

Passover, and the Unfortunate Pain That Often Comes with Uncertainty, vs. the Potential and Possibility for Prosperity, Despite Uncertainty. Slavery vs. Freedom? What say you? Certainty vs. Uncertainty? The Known vs. the Unknown? Many will choose certainty, even if it means pain, and lack of fulfillment rather than uncertainty, even if there is a possibility for success, prosperity, and happiness. Up to 80% of the Nation of Israel, held in bo***ge in Egypt, we are told chose NOT to leave, to risk the uncertainty of what freedom might bring. What change are you, right now, incapable of making, because you will lose the certainty we all crave? And how are you simultaneously being hurt by not making the change?


Distraction and Disputation. Your Brain is YOUR "Bar" and YOU are The Bouncer. The security which prevents negative thoughts, ruminations, self criticism and cynicism from taking hold and ruining the atmosphere, for everyone. Just because thoughts seem to appear, from nothingness in your mind, does not mean these thoughts serve you or your future. Just as a drunk can ruin all of the patrons' experience, so too negative thoughts can spread, adversely effecting the mood, and the ambience of your mind. Banish them from your mind, and forbid their return.
Danielle Louise Milman


Your brain is like a bar, even if you do not like bars,. As Earl Nightingale would say, we become, what we think about. On what we choose to focus. That's it. And short of war and catastrophe, living in The West, in a free capitalistic society, what you think about, your attitude and philosophy, will determine the course of your life. In a bar you can focus on many different things, and what you focus on will determine your overall experience, assessment, your opinions of the establishment. So too in your mind. Focus on your "failures," your deficits, missed opportunities, rather than your strengths and successes, and your life will head in a different direction than it should of. Your assessment of yourself, will be one of negativity, pessimism, cynicism, with inevitable disastrous consequences.
Danielle Louise Milman


D-Day, Normandy, France. The Concept of Courage, and the Liberation of a Continent, What is courage? The absence of fear? Putting your life and the lives of others in danger, for self gratification, fun, a dare? No. Courage, is not a lack of fear, but recognizing the fear, and still taking action despite the fear, for a purpose. Courage is not the absence of fear, as Aristotle wrote. But fearing the right thing, at the right time, in the right way. The Allied landing, on the beaches of Normandy, France, June 6, 1944, typifies courage. The Allies, fully aware of the fear, the cost, confronted the fear, and liberated a continent.
Danielle Louise Milman


Habits, Discipline, and Destiny. It’s been said that when you sow an act, you reap a habit. When you sow a habit, you reap a character. And when you sow a character, you reap a destiny. General James Robinson "Robbie" Risner survived 7 years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, of which 54 months were in solitary confinement including 10 months in complete darkness. But 2 weeks after his release, he was skiing with his family? But how, you ask? Habits, Discipline, Faith, Desire and Pride. The Habits he acquired over the course of his life when "times were good," that he then applied, when times, were bad. His love for his family to which he desired to return, and on which he refused to be a physical and emotional burden. His faith in his Creator, and pride in his country, The Airforce, and his men (soldiers) with whom he shared the prison. Let us remember General Risner's story, his sacrifice, and know, what is possible.
Danielle Louise Milman


“Happy April 9th Abba (dad), Love David,” with a painting of Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant on it was the card I was greeted with upon my return from work. “It’s April 9th!” my oldest declared. “Yes it is!” I said. And you may inquire, as did I, what exactly does that mean. “Today’s the day Lee surrendered his Army of Northern Virginia to Grant effectively ending The Civil War” he said. “Here’s a picture of Mclean’s house near the Appomattox Court Hourse (pictured below) where the surrender took place.” Happy is he who rejoices as their children eclipse him in learning, and whose children understand the sacrifice and resolve of Lincoln and the Union (at least 360,222 Union deaths, 1% of the population or about 3,500,000 soldiers in 2024) to preserve the nation, and forever eradicate the scourge of slavery from America. Lincoln, self educated emerged literally, from nothing, a dirt floor cabin in the woods, where his mother died when he was 9. 2 of Lincoln’s children died in childhood, and Lincoln battled depression. Undeterred, he achieved immortality through moral clarity and resolve, by doing something no one had ever done: deploying an Army from one part of a nation to another part to liberate a People. As Zig Ziglar would say, “you don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”


Behold! A Simple Solution for an Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Stinkin’ Thinkin’. This is a case from my clinic, where we address Stinkin’ Thinkin’, a term coined by Zig Ziglar, which is characterized by the unique cynical ability to see only the bad, despite the presence, of the good. This case will help you find the good in your work, a relationship, your situation, and transform you from a fault finder to a good finder. This will facilitate a rapid resolution of the cynical attitude, that is symptomatic of the scourge of Stinkin Thinkin”.

Michael Wyne
Yitz Wyne
Danielle Louise Milman
Eliezer Eli Mizrachi
Steve Chase


The Opportunities Around Us, Within Us, and Russell H. Conwell’s Acres of Diamonds. “Where is the prosperity? Where are the riches, success, love and happiness?” Is it over there? In another city? With a different company? Let us avoid the toxic tendency to transfix one’s attention ”over there,” where the prosperity shall be achieved. Where love, happiness and wealth will descend upon us. For you are quite likely, at this very moment, standing on an “Acre of Diamonds.” We need only recognize the gems in their unpolished, unfinished state. The diamonds are all around you and WITHIN YOU waiting to be polished and “brought to the market place.” A special thanks to Eliezer Eli Mizrachi for recommending a discussion linking the "Acres of Diamonds" with opportunity of the Springtime.

Danielle Louise Milman
Michael Wyne
Steve Chase
Yitz Wyne


“Life and business are like the changing of the seasons,” the great Jim Rohn would say. And! “You cannot change the seasons but you can change yourself.” Good advice. For since the beginning, as far as we know, there have been seasons. Four of them in fact. And they are predictable, are they not? Spring following Winter, Summer preceding the Fall. And that’s not about to change. Nor is our inability to control the seasons. Nor is the complexity and sequence of life and business going to change. Recession followed by expansion, difficulty followed by opportunity. Some “winters” in our personal lives seem more intense, painful, and prolonged than others. But they are always followed by “Spring,” the time of recovery and opportunity. We must “handle” the “Winters,” and take advantage of the “Springs.” We must work on ourselves and improve our responses to the vicissitudes by which life challenges us in order to grow and prosper.


Springtime, the Time of Opportunity. For the farmer, Spring is the time time for planting what will be harvested in the Fall. In the Fall, you reap what you have sown, in the Spring and cultivated through the Summer. If you are unhappy with your “harvest” in the “Fall,” with what you are reaping, then you must consider what you have sown and what you are sowing. What seeds have been planted in your mind, of negativity, pessimism, or optimism? What have you done to nurture and cultivate your dreams? Spring is about opportunity. And we each have only a limited number of Springtimes to sow, and Falls, to reap. Let not the disease of procrastination rob you of the harvest which should be yours.

Danielle Louise Milman


The Subtle Shift in one's Self Image, and The Power to Reach one's Potential. And! Obsolete, Irrelevant Identities as Obstacles to Lasting Change. How do you define yourself? In relationship to current or past vices, errors in judgment? Your mistakes? Your "Failures?" Even when the mistakes are YEARS in your past, do you still link them with your current identity. "I'm sober 3246 days, BUT(!), I'll ALWAYS be an alcoholic!" Alas! There could be, another way, that facilitates, more sustained, lasting change, when life hurls it's the inevitable challenges at you. For if you consistently link your identity with a negative trait, a sordid past, an addiction, in order to be consistent, in the future, when life challenges you and your fortitude is diminished, your thoughts and actions will draw you back to how you negatively see yourself. The bad behaviors. When you change your identity, your self-image, there is no "going back" to who you really are (an ex-con, a former alcoholic, and ex-addict) to be consistent, because you are no longer that person.
Danielle Louise Milman
Michael Wyne
Eliezer Eli Mizrachi
Yitz Wyne
Steve Chase


Wealth Through Wisdom, the gift of Words, and the Power of other Peoples’ Past and their emPowering Present. Today I am a wealthy man, but NOT because of money. The wealth has come from experiences, opportunities, family, love, friends, teachers and colleagues. For the wisdom and gift of words, the oratory mastery of Rabbi Yitz Wyne and Chemie (Michael Wyne) who enrich my life on a weekly basis. Who take words, combined with meaning wisdom and emotion and paint an oratory Michelangelo masterpiece. For the books and authors that my friend Eliezer Eli Mizrachi recommends to me that have enriched my mind, accelerated my intellectual discovery, and which I then use to help others. He insight has been essential. What’s a book worth that changes your life? You can’t put a price on it. For my friend Steve Chase, who survived death brought by Coronavirus. His miraculous story, his recovery, and his daily service to the community inspires me daily. If he can survive what he survived, I can survive far easier challenges. For my friend Shawn Balva, imprisoned for 6 years, but who used his incarceration as an opportunity to change, grow and become a better man. If he can change, I can change. If he can survive, I can survive. That’s the attitude, about yourself, that he’s taught me, it’s so valuable. I’m wealthy because of my family. So much of what I am and will become is due to them.


Planes were meant for flying, boats were meant for sailing, houses meant for living, and human beings, too, were built, for a purpose Zig Ziglar would say. The ultimate quality of your life might be inversely proportional to the amount of certainty you require. If you are comfortable taking a chance, pursuing a lofty goal, daring to fulfill a dream as only human beings can do. A boat must leave the safety of the port if it is to reach its destination. And! Will have a better chance of surviving a storm if it is NOT in the "safety" of the harbor, but actually on the dangerous, storm battered sea. The plane could crash but will certainly rust out on the ground if it never flies, and never reach it's destination or function in it's intended way (flying) if it stays on the ground. Humans are endowed with more creativity, skills and potential than any machine and any other form of life, ever created. And we should not squander these assets, but use them to dream, plan and create the life we want, to find our purpose, and utilize our potential.

Danielle Louise Milman


What Elevates Us In Life is Not What We Receive, But What We Give, Rabbi Sacks would say. And Zig Ziglar would say that when you give a man a dole you deny him his dignity. And when you deny him his dignity, you rob him of his destiny. We attain dignity by the process of giving, contributing, not by receiving. The People of Israel witnessed countless miracles towards the end of their bo***ge in Egypt, and then continued to witness miracles after their liberation, and yet they complained and fought. More miracles, more complaining. Why? It has to do with being dependent, a recipient, a receiver, rather than a contributor, a giver. Only when they contributed, for the construction of The Tabernacle, for a purpose, did they elevate themselves and what they were contributing to. Only then, did the complaining and fighting cease. Only then, did they exercise their freedom, as a free nation. We don’t have the tabernacle any longer, but more important, is what we learn can occur during the process of contribution.

Danielle Louise Milman
Michael Wyne
Yitz Wyne
Steve Chase


A Changeable Trajectory: Life Changing Lessons that I Learned, Albeit Late. Change a cannon’s trajectory, in Gettysburg, even a few degrees, and you change the ultimate destination of the projectile by hundreds of yards. In our own lives, by making small changes in our self image, taking responsibility, altering our philosophy, attitude, can dramatically change the trajectory of our lives, our future. And who can do this? Anyone. When can you do this? Today. Don’t allow how you see yourself to be a creation of others, stifling your future. And do not blame everything outside yourself for your situation in life, as I did, without an honest consideration of your own personal responsibility. You don’t have to change everything that you can’t change on the outside. Maybe all you have to do, is change what’s on the inside.

Danielle Louise Milman


Admiral McRaven advised that we measure a person by the size of their heart not by the size of their flippers. What’s inside him. His potential. His resolve. Admiral McRaven thought he could tell what kind of a man he was looking at by his appearance. Little did he know the resolve, perseverance and dedication of the man who stood before him. We treat people how we see him. So better to see what lays beneath, the gifts the strengths, creativity and potential, and cultivate that, rather than focusing on appearances, perceived weaknesses and limitations.


Taken from a Sunday lecture from Rabbi Wyne. Rabbi Hillel said, "If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? If not now, when? Another example of modern Personal Development, but from the ancient world. What is the greatest factor that will determine your better future? Not the company, the job, an Administration, the economy, taxes, wages, interest rates, inflation. It's You! But if you only concern yourself with yourself, and your own future, and ignore the well being and success of others, your success will be limited. Zig Ziglar would say that "you can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want." We become successful when we help others. When we provide a service. When should you begin to make major changes in your current daily thinking, your philosophy, your attitude and activity that will ultimately change your future? Today! Do not procrastinate any longer. Why postpone your better future another day? Life is brief. We've each been given a limited number of Falls and Springs, so to speak, to plant and harvest. To reap and to sow. To produce. To enjoy. To love and to learn. Get started, today, on your meaningful future.


When Admiral William McRaven was recovering from a parachuting injury, unable to walk , laying in bed, feeling defeated, he would make his own bed. How often? Everyday. Why? Because there are times in our lives when we can control very little. But there are always things that you can control. And by doing these simple things which lay within what Dr. Steven Covey referred to as our Circle of Influence (rather than our Circle of Concern), we begin to take charge of what we can take charge of, what we can control, in a world where it often seems as if we are in the midst of the pounding surf, with no control, and no influence. This begins the day with a sense of accomplishment that we can refer to later, even if we accomplish little else during the the course of the day.

Danielle Louise Milman


The Tale of Two Dreams, Your Decisions and Destiny. Let us Learn from Jacobs’s Ladder. There is no standing still. We are either progressing, moving towards a worthy goal, or we are going backwards, We are neve just standing still. In neutral, costing along as it were. The essence of life is growth and contribution. Rabbi Yitz Wyne said Jacob wakes from his dream, and takes action. Pharaoh dreams, and goes back to sleep. For our better future, we need to take action. Decide that you will take action even if you don't have "all of the answers," the exact plan, a path of zero resistance. Get started. There are risks, potential "failure," setbacks. But the potential? A dream fulfilled, rather than a future filled with regret, guilt due to inaction, and thoughts of what could have been. Dream lofty dreams, as James Allen once said. And begin today.

Michael Wyne
Danielle Louise Milman
Eliezer Eli Mizrachi
Steve Chase
Brian Bork


From Convict to God and Meaning, Through Orthodox Judaism, in Prison. The inspiring story of Shawn Balva, who found freedom, meaning and resolve, through God in prison. Shawn had a promising future made possible through his talent on the football field. But his life took several wrong turns, and he found himself in prison. Shawn could have given up, blamed everyone but himself, and become “an animal” in prison. But he did not. Instead he found inspiration and purpose through God and his Orthodox Jewish faith, dedicating his life when he would be freed, to helping people whose lives have gone off track. Please join us for his story of triumph over adversity, and a life dedicated to God, and contribution to others.

Michael Wyne
Rabbi Yitz Wyne
Danielle Louise Milman


Almost torn in two.Admiral McRaven says The Boat is TOO HEAVY for just one person to carry. His training injury was severe, listening to his recovery story, is inspiring. Hemingway said a man alone doesn’t stand a chance. We need each another. On Coronado Island in Southern California the Navy SEALs are intensely training, to protect the nation. Working together. Throughout the training when one is weak, the others will be strong and compensate, to carry the boat, which is too heavy for one man to carry. In the future the man who was weak will be stronger and another who was strong, will be weak. The team must work together, to compensate. And we need the stories of others who when they were weak found the strength when we are weak so that we may find the strength to persevere. To NOT feel sorry for ourselves and give up.


What could we be more afraid of than death?


Empathy vs. Sympathy, an Asset or a Victim? How you utilize the pain you experience and the challenges you face (or faced) could make you more valuable to other people, or an obstacle to their improvement. Do not be a victim, indulge in victimhood. Use your negative experiences to better relate to others, not as an excuse for why your life is not the way it could have been.
Danielle Louise Milman
Michael Wyne
Yitz Wyne


Emerson said, "do the thing and you will have the power. But they that do not the thing have not the power." An effective way to get past a significant emotional challenge, or struggle, is to find someone with a BIGGER problem, especially if you "just can't right now," and help her! Take action! Zig Ziglar would say that logic will not fix and emotion, but action will. Talking yourself out of a disempowering emotion is NOT as effective as helping someone, actively, with her situation, or negative emotional state. Our tendency, when we "feel bad," is to focus on ourselves, our misery, our predicament, which enables us unintentionally, to connect, with ourselves, but does not remedy the problem. Do not wait until you "have the power," the strength, to help others. By helping, you will both have the power.
Yitz Wyne
Young Israel Aish
Michael Wyne
Eliezer Eli Mizrachi
Steve Chase
Danielle Louise Milman
Brandi Sperling Reiser
Helene Reiser Wyne


Lincoln’s Monumental Gettysburg Address, Russell M Conwell’s Acre’s of Diamonds, and the riches in and around you. Too often we search for happiness and prosperity elsewhere. Like it’s a pot gold somewhere over and at the end of Dorothy’s rainbow. Meanwhile, all around us, and within, there are “Acres of Diamonds,” perhaps imperceptible, or ignored, because we put our focus elsewhere. By complaining the “grass is greener” over there, not cultivating our resources, creativity and potential that is available, today, at our fingertips.


Sailboats, Serendipity, Sarah, and Your Compelling Future. When we "are on track," pursuing a worthy goal, by way of serendipity, we find insight, and unforeseen benefits. And by understanding that it is neither our circumstances nor our conditions which will determine our future, but how we direct our ship's sail, we understand one of life's essential principles: the greatest factor that determines how your life works out, is you. How you respond to life's events, rather than react. We cannot change the circumstances, but we can change, our response, and ourselves. We can set our sails to guide us to our desired destination, regardless of the direction that the wind might blow.
Danielle Louise Milman


The Simple Solution for Solomon’s Sadness and Solicitude. Finding JOY, today, not tomorrow. An ancient verse says the lover of money will never be satisfied with money. How true. In the end, our lives all end in death. Is it all simply “meaningless?” The question, is how to deal with this existential angst? Of our own mortality. Do we acquire material possessions, to try and outlive our mortality? To chase money, homes, cars, in order to “be happy?” Or do we find joy in the here and now, with everything that’s currently available, despite realizing our ultimate destiny?


The Philosopherdoc's ever-present shoe sticker, and the power to change pervasive, poisonous emotional patterns and states. A Pattern Interrupt is used to change a disempowering emotional state in an instant. We are more in control of emotional states than we realize. Let us not be victimized by our emotional states, as if we are being assaulted by an infection against which we are defenseless.


An Identity Shift, is when you change, how you see yourself. And that, will lay the foundation for your compelling future, or rob you of it. In Les Miserables, Jean Valjean experienced such an identity shift, and changed his future. I too experienced an identity shift (minute 7:00 of this video), and in one instant, totally changed the course of my life. I changed the negative self image that was imposed upon me, and began to think and act consistently with how I chose to see myself. In Valjean’s case as in mine, it began with someone who thought more of us than we did of ourselves. And as Zig Ziglar would say, a lot of people have gone further than they thought they could because someone else thought they could.


The most important factor that will determine how your life works out is your philosophy of life. And do you know how to make yourself feel good when you feel bad? How many ways do you have? The ability to turn a frustrating situation into something fascinating is a worthy, necessary skill in your philosophy. Because frustration is so common, it's best to equip yourself to handle it, to learn from, it, to change how it makes you feel, and how you feel, about it. The geese that overtook the beach on a cloudy day helped me do just that. They operate out of instinct. Human beings have the power to create their future.

Danielle Louise Milman

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Videos (show all)

Here be Dragons (hic sunt dracones)! Sounds scary. And it would be, if it were true. But it’s not. Medieval maps, depict...
Passover, the Desire for Certainty, and the Mythical Dragons of Uncertainty
Use Decisive Internal Disputation to Determine Your Better Destiny. Do not allow the poisonous seeds which have been pla...
Am I Achieving My Potential? William James’s essay Vital Reserve tells up what we have available is what we too often fa...
Grasshoppers, Spies, Self-image, and Your Success. How you see yourself is the foundation for your future success. How y...
The Art of Disputation.  Your Brain is Your Bar and You are The "Bouncer"
Your Brain is Like a Bar, Even if You Don't Like Bars
D-Day: Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.
D-Day, Normandy, France. The Concept of Courage, and the Liberation of a Continent
Be like the Giant Pine Trees on Mount Charleston and NOT like the Bonsai. Do not be stifled. Utilize the resources withi...
There are true “chemical imbalances,” in Medicine. However, most of the time, in the Clinic, and in our lives, it is “St...
When You Sow a Habit, You Reap a Character. And When You Sow a Character, You Reap a Destiny



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