Countess Prax Tarot

Do you have questions about your life? Tarot can open our subconscious for answers. I do readings i

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Thursday's Affirmation: I am remaining true to myself despite any doubts.


Thursday's card: 6 The Lovers, Reversed (Sacred Circle) "Denying your heart." Today could make compromise difficult. It could be time to take a closer look at our relationships. Are they worth it? We should ask ourselves if we are willing to put in the hard work they need, or should we just let them go? We need to stop and really think about things, and we shouldn't push ourselves into something that is making us hesitate. There could be a reason, maybe it's something we shouldn't do. If we aren't certain of the path, we shouldn't take it.

We must also be careful of missing opportunities because we don't act when the moment is right. We need to trust ourselves to make decisions; our feelings and intuition are there for a reason and we should listen to them!

We should focus on our spiritual side and beware of potentially toxic emotional relationships and stagnation. Once we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future, we can move forward in a positive direction. We should take time to meditate on loving ourselves and making changes to have healthier relationships in the future.


Wednesday's Affirmation: I am putting this behind me and moving on.


Wednesday's card: 5 of Swords, Reversed (Tarot of Pagan Cats) "A situation where everyone loses." Know when it's time to walk away! We are under stress and mixed with other obstacles we've experienced; it is no surprise! There are no winners in our conflicts, only losers. This card indicates that not only have we experienced conflicts but also the depression felt afterward.

The Swords are very pessimistic, so we may have fallen into the habit of expecting bad things to happen, and so they do! One of the most basic personal and spiritual lessons is that negativity attracts negativity. If we think positively, we can begin to change things.

We can begin by apologizing if we have already said things we regret. Only when we take responsibility for what happens to us and stop blaming others and other things for our failures can we begin to make the new life we want. We should consider our priorities and what matters most to us while being as pleasant to others as possible. We can make things better!


Caturday's Affirmation: I welcome abundance and prosperity into my life!


Caturday's card: 3 The Lady (Sacred Circle) She is abundance, fertility, and all the gifts of the Universe. The Lady is the Goddess, the feminine energy of nature, the giver of fertility and creativity who completes all things. The Ultimate Mother card. She tells us to get in touch with our feminine side, listen to our intuition, and go along with our emotions.

We are a child of the earth and should seek to care for and respect our fellow beings and the environment. It is important to connect with the earth and to be grounded.

We should appreciate the opportunity to experience the beauty of the world and the simple pleasures of life. All cycles of life have meaning, and all things have their season. We must learn to recognize the time to act and the time to wait patiently for things to mature.

Someone could be pregnant, getting pregnant, or having a baby. Relationships with family and friends can be happy and loving but heed messages or warnings that come to you. It's time to Heal!


Friday's Affirmation: "I open my heart to give, receive, and feel love."


Friday's card: 3 of Cups, Resolution (Sacred Circle). Something good is in store for today! The threes represent the initial completion of the first stage of a project or a life cycle. Though we can celebrate, there is something more to come. The journey is not yet finished, and hard work still lies ahead. But for now, we should just feel happy and alive and enjoy the day. Just find a reason to celebrate; it could be anything.

This is also a time of great emotional and spiritual growth. Differences and quarrels can be resolved, and relationships can become loving and trusting.

Spiritually, this is a time to give thanks for blessings received. This card represents an initiation into life, full of promise, happy reunions, and an upbeat attitude. Things should take a turn for the better. Make the most of today, give thanks for the good things in your life, and be happy! Just don't do anything crazy, like eat too much, drink too much, or do anything excessively today.


Wednesday's Affirmation: I remain calm and recognize that growth opportunities often come disguised as problems.


Wednesday's card: Knave of Swords, Reversed (Tarot of Pagan Cats). This card warns of surprise events that will cause changes to our plans. It is also a warning about a deceitful person who is not what they seem; they are two-faced and we are only seeing one side of them! There may be miscommunication, hurt feelings, or broken promises. Carefully check over all paperwork, back up your computer, and don't agree without first double-checking everything! Be sure to set clear boundaries with any young person acting out.

The Knave reversed is teaching us that we cannot plan for every little thing that happens and we just need to handle any problems that come up one at a time. We must keep in mind that unexpected things pop up in life, and we can't blame ourselves for all of them. We can get through this!

This is also a reminder to check the way we are speaking to others today. We can change the atmosphere just by changing our tone.


I am confronting my fears and limitations, and taking charge of my life. The more knowledge I acquire, the more I develop.


Today's card is the Page of Wands (reversed) from the Sacred Circle deck. Pages are usually messengers, but this one might bring unwelcome news. It's not necessarily terrible news, but it's something we might prefer not to hear. This card indicates that we need to focus and make decisions. We may even need to help someone else make a decision.

On the other hand, this card warns us that we can't trust someone with confidential information. This person might spread gossip and be a poor communicator. They could also be immature and insensitive to others. We need to be careful and ensure that we're not the ones being rash or hurtful with our words.

At the lowest level, we should beware of flattery from a false friend. Such a person is shallow, superficial and only interested in using us to achieve their goals as quickly as possible. We should be cautious and avoid such people today.

On a spiritual note, creativity can enhance our spiritual experiences today. If we become too fixated on our problems, we limit our perspective. We should make an extra effort to stay positive and seek inspiration through conversations with friends about their spiritual journeys.


Monday's affirmation is: "I will keep my eyes open for synchronicities and opportunities!"


Monday's card is the Ace of Wands, reversed (Sacred Circle). Do you feel like your passion is fading away? Or worse, do you feel like someone is trying to extinguish your fire? If the answer is yes, it's time to ignite the flame again! This reversed card indicates that our personal growth has come to a halt. We are being reminded that we must follow through on our great ideas and have more confidence in our creative vision. Committing to finishing what we started is important, as we may surprise ourselves with our abilities.

We shouldn't deny personal expression, and focusing on one thing at a time is crucial. Today, we may feel a bit unfocused and tired due to our daily life demands, but we must take a few minutes to focus on our spirituality, which will help us feel better. By allowing our spirit to absorb the energies of the Universe, we can sustain ourselves and benefit in ways we cannot imagine.


Sunday's affirmation: I am releasing anything that holds me back from reaching my full potential.


Sunday's card is the 4 of Wands from the Pagan Cats deck, which represents the celebration of a shared goal. It signifies that after putting a lot of hard work into a project, we have finally achieved success and deserve to take a break and celebrate. However, we need to be cautious and not rush things. It is essential to pay attention to details and ensure enough support and financial backing to take the project to completion.

Although the card is very positive in a reading, it also indicates that we must keep our wits about us. We should treat ourselves to some fun, but we are still in the building phase, and it is not the time to let our guard down completely.

The 4 of Wands often represent freedom, breaking the bonds that bind us and enabling us to move toward growth and happiness. The demands of hardship should ease, and things should become happier and more harmonious. We must aim to finish any pending matters, freeing ourselves to move into new challenges.


Caturday's Affirmation: I own my feelings and express them with compassion and understanding.


As per Caturday's card reading, the Queen of Cups (Sacred Circle) represents the element of water and is known to hover between worlds. She signifies a time of discovering new qualities and depths within ourselves, encouraging us to explore our feelings and pay attention to our feminine side, which includes empathy, healing, and intuition, regardless of our gender. Water is the element of emotions, intuition, and psychic skills, and these are abilities that we all possess and should learn to nurture and trust. The Queen of Cups also reminds us to treat ourselves and others unconditionally. It is important to remember that every individual deserves love and respect, regardless of who they are or where they come from. During this time, it is likely that we will feel more connected to others and the world around us. We need to be open to the magical energy of life and feel the love flowing all around us. However, we must also be careful not to become moody or deceitful, and avoid overindulging, as the Queen of Cups has a tendency toward mood-altering substances.


On Friday, I remain calm and at peace with myself, accepting whatever happens.


The Queen of Swords and Imagination (Sacred Circle) are the focus of Friday's card. The Queen represents the power of imagination and positive thinking. Our thoughts have the ability to shape reality, making imagination and positive thinking the fundamental principles of magick. Now is not the time to procrastinate or make excuses, but to think positively and use our imagination to create what we want. The Queen is a strong and assertive figure who reminds us that we may need to take a stand and be firm in our decisions. However, we need to be mindful of other people's feelings and avoid being abrasive, icy, or bitchy. This is a time of great energy and creativity, and we should remain open to inspiration from unexpected sources. The Queen also reminds us to be honest and to find humor in every situation.


Wednesday's affirmation is: "I am savoring the present moment and finding contentment."


Wednesday's card is The World (Tarot of Pagan Cats), which represents the successful achievement of a goal. It signifies feeling pride and enjoying rewards, and a sense that all is right with the world. If we have been waiting for an opportunity, this is it. We have the necessary tools to accomplish our goals, and the door is open for us.

This card marks the end of a cycle of events, achieving something we have worked hard for, or reaching a spiritual goal. If we have not yet achieved our goal, we should bring something to completion. Additionally, this card represents a spiritual or physical journey during which an important lesson will be learned.

At a higher level, The World demonstrates the Oneness and the connection of all things, their equal importance, and their many possibilities. We are getting closer to our true selves at our deepest levels. We are all on an eternal spiritual journey, and our insights will likely be valuable to others, so we should share them!


Greetings everyone! First of all, thank you to those of you that are still here. I appreciate you!
I went through a very Dark Night of the Soul that lasted for some time, but I'm finding my way again. My cousin died suddenly, and we had to euthanize three cats in one week, so it's been tough once again.
I fully intend to do all my readings; if I owe you one, please message me here and let me know.
I'll be back to post a card for tomorrow, and I hope to continue. Thank you once again! 💜


Today's positive thought is: "I am willing to face reality and take the necessary steps towards a positive outcome."


Monday: Today's tarot card is the reversed 7 of Cups from the Sacred Circle deck. The card suggests that we may have been living in a fantasy world, and it's time to come back down to earth. By making the necessary decisions and taking action, we can turn our dreams into reality. It's important to take some time to picture what we realistically want in our lives and then take steps toward achieving it.
We might have been feeling worried, anxious, and fearful, which may have caused us to feel insecure and defensive. Additionally, past experiences could be coming back to haunt us. This is a great opportunity to take action on things that we know, deep down, we need to do - whether that's forgiving ourselves or others. We can find the answers within ourselves through meditation and then take action.


Thursday: I affirm that I communicate my thoughts and ideas with clarity while harnessing my own healing energy to help myself.


Thursday: Today's tarot card is the Knight of Swords indicating change. The Swords represent the element of Air, which is known for its unpredictability. So, be prepared for sudden changes that might temporarily disrupt your plans. However, it's important to stay positive as things will eventually work out.

You may be required to take immediate action or demonstrate leadership skills in handling a situation that demands confidence and fearlessness. This is the time to be assertive and forceful, yet tactful. There could be a conflict or personality clash, but trust that it will pass quickly and is not permanent.

If there's something you've always wanted to do, like taking a special trip, changing careers, or pursuing a creative project, now is the time to stop procrastinating and do something positive. It might just turn out to be one of the best things you've ever done!


Today's positive affirmation is: I have the ability to envision a better future beyond my current circumstances.


It means a lot that you all are still here. Thank you!

Today's tarot card is the Knave of Swords from the Tarot of Pagan Cats. The card represents the beginning of independent thinking and the development of mental capacity. It reminds us to be cautious before making any decisions and to conduct thorough research. We should avoid pushing too hard or stepping on others' toes, as it may lead to conflicts at work or in our relationships. We must use our physical and mental energy wisely, avoiding overextension both in finances and health. It's also essential to explore our spiritual side and be open to new beliefs that interest us. We should keep our minds open and look deeper if we think they are already open.


Hello, all! I wanted to make a post to let you know I'm still here. And to ask for your forgiveness at the lateness of the readings I owe. I've been going through some depression and some physical problems that included a lot of pain. I'm really hoping to start again tomorrow, and get back on here again. Then I also hope to get the readings done. Thank you. 💓

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Countess Prax Tarot

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Do you love cats? Do you love Tarot? You’ve come to the right place! We are currently caring for 18 rescued beautiful Kitties that have, in one way or another, come to us in need of a home. I also love tarot. So I offer tarot readings in exchange for donations to help care for our kitties. It takes a lot to keep this going! We couldn’t do it without your help. Send me a message here if you are interested.

100% of donations goes towards feeding the cats, buying litter, flea and worm treatments, spay/neuter, and vet visits.

Videos (show all)

Friday's Affirmation: I am peaceful and grounded in the knowledge of my blessings.*Artist: #debbiebalboa
Friday's Affirmation: I am releasing everything negative from my life to make room for the positive.(Artist: #DebbieBalb...
Monday's Affirmation: I work towards my goals while remembering to take care of ME.
Caturday's Affirmation: I am in control of my life and my happiness.**Artist: Debbie Balboa
Caturday's Affirmation: I am staying focused and making things happen!**Artist: Debbie Balboa
Friday's Affirmation: I am putting my life in order, proving my abilities, and proving myself. I am focusing on the posi...
Friday's Affirmation: I laugh, love, and bring pleasure to my life. When I regenerate myself, I can then help heal other...
Thursday's Affirmation: I seek stillness and recognize its rewards.**Artist: #debbiebalboa
Caturday's Affirmation: I am grateful for what I have and I generously give when I can.***Artist: #debbiebalboa
Tuesday's Affirmation: I am open-minded, and I am not afraid of a challenge.**Art by Debbie Balboa
Caturday's Affirmation: I am focusing on listening to my inner voice, and I am not losing sight of my goals.**Artist: De...



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