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Practice Quiz - Essay Writing Service | Quality essays at affordable Prices 01/09/2023

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Practice Quiz
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Instructional leadership | Education homework help - Essay Writing Service | Quality essays at affordable Prices 01/09/2023

Essay Writing Service | Quality essays at affordable Prices - Instructional leadership | Education homework help
Instructional leadership | Education homework help
Current trends in education are impacting the way districts are offering instruction and instructional programs to their stakeholders. After reviewing the provided materials on the topics below and researching how this movement is affecting education today select one (1) IL topic provided.
You will need to explain it, describe its implementation nationally, what advantages/disadvantages it has for participants, and how the instructional model would be viable in your educational community. You should include a minimum of 8 scholarly references.

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

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How does the description of the setting contribute to the plot of the text? Question 3 | Trifles Questions | Q & A - Essay Writing Service | Quality essays at affordable Prices 01/09/2023

Essay Writing Service | Quality essays at affordable Prices - How does the description of the setting contribute to the plot of the text? Question 3 | Trifles Questions | Q & A
How does the description of the setting contribute to the plot of the text? Question 3 | Trifles Questions | Q & A
A. The description of the kitchen reveals that Mrs. Wright was not a very good wifeand homemaker.B. The kitchen is described as gloomy and messy, which suggests Mrs. Wright wasinterrupted by something emotionally shocking.C. The description of the Wright house as big, dark, and gloomy contributes to theMrs. Peters’ sense of unease, increasing her suspicion of Mrs. Wright.D. The description of the Wright house as messy indicates that there was a violentstruggle, and that Mrs. Wright is not telling the truth.

How does the description of the setting contribute to the plot of the text? Question 3 | Trifles Questions | Q & A - Essay Writing Service | Quality essays at affordable Prices A. The description of the kitchen reveals that Mrs. Wright was not a very good wifeand homemaker.B. The kitchen is described as gloomy and messy, which

BUS 463 Quiz 10 Answers (Strayer) - Essay Writing Service | Quality essays at affordable Prices 01/09/2023

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A Philosophical And Behavioral Approach - Essay Writing Service | Quality essays at affordable Prices 01/09/2023

Essay Writing Service | Quality essays at affordable Prices - A Philosophical And Behavioral Approach

Business ethics is stated as the relevant and appropriate business practices and policies regarding the inclusion of corporate governance, fiduciary responsibilities, insider trading, discrimination, bribery, and corporate social responsibility (CSR). As stated by Bietti (2020), business ethics is defined as applied ethics as well as professional ethics for the application of business aspects and is quite relevant to individuals’ conduct. Business ethics include principles followed by norms, ethics, morals, practices, and values that have been guiding the business. Business ethics help refers to organizational values, norms, principles, and standards for governing the behavior and actions of the individual. Business ethics help regulate areas as well as detail to behavior for having governmental control. According to the opinion of Blay et al. (2018), the emergence of large organizations helps limit relationships as well as sensitivity for accelerating the development of ethical aspects within the organization. In today’s business organizations, managing overall ethical and moral principles have become an important and complex problem to run a business ethically. Business ethics is important to integrate within the organization for ensuring a good reputation for the company and for maintaining consistency in business. Moreover, business ethics facilitates building products and treating employees, community, and customers for sustainability and retraining the same. The aim of this research study is to discuss and analyze the Philosophical approach and Behavioral approach related to business ethics.

According to the outlook of Ciulla et al. (2018), the “Philosophical approach” provides guidelines for making ethical decisions and the approaches have been quite controversial and provide no moral support to the scholars. A philosophical approach has been made to business ethics and approaches are made to ensure organizations in making ethical decisions. Business people consider taking personal ethics, legal provisions, and organizational policies in making ethical decisions. The philosophical approach has been normative as well as provides moral justification to the business for ensuring checking on the business practices. As per the opinion of Conrad (2018), business ethics in terms of philosophical approach has embraced organizational culture, discipline, employee relations, and public perceptions. In terms of organizational culture, it helps focus on making employees aware of moral obligations in business dealings. Moral philosophy helps to create a culture of ethical and honest business practice by creating ethical codes required for shaping leaders and workers. Organizational culture has been focused on providing moral obligation to the business and also helps shape leaders and workers. Ferrell et al. (2019) stated that moral philosophy is applied to discipline and at the practical level for determining the way employees disciple and behave to the already accepted norms and practices of the culture sustaining within the organization. Codes of ethics help emphasize the culture and employees with help in a diverse ethical dilemma and will provide consequences of the actions. Organizational emphasis is based on acting while facing ethical dilemmas, resulting the actions and consequences. To know more students can take help from online assignment help Vancouver.

Laczniak and Murphy (2019) mentioned that employee relationship as part of the philosophical approach is applied in the realm of business ethics for determining and defining the way an organization in viewed by the rest of the business community. Business ethics has been concerned as the moral agent. The business owners for determining the use of status within the community. It helps benefit humanitarian efforts and also improves the perception of the public of business which helps in playing important roles. The business owners help to determine the way of using status within the community and that will help playing important role in helping others. Lemoine et al. (2019) opined that public perception has been considered as part of an employee relationship. Public perception depicts the moral philosophy that is applied to the business ethics realm for determining and defining the business community and locating the business communities. Business ethics has been concerned with the business, its extension, and the use of status in the community required for benefitting others through the provision of efforts related to humanitarian efforts. It helps improve public perception of business as it plays important role in helping others (McNamara et al. 2018).

As per the outlook of Sroka and Szántó (2018), business ethics is required for preventing scandals against several unethical business practices and misconduct in businesses. The notion of business ethics provides expression in the coverage of media in terms of preventing legal and ethical abuses in businesses. The philosophical approach has been normative and it critically looked at moral justification for private property and also helps improve the morality of business practices. The ethics-in-business approach had been an important part of business abuses and scandals that had been coming to the attention of the public. It also helps business ethics that have been examined for the structure of capitalism and business structures that help articulate underlying moral justification to existing practices and structures. Tronvoll et al. (2018) opined that philosophical approaches to ethics are virtue ethics, deontology, and consequently. As per this principle, people are not manipulated and that manipulation will be causing the violation of human dignity by using people in diverse ways for not choosing freely. The rights include rights to privacy rights, truth rights, and rights to the things those have been agreed upon. The actions are incorrect to the extent of preventing violating rights to individuals and that will create serious violations. The philosophical approach, it discusses the identification of interests and activities as per the behavior needs to respect and provide value as per the protection provided.

As per the outlook of Werhane (2019), as per the philosophical approach, it helps provide fundamental rights to each of the persons required to be respected as well as treated as free. Equal rationality to the person capable of making own decisions is provided. It implies maintaining other rights like free consent, and conscience freedom and that has to be protected in case the person will give the freedom for directing the individual lives of people. It is important for keeping in mind the rights had by the person. The principle had stated that action and policy is right for the people who are affected by decisions and also for advancing goals. As per the outlook of Qiu and Rooney (2019), goals are provided for complete information as well as treatment for providing consent to the people required for treatment. It also helps in providing moral rights to the people and treating each of people with dignity. Morale values as well as dignified treatments are provided as per their entitlements. It also helps demonstrate trustworthiness, compassion, and integrity along with other virtues. Each of the human virtues is checked and revealed as per the choices. The traditional virtues are considered based on integrity, faithfulness, courage, and honesty. According to the opinion of Bietti (2020), diverse virtues also help evaluate situations and also recommendation ethical action courses. It is quite important in knowing the company values as well as integrating policies that are to be guided by the actions as the part of the employees. It helps in considering consistent responsibilities that are considered as part of team members. It helps to focus on the achievement of clearly defined goals, and also successfully introducing new products by winning sailboat races.

As stated by Blay et al. (2018), the “Behavioral approach” helps emphasize the actual behavior of the individuals as compared to the specified business practices. It focuses on the motivators, social interactions, and individual behavior of the people. It also incorporates human behavior study through anthropology, sociology, and psychology. The behavioral approach helps advocate adding of principal-agent models by improving awareness of individual actors. The approach helps to enhance understanding of ethical awareness as well as norms that have been interpreted and that will help influence the making of decisions and behavior of the people. According to the opinion of Ciulla et al. (2018), the improvement of knowledge helps enhance the ethical climate as well as that helps to lead to effective and sustainable management. Improvement of knowledge helps provide an inheritance which has been reflected in the popularity of organizational conduct codes as well as moral guidelines that have been issued by management. It also helps promote ideas to the individuals for rational purposive actors for understanding the implications of the actions. The approach has been covering ethical codes of conduct and wrongs and rights are being considered as well as unchangeable in terms of ethics (Qiu and Rooney, 2019).

According to the outlook of Conrad (2018), a behavioral approach in management helps focus on human relationships as well as employee well-being. It helps in considering psychological motivating factors those help in assuming the workers work and also providing manager’s rights in improving productivity. The behavioral approach comprises day-care, employee suggestion box, flex-time scheduling, positive reinforcement, conveying respect, establishing authority, building rapport, and alignment with the messages. As per the opinion of Ferrell et al. (2019), daycare, as the behavioral approach, helps companies in taking responsibility for the children of the employees as part of engaging in behavioral management. It also helps to care for work as well as proceed with fewer distractions. It is the example that depicts trusting employees and giving employees a work environment so that employees focus on work and improve employee satisfaction. According to write that essay experts, the employee suggestion box has been another behavioral approach that provides employees with a sense of ideas to be valued to the organization. It is about empowering employees in making suggestions and creating initiatives as the part of behavioral approach as it helps employees in enjoying jobs as well as raising self-esteem.

Laczniak and Murphy (2019) stated that flex-time scheduling helps allow employees in choosing flexible schedules regarding respecting individual needs as well as improvement of job satisfaction through accommodation of the workplace. It helps the companies in retaining employees as well as gain a reputation in the workplace. It also helps employees in choosing long hours and also helps allows employees to WFH. Flexible scheduling helps to expand and to allow employees in working and maintaining a reputation as part of a good place for working. Lemoine et al. (2019) mentioned that positive reinforcement helps increase productivity and managers help use the style to look for the employees by using positive reinforcement for spending the time required for observation. The behavioral approach helps promote positive relationships between managers and employees. Positive reinforcement helps require managers in spending time among the workforce required for observation.

Sroka and Szántó (2018) opined that the Behavioral theory of Management is stated as Neo-Classical Management that helps upon individual behavior, social interactions, and motivations. It helps combine elements that help emphasize interpersonal and group behavior of people pertinent to the organization as influenced by the factors. The goals of an organization have to be harmonized with an understanding of human needs and conflicts are inevitable that are not desirable. As per the outlook of Tronvoll et al. (2018), it also helps in the degree to conflicts that have been inevitable within the organization and that is not necessarily required. Based on the primary contribution to the behavioral approach, the theories of motivation are as follows: need hierarchy theory, two-factor theory, X and Y theory, and Hugo Munsterberg. Propositions to the behavioral science approach consider socio-technical systems, harmonization of goals, and well understanding of certain needs and want of human beings. It also multitude of perceptions, values, and attitudes among the employees and characterization and influencing the performances. Werhane (2019) opined that focusing on the actual behavior of the individual helps intersect business ethics and psychology. It helps provide a foundation for promotion and examination regarding the understanding of good people. It helps make decisions for providing moral connotations and moral consequences. It helps focus on processes such as knowledge processing, self-interest, self-regulation and goal settings. It helps investigate links between cheating and the achievement of goals. To know more students can also take help from business ethics assignment help experts online.

As per the outlook of Conrad (2018), it helps focus on human relationships as well as helps improve employee well-being. It helps simply set the tasks as well as demanding the things those need to be completed and that helps create conditions for keeping the workers satisfied as well as motivated. Ethical behaviors in the workplace help inclusion of obeying the company’s rules with effective communication as well as taking responsibility and accountability and helps in mutual respect and trust for the colleagues at the workplace. As per the outlook of Ferrell et al. (2019), the purpose of behavioral approach is in explaining the leaders by combining behavioral requirements for influencing the followers for reaching the goal. Behavioral approaches are quite useful for the treatment of anxiety as well as help in providing personalities by eliciting properties related to unconditional stimulus through pairing with a neutral stimulus. The behavior controlled is through by-association that helps reinforce consequences that help increase the future likelihood and also results in decreasing future likelihood. According to the opinion of Laczniak and Murphy (2019), it is the way that the employees and organization behave and reach to certain aspects. On the basis of learning, behaviors are acquired through proper conditioning and also evaluating moods as well as actions related to individuals in the leadership roles required for adopting the business and also requires behavioral responses as well as environmental determinants.

In today’s business organizations, managing overall ethical and moral principles have become an important and complex problem to run a business ethically. The aim of this research study is to discuss and analyze the Philosophical approach and Behavioral approach related to business ethics. It is stated that business ethics include principles followed by norms, ethics, morals, practices, and values that have been guiding the business. The philosophical approach” provides guidelines in making ethical decisions and the approaches have been quite controversial and provide no moral support to the scholars. It is stated that business ethics in terms of philosophical approach has embraced the organizational culture, discipline, employee relations, and public perceptions. Moreover, it is mentioned that employee relationships as part of the philosophical approach are applied in the realm of business ethics for determining and defining the way an organization in viewed by the rest of the business community. It is stated that the philosophical approach has been normative and it critically looked at moral justification for private property and also helps improve the morality of business practices. It is also mentioned in this context about the “Behavioral approach” that helps emphasize the actual behavior of the individuals as compared to the specified business practices. It is also mentioned in this context that the behavioral approach in management helps focus on human relationships as well as employee well-being. The behavioral approach comprises day-care, employee suggestion box, flex-time scheduling, positive reinforcement, conveying respect, establishing authority, building rapport, and alignment with the messages.

A Philosophical And Behavioral Approach - Essay Writing Service | Quality essays at affordable Prices Business ethics is stated as the relevant and appropriate business practices and policies regarding the inclusion of corporate governance, fiduciary

BUS 463 Case Study GE’s Two-Decade Transformation (California Baptist University) - Essay Writing Service | Quality essays at affordable Prices 01/09/2023

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SOLUTION: University of Memphis Bank Reconciliation Worksheet - Essay Writing Service | Quality essays at affordable Prices 01/09/2023

Essay Writing Service | Quality essays at affordable Prices - SOLUTION: University of Memphis Bank Reconciliation Worksheet

Cash Account Records
July 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021
Cash Receipts
Cash Disbursements
Amount Date Check Desc.
Stock sale
$ 25,000 7/1
101 Insurance
Clinic receipts
2,000 7/2
102 Legal fees
Clinic receipts 1,840 7/7
DC Advertising
Clinic receipts 5,500 7/8
103 Bikes
27,000 7/24
DC Advertising
Clinic receipts 4,000 8/4
104 Kayats
Clinic receipts
11,200 8/24
DC Office supplies
Clinic receipts
12,900 9/1
105 Rent
Clinic receipts
17,600 12/8 106 Race permit
Race receipts 12,000 12/16
12/31 108 Dividend
12/31 109 Dividend
Summary of Transactions
Cash Balance
Cash Balance
July 1, 2021
s 0
Cash Receipts
= December 31, 2021
$ 65,030
Suzie has not reconciled the company's cash balance with that of the bank since the company was started. She asks Summit Bank to
provide her with a six-month bank statement. To save time, Suzie makes deposits at the bank only on the first day of each month.
Member FDIC
Dec. 31, 2021
Ending Balance
December 31, 2021
Loading you to the Top
Account Holder: Great Adventures, Inc.
Account Number:
Statement Date:
Account Summary
Withdrawals and
Beginning Balance Deposits and Credits
July 1, 2021
$107,440 11
$ 47,510
Account Details
Deposits and Credits
Withdrawals and Debits
Amount Desc. Date No. Amount
7/1 $ 25,000 DEP
101 $ 4,440
9,340 DEP
27,000 DEP
15,200 DEP 7/14
300 INT
12,900 DER
104 23,800
17,600 DEP 8/24
100 INT
12/10 106
Daily Balance
7/1 $20,560
19, 110
30, 650
12/10 59,980
12/31 $59,930
$ 47,510
Desc. DEP Customer deposit
CHK Customer check
INT Interest earned
DC Debit card
SE Service fees
After comparing the two balances, Suzie has some concern because the bank's balance of $59.930 is substantially less than the
company's balance of $65,030.
Required Information
(The following information applies to the questions displayed below.)
Tony and Suzie see the need for a rugged all-terrain vehicle to transport participants and supplies. They decide to
purchase a used Suburban on July 1, 2022, for $14,000. They expect to use the Suburban for five years and then sell the
vehicle for $5,500. The following expenditures related to the vehicle were also made on July 1, 2022:
The company pays $2,300 to GEICO for a one-year insurance policy.
• The company spends an extra $5,000 to repaint the vehicle. placing the Great Adventures logo on the front hood,
back, and both sides.
• An additional $2.500 is spent on a deluxe roof rack and a trailer hitch.
The painting, roof rack, and hitch are all expected to increase the future benefits of the vehicle for Great Adventures. In
addition, on October 22, 2022, the company pays $1,400 for basic vehicle
maintenance related to changing the oil.
replacing the windshield wipers, rotating the tires, and inserting a new air filter.
Record the expenditures related to the vehicle on July 1, 2022. Note: The capitalized cost of the vehicle is recorded in the
quipment account. (If no entry is required for a transaction/event, select "No Journal Entry Required" In the first account fleld.)
View transaction list
Journal entry
Record the expenditures related to the new vehicle.
Note: Enter debits before credits.
General Journal
Jul 01, 2022
Record entry
Clear entry
View general journal
Required Information
[The following information applies to the questions displayed below.)
Tony and Suzie see the need for a rugged all-terrain vehicle to transport participants and supplies. They decide to
purchase a used Suburban on July 1, 2022. for $14.000. They expect to use the Suburban for five years and then sell the
vehicle for $5,500. The following expenditures related to the vehicle were also made on July 1, 2022:
The company pays $2,300 to GEICO for a one-year insurance policy.
• The company spends an extra $5,000 to repaint the vehicle. placing the Great Adventures logo on the front hood,
back, and both sides.
• An additional $2,500 is spent on a deluxe roof rack and a trailer hitch.
The painting, roof rack, and hitch are all expected to increase the future benefits of the vehicle for Great Adventures. In
addition, on October 22, 2022, the company pays $1.400 for basic vehicle maintenance related to changing the oil.
replacing the windshield wipers, rotating the tires, and inserting a new air filter.
4. Record the depreciation expense and any other adjustments related to the vehicle on December 31, 2022. (If no entry Is required
for a transaction/event, select "No Journal Entry Required" In the first account fleld.)
View transaction list
Journal entry
Record the depreciation expense for the vehicle.
Note: Enter debits before credits.
General Journal
Dec 31.
Record entry
Clear entry
View general journal
2-0. Prepare Great Adventures' bank reconciliation for the six-month period ended December 31, 2021. (Amounts to be deducted
should be Indicated with a minus sign. Total entries to the same account together when entering in the bank reconcillation.)
Bank's Cash Balance
Per Bank Statement
Deposits Outstanding
Cheds Outstanding
Bank Reconciliation
December 31, 2021
Company's Cash Balance
Per General Ledger
Interest Earned
Service Fee
Bank Balance Per Reconciliation
Company Balance Per
2-b. Record any necessary entries to adjust cash. (If no entry is required for a transaction/event, select "No Journal Entry Required"
In the first account fleld. Total entries to the same account together when entering in the journal entry carousel.)
View transaction list
Journal entry
Record the amounts that increase cash.
Note: Enter debits before credits.
General Journal
Dec 31.
Interest Revenue
Record entry
Clear entry
View general journal

Purchase answer to see full

SOLUTION: University of Memphis Bank Reconciliation Worksheet - Essay Writing Service | Quality essays at affordable Prices Date Amount 7/1 7/15 7/22 7/30 8/1 8/10 8/17 9/21 10/17 12/15 GREAT ADVENTURES Cash Account Records July 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021 Cash Receipts Cash

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