
PLS DO NOT COME HERE FOR ANSWERS. Please check No one monitors this facebook reliably!

If you love roller derby, you know that magic happens when skaters get together. RollerCon is the one place you can pack this much skating, training, seminars, challenges, bouts, scrimmages, vendors and more and more skating into in 5 days - still.


RollerCon attendees raise beaucoup dinero for our charities! Here's our charity report for 2024:

- $4,336 raised for The Center LV (Gay & Le***an Community Center of Southern NV) The LGBTQ Center of Southern Nevada
- $7,205 raised for the Cupcake Girls! The Cupcake Girls
- $4,136 raised for the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center National Indigenous Women's Resource Center
- $13,014 raised for Planned Parenthood Planned Parenthood

The breakdown:
We raised $14,806 in bout tickets for attendees who wanted to kick in a couple extra dollars for charity in return for guaranteed seating in our premium bleachers!

We raised $9,537 in our raffles, thanks to our awesome sponsors, who donated piles of awesome gear, including multiple pairs of roller skates, tons of protective gear, apparel, accessories, event tickets, professional consultations and lots, lots more!

We also raised $4,348.25 - one very sweaty dollar (well, plus one quarter, obviously) at a time! - in cash tips for our Filthy Friday festivities!

Thank you so much to everyone who helped us raise so much dough! Our charities are putting using your money for super important work. LET'S BEAT IT NEXT YEAR!!! Find out a lot more about our charities, plus see past year totals and more at

This photo of RC24 Filthy Friday charity collections by Jenni Webber Photography


So look, we don't have that many rules. We used to have a lot! But we've been experimenting for about 8 years now with treating adults like adults and assuming that people coming to a roller skating convention know how to roller skate. And it's been going GREAT. You mostly act like adults (at least in the important ways, like extra sparkly adults!), and you DO know how to roller skate! So everywhere we see a rule we can get rid of, we do.

What that means is that the rules that are left - like no ni***es, and you have to have insurance in the MVP area - are largely imposed upon us, and they're important. If you decide to be a dangerous super cool outlaw who breaks those rules, you're basically a dangerous super cool outlaw threatening to f**k up the fun for everyone, by getting our insurance cancelled or making it it so we can't be in Expo anymore. So could you just go be a dangerous super cool outlaw somewhere else so the rest of us can have a kick ass good time?

Other than insurance and venue rules, we do have a handful of other rules (as evidenced by the photo), and they can mostly be summarized as: please don't be a jerk.

I hate lectures so let's just end that there! Tomorrow is gonna be awesome! Bl*w me! No stand!! Put that crack away! OK!


RollerCon started in 2005 in the earliest years of modern DIY competitive roller derby, but how did we go from a 24-hour 3-day punk rock show to a semi-respectable roller skating convention with 200,000 square foot of expo space and multiple host hotels? 19 years of RollerCon history, as colorful and sparkly as we will always be!

RC2005 photo from the parking lot of the World Famous Double Down Saloon by Julie Adams. Are you in there?


Hello Greater RollerCon Community.
VORC cannot and maybe never will be able to handle thousands of people trying to get classes all at the exact same time. So the system is currently closed.

Sometime today - but not now and not anytime in the next hour for sure - the system will open back up. Folks who get in will not be able to sign up for classes right out of the gate.

We're super sorry to people who want to know exactly when it will be open, but we're not telling you on purpose. If you want more details why, please head over to the multiple VORC threads at Rollercon * MAIN GROUP. The short version: if you don't know, you can't all log in and refresh maniacally at the exact same time.

Moving forward we're probably just going to give you a window of time when it will be open (like if you call someone to come fix your washing machine). Just don't post when you go there and find it open, please.

One more time we'd like to assure you that you are absolutely NOT missing out on anything. If a few hundred people got in before you and chose their two classes, you would still be able to get two awesome classes yourself! We have 98 coaches teaching multiple classes, and 30 out of 60 spots available online. The *very *last *person to log in and choose will STILL have EXCELLENT options available to them. And EVERY SINGLE CLASS will still have 30 spots available at RollerCon, as well.


Thank you! See you at an unspecified time later today that isn't the same time as every other MVP, when you will be able to get in and get classes. Until then, breathe. Posted with love from HQ


Early Class Signup Rescheduled for TUESDAY, June 18 AT NOON.

What happened:
We were excited to roll out some new features to help with the crash problems we had last year... but unfortunately, this morning during testing, the whole system came down. Our VORC creator and admin is currently officiating at Western Regionals and doesn't have the resources to fix it trackside.

We even had a few people sneak in and pick some classes while we were testing - sorry, friends, those are going to disappear in the fixes. We'll restart with a clean slate on Tuesday.

So, TUESDAY at NOON we're going to give it another go.

Please don't be worried if you aren't free Tuesday at noon. You can reserve your classes Tuesday night or Wed or any other day because we have a TON of classes and they will not be sold out on Tuesday at 12:01 Pacific. Last year no classes sold out 30 spots the first day. AND, since we only pre-reg HALF the spots, so you will still be able to get in ANY class you want at RollerCon using the lineup system.

* we are so sorry *

See you Tuesday.

How to Sign up For Classes at Rollercon 06/13/2024

MVP Class sign up starts this Sunday at noon! Are you ready?

Check out this awesome YouTube tutorial from 16-year veteran RollerCon Coach Dirty Deborah Harry for lots of helpful info:

And here are some links:

About MVP Classes & signup:

HOW to VORC, our signup database

Link to VORC

How to Sign up For Classes at Rollercon Are you going to Rollercon? Want to take a class? Watch this video to learn how to sign up for classes at Rollercon. Dirty Deborah Harry, tell you how!GET ...


MVP Class early sign up starts on June 16. Are you ready? More info:

RC22 photo of Octane Jane aka Kristal Kamholz by Tristan King Photography


HEY ROLLERCON, GO UPDATE YOUR APP. Right now! Our dev just pushed out an update that added calendars and events that you want to see!

Photos from RollerCon's post 05/15/2024

First year – and returning! – RollerCon attendees get blown away at RollerCon. RollerCon is a great example of the size and friendly awesomeness of our community. But no public event is 100% safe. SkateSafe is our safety department, dedicated to two goals:

Make RollerCon safe for our attendees.
Make sure RollerCon attendees feel safe.

Those aren’t the same, but they’re both very important to us. Check out some of the ways we do that at and while you're there, sign our Code of Conduct!

Put this number in your phone:
SkateSafe Safe Walk Hotline:

If you need a walk back to your host hotel from any of our events, we're here for you! Call or text us and our Safewalkers will get you there.


Good morning, RollerCon! The moment we've been dreading has arrived: the host hotel rooms are starting to sell out for real now. We're still adding rooms and nights at both host hotels, but some room types on some nights are * actually * sold out now and can't be added. You can't say we didn't warn you (10,000 times).

Get it together! There are other hotels... but our host hotels will be FULL OF ROLLER SKATERS and that is -always- a good time!


Did you just get our Spring Mailer in your inbox? BIG NEWS IN THERE!

You can also read it online:


Media Credential Request is OPEN!*

Read our policy, apply for credentials, if you haven't uploaded last year's galleries yet, there's a link here to do that, too!

This dramatic shot by Tristan King Photography at the RC23 187 Killer Pads Killer Tricks Contest.

*Finally 😀


Challenge scheduling has begun! Games are starting to appear on the g-calendar and in the app* where you can search for your team name. *Everything is tentative* until we say it's done!

~CAPTAINS: you'll get an email when you're scheduled, and a bunch more when we move things around (sorry). Check the app to see your game in Vegas time.

~PLAYERS: you find out you're scheduled when your captain tells ya. See our "how will I know" hard post on instagram or check out the moderated RollerCon Challenges Forum for lots more info and details
Pretty please with sugar on top, don't email us! We STOP scheduling to answer emails, and everyone wants their schedule now, so just... look around on the inters! Ask an experienced RC friend!
We're gonna schedule til the schedule is full. We aim to finish by APRIL 1st and then start scheduling CLASSES immediately.
So coaches, get yr classes in:
This photo: RC15 photo by Tristan King of beloved disaster of a sparkly game, Fasholes vs Tomboys (back this year!) featuring the one and only Smarty Pants. In case you're asking yourself, is this a legal boutfit? The answer is YES. All numbers match and are high contrast & visible sizes. Smarty's entire team is wearing jerseys of yellow and gold (plus enjoyable bobbly extras), and the enormous, gorgeous, joyous smile is trademark RollerCon.
For more uniform tips, including how to wear absolutely ludicrous boutfits and get away with it, check out
*About the app. Sorry iOS, your RC24 update is still being held up by the internet overlords, but we hope it will be available any minute now!



Dirty Deb is going live on Instagram tonight to answer all your RollerCon questions! Deb has been coming to RollerCon since the very beginning, and was one of our very first coaches as far back as the IP parking lot days. She was actually born with tiny little urethane wheels on her itty bitty feet, raised in a skating rink by a pair of roller skating coaches, and has played roller derby, toodled around the skatepark and now spends most of her days teaching people to skate in person at her rink and online to folks all over the world. So she is uniquely positioned to help folks curious about RollerCon find out what it's all about! Can I go if I'm new to skating? Where should I stay? Do I need a big group of friends to go? ASK DEB.

on IG

Dirty Deborah Harry on FB
YouTube live in the works, too!


Are you planning your travel? Make sure you arrive in time to register WED, because we have a ton of fun events already scheduled!

Check our Registration hours:

And download the ROLLERCON app to see the schedule, including the Down and Derby RollerCon party at the Gold Spike on Wed, July 10th! 21+, free entry with your RC wristband. *Abso-4RKN-lutely* not covered by derby insurance so look out for yourself. See you there!


Get your summer vacation dialed in JANUARY!

MVP passes are limited, and we're getting pretty close to sell out. We have plenty of Skater passes, so you won't be totally SOL, but if you want to take classes from the best of the best coaches in the entire world - get it done! ALL pass prices increase (every) first of the month, as well, so today is a better day to get your MVP pass than say - thursday.

Host hotels update: the rooms we have reserved at the group rate in both hotels are more than half gone. We're adding rooms daily (especially on the earlier days), but they can't give us rooms they don't have, and we already have pretty much all their rooms on Wed-Sat. So it's a good idea to get that handled, as well. Host hotel info & direct book links:

Upcoming important deadline:
✅ Roller derby games: the scheduling queue opens March 1st at noon and fills up within 5 minutes. Get more info:

This photo: Laura Retro Bruizin Bartlett shows how it's done on the rooftop pool deck at the Plaza Hotel, RC23. Mural by FAILE.


Did you know that ANY roller derby player (with appropriate gear and insurance) can captain or play in a game? Get all the info you need to make it happen. Challenge scheduling starts at NOON on MARCH 1st (and the queue is usually full before noon oh five), so get your sh*t together now if you want a chance at captaining a game!

Info for how it works, including a Captain How-To and Player tips:

Link in our stories and saved in highlights!

Photos by Tim Knox, Tristan King, PNW, Keri Hass, Daniel Hall, Jenni Webb, Liz Chee; .tim


Book your RollerCon stay thru Sunday night so you can roll out with us and all of Las Vegas! Then head over to our afterparty at the Las Vegas Punk Museum !


Our January mailer is going out today with links to get your rooms in our HOST HOTELS, all our kick ass SPONSORS, how to sign up to COACH & MEDIC, TONS of social events and MORE.

Get it in your inbox! Sign up at

Or read the mailer online at:


Reserve PLAZA:

Reserve DTG:

All hotel info:


MVP passes were glitched out & unavailable until 12:05 but they are available now.

If you got a Skater pass in the first 5 minutes, while the MVP passes were broken, you can upgrade it to MVP by clicking a link on your confirmation email that says "manage my order."

Skater passes will be upgradable to the discounted MVP rate for this week only.

RollerCon 2024 11/24/2023


RollerCon passes go on sale in an hour at!

If ya'll manage to crash the site, hit the direct link:

RollerCon 2024 WELCOME TO ROLLERCON 2024!If you love roller skating, you know that magic happens when roller skaters get together. Well, picture this: a few thousand dance skaters, derby players, park skaters, officials, productioneers, vendors, skate & gear manufacturers, announcers, photographers and fans fr...

Photos from RollerCon's post 11/23/2023

RollerCon passes can be purchased at NOON PST this Friday at

BUT DID YOU KNOW that like 500+ people just got links to redeem THEIR passes, and that a lot of those were FREEEEEEE?!

Dang right. Our staff can get their passes before black friday, and that's not all they get - they also get a free limited-edition, cannot-be-purchased Staff Tee, entry into our staff-only raffle, and lots more things. For example: the sense of belonging that comes with working alongside tons of rad, friendly people to make a super fun thing happen! The social-anxiety-busting feeling of Having An Important Job. And not for nothing but you get to meet and be part of the best group of people in roller skating. If you think that's BS, look at the awesome humans in these pix.

Find out more at

Is it summer yet?


It's official now!

RollerCon 2024 is July 10-14th

Want to learn how to build a roller skating wonderland full of rinks, ramps, roller derby tracks, a banked track and two skate parks with hundreds of super awesome humans? Come early: load-in starts Tuesday the 9th!

Roller skating and so so so many social events, Wed - Sun. Ticket sales start on Black Friday, November 24th at noon PST,!


Photos from RollerCon's post 08/15/2023


Are you ready for the non-stop mayhem of Downtown Las Vegas? Taking your vitamins, getting lots of sleep, feeling extra fit? Here are some Pro Tips to have the best RollerCon ever, and a phone number to put in your phone in case you need an assist.
Find out more about Skate Safe:
Sign the RollerCon Code of Conduct:
Are you a sober human who wants to join our Skate Safe team? We still have lots of shifts left in the Skate Safe dept! Start here:
(or if you're already in VORC, look at SkateSafe dept)

Thank you to the founding mothers of SkateSafe and all the people who have evolved it into what it is now. Thanks also to Rose City Rollers & especially Agent Meow for loaning us his outer space consent artwork to use as the base of our tips card.

This will be in your Registration Goodie Bag in handy biz card size you can tuck right in your phone. But put the number in now anyway!


7 days until RollerCon! And we're sliding into your inbox with tons of important info in our latest mailer.

Did you miss it? You can read it in a browser here:

This amazing photo of Elliot Rage in the 187 Killer Tricks Contest at RollerCon is c.2022 Tristan King Photography

Please share!

Charity | RollerCon 08/13/2023

Two new charities this year!

FIRST is a non-profit dedicated to inspiring kids to be STEM leaders and innovators, and our STEM family is playing for them this year on Saturday morning.

The Hawai'i Community Foundation Maui Strong Fund doesn't have a FB page, but they're accepting donations to provide relief for the devastating wildfires that destroyed the historic city of Lahaina. 100% of the funds we raise will be distributed to community needs. You can donate directly, as well:

We typically raise around $20K for charities at RollerCon every year, with a combination of our raffles, marquee bout tickets and your donations! Find out more about RollerCon charities:

Charity | RollerCon Charity This page last updated June 2023: Charities 2022 – a covid year – short version: $7896 collected for Planned Parenthood. Longer version: We usually raise a lot of money for charity a variety of ways, but the majority is from bout tickets. In 2022, we didn’t do bout tickets because we d...


Our final and probably most important mailer is going to go out in a few days. If you're not on our mailing list, you can subscribe here:
* this mailer is 100% private and we don't sell your info to anyone or ever use it for nefarious purposes. You will *only* ever get

RollerCon RollerCon Email Forms


Just a little over a month left before RollerCon; are you starring events in your app yet? Plan your RollerCon with the RollerCon app, available in iOS and droid. If you already have the app, please update it for 2023!

You can:
- scroll through the always-most-recent calendar of events
- see details, coach bios, links to RSVP
- search for specific coaches, events and more
- filter by locations, times, all kinds of options
- star favorite events
- check out a map
- quickly access to our SafeWalk hotline.. and more!

This super double plus awesome app was designed by Amy Fan Banked Track Co-HR and all around awesome human. Thanks for making RollerCon so much easier to navigate, Amy!!


6/16/2023 Update:


It's official, there are only 53 MVP passes left until they're sold out. We still have plenty of Skater and Off Skates passes! But the MVP classes are filling up fast and so we're taking new MVP passes out of the store. Please let your friends know: 53 MVP passes left for RC23. Thanks!!

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Our Story

If you love roller skating, you know that magic happens when skaters get together. RollerCon is the one place you can pack this much skating, training, seminars, challenges, bouts, scrimmages, vendors and more and more skating into in 5 days - still.

Videos (show all)

RollerCon challenge and bout rosters are due TOMORROW. Please do not send us new shit. Update the doc you submitted on M...
DID YOU KNOW that both RC host hotels are just a handful of rooms away from sell out? This video was filmed in the @down...
What's in store - AND MORE!
RC22 Highlight Reel by Trey Cartier Please tag yourself and friends!#wftdi_wellness#quadmediainc#rollerconWFTDA
West vs East All Stars By Vote - #nomoFOMO
Magic Mike vs Chippendales RollerCon 2019 - #nomoFOMO
#nomoFOMO clip - Chorus Line
Fury Road vs The Matrix - RollerCon 2019 #nomoFOMO
#nomoFOMO clip - We GoT a BrAwL!!!
Gearing up at the convention center
What’s changed at RollerCon 2019
Roller derby weddings - Officiated  by Elvis (aka Razorslut)


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LVMS Bullring and Dirt Track LVMS Bullring and Dirt Track
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