Truman Sociology, Anthropology, and Justice Systems

This group should facilitate communication among prospective, current, and former (alumni) students and faculty. Thanks! -Dr. Johnson

Please post information of interest; questions for us; or just share what you are up to.


This summer senior sociology major, Olivia Linde, and SAJS alumna, Isabella Wirthlin, are working at Nine PBS in organizational excellence as Project Associates.
Olivia is focusing on completing Nine’s community impact survey using data and evaluation skills largely enhanced during her SOAN coursework. The survey’s purpose is to gauge the needs of the St. Louis community to further inform the media produced at Nine.
Isabella’s focus is to develop a leadership curriculum for Nine while leveraging her skills from the SOAN department and the Leadership MA program at Truman

Photos from Truman Sociology, Anthropology, and Justice Systems's post 07/23/2024

This summer senior anthropology major, Hattie Berke, is working in Georgia with Project Chimps. Project Chimps is a non-profit chimpanzee sanctuary that works to care for and protect chimpanzees. The chimpanzees at Project Chimps are retired from research and kept in same-sex groups of 13-19 in an effort to encourage social opportunities for the chimps. “I’m able to understand chimp social organization/interactions, help create future chimp groups, and contribute to future captive chimp studies,” Berke says.

Photos from Truman Sociology, Anthropology, and Justice Systems's post 06/25/2024

Recent SAJS alumni, Lauri Klump, has accepted an offer of admission from Illinois State University’s funded Master of Sociology Program. She earned a TA position as well as several scholarships in her academic pursuit.
“For graduate studies, I hope to investigate how policy is being used to censor educational materials, historical facts, and personal identities within educational settings. I’m interested in how these policies may impact the retention of staff/students as well as the repercussions for discussing these banned topics.”
“After completing my master’s, I plan to apply for Ph.D. programs in Sociology and Public Policy, with the desire to work in a policy-focused position that allows me to contribute to large-scale contributions in marginalized communities through equitable, knowledgeable, and culturally sensitive policy action. I want to help create policy change that will mitigate the negative effects of historical racial and class discrimination and segregation. Through these actions, I hope to participate in removing barriers and creating more accessible institutions, especially for people from marginalized groups.”

Photos from Truman Sociology, Anthropology, and Justice Systems's post 05/28/2024

Academic Honor Awards featured many of SAJS’ recent graduates, look below for photo description:

Dr. Anton Daughters presenting Outstanding Student in Anthropology to Emily Anderson
Elizabeth Wiles, JD, presenting Outstanding Student in Criminal Justice Studies to Lauri Klump
Dr. Amber Johnson presenting Outstanding Student in Sociology to Ella Schnake


“Hello! My name is Mairin Warner (she/her) and I am a Sociology Alumni from Spring 2024! In the fall of my sophomore year, I wasn’t a major, but I was enrolled in SOAN 260 & 190. About 2 weeks into the semester, I decided I absolutely needed to change my major because of those courses and my family was like “... what are you going to do with a sociology major?”. The thing I love about SOAN is it is such a strong foundation for pretty much everything. These classes challenge you to think introspectively about the way our society is shaped by power dynamics and institutions, and the way individuals are differently impacted by these systems based on their identities.

I have had internships in social media marketing, food insecurity nonprofit work, and at a tech startup- all of which I have stood out to my supervisors because of the way our professors teach us to be inquisitive and passionate. Now that I am graduating, I am going to go work for the Humane Society of Missouri in St. Louis as a member of their Development Department. Best of luck to all SAJS students during this finals week!”

Photos from Truman Sociology, Anthropology, and Justice Systems's post 05/11/2024

The SAJS Student Recognition Ceremony was held last week. Thank you to the students and faculty that attended and those who honored students for their outstanding achievements within the department.


Congratulations to SAJS seniors honored at the Outstanding Academic Achievement this semester!

Photos from Truman Sociology, Anthropology, and Justice Systems's post 05/11/2024

Hattie Berke recently presented her research in New Orleans at the Society for American Archaeology annual meeting. “Our project was a combination of my capstone research and a bigger project with Dr. Amber Johnson and Mizzou PhD candidate and Truman (alumna and) adjunct professor Jessica Totsch. My research focused on the effect of elevation on the timing, type, and primary uses of animal domestication. I found sites higher in elevation tend to be more recent in the archaeological record implying that animals were domesticated in lowlands and brought into higher elevations by humans for herding. I also identified the earliest animal uses used in domestication. Our joint project was to identify environmental factors that could lead to the development of animal herding and we identified four that fit the majority of our data. This was a preliminary analysis and hopefully will be developed into a bigger project and maybe published!”


Congratulations to Professor Wiles on receiving the Educator of the Year award! This award, given by Student Government, is especially meaningful because it is nominated and selected by students.The SAJS department is proud to have such a diligent professor making an impact in the lives of students. Your dedication is appreciated!


Congratulations to the senior SAJS students graduating with departmental honors. Kate Zimmerman (JS), CJS: Paige Bethel, Lauri Klump, SOAN: Emily Anderson, Kate Justis, EoJin Kim, Lauri Klump, Ella Schnake


Go SAJS Bulldogs! Wishing you luck on your final exams and papers from the SAJS department!!

Photos from Truman Sociology, Anthropology, and Justice Systems's post 05/03/2024

Senior Sociology/ Criminal Justice double major, Lauri Klump, presented at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) in Long Beach, California Alpha Kappa Delta’s (AKD) Fourth Annual Virtual Undergraduate Research Symposium, and Truman State University’s Annual Student Research Conference. “Between the Spring of 2022 and the Spring of 2024, I had the opportunity to conduct an original research project under the guidance of my faculty mentor, Dr. Victoria Mayer. I proposed and completed a mixed-methods study titled “Systemic Processes of Regulation Operating within the US Education System: Hindering Outcomes for Low-Income Students and Students of Color,” which examines the Missouri education system to see how neoliberal macro-level policies influence the specific policies and practices adopted by public schools on the meso-level. Additionally, I assessed whether the specific policies and practices adopted by a school district differentially impact students on the micro-level, given the particular structure of that district’s population.”


Kate is a senior graduating this May with a BS in Sociology and plans to pursue a career in elementary education. She has recently been accepted into the 2024 cohort of the St Louis Teacher Residency, a program designed to prepare high-quality teachers to work in urban, underserved schools in St. Louis City. Through this program, she will take coursework while teaching under a mentor, earning her teaching certification after year 1. During year 2, she will enroll as a grad student at WashU, taking master’s coursework while lead teaching, and ultimately earning her Master’s in Teaching & Learning.


Caitlyn Lee graduated from Truman in 2018 with a Sociology & Anthropology degree (Anthropology track). She went on to be commissioned as an officer in the Army and serve the US during their withdrawal from Afghanistan and the fall of Kabul. This month she was accepted to a number of different law schools around the country including Columbia, NYU, Chicago University, and has decided to attend Yale in the fall. Go Bulldogs!


18 years ago I took this group of Truman students (Jacob was a recent alum) to the SAA meeting in Puerto Rico.

Dr. Nathan Wales is now faculty at the University of York doing research on ancient DNA.

I've lost track of Arthur Harrill, but would love a life update if anyone knows what he is doing.

Dr. Corey Hudson is a researcher at Sandia Labs doing all kinds of high tech cool stuff.

Dr. Jacob Freeman is going up for full professor at Utah State University. He has developed several highly productive research collaborations. Just had a paper published in PNAS!

Just one snapshot from an academic life. 😊


“I appreciate the friendliness of the fellow students and the faculty’s utter willingness to help.”

Reagan Leckie is a senior Anthropology major who appreciates that even on the anthropology track she gets exposure to sociology. Her interest in anthropology stems from the striking maternal death statistics and has only grown through her coursework. After graduation, Reagan plans to pursue a master’s degree in sociocultural anthropology.


It was a fantastic day at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in New Orleans today. I presented a poster with current student, Hattie Berke and alumna Jessica (Bernstetter) Totsch in a session organized by alum Jacob Freeman.


Thursday night plans: Trivia at Dukum‼️


Thursday night plans: Trivia at Dukum ‼️


“I am a junior business major with minors in sociology and agricultural studies. I became interested in sociology during a high school introduction to sociology class, and my interest has only grown since coming to Truman. In sociology, I’ve studied social change, how human society interacts, and the consequences of human behavior, all of which are important in understanding how to connect with the people around you, which is fundamental in business. My favorite class I have taken at Truman is SOAN 452: Globalization, taught by Dr. Daughters. This course deepened my understanding of the interconnectedness of societies and economies on a global scale. This class fueled my passion for sociology and business and how they connect. After graduating, I am looking to enter the field of supply chain management where understanding human behavior and relationships, cultural factors, and the interconnectedness of the world around us is essential.”


“Hello! My name is Alexis Cook (she/her) and I am a SOAN alumnus from May 2023. Since graduating with a degree in Sociology and Communication, I’ve been working in the social justice non-profit sector in Kansas City, MO. I’ve worked with Missouri Workers Center, a racial and economic justice nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of workers and securing good jobs for all. My passion for socioeconomic justice was ignited when I took SOAN 260: Social Institutions with Dr. Brian Ott. A lot of thought-provoking material was read and deep conversations were had in that class. Reflecting on my time in the SOAN major, I really appreciated the guidance I received when it came to internships, jobs, and grad school. If I could give a piece of advice to current SOAN students as someone who’s one year out of school, I’d stress the importance of gaining experience. A lot of employers in the social justice sector believe a degree is supplemental to experience, not the other way around.. Three SOAN professors in particular made my experience worthwhile, and they are Dr. Amber Johnson, Dr. Brian Ott, and Dr. Victoria Mayer. They made an impact on my life that I’ll never forget. Best of luck to current SOAN students!”


'Tis the season for nominations for alumni recognitions:

If you or someone you know meets the descriptions below, please consider nominating yourself/them for one of these recognitions! OR reach out to the department and let us know who you think we should nominate. Remember, we don't always know all the great things you've done after you leave Truman, but we would love to learn more and recognize any of our alumni for the great things you are doing.

Truman alumni all over the world make outstanding accomplishments every day, and we're inviting you to recognize them!

Nominations are now open for the Echo 25 and Alumni Fellows. Read more about these exciting awards below, and nominate outstanding Bulldogs for these honors.

See a list of last year's Echo 25 recipients here and Alumni Fellows here! Please note, in order to recognize as many amazing alumni as possible, previous recipients are not eligible for re-selection.

Award nominations are due by noon on May 1.

The Echo 25 features 25 exceptional alumni under the age of 40 who will be recognized at a ceremony in fall 2024. Recipients of The Echo 25 will be selected based on the ways they live out Truman’s characteristics of graduates. Truman graduates are creative, socially responsible leaders and engaged world citizens. They are responsible, informed and compassionate. They have the characteristics that enable them to be active, successful participants in their worlds.

Candidates for the award must have earned an undergraduate or graduate degree from Truman State University and be under the age of 40 by the announcement of winners on September 27, 2024. Nominate an alum today!
Echo 25 Nomination

Sponsored by the Office of Advancement and the University’s academic schools, the Alumni Fellows program recognizes alumni who have distinguished themselves in their respective careers.

The Alumni Fellows program is designed to enrich the Truman experience by exposing students to outstanding alumni who share extensive knowledge and real-world experience from their respective fields. Nominees must have distinguished themselves in their chosen profession, have made significant contributions to their community and demonstrated integrity in their personal lives. Nominate an alum today!
Alumni Fellows Nomination


Stacy Tucker-Potter
Director of Engagement
Office of Advancement
Truman State University
100 E Normal St
Kirksville, MO 63501

Send a message to learn more


Hattie is a Junior Anthropology and Spanish major at Truman State University. She first became interested in anthropology through the TV show Bones and realized she was more interested in what was happening off-camera than on it! Hattie loves the SOAN department’s small size and the attitude her fellow students and professors take towards learning, creating long-lasting connections, and mental health. Her experiences from being a part of this department have helped her develop a unique interdisciplinary outlook on culture and society as a whole. Hattie plans on using her degree to pursue graduate school in anthropology and do something in the study of cultural development in early humans and primatology.


Hey, Bulldogs! Let’s rock these midterm exams or papers out of the water! You’ve got this :)


Kayla Jackson, SAJS alumni, was recognized as an Echo 25 Alumni. This prestigious award is to commend outstanding Truman alumni under the age of 40. Read about her career below:
“Judge Kayla Jackson-Williams measures success not only in the courtroom but in the lives she touches in her local community of Boone County, where she lives with her beautiful daughter. In 2012, Kayla graduated from Truman with her degree in Justice Systems before continuing her education at the University of Missouri-School of Law. Kayla’s exceptional skills in trial and oral advocacy, as well as brief writing, earned her membership to the Order of Barristers, an honor awarded to only ten Mizzou Law graduates each year.
Following law school graduation, Kayla began representing families in Boone County, ensuring each individual she assisted not only received a skilled attorney in the courtroom, but also a representative who listened and explained each part of the legal process encountered.
She then served as a Public Defender and handled hundreds of criminal cases. Kayla viewed her position as a public defender as another avenue to demonstrate excellence and an opportunity to advance her skills in her advocacy via making oral arguments, preparing witnesses, researching legal issues, preparing motions, and conducting trials. More importantly, she took this opportunity to provide a voice to individuals who often felt overlooked and unheard.
Looking for a change, Kayla left the Public Defender’s Office in 2020, and worked as a Senior Associate at Rogers Ehrhardt Attorneys at Law, where she practiced civil litigation. During this time, she also served as an adjunct professor, teaching Client Interviewing & Counseling, at Mizzou Law.
In 2021, The Supreme Court of Missouri appointed Kayla as a member of the Commission on Racial and Ethnic Fairness and a member of the Juvenile Justice Subcommittee. The Supreme Court of Misouri appointed Kayla to a second Committee, this time focused on reforming the Juvenile Justice System in Missouri.
On August 2, 2022, Kayla was elected as the first Black Judge in Boone County, MO., where she has served since January 1, 2023.” (Truman State University 2023).

Photos from Truman Sociology, Anthropology, and Justice Systems's post 02/27/2024

“When I started my undergraduate education at Truman, I was a Business major and I didn’t know what “sociology” was or what it meant. I discovered that I was passionate about challenging inequalities and wrong-doings, while at the same time, investigating their causes. I spoke with the head of the Sociology/Anthropology department via Zoom, inquiring what is “sociology” and if what I wanted to do was “sociology.” After this conversation, I immediately switched my major and have never been happier. Switching to sociology was the best decision I’ve ever made; not only because it is what I am passionate about, but also because of the opportunities, experiences, connections, and support I have gained throughout my time in this department.
After some time in the SOAN department, one of my professors pulled me aside and suggested that I look into the Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program to pursue graduate education. As a low-income and first-generation college student, I never knew grad school was an option for me. I was accepted into the McNair Program and had the opportunity to conduct an independent research project under the guidance of a faculty mentor. The professor who recommended the program to me became my research mentor and we developed a close and professional relationship that has changed my entire life.
The professors in the Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice Studies departments truly invest in their students’ well-being, development, and success. Through this department’s knowledge, support, guidance, and encouragement, I have not only been able to join McNair and conduct an independent project, but I have also been able to present my research at numerous academic conferences, expand my academic network, pursue graduate education, and thrive in my undergraduate studies. Additionally, I obtained my two on-campus employment positions through the networks the SOAN department exposed me to. The connections and experiences I have made within the Sociology/Anthropology and Criminal Justice Studies Departments have truly impacted the trajectory of my life and I cannot express how grateful I am for their contributions in making me who I am today.”


Cultural and Societal Honors Society is having this joint event with the Hanami-Japanese Club to celebrate leap year! Please join the event in origami making in VH 1332 from 6:30-7:30 PM on February 29th.


Criminal Justice Studies / Justice Systems will have their Area of Concentration Achievement Tests (ACAT) in Violette Hall room 1142 from 6:00-8:00 pm for graduating seniors on the following dates:
2/20, 2/21, 2/22, 2/23, 2/26, 3/1
Seniors, check your Truman email for registration!


Dr. Arlen Egley, associate professor of criminal justice (with colleagues Meagan Cahill and James C. Howell) has published a chapter “The National Youth Gang Survey: Past, Present, and Future” in “The Oxford Handbook of Gangs and Society” (edited by David C. Pyrooz et al.) that is just out. [Publication date January 23, 2024]


Sociology and Anthropology will have their final Major Field Tests (MFT) in Violette Hall room 1142 from 6:00-8:00 pm for graduating seniors tomorrow, 2/2/2024.

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