Spine Solution Chiropractic

SPINE SOLUTION CHIROPRACTIC specializes in Disc Decompression Therapy. Our methods are 100 percent natural and based on years of training and experience.

Decompression Therapy is a gentle, effective treatment for the neck and lower back to reduce disc herniation or other derangement of the disc.

We are dedicated to helping people regain and maintain control of their health through a holistic approach. Our team of chiropractors will help get you on the road to recovery without the use of drugs or surgery.

Timeline photos 10/25/2019

Happy Friday from


Episode #51-3 ‘Numbness/Tingling in your arms/hands?’
Often times it calls ‘Thoracic Outlet Syndrome’. 💥 If you don’t have any disc problem in your neck, there are 3 possibilities as culprits! 🕵🏻‍♂️
1️⃣tight scalene ms
2️⃣1st rib misalignment
3️⃣tight pec minor ms
Third 🎥 (Pectoralis Minor Stretch)
1️⃣ find a wall you can lean on to
2️⃣ put your one arm up to your side(make sure your elbow is on your EAR 👂 level)
3️⃣ put your ‘stretching side’ leg forward and slowly lunge until you feel the stretching on your chest! Feel it!
4️⃣Breathe in&out for 3-4 times and relax! Do the same 2 more times and switch side!!! .


‘Knee Pain 🔥Everyone? ‘
I am sure almost all people experience knee pain while climbing stairs, walking🚶 or running🏃‍♀️. .
Lots of times your thigh muscles get weak and cause that nagging pain. Here are some thigh strengthening routines that can lower down your knee pain! 🔥
⚡️Tag friends need midback rotation⚡️
I have 2 videos here 🎥
1. Eccentric Single Leg 🦵 down, well controled motion. DO NOT SIT TOO QUICK(10x2)
2. Z- up! Kneel down and put your hands forward and lean back to make a letter Z (hold for 10➡️15➡️30 as you progress)
Questions and Comments? Hit it 🤙!


‘Neck Pain/ Headache after a long day at work? 🙇🏽‍♂️’
Let’s stretch your neck muscle to calm down your neck pain 😀 “Levator Scapular Stretch Maneuvers.” 🙆‍♀️
First ☝️
1️⃣ Sit up straight and grab your chair on your STRETCHING SIDE.
2️⃣ Use the opposite hand to hold top of your head and pull it FORWARD (NOT SIDE)❗️
Second ✌️
1️⃣ Same as 1️⃣
2️⃣ Now put your stretching side hand behind the neck then 2️⃣!
Let’s do 3 times and 3 breaths


Turned your head in the wrong way? Neck soreness and stiffness? ‘Upper Trap and Levator scap release.’ This BALL routine will save your neck! 🎾
First ☝️Grab a ball(lacrosse ball/tennis ball)
1️⃣ lay down on your back and put a ball right behind your upper shoulder
2️⃣ put your arm up and slowly bring your arm up and side (you will feel compression!!)
Let’s do 10 times and 2 sets


Pull Ups? 🧐
This is to strengthen your latissimus dorsi ms aka wing ms. Numbers don’t matter 🙅‍♂️ Do it the RIGHT way🔥! 🙆‍♂️
Make your body as stable as possible ⚠️NO BOUNCE! ⚠️SLOW DOWN WHEN GOING DOWN! .
⚡️Tag a friend who needs to learn this! ⚡️
Questions and Comments? 👇
#척추 #척추신경 #척추운동 #디스크재활운동 #척추감압치료 #허리통증치료 #풀업 #턱걸이


🔥Strong Glutes/Thighs: Assisted Squat🔥
Now everywhere you see, they say you need to do Squat, Squat, Squat! BUT! Do you know how to do it? 🤔 Or is it difficult to do it? Start w/ this assisted way! 🏋️‍♀️
1️⃣ Find a elastic band and hook it up on door k**b or something it can be hooked 🔗
2️⃣ Lean backward slightly until you feel your center of weight is on your buttocks
3️⃣ Now you can practice squat w/ an assistance (Better right? 😋)
10x2!! 🔥
#홈트 #스쿼트 #척추 #척추신경 #척추운동 #디스크재활운동 #척추감압치료 #허리통증치료

Timeline photos 09/26/2019

is proud to announce a new member of our team! Dr. Hamidi w/ 20+ years of experience will now be joining us in our La Cañada office. He will be teaming up with our already outstanding crew here at SPINE SOLUTION . Stop by and feel the difference💯


🔥Strong Glutes: Hip Thrust!🔥
Don’t want to have lower back pain? Wanna have powerful core? Buttock work out routine is THE most important step! 🏋️‍♀️
1️⃣ Find a bench (or edge of couch🤔 should work) and anchor your upper back on it!
2️⃣ Lift your buttocks up until your knees make 90’📐 (Make sure to SQUEEZE 💪ur buttocks when its up)
3️⃣ Slowly bring your buttocks down and repeat!
10x2!! .
#홈트 #스트래칭
🔥 강한 #대둔근 또는 엉덩이 근육 강화/ 힙 올리기🔥
허리 아픈거 싫으시죠? 강한 #코어 원하시죠? 엉덩이 근육 운동이 제일 중요하죠!! 🏋️‍♀️
1️⃣ 헬스장에 있는 벤치 또는 집에 소파의 끝자락?🤔 위에 윗 몸을 고정시켜 주세요!
2️⃣ 무릎이 약 90’ 각도가 될때까지 📐엉덩이를 위로 쭉 ⬆️ 올려 주세요 (이때 엉덩이를 쫘악 짜주는 듯한 느낌 부탁이요 🙏)
3️⃣ 천천히 엉덩이를 내렸다가 다시 위로! ⬆️
10번씩 2세트씩 해주세요! 🤙


🔥Strong Glutes: Hip Thrust!🔥
Don’t want to have lower back pain? Wanna have powerful core? Buttock work out routine is THE most important step! 🏋️‍♀️
1️⃣ Find a bench (or edge of couch🤔 should work) and anchor your upper back on it!
2️⃣ Lift your buttocks up until your knees make 90’📐 (Make sure to SQUEEZE 💪ur buttocks when its up)
3️⃣ Slowly bring your buttocks down and repeat!
10x2!! .
#홈트 #스트래칭 #척추 #척추신경 #디스크 #허리디스크 #디스크재활 #디스크재활운동
🔥 강한 #대둔근 또는 엉덩이 근육 강화/ 힙 올리기🔥
허리 아픈거 싫으시죠? 강한 #코어 원하시죠? 엉덩이 근육 운동이 제일 중요하죠!! 🏋️‍♀️
1️⃣ 헬스장에 있는 벤치 또는 집에 소파의 끝자락?🤔 위에 윗 몸을 고정시켜 주세요!
2️⃣ 무릎이 약 90’ 각도가 될때까지 📐엉덩이를 위로 쭉 ⬆️ 올려 주세요 (이때 엉덩이를 쫘악 짜주는 듯한 느낌 부탁이요 🙏)
3️⃣ 천천히 엉덩이를 내렸다가 다시 위로! ⬆️
10번씩 2세트씩 해주세요! 🤙


🔥Strong Glutes: Hip Thrust!🔥
Don’t want to have lower back pain? Wanna have powerful core? Buttock work out routine is THE most important step! 🏋️‍♀️
1️⃣ Find a bench (or edge of couch🤔 should work) and anchor your upper back on it!
2️⃣ Lift your buttocks up until your knees make 90’📐 (Make sure to SQUEEZE 💪ur buttocks when its up)
3️⃣ Slowly bring your buttocks down and repeat!
10x2!! .
#홈트 #스트래칭 #척추 #척추신경 #디스크 #재활 #디스크재활 #디스크재활운동
🔥 강한 #대둔근 또는 엉덩이 근육 강화/ 힙 올리기🔥
허리 아픈거 싫으시죠? 강한 #코어 원하시죠? 엉덩이 근육 운동이 제일 중요하죠!! 🏋️‍♀️
1️⃣ 헬스장에 있는 벤치 또는 집에 소파의 끝자락?🤔 위에 윗 몸을 고정시켜 주세요!
2️⃣ 무릎이 약 90’ 각도가 될때까지 📐엉덩이를 위로 쭉 ⬆️ 올려 주세요 (이때 엉덩이를 쫘악 짜주는 듯한 느낌 부탁이요 🙏)
3️⃣ 천천히 엉덩이를 내렸다가 다시 위로! ⬆️
10번씩 2세트씩 해주세요! 🤙

Timeline photos 09/25/2019

Here are some fun myths & facts about Chiropractor 👩‍⚕️ If you have any questions or would like to make an appoint feel free to DM us 😊


🔥Strong Glutes/Thighs: Assisted Squat🔥
Now everywhere you see, they say you need to do Squat, Squat, Squat! BUT! Do you know how to do it? 🤔 Or is it difficult to do it? Start w/ this assisted way! 🏋️‍♀️
1️⃣ Find a elastic band and hook it up on door k**b or something it can be hooked 🔗
2️⃣ Lean backward slightly until you feel your center of weight is on your buttocks
3️⃣ Now you can practice squat w/ an assistance (Better right? 😋)
10x2!! 🔥
#홈트 #스쿼트 #척추 #척추신경 #척추신경병원 #엘에이척추교정 #척추교정 #허리통증 #라케냐다 #라케냐다척추 #엘에이척추 #디스크 #허리디스크 #디스크치료 #엘에이디스크치료
🔥강한 대둔근과 대퇴사두근 근육 강화/도움 스쿼트🔥
요새는 어딜가나 스쿼트 운동이 중요하다고 하죠? 하지만 정확하게 하시고 있나요? 🤔아님 너무 힘드시나요? 그럼 도움 스쿼트로 시작해 보세요 🏋️‍♀️
1️⃣ 스포츠 밴드를 문고리나 훅에 고정시켜 주세요 🔗
2️⃣ 밴드를 잠고 뒤로 살짝 기대시면 몸의 중심이 엉덩이 쪽으로 온것을 느끼실 겁니다
3️⃣ 자 이제 조금 쉽게 스쿼트를 연습/ 트레이닝 해보세요 (훨 낫죠? 😋)
10번씩 2세트 🔥


🔥Strong Glutes: Hip Thrust!🔥
Don’t want to have lower back pain? Wanna have powerful core? Buttock work out routine is THE most important step! 🏋️‍♀️
1️⃣ Find a bench (or edge of couch🤔 should work) and anchor your upper back on it!
2️⃣ Lift your buttocks up until your knees make 90’📐 (Make sure to SQUEEZE 💪ur buttocks when its up)
3️⃣ Slowly bring your buttocks down and repeat!
10x2!! .
#홈트 #스트래칭 #척추 #척추교정 #허리통증 #허리디스크 #척추신경 #척추신경병원 #스파인 #스파인솔루션
🔥 강한 #대둔근 또는 엉덩이 근육 강화/ 힙 올리기🔥
허리 아픈거 싫으시죠? 강한 #코어 원하시죠? 엉덩이 근육 운동이 제일 중요하죠!! 🏋️‍♀️
1️⃣ 헬스장에 있는 벤치 또는 집에 소파의 끝자락?🤔 위에 윗 몸을 고정시켜 주세요!
2️⃣ 무릎이 약 90’ 각도가 될때까지 📐엉덩이를 위로 쭉 ⬆️ 올려 주세요 (이때 엉덩이를 쫘악 짜주는 듯한 느낌 부탁이요 🙏)
3️⃣ 천천히 엉덩이를 내렸다가 다시 위로! ⬆️
10번씩 2세트씩 해주세요! 🤙


🔥Strong Glutes/Thighs: Assisted Squat🔥
Now everywhere you see, they say you need to do Squat, Squat, Squat! BUT! Do you know how to do it? 🤔 Or is it difficult to do it? Start w/ this assisted way! 🏋️‍♀️
1️⃣ Find a elastic band and hook it up on door k**b or something it can be hooked 🔗
2️⃣ Lean backward slightly until you feel your center of weight is on your buttocks
3️⃣ Now you can practice squat w/ an assistance (Better right? 😋)
10x2!! 🔥
chiropractorinla #홈트 #스쿼트
🔥강한 대둔근과 대퇴사두근 근육 강화/도움 스쿼트🔥
요새는 어딜가나 스쿼트 운동이 중요하다고 하죠? 하지만 정확하게 하시고 있나요? 🤔아님 너무 힘드시나요? 그럼 도움 스쿼트로 시작해 보세요 🏋️‍♀️
1️⃣ 스포츠 밴드를 문고리나 훅에 고정시켜 주세요 🔗
2️⃣ 밴드를 잠고 뒤로 살짝 기대시면 몸의 중심이 엉덩이 쪽으로 온것을 느끼실 겁니다
3️⃣ 자 이제 조금 쉽게 스쿼트를 연습/ 트레이닝 해보세요 (훨 낫죠? 😋)
10번씩 2세트 🔥


🔥Strong Glutes/Thighs: Assisted Squat🔥
Now everywhere you see, they say you need to do Squat, Squat, Squat! BUT! Do you know how to do it? 🤔 Or is it difficult to do it? Start w/ this assisted way! 🏋️‍♀️
1️⃣ Find a elastic band and hook it up on door k**b or something it can be hooked 🔗
2️⃣ Lean backward slightly until you feel your center of weight is on your buttocks
3️⃣ Now you can practice squat w/ an assistance (Better right? 😋)
10x2!! 🔥
discherniation #홈트 #스쿼트
🔥강한 대둔근과 대퇴사두근 근육 강화/도움 스쿼트🔥
요새는 어딜가나 스쿼트 운동이 중요하다고 하죠? 하지만 정확하게 하시고 있나요? 🤔아님 너무 힘드시나요? 그럼 도움 스쿼트로 시작해 보세요 🏋️‍♀️
1️⃣ 스포츠 밴드를 문고리나 훅에 고정시켜 주세요 🔗
2️⃣ 밴드를 잠고 뒤로 살짝 기대시면 몸의 중심이 엉덩이 쪽으로 온것을 느끼실 겁니다
3️⃣ 자 이제 조금 쉽게 스쿼트를 연습/ 트레이닝 해보세요 (훨 낫죠? 😋)
10번씩 2세트 🔥

Timeline photos 02/08/2019

Dr. Chung graduated from Cleveland Chiropractic College in 2009 and has been an integral part of SPINE SOLUTION since then. He is our Certified Cox Disc Treatment Specialist as well as Certified in Whiplash and Brain Injury Traumatology. Cox technic is a gentle, effective treatment for the neck and lower back with the use of manual decompression to reduce disc herniation or other derangement of the disc. 

Photos from Spine Solution Chiropractic's post 02/06/2019

Spine Solution Chiropractic (La Canada) is located in the heart of La Canada Flintridge just off the 210 freeway. @ Spine Solution Chiropractic - La Cañada Flintridge

Photos from Spine Solution Chiropractic's post 02/06/2019

Spine Solution Chiropractic (LA) is located in the heart of Koreatown on the Southeast corner of Olympic Blvd. and Normandie Ave. @ Spine Solution Chiropractic

Photos from Spine Solution Chiropractic's post 02/06/2019

Spine Solution Chiropractic (La Canada) is located in the heart of La Canada Flintridge just off the 210 freeway. @ Spine Solution Chiropractic - La Cañada Flintridge

Timeline photos 08/09/2016

SPINE SOLUTION CHIROPRACTIC is proud to announce our La Canada Flintridge branch is open for business!!! Accepting new patients starting Monday, August 08, 2016. Please call our office at 818-790-4011 to make an appointment.


We are excited to announce that we are opening a new location in La Canada Flintridge this summer. Please tune in for more information.


Spine Solution Chiropractic - La Cañada Flintridge SPINE SOLUTION CHIROPRACTIC specializes in Disc Decompression Therapy.


On Southeast corner of Olympic Blvd. and Normandie Ave., Los Angeles, CA

Phone: 213-388-4030


Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Los Angeles?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

@SpineSolution Episode #51-3 ‘Numbness/Tingling in your arms/hands?’Often times it calls ‘Thoracic Outlet Syndrome’. 💥 I...
@SpineSolution‘Knee Pain 🔥Everyone? ‘I am sure almost all people experience knee pain while climbing stairs, walking🚶 or...
@SpineSolution‘Neck Pain/ Headache after a long day at work? 🙇🏽‍♂️’Let’s stretch your neck muscle to calm down your neck...
@SpineSolution Turned your head in the wrong way? Neck soreness and stiffness? ‘Upper Trap and Levator scap release.’ Th...
@SpineSolutionPull Ups? 🧐This is to strengthen your latissimus dorsi ms aka wing ms. Numbers don’t matter 🙅‍♂️ Do it the...
@spinesolution🔥Strong Glutes/Thighs: Assisted Squat🔥Now everywhere you see, they say you need to do Squat, Squat, Squat!...
@spinesolution🔥Strong Glutes/Thighs: Assisted Squat🔥Now everywhere you see, they say you need to do Squat, Squat, Squat!...
@SpineSolution🔥Strong Glutes: Hip Thrust!🔥Don’t want to have lower back pain? Wanna have powerful core? Buttock work out...
@SpineSolution🔥Strong Glutes: Hip Thrust!🔥Don’t want to have lower back pain? Wanna have powerful core? Buttock work out...
@SpineSolution🔥Strong Glutes: Hip Thrust!🔥Don’t want to have lower back pain? Wanna have powerful core? Buttock work out...




2970 W Olympic Boulevard, Ste 303
Los Angeles, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 7pm
Tuesday 10am - 7pm
Wednesday 10am - 7pm
Thursday 10am - 7pm
Friday 10am - 7pm
Saturday 11am - 4pm

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