’s about to become super important to this story. “BFOB” for short.

If it sounds to you like BFOB and I didn’t have the best of relationships, well, you’d be right. Look again at this picture and you’ll notice that I’m feeding BFOB some tasty, delectable, delicious greenery, aka grass.

One day in a scene that looked much like this, as I pushed the delicious greenery through the chicken wire to BFOB, apparently my tasty beige looked a lot like greenery. You guessed it — BFOB bit off my finger. Off. As in off my hand.

Well, ok, technically it wasn’t the whole finger. BFOB bit off my index finger to the first knuckle. And thankfully it wasn’t completely bitten off and BFOB didn’t swallow — the tip of my finger was still hanging on, dangling by a little bit of skin.

It turns out when you’re one year old and still consist almost entirely of a puddle of stem cells, you can recover from a lot. The doctors did little more than stitch the digit back together, slap the sort of bandage on it that can survive even a one year old, and wish my parents the best, telling them, “Maybe the finger will grow, maybe it will fall off.” It grew. It’s a little funky. Somewhere, there’s a picture of me smashing ants with that epic bandaged finger.

Now then, what the heck does this have to do with teams that think and act like owners, rallying people around a focused offering, mapping a path, and executing like a machine?

As of this weekend, it’s 48 years later and that rabbit is long gone. *I’m* the fat old bastard now, but thankfully not blind. But when I’ve told this story to people that worked for me, people that I’ve worked with, clients, etc. they “know me” on a different level. And they have a damn good time poking fun of me and my “bunny finger,” too. And that’s sorta the point.

How much do you know about the people that you work with? That work for you? That you work for? You see all the visible, diverse bits about them that give you impressions about them. But how much do you truly know? What do you know about what you can’t see? Where they come from? What story they have about a value they learned from a family member, coach, or embarrassing story from school?

And what do they know about you?

Making that human connection — OFFERING that human connection — doesn’t “get in the way” of being a leader. It is what makes it *possible.*

Timeline photos 02/24/2021

Be honest. Would having a plan fix your concerns, or would having a team that thinks and acts more like they owned the place? Maybe a little of both?
Here's something confounding. What's your plan... for getting your team to think and act more like owners? Let's chat!

Timeline photos 02/23/2021

If you already have a business, you don't need a business plan. You need a living system that builds growth, performance, and wealth. That means...
1. A team that thinks and acts like owners.
2. An irresistible offering and with everyone rallying around it.
3. A confident "map" for what to do 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
4. Tools & techniques to drive predictable results and manage by knowing more in less time.
Having a team that thinks and acts like owners means laying a strong foundation for teamwork, collaboration, and a group identity that helps feed the success of your business. It means:
- Having a framework to help your team deeply understand each other on a personal and professional level.
- Solving problems that prevent team members from embracing the team and collaborating fully.
- Encouraging the sense of ownership you’ve been longing to see.
- Building the community and “family” feeling you’ve been looking for.
- Leveraging psychology to create a more positive, committed workplace.
Want to know more? Like and follow for more like this.

Timeline photos 02/18/2021

"Availability" happens when best nothing is blocking your employees from giving their best selves to their work.

Work things that hamper availability are things like not having the right tools, training, or resources. Personal things that get in the way are things like health concerns, concerns about kids and child care or other family, and schedule conflicts.

What is the #1 thing you see popping up again and again that get in the way of your employees from giving their best effort? What are you able to do to help clear that blocker in order to help your bottom line?

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Entrepreneurial Mindset



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