New Danville Bible Evangelical Methodist Church

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Happy Birthday Michelle Hilton

Sunday, August 20th, 2023 - His Servants 08/20/2023

See today's sermon as we continue through our Revelation Series !

Sunday, August 20th, 2023 - His Servants


Proverbs: Wisdom to Live By
Proverbs 1:10-14 My son, if sinners entice you, Do not consent. If they say “Come with us, Let us lie in wait to shed blood; Let us lurk secretly for the innocent without cause; Let us swallow them alive like Sheol, And whole, like those who go down to the Pit; We shall find all kinds of precious possessions We shall fill our houses with spoil; Cast in your lot among us, Let us all have one purse.”
Solomon warns his son about the dangers that evil companions can bring. He addresses the importance of choosing wisely our friends and who we keep as company. Friends are one of the most powerful influences in our lives. At times they can be more of an influence than family. We must be careful in that choice.
If they ask you to do wrong, do not consent. Sometimes we will say that our friends, or cousins, of the devil made us do something. The fact of the matter is, no one can make you sin unless you give consent. If they force you, or you resist and they overpower you, that is not consent, therefore it would not be your fault. But if you give consent and go along, then there is no one else to blame but yourself.
We need to distance ourselves from those who plot against others. If they plot against others, they will plot against you. If they lie about others, they will lie about you. No matter what they promise, keep your distance.


Proverbs: Wisdom to Live By
It is interesting that the very first proverb is for sons (children) to hear and receive the instruction of their parents. Proverbs 1:8-9 “My son, hear the instruction of your father, and do not forsake the law of your mother; for they will be a graceful ornament on your head, and chains about your neck.” The father speaks to his child and gives instruction. The mother reminds the child once again of what is expected. They do this out of love for their children. The teaching of the children is the responsibility of both parents. The child is very capable of thinking, reasoning, and learning. This training is considered a great reward for the next generation. They should treasure what their parents are teaching them. If a child refuses to receive instruction, it will be a difficult road for them. In fact, the next Proverb warns of being enticed by sinners. Without proper instruction, and a receiving heart of that instruction, the child will be easily enticed and led astray.


Proverbs: Wisdom to Live By
Where do we start? It all begins with Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction. Even though Proverbs concentrates on practical everyday wisdom, its foundation is based on the principle that knowledge and wisdom come from the fear of the Lord. This type of fear is a reverence, a respect, that those made in the image of God and are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb owe to the Lord. Without this proper respect given to the Lord, true knowledge and wisdom will elude us. Wisdom cannot move ahead until the beginning point is set. The beginning point is the fear of the Lord. This is the first fundamental or foundational truth. Without a proper reverence (fear) of the Lord, there is no wisdom.


Proverbs: Wisdom to Live By
Proverbs 1:2-6 gives us the purpose of the Proverbs.
1. To know wisdom and instruction
2. To perceive the words of understanding
3. To receive the instruction of wisdom
4. To see justice, judgment and equality
5. To give prudence to the simple
6. To the young man knowledge and discretion
7. To hear and increase learning
8. To attain wise counsel
Not too many search after wisdom today. Many want knowledge, or at least enough knowledge to do their job, to make money, to be successful. Most want to be well-liked and admired. But, to be wise, to be able to understand how to apply the knowledge attained in accordance with the Spirit, not so much. In all that you pursue, above all, seek wisdom.


Proverbs: Wisdom to Live By
As we finished our journey through Psalm 119, I have been led to consider the Proverbs. Instead of looking at one verse at a time, we will consider each individual proverb one at a time. I hope you will continue our journey together.
Proverbs are usually short statements made about everyday practical living. These are usually individual statements with not much context or topical organization. They tend to be concerned with practical life applications. Proverbs are easily remembered and can be memorized. They are to be considered and put into practice as they apply to the individual situation. Proverbs do not offer a magic remedy to life’s problems, but act more as advice and caution. The wisest man to ever live wrote most of them. It would be in our interest to open an ear and consider. Since the Proverbs are offered as individual bites, this study will not necessarily be a verse after verse study.
Proverbs 1:1 tells us that the proverbs come from Solomon. I Kings 4:32-34 gives us a description of Solomon and his wisdom. “He spoke three thousand proverbs, and his songs were one thousand and five. Also he spoke of trees, from the cedar tree of Lebanon even to the hyssop that springs out of the wall; he spoke also of animals, of birds, of creeping things, and of fish. And men of all nations, from all the kings of the earth who had heard of his wisdom, came to hear the wisdom of Solomon.”


“Beneath the touch of a helping hand, we can feel God’s strong grasp. If we hold on, we are no longer alone.”- Unknown


“Lost sheep can always be found, for they are cherished by a Shepherd whose love knows no bounds.”- Unknown


Seek After Me- Psalm 119:176
Seek after me, O Great Shepherd
You know I am prone to wander
I lift my head and find
I am far from the flock
Yet, I am still Your sheep
Come, search after me
I remember Your Word
Even as I do not see others
And sometimes do not realize
I have strayed away
You come after me in Your Word
It is there that I find wisdom
It is there that I find freedom
It is there that I find You
You were the Word in the beginning
You are the Word in the present
You will forever be the Living Word
You come after me
Because I am Yours


Psalm 119- a study
176 I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek thy servant; for I do not forget thy commandments.
Like all of us, the Psalmist was prone to wander, to go astray. He acknowledges his failings and shortcomings. We should all do the same. He knows about them anyway. We cannot hide anything from Him. He asks the Lord to come after him. He knows that he will get distracted, caught in the mire, and, perhaps not have the strength to return on his own. The Lord seeks after His own. He completely depends on God.
In all that the Psalmist had written and done, he did not give into self-righteousness. He knew that left to himself, he would wander away. It all depended upon the Lord. It was not his trying to do it in himself, but it was his complete dependence upon the Lord.

Even though he goes astray, he is still the Shepherd’s sheep. He belongs to His flock. As such, even though he strayed away, he was still precious in His sight. He was, is, and will be one of His. He wanted to be sought, because he wanted restoration.
The Lord seeks after us in many ways. One of those ways is through His Word. The Word that we hide in our heart, the songs that we sing, the passages we have read numerous times, all provide opportunities for the Lord to reveal Himself to us through His Word.
The Psalmist’s study of the Word was not a mere academic endeavor, or an obligatory ritual. It was a personal, spiritual, pursuit of truth and God. God meets Him in His Word, because God is the Word. John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
Psalm 119 ends with a reminder that we are to be ever in His Word, because that is who He is, and that is where He is.


“God, let my soul live, that it may soar on wings of faith, find solace in the depths of your grace, and bask in the light of divine love.”- Unknown


Let my soul live- Psalm 119:175
Let me live, and I will praise You.
As long as I live, I will praise You.
When I am in Your presence,
I will praise You forever.
After the body is gone,
The soul will continue to praise, You.
You alone are worthy,
Of all praise and worship.
As the Word teaches me,
It shows me how to worship.
I am to worship You alone.
Let no one else judge my worship.
I am not worshipping them or for them.
I am worshipping You.
What is our purpose,
But to glorify You.
How do I glorify You?
I worship You.


Psalm 119- a study
175 Let my soul live, and it shall praise thee; and let thy judgments help me.
As the Psalmist, we should recognize our need of both life and guidance which come form the Word of God. With this guidance, we can build a strong relationship with God. This verse supports the answer to the question, what is the chief end of man? We are to bring glory to God and do so forever. More than anything else, we need and depend on God. The more we love and learn from the Word, the more we realize how much we need God.
This section has taught us that we need to obtain wisdom, to be delivered, to understand how to worship God correctly, to be empowered to live a life pleasing to God, and the strength to maintain.
The majority of the battle is to recognize that we are in need. This is true in every aspect of our lives. With the great awareness of our need, instead of despair, we find ourselves surrounded by the sufficiency of Christ.

Pastor Wilford Lloyd Scott (Meggie) - Sunday, July 30th, 2023 07/31/2023

See yesterday's service as we heard the word from Pastor Meggie Scott!

Pastor Wilford Lloyd Scott (Meggie) - Sunday, July 30th, 2023


Psalm 119- a study
174 I have longed for thy salvation, O LORD; and thy law is my delight.
These two statements go together naturally. Since the Word is the delight of the Psalmist, the Word will guide you to desire salvation. The Word of God will reveal to us our need, our hopelessness, and then, our redemption: faith in Christ alone. The Holy Spirit will convict, compel, constrain, and teach us from the Word. The Word does a lot of things in people’s lives. We know that it is powerful, alive, cutting and convicting. It is always revealing the glory of God, His Son Jesus Christ, and our need of Him. The more we read the Word, the more we will be brought to that need.


Psalm 119:17- The Lord’s Hand
In moments when the shadows dance,
And darkness weaves its fearful trance,
I felt a presence, gentle, grand,
The Lord extending His might hand.

Amidst the trials, burdens I bear,
The weight of life, too much to bear,
I cried out in despair and woe,
But His grace, like a river, did flow.

He walked beside me through the storm,
His love, a beacon, safe and warm,
And when I stumbled, lost my way,
He held my hand, I heard Him say:

“Fear not, dear child, I’m always near,
In every moment, I’m right here,
My hand is here for you to hold,
In joys and sorrows, young and old.”

Through valleys low and mountains high,
He led me on, my guide, my sky,
With tenderness, His touch did blend,
His hand in mine, an eternal friend.

As seasons passed and years flew by,
Through tears I laughed, with joy I cried,
His presence, like a soothing balm,
My soul’s refuge, my sacred psalm.

In days of doubt and nights of fear,
His hand unwavering, drawing near,
A love profound, unshaken, grand,
The Lord extending His blessed hand.

So, as I walk this mortal land,
I’ll grasp the gift, His love firsthand,
In every step, I’ll understand,
The Lord extending His hand, taking mine. - Anonymous


“In the depths of life’s journey, when shadows dim my path, I find solace in knowing that the Lord extends His hand to take mine. With divine grace, He lifts me from despair, guides me through darkness, and leads me to a brighter dawn.” - Anonymous


Psalm 119- a study
173 Let thine hand help me; for I have chosen thy precepts.
The Psalmist asks boldly for the Lord to help him. He can ask boldly not only because we have been told to come boldly into the throne room of God, but because he had boldly loved and kept the Word of God. The more he was into the Word, the more he felt he could ask for God’s help.
This is a beautiful reminder of God holding out His hand for us to take. I think of Peter as he was sinking in the sea and crying out for the Lord to help. The hand of the Lord was right there reaching out to him. The same is true for us today. Sometimes we might feel as if we are sinking, we cry out for help, reach out our hand, and He takes it and lifts us up.
Why do we have this confidence? It is because we know His Word and His Word has given us the confidence to believe what He has said. “I will never leave you, nor forsake you, even unto the ends of the world.”

Radical Jesus - Pastor Marvin Daley, Sunday, July 23, 2023 07/24/2023

It was a privelege to have Pastor Marvin Daley from Jamaica speak today. Check out his message below!

Radical Jesus - Pastor Marvin Daley, Sunday, July 23, 2023


Psalm 119- a study
172 My tongue shall speak of thy word: for all thy commandments are righteousness.
Since the Psalmist knew that the Word of God is inerrant, infallible, inspired and authoritative, it was easy for him to speak of it to others. He had complete confidence in his convictions because he had complete confidence in the Lord and His Word.
We should not be silent when it comes to speaking about God, His Word, and His actions. We should speak up because we are speaking the truth.
This is one of the reasons we have a tongue: to speak praises unto the Lord.


“Informed worship is the soul’s graceful dance, where knowledge and devotion intertwine, kindling the light of understanding and illuminating the path to a deeper connection with the divine.” - Anonymous


Psalm 119:171 Informed Worship
In the realm of sacred space, our spirits soar,
Where wisdom’s light illuminates the core,
Informed worship, a guiding beacon’s flame,
An ode to truth, where heart and mind reclaim.

With humble hearts, we seek the path divine,
Unfolding knowledge, like a rarest wine,
Informed, we offer reverence profound,
A dance of intellect and faith unbound.

No blind devotion tethers us to creed,
Instead, we nourish thought, like fertile seed,
Informed worship, a fusion of two streams,
The harmony of reason and soul’s dreams.

With every prayer, we seek to understand,
The beauty of creation’s wondrous hand,
Informed by history’s storied tome,
The tapestry of faith finds its sweet home.

The stars above, the earth beneath our feet,
We seek the truth in every tale we meet,
Informed worship, a river flowing strong,
Uniting ancient hymns with modern song.

In doubt, we find the seeds of faith’s rebirth,
To question, learn, and seek the roots of worth,
Informed worship, a garden ripe with grace,
Where doubts and certainties can interlace.

With open minds and hearts, we gather here,
To bridge the chasm between hope and fear,
Informed worship, a journey to unite,
The fragments of our souls in heavenly light. - Anonymous


Psalm 119- a study
171 My lips shall utter praise, when thou hast taught me thy statutes.
The Psalmist would use his tongue to speak praises of God and His Word. He understood the struggle with words often becoming either wicked or vain. He wanted to make sure that others heard him either praise God or proclaim His Word.
This speaking is both spontaneous and planned. It was also personal and corporate.
He could praise God and proclaim His Word because he had become a student of the Word. He had been taught the Word of God. The old nature and the old tongue would not naturally speak praise and truth. This was something he was taught. He was taught truth from God Himself.
This was informed praise and worship.


Psalm 119- a study
170 Let my supplication come before thee: deliver me according to thy word.
The Psalmist is praying for his prayers. Specifically, he is praying that his prayers will make it to the throne of God. He is praying that his prayers will come to the ears of God and heard. Supplication is defined in Webster’s 1828 Dictionary as an entreaty, an earnest prayer made in the time of worship. We must remember that our prayers are an act of worship.
The Psalmist is asking for deliverance if it was consistent with the will of God. He did not just want to be delivered, but to be delivered because it was what was best for him. His deliverance is based on the promises of God.
As he comes to the end of this Psalm, he has made many requests. Now the request is that all of his prayers will be allowed to come before God.


Psalm 119:169
In the depths of despair, my soul does dwell,
All I have left is a cry for help, a desperate knell,
Seeking understanding, I turn my gaze above,
To the heavens, to God, to find solace and love.

In this vast universe, I feel so small,
Lost in the chaos, like a leaf in the squall,
My heart aches, burdened with sorrow and strife,
Yearning for meaning in this journey of life.

I reach out my hand, but it grasps at thin air,
My troubles seem endless, my burdens hard to bear,
In the silence of my pain, I offer a plea,
Oh God, hear my cry, have mercy on me.

Amidst the trials, I search for a glimmer of light,
A ray of hope to guide me through the darkest night,
In the whispers of the wind, I sense your embrace,
A divine presence a reminder of grace.

Though I stumble and fall, I won’t lose my way,
For your love is my compass, guiding each day,
Through the trials and tears, I find strength to cope,
With the assurance that in you, I can find hope.

You understand my struggles, my innermost fears,
You wipe away my tears, and dry the bitter tears,
You lift me up when I’m low, with your hand so kind,
Your boundless compassion, forever intertwined.

So, in this cry for help, my faith I shall renew,
In the understanding I seek, I find solace in you,
Through the trails and tribulations that may come,
I’ll hold onto my faith, for in you, I am home. - Anonymous

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Christmas Program 2020 Part Two
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Sunday Morning, November 22, Part One




2 Kay Drive
Lancaster, PA

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