Find religious organizations in Los Angeles, CA. Listings include Pathfinder Van Nuys Spanish, Dignity/San Fernando Valley - LGBT Catholic Organization, Living Stones Church~Iglesia Piedras Vivas, Vision Of Hope, God's Promises International, Inc., Prophetic Upper Room Prayers.
Página dedicada al Club de Conquistadores de Van Nuys Spanish
Serving the LGBTIQ Community in San Fernando Valley since 1996.
A reconciled and recociling multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, multi-class, Gospel-Centered community.
Apostle Williemeaner Richards is the Founder & Senior Pastor of this Deliverance Ministry in Los Angeles, CA
God's Promises International, Inc. is a ministry lead by Christians internationally. Sending prayers, love, grace, peace, freedom and God's wisdom to everyone. It's location is bas...
Pastor Bolaji & Pastor Linda Adeduro are Pastors of RCCG, Victory House Hollywood. Anointed Man and Woman of God filled with the Holly Spirit & blessed with the ministry of Prophec...
U-turn represents you turning your heart for Christ.
Paz a vosotros amigos y hermanos esta página fue creado con el único propósito,de llevar el mensaje y la palabra de Dios.
Iglesia Cristiana Casa de Dios Luz Eterna Inc.
Pastors fellowship
We are a women's Jewish social group, that host a wide variety of events to help support Temple Jude
Pastores e Iglesias de la Sección Este de Los Angeles del Southern Pacific District de Las Asambleas de Dios
최고의 음악으로 하나님을 찬양하고 이웃을 섬기며 복음을 전하는 한인기독합창단은 1984년에 LA에서 이민 생활의 각박함을 신앙과 찬양으로 이겨내고자 모인 한인 1세대 기독 음악인들에 의해 창립된 단체입니다. 한인기독합창단은 올해로 창립 40주년을 맞으며, 62회의 정기 연주회 및 여러 교회 순회 연주와 광복절 기념 음악...
WC's adoración LA un nuevo ministerio en español de Worship centre. Un lugar para adorar a Dios y
Matthew 25:35 For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stran
We exist for the purpose for sharing the following message: to Redeem Life for Jesus; to Restore Faith in our Community; to Renew Hope to our Families.
We're called to make Christlike disciples in the nations! We meet on Sundays in Westchester from 4-6 pm.
Iglesia del Dios vivo Columna y Apoyo de la verdad La Luz del Mundo
Somos un centro espiritual dedicado a recuperar parejas, hogares, matrimonios.
La Iglesia Cristiana Dios De Israel se derige como un faro de Fe en Los Angeles, Somos un lugar de o
Our mission is to promote mutual understanding between Catholic and Jewish women. Our conference is open to all women interested in interfaith dialogue.
"Grupo De Jóvenes De San Pablo" tambien conocido como "Guardianes Del Espiritu" es un grupo compue
Santa Monica Karma Thegsum Choling is a non-profit Tibetan Buddhist Center, serving the WLA community since 2002. We offer weekly programs, meditation instruction and occasional w...
Jay Standing & B-Out, Zwei wie Pech und Schwefel. Die neue, coole Band "Outstanding" rettet die Welt. Freiheit, Liebe & Kartoffelsalat. 2 Freunde auf der Suche nach Glück, Akzeptan...
The Church of the Holy Meatball is a religion based upon the creation story of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and the salvation story of Johnny Spaghetti.
Choong Hyun Mission Church High School Ministry
Youth President’s Contact Information Kevin De La O [email protected]