Dynamis World Ministries

Preaching the Gospel, winning souls and planting churches all over the world. Training Ministers. Chu Worldwide Missions Ministry.

Evangelism, Church-planting and training of Ministers and Leaders. The main thrust of this ministry is in Africa and in Asia.



The calling of God to preach the Gospel is not a bed of roses for the faint of heart. There are great victories, but there are also challenges, trials, and temptations where our faith may be tested to the hilt.

The keys to victory are:

1. Always keep your eyes upon Jesus. Never forget that "He who has called us is faithful"

2. Always keep your eyes and your nose in the Word of God, knowing that no matter what - the Word of God is always true and can turn around every situation.

3. PRAY in the Holy Ghost in every situation.

4. Be determined that no matter what stands in your your way, you will NEVER GIVE UP!

5. Never compromise your convictions. Stand for what you believe. Never be a man pleaser. Then if one day you realize that you were wrong, be quick to go back, apologize if needed and make things right.

6. Learn from older men of Faith who have walked with Jesus longer than you have.

7. If you ever stumble and fall, be quick to repent. Get up, stand up, and walk on!

8. Always remember that you need godly friends who have faith and can pray. You can not go it alone. Value your friends, listen to godly counsel from godly friends.

9. Put your family first. Listen to your spouse. Be a good husband and father. Do not neglect your family to "build your ministry".

Do these things and you will not only make it, but you will win!

1 Thess 5:24 " He who has called you is Faithful".


Have you heard of people teaching about connecting with "portals" through which "ministering angels" supposedly come to earth?

DO NOT GET INVOLVED WITH such unscriptural rubbish. Such teachings have nothing to do with the Bible, and they attract evil spirits.

There are those who defend such things by saying that they are not "unscriptural" but rather "extra-Biblical revelations from the Holy Spirit".

Listen, don't listen to such drivel. There are too many false prophets, "counterfeit anointings" and fake miracles going around these days. Many are being deceived because we are living in an age of deception where the Word of God has not been given it's rightful place in the Church ....

So let us stay with the Bible. Be sticklers for the Word of God; everything else just lay aside. Stand on Scripture alone. Be close to Jesus. Be big on Faith. Preach the Gospel, win souls, pray in the Holy Ghost, heal the sick, love people, serve the Lord with Joy, and we will win!


HERE ARE TWO MORE SHORT CHAPTERS from my upcoming book "Serving with Integrity".
Please go through them and give me your input. Thanks.


At the time of writing I have been in ministry for 48 years, and after all these years we are really not a large ministry. We do not have huge amounts of money, my family and I live in a simple house, we drive simple cars, and we are not famous, great or significant in any way. But being small and not being famous has never bothered me, because I never started preaching the Gospel in order to become rich or famous.

I am a very simple man and I have been around “great” men and observed them; and I know that I could never be like them. I just don’t have their kind of “presence”, “pizzazz” or “personality”. All I have ever wanted to do with my life is to preach The Gospel of Jesus with power over demons and diseases; that is all have wanted, and I am grateful to the Lord for the fruit that I have blessed to see so far. We have we have seen cities and nations being shaken because of sheer power of the Gospel that we preach.

So here I am, a simple man leading a simple group of people, but there is one thing that we can say about ourselves: that we are solid. We have a “track record” stretching back to decades in the Lord’s service, and that we are NOT a flash in the pan that comes and goes; but we have been blessed to bear fruit that has remained over the years and we have been built by God to last.

I would give this piece of advice to young preachers: NEVER compare yourself to anybody else. If you do, you will look at those who are “bigger” than you and feel condemnation; then you will look at those “smaller” than you and feel pride. Both of these are deadly sins before God. I would advise to just run your race looking at Jesus, and to run it steadily with perseverance because life in ministry is not a 100 meter dash but a Marathon. Make a decision that you will NEVER allow yourself to be discouraged nor shall you ever entertain the thought of throwing in the towel and giving up.

Study God’s Word, pray, preach, teach, love people, Minister to people the best you can. Your ministry shall grow, but note that most often the most solid ministries grow slowly, and it can take many years. Some ministries sprout up like mushrooms overnight, and the next thing one hears about these preachers is that they have become “stars” and sensations overnight. Then suddenly one hears that their ministry has crashed. And when that happens, it is always because the ministry quickly outgrew the maturity and character level of the minister. My friends, mushrooms grow fast but they only last a few days. Oak trees grow slowly but they can stand for a century. That is why I say, do not strive to be “big” or “famous”, but just work on being “FAITHFUL”.

Develop your faith, develop in prayer, develop in your knowledge of God and His Word, Grow in your expectations from God, Develop your character. In other words, GROW and MATURE as a man or woman, and as a servant of God. Knowledge can come fast but growth in character and maturity come at a slower pace. It is best for you if your character, maturity and ministry grow at relatively the same pace. Let God do His Work in you, be bold in faith, and you will see your ministry and your influence grow and you shall also much Lasting fruit for His glory. Don’t be impatient and let God do His work in your life as a potter patiently moulds the clay in his hands to make something wonderful. You shall be like an oak tree that grows slowly but lasts and lasts “And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper” (Psalm 1:3)


One of the most important things in ministry is maintaining consistency in what you believe, preach and practice. All strong ministers of the Gospel have a strong sense of consistency in what they believe and they practice. Then there are others who run after every new and popular wind of doctrine that blows through the church. If you are solid and show consistency in your beliefs and in your preaching, your church and your ministry will be strong and stable. If you flip-flop around and run after every new wave that is passing through, that is going to affect your church and your ministry adversely. Your church will be unstable and your staff won’t last with you.

Always be rock-solid when it comes to the Word of God. One of the greatest compliments that I have received is “Brother Christopher, you preach the same things today that you did 40 years ago!” Be solid and sound in your doctrine and don’t venture off into preaching “goofy” things; and by “goofy” things I mean teachings and practices that are essentially “experience based” and are very difficult to substantiate by the Word of God. If you have to twist, bend or do contortions with the Scriptures to make the Scriptures prove that what you are preaching is “scriptural” then you can be sure that you have really gone off-base. Just because something is popular at a certain time and everybody is doing it does not make it Scripturally right.

I am saying this because there are many such things going around in the Body of Christ these days; people are so eager for something new to happen that they jump up on to every new bandwagon that passes by. Before you go off into teaching and practicing something “new”, you should be asking yourself, “Is this in the New Testament?”, “Did the Apostles teach or practice this?” “Is this solidly based in Scripture?”, “Does this line up with the book of Acts?”. You should also be asking yourself, “Does this bring people to Jesus and lift the Church or is it divisive?”

Another key question that you should be asking yourself is: “If this new revelation is so indispensable for Christianity, how then has the Church of Jesus survived and done well without it for the past 2000 years?”

The Apostle Paul said “That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive” (Eph 4:14), meaning that consistency in one’s doctrine is a sign of maturity.

He also said, “Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee” (1 Tim 4:16). There is strength and stability in being consistent, in basing your beliefs, life, ministry and preaching on the Word of God alone. Fads and “waves” come and go through the Church all the time, but the best thing to do is to be unmoved by these and to stand on the Scripture-solid doctrines that have been taught and practiced in the Gospels and in the Book of Acts



We all want our children to succeed and do well in life. But always remember this: Much more important than their financial, business, or educational success is whether they are saved or not. We cannot take worldly "success" and the wealth of world with us when we die.

When it is time for a man to leave this world, the only thing that matters is whether he dies with or without Jesus. I hate the very thought of going to heaven without our kids. God wants our entire family to be intact and together in heaven!

So, if your kids are not saved, DO NOT despair; but this is what you do:

1. Never stop pointing them to Jesus! It does not matter how old they are, NEVER stop talking to them about Jesus and His Cross!

2. Never stop praying for them!

3. Keep on speaking with your mouth that the Lord Jesus has already paid the price for their salvation, and that the claim of the Blood of Jesus upon their lives is far greater than any influence that Satan may exert upon their minds.

4. Never stop rebuking the devil and taking authority in the Name of Jesus over the devil's work in the lives of your children.

5. Never stop speaking the Word of God over them. BELIEVE that the seed of the Word of God that has been spoken over them and sown into their lives since they were babies will eventually bear fruit. Remember this mighty scripture:

"So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to me void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it".
-Isaiah 55:11

Declare that God's will and purpose SHALL prosper in the lives of your children!

The Word of God is full of the life and the power of God. Speaking the Word of God over our children is the most potent force of all. It releases the life and the power of God over them. They SHALL experience the gift of eternal life!



It has been 48 years since I answered the call of God to follow Jesus and to serve Him. The first words that I ever saw in the Bible were "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it". Luke 9:23-24

In those days when I was saved out of Islam and in prison for preaching the Gospel, I had never heard of today's modern-day teachings on "goals and visions" etc. That kind of message did not exist in those days. Life was much simpler then, and it was all about walking with Jesus and winning souls. That was the major emphasis then.

In my simplicity and ignorance I decided that all I wanted was to follow Jesus and serve Him. Somehow, that has never changed for me, and has remained as my ethos for the past 48 years.

Looking back at my life I often think "I have already received from God far more than I could have ever dreamt of, imagined or asked for - both in life, family, relationships and in ministry".

Today I am so grateful to our Lord Jesus for His mercy and His grace towards me. To see from where the Lord picked up this Muslim guy with a death wish, to where he has brought me today ..... I am beyond grateful, having received far more than I could have deserved, earned or even prayed for in this life. All Glory to our Lord Jesus who purchased us with His own Blood upon the Cross.

My friends who are called by God to serve Him: Never be discouraged. Never sweat the small stuff. I call it "small stuff": because the Bible says "For the momentary lightness of our affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory, far surpassing to excessiveness". 2 Cor 4:17

God is doing great things in our lives, and we should never let the devil discourage us from walking on the glorious path that we are called to walk on, in the blessed footsteps of our Lord Jesus.

Never give up. The rewards are far greater than the price that we may have to pay on the way. Discipleship has a cost, but the Grace of God upon us is far greater.

Glory to our Lord Jesus!


I'm putting together a book "Serving with Integrity". It is made up of short chapters. It was originally written as "advice for young ministers" but I will tweak it so that it is applicable for everybody. In the next few days I will post a few random chapters out of it. Here is one such chapter. Please read it and tell me what you think. I would appreciate your feedback:


When you experience a new wave of excitement or a moving of the Holy Spirit, and God blesses your ministry, do not begin to look down upon or despise the “old” ministers of the Gospel who are from the generation before you. You see, the new ALWAYS builds on the foundations laid by the old. Remember that those men and women of God that you may dismiss as being “religious”, it is because of THEM that you are where you are today. In your youthful enthusiasm you may get so full of yourself that you forget the fact that these people also know the Lord, and that many of them have seen the face of God and the Hand of God in ways that you never have seen. A movement that is led and fuelled solely by young ministers and that does not humbly seek the wisdom of the older generation is doomed to go down in flames.

I like to sit at the feet of men older than myself and listen to what they have to say: These old warriors of the Cross inspire me. They experienced the flames of Pentecost, they saw the power of God in ways that we never have. Remember the old saying that “a child standing on a giant’s shoulders sees the farther of the two”. We are what we are because of what God has imparted to us through them. We see farther than they do because we stand on the shoulders of their sacrifices and the faith that they invested in us. We are the result of their prayers and their tears. They sowed in tears and we reap in joy. On the field in Africa, I can see our debt to the missionaries who labored there before us; we can see our connection to them when we realize that THEY were the ones who prayed, wept and sowed the seeds of revival and we are the ones who get to bring the Harvest in by the multitudes!

So whilst we have these old warriors in our midst, let us honor them, ask them to lay their hands upon us, pray for us and bless us. Let us have great vision, let us be bold in faith, but let us also be humble to draw from the wisdom of those who are older than us. Whenever I meet older men of God, I make sure to always honor them; they are marching off into eternity and their ranks are thinning; soon they will all be gone. So as we experience success and blessings in ministry, let us always make sure to honor our old pastors, Bible teachers, missionaries and those who spoke the Word of God into our lives in days past; it is because of them that we are where we are today …… !



"There is a fountain filled with blood
Drawn from Immanuel’s veins;
And sinners, plunged beneath that flood,
Lose all their guilty stains"

This is a wonderful song about the Blood of Jesus. I heard a modern "remix" of this in church, where "Blood" was replaced with "gladness". I was shocked. A "fountain of gladness" drawn from the veins of Jesus? What in the world is that?

Every verse of the original song sings about the cleansing power of the Blood, but the "remix" avoids the Blood, and instead sings about "grace" and "love". It does mention the cross, but what is a bloodless cross?

It reminds me of something that I saw when I was a new believer. It was Salvador Dali's famous painting of Christ upon the cross. What struck me the was that there was not a single drop of Blood upon Jesus or upon the cross. Dali gave the reason that "the Blood would mar the appearance of Jesus". How deluded Dali was! He did not understand that it was when He shed His Blood that Jesus obtained redemption for us!

Many think that an aesthetically pleasing Jesus is what the world will accept, but the truth is that it is a bleeding wounded dying Jesus who is the saviour, healer and deliverer of the world. It is only the glorious, gory, and Blood-soaked Gospel of Jesus that the Holy Spirit will affirm.

I remember how Dali's painting really bothered me, because for me the Blood was everything; I did not come to Christ through a bloodless Gospel.

Grace and love do have their place, but it is through the power of the precious Blood of Jesus that the grace and the love of God are revealed to us. There is also no such thing as a "bloodless love of God", or a "bloodless Pentecost".

Sadly, this has become a modern-day trend these days.

My friends, let us never be ashamed of singing, preaching, or loudly proclaiming the Blood of Jesus. The Blood was shed for our redemption. The Blood brings salvation, healing, and deliverance. In the Bible the fire never fell upon a bloodless altar, but only upon blood-soaked altars.

Let us never shy away from declaring and making much of the Blood of Jesus in our praise, worship, and preaching.

As for me, my family, and our ministry - THAT is where we will always stand.

"O precious is the Flow
That makes me white as snow.
No other Fount I know,
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus".



God does not just flip over a
page on a calendar and declare "This is a New Year".

Just think of it: There are 40 different man-made calendars in use in the world today .... Jewish, Chinese, Persian, Hijri, Hindu, Mayan, Julian, Gregorian etc to name just a few. They each have their own "New Years Day". Which one does God use?

God is the Great "I AM". He is without beginning and without end. With Him one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is one day.

We are mortal humans bound by time, but God transcends time. When we are born again we receive the life and the nature of God and we become sons of God. We also step into eternal life where we live with Jesus for ever.

"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name" 1 Jn 1:12

When we live in this wonderful life of God, our destiny is no longer determined by the pages of the Gregorian calendar that most nations follow nowadays, because God is not bound by it in any way. The anointing of the Holy Spirit does not change by the flip of the page of a calendar.

Our destiny is determined by the Word of God, by His purpose for our life as revealed by the Holy Spirit, and by our faith in His Word. That is when we begin to walk with a perspective of eternity, and in our spirit lay hold of things that we do not yet see as visible in our earthly time but we see them in the dimension of eternity. We then lay hold of them, possess them by faith, and thank God for them. THAT is how faith works!

We are in 2024 on the Gregorian calendar, and if you notice things are still the same as they were a few days ago in 2023. Our God however is still working. His Word "See I make all things new" is still at work today and every single day. Wherever the Gospel being is preached, lives are still being changed, the sick are being healed, and people are being set free. The Gospel has not changed and is still as powerful in 2024 as it was in 2023. Our Lord Jesus also remains the same, and has not changed.

Talking about years and dates, Jesus declared in the Gospel of Mark chapter 4 that in Him God's year of Jubilee was fulfilled that day when He stood and proclaimed in the synagogue in Nazareth "TODAY is this Scripture fulfilled in your ears!". So you and I are now living in that blessed year of Jubilee. Some people are still waiting for the Jubilee, but I have good news. The Jubilee is not a date on the Jewish calendar, but JESUS is our Jubilee, and He is here!

The Jubilee is God's year for us, so now we by faith can take full possession of our Blood-bought inheritance of salvation, healing, deliverance, wholeness and provision. Not only do we take possession of these blessings but we can actually begin to walk in these things and thus walk like sons of God upon this earth.

We are living in the Jubilee, and we are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. Hallelujah!

My friends, Jesus is risen and alive. Let us embrace the Word of God and be filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit. Walk with Jesus! Be full of faith! Preach the Gospel!

That is where our destiny is found, and that is where we see how our God makes all things new every day. It is not by the Gregorian calendar, but by our faith in the living and powerful Word of God!



Some people promise that if we receive laying on of hands from them or if we buy their books and CDs, we can then go to "The Next Level" (whatever that is supposed to mean!)

What "Next Level"? Aren't we already seated together in heavenly places with Christ Jesus at the right hand of the Father?

The best thing to for us to do is to use all our faith and all that we have, to serve God and serve people at the "Level" that we are already in today.

Faithfulness and servanthood will always take us to the place where we become better and more fruitful servants of the Lord.

If we are faithful to the light and the revelation that we already have today, then God can give us even more tomorrow.



Many years ago I was in a pastors' gathering in Oslo Norway with Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. Brother Reinhard spoke and shared from his heart. The things that he shared were very simple, yet they had a profound and indescribable effect on my heart. After the meeting was over, and everybody had gone, I remained in my seat with my head bowed, weeping. I don't know why, because the things that he shared were so simple, yet my heart had been stirred to the very depths. If we seek the Treasures of our Lord, we will find them even in the simplest truths shared under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Many mistakenly reject the simple because they think that profundity is only found in that which impresses the intellect.

I looked up after sometime, and saw that I was not alone in the room. Bro Reinhard was also there, standing by the pulpit looking intently at me. As our eyes met, he said "Christopher, come here". I got up and walked up to him. He held out his arms and hugged me. I wept, he also wept softly. He held me close for quite sometime.

He then looked me in the eyes and said, "Deep calleth unto the deep, Christopher; deep calleth unto the deep!"

It was a defining moment in my life. I realize that many of us really want to serve God, but our passions lie in shallow things. We cannot see the Glory of our Lord if we sell ourselves short, giving ourselves to the shallow matters of worldly things, instead of the matters of eternity.

Let us give ourselves to deeper things. There are many chains yet unbroken, waiting for us to bring the Gospel message. Let a passion "to be more like Jesus" be the driving force in our life; yes even possess us and consume us. Let us say "He must Increase, and I must decrease", and really mean it. Let us seek precious communion with our Lord, and be one with Him.....

O Lord may your Spirit find such depth in my spirit and my soul.

In the words of the Apostle Paul,

"That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;
If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.
Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.
Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus".
-Phil 3:10-14





A mighty man of God and one of my mentors, a father in the faith who I loved and miss greatly - Pastor Harry Greenwood and his wife Pam from South Chard, England. They are both with the Lord.

Brother Harry used to come to Sweden several times every year. It was in his ministry that I first saw the gift of the Word of Knowledge in operation. For the first time I saw amazing and healings and miracles take place before my eyes. His ministry sparked in me a desire to see the supernatural power of God in my own life.

Bro Harry was an amazing man with a heart full of love for people, no matter who they were. He poured his life out to many and we grew in our own faith and our walk with the Lord as a result.
Brother Harry went to be with the Lord many years ago, way too early; O how I still miss him!

If you can get hold of his book "Light in your darkness", get it! It is available in Amazon.


And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us; and we saw His glory
Jn 1:14


A Blessed Christmas from the Alam family .... ❤️❤️❤️


When Covid-19 came the Lord gave me THREE Scriptures to personalize and to confess with my mouth every day. Since nobody has a monopoly or copyright on the Word of God, you too can "own" these Scriptures (and other Scriptures"), personalize them for yourself and speak them with your mouth every day. Speaking the Word of God is one of our most pro-active weapons against sicknesses and diseases.

The Scriptures are taken from the New English Translation:

Isaiah 53:4-5

"But he lifted up our illnesses, he carried our pain;
even though we thought he was being punished,
attacked by God, and afflicted for something he had done.
He was wounded because of our rebellious deeds,
crushed because of our sins;
he endured punishment that made us well;
because of his wounds we have been healed".

Romans 8:11

"Moreover if the Spirit of the one who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you, the one who raised Christ from the dead will also make your mortal bodies alive through his Spirit who lives in you".

Romans 8:2

"For the law of the life-giving Spirit in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death".

Remember that the Word of God is our First and Last line of defence. So let us take our stand on the Word of God, and take the time to confess the Word of God every day with our mouths. Proverbs 4 tells us that the Word of God is God's Medicine for us.


Dad Hagin was around 64 years old when Britta and I attended RHEMA; and we were part of the first ever group of international students who went to school there. It was only then that Kenneth E Hagin was beginning to be known internationally.

Just imagine..... Dad Hagin started preaching at 17 and first began to be known internationally after more than 44 long years of serving in the ministry. Most of those over four decades were spent preaching in smaller churches often in obscure places in Texas and Oklahoma. He did not have much materially during those years, but he never judged his success on the basis of what he owned. He just stayed faithful and true to the calling of God on his life.

So, success in the ministry is about faithfulness to the call and not about how quickly you can become rich and famous. I sometimes wonder when this whole concept of ministers becoming rich and famous off the Gospel entered into Christianity. When I experienced the call of God in 1975 it was only about "take up your cross and follow Jesus". What we were promised was prison, persecution, and hardships, and I experienced all three of these.

Do not enter into the ministry if wealth and fame are important to you. Do something else instead. However if your heart is really set on serving God, never measure success by the size of the crowds or by how much money you have; just serve the Lord and serve and bless people faithfully.

I am saying this because many young ministers think that unless they become "big" and famous in 5 or 10 years something is wrong with them. Just think of Dad Hagin; it was only in the last 20 of his 87 years of earthly life that he had what we would call a "world-wide impact".

Remember that trees that grow fast are never as strong as trees that grow slowly. The fast growing ministries of young preachers which grow because of their charisma and PR skills never last on the long run and they leave no lasting legacy; whereas ministries led by older men of God who have shown a lifetime of faithfulness will last, and after they are gone their legacies will live on.

So be encouraged! Be faithful and live your life serving the Lord with gladness, tenacity and with undiminishing faith. Your faith will be tested, you may endure hardship and want, you may go through valleys of discouragement. The great thing is that through all this God is doing His work in you and building you to be strong and fruitful.

But if you keep your eyes on Jesus, press forward in faith and stay faithful, you are ultimately going to win!

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Videos (show all)

Testimonies of Fire Podcast, Episode 20How to Overcome in Difficult Times, Part 2https://testimoniesoffire.podbean.com/
In Senema Zambia, 08 Oct 2023
Senema Gospel Crusade, Zambia. We had fun praising God and dancing after the end of the service last night. Most people ...
Maiteneke Zambia.FINAL REVIVAL REPORT. (1 min 28 sec)
This is how we praised God after we ended the Mpulungu Gospel Crusade last night!
FINAL REVIVAL REPORT - Mpulungu Gospel Crusade, ZAMBIA (1 min 37 sec)
Mpulungu ZAMBIA.Wednesday night Revival Report (1 min 43 sec)
GORONGOSA GOSPEL CRUSADE, MOZAMBIQUE.Great excitement in the crowd on this final night!
SATURDAY REVIVAL REPORT - GORONGOSA, MOZAMBIQUE.Thousands respond to the altar call. Blind, paralyzed, deaf healed by Je...



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