Everyday Zest

Everyday Zest

Personalized, one-on-one holistic health and lifestyle coaching.

Programs are tailored to your specific needs and goals - including guidance in nutrition, fitness, sleep, fertility, pregnancy, and more.


We are ending this series on a lesser known nutrient, but a critical one nonetheless. It is estimated that 90% of the US is deficient in…


If you are a mama, you may know this is necessary for proper brain development in your growing babe. Current targets for choline in mamas-to-be are 450+ mg, although research shows 930+ mg per day has significant benefits on infant brain development. A great tip for mamas – eat 4 eggs for breakfast to start your day off on the right foot. One egg has 115 mg! It’s not just for mamas and babies though.

Choline is needed to…
Regulate/lower inflammation in the brain
Support proper learning and memory
Safeguard against the development of anxiety
Promote high energy, regulate mood, and increase focus

Lucky for you, choline is found in several foods we’ve already highlighted: eggs, beef, beef liver, scallops, and brussel sprouts… just to name a few!


We’re guessing you’re probably familiar with Vitamin D? Of course, it’s created when you spend time out in the sun… and it prevents symptoms of depression. But that’s not all –

Vitamin D supports the absorption of other critical nutrients we’ve covered, like calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc. Vitamin D acts like a hormone in a lot of ways, supporting our cells in their ability to function. It’s crucial in helping our genes behave to the best of their ability, and preventing inflammation.

How do you know if you’re deficient in Vitamin D? Some of these symptoms may be your first clue: consistent muscle pain, bone pain, muscle weakness, chronic lower back pain, high blood sugar levels, and increased frequency of infections.

While your body can produce Vitamin D after exposure to sunlight, it’s very uncommon to meet your requirements this way. 15-20 minutes of sun exposure per day is helpful, but if you are already depleted this won’t go very far. Especially this time of year in the Midwest, it’s likely you may need a supplement!

Here’s a new year challenge for you – schedule a checkup with your doctor to get some blood work done. Make sure you’re not deficient in Vitamin D, as well as the other nutrients we’ve covered throughout this series.


Do you regularly feel low on energy? If so, your body may be in need of a little boost in Vitamin B6. Its main role is to convert food into energy, and it supports our nervous system as well.

As we continue to forge ahead through the winter months, you may find your energy dwindling and relate to some depressive symptoms. Supplementing with Vitamin B6 and ensuring these levels are high can decrease the risk of depression symptoms by 50%! It is estimated that nearly ¼ of Americans are low in this essential nutrient, and it never hurts to get some blood work done to make sure you are not one of them.

How do you up your intake of B6 with food? Incorporate wild salmon, chicken, chickpeas, bananas, potatoes, rainbow veggies, and beans into your meal plan each week. These foods need to be consumed regularly, because our bodies do not have a way of storing and reserving Vitamin B6. Additionally, they need to be “activated” which can only occur with enough zinc and selenium… you can refer back to Day Six + Day Seven for those ;)

*The symptoms listed above are not always equated with low Vitamin B6 levels. We are not doctors. If you have serious concerns about your levels, visit your doctor and get tested!


The largest and most complex vitamin is Vitamin B12. This vitamin is necessary for proper energy production and immune function as it supports all systems in building, repairing, and detoxifying. B12 is also used to produce all the hormones that regulate mood (serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine).

Some signs you may be low include: recurrent stomach pains and/or diarrhea, increased forgetfulness, clumsiness/poor coordination, dizziness when standing, numbness or weakness in outer extremities, poor appetite, fatigue, high irritability, and feelings of depression that last for more than a few hours.

We are more likely to become depleted in Vitamin B12 as we age, which can contribute to memory issues and depression. Supplementing B12 can prevent the brain from shrinking and protect brain cells.

Beef liver, clams, oysters, mussels, wild salmon, dairy products, and eggs are all top sources of this crucial vitamin.

*The symptoms listed above are not always equated with low Vitamin B12 levels. We are not doctors. If you have serious concerns about your levels, visit your doctor and get tested!


Alright, we know you’ve heard of this one! We imagine you grew up knowing you should drink a glass of orange juice every morning to stay healthy? While oranges do technically have Vitamin C, here’s what you really need to know about this important nutrient –

Vitamin C does not only prevent colds and other illnesses, but it proactively fights against inflammatory processes within both the body and your brain. It supports your body’s proper use of collagen which keeps your joints, skin, and gums healthy. It is needed to support your adrenal glands, meaning hormone regulation. Lastly, it supports proper energy production. Phew!

Yes, one orange a day technically supports your Vitamin C requirements (eat the whole orange, not just juice), but here are a few other top sources: red bell peppers, papaya, broccoli, strawberries, and brussels sprouts. We mentioned this on Day Five, but it’s worth repeating –



Zinc is another heavy hitter in overall body function, and can be linked to several symptoms across multiple systems if a deficiency is present. Just to name a few – suffering from mild anxiety or nervousness, difficulty concentrating, taking a long time for cuts and other wounds to heal, suffering from diarrhea and/or poor appetite, experiencing noticeable hair loss, and minor skin concerns like rashes or sores. If you relate to several of these, consider getting your zinc levels tested.

A majority of women (over 80%) have been found to lack zinc during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. If any of the above symptoms have come up for you postpartum, you are not alone.

What exactly does zinc do for you?! It primarily keeps your immune system strong, promotes digestive health, synthesizes DNA, makes neurotransmitters within the brain, and regulates hormones. NBD.

Especially this time of year when you are more likely to contract colds or the flu, include the following foods in your diet regularly to replenish your zinc stores: steak, oysters, ground turkey, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, h**p seeds, and most nuts.

*The symptoms listed above are not always equated with low zinc levels. We are not doctors. If you have serious concerns about your levels, visit your doctor and get tested!


Selenium is a trace element that is more of a specialty item than a well known main course, but that doesn’t make it any less important. Think of selenium as a tradesman, like an electrician – without all of the wiring in place a home cannot be built or function properly. Selenium is required in order for your body to make antioxidants, which then allows your body to function at optimal levels.

This trace element supports cholesterol balance, regulates the thyroid and therefore the metabolism, prevents autoimmune conditions, fights off free radicals and heavy metals in our body, and protects brain signaling pathways. Without it, you may experience an over- or under- active metabolism, or signs of both depression and anxiety.

While necessary, you can have too much of a good thing – excess amounts of selenium can be toxic! Consume foods high in selenium in small amounts to prevent toxicity, but know these foods are great sources for you:

Brazil Nuts, just 2-3 will do the trick
Lobster, 1 lb or less
Tuna, 3-4 oz is plenty
Shrimp, 4 oz is the perfect amount
Halibut, 4-5 oz will meet your requirements


Every single nerve impulse within your body, and every single heartbeat depends on – POTASSIUM. This mineral is critical in getting proper nutrients into your cells, and removing waste from your cells. A deficit in potassium can quickly lead to mental fatigue, poor mood, chronic pain, and in the long-run, depression.

The best way to get more potassium? EAT THE RAINBOW. A variety of plants, especially leafy greens, are high in potassium. This mineral is excreted in your urine every single day, and must be replenished on a regular basis. Adding a handful of spinach or kale to a morning smoothie is a great way to start your day with a boost in potassium!

Just to keep it real… as much as we hate to say it, caffeine does interfere with potassium absorption. If you are having more than one cup of coffee per day, make sure you are getting in extra veggies to keep things balanced.

Can you tell us a fruit that’s well known as a source of potassium?!


Does anyone else love root vegetables as much as we do?! 🙋‍♀️

If so, you should have plenty of Vitamin A stores… especially after Thanksgiving!

Today’s heavy hitter, Vitamin A, is found in carrots, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin, as well as meat, dairy, and eggs. Sometimes referred to as retinol, this vitamin prevents cellular damage, regulates cell growth, and is key to overall brain health. Proper consumption of Vitamin A has been shown to reduce the risk of dementia, cancer, and depression.

While it’s easy to stock up on Vitamin A, it’s important to note this is a fat-soluble vitamin… so, if you are not getting enough fat in your diet, your body cannot properly use it. This is an easy fix. Regularly roast carrots and sweet potatoes drizzled in avocado oil, and you’ll be good to go!


Magnesium is critical for several reasons, mostly because it’s presence contributes to proper functioning of other minerals and nutrients, like – calcium, iron, zinc, and copper. We need magnesium to support energy levels, for muscle and nerve function, for melatonin production (and proper sleep), to stabilize blood sugar, and to stimulate brain growth. It’s clear to see if you are deficient in magnesium, you probably are not feeling your best.

Here are a few symptoms that may be linked to magnesium deficiency, especially if you relate to several:
Muscle cramps/spasms
Troubles getting a restful night’s sleep
Anxiety/panic attacks
Difficulty concentrating/forgetfulness
Frequent nausea/vomiting
Poor appetite

For the expecting mamas out there – Some women have reported less morning sickness when consuming magnesium-rich foods regularly, and magnesium supplements can reduce risk of high blood pressure during pregnancy.

If you are concerned you need some more magnesium in your diet, don’t worry, it’s easy to consume! Here are some foods to stock up on: Brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds, almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, leafy vegetables, avocados, and….. DARK CHOCOLATE. You’re welcome.

*The symptoms listed above are not always equated with low magnesium levels. We are not doctors. If you have serious concerns about your levels, visit your doctor and get tested!


Today’s focus is on a nutrient that is commonly heard of in terms of prenatals, but it actually provides more benefits than brain development for a fetus. This one isn’t just for expecting mamas!

Folate produces and regulates DNA, makes neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine (happy hormones!) that allow your brain cells to effectively communicate, supports mood regulation, and allows for mental clarity.

If you have low energy, mild concerns of worry/depressed mood, and high levels of inflammation, folate may be a missing piece of the puzzle. Up to ⅓ of patients with clinical depression are deficient in folate according to recent studies.

How do you add folate into your diet? Leafy greens are your primary answer – spinach, asparagus, brussel sprouts, etc. Chickpeas, lentils, and other beans are another great source.

*The symptoms listed above are not always equated with low folate levels. We are not doctors. If you have serious concerns about your levels, visit your doctor and get tested!


Day One: IRON

If you commonly feel tired, have chronic fatigue, lack energy, have a hard time focusing, or are highly irritable, you may consider increasing your iron intake.

You can see why being deficient in this nutrient would be challenging specifically during the holidays – no one wants to leave a holiday party early because they are overcome with tiredness.

Iron plays a highly critical role in all of these bodily functions – assists in energy production of cells, supports the liver in breaking down toxins, is critical in carrying oxygen within your red blood cells, and provides necessary oxygen to the brain.

Additionally, iron is needed for the production of dopamine and serotonin. Without it, you are much more likely to experience symptoms of depression.

Our go-to sources of iron: seafood (i.e. oysters), red meat, dark chocolate/cacao, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, spinach and other leafy greens

Going out for a holiday dinner with your work besties? Keep your energy up by…
a) Throwing spinach into a smoothie earlier that morning
b) Eat sardines or tuna with a salad for lunch
c) Make your own trail mix for an afternoon snack – throw in a variety of nuts with pumpkin seeds and dark chocolate chips
d) Ordering steak as your main course, following a spinach salad
e) All of the above

Which option would you choose?!

*The symptoms listed above are not always equated with low iron levels. We are not doctors. If you have serious concerns about your iron levels, visit your doctor and get tested!


Do you hate feeling restricted just as much as we do during the holidays?

“Oh gosh, if I eat that cookie I’ll have to run an extra mile tomorrow…”

“Whelp, I already had pie with breakfast so my diet is blown for the whole day. Now I’ll just eat whatever I want.”

“I’m giving up drinking for the whole month of January, so I can go ahead and pop open another bottle of wine now.”

If any of these sound familiar, listen in.

Health is not about “calories in, calories out.” You do not have to white knuckle your way through the holiday season. What is the point of overindulging now if you are just going to punish yourself for it in the new year?

This is not how we do things, and it is not how we’d advise clients to do things either.

Try this on for size – rather than restricting or feeling deprived, focus on boosting the quality of food you are eating and adding to your nutrient stores. This can be done alongside the cookies, pie, wine, and other sugary holiday traditions.

Feel satiated.
Have less cravings.
Stabilize your mood.
Increase your energy.
Sleep better.
Feel lighter, less stressed.

Learn how by joining us over the next 12 days as we share nutrients you can be adding into your diet (not just over the holidays, all year) to feel your best!



For our families, our friendship, our health, and ONE YEAR of

Thank you to everyone who has supported us along this business journey over the past year. When we jumped into this health coaching business we had no idea where it would lead us. It has been a fun journey so far, that's for sure.

Cheers to you and your family this Thanksgiving! May this next year bring you health and happiness!


We’ve got a couple of coming your way in preparation of Thanksgiving --

Holidays should be fully celebrated, guilt-free. Eat your grandma’s homemade apple pie, your aunt’s southern style cornbread dressing, and the spruced up sweet potatoes you usually only have once a year. ENJOY!

That being said, a BIG meal like Thanksgiving dinner can wreak havoc on your glucose levels… which effect your energy, mood, digestion, and your overall health goals. When you feast, it can take a full 24 hours or more for your body to readjust and get back on track.

Here’s how you can minimize the damage:

Move your body -- before and/or after the meal. Even walking for as little as ten minutes after your Thanksgiving dinner can significantly decrease your glucose response and renew your energy.

Take a shot of apple cider vinegar, or start your meal with a salad that includes vinegar in your dressing -- vinegar slows your body’s response to glucose, preventing a big spike and lessening the crash afterwards (ya know, that midafternoon nap you always seem to need…)

Eat veggies and proteins before eating carbs and sweets -- the order you eat your meal matters, friends. When you start your meal with veggies, the fiber actually lines the inside of your digestive system and forms a barrier making it harder for glucose to get sucked up into your bloodstream. Protein will decrease your hunger hormones and prevent you from overeating to the extreme.

Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, with a side serving of simple tips and tricks for better health!


Choosing the right set of vitamins is a hefty task. Your needs may change throughout the season of the year, or the season of your life. Regardless of the season you are in, it’s likely you could benefit from taking certain vitamins. When taking vitamins, it’s important to know how to maximize your absorption --

There are two categories of vitamins:

WATER SOLUBLE (B Vitamins + Vitamin C)
In order for your body to properly absorb water soluble vitamins, you need to be properly hydrated. If you take vitamins first thing in the morning without drinking enough water, your dehydrated body may not know what to do with them. Additionally, taking vitamins with coffee can prevent the absorption of vitamins as coffee is a diuretic and flushes fluids quickly out of your system. This may cause vitamins to be rushed out of your system before your body has a chance to recognize them.

FAT SOLUBLE (Vitamins A, D, E, & K)
To get the most out of these vitamins, you need to include sufficient healthy fats in your diet. Long gone are the days of “low fat” diets, for this exact reason. Whether you take a multivitamin or you are consuming these specific vitamins in your diet, your body cannot utilize them without the presence of healthy fats. To make sure you are absorbing these critical vitamins, include at least 1-2 tbsp of fat in each of your meals. Our go-to’s are nut butters, extra virgin olive oil, avocados, ghee, nuts, and coconut oil/butter.

Put those vitamins to good use, and get your money’s worth, by staying well hydrated and getting in those healthy fats!

Holiday Gift Guide 2021 11/05/2021

We're here to support you in your holiday shopping this year -- check out our guide to eliminate stress that accompanies gift giving. We've done all the heavy lifting for you ;)

Holiday Gift Guide 2021 Mealtime Bundle for Littles - Austin Baby Co Stainless Steel Drinking Cups - Elk & Friends Bathtime Buddies Gift Set - Honest Smoothie Kit for Kiddos - Melissa & Doug Kids Cutting Knife Set - Tovla & Co Playdough Sensory Kit - KC Lemon Squeezy



Go take a drink of water right now for a quick boost in energy!

Drinking enough water is a simple way to detoxify, energize, and boost your immune system.

How much is "enough?" Approximately 1/2 your body weight in ounces is our goal, with more to balance out coffee and activity as needed.

Stay hydrated, friends!


Can we throw out what may be an unpopular opinion?

We don’t like granola bars.

Please, don’t hate us, just hear us out --

While granola bars can be a quick, on-the-go snack option, they actually are oftentimes lacking in nutrient density. Most granola bars are oat based, which means they are high in carbohydrates, and usually have added sugar. Even “protein” granola bars typically have >15 g of protein, which is not much compared to the 30+ g of carbohydrates. If you are not good with math, here’s what you need to know:

Consuming snacks that are heavy on carbohydrates will give you a quick burst of energy, but likely lead to a crash 1-2 hours later. Your body burns through carbohydrates quickly if you take them in without enough protein or fat to balance them out.

Relying on carbohydrates as your main energy source leads to mood swings, cravings, anxiety, and more. If you have ever snapped at your significant other or kids out of hanger, you know exactly what we are talking about.

When you consume too many carbohydrates, too many for your body to burn through (like eating a granola bar only to sit at your desk for the next hour), your body will convert them and store them as fat. If you have seen the scale increase recently and your go-to snack is a granola bar… now you may know why.

All of this to say, if you absolutely adore granola bars we’ve got a new recipe dropping in our upcoming newsletter. If you’re not already on our newsletter, sign up at everydayzest.com and this quick, low-carb, sugar-free recipe is all yours!


Here we are, three days in to our Our friends that have joined in on the challenge have the option to “SKIP” out on one thing every day that is holding them back from feeling their best...

That extra cup of coffee midafternoon to power through the rest of the day, even though it’ll interfere with sleep quality.

A glass of wine before bed to unwind and relax at the end of the day, knowing it will cause a headache first thing tomorrow morning.

Late night snacks out of the pantry while watching TV, eating out of boredom instead of hunger.

A quick trip to the local drive-thru trying to save time, which will lead to bloat, constipation, or other digestive abnormalities.

It can be challenging to just give up these vices cold turkey, so take a quick tip from Alex -- swap your afternoon coffee for a matcha!

With half the caffeine, you still get a little kick in the pants without getting jittery or being wide awake at bedtime. Additionally, matcha is high in polyphenols which boost your immune system.

Enjoy with a little almond vanilla milk, homemade cashew creamer, and/or a dash of cinnamon!



We are kicking off our tomorrow, friends!

Six weeks of motivation, helpful tips, and daily tasks to build healthy habits.

This challenge is for you if...
✨ You feel like you are constantly battling colds or illnesses and want to boost your immune system
✨ You'd like to lose a little weight but have a hard time resisting cravings
✨You're always tired, reaching for more coffee, yet cannot sleep well overnight
✨You feel like you're on the right track health wise, but want to elevate your results
✨You are giving your all to work, your partner, your kids, etc. but have a hard time taking care of yourself
✨You want to feel your absolute best going into the holidays this year, instead of being stressed and rundown
✨You love friendly competition and thrive in a group setting

Sign up today at bit.ly/simplywellchallenge


Say "HELLO HEALTH" by signing up for the Simply Well Challenge, starting Monday!

A six-week health challenge to help you build healthy habits through simple, everyday changes.

October 11 - November 21
Complete healthy habits everyday, submit your tracker, be entered to win prizes :D

What's in it for you?
Weekly emails with video content
Encouraging text messages to keep you motivated
Handouts, recipes, and other healthy extras
Cash prizes and free coaching sessions!

Sign up today at bit.ly/simplywellchallenge


Ever feel like you can't keep up? Like you are in the midst of a never-ending marathon?

It is easy to let the days pass you by, caught up in school drop-offs, football games, late night work sessions, grocery store runs, and house cleaning.

Whatever happens during your day, take five minutes for yourself each morning and night for a little reset with one of these activities:

💦Drink a glass of water. Starting your day with at least 4 oz of water lowers anxiety related symptoms, and clears out your detoxification pathways. Ending your day with a glass of water can help you catch up from a long day where you may not have had a single ounce. This one step is so simple, yet is so easily overlooked. Our favorite way to start the day is with a warm glass of water with lemon!

✨Take five deep breaths. Place your hand on your lower abdomen to make sure you are breathing into your belly (and not just your chest). Inhale for 7 counts, hold for 4 counts, and release for 8 counts. Slowing down will stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system, supporting your immune response and providing an overall sense of calm.

☀️Watch the sunrise and/or sunset. This syncs your body's circadian rhythm, supporting quality sleep! Staring off into the horizon also triggers a "rest and relax" mode, reminding you that all of your worries are not likely as big as they may seem.

Take five minutes just for you! You deserve it.


Take control of your health over the course of six weeks with our Simply Well Challenge --

Here's what's included:

✨Weekly emails with video content diving into attainable healthy action steps
✨A tracker sheet to hold you accountable
✨Encouraging text messages to keep you on track
✨Helpful handouts and recipes

Consistency is key and we're here to support you in building healthy habits through simple, everyday changes!

Join us by signing up at https://bit.ly/simplywellchallenge

Photos from Everyday Zest's post 09/28/2021

We have said it before, and we will say it again -- BREAKFAST is the most important meal of the day!

You have many options when it comes to breakfast… there are pretty much two separate camps you can be in:

Camp 1 -- Bagels, donuts, muffins, pancakes, waffles, cinnamon rolls, fruit smoothies, cereal, toast…

Camp 2 -- Eggs, sausage/bacon, protein-packed smoothies, fiber-rich oatmeal, chia seed pudding, full fat greek yogurt…

You have one choice at the beginning of each day. Which camp do you usually choose? This one choice can impact:

Blood sugar
Hormone health
Menstrual cycle regularity

Here’s what we know to be true: Camp 2 leads to steady blood sugar, stable mood, less anger/”snapping,” lessened anxiety symptoms, increased focus, minimal cravings, regulated hormones, and a predictable menstrual cycle!

When you consistently choose a breakfast that is high in protein, includes healthy fats, is rich in fiber, and keeps you full for 4-5 hours, you are starting your day off right.

This one choice can start a trickle down effect of other healthy habits. When you have increased focus from your breakfast, you are more likely to knock out your to-do list at work. When you have steady blood sugar levels, you are less likely to lash out in a moment of hangriness. When you realize you do not have cravings and do not need an afternoon snack, you will consume less calories throughout the day… and you know what that means, you may even lose a couple pounds!

The choice is yours. How will you start your day?

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