Align. Healing Studio

Healing space for energetic alignment. Energetic healing sessions, Reiki Training & artisan goods

Photos from Align. Healing Studio's post 02/07/2024

You don't have to be a yogi to benefit from energy healing.

Hi, I'm Jess! I too, was a skeptic.

Fast forward to now...I know how to regulate my nervous system, I went from having (minor) fertility issues, to having two babies (almost back to back) and yes, I still believe in science and medicine. Both can be true. In fact, using energetic healing modalities along with western medicine is very beneficial!

Take a peek at what my Alignment Package client has to say about her experience working with me over the course of a month.

DM me for the link for my Session options.


T I M E SENSITIVE announcement

Imagine this: You feel lighter, more at ease. Those negative thoughts aren’t there as often, you can breathe easier, your mind is the most clear it’s been in awhile and your motivation levels have increased.

I’m hosting an in-person wellness day where we can work together face-to-face, one-on-one. You will leave my studio feeling so refreshed, lighter, and more at ease.

This in-person session day will be ONE day only. (Saturday February 17th). When you book your session before this SUNDAY, you will receive $25 off your session!!

My Signature Session consist of 4 modalities. Each session is tailored to what you are wanting to work on and is around 60 minutes. We will communicate the days after you book to determine which type of layout will be the most beneficial for you. Once you arrive, all you have to do is relax and enjoy the deeply relaxing session.

Don’t sit on this, because I don’t know when I will be offering this again.

lets get you on the books so you can start feeling better, lighter, clearer and ready to take on this beautiful new year!

Here is what my clients had to say about their experience:

‘I had an in-person energy healing session with Jessica. It included both crystal therapy and Reiki. I had never experienced this kind of energy work before. Throughout the session, I could actually feel the energy on and throughout my body. Jessica is very professional and intuitive which made for a relaxing and productive session.’

‘Jess is absolutely wonderful & so so calming. The whole session was amazing, and left me feeling lighter, calmer, & more aligned with myself. I would love to do another session with her!’

DM the word Elevate for your discount code


It may have taken me this long to remind you but......

It might be time for your crystal pendants to get some TLC with a good cleaning, buff and shine or a ReDip. If you have been around since the RV Studios days, the pendant on your necklace might be ready.

You may have noticed that the copper on your crystal pendant has aged. I just wanted to remind you that I offer reshine and redips. If you would like your crystal pendant to shine bright again, DM me and I will contact your personally to see how we can give that precious crystal new life.

Copper ages, there is no way around it, even after sealing it with a high grade sealant, this will happen over time. We transfer body lotion, facial oils, perfume and the oils from our skin to the metal, it all patinas or ages the copper over time. Keeping the necklace dry and wiping it with a dry cloth after each wear will help prolong the life of the shiny copper.

DM a photo of your piece or comment below so we can get your precious crystal pendant looking sparkly and new!

Photos from Align. Healing Studio's post 10/27/2023

Client Love...

Thank you to my sweet clients for their kind words! I'm so happy you enjoyed your session🥰

I use multiple modalities during my energetic healing sessions, I’m strategic on crystals and crystal placement, I don’t just place them around your body or randomly on your body. There is a rhyme and a reason behind the stones I choose for your healing session and where they are placed are very important for the intention of your session.

Drop a 🧘‍♀️ below if you would like more information on my sessions!


its so easy…whichever one you are drawn to (or that draws you in) first is usually the one that is meant for you!

A few things to remember…it will change from time to time and some will come and go. It all depends on what is coming up for you and what your energetic body is needing or asking for.

More questions? Ask away!

Want a Crystal Rx? DM me and I’ll recommend 1-3 crystals for your current situation!

DISCLAIMER - none of this is meant to override medical treatments, medications, etc. This is purely for your energetic body.


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, you must think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration" - Nikola Tesla

Everything is energy. It’s all vibrating, we are all vibrating.

Crystals vibrate, they each vibrate a little different which is why when you ‘feel’ them, they all feel a little different, you also resonate with them a little differently because of how YOU are currently vibrating (feeling). Which will change tomorrow, in an hour, etc depending on what you are doing, how you are feeling, how you are interacting with other people, etc.

This makes them great tools for energetic healing sessions! And how I use them are extra powerful, because they are used strategically and most importantly, intentionally.

If you are curious about my sessions, drop a 🤔 below


3 things everyone should know about Meditation...

1. its not as complicated as you might think
2. it resets your nervous system, helping you feel clearer, calmer, and more relaxed
3. you really only need a few minutes and don’t need any fancy pillows or equipment

Before I became a mama, I used to have a morning routine which included meditation (the whole morning routine was 15 min). The house would be quiet and I would be able to have this deep, cleansing session each morning that set my day off of the most peaceful, calm way. It was glorious!

Thennnnn, the babies came and there was ‘no time’, it wasn’t quiet, or it was nap time so it was my shower time, or there were teething cranky babies that are in between leeps and sleep regressions and teething on top of it all. What I came to realize is that there is no perfect way to meditate when you have a full day from the moment you open your eyes til you close them at night. But it IS easy to stop and meditate (close eyes, go within and take big deep belly breaths) even if you can only do it for 5, 10, 30 seconds, it helps tremendously! I found little pockets during the day to close my eyes and take deep breaths and let my mind clear. With two young kids, it was hard to find time, but I needed to...sometimes it was even in the bathroom 😂, sometimes during a feeding, and other times it was when the kids were playing in front of me. It wasn't like my quiet morning ritual before kids, but it was all I had and it helped me reset my mind and body to get back into the calm me that I needed to be for them.

So, my point here is this…your most ideal meditation spot won’t be accessible all the times you might need to take a beat and go within. It can be done anywhere (well, not while driving, obviously), it doesn’t have to be the perfect space each time.

What matters most, is that you get the time you need to take those breaths and go within so you can feel better and be the best you.

Drop a ✨in the comments if you relate!


I love connecting with you guys! The girls are with my mom and I’m working on my office today creating a little cozy meditation space and won’t have interruptions, so ask away!

If you have questions about energy sessions, mom life, kid stuff, crystal suggestions, anything, let's chat!!!


"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Embrace your you.


5 benefits to Reiki.

There are plenty more benefits, but these are a good starting point if you're new to Reiki or any type of Energetic Healing Modality.

My favorite thing after a session, is the feeling of just taken the best, most restorative nap of my life. What is your favorite take-away or feeling after a session?


It's always in the detail.

Where does your jewelry sleep at night? These trays make a lovely spot to keep your jewelry safe while not wearing. There's a colorway for any decor style, but if you don't see a color you absolutely love, comment below or dm me and I can put something custom together for you!

Have a beautiful weekend friends!



Dreamy color with great healing properties.
I love putting Amethyst on my bedside table to help with sleep.

What stone are you drawn to lately?

Photos from Align. Healing Studio's post 09/06/2023

Experience in-person or distance Reiki and Transpersonal Crystal Healing® from Las Vegas Master Energy Practitioner, Jessica Blaess. Other offerings include, gemstones, home decor and handcrafted artisan jewelry. Learn more about sessions and offerings including distance sessions and future Reiki Courses.


Let’s work together to achieve energetic alignment. Leave a 🤍 below if you’re new to energetic healing

Photos from Align. Healing Studio's post 08/25/2023

The shop is Live!

The jewelry, crystals, and home decor are listed! Head over to the shop and comment your favorite!


The SHOP portion of the ALIGN. website will be fully stocked soon!

I have the brand's signature Triangle Crystal Necklaces, some basic pieces, the chunky cuffs, a few crystals, and the home collection will be making its debut.

There will be incentives, discounts, freebies and a drawing. I will have more details about all the goods and launch day fun on Friday Afternoon once the shop is live. I hope to see you there!


Phrases that Allow Space for Children to Feel Their Feelings 💕
CREDIT Lindsey Boland, LCSW

♡ If you would like to be kept in the loop on everything Synergetic Play Therapy or get resources to support you on your therapist or parent journey, join us here:

Photos from Align. Healing Studio's post 07/27/2023

Cleanse, Charge and Realign your chakras.

My calendar is open!!!

(on a very limited schedule). If you don't see a time or day that works with your schedule, please DM me! Sessions can be done virtrually if you are not local.

I'm looking forward to connecting with you and to be your partner in your healing journey.

Link to scheudule in bio or feel free to DM me for scheduling or any quesitons.


If you’re in Vegas, stop by my space and say hello! I’d love to see you 🤍


Beginning conflict conversations with an "I" statement to describe what you feel and what you need can help improve the outcome of the discussion. When you start sentences with “I” instead of “You,” you are less likely to be critical, which can immediately put your partner on the defensive.

Learn more by subscribing to our Love Notes newsletter today. Sign up here:

This post is not intended to address situations of abuse. If you or someone you know needs support, contact The National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-7233.



Mama Instincts 💕 "As children develop, their brains "mirror" their parent's brain. In other words, the parent's own growth and development, or lack of those, impact the child's brain. As parents become more aware and emotionally healthy, their children reap the rewards and move toward health as well." - Dr. Dan Siegel & Tina Payne Bryson

♡ If you would like to be kept in the loop on everything Synergetic Play Therapy or get resources to support you on your therapist or parent journey, join us here:


Be it. Embody it. Watch the results happen and look back in amazement at what you made happen.


A little love note today that struggling does not mean you’re failing.

How many times have you felt like you just don’t have it together? Like you could be ‘doing better’ or that you should be achieving your goals faster?

I wish I could say that it was uncommon, but I want to let you know that you are not alone. There are so many people that feel that way. I know I do as a stay-at-home mom and small business owner, often.

The thing is though, those feelings? Don’t mean you aren’t incredible. That you aren’t doing great things. Or that you aren’t on the right path.

These things are all part of our journey, whatever journey that is for you right now.

And while some days may be really difficult, remember that they are all learning opportunities to push you forward, and for every one struggle, there are one hundred things you’re already succeeding in.

And PS - if you are feeling these things? Feel free DM me. This is exactly why ALIGN. exists. To help you to achieve your ultimate goal without overwhelm, intrusive thoughts or blocks holding you back, and if you’re struggling I’d love to help.


How often have you felt frozen in place because there’s this thing that you want to achieve, but it seems too big, too scary, or there are some elements you’re unsure of.

So instead of leaping? You lock those feet to the ground and don’t move an inch.

Maybe you want to start a business.
Maybe you want to plan your dream vacation.
Or maybe you want to move states, or across the country, or to another country!

Whatever it is, I want you to know I get it. And I get why you could be frozen in place.

But here’s the realest talk I can give you.

You don’t have to have it all figured out to start. You just need to start heading in that direction. And like anything, the closer you get to that “end” goal, end thing, the clearer it becomes.

So today? This is your nudge to take that first step.

And if you need a hand, feel free to DM to chat! You may have some limiting beliefs holding you back, which we can work thru to get you moving towards living your best life!


True, Accessible, Unique

These 3 words are better known as my brand values - the things I aim to live by every day here at ALIGN. And to start this week right, I’ve decided to remind myself why I do what I do. Because what better way to reach goals this week than with purpose and clarity?

So what do these values mean to me (and really, you)?

Unique: I am 100% committed to creating a one-of-a-kind experience that gives value to YOU. Each energy treatment is created to be as unique as the customer receiving it – because no one person is the same, so their healing journey won’t be either.

True: I value honesty and integrity. I will treat each healing session with the utmost respect when talking about what came up during your session and guiding you through it. My products are created with love, intention, function, and quality in craftsmanship.

Accessible: I am available to all of my clients and customers. Clients prior, during, and after treatments. Also, retail customers who have questions about products; before, during, and after the sale. I love connecting with all of you and will answer your questions and guide you in the best way possible.

So if you are a current client/customer of mine, or might be in the future, these are the things you can always expect and what your experience will be filled with. And that is something that makes me proud to offer.

Photos from Align. Healing Studio's post 04/12/2023

Just a few more days remaining of Aries season.

Bloodstone is a great stone to support this Aires energy, but in general this stone is great for detoxification; both physically and energetically.

What crystals are you drawn to? I have some that stay the same but there are some I switch out depending on the season and what is showing up for me.

If you need guidance on the things coming up for you, DM me for a Crystal Rx consult!


Sharing some recent client reviews with you in case you're considering a healing session. I'm really proud of what I've been able to accomplish and will always go above and beyond for my clients.

I could tell you all about how much an energetic healing session is worth it, but I think these reviews speak for themselves!

"Jess is absolutely wonderful & so so calming. The whole session was amazing, and left me feeling lighter, calmer, & more aligned with myself. I would love to do another session with her!"

"I had an in-person energy healing session with Jessica. It included both crystal therapy and Reiki. I had never experienced this kind of energy work before. Throughout the session, I could actually feel the energy on and throughout my body. Jessica is very professional and intuitive which made for a relaxing and productive session."

Forever grateful for the amazing feedback and support from my clients! Thank you for taking the time to write such a kind testimonial.

Photos from Align. Healing Studio's post 03/07/2023

A shift in perspective can really help change your mindset.

If any of these ressonate, feel free to save or screenshot and repeat as many times as needed.


Hello, I’m Jessica!

I’m the face behind the brand. I am also a mama to two little girls that I absolutely adore.

To all my loyal followers that stuck around, Thank you, I appreicaite you! To everyone new, I’m Jess! ALIGN. used to be RAWvibe Studios, my Signature design is the Triangle Necklace. Raw stones are my medium and I design and handcraft a range of delicate/feminine pieces to large and chunky cuffs.

I am also a Master Energy Healing Practitioner, specializing in Reiki & Transpersonal Crystal Healing®️. I recently opened up my schedule for virutal energetic healing sessions. Each session combines Reiki & Crystal Healing. The link to my website is below for schedule and session details.

If you’re ready to start your healing journey, click the linkpop in bio or message/comment any questions!

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Daily reset.
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