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ibuyrealestate.com is a locally owned and operated real estate investment firm. For over 25 years, we have been helping sellers, buyers, and investors achieve their real estate goals.


Down Payments and Escrow Periods🏘🏘

The goal is to maximize profit margins in real estate transactions. This is done by effectively managing down payments and escrow periods📈📈

The goal is to keep down payments low. This creates a profit margin between the buyer's payment and the seller's price💸💸

It has potential for quick closings. This comes from a specialized strategy for selling. The strategy ensures a smooth and profitable transaction🔥💯

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High-Potential Real Estate Prospects🏘🔥

Over the course of 25 days, you'll be making 100 calls, dedicating 15 minutes per call and 1 hour each day to this effort. From these 100 calls, you can expect about 70 immediate rejections💯💯

It's important to note that around 60 to 65 of these rejections will actually be realtor listings👈👈

The last 10 calls will be with prospects who are open to your offers, depending on the details you present. These are the green light opportunities. You'll likely find the most profit in them💸💸

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Strategies for Listings and Unrepresented Buyers💯💯

Discover the two keys to success in real estate transactions🔥🔥

See the mindset of buyers who prefer to go directly to the listing agent. They believe they can secure a better deal👈👈

Also, see the potential for extra commissions. This can happen when unrepresented buyers approach you directly for your listings🏘💸

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Stay Ahead of Realtors🔥💯

You can make your listings much more attractive. Do this by negotiating deals with commissions as low as 1-3%. These rates are much lower than the traditional 4-6%💸💸

These realtors often swoop in after you, securing deals and making significant profits despite being less sophisticated📈💡

There's no reason for them to capture those opportunities when you can provide superior service and value🏘🏘

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Going Direct to Listing Agents💯💯

The key to big savings is to skip buyer agents. You should deal directly with listing agents💡🔥

This approach helps buyers negotiate better. It also gives listing agents a chance at double commission. Creating this win-win helps buyers👈🏘

They can get better deals and maximize their investment💸💸

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August 17th Changes | MLS Overhaul💯💯

Cooperative commissions will no longer be listed in the MLS. This means buyer's agents won't know the incentives upfront. The incentives may become less common🏘🏘

Buyer's agents who refuse to work under these new terms may find it hard to stay competitive👈🔥

This shift aims to move funds buyers use for commissions to the price or down payment of their homes💡💸

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Netting More by Selling Smart💸💸

A "higher price" doesn't necessarily mean a higher price relative to market value📈🏘

Instead, it emphasizes the financial benefits of avoiding realtor commissions. It also avoids long sale processes and inspection concessions. It also sidesteps extra taxes over months👈👈

By picking a faster, commission-free deal, you can net a higher price. This is true even if the nominal value is lower than expected💯💯

With this method, you get a locked-in price right away. You make monthly payments until the full amount is paid🔥💡

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what is the first payday🤔🤔

The first payday in real estate is the difference between the sale price to a buyer and what you owe to the seller💯💯

The less you pay upfront to the seller, the greater your profit potential. To secure this first payday, find tenants or buyers💸🔥

They must be willing to pay 5% to 10% of the purchase price as a non-refundable fee. This fee can later convert into their down payment if they decide to buy
This strategy maximizes your initial earnings and creates more opportunities for profit🏘🔥

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Rejections are Stepping Stone💯💯

In the world of sales, facing rejection is common, but it's important not to let it discourage you💪💪

When prospects decline, this helps you find and sort them fast. It lets you move on efficiently👈💡

Don't take rejections personally; people often change their minds. Many deals come from follow-ups, not the first contact. So, persistence is key for long-term success🔥🔥

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How all businesses work!💡🔥

Most businesses rely on a few high-quality deals or clients, unlike exceptions like Amazon👈👈

Few prospects become customers. But, they drive success, even though most do not💯💯

The main point is this: the best deals are rare. They come from a minority of interactions. This shows the importance of persistence and focus in business💸💸

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Three Buckets of Real Estate Deals🏘💸

We divide our deal management strategy into three distinct categories. This helps us optimize our transactions💡💯

The first category includes immediate close deals. We close these deals right away because they guarantee a quick and profitable sale👈🔥

The second category consists of 90-day close deals. They need time to check the market response to ensure it's profitable✌️✌️

The third category includes deals that don't fit the first two categories. They need a Realtor's help. This structured approach ensures we maximize profit and efficiency in all our transactions👌👌

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Understanding a 90-Day Close💯🏘

In a real estate context, a "90-day close" can sometimes be misunderstood. This means that the seller's terms might be high. These terms include a high price, high monthly payments, a big down payment, or a too-short term. Buyers may not accept them at first💸💡

To address these issues, we incorporate a 90-day escrow period. This long period lets us reassess the market. It lets us ensure the deal will be profitable👈👈

A 90-day close gives us the time we need. We can secure better terms and check market conditions. This will let us proceed with confidence and succeed💯💯

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RANT: You're so close to all you ever wanted 06/21/2024


RANT: You're so close to all you ever wanted Learn how to buy any house, from any seller, without using your own money, your own credit AND without being a landlord: 👇🏼https://m.me/housepayoff?ref=w15...


Skipping the basics is unwise👎👎

In the rush to succeed, many real estate investors skip the key first steps. They are needed for a lasting career🏘⚡️

But, in real estate, there's a common misconception. It's that watching a few videos is enough to find and secure good deals. This attitude is not only misguided but also potentially dangerous💯🏘

It's almost insulting to think one can become a successful investor overnight. They expect to make big profits without putting in the necessary work💸💸

This describes the importance of patience, education, and realistic expectations. They are key to building a career in real estate investing💡🔥

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Repetition and Practice: Keys to Mastering Sales Strategies💯💯

I prefer to review material three times to fully build confidence. After I review it, I use the rehearsal app to boost my confidence💸🔥

Repetition is the mother of mastery; repeat as many times as possible to get full mastery over it. Then and only then you’ll be ready to start making deals 🏘💯

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From Debt to Profit | The Power of Subject-To Real Estate Investing 06/19/2024

This is a must watch 16 minute presentation on a debt takeover/subject-to deal with seller financing and a lease option 6-figure payday exit.

Get your popcorn out and remind yourself why you love this business so much.

From Debt to Profit | The Power of Subject-To Real Estate Investing Welcome to a masterclass in real estate investing. Here, creativity and strategy turn average properties into big profit generators! In this video, we cover ...


There's no BAD There's no GOOD👎👍

In life, our tendency to label events as "good" or "bad" often blinds us to the larger picture. What we see as misfortune may set the stage for future blessings. Luck can lead to unforeseen challenges💯🔥

In the grand scheme of things, these labels lose their importance. Life is full of variables we can't control. Every event, regardless of how we label it💯💯

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Targeting and Broad Strategies💯💯

I use a variety of strategies to maximize success. One tactic is calling potential sellers out of the blue. This is like with the yellow letter campaign. It's especially useful when I have too many buyers in an area💡🔥

I don't target vacant houses. Instead, I run diverse marketing campaigns. They help deals come to me🎯🎯

I test and choose the best opportunities from these varied approaches. I find that this balanced strategy leads to the most success. It helps me get properties🏘🏘

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Authenticity in Communication🗣💯

Good communication is about more than our words. It's shaped by how we express our thoughts and the impression we leave💬💬

You must develop a delivery style. It must show character, integrity, genuineness, and transparency👈🔥

Tone, body language, and demeanor can speak louder than words. They greatly affect how our message is received💡💯

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The Four Key Metrics💯💯

In any real estate negotiation, there are four key metrics. You must understand them to close a deal🏘🔥

Also, you need to learn how long the seller can wait before being paid off in full. Some prefer long monthly payments, while others want a quicker payout👈💡

Understand the down payment requirements. See how close to zero down you can negotiate, as this will impact your initial cash outflow💸🔥

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No Money Down Real Estate💸💸

Once you secure an agreement with a seller, you effectively have an asset. This agreement allows you to record a lien on the property, giving you leverage to get paid when you sell it🏘🔥

One effective strategy we use involves no money down, relying solely on our knowledge and negotiation skills to secure contracts💡👈

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Maximizing Real Estate Profits: The Power of Monthly Payment Terms and Seller Financing 06/16/2024

Happy Father's Day ... let him know you love him. Then, for those who need it, here is a little help really understanding the difference between traditional real estate deals using bank loans to buy and the way we do deals with seller's in ways that skip the banks, the fees, the hassles, the risks and the headaches.

Maximizing Real Estate Profits: The Power of Monthly Payment Terms and Seller Financing In this comprehensive video, we dive deep into the world of real estate financing, focusing on the power and profitability of seller financing and payment te...


Master Seller Calls to Lock in Deals and Decode Market Signals🔥🔥

Mastering seller phone calls is essential for securing deals under contract, Once you have a contract, taking the deal to market can be unpredictable👈☑

Giving yourself ample time allows you to gauge market interest more accurately💸🏘

Understanding these dynamics helps you refine your approach and ensure market satisfaction🙌🙌

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The Art of Striking Deals☑🔥

Often, we become overly fixated on individual properties and deals, losing sight of the bigger mission: making money💸💸

By focusing on perfecting your phone call or face-to-face negotiation skills, you can efficiently strike deals with sellers, converting these agreements into valuable assets without any upfront investment💡🔥

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Asymmetrical Risk in Real Estate🏘💸

The secrets to making significant profits in real estate without using your own money or credit🔥🔥

Our approach focuses on minimizing risk and maximizing upside, leveraging asymmetrical risk to create substantial wealth💡💸

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Terms fitting is very Important☑☑

We have to make sure that the terms with our buyer should fit within the terms that we have with our seller🤝💡

Without terms fitting, we can't really make things work 👇🔥

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Texas' Spot in Real Estate🏘🏘

In Texas, the key to successful repossession lies in the pathway you choose☑🔥

While the options might be fewer, the benefits of foreclosure in Texas are substantial enough to offset the lack of variety💸💸

Compared to other states, Texas offers a smoother process for foreclosures, making it the preferable route for many real estate professionals👈🙌

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Navigating Pricey Deals☑☑

Sometimes you encounter a property deal that doesn't initially meet your financial preferences due to high monthly payments, down payment, or overall price, despite having favorable terms🏘💸

In these situations, you can still make the deal work to your advantage💡🔥

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Market Leverage and Buyer Terms🏘🙌

By taking time to find a buyer, aim to profit from the difference between the buyer’s offer and the seller’s terms💡💸

Take some time to market the property and see what buyers are willing to pay💸💸

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Videos (show all)

Down Payments and Escrow Periods🏘🏘The goal is to maximize profit margins in real estate transactions. This is done by ef...
High-Potential Real Estate Prospects🏘🔥Over the course of 25 days, you'll be making 100 calls, dedicating 15 minutes per ...
Strategies for Listings and Unrepresented Buyers💯💯Discover the two keys to success in real estate transactions🔥🔥See the ...
Stay Ahead of Realtors🔥💯You can make your listings much more attractive. Do this by negotiating deals with commissions a...
Going Direct to Listing Agents💯💯The key to big savings is to skip buyer agents. You should deal directly with listing ag...
August 17th Changes | MLS Overhaul💯💯Cooperative commissions will no longer be listed in the MLS. This means buyer's agen...
Netting More by Selling Smart💸💸A "higher price" doesn't necessarily mean a higher price relative to market value📈🏘Instea...
Navigating Rising Interest Rates📈📈Rising interest rates have excluded many buyers from the market. Rates have risen by 5...
what is the first payday🤔🤔The first payday in real estate is the difference between the sale price to a buyer and what y...
Rejections are Stepping Stone💯💯In the world of sales, facing rejection is common, but it's important not to let it disco...
How all businesses work!💡🔥Most businesses rely on a few high-quality deals or clients, unlike exceptions like Amazon👈👈Fe...



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