Omnevo Performance Academy

Speed-Power-Strength-Resiliency Training for Athletes


Some basic tips that have always served our athletes Omnevo Performance Academy] well:

-focus on getting enough sleep

-eat enough food to fuel your practice and play

-train enough to stimulate the things you need but not so much that you are trashed (save for off-season)

-remember that your main goals right now are not in the gym. You train to kick butt at your sport. So go kick butt at your sport.

Happy training and competing to all of you in season athletes right now.

Omnevo Performance Academy]


Train with a purpose.

A workout that “looks cool” or “looks fun” is probably not directing you towards your goal.

Don’t be fooled by fancy.

Is your plan actionable and does it lead clearly up to your goal?

We can help you get clear with this and develop a plan .performance (follow our link in bio to start)


Reminder to all of you in season athletes 🏒 to keep up with your mobility work to help stay fresh week to week.

Shoutout to these beauties .sheets1 and Coach 🏒💪


More is not always better.

Optimal is best.

Optimal isn’t always reality.

We have to make the best of what life presents us.

Are you a real go getter? You probably need less because you’re probably already doing a ton to get better.

Are you not very athletic, strong or fast yet? You need to pick up the training & skill practice.

The answer is different for everyone.

Not sure where to start on addressing your or your child’s needs for athletic performance?

Fill out the survey link in our bio & our staff will reach you with help!

Photos from Omnevo Performance Academy's post 09/30/2022

Flashback (2012) to the first summer of athlete training .performance

Big shoutout to .ro 🏒💪


“Hey Coach, what should we be feeding Little Billy on his way to train with you after school?”

My advice typically: start by making sure we are drinking enough water, add a pinch of sea salt, and have a banana.

This gives us some balance with our electrolytes and some carbohydrates to utilize in our activity.

Bang down a 2 scoop protein shake and another banana when your training is done and then go eat a meal.

Keep it simple. Be prepared. Be consistent.

Need help with your training plan? DM us .performance


Sports specific training is BS.

The only specific training is actually practicing / playing your sport.

What can we do in training?

-train patterns, forces, muscles used in your game

-work on things your sport does not train

-work on general strength, conditioning, and recovery so that you can endure your sport or choice

DM us .performance or call 248-946-1852 for all of your sports strength and conditioning needs!


Giving your body the strength and control to move and adapt as needed is a key factor in performance for any sport. Don’t sleep on your mobility work!

Join us this Saturday at 10am for our drop in mobility classes. DM if you’re interested!


Omnevo Performance is still hard at work helping these athletes prepare for the upcoming season! We have one month left of our summer training for anyone interested. Contact us today to set up a visit and get started 🏒🥅


A program doesn’t have to be perfect.

What does having a program do?

-keeps the goal, the goal

-starts you where you’re at

-demands accountability to yourself & your coach

-ensures you’re doing what you need to be doing (not what’s hot on IG)

-accounts for total amount of work you’re doing (we can account and adjust for spikes in activity when you add in practices)

-it takes away “what do I feel like doing today?” and turns into “here’s what I’m doing today.”

If you’re an athlete needing a well thought out training plan, DM / reach out to us .performance 💪🏒⚾️🏈🎾⚽️🏀


“Coach, I’m so dedicated I want to train 24 times per week, do you think I need 1 or 2 massage guns? How much creatine do I need? Am I going to be doing the Chelios bike in the sauna workout? My dad wants to know I’m going to go pro based on my workout today? I have 10 skates today what workout should I do? I haven’t eaten since last Tuesday, why do I feel tired?”

Hold on, kid. Here is what reality of getting better looks like:

-eat 3-5x per day of balanced meals

-drink more water than you sweat out at skates

-train your whole body in the gym

-more is not always better (get in and get out)

-2-3 days done really well is better than 5-6 days of burning yourself into the ground

-base skill skate needs off of what trusted skill coaches ( , , )/ team coaches/ advisors are telling you. Not off what your well intentioned parent thinks you need. Make your development purposeful and precise.


Keep it simple and make sure your broad plan checks the boxes on the training effects you are trying to train.

Get with a certified strength & conditioning coach to create a plan more specific to your needs and around your schedule / equipment you have.

Train everything but prioritize what you need the most emphasis on.

Speed goal?

-Make sure to do all your speed training with full recovery periods.

-Mix in agility and change of direction work (a good coach will know this)

-you don’t get faster when you train speed fatigued

-do your explosive lifts and accessory lifts after speed training

-work your hip, spine, ankle mobility on days off of hard training

-improve your body comp by eating better


Which are you?

I’ve never seen too many “A’s” make it anywhere besides their own head.

“B’s” on the other hand I’ve watched get scholarships no one expected them too, kick teammates asses they weren’t expected to, etc

Don’t talk about it.

Be about it.

You need to get stronger? Train like you mean it. Not just when it’s convenient.

You need to get faster? Sell out on your speed work instead of sandbagging it because no one is there to watch.

You need to be in better condition? Then prioritize conditioning and stop subbing in an arm day instead of it.

Do your actions match your mouth?

No? That’s a low hanging fruit for you to work on. You’re welcome.

Photos from Omnevo Performance Academy's post 04/14/2022

With a lot of levels of coming to an end, we are filling up quickly with early sign ups.

Thank you hockey peeps for spreading the word. 🏒🙏

Don’t miss our hockey strength & conditioning camps this summer.

If you’re a hockey player 12 years or older, you’re going to get a ton of value at this experience.

Over the course of the camp you’ll get class room presentation & discussions on things you can train. Then we coach the 💩 out of you for the physical side of the day.

Each day will be 1/3 class room and 2/3 physical work.

We have guests from mental skills, rehab, and coaching coming to work with you on:
-mental skills / mental health
-strength, power, speed
-nutrition & lifestyle

Parents, coaches, players please reach out if you have any questions. DM, Email, Text, Call. (Info is on flyer)

Sign up soon to get the early bird prices! 👏👇

Any trainers or hockey coaches want to come and observe you are welcome. DM to set it up.


Best of luck to .01 on the road to the we are proud of you guys and can’t wait to see you compete!

Photos from Omnevo Performance Academy's post 03/15/2022

Here is what college goalie stephen_wb31 had to say about his training experience .performance 🙏👇

“Ever since I started training here I’ve seen my game grow tremendously both physically and mentally thanks to the great trainers here”

If you’re a hockey player looking to take your game to the next level, we have two ways to really help you grow!

1- off-season training. 3-5 day per week, coached training sessions per week at .performance DM

2- Our weekend and week long “Hockey Strength & Conditioning Camps” led by (sign up for them at

3- off ice online programming for those of you who can’t physically train with us. DM


Keep Pushing

The days you don’t want to get out of bed. Get up and keep pushing.

The days you don’t feel 100%. Give 100% of whatever you have. Keep pushing.

The days you don’t feel like doing the warm up / accessory exercises. Keep pushing.

The days everyone in your life shares doubts and says things that try to bring you down. Keep pushing.

If they tell you it can’t be done, it’s probably because they can’t see themselves doing it.


Photos from Omnevo Performance Academy's post 02/01/2022

Come to .performance to get that in and snag a post workout high protein / carbohydrate snack to fuel yourself before practice & games!

We have after school athlete strength and conditioning on weekdays. DM us here or to get started up.

Stop by the Omnevo Pro Shop to get a quick snack or stock up for the weekend tournament! What do we keep in stock?
-bang / Celsius drinks
-quest / Owyn protein shakes
-outright bars
-billtong beef jerky
-biosteel electrolyte drinks
-multivitamins, vitamin d, magnesium, zinc, fish oil, digestive enzymes, protein powders

You’ve got the desire to get better.

We’ve got the other ingredients to help you.


🤫 there's time to fix your weak points

Second half of the season is when most players get hurt

And when most players lose a step to falling off in their training program

🔥 get in the gym between games and do work to stay healthy and fast.


We'll help you. Ask to get started or just ask questions.

DM 🙌

Thanks for the kind words !!


🔥great drill for real-life explosiveness

How many times do you take a short quick step then explode?

Plyos done right are plyos that make you better at what you do in your sport.

Check out more plyos tips from this week 👀


👇You don't want your game to suffer

Squatting is one of the best exercises for strength and muscle development

It's going to help increase range of motion, too, if done properly.

🏒 needs hip extension for power and health

Get your training done right at Omnevo


🔥 Get better first step explosiveness or be last to the puck

Plyos with a chain weight for that 'sitting into it' phase of the jump add a unique load and help you get more explosive

If you don't have little tricks like this in your toolkit, that's okay. Here's a drill to take home with you 👆

For an in-season training program full of 'little tricks' to get you faster and stronger than you could training on your own, just send a DM


🔥Your speed comes from exploding off the ground - there's no better way to weight this and keep it explosive.

Your hips, glutes, and hams work together, making your hips extend, so you stay explosive.

If you've been getting slower all season, there's still time to get your speed back.

DM for help with your training program


Whether you are in the offseason or in season, Omnevo
Performance Academy is here to help you take care of
yourself. Every athlete has a program designed
specifically for them and is coached through in-person
at Omnevo through personal training sessions. We can
also help you with a program if you are not able to see
us in person. Omnevo Performance offers:

Mobility Classes
Speed Classes
2- to 4-Day Strength and Conditioning Packages

DM to get better than you were yesterday


🤔Most athletes walk in saying they can't do a chin-up or a good pull-up.

If you're limiting yourself by what you can't do and don't make regular attempts, you'll never get the strength and shoulder injury-prevention benefits of a chin-up.

🔥Be like the young athlete here - get strong to do chin-ups, then do them regularly to get the benefits other can't.

Get stronger than you thought you could be this season. DM to get started on a hockey training program 🏒


You put in the work this season, so go show it 🔥

Your Performance and .wellness Pro Shop have new hoodies in stock to rep where you put in work.

Stop in and get yours. Or, DM to schedule a facility tour and find out why the best hockey players in the area train with us.


After school training looks like this 👇

It looks like work. But the kind of work you need to get better.

Athletes who fatigue fast can't play as many shifts and get hurt more easily.

🔥 Use winter break to gain ground and come back fitter for hockey.

Send a message to get started.


Weak rotational strength and no power? No shot. 😅

Rotational core exercises that pull your hips into the movement are a BIG boost to your shot speed and crease movement.

Want more wheels 🏎 train to be more powerful.

Send a message to start training. Be better than you were yesterday.


👇 It helps your combine testing 🏒

One of the most common combine strenght tests is pull-ups. If you can't do an impressive number of pull-ups, start here.

Supine rows contribue to your ability to pull your bodyweight up.

Even better, get a strength coach to design your workouts. Fitness testing will be easy 🤫

Need in-season training? Send a DM to get started.

Photos from Omnevo Performance Academy's post 12/03/2021

🔥 You train by yourself and want reference videos for what to do. They're hard to find and you finish training a little unsure if you did everything right.

👀 Stay tuned, you'll have videos from Omnevo showing you EXACTLY what to do in just a little bit.


Full day of training? Your hips need this right now 🔥

DM and ask how to start unlocking your hips, back, or shoulders.

Dylan will point you in the right direction to stay loose this season!


He's got mobility classes on Wednesdays .performance


❓❓❓Do you hold the dumbbell to the side or against your chest in a goblet position?

You can do either! It depends on what's comfortable for your body and how heavily you want to load the exercise with the weights you've got.

We want to know what athletes like best - where do you prefer holding dumbbells when you split squat? 🤔


If you don't know about split squats or what to do for in-season training, that's okay! We got you, bud. Send a DM and ask for help with your in-season program.


You're missing out on a lot of horizontal plane (directions you skate in 🏒) strengthening without weighted hip lifts 👇

These target your glutes, hips, and hams in a big way. And in a different way than deadlifts or squats.

Don't just get after the basics you know and love.

Strength coaches will guide you toward movements you've never heard of that help in ways you didn't know where possible.


📩 DM for in-season training help or speed and agility classes.


Practice and lots of sitting? Your hips need it right now 🔥

DM and ask how to start unlocking your hips, back, or shoulders.

Dylan will point you in the right direction to stay loose this season!


He's got mobility classes on Wednesdays .performance


Get after these before you practice 🔥

Your ankles and feet aren't able to do much in a boot, so they lose mobility and get more 'stable' or tight.

Loosen up your ankles and calfs, then put them to work to keep them moving right around all your ice time 🏒

If you're not feeling great this season, there's solutions in better training.

DM for help.


You'll have everything you need online soon 🔥

👀stay tuned .performance for videos, tutorials, more all created so you have the best at home and in the gym.


👇 Your high school probably can't help you.

That's okay. Not every school can hire a strength coach!

After school training during your season is necessary to stay healthy and fast up through semis and finals.

Get your teammates to train with you - you'll do more with better focus.
performance has after school training that's built around your game and practice schedule.

DM to get a workout specific to your team and your season 📩

Photos from Omnevo Performance Academy's post 11/23/2021

You've only got 15 minutes 🤫

Post-workout, you have a 15 minute window to get the best fuel in you and jumpstart the recovery process before you sit down for a full meal.
performance has supplements and protein shakes at the Pro Shop for you, so you don't lose out.

👀 Check this week's posts for more training tips


You 👏 Need 👏 Stronger 👏 Legs 👏

To avoid:

-groin pulls

-hip and knee injuries

-losing your quickness

You need to build and keep strong legs all season 🏒

DM for help with after school training


Groin pulls are a real problem in-season 🤕

There's a few drills to wrap into your training that reduce the risk by strengthening your core, hips, and adductors.

Here's one!

👀Take a look at our posts from this week for tips on keeping your speed in-season, too!

When you're ready for help with your in-season training program, just DM.

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.



39325 Plymouth Road Suite 102
Livonia, MI

Opening Hours

Monday 6am - 8pm
Tuesday 6am - 8pm
Wednesday 6am - 8pm
Thursday 6am - 8pm
Friday 6am - 5pm
Saturday 8am - 12pm

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