Biola University Crowell School Of Business

The Crowell School of Business prepares students academically with a foundational business education.

Fall 2024 New Student Orientation 08/30/2024

Biola's Crowell School of Business is ecstatic to welcome our incoming students to Biola's campus today! As you step into our community, you'll find a place where faith and business principles unite to create ethical leaders. Let's shape the future of business together. Excited to see you on campus!

See a full schedule of Welcome Day events or more information here:

Fall 2024 New Student Orientation Check out the New Student Orientation Schedule! Get more information on dates, events, registration and more as you prepare to attend Biola University.

Snyder School of Cinema & Media Arts Groundbreaking 08/21/2024

Biola's Crowell School of Business is excited to witness a new chapter in innovation and creativity! Join us as we celebrate the groundbreaking of the Snyder School of Cinema & Media Arts' new studio, a partnership made possible by visionary leadership and collaboration with In-N-Out Burger's Lynsi Snyder-Ellingson.

Don't miss the opportunity to connect with leaders from across campus and the business world. The first 700 guests to register and attend will receive free In-N-Out.

Join us on Friday, September 6, at 11:30 a.m. for the ceremony and at 12:30 p.m. for lunch. This is a great chance to network, celebrate, and enjoy some great food!

Snyder School of Cinema & Media Arts Groundbreaking Mark your calendar for Friday, September 6, 2024, and join us at Biola University for a historic occasion as we celebrate God's faithfulness and break ground on the new Snyder School of Cinema & Media Arts studio facility.Groundbreaking CeremonyTime: 11:30 a.m. PacificLocation: Parking Lot D, at the...

Radical, Creative Giving: Generosity After God’s Own Heart (Part 1) - Denver Institute For Faith & Work 08/16/2024

John 3:16 calls us to radical generosity. As Christians, let's go beyond tithes and offerings. Be generous with your labor, influence, finances, and expertise.

Read more in this article by the Denver institute for Faith and Works:

Radical, Creative Giving: Generosity After God’s Own Heart (Part 1) - Denver Institute For Faith & Work It’s no cliché to say that John 3:16 (NIV) – “for God so loved the world that he gave” – is a verse that should greatly inform our lives as Christians today. As followers of Christ, we are to mirror him, and thus we can, and we ought to be, radically generous to those around […]

Thinking Deeply About Wealth with Basil the Great 08/15/2024

"Scatter your wealth for the benefit of others and do not fall into the devilish trap of 'innumerable spending opportunities.'"

In this article by The Institute for Faith, Works and Economics, timeless wisdom is shared on wealth and generosity. The author challenges us to use our resources to help others, emphasizing that true satisfaction and piety come from giving.

Read the full article here:

Thinking Deeply About Wealth with Basil the Great Regardless of whether we agree with Basil the Great's teachings on wealth, many lessons can be learned from his message "To The Rich." Here are a few.

Biola Students Perform Exceptionally in National Business Competition 07/23/2024

Congratulations to our talented business students for placing in the top 5% and earning a spot on the “Honor Roll" in the national business simulation competition Capsim!

All four Biola-led teams achieved elite status, demonstrating exceptional skills in creating and managing successful businesses.

Read all about their accomplishments here:

Biola Students Perform Exceptionally in National Business Competition Biola University Crowell School of Business students made the “honor roll” in a national business competition, earning a score in the top five percent of participants. The competitive business simulation — run by Capsim — included business students at more than 1,500 colleges across the nati...

Financial PTSD and the Three Money Promises of God 07/04/2024

Money is the number one source of anxiety for Americans, with many experiencing symptoms of financial PTSD.

Shane Enete, professor of finance at Crowell School of Business, explores the false hope of wealth and offers three comforting money promises from God to alleviate financial stress. Let the truth of God's care release us from money worries.

Read the article here:

Financial PTSD and the Three Money Promises of God We Americans worry about money — a lot. You might say it is an American pastime. Money is consistently listed as the number one source of anxiety of Americans. Our worry over money can even be classified as a psychological disorder. In a recent study, 23% of surveyed Americans...

Three Crowell Professors on Road to Retirement 06/28/2024

Dr. Steve Rundle, Beth Starr, and Thomas Wilson, pictured left to right, are retiring this summer, leaving behind a legacy of dedication, innovation, and faith at the Crowell School of Business.

Their remarkable careers have profoundly impacted students and colleagues alike, shaping the future of business education at Biola.

Read more about their legacy here:

Three Crowell Professors on Road to Retirement [Pictured left to right: Tom Wilson, Beth Starr, Steve Rundle] Change is an inevitable part of an organization, and next fall’s faculty roster at Crowell will have some changes. Professor of economics and international business Dr. Steve Rundle, assistant dean Beth Starr, and associate professor o...

Shaping the Future: Integrating AI and Faith at Biola University’s Business School 06/19/2024

"AI is here to stay, with a 270% adoption rate over the last few years and projections of significant economic impact. As believers, we need to be proactive, shaping AI for good rather than becoming victims of it. We are created in God’s image, so we must play a role in leveraging AI for positive impact."

Biola's School of Business Dean, Dr. Michael Arena discusses how Biola is preparing students to engage with the intersection between faith and AI, rather than shying away from a changing industry.

Read Arena's full interview here:

Shaping the Future: Integrating AI and Faith at Biola University’s Business School An interview with Dr. Michael Arena, Biola’s new Dean of Biola University’s Crowell School of Business THRIVE! Editor Kyle Patterson interviews Dr. Michael Arena of Biola Below is a sum…

Gen Z workers can take criticism. You’re just phrasing it wrong. 06/15/2024

"Young workers say older generations are wrong to label them as lazy or soft. Instead, they just want to bring humanity back to the workplace ... All managers should ask: What is your goal in providing feedback? And is your approach working?"

Biola Associate Professor of Management, Dr. Jake Aguas, was recently featured in The Washington Post discussing the generational shifts in the workplace, how Gen Z workers want to hear feedback and how managers should provide that feedback.

Read the article here:

Gen Z workers can take criticism. You’re just phrasing it wrong. Young workers want feedback at work and lots of it. But if you deliver it rin the wrong ways, it could backfire.

Everything I Knew About Success Was Wrong - RELEVANT 06/13/2024

Success in spirituality isn't measured by appearance, but by the depth of our connection with God. Learn how to let go of the need to look successful and embrace the journey of faith.

Read the Relevant Magazine article here:

Everything I Knew About Success Was Wrong - RELEVANT Here’s an ambition that sent me running in the wrong direction for most of my Christian life: I wanted to be “spiritually successful.” In some ways, it

Dr Michael Arena Of Biola University: How AI Is Disrupting Our Industry, and What We Can Do About… 06/12/2024

"The impact of artificial intelligence on the future of work and learning is undeniable, and business schools play a crucial role in preparing students for this evolving landscape. Our goal is to future proof business students by teaching skills that are relevant to the coming AI driven landscape. Beginning with understanding AI and technology, we provide a foundational grasp of AI’s applications and implications."

Biola's Dr. Michael Arena recently sat down with Authority Magazine reporter Cynthia Corsetti to discuss how AI is disrupting the business industry, and how Biola is preparing students to stay ahead of those changes.

Read the full interview here:

Dr Michael Arena Of Biola University: How AI Is Disrupting Our Industry, and What We Can Do About… An Interview With Cynthia Corsetti

How Does Business Matter in Eternity? (Interview w/ Jordan Raynor) - Theology of Business Institute 06/11/2024

In this article by The Theology of Business Institute, Jordan Raynor gives incredible insights on how to intersect faith with entrepreneurship.

Read the article here:

How Does Business Matter in Eternity? (Interview w/ Jordan Raynor) - Theology of Business Institute Hawkins shares how he has partnered with God in growing multiple companies and how he has responded to ethical quandaries along the way.

When Your Career Hits the Rocks 06/08/2024

Read the inspiring story of Hye Jin Lee, a mentor at Crowell School of Business, whose career setback became a testament to faith and resilience.

From unexpected job loss to finding new opportunities, her journey embodies the unchanging trust in God's provision and the power of standing firm in one's principles. Read the full story here:

When Your Career Hits the Rocks “I pray that God gives you prosperity in your endeavors,” Hye Jin Lee told a room of students and guests at the most recent Crowell School of Business Distinguished Speaker event. “But know that in this world there's no utopia. We are going to have challenges. Still, God knows...

Christian University Launches New Type Of 'Ethical' AI Lab Focused On Convergence Of Faith & Technology | Positive Encouraging K-LOVE 06/06/2024

KLove recently highlighted Biola University's new AI Lab, rooted in Christian principles, which offers students the opportunity to integrate technology and faith.

Learn more about the lab here:

Christian University Launches New Type Of 'Ethical' AI Lab Focused On Convergence Of Faith & Technology | Positive Encouraging K-LOVE Positive Encouraging K-LOVE

3 companies you didn't know were Christian-based, and one you probably did 05/23/2024

"Once upon a time in the United States, marketing Christianity was a good business strategy."

This recent article from Fast Company explores the roots of Christianity and business, which companies lost momentum or their values, and which companies continue to uphold their values and find success.

Learn more here:

3 companies you didn't know were Christian-based, and one you probably did Chick-fil-A, In-N-Out, Forever 21, Carl's Jr., and Hobby Lobby all have Christian roots. Here's how they continue to mix religion and business.

Guide to Retirement Planning 05/20/2024

"If you haven’t started saving for retirement, it’s not too late. But the midnight hour is at hand. If you have been saving, keep building on what you’ve been doing."

Looking to start saving? Associate Professor of Finance Shane Enete provides expert insight on retirement savings. Get a head start on saving today.

Read here to learn more:

Guide to Retirement Planning Nobody's born knowing how to save for retirement. What we all need is a saving-for-retirement guide.

All Your ‘Little’ Big Things 05/18/2024

“Consider how 'little by little' is a much better approach to accomplishing what matters most to you."

Read this recent article from Institute for Faith, Work and Economics to see if there’s actually a brighter way to accomplish our goals and discover better results:

All Your ‘Little’ Big Things As leaders in business and at home, we aim for success. Using Scripture as a guide, discover how a “little by little” approach can help you reach your goals.

How to Plan Charitable Donations & Their Benefits 05/16/2024

"Regarding what charity to give to, give to organizations that meet the needs for which you have developed a life experience of empathy."

Associate Professor of Finance at Biola University, Shane Enete, recently offered insight into how to plan charitable donations in this article on MoneyGeek.

Read here to learn more:

How to Plan Charitable Donations & Their Benefits Donating a life insurance policy, car or deferred gift? Read our guide to learn how to give to charity effectively and avoid scams.

Sunday Faith & Monday Work 05/16/2024

“When we recognize that work is a pre-fall task that comes from God, we can understand that people everywhere, including the poor, are assets to be developed, not liabilities to be managed.”

Read this recent article from Institute for Faith, Work and Economics to see why churches should be wellsprings for fostering empathy, connecting discipleship and daily work, and extending hope to the poor, here:

Sunday Faith & Monday Work Connecting faith, work, and economics stems directly from what we know about human identity: to bear the image of God and steward the earth and our work well.

The Defining Decade of the Twenties 05/14/2024

“Live it up, but figure it out. These messages cause twenties to become an in-between land, an already-but-not-yet phase of adulthood.”

When we live our lives through the framework of vocation, we may not have it all figured out, but we live with hope, purpose, and meaning. Read this recent article from Institute for Faith, Work and Economics to learn how to navigate your twenties:

The Defining Decade of the Twenties Twentysomethings are often told to "live it up" and "figure it out." In reality, the twenties decade is meant for discovering their purpose and vocation.

Taking Our Faith to Work 05/11/2024

“Finding a job at whatever stage you’re in [is] going to be a spiritual journey. Cover it in prayer, and ask God to lead you ... Look at your own design, how God made you.”

This recent Institute for Faith, Work and Economics article provides insight into how Christians can practice their faith no matter their workplace. Read more here:

Taking Our Faith to Work Taking our faith to work is part of whole-life discipleship. IFWE contributor, Russell Gehrlein, shares what he has learned on The Plumb Line radio show.

Heavenly Displays & Earthly Work: Glimpsing God’s Eternal Glory 05/08/2024

“The work of our hands can produce flourishing that glorifies God, serves the common good, and advances God's kingdom in the here and now.”

As Christ's followers, Christians are called to emulate Christ's work, promoting flourishing in their spheres of influence. Read this recent article from Institute for Faith, Work and Economics to learn how to integrate faith and work here:

Heavenly Displays & Earthly Work: Glimpsing God’s Eternal Glory God's creativity and craftsmanship were on full display during the recent solar eclipse. Here's how we can imitate him and bring about flourishing in our work.

Office of Innovation: New Home, Broader Mission 05/08/2024

"The Office of Innovation will become less of a separate, free-standing entity and more the cutting edge of Crowell, a way to push us out both farther and wider. It’s a key part of our plans for Crowell and we want to see it grow, and for things to grow, you need to feed them. In this case, we want to bring in new participants and new opportunities.”

Michael Arena, Dean Of Crowell School of Business, shares his vision for one of Biola's student resource, The Office of Innovation. Read more here:

Office of Innovation: New Home, Broader Mission In my recent Dean’s message, I announced three emphases for Crowell that we’re very excited about: being anincubator of innovators and entrepreneursbeing an incubator of leadersbeing an incubator of kingdom influencers In the big picture, I think these three things are inseparable, but I wanted ...

What Makes Biola the #1 Christian University? 05/07/2024

Out of 562 Christian colleges and universities in North America, Biola University is the most comprehensively Christian.

At Crowell School of Business, we make faith central to our identity, curriculum, and community to prepare our students in heart, mind and soul to see business as not just a job, but as ministry.

What Makes Biola the #1 Christian University? Biola is the most comprehensively Christian university in North America, scoring #1 overall — out of 562 Christian colleges and universities — for making fai...

How God Is Present With Us at Work 05/07/2024

“This theology of work obviously nests with all the other categories of systematic theology, and one of them is the theology of salvation and how we come into a saving relationship with God through faith in Christ.”

Read this recent Institute for Faith, Work and Economics article which provides insight into how God equips us to work. Read more here:

How God Is Present With Us at Work God is present with us at work and works through us to love our neighbor. IFWE contributor, Russell Gehrlein, shares his insights on The Plumb Line radio show.

Photos from Biola University Crowell School Of Business's post 05/04/2024

Congratulations to Crowell's Class of 2024!

We are honored you chose to be a part of the Crowell School of Business and we can't wait to see the impact you make as professionals and representatives of Jesus Christ!


Join us tonight at 7 p.m. PST in honoring our class of 2024! If you are unable to attend in-person, join on us via the livestream here:


We want to congratulate our Crowell School of Business graduates of 2024! We are proud of everything that you have acheived and are excited to celebrate you tonight at the commencement ceremony! Join us at 7 p.m. PST and if you are unable to come in-person, watch the live-stream on Biola's YouTube here:

Nurturing Leaders, Innovators and Influencers at Crowell School of Business 05/02/2024

“As we continue to chart our course towards excellence and impact, I hope you stand with us in remaining steadfast in our commitment to nurturing Kingdom influencers — visionary leaders who illuminate the world with the radiance of God’s love and grace.”

Michael Arena, Dean Of Crowell School of Business, shares some encouraging words and recounts the accomplishments of the last year. Read more here:

Nurturing Leaders, Innovators and Influencers at Crowell School of Business Greetings this Easter season! I hope this message finds you in the fullness of joy and purpose as we collectively journey towards our shared goal of making a meaningful impact on the world for the Lord Jesus Christ. Whenever there is a change in leadership, it is fair to...

Commencement at Biola - Biola University 04/30/2024

Happy graduation week to Crowell School of Business Class of 2024!

We are excited to celebrate with you on Friday, May 3! Learn more about Friday night's ceremony and activities here:

Commencement at Biola - Biola University Get information on Biola's upcoming commencement. Find details for graduating students and friends, family and guests of graduates planning to attend the ceremony.

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Videos (show all)

Happy #BUGivingDay! Today we celebrate and support our students with a 24-hour giving challenge where we bring the entir...
The Work Exchange
Dr. Scott Rae on Why Work Matters
The Work Exchange: Six Life-Changing Strategies for Empowering Your Work
Dr. Shane Enete Shares His #IChoseHigherEd Story
Student Shares About Crowell's MPAcc Program
Business Students Share Their #IChoseBiola Stories
The Importance of Ethical Decision Making
How leaders can connect with their teams.



13800 Biola Avenue
La Mirada, CA

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Tuesday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm

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