Semillas del Pueblo SemAnawak

Cultivating Higher Learning


“Sovereignty is always an expression of a political relationship between the ruler and the ruled—in the modern constitutional democratic state, between the state and the people (Loughlin, 2003). When the concept of sovereignty is associated with individual autonomy under a different name – namely, the notion of ‘individual sovereignty’ – the core essence of sovereignty, namely the political and collective, is lost. The political and the collective is essential to sovereignty in the very sense of the word: if it is lost, the concept changes its meaning and becomes unrecognizable.”

When applied to Indigenous Peoples the concept also becomes unrecognizable. In Mexico, concepts of “soberanía originaria” differentiate between the root source of political authority of Indigenous Peoples and that of the Mexican state. This concept in practice is intended to sidestep conflicts with the nation-state and its functionaries.

‘Individual sovereignty’ in pandemic times – A contradiction in terms? 08/04/2024

Are some Chicanos becoming misguided by libertarian and individualistic “sovereignty” politrix?

“Over the past months, appeals to ‘individual sovereignty’ have brought together a wide range of political actors across Europe, united in their rejection of face masks, ‘social distancing’, and other forms of state-imposed regulation of behavior and mobility. Opposition to state efforts to govern the spread of the pandemic has created, indeed, the most unlikely of coalitions—from anarchists and natural health proponents to anti-vaxxers and libertarians of all stripes (from the radical-ecological to the right-nativist)—all mobilizing around a purported defense of ‘personal freedoms’ and ‘individual rights’ against the sovereign power of states.1

In this short piece, we take to task the notion of ‘individual sovereignty’ which has been invoked by these movements to contest the pandemic powers of the state. Our aim is to point out some fundamental contradictions that underpin such claims-making, from a legal and political-geographic point of view. As Simpson notes in his commentary, the impacts of both the pandemic and of the extension of state powers in attempting to contain it have been profoundly unequal across space and across different bodies, deemed more or less worthy of protection and care. While cognizant of the inherent inequalities (if not directly violence) of state pandemic-politics, we wish to draw attention here also to the potential perils that the contestation of state powers may bring when it throws into question the very bases of democratic collectivity. By highlighting how the claims of today's protest movements ably meld neoliberal appeals to ‘individual responsibility’ with a mystified and de-politicized notion of ‘sovereignty’ evacuated of its collective content, we add to Mitropoulos's argument that the absence of collective action under pandemic circumstances conditions life chances on private wealth.”

‘Individual sovereignty’ in pandemic times – A contradiction in terms? The new PMC design is here! Learn more about navigating our updated article layout. The PMC legacy view will also be available for a limited time.

The vibe at the RNC is worse than you can imagine 07/18/2024

Christian nationalism…the party of 200 MILLION

The vibe at the RNC is worse than you can imagine Republicans have spent the week at their national convention calling for unity and inclusion in televised speeches. But on the ground in Milwaukee, the vibe isn't quite so comforting and the turn toward Christian nationalism is complete.

All Things Considered 07/08/2024

Any bat scientists out there listen to this story today on KCRW? Regarding “Indian Church, Belize”

We like to turn some of this attention to the in Tlalcozotitlan, GRO.

All Things Considered National Public Radio's weekday afternoon newsmagazine.

Opinion: The force propping up Trump that we still don't talk about 07/08/2024

“Here’s the hard truth of the last eight years: America leans at least as much toward white nationalism as it does toward democracy (and that’s being optimistic). Nobody says it out loud, on either side, which is obscuring the real shape of Showdown 2024.”

Opinion: The force propping up Trump that we still don't talk about Non-MAGA America seethes at Trump's lies, bluster and authoritarianism. But neither Biden nor any younger, healthier Democrat directly moves to shut down his appeal at its root — toxic whiteness.

cantares-cantares-mexicanos - Temoa 07/03/2024

Un poema épico de los Cantares Mexicanos. Al parecer este es un canto sobre "Canto de Riego" pero ¿será metáfora de la invasión de Tenochtitlan y de la conquista militar y la resistencia espiritual? Al parecer también el canto relata cómo los Mexica defienden el "agua" representando a la cultura autóctona cuando los espanoles quieren el "oro".

¿Conocen mas sobre este canto y estas “metaforas”?

57V 1165
“Ca niquintemoa atlacuique teteuctin aya yn Neçahualtecololcomcxlv coayhuitl teuctli çan ihuian on onatecaco

1165. Busco a quienes recogen el agua, los señores, ah, Nezahualcoyotlmcxlvi al señor Coahuitl. Con cuidado he venido a echar agua.”

cantares-cantares-mexicanos - Temoa cantares-cantares-mexicanos - El proyecto pretende ser una herramienta para el estudio de los textos nahuas

Photos from Semillas del Pueblo SemAnawak's post 03/31/2024

Los Angeles Mayor’s Office plans to cut instead of add to park staff. Helping to improve Ernest E. Debs Regional Park has been wrought with infrastructural challenges from security issues to lack of safe restrooms to lack of trash collection to lack of basic water infrastructure for reforestation and native ecosystem restoration. Now we know it can only get worse. A world-class city cannot be sustained by volunteers and temporary grants. Is this by a thousand cuts?

Los Angeles Times Reports: "THE DEEPEST CUT- A plan to get rid of nearly 2,000 unfilled Los Angeles city jobs would cut especially deep at the Department of Recreation and Parks, resulting in the elimination of 341 vacant positions at that agency, according to an analysis released Thursday.

Asked about the proposal, an aide to Mayor Karen Bass said her upcoming budget, which is scheduled to come out next month, will “prioritize the services that residents need” and “put the city on a path towards more sustainable finances.”

“Right now we are talking about vacant positions — some of which have been vacant for years,” Bass spokesperson Zach Seidl said.

Bass has promised to ensure that police officer, firefighter and trash truck driver positions are excluded from the cuts. Szabo’s proposal does call for the elimination of 91 positions at the Los Angeles Police Department, including 10 9-1-1 dispatchers and about a dozen crime scene lab technicians.

The city would save nearly $25 million by cutting the recreation and parks jobs, including scores of maintenance positions, according to the report.

City Controller Kenneth Mejia criticized the budget proposal, saying it is “short-sighted and hints at panic.” The city, he said, “needs a strategic approach to living within its means, not arbitrarily eliminating positions simply because someone recently retired or was promoted, leaving a vital job unfilled.”

“If you chop off 20% of a Lexus, you don’t get a Camry, you get a wreck,” he said."

Photos from Semillas del Pueblo SemAnawak's post 03/24/2024

some are playing poker with us while others are playing checkers and we are left sowing cornfields that feed the crows…seeing past the concrete, we still rise because we organize, because we must. tomorrow may not come for us but she is always waiting, ready to be free…


Self-determination is not dependent on federal recognition, treaties or trust lands.

Photos from Semillas del Pueblo SemAnawak's post 03/10/2024

“Lake Texcoco Ecological Park - A monumental work for the next 100 years

It will become a symbol of society's potential for renewal, an example of how to restore nature and give Mexican families hope for the future.

THE Lago de Texcoco ECOLOGICAL PARK is the key piece to guarantee the environmental viability of the Valley of Mexico and maintain it as a habitable place for the next 100 years. Its implementation keeps alive the opportunity to recover natural, social, production and urban systems that coexisted in balance and that were destroyed.

This is their strategy: not to try to reconstruct a landscape and geography that no longer exists, but to conserve the environments that still survive and restore those that are possible with an eye toward the future.

The most important historical and forceful act for the conservation, rehabilitation and ecological restoration in the area was the presidential decree, of March 22, 2022, by which Lake Texcoco was declared a “Natural Resources Protection Area”, the region number 168 of this type in the country, which based on federal regulations compromises the recovery and preservation of ecosystem services.

Although historically the territory had faced processes of drying out and destruction, the designation of a protected natural area (PNA) ensures the care of the natural resources of this space that represents approximately 11 percent of the urban area of the Valley of Mexico.

Being an ANP, the population of all the municipalities and places surrounding the park, including Mexico City, is guaranteed this emblematic place that reminds us of the responsibility that all Mexicans have with the environment. The work carried out in the park shows both the relevance of the wetlands that still remain in Lake Texcoco, and those that can be restored, and the damage that their destruction represents, not only for the birdlife and botanical species that live there, but also in the global context, since the existing bodies of water belong to the List of Wetlands of International Importance in accordance with the Ramsar Convention. This is vital, because Lake Texcoco is part of the Priority Hydrological Region “Remnants of the lake complex of the Basin of Mexico”, and is considered the most important body of water in the Basin of Mexico, since it is the only regulatory vessel for water and climate that exists in the east of the state of Mexico.”

“Parque Ecológico Lago de Texcoco

Una obra monumental para los siguientes 100 años

Se convertirá en un símbolo del potencial de renovación de la sociedad, un ejemplo de cómo restaurar la naturaleza y devolver a las familias mexicanas la esperanza en el futuro

EL PARQUE ECOLÓGICO Lago de Texcoco es la pieza clave para garantizar la viabilidad ambiental del valle de México y mantenerlo como un sitio habitable durante los próximos 100 años. Su instrumentación conserva viva la oportunidad de recuperar sistemas naturales, sociales, de producción y urbanos que coexistían en balance y que fueron destruidos. En esto radica su estrategia: no intentar reconstruir un paisaje y una geografía que ya no existe, sino conservar los entornos que aún sobreviven y restaurar
los que sea posible con la mirada puesta en el futuro.
El acto histórico y contundente más importante para la conservación, rehabilitación y restauración ecológica en la zona fue el decreto presidencial, del 22 de marzo de 2022, por el que el lago de Texcoco se declaró “Área de Protección de Recursos Naturales”, la región número 168 de este tipo en el país, que a partir de una normativa federal compromete la recuperación y preservación de los servicios ecosistémicos. Si bien históricamente el territorio había enfrentado procesos de desecamiento y destrucción, la denominación de área natural protegida (ANP) asegura el cuidado de los recursos naturales de este espacio que representa aproximadamente 11 por ciento de la mancha urbana del valle de México.

Al ser un ANP, la población de todos los municipios y lugares aledaños al parque, incluida la Ciudad de México, tiene garantizado este lugar emblemático que nos recuerda la responsabilidad que tenemos todas y todos los mexicanos con el medio ambiente.

Los trabajos realizados en el parque muestran tanto la relevancia de los humedales que aún quedan en el Lago de Texcoco, y los que es posible restaurar como el daño que representa su destrucción, no sólo para la avifauna y las especies botánicas que allí habitan, sino también en el contexto global, pues los cuerpos de agua existentes pertenecen a la Lista de Humedales de Importancia Internacional de acuerdo con la Convención de Ramsar.

Esto es vital, porque el lago de Texcoco forma parte de la Región Hidrológica Prioritaria “Remanentes del complejo lacustre de la Cuenca de México”, y es considerado el cuerpo de agua más importante de la Cuenca de México, ya que es el único vaso regulador hídrico y climático que existe al oriente del estado de México.”

Get your invite now 02/22/2024

Get your invite now Attend sessions by global curricular leaders pioneering student-centred curriculum. Explore how to design, actionable strategies, and streamline unit plans.


It isn’t…


Politika Mexihka

Un grupo de científicos revela los secretos ocultos del Códice Florentino 500 años después 01/22/2024

“La traición de los Tlaxcaltecas…”

¿Y que tal los traicioneros de hoy? ¿Que ha hecho UCLA para deberas integrar acceso y estudio para y con los mas de 2,000,000 de Nahuas de hoy en tanto en Mexico como en EEUU y no solo los académicos?

“Explica que en el libro 12, dedicado a la Conquista, el texto en español es mucho más factual y frío y que, por ejemplo, recoge la rendición de Moctezuma de manera dócil.

“El texto náhuatl cuenta que la captura de Moctezuma, Itzcuauhtzin y los otros líderes fue violenta e insinúa que fueron encarcelados y murieron bajo las manos de los españoles”, señala la especialista en estudios Mesoamericanos.

“El texto náhuatl cuenta de manera más poética el desastre que fue esa invasión y esa guerra y no habla de los aliados de los españoles, sino de la traición de los tlaxcaltecas”, relata. En una de las ilustraciones puede verse cómo los españoles arrojan el cuerpo de Moctezuma al agua, algo que no pasa desapercibido para los investigadores. “Todas las imágenes del libro 12 son en blanco y negro, sin embargo, estos artistas reservaron el poco color que tenían para pintar algunas imágenes con las que querían llamar la atención del lector. De esta manera, pusieron el foco en algunos pasajes como la muerte de Moctezuma sin decirlo abiertamente porque estaban bajo dominio español, pero que revela una intención de contar ese pasaje de la historia”, explica Richter.”

Un grupo de científicos revela los secretos ocultos del Códice Florentino 500 años después | EL PAÍS México

Un grupo de científicos revela los secretos ocultos del Códice Florentino 500 años después El Getty Research Institute digitaliza los 12 libros del manuscrito y aporta una visión de la Conquista que no había trascendido hasta ahora por su falta de traducción al español


’ latest remake of Zorro is poor quality storytelling, culturally insulting and wholly historically inaccurate. Amazing talent like is wasted upon the most ridiculous presentation of California Native Peoples as random savages dressed for a Vogue catwalk. Just stupid. The entire show is an excuse to tell the romantic story of old Spanish California colonizers as told literally by Spaniards of today. This is not Mexican cinema, this is an offense against Indigenous Peoples masquerading as “diversity, equity and inclusion”. The series is worthy of international protest and legal action.


Yes or No? By this measure 90% of the Americas’ Indigenous Peoples may no longer be a People. from


Next on Disney+ “How Coyote Stole Indigenous Creativity and Sold It to Disney for 2,000 Ground Squirrels”…golden globe and oscars pending.


Questioning petty capitalist zapatismo. Profit is never free, autonomy cannot be privately owned.


Sorry for the last post. We got the personal and political wires crossed again. Marcos Aguilar

Photos from Semillas del Pueblo SemAnawak's post 01/08/2024

Kitlapowa xinachohtli…I really appreciate spotify.


Local High School Students Conduct Research with Caltech Mentors
High schoolers and Caltech mentors both benefit from outreach program:
“I liked being able to talk to the graduate students about how much they collaborate across different fields,” says Axayacatzi Kuauhtzin of Anahuacalmecac International University Preparatory of North America in Los Angeles. “I saw that a graduate student studying meteorites can combine geology and astronomy. So much can be contributed by new ways of looking at the project.” Kuauhtzin said that it was important to her to bring her background and perspective to the work. “Since I’m Indigenous, I see ways that scientists exploit people and hurt the environment to do their research,” she said. “The scientific work is important, but a lot of people don’t have cultural consideration and don’t acknowledge that tribes have been taking care of this land since time immemorial. They don’t understand that all of the land was stolen. I hope I can change that.” From CalTech Summer Research Connection, a program offered since 2008 by Caltech’s Center for Teaching, Learning, and Outreach that invites high school students and teachers into Caltech laboratories Celebrating students over the years engaged in amazing programs and experiences across the world. Do you know any amazing Indigenous students looking for a high school where art, science, language, advocacy, culture and community can thrive? Send them our way…Story from 9/2/2022


Join us in Anaheim on February 21-24!


just a mexican

I was reminded again
That I’m just a Mexican
Not that
Deny that
But the point
I am told, is to define me as an enemy
As foreign
As violent
As vermin
I love being Mexican
And I love being me.
And like the sacred walnut tree
My bark splits as I grow
Following unruly pathways to the sunlight
Above me.
The sun, you see, is my father
And in this hemisphere
Anywhere his light touches
I can be.


Love it. Thank you. I wonder though, is any of this possible without ?? I mean seriously, is Indigenous futurity and creativity even possible without corporate capitalist coloniality?


Cuando un canto se vuelve sueño, y un sueño se vuelve vision.

“Aman chikweye
onih yahka Chilapa
ompa onih kitak
se weye siwatl

Naha nih tlahtolte
kanon moh chan
yaha one chille

is song and science, poetry and pedagogy, permaculture and politics.

At Anawakalmekak for over twenty years, this has been our way. Many have walked with us, y muchos de ellos/ellas ya se nos adelantaron.

Here we witness the blessings of bats, in the millions. At dusk, the real work begins.

Light the fire, Ketsalkowatl will return.


Despite being one of the most widely spoken native languages in the Americas, Nahuatl is an endangered language threatened by centuries of institutionalized coloniality. is the only school in the continent that offers a college preparatory high school curriculum in Nahuatl. Here, Nahua youth have access to an advanced college-level honors four-year program taught by a Nahua linguist and Nahua elder (NanaFarias) to revitalize teaching and learning in Nahuatl through our communities. Our language embodies our people’s understanding of the universe and is cultivated by generations of resilient people overcoming genocide and assimilation. Every time a youth speaks Nahuatl, we reclaim our identity as original peoples and deepen our cultural knowledge across the hemisphere.


Live transmission of the first public national meeting on the creation of a standard way of writing Nahuatl as developed by Nahua linguists and educators. We are proud to announce the lead participation of the coordinator of Anawakalmekak Nahuatl programs, Victorino Torres Nava Victorino Tekwitlapan. Socialization and dissemination colloquia will be organized in Los Angeles in January 2024 at both CSULA and UCLA co-hosted by Instituto Nacional de Lenguas Indígenas to share the good work and consult with Nahua Masewalli community and people locally.

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Videos (show all)

Spirit lake
Spirit lake
Danza regional Acateca en Anahuacalmecac
Conmemoración del Dia Internacional de las Lenguas Maternas en Anahuacalmecac


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